February 18, 2009
Photos on Xanga Vs. Photos on Facebook
I was talking to Missimae on Facebook IM tonight and we were talking about posting photos on xanga sites vs. posting photos on Facebook.
I mentioned that is it an adjustment to know who is who on Facebook from xanga because people are more likely to post their photos on their Facebook site and not their xanga site.
Are you more likely to post your photo on your Facebook/Myspace than your xanga site?
Comments (134)
More likely to post my photos on xanga.
I only have Facebook and Xanga now.
And I post more pictures on Xanga.
Don’t have FB or MS.
I post on both, but i have a lotmore pictureson facebook. but i don’t blog on facebook. i blog on xanga.
My profile pictures on xanga and facebook tend to match. If they don’t the xanga one is usually the older photo. Right now, they match.
i don’t have a facebook — xanga ftw
I post the same pics on both sites. But a little more on Facebook because i have more friends on there.
I’ve posted more on my xanga by far.
Um, I don’t use my Facebook or Myspace much. I think I post more pictures on Xanga. Hmm, I don’t know.
I have never posted a photo on facebook so…uh…
More likely to post pics on Facebook. I’m not so worried about privacy and security there. (Only friends can view anything.)
I use my real pic on both sites as a profile pic.When I want to post photos I took ,I use Xanga
These days, I’m not inclined to do either one. However, I have once put my photo up on Facebook, and I’ve never done so on Xanga.
Yea, I’m not here for photosharing, my writing is more of the focus, which differs from myspace/facebook
Facebook, I guess. Xanga (for me at least) is more anonymous, while facebook is more centered around close friends and the real world.
I guess since they already know me, I don’t worry so much about posting any pictures. It’s not like on here, where xangans can only judge you from what you post.
my naked pictures on here
Xanga! I deleted both my Myspace & FB accounts haha. My answer was by default
there are lots on both
I think I may have visited Facebook once in my life, and I only visit MySpace for the musicians’ sites. But I use Xanga photos mostly for video game screenshots. So I guess my answer is, “Kumquat”.
I feel that am more social on facebook and myspace vs xanga, so I would be more likely to post to my facebook and myspace vs on my xanga.
FB – it’s just faster I feel like. And most of my friends don’t have Xanga – they’re all superficial LOL j/k but it’s just easier since I have a lot of friends in different countries that have never heard of Xanga but do own a FB acct.
Flickr, then Facebook. Xanga last, b/c the sharing/displaying interface is poorly designed. I hardly post ANY photos on here, in comparison with the other sites.
I have mine on both. I always let people know who I am, face and all!
@the_lunchbox3 - nice answer – pretty accurate for me too!
I don’t post TOO many pictures on my Xanga, because I don’t know most of the people I talk to in real life. Although, I do post pictures, yes. By far, I have WAYYYY more on my Facebook.
I am much more likely to post photos on Facebook, simply because there are more privacy options. I never put pics of myself up on myspace or xanga.
I am more likely to post on my FB because my pictures are more private there. As much as I enjoy writing I have been comtemplating the importance of my anonymity lately.
Xanga and Flickr. Used to be Xanga and Facebook.
Xanga. I feel safer – not safe – because I have friend lock here and this isn’t The Site like MySpace is and Facebook used to be.
We let our guards down on Xanga, I think, because we’re all sharing something. If we’re all vulnerable then we can be a bit more at ease. Facebook and MySpace are almost designed purely for stalkers and pedos.
I’d be more likely to post pics on Facebook. I am acquainted with everyone of my “friends” on facebook… Not so much here on xanga.
I have a lot more pictures on my myspace than I do on xanga I like the photo set-up on myspace better, that and my myspace is for old friends, xanga is for writing and such.
All of my photos are on Facebook. I select a few for Xanga, but for the most part, everything is on facebook. Although, people actually search facebook when they are hiring so I took down some of the more “scandalous” photos. hehe…and no those pics wont be on xanga anytime soon!
I don’t put pics of me on nothin! Don’t trust anyone on here or any other blog type thing.
I’m not likely to post a photo of myself on either. That said, there are real pictures of me on facebook and I have used them as profile pictures and I have also used one as a profile picture on xanga.
I post on Facebook, that’s where the majority of my friends are. And the reason I have pictures in the first place is usually to share them with friends.
well, I post my pictures on myspace/facebook because people I actually know are on there. Plus on facebook you can’t see my picture unless you are my friend and on myspace I have a picture but my face is overshadowed so you can’t clearly see what I look like. Plus it’s small so you can’t see any details unless your my friend and look at my pictures.
plus, I don’t want people I know to find my xanga site.
I also don’t want people to randomly stop me on the street be all “hey are you punky nerdster?” and I’d be all like “no” *throws plastic dinosaur and runs away*
(wow, those are a lot of “pluses” )
more likely on facebook – i know who can see them (on my friends list)
I don’t have a facebook and I haven’t posted on myspace in over a year. so Xanga.
I don’t post photos on myspace at all, but I post them on xanga and facebook pretty evenly.
No.. I think because the people on Facebook actually KNOW me IRL.. So I might not want them to see my family and myself, so I dont have many pictures on there of them..
I think Facebook. But after they change their Terms, I don’t think I’ll be uploading any more.
Both. It’s two different worlds for me. My blog is private from anyone in my real life and consists of very close friends of a different nature. I use my Facebook to keep in touch with my friends and family across the country.
I have the same profile photo for all three, but only as of late. Before, I didn’t even have a photo on Xanga.
@the_lunchbox3 - true that!
i use FB for photos, social… same for MS. Xanga is my blog site.
ALL my pictures are on myspace.
Only the allowable 3 are on xanga.
Hardly any go on facebook just cuz I don’t really use it. I just POKE people…
It depends on the nature of the photo, really. There are some photos that I post on xanga that are too personal for facebook.
Why would anyone be more likely to post their pic on one blog site than another?
Facebook, hands down. It’s quite different in comparison. Xanga, for some of us, carries some degree of anonymity, whereas Facebook is likely where we find friends we’ve met outside of the blessed internet (not sarcasm).
Only reason why i like facebook is so my friends can tag me in photos we take when we go out. So they usually tag me and then i’ll save the pic to my files and if I like it alot i’ll post it on xanga. I dont post much anymore on myspace, i deleted all my friends from myspace and dedicated it my myspace to music.
Both. I don’t upload albums of self-portraits or anything to facebook like a lot of people seem to enjoy doing. I will, however, post pictures of myself on my blog as it is more personal. But I do have much more general photos uploaded to facebook than I do here. I am strictly a photo a day (or post) kind of girl. haha
Yes, I think it’s more convenient and user-friendly to post pics on Facebook. But I still will upload some pics if I would like to talk about them in my weblog.
I post on both…. and just about equally, though sometimes I do favor facebook because it’s easier to use IMO.
Just Xanga. I don’t like sites like Myspace or Facebook so I have no account there! xD
Facebook/MySpace, my Xanga is private
I tend to post the entire album on my facebook for specific events..and only pick the few best ones to post on xanga. =)
My more personal shots, group shots, family shots, go on facebook/myspace.
Xanga gets my solo shots, landscapes, but the occasional group shot will slip in.
i put A picture on xanga, and a bunch on my facebook/myspace. i know it’s stupid, but i feel like adding a bunch of pictures to xanga is going to turn it into a social networking site like facebook/myspace. and take away from the blog factor of xanga. xanga is a social networking site in a way, but not in the same way that myspace/facebook are
FaceBook… I’m too lazy to put them up on here as well..Plus I’m somewhat of an anonymous person on here and I intend to keep it that way
Xanga and Facebook…it’s pretty even, even though I’ve been slacking about posting pics and blogging on Xanga lately.
I post pictures on Facebook dude, I like the tagging. Yay, spread the happy pictures!!
On Xanga, I feel it’s more of an accessory to the blog
or just to post them up when I feel like it…
I’m currently in the process of deleting my FB stuff because of the changes in the terms.
Yeah it’s true because on FB and MS, people on their are my actually friend from outside. On xanga, it’s friends on the internet..
I have about 680 pictures on my myspace. a few here
eh both.
my facebook photo is currently my face on the fonz, and therefore making it look very very much like a zombie.
It is basically the greatest, creepiest thing ever.
Oddly, I have more head shots on Xanga than I do Facebook. My Xanga is the public one too.
I have to say Facebook is getting my photos, and seldom on Xanga, but still xanga has a different purpose for me, its a journal more than a communication tool
but that said, its easier to post things to FB, Xanga is behind the curve I’m afraid.
I definitely post more pics on Facebook, mostly because just about everyone on Facebook I know personally… or they’re from Xanga (which accounts for exactly two of my 373 friends).
I definitely put more on Facebook, and they’re usually pictures from parties, so I put them there so my friends can see them. For me, Xanga is more of a writing place, and the pictures I put in my posts are not taken by me.
There are definitely more pictures of me on Facebook than on Xanga. It’s not because I have any reticence to share what I look like with strangers, it’s just that Facebook makes it much easier to share the pictures.
Also, my Facebook friends are people I’ve already met and been friends with, so there’s an opportunity for pictures of us to be taken together, and then shared with mutual friends. I don’t really know many people on Xanga, so that situation hardly ever comes up.
Facebook, although I did just change my xanga picture.
FB sucks.
I tend to post more pictures on facebook and myspace, but posting from my phone to both is really easy. I never blog anywhere but xanga though
I keep way more photos on Facebook because my family read it and comment.
I am more selective with Xanga and tend to post things that are relevant to my blog or create a blog around photos.
I post on both, but i have more pictures on facebook
I don’t post my pictures on xanga very often because I don’t have many readers. The readers I do have know me, so they are also my facebook friends. If I had more people who regularly looked at my xanga I probably would post more photos.
I have more photos on Facebook because more people I know in real life are on there.
Xanga + google adsense….= xanga is better…besides if my friends want to know or see the deal about me…they go to xanga…
I like posting them on Facebook better…
however. I would on Xanga but yeah. I don’t have premium & its hard to upload pics. I can only do so many.
I just heard the other day that FB has changed their policy and now everything that gets posted on FB is the property of them and can be used by them. That’s making me re-think this whole thing of posting personal stuff online yet once more. I don’t have FB myself, but my husband and son do, and they definitely post more personal stuff on there than I do on xanga.
FACEBOOK,k tis easier
I definitely am more apt to do that because I actually know the people on Facebook and Myspace, whereas, not so much here on Xanga.
More likely to post on facebook, because I don’t have many real-life friends here, they are all on facebook and that is who I would be showing my pictures to, haha.
FB, that’s what it was meant for… Xanga was meant to be a blogging site!
I post photos on both.
But other people post photos of me on facebook, so you get to see less, ah, planned photos there.
Pictures of me go here. Pictures of my pecker go on facebook.
Oh wait… I got that backwards.
Xanga, but I talk a lot more on facebook. I also have a livejournal site where I post pictures and talk more than either xanga or facebook.
i’m more likely to post my photos on a site like myspace. it’s not that i won’t post them here ( because i will ), but there have definitely been more photos uploaded to my myspace account than have been uploaded to my xanga. for me, it’s because xanga is more about blogging; i don’t post many pictures on my myspace blog, so it would make no sense to post a ton in another blog, especially one serving virtually the same purpose.
but, i’m a camerawh*re, so … some end up getting posted sometimes, regardless.
I’ve never posted a personal photo on Xanga and only a few on Facebook. Because anyone can see my Xanga but only my friends have access to my Facebook, which doesn’t even have my last name or location . . .
Flickr and Picasa
I only post certain pictures on xanga, but I post all of them on facebook.
I don’t have a Facebook or Myspace. I don’t think I have a pic of me on Xanga besides that one over there…
I have my photo on Facebook because I know all the people I am friends with on there in real life. I don’t have my photo on Xanga because I don’t actually know any of the people that I’m friends with on here.
I got rid of my facebook a long time ago because of a stalker and now I very seldom post any identifiable pictures of myself anywhere… Mostly I just post scenics from places I visit. I learned the hard way that people don’t really need to know what I look like in order for us to have a conversation.
myspace – photos and videos
FB – photos
xanga – some photos but mostly content
I use ning!
also, more of my artwork goes up on deviantArt or my .com
I have many more pictures on facebook because the way facebook organizes pictures is so wonderful…but I still post a lot on xanga.
I prefer to put my photos on Xanga, instead of Facebook and Myspace.
Facebook–because I know/relate to those people on a face to face basis.
hmm i guess i put more pics on facebook. it seems easier to me and i have more friends there.
Yeah because I know those people.
I have posted on both Facebook and Xanga, but not MySpace as I don’t use that one very much.
I post a lot on both but my Facebook/MySpace definitely has more pictures.
i post more pictures on facebook than here, yes.
Myspace. Because I know everyone on there personally, whereas here it’s all strangers with no faces.
my fb account has 4-5x the amount of pics than Xanga. I have old pics on Xanga. LOL
Definitely. It’s more organized on both of those sites than it is here and I just like the setup better.
Plus no one I know even uses Xanga anymore if they ever did to begin with.
Both Facebook and Xanga, but more on Facebook because I don’t think people that don’t know me would want to see a picture of my husband’s toes, not that my friends do, but, yeah.
facebook… xanga sometimes takes too long… and i don’t have many close friends that have xanga…
xanga has a photo limit soooo… (w/o premium and all that)
Yes, only because I thought Facebook was primarily for my friends and family to see. There people who I know from real life. Where as on Xanga, I have strangers comment on my blog all the time. I don’t mind meeting new people on Xanga but, there’s a few way out there do concern me. For example, couple weeks ago I got a comment on my post saying he only comment because I have a Vagina. Yeah, that disturb me so, I delected his comment. People like him is why I don’t post picture on Xanga but, part of me wants to. Maybe, one day when I feel comfortable enough I will.
I have a few photos on Myspace and Facebook that I don’t have on here, but for the most part they’re all on here.
myspace/facebook, if I had one.
my photo is on facebook. it is rare that i post my face on xanga. my facebook is private whereas my xanga is not. none on xanga know my real name (but you) and i prefer to keep the two that way. =)
Xanga is a hassle to upload pics -.-”
Where as facebook uploading pics is so much easier and more effecient
Yeah. I post pictures of myself on facebook. As you can see on my xanga, there are no photos of myself. There are no photos of myself on my myspace, either.
I haven’t posted anything in awhile. I guess neither.
Most of my pictures go on my Facebook…I haven’t checked in awhile but I think the only picture I have on my Xanga right now is my default pic…
I only have two Xangans who didn’t know me before Xanga who cross over to my Facebook account as friends. The rest of my Facebook friends are people I know because we went to school together, worked together, etc. That said: I post all sorts of pictures on Facebook and very, very, very rarely post any on Xanga.
Conversely, I am much more likely to say what’s worth saying on Xanga instead of Facebook. Figure that.
Yes! I have hundreds of pictures on Facebook, and hardly any personal ones on xanga.
Of course more people would post them on Facebook. The audience is bigger (and I’m saying this because the reason people post pictures in the first place is so others will leer at them. The more attention given to the photos, the better).
That’s just my logic.