August 28, 2006

  • God

    I have read in my comment box a statement several times.  I also hear this from time to time in daily discussions.  A person will say “We all serve the same God anyway.”  They are basically saying that it doesn’t matter if you are Christian or Muslim, you are serving the same God.

    Are we all serving the same God?  


Comments (304)

  • I don’t believe so-everyone’s “God” has so many different characteristics I find it hard to believe they’d all be the same.

  • no; god is god; no one else is

  • nah, he’s serving us.

  • I think we are. I think we just have different names and different interpretations. The saying goes, “The paths are many, the truth is one.” I think we screw up the message to our own slant. JMHO.

  • NO

    Although, historically speaking, the Jewish/Christian/REAL God and the Islamic God are the same… Religious traditions have changed…

  • Yes, regardless of traditions, I still think he/she/it is the same God.

  • I do not think they are all thought of as the same god,I serve whom I believe to be the Only living God. 

  • Yep. And he finds the whole Christian/Muslim/Buddha/Wookie/Force/Vishnu thing hilarious!

    We don’t “serve” God anyway, he served us up. Stuck us here and said “GO!” That’s it. End of story. Dance your folly till youre worm food.

  • As a follower of Jesus, I don’t serve the same God as Muslims.

  • No! and i don’t think the jewish/christian God is the same as the islamic god.

  • We all have different gods.    I have a good, loving, caring god.   He may want me to show non-believers the way.   I don’t do that though.

    My God doesn’t think I need to kill all infidels who do not believe in his way.    That god is fucking asshole, and his followers were made in his image, because they’re assholes too.

    Yes, this is one of the few times you’ll hear me cuss.

  • of course i guess it would depend on what you define as a god! to some people money is there god, to others sex is there god and the list goes on.

  • i guess it’s the concept of God that’s the same.

  • how about the buddist and taoist?

  • No, we aren’t all serving the same God. Definately not

  • No

  • No, Muslims serve a different God than Christians. I believe that Jesus Christ is God, Muslims do not. That is the main difference.

  • as a servant of christ, i can’t say i serve a muslim god

  • Yes, we just call Him by different names and he appears different ways.

  • Even a cursory reading of the Bible / Qur’an / etc makes “no” the obvious answer.

  • No, God doesn’t have multipal personality disorder, and these different Gods most certainly have different personalities.

  • That depends on your religion.

  • No. i hate it when people say that. there is only true God and only one way to reach Him. salvation through the blood of Christ

  • of course, its just that people have changed religions into their benefit so they become ‘different’ and
    the whole ‘mine is better than yours’ mess

  • there is only ONE God

  • i dont know much about many other religions but god is defined (according to as a supreme being according to some particular conception… so if that is the case… as i have always also believed to be so… as long as the religion is one that worships a higher power… then yes… (because as far as my knowledge goes there are those that worship ordinary men)… and it is true that there are different interpretations of how to act in his presence… but if you figure… this god character created the world many many years ago… i mean we dont see him walking around nowadays… and all we have to follow in his regards is books written by men an incredible amount of time ago… words can change… meanings can change… people interpret these things very differently… not to mention translations… so it is possible that they all started in the same place… but you also have to figure that this god and his “ultimate plan” may be for us to all be different anyway… so if you think that god is the ultimate power… why wouldnt he have the ability to make… or want… everyone to be different… or worship him in different ways… (its not like he wants all of to be nuns) …if its believed that there is only one god… why would it even be a question if other people are worshipping the same one… i guess thats for the christians out there… but i really only know about christianity… i just find it a little weird that they wouldnt be worshipping the same god in a different form if this god we believe to be above us… would only exist… to us
    im bad at words… but hopefully i got my point across…

  • no two people serve the same God.

  • no. how can we all be serving the same God when what each “god” says directly contradicts the other? the simple answer is : we cant. God is all-knowing and perfect. he woyuldnt contradict himself.

  • I don’t believe in God, but I would think there really is only one people serve in the end. There are just many different perceptions of it.

  • Well, Jesus is the only way to God, so if they don’t believe that Jesus is the Messiah and Savior of their sins, it doesn’t matter which God/god they worship, because they won’t be meeting Him without faith in Jesus Christ.

  • No. Allah has no son, and never will, and never can, according to Islamic belief. Thus, Allah is not the same as the Christian God.

  • YES YES YES!!!

    Sorry to shout, as the Krishnas say, “God is too big for just one religion”.

  • Yes, we all serve the same God. The difference isn’t in the god people worship…it’s in the organized religion that feeds their followers rules, regulations, theories, and interpretations…usually geared towards whatever politics they want to achieve.

    The Koran, the Torah, and the Bible all have the same stories in it. Yes, I have read all three. The problem is that people, through their own passionate faith, are narrowminded and refuse to look at things objectively. Ignorance breeds fear and hatred.

  • No we don’t serve the same God. The Muslims God and the Christians God have some very conflicting characteristics (as listed in the Koran (dang I hope I spelled it right) and Bible). If it was the same God it would be a bi-polar God. Which I don’t believe is the truth.

  • no, because my God would never want me to kill the “infidel.” 


  • yes, we all believe in the same God.

    Gosh, all these comments about how a follower of Christ cant serve a Muslim God.

    Do you even know what THE Muslim God is?

    the main difference between Islam and Christianity is just that we dont think Christ was son of God…same God…

  • the difference lies in What we beleive about God…but theres only one God…unless your Poly…forgot the word…

  • no, of course not…

  • Yes….and no….

  • No, we do not.  Our God as Christians, don’t belive that we should blow up infidels for not believing in him.  Allah does.  We all have the same concept of an all powerful omnipresent God, but they are most definitely not the same.

  • No. We are not.  Look at the different “holy writings”, and if you try to say it is the same God, he will be a very contradicting one.


  • I think it’s very likely that most God’s are the same, they just got lost in translation many many years ago.

  • All gods are one, and the “different” gods are simply different characteristics of his personality.

  • yes its the same god its said that the christian/muslim/jewish gos is the same
    so yes thoes religions are serving the same god
    we just choose to serve him diferantly thats all

  • Everyone has a different perception of God so I dont agree..even on paper it doesnt make sense…the Koran and the Bible are extremely different and I personally dont see how they can be linked as the “same God”

  • The Christian and Jewish God are the same. Christianity came from Judaism after all. But Allah and the Christian God are not the same. They are two completely different religions. Christianity was already founded and growing when Mohammad introduced Islam in the 600s. It was distinctly another faith and the people recognized it that way, even though they also regarded Moses and Jesus as prophets. Their “Bible” (Koran) and teachings are in no way the same though.

  • all religions are essentially the same the only thing that is important is that you have some doctrine of faith. so if you believe it’s all one god then do so or just keep pluggin along and think otherwise, good day!!

  • No we are NOT serving the same God………………. and from my convicts i believe(not be be all haugty and act like im better than any1 cuz im not) my God is the only true God, and the other religions (not to offend them but) serve un existing gods, or in other words (and i know this is going to get me killed for saying this) demons………… but those are my convictions………….

  • the difference lies in What we beleive about God…but theres only one God…unless your Poly…forgot the word…
    Posted 8/28/2006 at 1:15 PM by swanhalkxgirl
      I think polytheistic is the word you’re looking for.

  • it doesnt matter, the way Allah and Yahweh are even mixed and separate in ways most ppl dont even understand. almost all cristians know the muslim god is named Allah but dont even know the cristian gods real name. and yes i do beleive they are the same and seperate in the way there presented. but ppl are blind from that stupid shit we kall terrorism. Yahweh was a wrathfull god and a time smited people left and right. Allah is the same. and to the ignorant 9/11ers, Allah does not tell ppl to kill others. thats the country leaders, WAY DIFFERENT.


    and yes i am a cristian

  • yea

  • *Yahweh at a time was a wrathfull god and smited people left and right*

  • I can’t even serve dinner, so I don’t think that I should comment about God….  <3Rachel

  • NO….and not everyone is “serving a god”

  • Christians worship Jesus, Jews Worship Jesus’s father, and muslims worship Allah.

    Christians believe in the Trinity which is Basically Jesus, God, and the holy spirit are 1. Jews and Christian worship the same God

  • A rose by any other name…..

  • Jesus is the way, the truth and the life…no shall come to the Father but by him!. And no we don’t serve the same God..which by the way there is only one God…

  • I’m not serving any God… if I am than he/she must not be asking too much.

    To me, religion is having faith where there is nothing to have faith in. All the thousands of millions of people put faith in something in hopes of a better life.

    So in a way we are serving the same God and that is no God.

    (Sorry that was my atheist/agnostic rant of the day)

  • there is only one god
    and he does have many names

    but i know my god would never make me do things that their “god” says to…

  • umm no….you morons…there is only one god….muslims are worshipping stupid stones..buddists worship nature…only christians worship god…there are no other gods
    God is not a pyramid and you can just walk up any way and get to the top
    He is one ramp and you gotta go that way if you are getting anywhere

  • God was made in man’s image because God is a creation of man. So all Gods appear different because all cultures are different but it is the same being…

    …that trails off to the point I made previously.

  • “To me, religion is having faith where there is nothing to have faith in.” – ZeitgeistHysteria

    Umm…that just shows your are rather narrow minded.

  • Look I’m not sure if it actually says this in any official religious documents but my very very muslim aunt was telling me that her god says that it is okay by him to be muslim, christian, or jewish because they are, as we would say it ’people of the book’.
    Buddhists and Hindus, though, were just silly. Haha no offense to anyone, that’s just what she believes.

  • “umm no….you morons…there is only one god….muslims are worshipping stupid stones..buddists worship nature…only christians worship god…there are no other gods
    God is not a pyramid and you can just walk up any way and get to the top
    He is one ramp and you gotta go that way if you are getting anywhere”

    by  icedaderholdt

    If that wasn’t the most ignorant and hypocritical one-sided thing I’ve ever read then let your non-stupid stone God smite me right here for worshipping nature and tra-la-la-ing around the pyramid.
    No one has any right to call anyone’s religion stupid. They can deny they believe it in. They can say it’s not their way. You cannot say it is not any less true or any less stupid than what you believe because NO ONE KNOWS and where they to be saying the same things about your “God” then you’d be all up and arms calling them all sorts of things I don’t think your God would approve of… SO QUIT BEING A FRIGGIN’ HYPOCRITE!

  • No…

  • Anybody who thinks muslims and christians are serving the same God obviously likes to block out the news of what’s happening in the world, thousands of christians killed just because they converted from islam. Allah is just the arabic word for God, I dont believe muslims are truly following allah because I know him and I dont think he’d approve of religious genocide. Muslims are following Mohammed and what he said ABOUT allah, not allah himself. There is only one God, the problem is that there are alot of imitations and alot of people who act like they know what God wants just for their own gain.

  • Notice in my comment… I said “TO ME religion is… “
    I’m saying that’s what I believe… you are free to believe otherwise but you should use the golden rule and treat others the same way… if you are free to believe then so are they.

  • I tink so because no matter what the religoun the same sort of things are always emphasized like being kind and not murdering. So it’s the same morals I just belive that the way people praise is the only diffrence.

  • and wow, icedaderholdt that was one of the most offensive things i think i’ve ever read. other people take their religion just as seriously as you do and i can tell you for a fact that muslims do not worship ‘stupid stones’, but a god who is kind and merciful who is the reason that they are alive. i think it shows a massive amount of ignorance on your part to make these generalizations, which are obviously not true.

  • I think polytheistic is the word you’re looking for.

    Posted 8/28/2006 at 1:32 PM by crescendo_of_ambiguity

    hehe thanks that was what I was looking for
    hehe that or u dont beleive in God at all…thats just sad…I mean there’s plenty enough proof out there
    and if you worship the devil…then well…you have problems dude… (wow …I haven’t used that word in forever..)

  • Not on your life! And I mean that, literally!

  • Oh and for all you “allah is peaceful and loving and it’s just the terrorists messing it up” people, I qoute “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know.” Qur’an 8:60, that’s the true islam, and I keep hearing people say well the christian God is violent too, but here is the difference, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Jesus, Matthew 5:44.

  • Jesus didn’t think so. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.”

  • Well it would be nice if we were, but no we don’t.  My God’s doesn’t tell me it is OK to kill innocent people.

  • Christians worship Jesus, Jews Worship Jesus’s father, and muslims worship Allah.

    Christians believe in the Trinity which is Basically Jesus, God, and the holy spirit are 1. Jews and Christian worship the same God

    Posted 8/28/2006 at 1:48 PM by GuitarJC13

    lol love that user name GuitarJC13!!! awesome name!!! lol random….
    ne ways Allah simply means God in Arabic….
    the ppl who made that language up just thought they’d use a word thats capitalized and cant be put in plural form
    Jesus is mentioned in the Quran plenty enough too!!!
    so basicaly if you beleive in God, then ya its the same God
    If you beleive in something other than God or more than one gods…then no…its not the same

  • wow you all are stupid and ignorant to think that we all dont pray to the same god. we all just have different names for them and different ways of praying, and i also think that people tend to forget about the real reason of religion (which is to realize god) and just go off and bitch about the differences or are meticulous about how we pray to god.

  • We all serve the same God. We just have different ways of serving Him based on the perspectives we have been given.

    -Guru on the Hill

  • Well it would be nice if we were, but no we don’t.  My God’s doesn’t tell me it is OK to kill innocent people.
    Posted 8/28/2006 at 2:16 PM by BatesCityBabes

    I dont think any religion thinks its ok to kill innocent people
    thats just a mental disorder
    individual’s and their leaders mental problem
    not religion’s

  • Jesus, “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.” Matthew 5:11

    Mohammed, “And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter.” Quran 2:191

    Does anyone else notice a distinct difference?

  • “umm no….you morons…there is only one god….muslims are worshipping stupid stones..buddists worship nature…only christians worship god…there are no other gods …”by  icedaderholdt

    Sorry, but Christians aren’t the only ones who worship God (should be capitalized here). Jewish people also worship the the one true God.  Most of them (not all!) do not accept Jesus as Messiah, but they still worship God. 

    You should be careful about who you call a moron…………

  • “I dont think any religion thinks its ok to kill innocent people thats just a mental disorder individual’s and their leaders mental problem not religion’s”  
     by swanhalkxgirl
    Please read the Koran!

  • No.  Within the three largest monotheistic religions, the universe changes depending on which religion you go to.  God created the universe.  If anyone, even God, did different things under that exact same circumstances (that includes the exact same memory), they are not the same person.  Therefore, God is differnet in each religion.  If the Gods is different in any way, they are different, not the same.  Even within a religion, God changes by your interpretation.  An orthodox jew may only speak hebrew in prayer or never disobey sabbath or only eat kosher foods.  Someone who isn’t as orthodox might think God doesn’t care about what language you speak in, when you work, or what you eat short of other people.  Are those two Gods the same?  No.  Different people, especially those of different religions, serve seperate Gods.

  • Ha, no. Those people are seriously misinformed. My God doesn’t call me to force people to bow before him or die. He doesn’t ask me to strap myself to a bomb, die, and have it glorify him.

  • “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16

    “Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs in return is the garden of paradise: they fight in his cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on him in truth” Qur’an 9:111

    Anybody still think they’re the same God?

  • A very obvious and resounding no. God is a very specific entity and there are certain characteristics of the gods some people follow that don’t exist in or even contradict the characteristics of mine.


  • No.  If we were, he would be schiztophrenic.

  • “I dont think any religion thinks its ok to kill innocent people thats just a mental disorder individual’s and their leaders mental problem not religion’s”    by swanhalkxgirl   Please read the Koran!
    Posted 8/28/2006 at 2:23 PM by BatesCityBabes

    I do read the Quran! (more than once) I’m Muslim…and it doesn’t say anything like that.  you should read it ur self.

    and it warns against hurting innocent people.  infact it says that if war is ABSOLUTLY nessacary, your not even allowed to hurt a tree…just soilders…
    and it says not to use God’s name for violence or infront of anything like that (sadly…some people dont listen to that) most of the Quran tells stories of the prophets like Adam and Eve and Christ and Noah, and ppl like that.  then theres the parts that just say that God never leaves a person and never tests their faith with more than they can bear.  and stuff like that….

    cheesecakes!!! and coffee icecream!!!

    wow that was random…
    oh well

  • One more for good measure…

    Jesus “All who live by the sword will perish by the sword” Matthew 26:52

    Mohammed “Therefore, when ye meet the unbelievers in fight, smite at their necks; at length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly on them: thereafter is the time for either generosity or ransom, until the war lays down its burdens, but those who are slain in the name of Allah, he will neevr let their deeds be lost.” Quran 47:4

  • True that according to the Bible one must be saved through Jesus. However, contrary to what many preach, this does not mean everyone who is “saved” calls Jesus by that very same name. Rememeber John 3:16 says that God sent his son, “Jesus,” to save the world, and that anyone who simply believes in him will be saved.

    It does not say that we must call him “Jesus” in order to believe in him. even if it did that would defy logic because no one in his life time called him Jesus. His close family and friends called him Yeshua. In Greek it was changed to “Iesous.” in Hebrew it’s “Joshua” or “Hoshea,” and in Latin it’s “Jesu.”

    One must also remember that Mohammad  never even claimed to be the son of God, God or anything of that sort. He taught that such claimes are blaphamy, (Wich is essentially what got the sanhedren alighned against Jesus in the first place.) This same philosophy is taught in all the abrahamic religions.

    One could read the Koran right through and see that many of the same stories are in them. Only the people have arabic names instead of Greek and Hebrew names. Jesus was called Isa. In fact, the Bible itself gives many names to Christ – meaning many people very well might believe in the savior without believing his name is Jesus. Take Messianic Jews for example.

    He’s called the “Son of God” (Hebrews 4:14), the “Son of Man” (Luke 6:5), the “King of Kings” (Revelation 17:14), the “Savoir” (1 Timothy 4:10), the “High Priest” (Hebrews 4:14), the “Teacher” (John 3:2), the “Word” (John 1:1), the “Rabbi” (John 1:38), the “Master” (John 1:38), “Emmanuel” (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23), “Creator” (Isaiah 40:28; John 1:3; Colossians 1:16), “Adam” (1Corinthians 15:45), “Angel” (Genesis 48:16), “Counselor” (Isaiah 9:6), “Ensign” (Isaiah 11:10), “Fountain” (Zechariah 13:1), “Light” (John 8:12), “Morning Star” (Revelation 22:16), “Wisdom” (Proverbs 8:12), even “Melchizedek” (Hebrews 5:6).

    And these are just a few. Throughout the Old Testament, before he was given an earthly name, Christ was referred to by hundreds of different names. If Jesus’ name is so important, then by which name should we call him?


  • And another clarification, “Allah” doesnt tell terrorists to kill inncoent people. And for God’s sake people learn what “jihad” really means. it means “any action that you take in the name of god” SO if you people still dont understand the meaning it means that anytihng you do should be for god for instance “i eat in order to get strength to pray to god”—->thats jihad right there. and as for the kid who quoted the quran….enemy of god=devil idiot. Allah is the arabic meaning for god. Read the whole quran then just try to pick out any flaws rather then googling little portions of quran to make islam look bad; and another thing its OBVIOUS god doesnt approve of religious genocide and it isnt ONLY “muslims” that do this sort of action.. PEOPLE STOP BEING SO NARROW MINDED!!!! the reason why i put “muslims” in ” ” is because a true muslim would never discrimnate against a creation of god and it IS A PEACEFUL RELIGION!!!!!!!!! people tend to just look at what the media presents and just go off on that..again do research of the religion from different sources and you’l find that it is not a “innocent killing, terrorist religion”

  • you know a bunch of people are using the words “my God”

    possesive case…

    we dont own God, He owns us…

  •  SykoJonnyboy   stop googling quotes which you have no knowledge of the history behind it..pick up a quran read the WHOLE THING  with explanations so that you may understand it better

  • Nope. There’s only one true and perfect God, the rest are false gods and pagan idols, or in the case of scientologists, it’s not a god, but rather an alien galactic overlord named Xenu.

  • Sorry I was Fairly pissed and hit submit without using my spell check. If there are any questions feel free to drop me a line and I’ll explain my comments out!!!

  • Religion brings out the worst in people. I’m not a believer, so I’m not entitled to an opinion about this question. But I’d have to say I think yes. If there were a god.

  • i don’t believe in god at all. but if i did i would have to say yes in a sense. the main god (whichever that one is!) created all of the other gods to have friends, etc. and in that sense, even though not all gods are the same, all roads still lead to the same place.

  • For anyone who thought what Icedaderholdt’s comment was offensive and malinformed go to my site.

    Also go if you have any concept of religious freedom and/or social justice.

  • Oh and for all you “allah is peaceful and loving and it’s just the terrorists messing it up” people, I qoute “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know.” Qur’an 8:60, that’s the true islam, and I keep hearing people say well the christian God is violent too, but here is the difference, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Jesus, Matthew 5:44.
    Posted 8/28/2006 at 2:13 PM by SykoJonnyboy

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prayed for his most enemies to see the light…and they did!!!

    and I’m with the dude that said “enemy of God=devil!” lol well…the devil doesn’t affect God…but it affects (or effects?) mankind… and goodness… so ya… down with the devil!
    ~lol that sounds like some song or something….

  • Everyone quoting the Bible and the Koran to show how Islam condones violence and Christianity doesn’t — please explain to me about the Bible saying “Thou shalt not kill,” and then telling a bunch of stories (i.e. David & Goliath) about people killing someone and becoming heroes.

  • No….. I believe there is One God, but all people do not serve that God as their God…..

  • I think so, but I just think people are too arrogant and all individually assume they know how God is or his will.

  • lalala wow I’m so bored and have absolutly nothing to do…or nothing I feel like doing I’m leaving another comment!!!

    turkey sandwich…or sandwitch…?



  • “He is Allah, there is no god save He, the king, the holy, the PEACELOVING, the bestower of conviction, the guardian, the ever-prevalent, the supreme, the great abosolute. Far too exalted is Allah from what they associate (with Him)’-AL HASHR 59:23 this quote is for those who were brainwashed by  SykoJonnyboy quotes which did not tell the complete and true descrition of Allah (God) and since I believe that we all have the same god I refuse to insult anybody else’s religion.

  • No! God is God! God isn’t Buddah, Allah….or any other thing. God is simply God!!!


  • How can an athiest or agnostic, who’s god is himself, be serving the same god as those who believe in a devine being? How can a god who says Jesus is only a prophet be the same god who calls Jesus his son? How can a God who commands, “thou shalt not commit adultury” be the same god who says that whatever feels right for you, do it?

    God does not contradict himself.

  • YES YES YES! THIS IS COMMING FROM THE DAUGHTER OF A MUSLIM MAN! THEY BELIEVE IN THE SAME GOD CHRISTIANS AND JEWS DO!!!!THEY BELIEVE JESUS WAS A PROPHET EVEN! Bet you didn’t know that! I don’t believe in either religion, but I get pissed when people try to say it’s a different god.

  • yes, and he looks like a FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER!!! RAmen

  • no, our god is god…

    no immitations….

  • nope…if ur not worshiping that pocific god then ur not serving him..

  • That’s really hard to say because in many ways the belief systems are the same but in many ways they are different.  The way I like to see it is that we’re all (I’m using “all” loosely here because there are, without a doubt, a lot of people not included in it) moving toward the same general goal and that is to be good people.  I think if you’re a good person then that’s all that matters, worship whatever higher being you want.  Even if you’re wrong and you were a good person, what does it matter?

  • Nope. There are too many differences in religions and beliefs.

  • I’m ignorant on this one.

  • here’s a question. why is it so offensive for Christians to say that there is only one God and only one way to reach Him (which is faith in the salvation that Christ brought gave us when He died on the cross and rose from the grave) but it’s okay if everyone else offends the Christians by shooting them down and generalizing all religions? i just don’t get it. and if i remember from my history lessons, muslims rejected the Christian God and called the Christians polytheistic because they believed in the trinity.

  • i’m agreeing with malaika_09

  • In a way I believe so but this would have to come during a very long explanation which I do not currently have time to give.  I think that God can come to them in a different form but I also believe that people misunderstand their own religion.  Whatever I’m trying to say stems of that.  I’m still a little tied up in the words.

  • If you believe in a higher power, yeah. The thing most people are “serving”, though, is more of an idea of what that power is. And the idea can take on many different forms.

    If you’re talking about the Christian/Muslim/Jew kind of God, I don’t understand why people think there’s such a huge difference. They all go back to the same source and are all Abrahamic religions.

  • “yes, and he looks like a FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER!!! RAmen

    Posted 8/28/2006 at 3:07 PM by pirategirlpink

    That was just the comic relief I needed.

  • I kinda agree with the first commenter.
    And malaika_09 sums up what I think.
    “No, God doesn’t have multiple personality disorder. All those different gods most certainly have different personalities.”

  • i don’t think so

  • no. the Bible clearly states that there is one TRUE God.

  • if we all serve the same god, why are all of our perceptions of him so different? why does the god of the muslims tell some extremists that suicidal bombing attempts are righteous, or why should the god of christianity tell his people to turn their cheek instead? if we are simply misinterpreting this god to our own slants, then being God, shouldn’t he do something about it?

    no, I do not think that all gods are the same. for one, there are many gods, apparently, and that means that these gods are doubled up in one religion, while christianity adheres to monodeism.

  • no…different religions have different ideas of who God is. If they don’t believe that he is our one and only Savior….the one pathway to heaven….our creator and we will NEVER be as powerful as he is and that he sent his son as the attonment for our sins then they are not worshiping the TRUE god.

  • no

  • absolutely not

  • But are we serving HIM with our actions, or ourselves?

  • NO. Some of us serve THe ALmighty Buck and some pursue The Almighty Earthly Pleasures.

  • yes

  • Have you asked this question before?

  • Yes, the god of cheese!

  • i think so.

  • Perhaps… I’m not sure. We all have different concepts of our God.

  • No. Jesus is not the same person as a fat bald guy.

  • I have always believed that every God is the same God. Each culture and religion  just has different ways of worshiping.

  • Oh and this is to that girl above me…

    That fat bald guy is no better than your dead guy on a stick. So shut up.

  • That doesn’t make sense, since all major religions claim to believe in The One and Only True God, who was revealed to them by Himself. It makes no sense that same God would tell different groups of people that He is real in some situations and not in others if He was real in all places. That makes no sense at all. So somebody must be right, and somebody must be wrong, but not everybody can be right.
    Besides that everyone has different perspectives of what “God” is. To some He is a Supreme Deity, to others, themselves, for others a Grand Force that is neither good nor bad, for others objects and materialism, for some…and the list goes on and on. So God can’t be everything everyone says He is and still be the same God, since none of those things have anything in common.

  • Oh, and sorry, but the Fat Bald Guy died and that was the end of him, the only thing that remains are his teachings, with the “dead guy on the stick” whether it actually happened or not people believe Him to have risen from the dead, and his legacy is far greater than the Fat Bald Guy, because at least we have someone we believe to be alive to follow.

  • if there really is a only one God, then it’s possible that the Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God. of course they have different ways of worshipping him/her/it, because the different religions had different people write the holy books. 

  • if there really is only one God**

  • Oh Christ.

    The next question should be: Then how do you know your god is the right one?
    I had this exact discussion with my roommate’s girlfriend the other night. She couldn’t answer.

  • Not by a long shot. We have hundreds of different religions, (past, present, and future) and   only a small number of them agree on only one aspect that  may match with a belief shared by most Protestant Christian belief. Of the big three, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, It is easy to see the influence of a similar belief because one was created From the other as the other is not found upon the other two religions. Christianity’s first members, were Jews. Islam has little in common with the other two religions.

  • Well, being that any monotheistic religion believes in only one god, and considering that there are thousands (if not millions) of religious sects in the world, a person could serve one of any number of gods, in one of any number of ways – and that’s if you don’t count the polytheists. The whole idea of serving God depends, at the very least on:

    1. The existence of a god or gods.
    2. Belief in God(s).
    3. The actual act of “serving” said god(s), whatever that may include.

    Millions of religious people claim to serve a god(s) while clearly acting only in their own best interests, wrapping themselves in a veil of righteousness. Does simply praying or attending church qualify as serving God? If one person prays to the Christian God and another prays to the God of Aquafina bottled water, would that be considered the same? Why do some people think you have to make human or animal sacrifices while others think if you have to go to church at Christmas and Easter? Every religious person in the world has their own little set of chores that God wants them to do, but none of them really knows. Maybe he just wants all of us to sit in trees and knit sweaters all day to worship him, and that’s the only way to get into Heaven.

    The whole of idea of religion hinges on an “I’m right, you’re wrong” philosophy which is one of the primary reasons the not-as-intelligent-as-we-like-to-think species that is man has been so fond of killing his neighbors for the last few millenia. So in the literal sense, the answer is no – people “serve” millions of gods in billions of ways.

    But considering that the whole idea of religion revolves around the need for human beings to understand their existence and feel secure about the end of that existence (death), those who do “serve a god” or gods are each serving the same general idea of a father figure/afterlife and therefore serve the same general idea by first serving themselves. In that sense, the answer is yes.

  • No way.

  • I believe we are.

  • yes.  we all agree God created the universe. the one and only.  it’s just a difference in human interpretation.

  • no i dont think so cuz god iz bogus

  • My answer is: No, the Bible says there is only one true God.

  • Yes, particularly if you are talking about Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which all branched out of the same origins and therefore the same basic idea about God.

    And note, just because some people do horrible things in God’s name (terrorists, and Christians, yes Christians who propagated things like slavery, etc., and bombing/colonizing other countries because of some “divine right”), doesn’t mean that it is God who commands that. Some of you need to seperate the actua God from idiot fanatical persons/ideas here on Earth.

  • There is only one God, but we don’t all serve him. Some people serve different gods but not THE God who created the universe.

  • I serve Jesus, and no other “God” claimed to do what Jesus did for me, therefore I serve one God.  And other religions may believe in the same God, but if they don’t include Jesus in their beliefs, then technically they’re not serving Him because the Bible says they’re against Him (Sorry if that’s harsh but the Bible does say it).

    God Bless,


  • i go to a catholic school, and i know that many faiths DO have many common basic beliefs. Some people in certain religions just have a twisted idea of what god wants from them, but the point is, when you look at the actual text they study, they are taught to be good people. god is about doing good. you cant blame a whole religion for some people’s twisted ideas.

  • There is only one God.


  • I would certainly say so for Jews and Christians. I do not think so for Islam.

  • No, ours is the One True God, and well… their’s isn’t.


  • See, there’s a rather big difference between my “Religion” than any other out there.

    I believe that Jesus Christ Died on the cross and Rose from the dead to save me from my sins, which are many. That it is by grace are we saved through Faith, that not of ourselves it is a gift from God, not of works lest any man should boast.

  • Nope. Devout Muslims know that and claim we don’t, but they tell us we do.

  • No way Dan. no way.

  • Jesus is my God.

    Not Allah or any of the other ones. I don’t believe they exist.

  • Well, it is true that many of the major relgions ehere in the western world are sort of ewvolutions of each other.  Forexample, christianity, islam, and mormonism are all founded on Judaism.  First there was the old testament and the Jews.  Then God sent Jesus.  Then, b/c people weren’t listening to Jesus, he sent Muhammed (hence, Islam).  Then, years later, he supposedly sent John Smith (or whatever his name is) who started the Mormon faith.  When looked at their histories in this manner, they are all related. 

    Other religions like Hindu or Buddhism have a different concept of “god” altogether, so they’re a bit trickier.

  • I’ve never really taken the time to think on that.

    Traditionally, Christians, Muslims, and Jews worship the God from the same roots of religion. However, the Christian version of God I worship doesn’t seem to be the Jewish version, the Muslim version, or even the same version as some of my own fellow Christians.

    So no. We don’t all worship the same god.

  • I don’t know.

    And I wouldn’t use that expression unless everyone around me was Christian.

  • we should,  as far as I know there is only 1

  • No.
    The god of Islam is in a way just a portion of the trinity that is the god of the Bible.

    & then there’s all the different teachings…

  • god was a space alien and is  long gone. be a druid at least u can see a tree.

  • If your God tells you to annihilate people of other religions and blow up yourself and/or your kids in the process, I don’t think we’re serving the same God.  I mean, I hope not.  That could be a serious problem for me.

  • well the God of the muslim and the christians (as well as the jews) is, in fact, the same God….it is the belief in a messiah the differs.

  • …and just because we don’t all believe in the same God doesn’t mean that we are not in fact serving the same God. Let’s just assume for a second that a god seperate from all former deities was in fact the “one true god”. If you are acting in a positive manner are we not serving that God? be it with out acknowledgment? I don’t know I think i should just stop talking….well, typing.

  • unless you’ve actually read the Bible, Torah (i believe that’s right), AND Quran, then you can’t honestly think your opinion on this topic is right. that’s as close minded as you can get.

  • Yes….I think the same God created all of us.

  • Yes. It is like the blind men feeling the elephant. One thought he felt like a long trunk. One thought it was a think flappy ear, one a large stout leg, another a skinny tail, and yet another a large rotund belly. Yet all were feeling the same elephant.

  • The way we choose to “serve” God…is a whole different thing.

  • “THIN flappy ear”

  • I think we are. I think that everyone who has a religion, or at least is spiritual (like me, I don’t have a specified religion) is indeed worshipping the same being. In order to extablish “communities” or even “social ranks”, people just came up with orgnized religions to try and understand the being they are serving. Different religions may give ‘their God’ different characteristics than others, but I think it’s because none of us really know what God is like and what he wants from us. We rely solely on the written word of men to tell us about God.

  • Heck NO!!! God is different for everyone, even if you share the same religion with someone, you view god in different ways, and “god” effects everyone differently. I am offended by that statement.

  • NO we do not serve the same gods, some follow false gods made up of ideas that only benifit themselves.  Look at those who count money or sex as a god. Taking from others to make themselves feel better, but in the end with these falsehoods comes damnation because of lack of conviction.  Even if they do not feel this utter regret for what they do, their soul does.  The soul dies when it does not serve the God that is the true God. 

  • No, there isn’t a god in my opinion…. it’s just a man.

  • noooope. i’m buddhist.

  • Of course not. And if so, some of us aren’t doing a very good job of it.

  • Yes and no. Maybe up there in the heaven region there are a bunch of different gods, or maybe the one just takes different shapes.

    But, really, who knows for sure?

  • no…the way every religion describes their god is totally different && their beliefs in general are different. so im positive we dont serve the same god…acutally, the christian/jewish god is the real god, though if youre a jew, you probably believe jesus wasnt god’s son, which he was, && if you dont believe that, your going to hell. CHRISTIANITY is the true religion && the only religion w/ a true god.

  • God is an imaginary friend for grown ups.

  • ive read parts of the q’aran… allah seems to be some kind of war monger and hateful diety, not interested in loving his creation… sorry, but i highly doubt Jehovah and allah are both God, they dont have enoughin common…

  • Having spent many days/months/years (not all at once) in a basement on a bench with nothing to do but etch into the mold I am pretty sure that the God you may serve does not exist. Forget about what happened to me, think of the children in Sierra Leone (sp). What God would allow children’s hands and arms to be chopped off for some diamonds? And those diamonds we all prize are worthless should they let them all out. So what god do we speak of here? That God? The one who lets little girls be molested and allows their mother to sell them for crack? Nope, no god in that either. Free will? HA where was the free will of the child forced to give head to filthy men for their mothers drugs?


  • Sorry Dan, don’t mean to ignore you or the question…I just try and stay away from those type of questions (religion). I’ll wait for the next one.

  • I’m not sure the Old Testament and New Testament talk about the same God.  They sure do have different personalities.

  • No, you serve one of two beings, God or the Devil. If you don’t believe in the Devil or God, then you’ve already been converted to Satan’s side.

  • There is only One who took on human flesh and died in sinful man’s place. 

  • Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.  Like it or not, that is the way it is.  Deny it or not, that is the way it is.  Believe it or not, that is the way it is.   The old testament and the Koran is old history, God changed all that when he sent his ONLY son to earth to die for our sins.  That is the way it is period. 

  • i didn’t think so.. if we were serving the same god, we wouldn’t have different religions… and racist problems.. besides everyone has a different view of their god…

  • Does it really matter?

  • Yup. All the religions of the world point towards one God, who rules over us all…

  • No, we do not. The easy proof is that Christians believe Jesus IS God. Muslims and Jews do not believe that Jesus is God. End of story.

  • Most religions God or head God in polytheistic faiths share comman traits so yeah you religious folks are pretty mch worshipping the same God  

  • We do not all serve the same god. And I’m speaking from every last religion, not just christians, muslims, etc.. Not just people that talk about Jesus somewhere in their bible.

  • i think no one serves the same God. even within any one religion, i think everyone serves his/her own God. God is different to every single person, and yet He is the same and ever-unchanging. thats one of those things i can’t pretend to understand, and that is where faith steps in before logic. i guess one way to say it would be: God reveals Himself uniquely to each individual, and each indiviual in turn interprets Him in their own unique way. just my point of veiw though.

  • No. Because there is no God.

  • I had a talk about this with someone the other day…. I think some religions have the same God but the big picture is about being a good person and following your faith and not worrying about the small details that different denominations and religions fight over. Of course, that’s just me that thinks they’re small details, but it’s all a matter of opinion

  • I think we are. I think we just have different names and different interpretations. The saying goes, “The paths are many, the truth is one.” I think we screw up the message to our own slant. JMHO.
    Posted 8/28/2006 at 12:42 PM by RedHairedCelt
    Agree with that quote!

  • ever taken a religion class. theres ur an=swer

  • Well, the Bible does outline very specific ways to serve Him. Each of the faiths do as well. So either everybody is right, everybody is wrong, or some people are right or…some people are wrong.

  • God also said that he’s the only true God.  He’s jealous (he says that himself) in an imagery way.  If he’s that, he wouldn’t want people knowing him as different Gods , with most thinking they’re different.  He’d want them all names to be his.  So, considering that, the same God theory wouldn’t work.  For those who think he’s the same, I ask what you are baseing your view on other than speculation?  People who believe they aren’t the same have the Bible and other religious writings to base off of.

    If you base your claim on no evidence, who’s to say you’re right.  Hmmm….   ….epistimalogical!

  • I think Muslims, Jews, and Christians do serve the same God, but only through Jesus can anyone gain salvation, and that’s a Messianic Jew/Christian thing.

  • But then again,
    the God of the Bible
    and the Allah of the Q’ran (spelling…)
    seem to have almost nothing in common.

  • We all serve a higher power.  Even those of us who claim to not serve anyone, we serve ourselves.  To us, we are our higher power.  The characteristics may be different, the paths may be different and the “how to” manuals may be different, but I think that we are all striving toward the same end, just via different means. As human beings we crave spirituality, in many different forms.  I don’t think that all of our God’s are the same per se.  But I think that there is good in all of us.  Whether we choose to let the good part win out is a different matter all together, and has nothing to do with which God we choose to serve, or whether he/she is the same as anyone else’s God.

  • I think so. I mean really where is the difference between our gods? It’s basically the same thing. Someone we believe in and fallow. And I mean come on. As long as we believe in something who cares? We’re humans and we need something to beleive in. The most common thing is a god. So in a way they’re all the same.

  • When you say “God” a picture pops up in everbodies mind. Not the same picture. Not the same “Idea”. We definitely do not have the same Idea or the same Picture. God isn’t an Idea nor can a Picture portray. Therefore we do not serve the same God unless he is schizophrenic.

  • its a religon not a belief.

    believeing in God is different.

    its not that God has a multi-personality either…someone said in a comment.
    that has nothing to do with it.

    just everyone has their own ways to follow God.
    but knowing he is there is what matters the most.

  • It would satisfy alot of people’s if they could say we all serve the same god, but my God and their god(s) are very different. They’d like to be able to claim one god because then they could continue to live as they please, answering to no one. If they had to admit there is one God only, then they’d have to make a definite conscious choice, as opposed to a decision by lack of decision, and a pretense of being unaffected.

    And no…He doesn’t serve us, unless you are adopted by Him, and not everyone can qualify for that adoption; so for those who think it’s just His job to serve us…you have so missed it. Peace.

  • People who say they aren’t the same god are confused. First, if you do believe in god then just take Islam or Christianity as a different intrpretation. It started with  two different ideas on the same “God” and each went they’re seperate paths. This is not taking into consideration all of the folklore both religon subsumed into their “One true religion”

  • Most certainly not.

    A God by any other name is a different God.  If you called out the name “Joe” while looking at another person, how am I supposed to think it’s me your talking to?  It’s the same way with God.  If you aren’t talking to the almighty God and directing your heart towards him, you’re not talking to God.  Worship is the same.

    Sure, you can easily go and say “oh, he just goes by many different names”, but he only answers to his name.  And if you see him as a completely different being than he is, he’s not going to answer to whatever the heck you want to call him.

    The pope said we were, but for all that reading of religious books, he didn’t seem to know much about christianity, or any other religion it seems.  God is God.  Anything else is an imposter.  One day all will know this.

    I especially find it offending that someone would compare my God to Allah.  Muslims get mad when other people quote the Quran, but they’re gonna have to get used to it.  Especially in this world.  According to the Quran, Jihad is not extremism.  Jihad is said to be “the best method of earning (blessings) both spiritual and temporal.  If victory is won, there is enormous booty of a coutry, which cannot be equalled to any other source of income.  If there is defeat or death, there is everlasting paradise.” ~Surah 61:10-13

    It’s almost as if they treat it as a business!  I know not all Muslims do this, but according to their book, their religion calls for violence.  That is most certainly not my God.

  • Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all originated from Abraham, so Yes.

  • Not at all, how can the same God say Christ is the only way to Him (as in Christanity) and also say that Jesus was only a prophet(as in Islam)

    Between Islam and Christianity there are some differences, and many similarities. However, the only difference that counts is the belief about Christ. After that, you can examine the smaller differences. The one that matters most is the belief about Christ. If He is the way the truth and the light, or not. That’s it.

    Livin’ free in Christ

  • Uh no.  My God doesn’t want me to kill someone because they don’t have the same belief.

  • Yes, I believe we are!

  • I believe more in the idea of the Lord, meaning that there is only one diety, said diety just goes by many names.

  • I just believe that if you have a religion for good purposes, youre fine.

  • no, God and Allah are not the same, ask any true muslim, christian or jew. also, even just skimming thru the koran or bible makes it clear they are not the same.

  • Making this comment w/o reading the above ones,

    No.  We Christians serve the Holy Trinity (That’d be the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for those of you keeping score at home), while Jews serve Adonai, and Muslims serve God and Muhammed (sp?) as his prophet.

  • Yes. The only difference I see is the prophet/messiah/wise man who brought God/Allah/Jesus/Buddha’s teachings to us.

  • NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!


    Christians serve Jehovah, Muslims serve Allah, Hindus serve Shiva and all the others, etc, etc, etc! They’re all different! Maybe you can lump Allah together with Shiva together with Buddah, but God will NOT be combined with anything! He is god, and He exists as Himself, seperate from everything else!

    Thank you.

  • No. Allah is NOT the same as Jehovah (the Christian/Jewish God).

    Allah asks his followers to die for him. My God came down to earth and died for me. BIG difference. The Christian/Jewish God is a God of love. Allah is nothing like that.

  • In the bible, the King James Version, it says that I am your God, any false gods that you worship will cause you pain and suffering. How can people believe that we’re all worshiping the same god when we all have different versions and rules? It’s just like when you go to court, if you can the other person have tow different stories, no one’s going to take you seriously and believe you. How can people think that calling it something different, or that different rules and regulations all come down to the same basic thing?

  • LOL!

    There is only one God.

    Now, who or what people are worshipping is a whole ‘nuther story – and I think a whole bunch of different things are being worshipped and called God!

    I also think a whole lotta different people worship different aspects and manifestations of the one God!

    But we are all quite foolish to think our simple little answers are anything like the vast wisdom of God! We are so silly!

  • No.

    If we did he’d tell us all the same thing anyways.

  • No. There are HUGE differences. Like in the muslim religion, the god doesn’t have a son, in the christian religion, he does. In the christian religion, God is forgiving, in the muslim, He is not. I don’t know much about other religions, but we don NOT serve the same God.

  • It doesn’t matter, as long as you have faith in something.

  • yes. it doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s still the same thing.

  • Yes. We just give him different names and different stories.

  • God is God….most people think that Muslims believe in a different God because they refer to him as Allah–not realizing that it’s just a simple translation in Arabic, just as Dios is the Spanish word for God and Hispanics who are mostly Catholic don’t “serve” a different God.  Christians are taught to believe that Jesus is the Son of GodNOTGod Himself…..Muslims believe that Jesus was just a prophet & that Muhammed was just a prophet too, but they believe that he was the final prophet God sent to Earth & that is one of the reasons why they hold him “higher” than the other prophets.

    I think the biggest issue here is that people are ignorant and aren’t educated enough. 

  • Nope!

  • There is no god. The Earth was made from a bigger planet wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy back when. A huge hunk of that planet broke off and floated some place different, and then that hunk of planet began growing plants and ants from cells. In time, that ant began to evolve into many other animals and eventually, dinosaurs, until they died out, of course. And sometime after this, humans evolved from some kind of monkey, you know, a gorilla, or an ape or something like that. So then, there were cavemen who were extremely stupid and knew nothing about anything. But then, they started figuring things out and reproducing and stuff like that. Then, a little later in time, the humans started thinking about where they came from and how the earth started and things on that topic, and they had tons of theories on how they thought the world was made, and everybody had their own theories. Their stories and theories got carried on for a long time, and they had church and praying and stuff like that, until finally, when they had the technology to start printing things, and somebody went up to somebody else and said, “Hmm…we should start printing all of this and spread the word so a shit load of other people can be of our religion, too.” and the other person said, “Holy Shit, Lad! That’s a good idea!” And they started printing bibles. So, that’s why they started making bibles and crap like that, to spread their theories. And that is how religion got started, and how a ton of wars got started, and that’s also why I hate religion. There were never any gods and there will never be any gods. There is no heaven and there is no hell. When you die, you die, and that’s it. You are no longer a person. You don’t remember anything because you no longer exist, I know this is hard to imagine, but you just don’t exist. And by the way, every minute of your life that you waste praying is a complete waste of time. You only live for 100 years, buddy, and theres a whole lot more things I could think of doing in that one minute other then praying. 100 years may seem like a long time, but if you think about it, it’s really not, considering the world has been around for more than 5 million years. Some of you people might say, “Well, if you think you know so much about this, prove it all.” Well, I’ll admit that I don’t actually know if it’s right or not, but face the facts, shithead, you can’t prove your stories either. And even if this whole story is wrong, it makes a whole shit load of a lot more sense than yours does about “God” being born into a world that already exists, but yet, then he goes and creates everything? I don’t think so. Point Proven.


  • poit of view. the person that says his own views are correct and are the only way things should be seen is intolerant and ignoratn. you call it potato I call it potato. brings a whole different meaning to the saying once it’s spelled out doesn’t it?

  • r a cafe well if you are i will probably go there if your not then cn you check out my site and tell me little bit about you are yous thank you and dont forget to check my if you are or are not a restanrant thankyou very much much love from this side of the hood

  • Absolutely not.

  • Well, our God IS one and the same….but how WE realate and perceive can be the problem! Unfortunately some do not make their parents happy…others are more capable to take responsibility, understand and comfort their heart, etc. But the parents will never be happy without that last one…..the wayward one….the 100th sheep.

  • Oi vey, ALL THE UNELIGHTENED PEOPLE!!!*seisure*

    God’s just a symbol of power and faith. Now, I believe in a god, and I’m all good with my situation. I think that anyway a PERSON expresses THEMSELVES and their FAITH, although it may be DIFFERENT, all have the same PURPOSE. If they are competent. Which most people… hopefully… are. It’s not really a person’s “faith” until they understand what their faith means to them…

    Anyways. The different ways people PRACTICE their faith, are, well… different… But the whole main idea is to have HOPE in something. And that hope is usually referred to as “God”. So. Do we all “serve” the same God? (Depends on your interpretation of “serve”… it makes me think of the picture that I’m the slave, and God’s the master with a whip, telling me to move that rock over there…)

    Uh. Kinda. Do we all have faith in the one same being, with different names and faces but still the same love and hope that we hold on to so dearly? Yes. Do we all “serve” our God(s)? No. I don’t like to grovel, and I don’t think God would like it that much either. Whatever, totally different topic…

  • Depends. Did they, er, he/she, it(s), they order the same thing?

  • in theory yes. i mean, islamic, jewish and christian faiths all have roots in the same area, so its possible that each religion views the same god in a different way. as for the extremists, they’re just that, extremists.

  • many gods…one God….

  • God IS God.  no matter what names we give Him.  no matter how we decide to worship Him.  no matter if we choose to be assholes to each other in His name.

  • No, I believe there is only one God.  I think it may be like when the Egyptians believed in gods that were idols….they thought they were real.  That doesn’t make them real.  Other people serve what they believe according to their own religion.  That doesn’t mean that god is real.  There is one God and He is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • nope, it would be nice if we all served the true God, but no we dont.

  • Diffrent gods from different time lines and different peoples and different moral codes and different histories.

    Nah, there are multiple gods, why people are so fixiated on there only being ‘one’ beats the hell out of me.

    ’nuff said….

  • No.  There is the god of this earth who is Satan.  Satan is simply an angel who tried to usurp God Almighty.  Satan can be in many forms.  He was a beautiful angel with a tainted heart.  God Almighty is creator of all life.  He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  His son is Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world.  The muslim’s don’t believe that Jesus was the son of the living God.  Therefore they serve a different god. 

  • Oh this has so many nuances. If we are referring to the God of the universe; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…yeah it’s the same one. If we’re talking about god…many of us serve different gods.

  • We probably don’t realize it, but we very well could be.

    Who knows if there is only one god or several? No one really…

  • I Believe Yahweh and Allah are the same:)

  • Anybody who thinks muslims and christians are serving the same God obviously likes to block out the news of what’s happening in the world, thousands of christians killed just because they converted from islam. Allah is just the arabic word for God, I dont believe muslims are truly following allah because I know him and I dont think he’d approve of religious genocide. Muslims are following Mohammed and what he said ABOUT allah, not allah himself. There is only one God, the problem is that there are alot of imitations and alot of people who act like they know what God wants just for their own gain.
    Posted 8/28/2006 at 2:07 PM by SykoJonnyboy

    no, to syko thats the choice of the people not what Allah said.

    Oh and for all you “allah is peaceful and loving and it’s just the terrorists messing it up” people, I qoute “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know.” Qur’an 8:60, that’s the true islam, and I keep hearing people say well the christian God is violent too, but here is the difference, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Jesus, Matthew 5:44.
    Posted 8/28/2006 at 2:13 PM by SykoJonnyboy

    wow, the flood that wiped most of the earth. true love. evil is relevent. a good friend of mine said that anyone thats not like me is evil. and dude, it is Terrorist.


    cristians and muslims started this junk along time ago for a peice of land. except now us cristians dont realy kare about the so kalled holy land, why’ll many muslims do. Terrorist are using the manipulation of the name Allah to brainwash ppl to kill.

  • No; we all believe in a different god, not one single entity. Therefore we are all serving different gods, whether they truly exist or not.

  • Yes. Everyone has a different name, but the basic idea is the same.

  • no.  i did ponder that question for awhile, but after studying the different religions, i am convinced we are not.

  • No we are not. There is only one True God. Unfortunately, everyone thinks his/hers is him.

  •  GCgirl721

    Before you go off and start calling people shitheads and hypocrits, maybe you should study out the origins of the world from other perspectives other than the narrow taxpayer supported theories that don’t have any, and I repeat, ANY evidence.  Evolution is the biggest hoax in history, and comprises of misinterpretations, false evidence, and fantasy.

    First point:  If the Earth started from a Big Bang, everything would be spinning in the same direction according to the law of the preservation of angular momentum.

    Second point:  Nuclear polonium halos show that the Earth was never in a molten state.

    Third point:  Life cannot arise from chemicals.  You need to have all working parts in the same place at the same time.  Nothing works unless everything works.

    Fourth point:  The only evolution that has been observed is minor changes over time, and de-evolution, evident in people such as yourself.

    Fifth point:  The bible is a work of history.  It was started at the beginning, and finished some time after the coming of Christ.  Nobody doubted its authenticity until recently, and even these accusations were flimsy.  The place where moses crossed the Red sea was found.  Soon after that they found the rock that he split for water.  Pagan doctrines and many other doctrines parallel and confirm the events of the bible.  My theory can be proved, yours can’t.

    Sixth point:  My God proved his existance through prophecy.  He foretold the coming of Jesus Christ, including where he would be born, how he would die, and how he would be born.  He also foretold the reign of antioches apiphones, Cyrus, and the world empires of Babylon, Medio Persia, Greece, and Rome.  Gods prophets were always right.  You can follow them.  And God proved his existence by declaring the end from the beginning.

    Shall we go for a seventh?  I can keep this up all day.  If you go by your own judgment, your wisdom will fall short.  If you go by Gods, you will see things clearly.  The evidence for an intelligent designer, and that designer being the God of the bible, is very extensive…inescapable even.  Don’t lecture me about things you yourself are ignorent of.

    Point proven.

    Oh and no, I don’t believe we’re all worshiping the same God.  It’s that thinking that will usher in the antichrist.

  • Although there is only one God, He is not the god that most people serve. NO we do not all serve the one true, almighty God

  • Is there a god of Flame Wars?

  • Yes, I believe we all call this one deity by different names, and interpret its message differently, but it is, in essence, the same god from one culture to another. It’s in the interpretation where most people seem to have gotten it all wrong.

  • everyone has their own god. [:

  • I believe that all religions are aiming toward the same goal. To know and serve the One God. Many ways of getting to the same place. Some better than others. This ‘kill the infedels’ is truth twisted to serve a bad cause. Those are not truely religious people. They use ‘religion’ to serve their terrorist goals.

  •      If that god is mammon, or the god of material/money, then, yes. Many people, despite what they may _claim_, serve _that_ god, unfortunately. Now Our Almighty GOD of the Holy Scriptures, Y’ehovah, is One Separate and Distinct GOD. Amen.

  • As a Christian, I would have to say No.

  • No. And some of us are serving gods of our own invention.

  • i am christian, so if christians don’t end their prayer with “i pray in the name of jesus christ” then they are praying to some other god

  • I don’t believe in God, if God created the first man than how do we have proof that evolution most likely occured?

    And another thing that bothers me, everyone [know matter who they worship] believes that their God is the one true God. God is a figment of our imagination used to explain the creation of man. He’s for the weakminded who just can’t accept that perhaps there is no meaning to life.

    Saying God created everything is like saying rain is God’s pee, [which I've heard from Christian people before, WTF?] If God loved us, why would he piss on us as so.

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