August 19, 2011
Are You Old School Xanga?
Signs you are old school xanga:
1. You can remember xanga before it got popular in 2004
2. You remember the Asian War of 2005
3. You are not sure why xanga added themes
4. You remember signing into xanga and seeing your own posts instead of seeing posts, pulses and photos.
5. You were happy when xanga added photos.
6. You can remember when the xanga team was 20 people instead of three.
7. You can remember when some kid was killed by his sister's boyfriend.
8. You can remember asking yourself, "what is a nudge?"
9. You can remember seeing naked people on xanga daily.
10. You can remember when xanga added the ratings system and promised to never use it to censor sites.
11. You can remember xanga starting the first ish site and them saying "We will just start one."
12. You can remember what it was like before people asked questions at the end of their posts.
13. You can remember what it was like when xanga had great writers.
Are you old school xanga?
Comments (162)
I have about 7-8 of these and a couple sound vaguely familiar. Woo!
3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13
I've been on Xanga since 2004, however I remember the more how Xanga helped you as a user more than what happened in the community. I wasn't active in the Community until around 2009.
Some bloke got killed by his sisters boyfriend?! That's horrible! Fuck.
@Pink_TeaCups - He posted about it right before it happened, creepy blog. I always forget the screen name. He said that his sisters boyfriend was in the house and then later theres some news story about him being murdered.
A little, apparently. Although I started xanga in 2005, so not all of those apply to me.
@suggestivetongue - You're shitting me?! That's fucking... oh my god!
I was around in 2005. But I don't remember ANY OF THIS.
Asian War of 2005? Hmm, I'm curious..
1. YESS But then I took a hiatus after that until around 2007, then it wasn't until 09 when i started actually posting stuff
2. LOL LMAO ASIAN WAR?! really?!
3. haha yes
4. yesss then i came back and was confused
5. i don't remmeber! I didn't use photos until 2009. late 2009
6. hahahaha
7-9 no O_O
10 siii
11 i was not using xanga at that time! Though I wish i were there to witness its start haha
12 - 13 yes
Some I remember. I started in December 2004 but I kept to myself and my few friends for my first three or four years, so I didn't notice stuff like the Asian War of 2005 and some other things/trends.
13 is a lie. Xanga has never had great writers!
remember when @AmericanAlien was here
I'm a great writer actually. I suspect a lot of people are, but this community pounces on you if you have an opinion and really doesn't want to read good writing. It's all about drama, and writing about drama doesn't involve great writing. I'm too new to remember any of that but awful about that poor kid.
I still wondering what the nudge was. Was it like FB poking?
SO SO old school.
very old school
Oh, all the underage nude pics of 2005...
All of the above.
@Pink_TeaCups - @suggestivetongue - I found an article after some quick googling. I didn't know about this either!
And his page:
Yes, I am an old school Xangan. In fact, just got back. How are you? (see how I ended that with a question?)
Only #1 applies to me.
@AmeliaHart - Wow! Just wow!
@Inspectorgrampy5 - I know so chilling! That poor guy! And his sister...
Nope. But I think you don't have to "remember" when Xanga had great writers!
i've been a member since 2003. i remember the changes that were made. it was weird at first but i just learn to go along with it, and i'm still with xanga.
Definitely old school. I've used Xanga since 2003 or 2004. It took me SO long to even allow myself to convert to the new welcome page. Themes took a long time to get used to as well.
I didn't notice much since I barely logged into xanga back then. I just checked out my favorite bloggers-one of them this hot blonde asian, who had funny stories, but she retired, commented, and then I was mostly at myspace.
I've been on Xanga since early 2004, but I didn't actively post until very recently. I guess that would make me an old Xangan. I remember being on Xanga when it was hugely popular, and I do recall the blog about that poor guy's last blog entry about his sister's nutso ex-bf. And how the police tracked their killer because of it.
I had an old xanga account from 2005-07 before I left for a bit ... I dont remember any of this =/ lol
1. yeah i've been here since 03. but i didn't really get involved in the community til the past 2-3 years.
3. yeah. themes. lol what
4. yeah i kept the old interface for a long time actually because reading strangers' stuff freaked me out for some reason. eventually i realized i'm actually really nosy.
5. photos - i'm not sure if i remember exactly when that happened..... i blogged very on and off for a few years in college...
i don't really remember the xanga team or the sister's bf, because i wasn't really big in the community. but that's freaking weird.
8. what IS a nudge?
11. You can remember xanga starting the first ish site and them saying "We will just start one."
-- again, since i didn't read much besides my one or 2 real life friends that used to post on here, so i'm not quite sure when they started. but i think i did notice, cause i remember being like wtf is this shit?!
12. very rarely do i ever ask a question at the end of my posts. usually, i just don't really care what anyone else is thinking. lol
13. Xanga still has some great writers, they are just fewer.
I guess so I've been here since 04 or 05
I started in 2010 .. lol new born xD
prob about half of those, so yeah.
yep. been here for the past 2,171 days. i still refuse to switch over to xanga themes.
what i remember the MOST about xanga, is the fact that people didn't write to please others. it was genuine and real. now it seems sort of fake, like people actually say shit for the shock factor or comments. it's a little ridiculous. and it's become very cliquey.
Oh, shit, about the naked people...I came across an Xanga page where someone who claimed to be 12 years old posted her breasts on her site and guys were all over her. No lie!
I remember all of the above... being here since 02. So yeah.
I started back in 2004 with two different sites, but barely got into it because no one read my posts...
I remember when the password was a minimum of only 4 characters.
2003. I was active with my friends. I didn't participate in the community. My first community exposure was when Roadlesstaken (we went to college together) asked me to have Datingish publish a post I did in 2009.
Mostly... I was one of those '04 bandwagon jumpers.
very old school
Hi dead_poetic009xx! It's been 2405 (wow that's a big number) days since you joined Xanga...
Member Since:1/17/2005
yeah bro!!!
and for the record i still see MY posts when i go to my page...just click old Xanga or something like that lol.
Old School.
I was here since 2003
Awww, I wish I was around that time! It sounds so great. Unfortunately, I am not an old school xangan, and I wish I was. ;___;
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Not everything because I started in 2005...but most importantly I was 12 (or 13? can't remember...same thing) so I knew nothing of this earth and was very out of the loop, just chatted it up with my 8th grade friends about school dances and how dumb "Chrizzie" was because she made a fake account called CumSuxMyDick.
Of course I LOLed when Xanga got in trouble for the age requirement stuff.
I am def. old school. I remember when Cakalusa RAN this place. I think the day Caka leaves is the day Xanga truly dies.
Yeah themes are weird...I use one on this site but my real site just has the normal stuff. Also I remember when "layout sites" were like DOMIN8TING the scene. That was how you became hip as a teen! Kind of like Tumblr is now...oh, the good days
Is the team really only 3 people? That is depressing. Also, remember STARS? and how pointless it was? And the video section on the front page? Haha...or when it was literally all just anorexic girls on the front page, because nobody really checked the content like they so carefully manage with the ISH sites now. Of course recently there was that Gangtsa ish site...Hoodstarz. And the hardestlevel, and the popsite, and that one about saving money that all went down the tube (hmmm..I wonder why.) I miss the middle-range people on Xanga probably because that's when I started noticing people. Like wherethefishlives and theblackspiderman and istephaniemarie or whatever she was before that was really nice, too. okay, i think i wrote enough.
Member Since:
1,3,4,6,8. I also remember the old front page!
i used to have one back when i was 12 or 13 but i deleted it.
Yeah.. I've been here since '03, I totally remember these!
I remembered almost everything listed above... *sighz*
Why must you make me feel old at Xanga and to remember those good old days where Xanga is SOOO much friendlier and nice.
Dang! Thanks @AmeliaHart. I was so sad when I read the comments on his Xanga
what Asian war??
oh my god i remember the NUDGEE!! i was back in 2002 and it was better
i still don't use themes. I just don't like them.
1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13
I started in 2002, but I didn't start paying attention to the community or behind-the-scenes stuff until 2008, so I missed a whole bunch of big moments. The ish site one makes me laugh though, even though I wasn't around for it.
I've been a member since 2005, but for the first few years, it was just me and a handful of IRL friends. It was roughly 3 or so years ago that I actually started becoming a little more active.
@Roadlesstaken - I always thought that when you nudged someone it was a way of saying they haven't posted in a while and should write something. I forgot all about that
I started on xanga 2003 or 2004, my cousins and i all had accounts so we would all keep on contact and write about our day & adventures.
I met way more people back then & were way friendly, might be since i was a kid though(x
"Skool? Youse wenta skool? I got no skool. I got no skool badges.You want skool badges? "Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don't need badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabron and ching'tu madre! Come out from that shit-hole of yours. I have to speak to you."
What's a xanga theme? HAHA!! (No seriously).
I'm really old school xanga. I have yet to accept anything new. Still using my old xanga private home page and still going to the subscriptions page instead of seeing everyone's posts at once. I remember when everyone had Xanga but no one really used it cause not many people were writers and yet they spent all their time fixing up their xanga page. Xanga was super popular for one year I renember (2003-2004) and then Myspace became the new rage
Good memories can be created here. My best memories are with people who have touched my life greatly. My life is not rich with memories. I'm more of a present kind of guy, even so, my current life is boring.
I was complaining to god yesterday how I am going to drown if a miracle doesn't save me. The miracle came, someone is willing to let me stay at her home. Wow, is this god's hand, or am I really lucky?
Why do good things happen to me, I thought god hated the jew.
I did follow the crowd in '04 but I did not pay attention and eventually abandoned that site. Two years later, I created another; got bored and deleted that account. Two years later, this site was born. I would consider myself new.
yes to all but 2 and 11. Vaguely on 7and 10. Was never much involved with the community. . .stuff.
@Rob_of_the_Sky -
They were never the Popular Front page Xangas
But years ago Xanga had one of the most envious collection of Writers
(The Paid Kind) of the various "BlogRing-Ish" web enclaves out there
At the Time
Prose Spinners and Poets
Novelists and Short Story Writers we amazingly abundant
And involved
The Novelists were sort of Boring
Their blogs were usually devoid of Writing (i.e. Writing as art)
And mostly just about the Literary circuit schmoozing
And being a Novelist... while. less so with the Writing, Writing.
But the Short Story Writers, Prose Slingers and Poets
That were around then made this place Magical,
and when I Say Writer, I'm not talking about "Self-Publishing"
Ectera, but Barnes and Nobel stocked and on the shelves
Reading something months before it being sold and then seeing it
Put in the New Yorker or Harpers...
and better yet, seeing all the wonderful things
That never Make it into the Anthologies, Journals
And Collections...
It was, well badass.
Not to Mention it drew in a large amount of Amatuer (or Less well known)
But Truly gifted writers.
Then there was DMV and other bloggers slinging prose
That went down like top shelf liquer straight through the eyes
To the Brain, Fire. Bastard Hilarious Fire!
Anyway, that era ended years ago...
You can't compare Xanga as it is Now to how it was then.
Literally Golden stuff you'd normally pay to Read
And then ontop of it being able to talk to them.
Ah the glory days...
i thought xanga got popular in 2003 and declined after that... i think i got my first one in 2001. a lot of the items you listed are things i'm unaware of because they're xanga policies or politics which are things i never used to pay attention to and rarely pay attention to now. i consider myself an old school user because i've had a xanga for ten years and i've had this particular one for five years. i've written regularly in it unlike the previous xangas i've had so i don't know if 2006 is too early to be "old school", but there you have it.
there are still good writers on xanga. the ones i know are very private and have a strict friends lock policy... you may be too overexposed to know some of the underground communities on xanga.
9 years and counting and I still see my posts on my main page. I haven't changed my header in 7+ years. I never got into the community stuff because my blog was for me and about me.
I've been here since '04.
Wow I feel old...I remember 1,3,4,5,8,9,11,and 12. As for the others..I was never around enough to notice because of all the changes happening then. Which is why I left for several years and only came back here recently because my girlfriend suggested I join to see her photos. I had an account in 2003 and I remember having to go to seperate websites for different layouts and themes which had to be inserted into the "About me" section. Unless you were already talented enough to know HTML.
Yep, I'm and old-schooler. I've had this blog since 2004, and my other one was started in 2002. I had to hide all my entries because an old co-worker hacked my email and found my blog, so I started this one. I remember everything on the list. I definitely miss the days when it was quality writing, when not everyone and their grandmother had a blog. And people wrote about life, as boring as it seemed, instead of trying to whore themselves out for attention and traffic.
I remember about five or six of these. I've been on Xanga since 2004 on various accounts.
you just made me feel old I started using xanga in 02 maybe and quit in 06 for a while I came back on in 08(?) and it was insanely different
i started in '05 (my xangaversary just passed)
Been here since '04 but under a different name.
3,4,5,8,9,12. Still won't use themes. I remember all the layout sites, too. I had one for a bit and taught myself HTML. haha. And wtf is a nudge?
I got my first xanga site in 2001. Despite having deleted it several times it still exists. lol. And I have seen xanga change and evolve over the years. I have had several usernames over the years... shadowedvirtue13, catchafallingstar47, grip_on_life, pokeypuppyspaz_13.... and then my first one, but the username is so childish I refuse to mention it. lol. All of these blogs were throughout high school, and grip survived through college, until now. But this is the first one that I really use steadily to blog and be read; as opposed to high school when I blogged pretty much to cause drama because I know who was reading. Haha.
OMG so many old people!!! i mean, old school xangan!!
i don't know any of these
I miss Xanga nudes.
I started my site in 2002 when Xanga got popular with kids in my high school. I'm just about positive that I'm the only one from my class still writing on one. I've actually managed to dodge the formatting changes by persistently rejecting every suggested settings update, but I still know what you're talking about and having to turn down every invitation to update my interaction with my site kind of annoys me. I think number 12 is the most interesting one and I'm not sure what brought it on-- is it just because people wanted to get more comments? I've always thought it was strange how many of the sites that make the front page rely on that technique, but then here I am commenting on one that employed that technique.
I can remember all of these except for #2. I think I missed the memo. Hey, did you get that thing I sent you?
I've had xanga for quite awhile. I had a profile that was stated in 2004, but i deleted it .I should have kept it open. I remember when everyone ditched xanga for myspace then myspace for facebook. What is the point? Nothing is really "better" than xanga.
14. You remember the time when you were able to use "skins" on xanga. I had the "falling snowflakes" skin and my cursor became a rotating clock. it was pretty cool.
Oh yeah! I started using Xanga in 2002.
Haha. These made me laugh.
Who cares?
How is this any different than 70 year old has beens trying to be rock stars again?
Yup I remember some of that stuff. It seemed to be more tailored for the individual writer then sort of got like a community popular fest kind of thing. I still enjoy writing daily and private things "private" for me. Good grief, I don't know what I'd do if someone stumbled on my page and liked something.
@godfatherofgreenbay - Just read this about 10 minutes ago from a Cracked article about the crappiest celebrity blogs.
I remember the old private page. Man... that was so long ago! And Xanga team saying one thing and doing another... a lot.
Also, post is here -->
Been with Xanga since 2005. Asian war? Tell me more.
Btw, I hate themes and still use the old layout because I don't like how the new layouts shrink my pictures down.
Definitely old school, I've been on xanga on this name and another since I was 11 or I'm 21.
I used to have a "Quotes" xanga and also made/collected layouts and icons (hah!)
I miss all the old stuff about Xanga!
Yup. Totally old school.
Hey! i remember back when xanga was a journal entry site! and the majority of it's users were highschoolers complaining about teachers.
I've been around since '04 or so. I remember quite a few of the changes
OMG! HAHAHAA im old school!
but oh dear. def rememebr the kid psycho bf of sister thing.
I remember some of these. I've been around off and on throughout the years, but I didn't pay attention to much of anything besides my own blog.
Yep, I remember all of those, lol.
My dream journal has been active since Nov of 2004 and my regular blog has been active since March of 2005.
And I still have both sites set up the old way...I've never switched to the new layout when I sign in. Screw that.
sooooo old school
I guess I qualify for some of this. I've been on here since 2006. The writers were a lot better than now. Posts were amazing. I haven't really changed my style, though I'm still annoyed that Xanga changed the editor, giving us less ability to layout our posts graphically pleasing.
Eh I started using xanga in early 2004, but I was 14 and oblivious to anything going on other than blogging about my middle school drama
I was on xanga on 2004 but I wasn't involved with the community that much..
You forgot a few Dan...
- The debacle that was the Xanga Olympics. (we will never know who won that, will we?)
(foot fetish)
- kaprookie and his Xanga Shrimp
- before Xanga introduced the chatboard, you could only leave non-post-related comments in a person's guestbook. (does anyone even use that anymore?? do people even know that it exists??)
- That short-lived Xanga's Weakest Link contest.
Yeah, I've been her over 10 years. I've seen it all.
I used xanga back in the day. I can't remember what it was like cause I stopped using it for like 7 years and just got a new one a couple months ago. I think I actually like xanga better now. But who started asking questions at the end?
2005! haha.........
im old.
1, 3, 4, 5, 13. Yes, definitely.
Except I was never really big into the xanga community beforehand. I pretty much just had mine for the purposes of talking with friends. So some of the others, not really.
Also...blogrings, oh man. I mean they are still around but they used to be a much bigger part of my xanga life, in my experience anyway. I used them as a way to meet people, haha.
I've been here since 2002 and don't remember most of that because I didn't really consider Xanga a "social" network so much as a place for me to continue where I left off at MyDearDiary.
I've been here since 2006 but only got involved in the community aspect within the past couple of years.
I started in 05. I still have that site, but I use this one a lot more.
I remember people being united & helping one another through the trials in life.
Rockin Xanga since 02 baby!
I remember when Xanga was so boring and hard to use that I signed up for LiveJournal in 2003. Hasn't changed much in the hard to use, impossible to customize and even if I pay I have to deal with ads WTF departments.
Old school all the way!
@Roadlesstaken - yeah, it was the xanga poke back in the day before facebook decided to start pokes, too. there'd be nudge wars instead.
At about number 6 is when I got here, so I am a newbie old schooler
I came aboard in December 2005. I read about the kid who got killed fairly early on. It was linked in the Wikipedia article about xanga. I wasn't around for the Asian War, but I've heard references to it over the years. I remember everything else. Remember when featured posts were put in a newspaper format, with different sections? Remember the Star Academy? Remember people gaming the star system? Ah... the good old days.
Wait.. Xanga is popular?!? I am the only one I personally know who still uses it in my area!
I actually still use the original homepage. This new one is total crap!
Been here since 2003... I would definitely refer to myself as old school. I remember the murder. Absolutely chilling.
Yes Yes and Yes.. although I don't remember the murder... I am often out of the loop...
#3 - And thats why I still use the old home page! Not to mention I've said eff off to themes and still use layouts :3
1, 4, 12, 14. Yes. Those were the glory days. Well yes, I've been here since early 2002. Wow.
Dan, you hit the nail on the head with an interesting question. I started blogging on Xanga on 24 December 2004. I could say yes to most...but damn!! I never saw the nudes. Remember the introduction of "Tre" and "Life" Xangans? I see there are a number of those replying!! There was a time when blogrings were the best...but I do not use mine anymore. And the time Xanga actually tried to get users to give ideas for approval. . I remember the time when people ran questions type of blogs before featured questions...aka BoldMike's Internet Island. I was keen to experiment with every new feature Xanga brought in. The -ish sites never appealed to me because I could never relate to any of them. The themes I enjoyed because it offered me the opportunity to create my own, but never used any of the themes provided. Good memories.
I think 9 is still applicable.
Old school! I remember I used xanga before even myspace.
I remember #4 from my original xanga buuuuut, that's about it. I'm too new school I guess :<
I really don't like themes. I won't use them.
And xanga still has great writers.
It just takes a little searching sometimes to find them.
I can’t remember when I started xanga. I had a couple old xanga username. but I guess i started maybe...2001-2002?
=P but I guess I like the changes, it help us interact better.
xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo
haha yes, to most of these
Ahh.. I had my xanga around … 2003? My… I remember when xanga changed up and stuff… It was really weird.
When this happened, I was 12.
YES! I loved old school Xanga! This new xanga annoys the hell out of me. I only come here because I enjoy blogging, and Xanga has always been a "trusted" site. Im as oldschool as they come.
I was a member of the "Banned Xangas Unite!" group, and was proud of it!
I guess I am new to Xanga. I do not recall much of what you listed.
I remember when eprops were aplenty!
Well I've been lurking on Xanga since 2004...I remember most of these, just not no.2 on your list...
A RARITY: A top blog in the front page that's actually worth while. YAY.
Yes, I joined in 2004. I remember when we had no -ish sites. All we had was blogrings!! Remember those days?
Yeah..I remember most of that....though, it gets harder day by day.
People using xanga like a twitter, like a tumblr....I do miss the old days that it was just for that: blogging.
Well..atleast I stay true to it as much as I can...
@CaKaLusa - Yeah! eprops were the shit. You get 2...6....18...whoa..that was awesome. Now we have mini's and all other suchness...
@Diary_of_a_fatman - Totally agree with you there.
lol, asian war of 2005?! glad i wasn't here for that..
There is only 3 people on the Xanga team now? I been around for a while and remember when the team was large. I had no clue there were only 3 people trying to keep this site running now. That explains a lot.
I've had a xanga since I was eleven. I'm currently 20. Suffice to say, I'm an old school xangan. (Remember when people used to refer to themselves as xangan?)
#4 still happens for me. I never switched over to the newer format, so with the exception of when i feel like looking at other sections on xanga, it still feels personal to me.
Haha, I still see my own posts! That's because I chose not to switch to the new homepage. Yeah, I remember those days where conversations could be started without the use of a question at the end of a blog post.
I have to go back and check post 1, but I am almost positive it was before 2005. But a murder? Nudge? Not familiar. I do remember, some girl who had pictures of her vagina all over her page and she invited me to come look. I did, then I blocked her. LOL. What? I was curious. Daily Nakedness and Asion war? I need to see my first post.
ok not as old school as I thought. June 10th 2005, first blog, however, I still have six years in and I made my mark, so I feel good about it.
1, 4, 13
I loved using blogrings to meet people and felt most comments people would leave were well structured, long and thought out
I remember I had one in 03 that I didn't update it for months, a guy kept asking around for me xanga wise seeing if I had updated...yeah the writing was def stronger then
I can pretty much say I'm old school xanga B)
I remember that there were certain themes but you had to have premium or something like that
Oh yes; I'm so old school that I haven't gone to the new format yet! February of 2003, kids; I'm a seasoned Xanga vet, from back when Xanga was part blog, part bordello and part cultural battlefield! How I survived I have no idea.
Wow. Most of that is probably just before I got on here. I feel new again.
"when i was a kid in school (xanga?), we didn't have History (class) -
...there was none made yet"
(paraphrase the great theologian Rodney Dangerfield)
Chris C, Please come back...
Based off of that list, I am pretty old school. I didn't discover Xanga until 2004 though, but still.
As for #4 on the list, I still see my own posts when I log in. You just have to change your settings.
way to add a question to the end of your post....
hmm.. i consider myself almost old school xanga. i joined xanga about 9 years ago (albeit i was 11, and have created three new accounts since then...) but i have been privy to the majorit of changes this site has undergone. i have no recollection of some kid being killed by his sister's boyfriend or "the Asian war", however.
this site serves its purpose for well enough for me either way.
although... i liked the original, plain, xanga more than i like the present.( your message was entirely dependent on the content of your blog alone, not the aesthetic value of it. nor was it important to appeal to the "xanga masses" and, quite frankly, at times it seems like it has become a popularity contest... for anorexic females, haha.)
xanga is still used by me for the same reason as when i joined; write when i have the time, and a computer nearby.
it's just another method of gauging my experiences and arranging my thoughts- when i can't seem to do it solely in my head.
although sometimes i write meaningless drivel... that is sheer boredom. and i'm young so..i can get away with it at times.
i miss old school xanga, but have come to accept that change is inevitable (myspace, facebook...etc.) and rather immaterial, so long as i still maintain the same purposes for my usage.
wow. i am way too bored.
nope. lol.
Ha ha, yes, definitely! I always feel sad that it's not as popular as it used to be.
a little bit
I remember a lot of these. I miss the daily naked people. Can't say I remember the Asian war.
4, 6, 11, 12, 13
I remember when most of the people on Xanga were young, between 14 and 18 and many, if not most of them, were looking to explore their sexuality. They were trying to find their sexuality and what fit them or what was comfortable to them. They would post erotic pictures, write erotic poetry, and question their whole sexuality. They had a place to go to see where they could comfortably ask questions and reflect on their own sexuality.
#2 I don't remember number 2.....
@AmeliaHart - ditto.
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