March 26, 2013

  • Why Do Some Older Men Prefer To Date Younger Women?

    I was reading an article by a woman with a doctorate degree who was wondering why some older men prefer to date younger women.
    She mentioned a guy friend who was in his 40s who was in love with a woman who was 24.  Here is the link:  Link
    Why do some older men prefer to date younger women?

Comments (60)

  • Evolutionary impulse to sow in fertile fields?

  • The butts. Pretty sure it’s the butts.

  • For the same reason that some older women like to date younger men probably. 

  • I find it highly amusing that this was posted in Houston, seeing as how the older man this younger girl dated was in Jasper. Small world.In my case, it had nothing to do with age – we were just compatible and it worked. Until he cheated on me with a woman his own age. Go figure.More often than not, I see older people dating younger people as a means of escape from reality. Younger people are generally more vivacious and carefree, which is appealing to 1] miserable middle-aged people seeking happiness, or 2] happy middle-aged people who find people their own age to be miserable. 

  • because women mature at a faster pace than men do and men are allowed to date younger whereas its frowned upon for women and men are always seeking out attractive young females and society lets them

  • The younger a woman is, the more likely they will be to put up with your bullshit. It’s easier for older males to control younger females. Also perkier titties.

  • I don’t know… manipulation is easier… I can tell you why women date younger men ;)

  • I have figured this out….well for my age group anyway (25 this year) all the guys my age date younger girls because they are happy if you just have a car and a job, girls my age date older guys because they have a career and future plans haha and expect more from them, well are more likely to. This is obviously just a bunch of generalisations…but still. From the point of view of your post,  I think a 40 year old would like to date me more so than a fellow 40 year old because I’m not bitter about life  at all (not saying all 40 year olds are bitter about life! Of course they aren’t), because I have experienced less, no divorce, no kids, no major relationship breakdowns however on the other side of the coin, I may drink and go out too much, be too flaky, and not be established enough. It just comes down to personal preference.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - I agree with you here.  yep.

  • Younger women hot. Older women not. Seems pretty obvious.

  • My first wife was nearly 7 years older than me. She has a PhD in political journalism, is fluent in 8 languages and was building a career on the international political theater when I met her where she went very far before retiring. She was also a runway model during summer recesses during high school and college. Today she’d probably be unfairly labeled a “cougar” as that term has become popular in pop culture. Truth is she was refreshing to me after the many girls I dated my age or younger, two older and we just hit it off. It happens. I am quite certain many older men are looking to relive their youth and to find a “trophy wife” but not all. 

  • BECAUSE THEY CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Younger women are hot and sexy.  DUH!

  • because cougars stay at their den?????

  • It has a lot to do with physical attractiveness and markers of fertility. It’s analogous to the general trend of hypergamy that is seen among women. 

  • I think part of it is that younger women tend not to be ready for or interested in getting married or having children right away. Men who aren’t ready for that serious commitment.

  • Lack of baggage. Women who are their age have kids from past relationships, mortgages, etc. Younger women just want to have fun. I think that’s why older women go for younger men. No baggage.

  • nuance is everything; the operative term is “to date;”  it’s a frequent fleeting carnal urge; any man with a grain of sense prefers to marry a mature woman

  • They probably can’t handle a woman their own age and they’re looking for validation. It always makes me look twice when I see a much older man with a young woman. My father remarried a woman who is five years older than I am.

  • Look at the women who are in their mid 40′s and beyond. Would you date them? Most are overweight, and have a ton of baggage. Most are looking for a fat wallet. No wonder why older men look to younger women.

  • My other half is 23 years older than I am. We don’t see the age difference at all and it shouldn’t matter. On the other hand I understand the mentality about dating a decade or two down – young and nubile often trumps middle aged and flabby afterall! However that’s rather a cruel and base suggestion, but attraction for men is often first physical before it becomes something more. I saw in my other half the maturity I hoped (and failed!) to find in boys my own age and the confidence and experience I craved. It’s all about what one is looking to find in the other.

  • I think ALL older men prefer younger women.  We may be old, but we’re not dead!

  • it’s a boost to their ego -just like these young male waiters boost our egos when we dine out and they get a big tip from us old ladies.Nothing wrong with it but I prefer a younger man myself. My hubby is 3 yrs younger then

  • I am 61 and my wife is 24 years old. She is a graduate student in a University. Only OTHER people see anything wrong with this – we just love each other and that is enough.

  • I’ve always preferred men about 10 years older. More mature and better in bed.

  • I’m not sure why this is even a question.

  • It is a better question to ask why some men wouldn’t ever date younger women.

  • Yea, what she said. @isitreal_no.

  • @Captric - Good for you! :D We have a 23 year difference and in fairness most people are very accepting. The odd comment about sugardaddies doesn’t bother us as much as it should (we’re broke most of the time anyway, ha!) – once you’ve found the love of your life what everyone else might think of you is immaterial. :)

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - BOOYAH BABY, Perkier titties ROCK!!!!

  • @S_Majere - Yes – it is rue that most people ARE accepting in fact – many more than the few detractors who I find are jealous of our obvious happiness.

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  • Isn’t it obvious?

  • It shouldn’t be an issue whether a woman is older or younger or if the man is older or younger. It is people that make it an issue.  who cares as long as those involved are of legal age and they are happy and if they are happy then we should be happy for them. 

  • Yep I agree with Shimmer…perkier titties, and I’ll add firmer ass. And of course older men love blowing their dough buying nice things for younger women. It’s all mutually beneficial. hehe

  • doctorate degree or not, we all seem to have an opinion on the subject..i personnally think men dont see themselves and think they remain awsome anyway as long as they have money…

  • There are as many reasons as there are people for liking to date people older than one’s self, younger than on’es self, or in the same age range.  I like to think a lot of people just like people for who they are, and don’t give a damn about age.

  • If I ever did work the field again, I would draw the line at 15 years younger.  More likely, I’d be looking for a woman between 12 years younger (50) and three years older (65).

  • Im sure it’s biological and physically appealing.

  • @ThereWillBeDragons - that’s because she’s right! 

  • tighter asses, perkier tits, and usually less intelligence, so it’s easier to put up with all their associated baggage/bullshit inherent to the female race. You’ve already been through all their tricks, and since they’re generally more enamored with you as an older, more mature man, they’re less inclined to put up much of a fight when you (rightly) tell them they’re acting like a child.Give me shit about that, ladies, if you’ve never lusted after a male younger than you by more than five years.

  • Age is just a number. What matters is the individuals involved. Their health, and state of mind affect compatability. Their goals in life, and pleasures of the day too. There are some people of each age range that exhibit either qualities (negative or positive) that could also be found in people of other age ranges. For example, I dated a 59 yr old who ran 14 miles on the beach several times a week. Not all 40 yr olds, or even 25 yr olds can do that! Then again, I also dated a man who was several years younger than I, who was NOT into wild parties/showing off/sports, as one might think he would be, who could talk to me for hours about any manner of topics from history to philosophy, movies to current events.

  • I tend to prefer older guys. Some of my girlfriends prefer younger guys. You can’t really help who you’re attracted to. I resent the idea in the article that younger women inherently have less to offer in relationships. You can stereotype that younger women are all vapid, stupid, easily manipulated gold diggers with daddy issues, but reality is most are just normal people who enjoy dating older guys.

  • I wonder about that too. I’m 31 and I’m on a few dating websites. I get a lot of interest from men in their 50′s and 60′s. That’s a bit out of my age range.

  •   For the young woman it is financial security.And for the old man…He is stroking the male ego a bit.

  • Ego? A lot of girls have daddy complexes? Dislike the saggy boobs and butts of women their own age? Attraction to the fertile?

  • @Tallman - And other things besides! 

  • the Bible taught me that keeping young female virgins in my bed will keep me warm at night

  • no one likes to get old or be reminded that they’re getting old

  • I have no idea…

  • Because fruit tastes the sweetest just after it ripens

  • ….perhaps there is an attraction of an intellectual nature or perhaps there is more, I don’t know and really am just guessing…. I’m over 50 and my significant other is under 35, so sensuality and sexuality has alittle (actually more than a little) to do with our te’ to te’s with one another…. …..we have a 3 year old between us and are quite happy with this, so…..!! Mine is not to judge upon nor do more that guess when it comes to another…. Peace, while it lasts….

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