August 25, 2008

  • Xanga and Mental Health

    Is it me, or does xanga have more than its share of people with mental health issues?

Comments (131)

  • it’s not just you.

  • I like your questions.

  • haha it’s not just you

  • That wouldn’t surprise me, but then a lot of mental issues “normal” people have come out easier online, too.  And Xanga seems to be a perfect place for people to write about these things.

  • I have noticed a few people that I wonder if they’ve missed their medication… but I don’t think I know anyone who has come right out and said they are mentally unstable…

    I guess I do see a lot of depression…

    I also see a lot of people dealing with cancer either themselves or with loved ones.

  • It is you

  • I haven’t noticed.

  • @angi1972 - *Sob And screams* Im not depressed!!! I just wear black because it fits!   ….

  • It could be you…that you know all the nuts.

  • I don’t know, I have pretty awesome friends on my site….oh thats right, you never come by. You don’t know what you’re missing Dan.

  • well, think. do normal people actual use xanga? seriously.

    are you sure you’re normal? think about it..

  • I think it’s just the element you attract, Dan.  Present company and YOU excepted, of course! 


  • its a community of crazy people.

  • @seedsower -  Ummm B… he knows us…

  • It’s the price of popularity, Dan. If it makes you feel any better, there’s probably a higher percentage in the real world.

  • just a good place to talk about them.

  • Reality is pretty much everyone has mental health issues, people on xanga are just more open about it.

  • @angi1972 - @saintvi - 
    I hadn’t thought of that ..he knows Saintvi too.

  • People probably feel a lot more comfortable talking about it on here… 

    What should be worrying you is the amount of people out there who don’t talk about it…the more you bottle it up, the more trouble you’re bound to get into.

  • Lots and lots

    studies on the subject show that journaling is more effective at helping with depression than anti depressants. So them being here is a good thing

  • yes, there’s a HUGEEE amount of bullimics and anorexics. i’m not friends with any of them, because the ones that i know are only post blogs about what they ate that day and how many calories it was. and how fat they are. and how once they get around to it they’re going to start a fast.

  • I never really noticed, but I have mental health issues, so I agree with you. I guess people put their thoughts online to hear feedback and get support from others. Whenever I really write about a bad episode I always make it private. Some information should just not be shared.

  • I dunno, look far enough into anyone’s mind and I’m sure you’ll reach insanity.

  • Guess what, Dan? I’m going to do social work in grad school, specializing in psychiatrics…and I found out that there is a need and a rise of 20-30% of mental health professionals like therapists and shrinks. I’ll get a job in Michigan! (as you may know, MI’s unemployment is the worst in the nation.

  • The real question is how xanga’s ratio compare with that of the real world?  I’ve heard that more than half of the population of the US is under the regular care of a psychologist or psychiatrist.  That would lead me to believe that the number who have mental health issues could be around 75%.

    But given that psychologists and psychiatrists have business plan in which they work with the drug companies and the schools to convince everyone that they have serious issues and thus need professional care and medications I’d bet that an awful lot of people’s problems are more imaginary than real.  Then you also have to tag on the fact that anytime someone does something unexpected, which is darn near all of the time really, someone will suggest that they belong in the loony bin.  I am a firm believer that many of our mental health diagnoses are the simple result of having nearly unattainable and highly inflexible standards for what is normal and whenever someone falls short of those we assume that God made a mistake and that we have to correct it for him.  I believe that in trying to correct so many people we are really limiting the possibilities of what mankind can achieve.

  • Fuck no, check out LiveJournal sometime. It’s Xanga, only six thousand times worse.

    Blogs are an easy, anonymous way for anyone to vent anything from everyday frustration to the unmedicated rants of a schizophrenic suffering a psychotic break. Anonymity brings a lot out that you just wouldn’t notice in real life.

  • Xanga abounds with the mentally ill.

    Keeping a diary is pretty good therapy.

  • You’re just being paranoid.  I’ve got some real problems.  Kaiser Wilhelm is stealing my ball of string! *mutters*

  • It’s not just you.  If I could make $10 for every time I’ve something along the lines of “the government is probably plotting to kill me” or “I hear voices in my head telling me what to do”, then dayuuuum son, I’d have quite a bit of money.

  • as you can guess, my brain’s fried just thinkin’ about this one.

  • I honestly think it helps a few people who are one bad day away from needing to be medicated, stay that way.

  • it’s pretty bad.  but about the same in real life where i’m from!

  • Who cares, really.

  • Everyone can come on Xanga; regardless of mental health.

  • don’t be so hard on yourself… 

  • Haven’t notice until you it out. 


  • haha, i think everyone in this world has problems, the smart ones just dont want to bottle up inside, but rather blog about it.

  • Normal is just a setting on a dryer anyway.

  • There are a lot of people with health issues, period. The nature of xanga lets people feel more comfortable with showing more vulnerability is all, imo.

  • @oxkataaxo - don’t know what dryer you’re using.

  • Yep, we’re all nutso here.

  • I think it’s just that when people sit down and actually think about themselves they find small things that are considered abnormal, and then the more they think about them the more they exaggerate those abnormalities.

  • Xanga has its share of nuts?  Nah.. Try the world. :)

  • Leave me and my Munchausen Syndrome alone, Dan. It’s not funny!

  • @john - Your profile pic makes that comment very funny. Poor ice cream cone…

  • Yeah, there sure are a lot of us.

  • haven’t noticed. Just people that are stupid and crazy that piss me off.

  • many many people use Xanga as an outlet for stress and depression, so i don’t see why not.

  • I am a crazy. Yes, one of those unfortunate folks.

  • If you didn’t notice this fact… you’re probably part of the issue.

  • Xanga… cheaper than a shrink.

  • I don’t know, I haven;t noticed. I’m fine..I think..I haven’t been diagnosed with anything so ::shrug:: I know I’m not one of them possibly

  • I’m crazy, so I perpetuate the myth, I guess.

  • According to statistics, one in four people have a mental disorder…

  • I’m not going to lie, initially when i saw this post i was really nervous to read the comments.. but I’m surprised and thankful for the love and acceptance that a lot of people here seem to be offering.

  • I thought we’d progressed further than to call mental retardation an illness.

  • You mean Christians?  Yeah.

  • hahaha, i think that could apply to just about any online community

  • it’s definitely true. i like this place cause there’s so many open minded people who understand better than most. 

  • Whole fucking world is full of people with mental health problems.  People on Xanga just happen to actually talk about them with people other than their counsellors…

  • i think it’s just easier to express all your fears, feelings and crazy tendencies online than in real life.  everyone has some crazy properties and everyone needs an outlet so this is easier than facing those attributes in reality and with people who you affect in your life.

    BUT there are some seriously mentally unbalanced people on here, as well as some intellectually challenged.  it’s expected in such a large community though

  • Xanga isnt alone I think everyone on the planet has a mental issue of some sort.

    How can you tell someone is mental through a blog? Blogs are journals, some have good happy news and sometimes life sucks. But just because someone is sad or down in the dumps doesn’t make the mental…. not in the since that I think you mean anyway Dan.

  • I have not come across one yet

  • There are a lot, just like in real life.

  • Haha, no!

    Everything is perfectly normal.

    Attachment is however, a problem.

  • oh yeah, i’ve noticed.  definately.  i think its because here you can pour out your feelings, take it or leave it and people can’t judge you as much because they don’t know who you really are. 
    i get a nice sense of freedom, personally.

  • No, it has a greater number of people discussing them. The pseudo-anonymity helps.

  • It’s not just xanga. The whole planet’s chock-full of wackos.

  • I admittedly have a lot of issues and I talk openly about them.  I don’t see any reason to keep them inside.  If I want to express how I feel in my own blog, and someone doesn’t like it, they are certainly not obligated to read it.  One issue I deal with is an eating disorder – and that’s not ALL I talk about and I am certainly not posting my intake like SOME people do.  Mostly the teens and young kids it seems tend to do that more.  And the people who think anorexia is a lifestyle.  But like people said, people feel more comfortable on-line talking about their feelings than they do off-line.  No one wants to sit around bitching about life all the time, so this is a good place to get it out.

  • It’s probably just you.

  • it’s just you.

  • birds of the same feather flock together, dan! ;)

  • We all have issues-:)

  • no it’s not just you.

  • Are you calling me CraZy?

  • It was uncanny. Every single night usually between 10pm and 12am I would get hit with this overwhelming urge to shut down.

    Anyway, it’s like playing russian roulette but with your xanga.

    So now we have a new record to get up to, 147 subscribers, and 193 xanga friends.

    All of the xanga friends have to be pretty Asian girls.

    Shouldn’t be too hard.

  • Its xanga, Im nutting

    1 more day Dan and on my way to Houston! Yay!

  • Yeah,  there’s a lotta weirdos on here too.

  • i think it does. so it’s not just you. 

  • yeah–i say its you too


  • Thank god for mental health programs because people like me can live normal lives. Just for the record, these people suffered or are suffering from mental illness; Margaret Thatcher, Vincent Van Gogh, Lord Byron, Emily Dickson, Charles Lamb, Kay Redfield Jamison, Virginia Woolf, Abraham Lincoln, Patty Duke, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, and each and everyone of them has enriched our lives one way or another. By the way, this is a partial list of people who suffered or are suffering mental illness.  

  • Ah, duh. People who have nothing better to do than to blog about their non-existential life must be crazy. And I blame it on all the anorexics.

  • Well, it could be you.

    Anyway, I think most any social networking site has its share of people with mental health issues.

  • 3 out of 10 people will suffer from some type of mental disorder in their life (and that statistic is conservative, being that it only addresses those who actually seek help). i wouldn’t think that xanga has more people with mental health issues than any other place on the net or in real life… i would only think that the type of forums set up here on xanga make a person feel more comfortable sharing their dirty secrets than they would feel in person.

  • People in general have a problem with mental health issues. In Xanga, writers don’t have to mask themselves as much, and are more free to express their less-than-ideal traits because there are few social conventions regarding blogging, if any.

  • Normally normal has no normal definition.

  • Xanga = free therapy!

  • Nah, it has its normal share, people just feel safe being able to talk about it on here. I think that’s really special, either by their anonymity or the trust they’ve built with other xangans they feel like they can discuss it. Mental illness is really the only illness (okay maybe along with STDs and colon polyps) that people won’t openly admit to. That’s really horrible.

  • I think the spelling on those cat pictures is horrid.  It drives me nuts!!

  • It is easy to self-diagnose or in this instance, xangan-to-xangan diagnose a mental disorder when, in fact, the person doesn’t actually have a disorder.

  • More than it’s fair share.

  • I do see a lot more crazies here than other sites….. very paranoid people that block you if you don’t post a comment agreeing with their paranoid delusions and others that will block you just by visiting their site. Why have a blog if you don’t want anyone to see what you write or if you are going to not allow comments by  anyone that do not agree with you?

  • Haven’t noticed…..too busy being mentally ill myself.

  • Of course.  Would any rational being post on such a site as this?  Actually, the warden only allowed me this computer in the first place with extreme misgivings!  It was only when my doctor pointed out that it would keep me busy and sedate- and that the padded walls would preclude my smashing it in a (rare) psychotic fit- that it was agreed upon!!  In return, I promised not to keep hectoring the Duke of Wellington in the adjoining cell!!!  Of course, he/she posts here too, now!!!!  I HATE him/her!!!!!  ARRRGGGHHH (smash).  End of line.

  • It’s not just you. They’re out to get me, too.

    I think everyone has some kind of mental issue (at least, that’s what I tell myself.) Bloggers just tend to be more open about it.

  • @mkenyon719 -  Yep. that’s why a lot of people are selling their houses and moving.  And that’s why I am not moving there as of yet, if ever. I grew up in Jackson, and it is a stinkhole.

    My friend’s boyfriend have not gotten a job for nearly two years, and he looked EVERYDAY.. finally starting his first day today.

    Good luck with you!

  • I’ve noticed that too!!!

  • @decembriel - I agree with you. I think it’s simply easier for people to vent their problems and frustrations on here than in public to those they care about…to those they don’t want to disappoint.

  • A lot of depression… a lot of pain… a lot of social anxiety. Xanga can be a sad place sometimes.

  • Well I’ll admit to being mentally unstable so the six blogs would be a good thing?

  • I haven’t noticed. However, if someone doesn’t have a life outside of xanga, I might suggest they have an Avoidant Personality Disorder.

  • I think it’s worse on”Myspace”.

  • Crazy – I haz

  • what do you consider a mental health issue? Other than me,, I hadn’t noticed!!! lol   now excuse me, i gotta take a pill!

  • You know us crazies come to xanga in bundles

  • I think it’s just that everyone is diagnosed with some mental disorder these days. Ask the people around you if they have any. If it’s not too personal of an answer for them, you’re probably going to be surprised by how many people actually have mental disorders.

     Especially in Houston.

  • “Everyone’s crazy but me and thee, and sometimes I wonder about thee.”

  • Mental health issues affect everybody, whether directly or indirectly. I have been hearing a lot about mental health in the past 2 days – I’m taking a psych/mental health nursing class, yay! I love studying psych.

  • we’re all nutty somehow.

  • we’re all probably crazy, really.

  • I might not be technically mentally ill, but I do have a developmental disability (Asperger’s Syndrome) and am a goth who’s also Wiccan. Guess Xanga just attracts the freaks and weirdos like me who hope to find a bit of understanding somewhere if not in the place they live.

  • Well, back when I used to see a psychiatrist back in 7th grade ((now going into 12th and still do it, even though I stopped seeing her years ago)), she once told me that writing in a journal is a really good way to get things out of your system in a nondestructive while still contructive way. I think that those reasons, along with the ability to be annonymous and to get feedback from those who understand, make online journals appealing to people with mental health issues (:

  • It’s not just you.

  • I wouldn’t doubt it.

  • mental health issues are everywhere, not just on xanga.

  • It’s because you know so many people.

    But think about it…what a great outlet…if not for Xanga, where all us crazies can write to express ourselves, we’d all still be talking to ourselves!

  • No more than there are in the general population. It is just that they are more invisible in every day life, because we may not necessarily be interacting with them at a level where we can pickup on it.

  • Given all that happens in the modern world maintaining sanity is probably the definition of crazy

  • look at it this way. anyone that posts stuff online just to get attention from people is at least somewhat narcissistic. ;)

  • I think there’s a lot of people with undiagnosed illnesses, or ones they diagnose themselves. Especially people with mock anorexia and bulimia or whatever.

    In terms of legitimate illnesses, people are probably more willing to admit to their problems because they feel that there’s nobody here from their real lives to judge them.

  • I have not noticed this.

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