August 17, 2011
Is Xanga Making You Nicer?
I was just reading in the Wall Street Journal this evening about how the internet is making people nicer. According to the article, the internet is making people more empathetic. They can see the struggles of others and it causes them to have a better understanding of the feelings of others.
I know that xanga has helped me become more empathetic to others.
Xanga exposed me to black people. I learned on xanga that black people should not be judged based solely on their skin color. There are other factors to consider when looking at black people.
I learned that liberals are not bad people. They are just intellectually underdeveloped.
I realize that fat people need love too. So I have learned to introduce them to other fat people who can get past their weight.
I learned that gay people should be accepted for their alternative lifestyle in the same way we should just accept those who have sex with animals. Here is the link: Link
I have learned we should be nice to depressed people because if we don’t, we will feel guilty later when they off themselves.
Has xanga made you nicer?
Comments (58)
Xanga? Nope. The internet in general? Hell no.
you’ve never introduced me to fat people
HOLY EDG{SJGIWFJASEDJFAOJFO! This is gonna stir some oijriksjfikajdfkvwe4 up! But to answer your question, I’m the nicest person on Xanga, it’s everyone else on here that are being assholes….

There’s black people in the world? Why have I not found this out before now?
Xanga has made me more confident in my decision to move out of the States and possibly to Canada…
No. If anything xanga has made me meaner.
It’s made me as big of an asshole as you.
LOL. this made me laugh. thanks for that
and yes, i would have to say that it has definitely made me a little nicer to others.
I can see that the net has made you as gentle as I am
I think Xanga made me more irritable and disgusted with a lot of things.
I see what you did there.
heheh. & Yes it has made me nicer. Some people on here, you wouldn’t think they have thoughts that go deeper than clothes and makeup and boys. I’ve learned you can have deep conversations with people who seem materialistic, because they DO actually think about those things. Xanga has opened me up a bit.
haha this is why I love you!
This is amazing.
This was hugely funny. I think the net takes the binders off and people are a lot meaner than they really are in true life here. They hide behind a picture of a sk– uh, something that is not their real face and then act like an ass. LOLOLOLOLOL
Perhaps nicer in the sense that it gives someone the feeling of being seen and heard which is good for the emotions. But i feel that if a person becomes too sentimental about it and spends too much time on it, their practical life could go to waste. And this person will likely remain poor. And i think this is what is happening on a large scale.
Hmm, a little, but mostly Xanga helped me appreciate individuality and accept people with different points of view.
I’m a straight woman but that gay man on the right wearing the tighty whiteys is totally hot. you often have good taste in picking half naked men to put on your site
Yes at some point but no for bad things I have seen here xD
No. Xanga made me meaner. I decided to be nicer despite Xanga.
Xanga makes me a bitch.
I don’t think do.
@ItIsAllGravy - Don’t you mean “as big an asshole”? You can’t be “as big of” anything. Just watch yourself. Us Grammar Nazis are onto you, bud!!
The internet making people nicer?? The internet is more like a breeding ground for cowards to run their mouths. Xanga in general is a great place though
Xanga makes me petty and bitchy and sometimes just retarded, but it’s good because if I wasn’t all of those things here, I would be them more often in…REAL LIFE
Xanga makes me crazy, and someday that will make me a nicer person. You should make a xanga post that doesn’t have a question in it. No one does that anymore.
no if anything it’s making people meaner. Cyber bullying is just so easy.
No, I still hate every one on xanga.
i think it makes people act like bigger dbags.
@Pink_TeaCups - I think i got it, too.
I see someone is in a trolling mood tonight! Trolololololol…
Shit, I don’t even know who my audience is, and I don’t care. Nobody takes anything seriously anymore. Fuck man!!! Jim gravy taking it up the @## by Dan’s big you know what. Gravy yelling like a bitch.
I think Dan’s the kind of guy who will eat tacos in the middle of intercourse.
Some of the shit I read on xanga makes me feel pathetic and retarded. Some of you guys can’t write for shit. I learn nothing in this place.
Food, rape, and homos. Wtf guys seriously.
I hate all of you. I don’t know any of you. I always suspected loborn to be a white guy, possibly Dan.
Because of this stupid site, I’m not 100% alone. But noone talks to me or considers me a friend.
I consider everyone to be my friend.
I will continue to share. The more I see, the less I believe in God, but if you’re happy, I’m happy. Because my life is nothing to be happy about. So if you are happy I will smile with you.
I decided to be nicer despite Xanga.
No; it has allowed me to express my hate.
lol i actually made a comment kind of related to this on your other post about weight loss.
xangans are ridiculous. so i wouldn’t say xanga could make anyone nice. people like to use the internet as a place where they’re more open and/or can adopt a new personality that is different from the way they act in real life (of course this isn’t true in some cases, but def applies to others), and usually that more open, newer personality is far bitchier.
These commenters of yours are a bundle of sunshine.
Normally yes. But right now I have this urge to tell RulerofMason to take some Xanax. PRONTO.
No, the internet makes me an asshole. Jk
ROFLMFAO!! I think Xanga has definitely made me more sarcastic. haha
xanga was my introduction to the outside world. i hope i have developed nicely although the mistakes are painful and costly.
I think it’s just made me more honest. Whether that means nice or not..*shrug*
It has made me nicer! its where just blurt out every stupid idea ad feeling have without worrying what anyone thinks or hurting any feelings so yes love xanga
I think the internets made me more outspoken… and therefore, people get offended. haha
If by “nice” you mean “4. excessively fastidious and easily disgusted” then I guess the answer would be “yes.”
maybe it’s all the virtual anti bullying campaigns going on
Nicer? No. More patient with other people and their crap? ……kind of.
Xanga hasn’t helped me be any nicer, if that tells you anything.
My first journal on here didn’t have half the drama on it that this journal’s getting.
Quite the contrary.
LOL not that I’ve noticed.
“They can see the struggles of others and it causes them to have a better understanding of the feelings of others.”
According to that logic, reality T.V. should be making people nicer too.
xanga and tumblr, yes. the rest of the internet is plain cruel.
Lol, this post is hilarious. I don’t think the internet has made me nicer. Xanga has allowed me to vent instead of putting “depressing” statuses on facebook, so it gives the illusion that I am nicer I suppose. Xanga is just a really nice website because hardly anyone checks it.
actually…. I think it has……