June 30, 2013

  • Gay Pride Parade

    There was a gay pride parade in our area today.

    Would you ever march in a gay pride parade?

Comments (61)

  • I’m straight as an arrow, but yes. It’s good to see the taboo of sexual expression (either homosexual or heterosexual) broken and it’s nice to see people openly express their sexuality (again, be it homosexual or heterosexual either one). My best friend from grad school is a lesbian woman. She’s been with her partner for like 8 years. They will be getting married in her home state (Washington) this summer. It makes me glad to know they will have federal protection. I’d do it for them or for anyone who is being denied equal protection under the law. 

  • March?  No.  But I did go to SF Pride.  

  • I would, absolutely! My cousin, whom I think the world of, is gay. I would be there by his side in superman underwear.

  • I stopped to watch the gay pride parade in NYC several years ago. Was the liveliest and most fun parade I’ve seen in NYC. 

  • I think they’re disgusting. Don’t gay people/supporters claim that they’re no different? So… why is the “pride parade” portraying gay people as a bunch of sex crazed lunatics who can literally march around naked in public–something that would get anyone else arrested for indecency– while simultaneously claiming that all they want is equality?It ISN’T what every gay person is like, and frankly it’s ridiculous.

  • @TheGuyYouD0ntKnow - You are absolutely right that it is not what every gay person is like. But like any festival, they do things a little different. Do people drink green beer normally, or is it just a saint patty’s day thing?

  • @TheGuyYouD0ntKnow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFTUn5TXPJM I think you should watch that. The whole thing, but if you’re not up for it, from about; 1:25 onwards. It talks about what pride means to us, maybe that’ll clear it up. It’s not disgusting, it’s beautiful. We get recognized. If the world would stop and acknowledge that we’re here then maybe it wouldn’t be so ‘out there’ but it is, because we love ourselves, we, despite everything are ‘proud’. I am so proud to be gay and I want the world to know that, because the world isn’t always proud of me. But pride in myself… they can’t take that away. 

  • March? No. Support? Yes.

  • I don’t really march in parades but if I was going to it would be one to support the end to discrimination. So yes.

  • I loathe marching in parades. Spectate and support though, absolutely.

  • That was today?  Would have loved to go people watching

  • @Ellelarien - If “celebrating who you are” involves publicly whipping someone wearing a dog collar, then frankly, I do not see why you view that as a good thing. Sorry.

  • @theotherside@datingish- Sooo… dressing up in dog collars and leather thongs and whipping each other in public while is “a little different”? “Lol”. 

  • @TheGuyYouD0ntKnow - Because we don’t just promote and celebrate being proud of who we are, we celebrate every single person that wants to express themselves in whatever way the so choose. Just because your preference isn’t a male and to walk around in leather thongs, doesn’t mean that doesn’t liberate someone else and it’s the one week they are able to do so. Don’t fear different, fear what keeps you from being different. 

  • No… I wouldn’t… I also wouldn’t be part of martigras or rio carnival.Love is love but sexuality is personal in my opinion and. yes it’s great and we are sexual beings but we are also more then that.  I wanna set an example for my kids that sex is healthy and beautiful but it really isn’t the only thing that this world has to offer.

  • Yes I would, in fact, I have.

  • No, but mostly because it’s not part of my life and I’m not a big fan of parades. I’ve never had a gay friend and no one in my family is gay. 

  • The Byzantine Emperor Justinian once had 3 homosexual bishops castrated and paraded through the streets of Constantinople so it was more of a coming-off rather than an coming out parade

  • I don’t have a problem with homosexuality but “gay pride” doesn’t make sense to me. You take pride in achievements. How is being gay a major accomplishment?

  • no because i’m not gay

  • I don’t march.  I don’t even attend parades.

  • No, because I know Homosexuality is a sin.  I likewise know that pride is a sin.  I also know that lying is a sin.  And I also know for a fact that murder is a sin.  So is cheating on your wife…. even if you look but don’t touch. And …. and… and… so the story goes, but I also have it on good authority that when we go around calling that which is evil “good” and that which is good as “evil”, it generally brings about the Judgment of God.”What does the Bible say is Evil (Part one: the Old Testament)“”What does the Bible say is Evil (Part two: The New Testament)“”Judgment comes, Part 5: When Evil and Good are reversed.“I’m sure I’ll be hated for my comment… bothers me not.  My point is simply this…. when we make OURSELVES the standard of right and wrong… that is a slap in the face of a Holy God. When the creature spits in the face of it’s creator… judgment (Re: punishment) is sure to follow.

  • Not until I wore matching baggy underpants and string vest. One must dress well to disguise one’s beer belly.

  • @Ellelarien - Fact is, gay pride parades are portraying homosexuality as sexual deviancy. Which is, ironically, what people against it have been saying for centuries. Not only that, but equality is not doing something that would get everyone else arrested. That is all I have to say.

  • I’ve never marched in the parade but I’ve been to a few.. they’re so much fun and easily the friendliest most uplifting group of people around. Plus, the fashion statements are fantastic!! 

  • I only march in the allergy-pride parade.

  • I haven’t yet but I did go to see the traveling Gay Aids quilt in Ft.Worth years ago and it was very emotional.It wasn’t just for gays but everyone with aids.

  • Why is sticking a man’s blood gorged ganglion into the fecally encrusted anus of another man for purposes of sexual pleasure, something to be prideful about?That sort of pride is even more useless than taking pride over passing a urine test.

  • yeah I would, why not.

  • Well i’m probably going to the one in my area in October actually.

  • Meh, seems like too much walking.

  • No way, there’s nothing to be proud about being a homosexual.  If you are, you should be on your knees asking God to help you not parading it around in public.

  • the parade is fine…and gay is fine and straight is fine…

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  • Typical. The religitards are out in full force. THIS is why I consider religion a mental illness. THIS is why religion/religious people need to be completely wiped off the face of the earth. Religion is all about controlling the masses, as we very clearly see. 

  • @secretbeerreporter - Interesting view you have…. considering I once was an atheist, I’d have to say my perspective on that is pretty unique and not at all the “brain dead masses” you seem to implicate by your broad generalities.   To be honest, the closer we look into the complexity of cellular design (and I have… I have friends who are micro-boilogists… what I’ve seen is stunning) the more is screams that a creator designed it because of it’s harmony and precision.  Since everything tends towards chaos… this one point of fact (that every cell is a complex self-perpetuating machine… something mankind has never been able to reproduce) speaks volumes to the fact that there was a hand behind it’s design.”Human reason: What God has to say to the Modern Atheist.“My personal story in a nutshell is: 4 years as an atheist, 9 years as a moralist (reviewing ALL of the world’s religions) and now 21 years as a Christian.  (Yes, I’m pretty old….)  Coming to “see the Light” wasn’t an easy step for me… but unlike most, I can honestly say that I did my homework before I jumped the Atheistic / Moralistic shipwreck and embraced the only real life-savor worth grabbing.

  • @JulieMillerFan - Quite frankly the organization of a modern cell doesn’t prove anything other than show for the end result of 3 billion years of evolution. Even so, there’s nothing amazing about it. It’s just a bunch of chemical reactions. There’s nothing amazing about cells or life in general (in fact life is pretty crappy as a whole). You and me are nothing but a bunch of chemical reactions happening simultaneously all at once. Nothing special about either of us. Further, scientists have been able to, in controlled situations, create life from non-life so it CAN happen under the right circumstances. I’m surprised your friends are even taken seriously. When I worked in academia I would not endorse students who rejected evolution. I just could not in good conscience do it. I would not recommend them for admission or write them letters of academic recommendation (regardless of academic performance) because to say one believes in science yet rejects evolution is academic dishonesty in my eyes. I grew up in a very religious household and became an atheist at age 10 and have been unwavering in that. I’m sorry, but your evangelizing has no effect on me other than to laugh it off. I find the Jesus story quite hilarious and it kills me how seemingly otherwise intelligent people would believe in that, which is why I don’t necessarily view it as a lack of intelligence, but more as a mental illness. There are very smart mentally ill people, so those two aren’t mutually exclusive. That the Jesus story (or any other religious myth) is pure fiction is obvious to any non-mentally ill person with more than a 3rd grade education. 

  • @JulieMillerFan - The complexity of cellular design can indeed be a beautiful thing, but our continued understanding of the topic does not seem to require a divine explanation (and the intellectual design movement is just pseudo-science). (But, that said, science and religious views can exist peaceably side-by-side.)

  • @secretbeerreporter - Wow. Are you ever misguided. Just the fact of three billion years is amazing to me. The fact that life has evolved and continues to evolve is amazing to me! That mankind has developed unique skill sets when compared to the rest of the animal kingdom is amazing to me. The fact that a man who lived and died 2000 years ago entered into your thinking is amazing to me. By no medical standard am I mentally ill. As a man of science you might want to work on your definitions and diagnosis of mentally illnesses. Lastly, in all faiths, the myths are often based in real events, though I will admit the stories that are handed down are embellished and adorned with exaggeration and misinterpretation.There seems to be a deep psychological need for humans to believe in some ethereal state of being, some outside more powerful cosmic force which guides or governs the universe and all within. That force can be clearly defined and understood with physics and chemistry, using mathematics and thought experiments. It can be tested and outlined, recorded and transmitted. That some people label that force God, is merely a title a name. It doesn’t undo science, unless of course those individuals (or groups) overlook, ignore or deny the integral parts that make up the whole. One can believe in God and all the other forces of the universe. It is the misinterpretation and mislabeling of the forces that undoes us.Don’t sell the power of faith short. It is akin to some of the most influential psychological therapies employed today.

  • I believe more people are concern with what they want today than what God desires from them. Many people think that God does not care what mankind does and is not involved in our lives. What I know is that if a person really desires to please God, that if they are willing, God will remove desires from them that are not pleasing to Him. You cannot miss what you have no desire for. Being born-again really means, a change has taken place in you. I don’t believe God hate anybody. He just hates the sins that individuals do. Even though I do not like certain lifestyles, I do not hate the people that live these lifestyles. Individuals that have not developed a relationship with God through Jesus Christ; I just hope that one day they do. Fornication is a sin also. I’m not married. I respect the way God desires me to live and God has provided me the strength to live without committing fornication. I’ve been celibate for 5 years now and I’m an individual that would be classified as high nature, but I’m saving myself for the woman that God will bless me to get married to one day. If we desire to live in God’s will he will give us the strength to do so.

  • @secretbeerreporter - You do realize that you just told me that you can’t IMpartially judge a students actual work because you allow your own preconceived bias color your attitude towards that student, regardless of his performance.  Man are your ethics messed up.  Why is it that you’re not still teaching?  That admission of questionable ethics aside, (A) there are plenty of other biblical source material to prove at least that Jesus existed and was not a “story” or “Myth”.  But I’m not sure you’re stating your thoughts succinctly, so I’ll assume you only mean the part about him being God and the salvation of mankind.  That does take a hard look into the facts… for which I’ll spare you.  (B) The Von Neumann machine is my reference here.  Mankind has never been able to create a machine that thrives or survives on it’s own. (RE:one that self-repairs, self-replicates, self-sustains and self-perpetuates)   And yet in the very nature of cellular material we find Von Neumann’s Kinematic machine in grandeur and beauty…. and to say that this product of harmony and precision is the product of billions of years of wasted effort and chaos (Mutations generally do not breed true, consistently, and those that often do are not conducive to forward progress — RE: mongolodism, congenital heart defects, Cystic Fybrosis, hemophilia and any other countless other common mutations we see regularly today.  The actual mathematics here for two individuals to carry forward an entirely new NON-LETHAL mutation and repopulate the world is so astronomical that they have a name for it….. a mathematical improbability.) — is laughable.  Thus far, in all of mankind’s notable history, we have never seen the emergence of a single NEW evolutionary model… 4,000+ years (Chinese written history), 6,000+ years (Biblical dating) or even evolutionary 1,000,000+/- years… mankind has seen nothing new under the sun (just as scripture stated, might I add).  To claim “faith” in the evolutionary model is to boldly deny the very essence of science:  Hypothesis – Experiment – Analysis – Conclusion.Since when have any of us ever had BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of years (quoting Carl Sagan) to test the very hypothesis that Evolution rests on and form a conclusion from ANALYZABLE data?Evolutionary Theory is bankrupt.  It’s psuedo-science at best.  It plays with smoke and mirrors and offers no tangible evidence of it’s theoretical posturing. A bird is a cow is a fish is a boy… and yet there’s no way you can run it through ACTUAL Scientific method to prove the theory in any honest manner.   You call me mentally challenged for believing in a Creator (based on the evidence) and don’t even see that your very “THEORY” requires more “Faith” than mine to believe in…. that…. is quite humorous.

  • @JulieMillerFan - It would be even more unethical to endorse academic dishonesty. (If you could call it that as I don’t really believe in ethics; with the exception of reproduction which I do regard as unethical due to being an antinatalist I don’t think there’s any action that is ultimately unethical.) I have a zero tolerance for it. As for why I no longer work in academia, I hated the environment. A vast majority of college students don’t deserve to be in college and I had more than my fair share of idiots in my classes.  Over 90% of scientists are atheists. Of the ones who aren’t, very, very few of them believe in a personal god. Of that very few, even fewer reject evolution. The ones who do are the laughingstock of the scientific community and for good reason. In science, a theory is as good as it gets, which is why I find it humorous when lay people call it “just a theory.” That’s a bogus attack. A hypothesis only becomes a theory when there is an abundance of evidence supporting that hypothesis. So yes, please spare me your ignorance. As I said I’d hardly call a bunch of chemical reactions amazing, and quite frankly I’d hardly call our existence amazing (and, again, as an antinatalist I’d argue that our existence is actually a bad thing as it would have been better for you, me, and every other sentient creature on this planet to never have existed). In that light, in the off chance your “God” does exist he is a repulsive being. Your “God” is a narcissistic (that’s obvious because of how much he’s obsessed with how much his people worship, praise, and kiss his holy ass) homophobic (as you have demonstrated), megalomaniacal (again obvious as the Bible portrays him as extremely power-hungry) psychopath. 

  • @JulieMillerFan - PRAISE HIS NAME SISTER!! Great commanments. You sound like me. Thank you for making the comments. Bro. Doc

  • This comment will get me in great trouble. We should send all Homosexuals to The Gambia, where President Robert Mandove will tell, you, you have two choices leave or die. Bro. Doc

  • @BroDoc - I’m a guy.  I am also a Missionary in Taiwan and a trained apologeticist.  Most of my blogging has been in respect to Theology and defending the faith.  Nice to meet you.

  • @BroDoc - Wow.  Should you be put to death for your sins as well then?  Or are you claiming you have never sinned?  

  • @Melissa___Dawn - Melissa, I am going to say this. We all sin, but we repent of our sins and stop doing them. Scripture is very plain what happens to Homosexual. In Genesis we read that Sodom was destroyed for Homosexual sins. We find in Lev 18 that it tells us that men are not to lie with men as they do women and it says the same for women If they did it they were put too death. It tells us in Ro 1:25-28 what happens to those that are homosexuals.I didn’t make the rules the Father in Heaven did. And the President of Gambia, is following what the Scripture says, and you will find none of that there. Bro. Doc

  • @JulieMillerFan - Shalom Brother, I am the Apostle & Presiding General Overseer of a Religious Organization here in the States with Ministers Worldwide. and it is nice to meet you also. If Xanga closes I am already at this website http://www.blogster.com./brotherdocs Come look me up if you wish. Bro. Doc

  • @BroDoc - You’re sick.  So is your god for that matter.  And for the record, the president of Gambia isn’t Christian, he’s Muslim.  This is what the president of Gambia said in 2010:  [The ambassador] … suggested to President Jammeh that perception of him by outside observers could be attributed in large part to some of his more incendiary comments such as those related to … “cutting off homosexual’s [sic] heads”. The President responded, “Yes I did make those comments but did I actually cut off anyone’s head? Have I ever arrested anyone for being gay? No, but Senegal has arrested and imprisoned someone for being gay and they receive the [Millennium Challenge Corporation]…. There are gays here in The Gambia, I know that. But they live in secret and that is fine with me, as long as long as they go about their business in private we don’t mind. But if you are talking about marrying in this country, that will never happen. We will never accept gays.”Maybe you should join the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda since you want so much to spill the blood of homosexuals.  

  • @Melissa___Dawn - Well, the President don’t tell the truth much in that country. I know someone whom has lived there in that country 26 years and he will tell you a different sorry how, they round them up and boot them out of the country.They live in secret. If they tried to act like they do here there, they would be in big trouble. The Almighty probably did a lot of things you would not agree with, but He did it too get the people to pay attention. And two wrongs do not make a right. And if it was wrong them it is still wrong today. Bro. Doc

  • @BroDoc - So you’re supporting a liar in the name of your god because you want to kill all homosexuals.  Again, you’re sick. 

  • I wouldn’t participate in a gay pride parade or a straight pride parade.  My sexuality and my body are not public domain–Not because I’m ashamed of them, but that’s private.  I don’t want to see people of any gender acting out a public orgy and I sure don’t think it’s something worth having a parade about.  I don’t want people to look at me and primarily see my sexuality nor do I want to see other people through that filter.  I would like to know a lot less about other people’s sexual preferences / fetishes / experiences than what society pushes at us.

  • Gay Pride Event Turns Violent, Christian Protestor Attacked   http://youtu.be/fVCW6h4LzCE

  • Not only no, but HELL, NO!

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