Shoulder length is perfect! Long is fine if it’s styled.
i love long hair on a women..and i have long go figure
I think it depends on the woman and how she looks Like how her face is shaped.
Long! Mine is to my waist, so I may be biased, but I love long hair on a woman.
i like long hair on myself.. i’m so used to it. and ditto to shaaaadup.
My hair’s like the one on the first picture… So of course I like long hair
Depends on the woman, but I tend to like long hair better on most chicks. o.o;
Mine is somewhere around shoulder-length, so we meet in the middle.
Depends on the woman.
Short hair is cute , long hair is beautiful.
Depends on the woman
i think they look better with their tits peeking out !
If the hair is nice, long hair looks best.
but some girls are so pretty is really doesn’t matter
Depends on the woman, face shape, hight, figure, whether she styles it or not.
I find long hair amazingly sexy.
I know the answer to this one! YES. And, uh, YES!
I really like it when they’re long.
i like both
Long hair is great, but some women look better with short hair. Same with men; short hair is all and good (sometimes boring) but some men look better with long hair, like me for example.
somewhere inbetween the two, but i like women’s hair to be on the shorter side. nothing wrong with long though.
I agree with Paige.
I’d say long hair. But you picked a picture of a women that looks good with short hair.
really it’s not about length so much as if they actually take the care to style it, I think.
I prefer long hair.
long hair is a must
It depends totally on the woman, and how she feels about it. Some women can make any hair length look good, some freak out if it’s not long, even if it makes them look 10x prettier. Just watch America’s Next Top Model, you’ll see. xD
Of the pictures you posted, the last two were beautiful.
Typically, though, I prefer long hair on women. I have long hair myself for that reason.
It really depends on the person, because everyone is different.
i think it depends on the woman. facial shape and body shape make a big difference on how the hair looks. when i was a lot bigger, having longer hair thinned me out. now that i’m thin, i think my long hair just looks really feminine and elegant. plus, some haircuts can give a woman more confidence than others, so i think it’s relative. overall, though, i think women look better with longer hair (but they must take good care of it!). actually, for that matter, i’m most attracted to guys with longer hair.
Either works; it just depends on the woman. But my preference is for short.
Beautiful women will be beautiful no matter what, long hair or bald. But hair (and make-up for that matter) can make an unnattractive woman better looking. As for what I prefer, I like long hair, but that’s mostly because I think it looks best on me. I couldn’t pull off a short do, but I admire those that can.
Totally depends on the woman.
Depends on the face. I love seeing full, healthy, natural hair. Not the dyed shit. Me? My hair was past my ass but I got 10 inches cut off…back to growing it back out. I miss it being “Puritan like.”
Btw, are you going to ask about men’s hair?
long hair, definitely.
I personally like mine long. It really just depends on how the girl rocks it.
it depends on the woman and how it’s styled… lately on myself i’ve been liking long hair…
it also depends on face shape… oh all the factors.. :]
I feel more confident with extensions
I think it matters on your facial structure…but I dunno.
Ahhh, short hair is so hot! -David
The most flattering haircut depends on the woman. For the ones pictured, they’d look good with long hair, short hair, or shaved heads.
long and straight
Whatever works for them, I actually look better with shorter hair, so I prefer shorter on myself.
Long hair is definitely sexier, but some girls still look good with short hair.
Long hair >> Short hair.
I think most women look better with long hair. Some women look better with short hair. Some can look equally good with either.
usually long
Depends on the person. In general, long hair – it’s more femme.
It is totally dependent on the person and the style.
i definitely prefer long hair is very long and im loving it.
I love long hair. Xo.
Long! I love my long hair!
I didn’t actually count but I think the votes are leaning towards long. Mine iv very short right now but it’s only been like that for a few weeks. As soon as it was cut I felt myself slip into growing it back mode. It was a bit to long though, down to my waist. I think this time I will only go to shoulder length. Now that its short I think my hair looks cute when I “fix it up” but when its long I think it’s sexy. So, long is my vote too.
I personally think that long hair looks great on some but short is better on others, so it depends on who its on.
If I gave an answer here I would be perpetuating gender stereotypes, oppression and male dominance…so long hair.
natalie portman looked beautiful when she went bald. but then again she’s blessed with a perfectly shaped head.
it definitely depends on the girl.
Depends how ugly she is.
All depending on the girl reallty.
personally I prefer long hair, but it really depends on who’s rockin the ‘do!
Like half the people on here said – it depends.
I like to grow my hair out long then donate it to Locks of Love when I’m bored with it. So I’ll have short hair and then grow it out again. I’m in the growing out stage at the moment.
Oh, by the way – I like the video! I’ve always wanted to try something like that!
depends on the woman, the look and her features…some women cannot pull off long hair while for others, like myself, short hair just means a puff ball.
it depends on her facial features.
I look better with long hair
I like long hair persoanlly, but women’s hair is always growing you can always try out different styles during your life! It grows back, or you can get hair extensions/ weaves if you make a mistake!
Hairstyles suit different face types and personalities. It’s up to the individual. I am not against either. But I think short hair looks pretty bad on an overweight person with a double chin or on a woman who’s not very feminine – it can make her look boyish.
Those pictures you are showing probably isn’t their real hair anyway. That’s probably hair extensions or wigs.
if a woman is confident, it doesn’t matter how long her hair is…
I had done both short and long. When I was in college I had cut my hair short because I was in a rebellious period with my hair plus it annoyed me. Those whom have noticed the change told me they preferred my long hair. Apparently majority also think so. Maybe, long hair gives women a feminine appeal and makes you look younger.
I think it depends on the individual. I prefer my hair shoulder length or longer but it’s because it’s what looks good on me.
I think it depends on the woman.
shape of the face, her habits- the shape of the rest of her..
I want to know – whats up with old ladys and short hair so that they look like men ? and Big women with short hair so that their heads look little and their bodies look even bigger ?
I prefer women with short hair.
-Guru on the Hill
That obviously depends on the woman’s face facial structure, style, age, and perhaps even their hair color.
The girl in the third picture probably has the style that suits her best.
I think it depends on the overall build of the person.
However, I’ve always favored long hair on myself.
It depends on the person. Some people look better with short, some people look better with long, and some people look better somewhere in between. I keep mine around shoulder length now. I used to have long hair until I donated it.
I prefer long (although not Rapunzel long), though some girls can rock the short hair cuts too and still look attractive.
Given the choice, I have a slight preference for long hair, but short hair can look quite nice. It depends on the woman.
It totally depends on the person. Some people look better in short than long – others look better in long than short, and some are lucky and look good regardless what length their hair is. Upkeep’s important either way.
Short. I’ve seen way too many women with long hair who LOVE it, but they’re in denial about its health. I HATE straggly, dried-out long hair. UGH. If it’s healthy like the pictures above, it’s sexy. Otherwise, short is HOT.
I’d love to have long flowing hair, but it gets so beat up when its long, so I always end up cutting it off.
It depends on the person…
As long as it isn’t long facial hair.
the majority of people I talked to all prefer long hair. My hair is past my waist and I love my hair!!!!!!!!
i think it just really depends on the woman. i used to have mega short hair, like hallie berry’s in that photo. now mine is almost as long as that top photo. ha. so go figure. *shrugs* guess every girl just has to find out what she wants. what looks best on her.
I am quite partial to thinking long is beautiful. Short can be attractive but long (assuming both are well kept) is so much so.
According to a couple of books I recently read, I would predict that most of your comments will agree with the long. I make this leap based on research done in evolutionary psychology. The rationale (in a nutshell) for a preference to longer hair for women is that good health is something of an abstract that is hard to pin down. One of the signs of being well fed and having good health is being able to grow the longer fuller hair. I know that today hair length today is mostly a matter of personal preference but survival bias still operates because it allowed our ancestors to survive.
I like long. But some short hair is cute too. Rihanna’s looked cute short before she chopped it SO short.
i dont see hair but i like it all , but extreamlin long was wowo. and you kow who you are it was ok , but actully no ofense cause i was thinking of the women with your old hair take care and sorry i have not really posted. life is ok .
It all depends on the woman.
Long hair, unless ur have a pretty face, u can pull off with a short hair or just any hairstyle..
FACT: my wife is hotter than Halle Berry.
It depends on the woman. I think Halle Berry looks really sexy with short hair and that long stuff she’s been wearing lately just looks awful. So shapeless and just not her at all. I knew a girl in Ohio who had hair down to her waist and it was so ugly and unflattering-totally flat, no style at all and completely damaged. I have short hair myself-I don’t like the way long hair makes me look. To each their own.
Whatever works for them.
shoulder to long
it totally depends on the woman’s facial structure
Depends on the women and depends on the hair. I think long hair is generally associated with youth and flirt, while short hair is considered more sophisticated.
Depends on the woman and the condition of the hair.
I think it depends on the woman. Some look better one way, or they look good either way.
i prefer long hair.
It really depends on the person. Color, shape of head, facial bone structure all plays into it. Guys are the same way. Some guys actually look better with long hair, some couldn’t handle letting it grow 1/8 inch.
I’m a fan of shoulder length and no longer than past the shoulder blades
Long hair does not look good on me. That is what I think and what a lot of people tell me including my husband. Plus, I don’t like to deal with long hair. So, I have short hair. I like long hair on other women but when it is taken care of.
Depends on the face shape, and personal style of the woman. I like my hair short.
it differs. like my mom’s hair looks horrible long, but i could never go short like she does.
depends on the girl, her personality, her build, her dedication to keeping her mane maintained…
My husband likes my hair long. So it’s almost down to my butt.
Depends on the girl, though I don’t like butchy buzz-cut styles on women.
I think it greatly depends on the shape of their face.
Depends on the woman’s facial shape, I personally don’t look good in long hair so I wear mine short.
I wear mine on the shorter side. But not because I give any hoot what others think… it’s more because I enjoy saving on shampoo/conditioner costs and don’t have to pay someone else to “updo” it for me. I can just scrunch and go even for the fanciest weddings.
Mine is to my waist, like I said before, but I also take very good care of it. I avoid unnatural chemicals whenever possible, wash it only with cold water, use organic hair products, and sleep with a cap. I love my long hair, and men have told me they do, too. I used to have it shorter and it still looked good, but my long hair makes me feel more unique and it suits my personality better. I love fantasy novels and write epic metal music and have always been fascinated with medieval times. And besides, when the time comes for a metal concert, it’s great for head-banging!
it depends on the woman and how well she takes care of it…
I think both look good, with short the cut would have to be right. But my mother keeps hers short and I have before But the older I get I think that long hair makes you look a little younger!
It always depends Dan. Usually on the structure of the woman’s face. Some women look better with long hair and others with short hair and some (eg Halle Berry) look good with both. EG, I don’t think I would ever look good in short hair. I’ve always had very long hair because of my round, chinny face.
I really prefer long hair, but some girls can pull off the super short look nicely, though not many.
Long hair is usually boring. Short hair is cute.
@Ro_ad808 - Nicely said! Thanks for the research/insight.
I’d say long hair, but with the pics/subjects you chose, they look good even if they were bald!
I once sported a ‘do of long hair past my waist… I could wear it as a dress!
When I went to college, I chopped it into a cute pixie and finally felt like I was taken seriously. Of course, my dad still mourns the loss of my mane… but I love my short locks. In addition: Look at women in positions power, be it managers or presidential candidates– how many have long hair? Not very many.
i prefer long hair, but it really depends on the girl. sometimes short hair looks really good on particular girls
It depends on the woman. For me, either hair length is just fine.
Depends on the woman. I look horrible in short hair. Some women look horrible with long hair.
Depends on who it is…
i do both. i have it short in the front so it frames my face and i can pull it back and it looks short and shaggy all over. but it’s long in the back, so when i leave it down it looks like my hair is long and layered.
it works for me!
Depends on the girl and how her face is structured. Some girls look better with short hair, and some look better with long.
I think a short hair cut makes them look edgier though.
Usually long hair (assuming it’s not so long as to look like they never have it cut). There are exceptions for certain individuals though.
I have hair down to my hips and I absolutely love it!
Anyone who has seriously thick hair like I do doesn’t give a hoot about what looks better! When you’re suffering from neck pain because you hair ten pounds of hair on your head, you will got short and ugly in a heart beat!
I’m gonna go with long hair, especially for myself because short hair looks awful on me – it poofs out and it’s actually harder to style!
Long hair is pretty, but everyone has it, so the people that have gorgeous lil pixie faces w/the pretty cheekbones and rock short hair stand out more to me.
@ncsbert - Well, if we haven’t seen a picture, then I’m going to have to say you’re lying, because Halle Berry is pretty damn hot, no offense to your wife.
hmm seems like girls think long is more attractive, but the guys say “it depends” or short. interesting.
Please come see my latest post it is an amazing movement that is happening in the next few days!!!
FACT: I’m not posting pictures, now, or ever, for that purpose.
The topic subjective and opinion either way. The point is that my wife knows I think she is hotter than any woman anywhere, ever.
And every now and then I comment on the topic, just to remind myself how much she likes to hear me say it.
Thanks for reminding everyone that the Internet is Serious Business.
I think I prefer long hair, but my girlfriend often gets her hair cut fairly short and it always looks really good.
It depends on the woman, though I’m more attracted to girls with long hair (not excessively long, though).
I find women with short hair sexy. That is, if they can pull it off.
It depends because some look good with long hair and others with short and some with both. Me and short hair just don’t mix. Oh the horrors of a horrible haircut and being called a boy in a bikini.
It all depends. Some people just can’t “pull off” a certain length. How a person styles his/her hair is what I tend to look for.
Depends in the girl
Usually long hair, but it depends on the woman. The hair in the third picture is gorgeous.
I can’t figure out this IM thing. I’m not online that often, so it isn’t realistic for someone to try to contact me from out of the blue. On the other hand, when I signed on to my mobile AIM account and just left it on, and someone tried to IM me later, my phone informed me that my session had expired, or something. So I had to sign on again and now I’ll never know who was trying to IM me. This instant message thing sounds great on the surface but is a bigger pain than it has to be.
…Wait, where am I? Whose site is this? Oh. Uh, long.
It completely depends on the person, but I like short hair best.
I like long hair better [which I even have myself] but some select people look good with short hair, like the first girl in the picture, but some people look horrible with it, like Hallee Berry. I think long styled hair looks good on every woman.
i cut my hair to just above my shoulders and i got a lot more male attention. sometimes long hair takes away from the facial structure and just gets in the way.
Love long hair
I’m pretty sure just having hair in general is a good thing.
the trend lately is short hair
I think it depends on the person’s face, etc. I used to have very long hair; my hair is short now. Men still look at me
I like both, and my husband likes me with short hair..and for myself I like it too since it’s easier to manage.
Short!, jut not butchy short. ew.
Now honestly, were any of you looking at the hair?
I prefer to have short hair, as a woman, but I wish I could pull off THAT short. It all depends on facial structure.
Short hair, all the way.
Some look better with short hair, like I do. Some look better with medium and still others with long. It depends on the shape of your face and everything!
Mine was pretty much exactly like the one in the first picture, and then I got bored and cut it right off into a bob. I liked them both, but I’m growing mine back out. I feel better with long hair…it’s something to hide behind.
So, what exactly is considered “long” and what is “too long?” I don’t think there’s any such thing as too long, as long as it is well cared for. But some people are saying long but not too long. what constitutes too long?
Depends on the woman.
I think it depends on the face and the hair type. I look ridiculous with short hair.
I honestly think that it depends on the style, the type of hair, and the woman. Both can potentially look good or bad.
I cut my hair really really short (like Halle Berry short) last year when I was going through a breakup. Now I’m back in a very good relationship I’m growing my hair out. I think I do prefer long hair. It just makes me feel more womanly and feminine.. and just.. more me!
Comments (181)
Shoulder length is perfect! Long is fine if it’s styled.
i love long hair on a women..and i have long go figure
I think it depends on the woman and how she looks
Like how her face is shaped.
Mine is to my waist, so I may be biased, but I love long hair on a woman.
i like long hair on myself.. i’m so used to it. and ditto to shaaaadup.
My hair’s like the one on the first picture… So of course I like long hair
Depends on the woman, but I tend to like long hair better on most chicks. o.o;
Mine is somewhere around shoulder-length, so we meet in the middle.
Depends on the woman.
Short hair is cute , long hair is beautiful.
Depends on the woman
i think they look better with their tits peeking out !
If the hair is nice, long hair looks best.
but some girls are so pretty is really doesn’t matter
Depends on the woman, face shape, hight, figure, whether she styles it or not.
I find long hair amazingly sexy.
I know the answer to this one! YES. And, uh, YES!
I really like it when they’re long.
i like both
Long hair is great, but some women look better with short hair. Same with men; short hair is all and good (sometimes boring) but some men look better with long hair, like me for example.
somewhere inbetween the two, but i like women’s hair to be on the shorter side. nothing wrong with long though.
I agree with Paige.
I’d say long hair. But you picked a picture of a women that looks good with short hair.
really it’s not about length so much as if they actually take the care to style it, I think.
I prefer long hair.
long hair is a must
It depends totally on the woman, and how she feels about it. Some women can make any hair length look good, some freak out if it’s not long, even if it makes them look 10x prettier. Just watch America’s Next Top Model, you’ll see. xD
Of the pictures you posted, the last two were beautiful.
Typically, though, I prefer long hair on women. I have long hair myself for that reason.
It really depends on the person, because everyone is different.
i think it depends on the woman. facial shape and body shape make a big difference on how the hair looks. when i was a lot bigger, having longer hair thinned me out. now that i’m thin, i think my long hair just looks really feminine and elegant. plus, some haircuts can give a woman more confidence than others, so i think it’s relative. overall, though, i think women look better with longer hair (but they must take good care of it!). actually, for that matter, i’m most attracted to guys with longer hair.
Either works; it just depends on the woman. But my preference is for short.
Beautiful women will be beautiful no matter what, long hair or bald. But hair (and make-up for that matter) can make an unnattractive woman better looking. As for what I prefer, I like long hair, but that’s mostly because I think it looks best on me. I couldn’t pull off a short do, but I admire those that can.
Totally depends on the woman.
Depends on the face. I love seeing full, healthy, natural hair. Not the dyed shit. Me? My hair was past my ass but I got 10 inches cut off…back to growing it back out. I miss it being “Puritan like.”
Btw, are you going to ask about men’s hair?
long hair, definitely.
I personally like mine long. It really just depends on how the girl rocks it.
it depends on the woman and how it’s styled… lately on myself i’ve been liking long hair…
it also depends on face shape… oh all the factors.. :]
I feel more confident with extensions
I think it matters on your facial structure…but I dunno.
Ahhh, short hair is so hot!
The most flattering haircut depends on the woman. For the ones pictured, they’d look good with long hair, short hair, or shaved heads.
long and straight
Whatever works for them, I actually look better with shorter hair, so I prefer shorter on myself.
Long hair is definitely sexier, but some girls still look good with short hair.
Long hair >> Short hair.
I think most women look better with long hair. Some women look better with short hair. Some can look equally good with either.
usually long
Depends on the person. In general, long hair – it’s more femme.
It is totally dependent on the person and the style.
i definitely prefer long hair is very long and im loving it.
I love long hair. Xo.
Long! I love my long hair!
I didn’t actually count but I think the votes are leaning towards long. Mine iv very short right now but it’s only been like that for a few weeks. As soon as it was cut I felt myself slip into growing it back mode. It was a bit to long though, down to my waist. I think this time I will only go to shoulder length. Now that its short I think my hair looks cute when I “fix it up” but when its long I think it’s sexy. So, long is my vote too.
I personally think that long hair looks great on some but short is better on others, so it depends on who its on.
If I gave an answer here I would be perpetuating gender stereotypes, oppression and male dominance…so long hair.
natalie portman looked beautiful when she went bald. but then again she’s blessed with a perfectly shaped head.
it definitely depends on the girl.
Depends how ugly she is.
All depending on the girl reallty.
personally I prefer long hair, but it really depends on who’s rockin the ‘do!
Like half the people on here said – it depends.
I like to grow my hair out long then donate it to Locks of Love when I’m bored with it. So I’ll have short hair and then grow it out again. I’m in the growing out stage at the moment.
Oh, by the way – I like the video! I’ve always wanted to try something like that!
depends on the woman, the look and her features…some women cannot pull off long hair while for others, like myself, short hair just means a puff ball.
it depends on her facial features.
I look better with long hair
I like long hair persoanlly, but women’s hair is always growing you can always try out different styles during your life! It grows back, or you can get hair extensions/ weaves if you make a mistake!
Hairstyles suit different face types and personalities. It’s up to the individual. I am not against either. But I think short hair looks pretty bad on an overweight person with a double chin or on a woman who’s not very feminine – it can make her look boyish.
Those pictures you are showing probably isn’t their real hair anyway. That’s probably hair extensions or wigs.
It depends on the woman.
@tingtiing - right on about Natalie Portman.
if a woman is confident, it doesn’t matter how long her hair is…
I had done both short and long. When I was in college I had cut my hair short because I was in a rebellious period with my hair plus it annoyed me. Those whom have noticed the change told me they preferred my long hair. Apparently majority also think so. Maybe, long hair gives women a feminine appeal and makes you look younger.
I think it depends on the individual. I prefer my hair shoulder length or longer but it’s because it’s what looks good on me.
I think it depends on the woman.
shape of the face, her habits- the shape of the rest of her..
I want to know – whats up with old ladys and short hair so that they look like men ? and Big women with short hair so that their heads look little and their bodies look even bigger ?
I prefer women with short hair.
-Guru on the Hill
That obviously depends on the woman’s face facial structure, style, age, and perhaps even their hair color.
The girl in the third picture probably has the style that suits her best.
I think it depends on the overall build of the person.
However, I’ve always favored long hair on myself.
It depends on the person. Some people look better with short, some people look better with long, and some people look better somewhere in between. I keep mine around shoulder length now. I used to have long hair until I donated it.
I prefer long (although not Rapunzel long), though some girls can rock the short hair cuts too and still look attractive.
Given the choice, I have a slight preference for long hair, but short hair can look quite nice. It depends on the woman.
It totally depends on the person. Some people look better in short than long – others look better in long than short, and some are lucky and look good regardless what length their hair is. Upkeep’s important either way.
Short. I’ve seen way too many women with long hair who LOVE it, but they’re in denial about its health. I HATE straggly, dried-out long hair. UGH. If it’s healthy like the pictures above, it’s sexy. Otherwise, short is HOT.
I’d love to have long flowing hair, but it gets so beat up when its long, so I always end up cutting it off.
It depends on the person…
As long as it isn’t long facial hair.
the majority of people I talked to all prefer long hair. My hair is past my waist and I love my hair!!!!!!!!
i think it just really depends on the woman. i used to have mega short hair, like hallie berry’s in that photo. now mine is almost as long as that top photo. ha. so go figure. *shrugs* guess every girl just has to find out what she wants. what looks best on her.
I am quite partial to thinking long is beautiful. Short can be attractive but long (assuming both are well kept) is so much so.
According to a couple of books I recently read, I would predict that most of your comments will agree with the long. I make this leap based on research done in evolutionary psychology. The rationale (in a nutshell) for a preference to longer hair for women is that good health is something of an abstract that is hard to pin down. One of the signs of being well fed and having good health is being able to grow the longer fuller hair. I know that today hair length today is mostly a matter of personal preference but survival bias still operates because it allowed our ancestors to survive.
I like long. But some short hair is cute too. Rihanna’s looked cute short before she chopped it SO short.
i dont see hair but i like it all , but extreamlin long was wowo. and you kow who you are it was ok , but actully no ofense cause i was thinking of the women with your old hair take care and sorry i have not really posted. life is ok .
It all depends on the woman.
Long hair, unless ur have a pretty face, u can pull off with a short hair or just any hairstyle..
FACT: my wife is hotter than Halle Berry.
It depends on the woman. I think Halle Berry looks really sexy with short hair and that long stuff she’s been wearing lately just looks awful. So shapeless and just not her at all. I knew a girl in Ohio who had hair down to her waist and it was so ugly and unflattering-totally flat, no style at all and completely damaged. I have short hair myself-I don’t like the way long hair makes me look. To each their own.
Whatever works for them.
shoulder to long
it totally depends on the woman’s facial structure
Depends on the women and depends on the hair. I think long hair is generally associated with youth and flirt, while short hair is considered more sophisticated.
Depends on the woman and the condition of the hair.
I think it depends on the woman. Some look better one way, or they look good either way.
i prefer long hair.
It really depends on the person. Color, shape of head, facial bone structure all plays into it. Guys are the same way. Some guys actually look better with long hair, some couldn’t handle letting it grow 1/8 inch.
I’m a fan of shoulder length and no longer than past the shoulder blades
Long hair does not look good on me. That is what I think and what a lot of people tell me including my husband. Plus, I don’t like to deal with long hair. So, I have short hair. I like long hair on other women but when it is taken care of.
Depends on the face shape, and personal style of the woman. I like my hair short.
it differs. like my mom’s hair looks horrible long, but i could never go short like she does.
depends on the girl, her personality, her build, her dedication to keeping her mane maintained…
My husband likes my hair long. So it’s almost down to my butt.
Depends on the girl, though I don’t like butchy buzz-cut styles on women.
I think it greatly depends on the shape of their face.
Depends on the woman’s facial shape, I personally don’t look good in long hair so I wear mine short.
I wear mine on the shorter side. But not because I give any hoot what others think… it’s more because I enjoy saving on shampoo/conditioner costs and don’t have to pay someone else to “updo” it for me. I can just scrunch and go even for the fanciest weddings.
Mine is to my waist, like I said before, but I also take very good care of it. I avoid unnatural chemicals whenever possible, wash it only with cold water, use organic hair products, and sleep with a cap. I love my long hair, and men have told me they do, too. I used to have it shorter and it still looked good, but my long hair makes me feel more unique and it suits my personality better. I love fantasy novels and write epic metal music and have always been fascinated with medieval times. And besides, when the time comes for a metal concert, it’s great for head-banging!
it depends on the woman and how well she takes care of it…
I think both look good, with short the cut would have to be right. But my mother keeps hers short and I have before But the older I get I think that long hair makes you look a little younger!
It always depends Dan. Usually on the structure of the woman’s face. Some women look better with long hair and others with short hair and some (eg Halle Berry) look good with both. EG, I don’t think I would ever look good in short hair. I’ve always had very long hair because of my round, chinny face.
I really prefer long hair, but some girls can pull off the super short look nicely, though not many.
Long hair is usually boring. Short hair is cute.
@Ro_ad808 - Nicely said! Thanks for the research/insight.
@ncsbert - Prove it.
I’d say long hair, but with the pics/subjects you chose, they look good even if they were bald!
I once sported a ‘do of long hair past my waist… I could wear it as a dress!
When I went to college, I chopped it into a cute pixie and finally felt like I was taken seriously. Of course, my dad still mourns the loss of my mane… but I love my short locks. In addition: Look at women in positions power, be it managers or presidential candidates– how many have long hair? Not very many.
i prefer long hair, but it really depends on the girl. sometimes short hair looks really good on particular girls
It depends on the woman. For me, either hair length is just fine.
Depends on the woman. I look horrible in short hair. Some women look horrible with long hair.
Depends on who it is…
i do both. i have it short in the front so it frames my face and i can pull it back and it looks short and shaggy all over. but it’s long in the back, so when i leave it down it looks like my hair is long and layered.
it works for me!
Depends on the girl and how her face is structured. Some girls look better with short hair, and some look better with long.
I think a short hair cut makes them look edgier though.
Usually long hair (assuming it’s not so long as to look like they never have it cut). There are exceptions for certain individuals though.
I have hair down to my hips and I absolutely love it!
@la_faerie_joyeuse -
Anyone who has seriously thick hair like I do doesn’t give a hoot about what looks better! When you’re suffering from neck pain because you hair ten pounds of hair on your head, you will got short and ugly in a heart beat!
I’m gonna go with long hair, especially for myself because short hair looks awful on me – it poofs out and it’s actually harder to style!
Long hair is pretty, but everyone has it, so the people that have gorgeous lil pixie faces w/the pretty cheekbones and rock short hair stand out more to me.
@ncsbert - Well, if we haven’t seen a picture, then I’m going to have to say you’re lying, because Halle Berry is pretty damn hot, no offense to your wife.
hmm seems like girls think long is more attractive, but the guys say “it depends” or short. interesting.
Please come see my latest post it is an amazing movement that is happening in the next few days!!!
@la_faerie_joyeuse -
FACT: I’m not posting pictures, now, or ever, for that purpose.
The topic subjective and opinion either way. The point is that my wife knows I think she is hotter than any woman anywhere, ever.
And every now and then I comment on the topic, just to remind myself how much she likes to hear me say it.
Thanks for reminding everyone that the Internet is Serious Business.
I think I prefer long hair, but my girlfriend often gets her hair cut fairly short and it always looks really good.
It depends on the woman, though I’m more attracted to girls with long hair (not excessively long, though).
I find women with short hair sexy. That is, if they can pull it off.
It depends because some look good with long hair and others with short and some with both. Me and short hair just don’t mix. Oh the horrors of a horrible haircut and being called a boy in a bikini.
It all depends. Some people just can’t “pull off” a certain length. How a person styles his/her hair is what I tend to look for.
Depends in the girl
Usually long hair, but it depends on the woman. The hair in the third picture is gorgeous.
I can’t figure out this IM thing. I’m not online that often, so it isn’t realistic for someone to try to contact me from out of the blue. On the other hand, when I signed on to my mobile AIM account and just left it on, and someone tried to IM me later, my phone informed me that my session had expired, or something. So I had to sign on again and now I’ll never know who was trying to IM me. This instant message thing sounds great on the surface but is a bigger pain than it has to be.
…Wait, where am I? Whose site is this? Oh. Uh, long.
It completely depends on the person, but I like short hair best.
I like long hair better [which I even have myself] but some select people look good with short hair, like the first girl in the picture, but some people look horrible with it, like Hallee Berry. I think long styled hair looks good on every woman.
i cut my hair to just above my shoulders and i got a lot more male attention. sometimes long hair takes away from the facial structure and just gets in the way.
Love long hair
I’m pretty sure just having hair in general is a good thing.
the trend lately is short hair
I think it depends on the person’s face, etc. I used to have very long hair; my hair is short now. Men still look at me
I like both, and my husband likes me with short hair..and for myself I like it too since it’s easier to manage.
Short!, jut not butchy short. ew.
Now honestly, were any of you looking at the hair?
I prefer to have short hair, as a woman, but I wish I could pull off THAT short. It all depends on facial structure.
Short hair, all the way.
Some look better with short hair, like I do. Some look better with medium and still others with long. It depends on the shape of your face and everything!
Mine was pretty much exactly like the one in the first picture, and then I got bored and cut it right off into a bob. I liked them both, but I’m growing mine back out. I feel better with long hair…it’s something to hide behind.
So, what exactly is considered “long” and what is “too long?” I don’t think there’s any such thing as too long, as long as it is well cared for. But some people are saying long but not too long. what constitutes too long?
Depends on the woman.
I think it depends on the face and the hair type. I look ridiculous with short hair.
I honestly think that it depends on the style, the type of hair, and the woman. Both can potentially look good or bad.
I cut my hair really really short (like Halle Berry short) last year when I was going through a breakup. Now I’m back in a very good relationship I’m growing my hair out. I think I do prefer long hair. It just makes me feel more womanly and feminine.. and just.. more me!
@ihaveanalibi -
lol good job
Short hair because the facial features are most expressed than hidden.
I like the examples of short hair better.
But it depends on the person’s face, really.
I had short hair once. My face shape is just fine for the cut…but…seems my hair stylist wasn’t.
She should have just sent me back to the 70′s with the mullet she gave me. *cringes*
yah accha hai.