April 29, 2013

  • Eating Habits

    As I have been on my journey to lose weight, I have taken care to eat better food.

    It has become obvious to me that people who are skinny eat differently than those who are overweight.  As I look around the office, the skinny people clearly eat less food.
    It is so tempting to eat junk food every day.  It is as if the whole World is at war against us eating healthy.  There is the ice cream truck that comes past work.  There is the food truck that comes past work.  People bring us garbage that we can eat.  We have a coke machine right outside my working area.
    Do you eat healthy?

Comments (61)

  • it’s very hard to stay healthy and no one will help you so get ready to get the shakes everyday around 3pm when you’re coming off sugar. Good Luck!

  • Most of the time…^_^

  • I’m working on it.

    And I wouldn’t say all skinny people eat healthy or less food. Some just are able to actually eat crap and not gain weight.

    I drink a soda, I gain weight. Some skinny people I know drink more soda than I do, they stay skinny. Ticks me off! lol

  • No. Far from it. Everything gives you cancer, so might as well enjoy it. 

  • Since I am diabetic I eat way better than I use too and I have lost 100 pounds in the past 4 years

  • I lost 65 pounds after my first heart attack and age 40 and started exercising. I have been successful thanks to God.

    On a scale of 1–10, I am about a 7 on eating healthy, but I definitely eat less. I feel to pressure to eat all the waiter delivers, and usually take 1/2 of it home. Sometimes my wife share a meal–the plates are so big now.


  • The food industry has billions invested into researching how to make their products cheaper and more addictive.  It’s come to a point now where we have to go out of our way to eat healthy.

  • You really are NOT very observant are you? When I was young – my metabolism was such that I could eat TONS of food and NEVER get fat or put on weight! When my brohter was into serious bike riding – he ate like a horse and stayed pegged at 150 – 5’11″.

    Food is only one factor. Activity and metabolism are other factors. And metabolism can be a life long thing – slow or fast.

  • Personally, I don’t drink soft drinks that often, just too much in sugar, but when it comes to ice-cream and choco…:’( I just can’t help myself!!! annnd where I come from, it’s all bout fooood seriously!!!

  • I’ve started eating better. I’ve stopped drinking caffeine for about 11 days now (I’ve had two pops in 11days) and I’m eating healthier. I’ve lost about 5 pounds. 

  • I try, but unfortunately, the “easy”, “fast” and often “cheaper” foods are those that are less healthy. :-/

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - 80% of weight loss is controlled by your diet. 

  • @light_blue_fables - That is an incorrect generalization for many! When I was under 30 – eating had absolutely no affect on my weight! I could eat 5 cakes and 5 gallons of ice cream and not gain a pound! In fact I did at times! I was stuck at 130 for years – regardless of what I ate.

  • I’d give myself a 7 on a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being extremely healthy.  I go through phases… sometimes I’m really good and sometimes I’m really bad (usually around Thanksgiving and Christmas) but most of the time, I’m closer to really good.  Giving up caffeine was one of the hardest things I’ve ever tried to do but I’m glad I took the leap.  Now if only I could cut back on my sugar (all, not just refined and processed) intake.  It’s not terrible but I could do better….

  • @light_blue_fables - Now that my metabolism has changed – I absolutely can effect my weight via diet. But these sweeping generalizations about weight  – simply are not always true! 

  • I eat really healthy. but I’m still overweight. even though I’ve been eating healthy for several years now. Stupid metabolism…

  • Not really. I eat what I enjoy (and whats fast and easy), and I’ve been the same weight for years. As long as I’m not gaining, I’m okay with it.

  • Im a pretty slim girl. I dont eat entirely healthy but I dont eat just junk either. I try to find a balance with fatty foods and health foods. I try to eat better through out the week and on the weekend I eat what I want. I have a lot of self control so that helps.

  • @light_blue_fables -  I think that is very dependent on the person in question.  

    I’ve gotten better over the years, food allergies recently made me change my diet hugely.

  • Yes, BUT I need to really stop my daily pastries since bikini season is literally here and I’m not ready. But I’m torn because I just bought a pie and ice cream and I wish I could have some!! 

  • I eat a lot healthier now than I used to. The key is finding healthy snacks to eat. 

  • Everything in moderation. I know my stomache has shrunk since I started eating smaller portions. Oh and drink water more often to help curb that appetite.

  • Yes and is has only been for about three weeks but I have lost 9 pounds and I al also walking our treadmill three times a day.  I am almost 65 years old so I am not aiming at skinny and trim, but healthier.

  • “Eating Habits”. I don’t know of anyone promoting a diet consisting of the headgear of nuns. :P  

  • I do try. I think about 85-95% of the time. I do have at least 2 cheat meals a week though. I will slowly try to cut that out completely if I can. Kudos to you Dan for putting a good effort to eating more healthy! #teameatclean Don’t forget to train mean! ;P

  • Nope.  And I’m about 50 lbs over weight.

  • I’d say 65-75% of what I eat is healthy.  I’m relatively skinny too.  Working retail and thus standing/walking 8 hours every day and not always getting a lunch break certainly helps.

  • It’s one of the things I pride myself on. It affects so much. Mood, appearance, energy level. And once you develop good habbits, it’s just as easy to eat healthy as it is to eat rubbish.

    Then, once or twice a month, I marinate my liver in wine, corona or tequila and destroy it all. I’m a very smart man.

  • i try to.  but i fall off the wagon a lot.

  • I don’t exactly eat specifically healthy foods.  Whatever food is at home, I’ll eat.  I drink coffee almost every day and grab breakfast at McDonald’s or Dunkin’ Donuts at least a couple days out of the week.  I’m not one of those people who can eat whatever they want and stay skinny, though.  I have to burn a lot of calories through exercise or watch how much I eat a day to stay a certain weight, especially now that I’m older.  Times weren’t as easy as back in K-12 when it was a requirement to take P.E.

  • So many people are concerned bout eating healthy but It is not what goes into our mouth that defiles us, but what comes out of our mouth…

  • I try, but I can’t seem to avoid eating some junk every now and then, if not a little every day. I feel as though my habits are pretty good, but that’s mostly in comparison with the majority of the population. I buy Skinny Cow brand ice cream to eat when I’m craving ice cream and it’s a great substitute. The ice cream sandwiches don’t taste low fat and they’re made with skim milk and whey protein powder and very little additives/unnatural preservatives (and no aspartame). 

  • I noticed while I was away that my skinny friends eat less than I do. I know I eat too much, and too much of the junk food so I am slowly changing that. I didn’t quite realise how much I was eating until I went on holidays with them so that was good at least :)

  • i find it a challenge to eat what i know would serve me the best and limit those things that are generally consumed for emotional gratification since i have found that if i am overeating, it is usually for emotional gratification, not actual hunger. i have also observed that the food industry is in the business to turn a profit, not to see that we are properly nourished (that is our job) and they will certainly do whatever is necessary to instill desire in us to consume their products and keep that profit margin high. one of their favorite tricks is to make it so easy to opt for them, but they will also play on our emotions to get us to buy that stuff. the cost of all that advertising is also borne by the consumer, so eating healthy can actually be quite cost effective, especially when you factor in the likely reduction in our health problems later in life. soft drinks have not been in my diet for years–herbal teas and a cup of decaf now and then is pretty much the only other stuff i drink besides water. i have saved a crap-ton of cash over the years since most places you go, they give you water for free. it seems to me that food works the same way: food money lasts a lot longer when purchasing basic quality cuts of meat, real fruit & veggies instead of pre-prepared meals loaded with fat and salt that often come in such meager portions that there will certainly be more snacking going on before bedtime, though i must admit that snacks can be the biggest challenge of all…

  • I eat out so its hard to eat healthy

  • My diet is not nearly as healthy as it should be, but I am hoping to change that, at least somewhat.

  • The key word is habits.  People go on diets.  I changed the way I eat, and its not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change.  I tried incorporating the cheat day once a week in moderation, but my stomach was not agreeing with me on the whole grease in the belly once I changed what I eat.

  • I find that exercise is more important than diet to maintain a reasonabe weight, an also has more benefits. It’s also considerably less boring.

  • Most of the time, I eat healthy. I feel great, look much better than I did and have so much energy. I also have a brownie, or a slice of pizza, when I want to. When you actively deprive yourself, all you’re going to do is crave it.

  • I eat healthy for the most part, I just need to work on my salt intake.

  • I do. I’m a vegan, so unhealthy isn’t an option. But I do get oreos! Probably the only chocolatey thing on the vegan list. 

  • for the most part I eat healthily, with the once in a while garbage thrown in.

  • I probably eat healthier than every single person in these comments.

  • @WorldWideWatchman -  Same here. I mean I tried until I found out what I was eating was still going to give me cancer so I gave up. 

  • It helps a lot to find out the calorie content of foods. try http://www.myfitnesspal.com It really works! I lost around 15lbs with just that site!

  • I eat when I am hungry and I don’t eat when I am not. I stop eating when I feel full. My diet could be more healthy but I am not worried about it.

  • Actually, I do!! I’m eating much healthier lately AND I have finally faced that demon, portion control…. Most of the time the demon is winning.

  • @Janeismyname12 - gotta love that app!!

  • I wish I did. Lately, I’ve been in the habit of eating Granny Smith Apples. I probably should load up on meal replacement shakes or something. Maybe a fruit and veggie diet and kiss coffee goodbye…? 


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  • No. This morning I took OxyElite with a Redbull. Then 10 hours later I’ll most likely eat some type of junk food in the house.

  • I go to MacDonalds and order the meal with a salad instead of fries.Unfortunately the unlimited refill of the soda is a tempting option.

    I would recommend not doing over an hour session of xanga and going out to exercise….but that too is a tempting option.

    I would highly not recommend to folks to go too long and too often not eating. If you feel hungry it is often too late and some body damage is done (the body will eat its own muscles).

  • I wouldn’t say “healthy” is the right word for how I eat, but I do eat less than most people.  I TYPICALLY eat 2 meals a day with 2 snacks…  but I’m forcing myself to eat breakfast these days, what with being pregnant and all.

  • I’m always hungry, so I always eat. I’m almost 30, so I’m starting to pay more attention to my diet.

  • I always seem to have an insatiable appetite. The only time it went away was when I was severely depressed and on a heavy dosage of antidepressants. At that time, I thought it was odd that I could eat half the amount I normally ate and not feel hungry at all. Hunger is one of those bodily functions that is very hard to control, like shivering or gasping for air when you’re underwater for too long. I think I can understand when someone is overweight or too skinny. 

  • I eat healthy when the fine folks in the school cafeteria fix vegetarian food. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen very often.

  • I eat healthy food and health-neutral food.  I also eat a lot of food, and generally do not gain weight.  I had a condition a few years ago where I looked 7 months pregnant and hardly had room to eat, also had terrible heartburn at night from what little I did eat.  I went to a doctor after waiting a month to get in to see him, and he gave me close to nothing for my money, and thought I was simply fat.  Disgusted, I started a plan of using food as medicine with the intention of getting rid of that belly.  Let’s say it was a “cleanse”.  I lost 32 pounds.  I eat much more now and am very happy with my weight and shape, though I am not physically fit.

  • I’m much healthier than I was 6 months ago and it shows, I look better and fit into my clothes better, my skin glows a bit more, my hair is shinier, and best yet I have more energy. It’s such a balance though, especially doing shift work when your schedule is changing all the time. It takes time and commitment to ensure you pack proper lunches so you’re not eating out all the time. I feel like I can still make a lot more improvements though :) I’m maybe half-way there

  • I try. I’m not a fan of soda and chips but I love rice, sweet bread (yes, asian just checked in!) and have trouble cutting down on coffee. My alibi — I’m a nurse who needs to stay on top of her game 12 hours straight.


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