July 1, 2013
$40,000 By July 3rd
Xanga is at $31,902 to save xanga. I want to put out a challenge. I want us to hit $40,000 by the end of July 3rd.
Here is the link: LinkWe can do this. It would only take 27 people donating $300 each.Give $48. Give $300. Give $1000 or give $5000.Every bit helps.Now lets do this. Lets get $40,000 by July 3rd.Here is the link: LinkRecommend this post.Do you think we can do it?
Comments (58)
I believe we can. I’d also suggest that anybody who didn’t hear the show @roadlesstaken did with John today listen. It was inspiring.
I don’t think it can happen, and even if I was in a financial position to donate I wouldn’t. I don’t support the new Xanga model. I would rather Xanga die than move over to the system they’re proposing. It’ll only be a matter of time before it does anyway. Why would someone pay $48/year just to host a blog? There are much better things one can do with that money and many free blogging sites.
Yes, we can indeed.
Honestly, I’m a bit disappointed. Xanga could have (and arguably should have) made changes long ago, and realized the upcoming crisis awhile back. While I do love Xanga, I’m wondering whether now is the time to let it go.
In the words of Larry the Cable Guy… Git-R-DONE!
I am in a position to give, but in NO WAY IN HECK is that happening. Think about the most popular websites/apps/etc. people use. Facebook. LinkedIn. Twitter. Flickr. Imgur. Most if not all of them are based on a free service, some of which you can “amp up” with paid upgrades. Pay-to-blog will NEVER work. Blogging is on the decline as it is; this is an insane, last-ditch attempt to save xanga that is yanking on the heartstrings of the old-time faithful xangans to “save xanga.”THIS WILL NOT WORK. PAID SITES (like this) ARE NEVER SUSTAINABLE. No one new will be attracted to a pay-to-blog platform, and those who do switch will sooner than later lose the “We are xanga! Rah rah rah!” hype and wonder why they are paying for something they can get pretty similarly elsewhere for free. Just stop. Let it go. Xanga was great while it lasted but its time (like myspace!) has come. Let’s use the 60k to dig a well in Africa and feel great that we actually made a difference in lots of peoples’ lives instead of helping to limp along a dying brand.
Even if Xanga can survive this, I can’t afford to pay $48 a year. I’m not going to donate when I know for a fact on July 15, regardless of the outcome, I will no longer be blogging here. It pains me so much to say it, but… it’s already gone.I’m just going to enjoy my last 15 days, and then it will all be over. The saddest part is, that it really is going to hurt me to say goodbye to this place. I pretty much grew up here. But everything has a lifespan. Xanga’s time is up. =[xX Ame ~*~ Hana Xx
If we reach $40,000 by July 3rd, will you show us your boobs, Dan?
Based on my talk with John from The Xanga Team tonight, I feel more optimistic. Still got a ways to go, of course, but now I feel it’s more of a difficult 3-point shot than a Hail Mary full court shot.
You guys do realize you’re raising $60,000 for the dubious privilege of blogging for $48 a year?
After listening To Alex and John tonight I literally just went Premium…along with my BF…the community out here just cannot be found on other sites. And I agree…the people I know out here are also worth the price of admission. Zxx
After listening to @Roadlesstaken interview John tonight, I am convinced the goal will be met and am very optimistic about the future of xanga.
Can do! Just added $240 an hour ago.
Nothing like a little camaraderie to push things forward.
Rock on, Brother!
I don’t want to be that person, but I will be. If you guys are so willing to spend $48 a year or donate whatever you can to keep Xanga up can’t you spare a few dollars to help children? I love Xanga, always have and always will, but Camp Kesem is a non profit week long camp for children whose parents have or have had cancer. They just need a week to be a kid and escape the troubles that plague their homes. I understand that you might think that this is a plot to just get money, but it’s real. I was a counselor last year and my friend is a counselor this year. Please help her to raise the rest of the money in order to make camp happen this year. http://www.kintera.org/i.asp?id=1036349-386003743
@sarahellie - Bloggers aren’t the most altruistic bunch.
@edlives - dude i love watching you and dan go nuts for a worthless cause. even if it is saved you will lose like 98% of the community if its saved im not paying $48 a year. Blogging should be free oh wait it is! see ya all on Tumblr!
I love seeing just how invested some people are in this. I’m glad the community still has hope
@DreamAnotherDreamTomorrow - It’s a little asinine, and more than a little condescending to presume that people donating to the xanga fundraiser means they aren’t already supporting one or more charities. Just saying
Dan, how about a side wager?I’ll bet you $50 it doesn’t get above $36k.
I do
I wish you the best in this Dan. At $48 a year, it would only require 1250 subscribers to reach the goal, and it appears that many have given more than $48, devoting a lot of time and effort. (Kudos to ALL of you who have!) So, how many people have actually bought paid subscriptions for a year to keep it going? It would appear less than 600. It would seem that if a paid membership is what it will take to keep going, the chances of surviving increase with more members at a lower figure, say like a dollar a month. It would increase traffic, which as you have cited in the past, is an issue.The LIFE membership issues continue to remain unanswered, and these are from people who already have invested in Xanga, so it would appear, at least to me, that previous investors are being ignored, like we should not ask. I know from messages and emails I have received from other life members, they feel as if Xanga has flipped them off. Again, best of luck, I really hope you guys meet your goal considering all the hard work you have put into this!John
@Jeremy_Sheer - I don’t normally recommend comments, but you echo my sentiments exactly. Well said.
Why not do a boobs for xanga campaign, boobs sell, would bring a lot of traffic for donations.
yes, I think we can!
@npr32486 - If you have to wonder, then yes, it’s time for a brand as valueless as Xanga to die.
I actually think xanga will make it.
@edlives - @thetheologianscafe Huh……theres still no way your going to raise $7,000 in 32 hours……I would quit while your ahead…..even if by some miracle you save xanga its changed forever and no one is going to pay $48 a year unless there anitsocial and horribly alone
We can do it! StillFrom mexico
I hope xanga makes the 3/4 mark which is about $40k by fourth of July. If it doesn’t that means the tough like myself will have to get going. I have already pledged two sundays ago about $98 and I will donate more if we don’t make that goal.”When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
I think Xanga ought to call it quits… they haven’t got what it takes
so what happens when you don’t reach your goal. going to give back the money.
I would be curious to know the numbers. How many members are there actually on Xanga? And of those, how many are active, not some inactive account from several years ago? What are the demographics? How many “life” members are there, and how many “paid” members are there? An update as to where we are at tomorrow may help others get off the fence and chip in…
i paid $150 a few years ago for lifetime and now, should xanga survive, they want me to pay $48/year? i refuse to pay again for xanga’s poor management. i say adios.
my apologies… lifetime was $100.00 NOT $150.00.
I’m sure it can be done
If Xanga extraordinary effort from a small pool of users to donate $100, $200, $300 then it doesn’t have what it takes for a sustainable website. Sure, we can strain and struggle to fund their servers and to pay their developers now, but what about on 6 months, 1 year, 2 years down the road? We can’t keep doing this shit.For a company, $60,000 is a very small sum of money. It’s less than what a competent programmer is paid in one year, and whatever left will be burned up with server maintenance/fees.
only need $5,420 by the end of today to make this goal.
Yeah, good luck with that.
@WrappedinWishes2 - how about that $40 grand?
@jennylovve - um….nope
@SweetiePieXtreme88 - nope
@The44thHour - and nope
For you dan, today I gave up some T. If xanga raises 45k, I’ll show some A.For you Dan. I’ll do it all for you.
is xanga closing?!?!?!
I won’t be around here much longer. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Kind thanks for the many laughs and head shaking over the years.
Some have no faith in the “hail Mary” pass that hits the running back perfectly as the clock ticks zero and the final whistle blows. Maybe xanga can be saved. Maybe it should be saved. The nay-sayers can join the horses in the barn, say “howdy, neigh-neigh-neigh-borgh…” like horses do when they say neigh to the hay. I can’t afford to give anything. My budget is just too tight. I want to see this come through ’cause I believe in miracles, though. If it doesn’t, well, my plan Bs are in place. Let’s just hope we don’t have to go there.
I hope xanga can come back strong.
Dear Dan,As I see this is your latest entry and it’s dated July 1st, nearly three weeks ago, I am wondering if you’d died. If not, I wish you the best on FB, Xangaforever, WordPress, The Dan Channel, or wherever you are now.If so, I shall immediately post the memorial tribute I prepared for you. (I studied journalism. I prewrite all my obits.)Michael F. Nyiri, poet, philosopher, fool
Looks more professional and exceptional that i was expected.Thank you very much for your wonderful post….
Kind RegardsRodrico Compas
No post since July 1st? Normally you update daily. Did you get hit by a car and die?
Im saddened you have not posted in a long while. I’d add you on Facebook but Facebook for me is not a blog. I seldom write the way I do in facebook the way I do on Xanga. I guess I could add you if I’m desperate enough.
@milky_vampyre - you crack me up
@hysterical_paranoia – It was a legitimate question. I was hoping someone in his family would read and reply. Maybe a “How did you know?”, or “Yes, he didーseveral days after you commented”, or perhaps, “Oh him? He was never real, just a joke”.
?? I wonder about you,Dan.
So uh, now that I’m checking my Xanga in August, I have to ask… did you ever end up raising that 40,000?