I was trying to be first. Way back when I didn’t kow better I did. I don’t anymore.
Oh yeah………….but that has been many many years ago
I love you, too, Dan!
Not that I recall.
i wasn’t aware that i didn’t mean it at the time. i had yet to learn what love really is apparently.
No…that I definitely have not done. I’m really careful about who I say those words to and when I say them…and I think it’s saved me a lot of heartache in the long run.
Perhaps. But in the end I did love him.
Countless times.
I hate how “I love you” has become like “Take care.” or “Hope all is well!” or “How’s it going?” It’s lost all meaning.
probably many years ago.
i guess i do, not the romantic love because i say it to my friends but i do mean it a lot. for me, it means “you are beautiful and i want you” or “you are so good to me, i love you”
I’ve said it to friends in a casual way- “Love ya, see you later!”- but I try to love everyone, so no, I wouldn’t say I don’t mean it. I’ve never said it to a significant other without meaning it… although it took me a little while to figure out what “meaning it” meant.
yes. =/
I have done that only once. I’ll probably only ever talk about that on Protected. Not a story I really want to make public at the moment.
No… and I hope this never happens to me. As in, other people saying that to me and not meaning it.
I love you Dan.
Hey…there’s going to be a xanga love-fest on Dan’s site, lol/
yes. in my defense, im a Machiavellianist.
Mmm. I say “I love you” a lot. To friends, and such. Maybe I throw those three words around too much. In an actual sense of love, yes, I have said it to someone.
Well… I didn’t know I didn’t mean it until way later. Sometimes you just realize things too late.
Yes. A guy I dated said it all the time. I actually said, “I love you too” one night….then, promptly made a quick exit because I knew I didn’t mean it….I felt obligated to say it.
Yes. I was young-
I’m too straightforward for that.
Yes…I’ve never said it unless I mean it. However, I don’t say it to many people…my mom, dad, siblings, aunts, uncles. Only one boyfriend has got to hear those three words though…and I did mean it, unfortunately for me though.
I never, ever have. If I’m going to tell someone I love them I will mean it.
Absolutely not.
No. I just don’t throw my love out w/o the proper meaning behind it.
****WOW so read the question wrong…I’ve never said it and not meant it, can’t believe I messed that up!!
Yeah. All the time, I use those words as weapons. But I can’t say them to people I really do love.
Yes I did.
And I paid for it dearly.
I don’t usually throw those words around but I have said it in a friendly way.. I guess I did mean it, at the time anyway.
i’ve never said “i love you” in a romantic sort of way but i always mean it when i say it to my family and close friends.
Not intentionally. I meant it as I knew what it was at the time. I have since learned a deeper love, though.
Not that I can recall.
Never. Love is a very strong word and I’ve always disliked how casual it’s become. I only say I love you to (most) family members and a few close friends.
Once. My first boyfriend, I was young and dumb. I just thought thats what boyfriends and girlfriends told eachother after a certain amount of time.
My friends and I usually abuse those three words and say it to anyone whos been our friend for over a month. So yeah I usually do.
nope. love shouldn’t be held selfishly… for love isn’t selfish… and if you know love then you know God… and God is always true… so it is what love must be – always.
i love you dan! even if you don’t know me.
No, not that I recall, anyway
Never. If I’m not 110% sure I love someone, I’m not going to tell them until I am.
i dont think there is one way of loving. so depends on what kinda love ur talking about. either way ive never said it if i didnt mean it
Nope. But then, I’ve only ever had the opportunity to say it to friends and family.
probably at one time, but not recently.
Well, I have said it and realized only later that I didn’t mean it.
And once I said it and knew that I didn’t really mean it. I was just coming out of an abusive relationship and wasn’t sure how to respond when a guy said that to me. The first time he said it, I just said “thank you”.
No, I would never say that if I didn’t mean it. Never.
@ddearcaroline -Wouldn’t that imply the preference of fear over love? At least to me it does if you follow The Prince. I prefer his philosophies in other texts though that one was so context specific.
Regarding the question:
I have a hard time saying those three words in combination even when I mean it, so to the best of my knowledge no.
no. i mean it every time.
Not unless I mean it.
I do say ‘Love ya!’ to some people though.
yes i have …lots of times …define that word for me
I say “love ya” if i dont really mean it, and people dont pick up on it. But if i really mean it, i add “I” in there, cause i feel like that really is what makes it personal…. but im weird like that
Many times.
Not that I can remember
Yes, Unfortunately.
no i only say i love you if i really mean it.
actually no. despite being a flirt, i love all of my friends :] and i will willingly throw my self in front of them from the line of fire.
Several times.
In the rare moments I use the three words, I mean them completely. “I love you” is simply an exceptional phrase.
You know what. I said, “I love you” to my (ex boyfriend as of yesterday) and he didn’t want to say it to me unless he really meant it. He never said it. We broke up yesterday but things are okay I do love him, regardless of whether he loves me or not. Just the give and take of love. You have to love unconditionally. BLEHHH. I meant it.
i don’t think so. i love you, Dan!
I’m very careful to mean it when I say those words. They carry such power.
-Guru on the Hill
I hope not.
Sure have.
To a person I don’t think I have. I use the word to family and I have only used it toward one girl. It has meaning to me and to others. I don’t want to dilute it.
I’ve been forced to say it when I didn’t really want to..
But I do Love them..
There have been times when I started out saying it because, at the time, I meant it. Then the feelings changed, and… well, after a while of lying, I stopped. So to answer your question- Yes, I have, even though it’s something I’m not at all proud of.
Not that I know of or can remember. That is something that you should never say unless you mean it.
No. Sometimes I have said when I didn’t feel like saying it, but I’ve never falsely made that statement.
err? hmm….
hmmmm, i think so. yeah…
“those three words are said too much–they’re not enough” — snow patrol “chasing cars”
I’m on carrietale’s boat. I tell my friends I love them all the time, and I try to love everybody (I’ve at least started by not hating anybody…) And it’s never come up romantically…nowhere near that stage. Don’t even have a boyfriend. *shrugs* And there’s a chance a boyfriend would be on friend terms before boyfriend terms, so he’d probably get the friendly I love you anyway. I don’t think it loses any significance, though I guess you do have to be careful.
I lahve you! (That’s an inside joke. Um, sorry…I make myself laugh)
Unfortunately yes. Some friend was always saying it and I’d just reply…but now I only say it if I mean it. And ya know, if I really love a friend with all my heart I’ll tell him. And I did and he wasn’t freaked out, haha.
Yes. But I’ve meant it in various ways. I don’t think that’s wrong. Just like there’s a difference in the love you have for your parents & the love you have for your significant other. But there is only one person I have said “I love you” to & meant it in that very special way.
I meant “No.” not “Yes.”
Maybe it’s time for my bed time.
Yes, I have.
no, those words are not to be takin so lightly for me..
now, if that was Oprah, then thats something else, I love you Oprah winfrey. LOL
You know how you can get roped into saying it every time you get off the phone with a significant other? And how when you realize you don’t really love that person and probably never did, it gets really awkward? I would always try to say “love ya too” instead. I’m not sure if that counts.
I Think The Reason The Word Love Is Thrown Around So Much Is Because Simply When We Have Feelings For Someone.. There Really Isnt A Word For Telling Someone You Like Them Wayyy Too Much!,Lately Its Mostly Been Really Young Kids Throwing The Word Love Around On Teen Dating Sites And Game Sites..Weird..Lame.. But Honestly.. No i Cant Say That I Have….Good Question Though-AE
I have.
Which kind of makes me a contradiction. When I don’t like someone saying it if they don’t mean it, when I have before.
Though I don’t do it anymore, doesn’t mean I never have. So I can’t deny it. I can’t make an excuse, “Oh, that was the past.” If I did it, I did it. That simple. It’s not something I can take away.
*Smiles* But y’know, I really wish I could take it away.
Yep- guilty. =(
Only to one person. And I totally regretted it.
Yes, sadly.
i say ‘i love you’ a lot. but i only mean it to select few. im so mean ! D:
i simply dont say it
no, i try really hard to only say it when i mean it. i have a problem saying it in an off-handed remark.
I did that once a long time ago.
Only in reference to inanimate objects.
In reference to people, I meant it at the time of saying it, yes.
everybody does…even if they won’t admit to it.
we say it out of fear, we say it so we don’t hurt people’s feelings, some times it just slips out, because it felt like the right thing to say, we thought it’d make things better
be honest with yourselves, everyone’s said it and atleast once they didn’t mean it…
No, but I’ve said it while I wasn’t fully aware of what the word “love” meant. Perhaps the word will never have the same meaning to me, as time progresses, since it hasn’t so far.
No way.
When I say something like “I seriously love you” or “I seriously think I’m in love with you!” then I’m usually not. But I’ve never said “I love you” in a serious, heartfelt way without meaning it.
well i think so but i wasn’t really in a serious mood when i said it then when i think about it i actually do love that person
i think that is a yes
No, I always make sure I mean it before I say it.
only when i wanted a bud light but nope cant recall i have done that.
on occasion… sometimes it just slips…
I’ve told plenty people that I love them, but that doesn’t mean that I’m IN love with them.
after saying i realise didnt mean it.. or as much.
Most likely sometime in life.
once. *shudders at the bad memories of that relationship*
No, because I had never used it yet.
its a long story !!
Sure, but only to 2 guys…I felt compelled to say it, though I’m not sure why.
no…whats the point!
No. And in fact, I always warn any potential significant others that it takes me a while to trust people entirely and to develop such feelings. Love is a strong word and a strong emotion… and it should not be taken lightly, in my opinion.
Yeah. When my last relationship was crumbling. I knew I didn’t love him, but I wasn’t able to face the music.
i have or liked them is the same equivalent when your age is int the same but yes i have that is why i try not to say it , although i feel that there is a connection between and i thoink tha i want to say t i try to deminuate if the word is correct , the feeling it self so when i actually do love someone it will something special .
Of course. He kept saying, “I love you” and I knew they were empty words, so I said it back.
yeah, of course…
when i’m playing true or dare!
yes, i’ve always tried to convince myself i’m in love with person i was with but never managed it…i feel evil now lol
not that phrase…..r u gonna talk about the difference between…luv ya and the derivatives?
Nope…and I don’t send cards that say something I don’t believe…I have been known to make my own cards. If someone says I love you and I can’t say it back, I say “Aww, thank you.”, and sometimes include a hug if I mean it.
Yes Dan, we all love you.
I say it to my mom a lot of the time without meaning it. But I always have meant it when saying it to my boyfriend or other family members.
No and besides I seldom use that sentence.
Just sarcastically,lol, when someone said something nasty sometimes I’d say”Oh, I love you too”.
when i was a young wart hog…
More, the love ya, which is said in a less intense way. But there are degrees of love, and the way you love some people is not the same way you love others.
I’d tell a friend I love them, and I’d tell my mom and dad I love them, I’d tell a lover, I love them. All the times I love are not the same, its still love I guess, just shared and expressed in different ways.
I feel certain
Once. Never again. To disqualify the myth, this wasnt a boyfriend or anything.
only one guy. He was really sweet and I was saying something else in my head… There was one that I really meant it though. Not going there.
I only say it when I mean it.
i think i mean it at the time, and then later i realize that i didn’t.
i try to use those words more sparingly now though.
yes, unfortunately. but I only said it because he said it to me, and he really meant it, and I didn’t know how else to respond since I thought it’d be mean to say nothing. I still feel guilty about it…
oh, and I say it loads of times to my mom, but I don’t think she believes me anyways.
Yes, I’m dissapointed to say that I have. But I’ve learned my lesson. It’s really starting to bother me that the words “I love you” have lost all meaning. Today, people are saying it like it’s no big deal.
Comments (159)
No. I always mean it when I say it.
First! PWN!
@mandalou89 -
I was trying to be first. Way back when I didn’t kow better I did. I don’t anymore.
Oh yeah………….but that has been many many years ago
I love you, too, Dan!
Not that I recall.
i wasn’t aware that i didn’t mean it at the time. i had yet to learn what love really is apparently.
No…that I definitely have not done. I’m really careful about who I say those words to and when I say them…and I think it’s saved me a lot of heartache in the long run.
Perhaps. But in the end I did love him.
Countless times.
I hate how “I love you” has become like “Take care.” or “Hope all is well!” or “How’s it going?” It’s lost all meaning.
probably many years ago.
i guess i do, not the romantic love because i say it to my friends but i do mean it a lot. for me, it means “you are beautiful and i want you” or “you are so good to me, i love you”
I’ve said it to friends in a casual way- “Love ya, see you later!”- but I try to love everyone, so no, I wouldn’t say I don’t mean it. I’ve never said it to a significant other without meaning it… although it took me a little while to figure out what “meaning it” meant.
yes. =/
I have done that only once. I’ll probably only ever talk about that on Protected. Not a story I really want to make public at the moment.
No… and I hope this never happens to me. As in, other people saying that to me and not meaning it.
I love you Dan.
Hey…there’s going to be a xanga love-fest on Dan’s site, lol/
yes. in my defense, im a Machiavellianist.
Mmm. I say “I love you” a lot. To friends, and such.
Maybe I throw those three words around too much.
In an actual sense of love, yes, I have said it to someone.
Well… I didn’t know I didn’t mean it until way later. Sometimes you just realize things too late.
Yes. A guy I dated said it all the time. I actually said, “I love you too” one night….then, promptly made a quick exit because I knew I didn’t mean it….I felt obligated to say it.
Yes. I was young-
I’m too straightforward for that.
Yes…I’ve never said it unless I mean it. However, I don’t say it to many people…my mom, dad, siblings, aunts, uncles. Only one boyfriend has got to hear those three words though…and I did mean it, unfortunately for me though.
I never, ever have. If I’m going to tell someone I love them I will mean it.
Absolutely not.
No. I just don’t throw my love out w/o the proper meaning behind it.
****WOW so read the question wrong…I’ve never said it and not meant it, can’t believe I messed that up!!
Yeah. All the time, I use those words as weapons.
But I can’t say them to people I really do love.
Yes I did.
And I paid for it dearly.
I don’t usually throw those words around but I have said it in a friendly way.. I guess I did mean it, at the time anyway.
i’ve never said “i love you” in a romantic sort of way but i always mean it when i say it to my family and close friends.
Not intentionally.
I meant it as I knew what it was at the time.
I have since learned a deeper love, though.
Not that I can recall.
Never. Love is a very strong word and I’ve always disliked how casual it’s become. I only say I love you to (most) family members and a few close friends.
Once. My first boyfriend, I was young and dumb. I just thought thats what boyfriends and girlfriends told eachother after a certain amount of time.
My friends and I usually abuse those three words and say it to anyone whos been our friend for over a month. So yeah I usually do.
nope. love shouldn’t be held selfishly… for love isn’t selfish… and if you know love then you know God… and God is always true… so it is what love must be – always.
i love you dan! even if you don’t know me.
No, not that I recall, anyway
Never. If I’m not 110% sure I love someone, I’m not going to tell them until I am.
i dont think there is one way of loving. so depends on what kinda love ur talking about. either way ive never said it if i didnt mean it
Nope. But then, I’ve only ever had the opportunity to say it to friends and family.
probably at one time, but not recently.
Well, I have said it and realized only later that I didn’t mean it.
And once I said it and knew that I didn’t really mean it. I was just coming out of an abusive relationship and wasn’t sure how to respond when a guy said that to me. The first time he said it, I just said “thank you”.
No, I would never say that if I didn’t mean it. Never.
@ddearcaroline -Wouldn’t that imply the preference of fear over love? At least to me it does if you follow The Prince. I prefer his philosophies in other texts though that one was so context specific.
Regarding the question:
I have a hard time saying those three words in combination even when I mean it, so to the best of my knowledge no.
no. i mean it every time.
Not unless I mean it.
I do say ‘Love ya!’ to some people though.
yes i have …lots of times …define that word for me
I say “love ya” if i dont really mean it, and people dont pick up on it. But if i really mean it, i add “I” in there, cause i feel like that really is what makes it personal…. but im weird like that
Many times.
Not that I can remember
Yes, Unfortunately.
no i only say i love you if i really mean it.
actually no. despite being a flirt, i love all of my friends :] and i will willingly throw my self in front of them from the line of fire.
Several times.
In the rare moments I use the three words, I mean them completely. “I love you” is simply an exceptional phrase.
You know what. I said, “I love you” to my (ex boyfriend as of yesterday) and he didn’t want to say it to me unless he really meant it. He never said it. We broke up yesterday but things are okay
I do love him, regardless of whether he loves me or not. Just the give and take of love. You have to love unconditionally. BLEHHH. I meant it.
i don’t think so. i love you, Dan!
I’m very careful to mean it when I say those words. They carry such power.
-Guru on the Hill
I hope not.
Sure have.
To a person I don’t think I have. I use the word to family and I have only used it toward one girl. It has meaning to me and to others. I don’t want to dilute it.
I’ve been forced to say it when I didn’t really want to..
But I do Love them..
There have been times when I started out saying it because, at the time, I meant it. Then the feelings changed, and… well, after a while of lying, I stopped. So to answer your question- Yes, I have, even though it’s something I’m not at all proud of.
Not that I know of or can remember. That is something that you should never say unless you mean it.
No. Sometimes I have said when I didn’t feel like saying it, but I’ve never falsely made that statement.
err? hmm….
hmmmm, i think so. yeah…
“those three words are said too much–they’re not enough” — snow patrol “chasing cars”
I’m on carrietale’s boat. I tell my friends I love them all the time, and I try to love everybody (I’ve at least started by not hating anybody…)
And it’s never come up romantically…nowhere near that stage. Don’t even have a boyfriend. *shrugs*
And there’s a chance a boyfriend would be on friend terms before boyfriend terms, so he’d probably get the friendly I love you anyway. I don’t think it loses any significance, though I guess you do have to be careful.
I lahve you! (That’s an inside joke. Um, sorry…I make myself laugh)
Unfortunately yes. Some friend was always saying it and I’d just reply…but now I only say it if I mean it. And ya know, if I really love a friend with all my heart I’ll tell him. And I did and he wasn’t freaked out, haha.
Yes. But I’ve meant it in various ways.
I don’t think that’s wrong. Just like there’s a difference in the love you have for your parents & the love you have for your significant other.
But there is only one person I have said “I love you” to & meant it in that very special way.
I meant “No.” not “Yes.”
Maybe it’s time for my bed time.
Yes, I have.
no, those words are not to be takin so lightly for me..
now, if that was Oprah, then thats something else, I love you Oprah winfrey. LOL
You know how you can get roped into saying it every time you get off the phone with a significant other? And how when you realize you don’t really love that person and probably never did, it gets really awkward? I would always try to say “love ya too” instead. I’m not sure if that counts.
I Think The Reason The Word Love Is Thrown Around So Much Is Because Simply When We Have Feelings For Someone.. There Really Isnt A Word For Telling Someone You Like Them Wayyy Too Much!,Lately Its Mostly Been Really Young Kids Throwing The Word Love Around On Teen Dating Sites And Game Sites..Weird..Lame.. But Honestly.. No i Cant Say That I Have….Good Question Though-AE
I have.
Which kind of makes me a contradiction. When I don’t like someone saying it if they don’t mean it, when I have before.
Though I don’t do it anymore, doesn’t mean I never have. So I can’t deny it. I can’t make an excuse, “Oh, that was the past.” If I did it, I did it. That simple. It’s not something I can take away.
*Smiles* But y’know, I really wish I could take it away.
Yep- guilty. =(
Only to one person. And I totally regretted it.
Yes, sadly.
i say ‘i love you’ a lot.
but i only mean it to select few.
im so mean ! D:
i simply dont say it
no, i try really hard to only say it when i mean it. i have a problem saying it in an off-handed remark.
I did that once a long time ago.
Only in reference to inanimate objects.
In reference to people, I meant it at the time of saying it, yes.
everybody does…even if they won’t admit to it.
we say it out of fear, we say it so we don’t hurt people’s feelings, some times it just slips out, because it felt like the right thing to say, we thought it’d make things better
be honest with yourselves, everyone’s said it and atleast once they didn’t mean it…
No, but I’ve said it while I wasn’t fully aware of what the word “love” meant. Perhaps the word will never have the same meaning to me, as time progresses, since it hasn’t so far.
No way.
When I say something like “I seriously love you” or “I seriously think I’m in love with you!” then I’m usually not. But I’ve never said “I love you” in a serious, heartfelt way without meaning it.
well i think so but i wasn’t really in a serious mood when i said it
then when i think about it i actually do love that person
i think that is a yes
No, I always make sure I mean it before I say it.
only when i wanted a bud light but nope cant recall i have done that.
on occasion… sometimes it just slips…
I’ve told plenty people that I love them, but that doesn’t mean that I’m IN love with them.
after saying i realise didnt mean it.. or as much.
Most likely sometime in life.
once. *shudders at the bad memories of that relationship*
No, because I had never used it yet.
its a long story !!
Sure, but only to 2 guys…I felt compelled to say it, though I’m not sure why.
no…whats the point!
No. And in fact, I always warn any potential significant others that it takes me a while to trust people entirely and to develop such feelings. Love is a strong word and a strong emotion… and it should not be taken lightly, in my opinion.
Yeah. When my last relationship was crumbling. I knew I didn’t love him, but I wasn’t able to face the music.
i have or liked them is the same equivalent when your age is int the same but yes i have that is why i try not to say it , although i feel that there is a connection between and i thoink tha i want to say t i try to deminuate if the word is correct , the feeling it self so when i actually do love someone it will something special .
Of course. He kept saying, “I love you” and I knew they were empty words, so I said it back.
yeah, of course…
when i’m playing true or dare!
yes, i’ve always tried to convince myself i’m in love with person i was with but never managed it…i feel evil now lol
not that phrase…..r u gonna talk about the difference between…luv ya and the derivatives?
Nope…and I don’t send cards that say something I don’t believe…I have been known to make my own cards.
If someone says I love you and I can’t say it back, I say “Aww, thank you.”, and sometimes include a hug if I mean it.
Yes Dan, we all love you.
I say it to my mom a lot of the time without meaning it. But I always have meant it when saying it to my boyfriend or other family members.
No and besides I seldom use that sentence.
Just sarcastically,lol, when someone said something nasty sometimes I’d say”Oh, I love you too”.
when i was a young wart hog…
More, the love ya, which is said in a less intense way. But there are degrees of love, and the way you love some people is not the same way you love others.
I’d tell a friend I love them, and I’d tell my mom and dad I love them, I’d tell a lover, I love them. All the times I love are not the same, its still love I guess, just shared and expressed in different ways.
I feel certain
Once. Never again.
To disqualify the myth, this wasnt a boyfriend or anything.
only one guy. He was really sweet and I was saying something else in my head… There was one that I really meant it though. Not going there.
I only say it when I mean it.
i think i mean it at the time, and then later i realize that i didn’t.
i try to use those words more sparingly now though.
yes, unfortunately. but I only said it because he said it to me, and he really meant it, and I didn’t know how else to respond since I thought it’d be mean to say nothing. I still feel guilty about it…
oh, and I say it loads of times to my mom, but I don’t think she believes me anyways.
Yes, I’m dissapointed to say that I have. But I’ve learned my lesson. It’s really starting to bother me that the words “I love you” have lost all meaning. Today, people are saying it like it’s no big deal.
yah accha hai.
Yes I have and I really wish that I hadn’t.