September 30, 2006

Comments (171)

  • i think people have the right to keep that stuff private, if that’s what you mean.

  • Well youre destroying life, arent you?

  • By law, but the law is an ass.

    Here is a link to a child that was born at only 27 weeks. Ask her if her life was only a matter of privacy.

  • I don’t think so.  I mean it seems like we have a little bit of a split view on this.  If you are planning to have a kid then you say you’re pregnant and the fetus is a baby.  If it was unplanned then it’s a fetus and you can get rid of it.  I don’t see how taking a life can be considered an issue of privacy.

  • according to the supreme court, yes. (those dickheads)

  • Among other things, yes. It’s a personal choice.

  • if you believe it is the woman’s body and her decision then yes. AS long as they are adults not under a parents supervision. You know Congress last year destroyed thousands of embryos that were sitting in a ‘egg bank’ in frozen storage last year yet there was no uproar. Just threw them in the garbage. If they were all for life then tell me why they did not act to stop those ‘lives’ in a petri dish. Who am or anyone else to tell a woman what they should do with their bodies…

  • Contrary to popular belief, Abortion isn’t a one issue thing. Privacy is a part of it. Religion is a part of it. Age is a factor. So is marital status. Very complex issue that is oversimplified to fit on a bumper sticker.

  • privacy for who??? 

  • RYC:

    It is a great morning. I am at my parent’s house, were my sleeping in to 6am leaves me the last one up and the house all to myself. They say you can’t come home, but it is sure nice to visit.

  • abortion is the same as someone who kills a pregnant person. or injurs them and makes them have a miscarriage. they get charged for two murders in that case, so if you have an abortion you should be charged for the murder you are committing.

  • NO. It is an issue of morality and the sanctity of life.

  • No, abortion is an issue of choosing not to bring yet another unwanted child into the world.

  • No, there should be like, full-page newspaper ads like there are for child molesters telling everying in your city who you are and what you’ve done.

  • You like that, huh?????

  • Sure it is. The private, unheard screams of an infant human denied his or her voice.

  • I am not sure what you mean by this question Dan….

       are you talking about a woman having an abortion to keep the fact that she got pregnant secret?

  • I would have to say no, I don’t think abortion is really an issue of privacy….

  • That’s probably the silliest (how DO you spell that?) question you have ever asked. As for those petrie dish babies, did you know that people actually adopt those kids? I have no idea where dude got his information, but yeah. People adopt those kids and are artificially inseminated, and give birth to their own adopted children. Pretty cool, I think.

  • Of course silly…
    Privacy is protected by law. Our country, full of many people, make these laws…
    It is what it is…

    Now ask them about their other medications and health related issues here- would they want the world to know about all of those things? Nope…

    It is all the same here. Privacy is privacy and it is my right. Abortions are still safe and legal and it is my choice what I want to do with my body and no one can tell me what I can and can’t do in 2006.

    …and I am SO GLAD to have my right to privacy and choice.

  • yes it is.
    A) What is somebody was raped and got pregnant from that? do you think they want it announced on the news that they had an abortion because if that.
    B) They kill the baby’s early, before they can feel anything anyway,so shut up about the screams.
    C) What if you knew the baby woul be deformed and you wanted to make their like easier? THEY ARE NOT CONSCIOUS OF YOUR DESICION!
    D)If you go and decide to starve yourself, it is your own business and sure your friends will interfere but it’s your desicion. If you decide to cut yourself, it is your business and although people will try to stop you, the ultimate desicion is stuill yours. IF YOU GET PREGNANT, YES PEOPLE WILL TELL YOU NOT TO AND THAT ITS NOT THE RIgHT THING TO DO, BUT THE ULTIMTR DESICION SHOULD BE YOURS!

    Besides, if these moms dont get abortions they will just grow uop unwanted and unloved or given away where they will spend their lives in an orphanage dreaming of being adopted by a loving family and having that hope crushed the cruelty of reality.

  • i get the impression your not exactly for the idea of abortion dan


  • Yes, it is a moral issue but not yours. They have to make a decision that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives. It’s no ones business but the immediate family.  

  • Good question.  While I am dead set against abortion, the mother had made this choice that is a legal decision in this country.  She has made a choice that will obviously affect the baby but also her for the rest of her life.  It is easy to lump everyone who has had an abortion into a category and call them bad.  I simply can’t do that.  There are a lot of reasons people have abortions, many times they are forced.  How would that be if this was your sister who was in an abusive situation and her lover forced her to have an abortion.  She is dying inside and everyone now knows what she did?  Horrifying thought.  How is she to heal?  She is actually a victim on many levels.  She needs healing as all who have abortions do.  This is a very private thing that can become deep inner hurts.  The only ones who should know are the woman, the parents if she is a minor, the father and hopefully the pastor and a close friend.  This should be at her discretion…not forced public knowledge. 

  •  I like what  chad9am  had to say  “NO. It is an issue of morality and the sanctity of life.”

     ”I wonder if you own,know of or have seen on the internte something that you think is”The Ugliest Thing Ever “”(Socks,a knik-knak,a pet,sister,sofa,neck tie,purse…). Please submit picture entries via “Message Me”.I will compile entries for a future post. You should be able to find something!!!!

  • It is a shame that this issue is in the political arena.  It is a personal choice issue.  Both sides refuse to compromise.  Both are trying to legislate their beliefs into law.  The ruling of the Supreme Court means nothing…it did not end the conflict.  I respect the conviction of both sides, but I still believe it is an individual choice. 

    Even on this blog, a person’s stand on abortion will alienate them from those “on the other side.”  What a shame!  If you are against abortion, then don’t get one! 

  • *Internet,I give up!

  • YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • There’s a lot of issues with abortion. Privacy would definitely count as a lesser issue, but I think it could be considered an issue nonetheless.

  • is murder an issue of privacy?

  • There is no black or white answer to this. It is certainly an individual issue.

  • I think it is.

    This is my body and I will damn well do whatever I want to it. Call me immoral and a murderer. I won’t care because you’re just going to be wasting your time. No one should be snooping around in my buisness.

    I won’t tell anyone if I’m pregnant. I won’t tell anyone if I’m getting an abortion. It’s none of their damn buisness. This is MY choice, not theirs.

  • hell yeah it is.

  • i think i should back that up by saying that you never know what drives a person to that sort of decision….not everyone goes through the same things you other people do….so for whatever reason they do it…its none of your business.

  • Is infanticide a private issue? 

  • of course… but we all want GPS tracking devices in our phones :)

  • Is anything ever truly private? We live in a world created by an omnipotent-omnipresent God who sees, knows and understands why we do everything we do so in that respect nothing is private. If we are trying to hide something we’ve done and keep other people from knowing that we aren’t perfect and have the ability to mess up, then I suppose abortion becomes a privacy issue. But geez, stuff happens and if you have to do something clandestine to get yourself out of trouble then I guess you do want privacy. Why would you want the fact that you denied life to a living being to be anything but private?!

  • No, abortion is an issue of deciding whether or not you are fit to be a mother.
    You don’t believe in abortion? Great, then don’t get one, but please, be smart enough to realize that you can’t effectively legislate morality. Make it as illegal as you want, there will STILL be people out there, claiming to be doctors and performing procedures that would be much safer if they were performed in a real doctor’s office with sterile equipment.

  • No, of course not.  That was just a legal dodge used by the Burger court to legalize the absurd.

  • No.

    but I think it’s an ‘issue’ between the woman + the doctor. not the woman + doctor + government.

  • “there will STILL be people out there, claiming to be doctors and performing procedures that would be much safer if they were performed in a real doctor’s office with sterile equipment.”

    Safer?  Abortion would be much safer?  Abortion is ALL ABOUT KILLING!  Good grief…

  • Actually, I think so. It’s completely ones own business with what they do. I know it’s killing a child but people die every day.

    People act like you’re cheating someone. Same kid might die when he is three. Shrug. And usually the type of person who gets an abortion seems to be the kind of person who can’t support a child. In classes you can tell whos parents are divorced, and they are usually not very intelligent.

    Abortion is not so bad.

  • no, it’s murder and the last time i checked, murder isn’t private

  • If abortion is an issue of privacy, so is homicide. And it should be made legal as well.

  • no way

  • Yes, I think so… at least in part. The girls who have to make those decisions should not have to be publicly ridiculed or condemned. It’s hard enough for them to deal with it privately.

  • I think it COULD be, if a woman chose to remain anonymous (ie, not have her name printed in the town newspaper… “Jenny Smith has abortion, town shamed”).  But other than that, I don’t think it’s really a privacy issue.

    Then again, there is a SERIOUS issue when the woman having the abortion chooses not to tell the man she slept with (except in a rape case, obviously).  Because the father deserves to know and at least have SOME say in this issue.

  • So much of what is connected to the abortion itself is hidden, private, tucked away in memories for years.  Girls, women, boys, men all suffer to some extent for the taking of a life.  The child will never have a say, except to be a haunting thought of “What if…” in everyone’s head.  It is all tragic.  All “private” for everyone’s good.  Just stop and think about all the sadness.  I live with the memory of being the “stand in house” for a friend of mine who wanted an abortion.  All secretive.  All covered up.  I get physically ill just thinking about it.  Two months later…she was pregnant again.  No…it wasn’t worth it.  I wish we all had been old enough, or strong enough, to talk her out of it.  That is real life, folks.  The body might be rid of that child, but your brain will never get those cells out.

  • Yes, to a certain degree.  A young girl should at least have to let the parents know before she’s allowed to have one.  After all, if the parents are responsible for feeding, clothing, and raising a child , then they should be trusted to have the wisdom (or at least more wisdom than a freaking 17 year old girl!) to deal with the situation.  But other than the parents or guardians, and the father (unless it’d be dangerous to tell him?) yeah it’s a private matter.

  • no

  • Privacy on whose part? The “mother’s”? I wouldn’t want everyone to know that for one reason or another I was pregnant with an unwanted child.

    Different issue: I think that only those females should be pro-choice. To me, all I’m doing is expressing my opinion, why should a male who would never know what it is like to to have a life sucked out of you be able to fight for abortion? I also think that only females who have had an abortion and still think that it is ok should be pro-choice. Abortion is such a touchy subject, only those that have had one really know what it is like. Everyone else just likes the idea of freedom.

    I’m pro-life.

    And Dan, don’t think that I didn’t notice that sarcasm in your comment to me. And thank you, it’s nice to know that I’m the source of advice for picking up females.

  • no….its a murder of an innocent life…

  • I believe in a woman’s choice.

  • No, it’s taking the life of an innocent child!!

  • No abortion, except when it’s a life or death issue for the mother, is a matter of murder.

  • Hell NO! How can it be?
    And if you don’t want to bring an “unwanted child’ into the world, instead of killing, try not having sex.

  • “Make it as illegal as you want, there will STILL be people out there, claiming to be doctors and performing procedures that would be much safer if they were performed in a real doctor’s office with sterile equipment.”

    Something I read on one of your other abortion-related posts that has always stuck with me (this is not an exact quote) was “Just because we know people are going to break the law is no reason not to make and enforce it.” That is an excellent point. People will probably get abortions or give themselves abortions until the end of the world. But people will also murder and steal.

  • Oops incomplete thought. Anyway, people will also murder and steal… but we continue to have those laws for the protection of the people of this country (no matter how small they may be).

  • I don’t get it…  I’m too messed up right now… and the worst part is… I don’t know why….


  • wow everyone, birth control is hard to get these days i suppose….

    its gold around these regions.

  • no

  • Only if you’re ashamed of something.

  • If the fetus doesn’t have the will to live, yes it is a matter of her body and her decisions. If the fetus does have a will to live, it is a human rights issue and thus a public concern.

  • dolphins get better rights then unborn children, right.

  • ryc: The horse fights are very, very sad–look what society (their’s) has come to-barbarics.

  • It should be private, but if the female is under 21 then parents need to be contacted!

  • but of course when were answering our special tracking phones telling others about privacy, then telling the Politians that dolphins are important to us. that a mother will have her own privacy killin’ an unborn child.

  • A baby isn’t a baby until they have fully grown organs

  • If anything abortion is a health issue. If it should be legal at all it should be legal for arguements about both individual and public health.

  • No. And I agree with ChrisRusso.

  • And, my baby was a baby to me from the minute I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t sit there & let her grow organs until I called her MY CHILD.

  • there’s a privacy factor ro it, but I wouldn’t say that’s the main issue.

  • it’s murder and that’s all that matters

  • It’s more of an issue of choice.

  • I can’t say it better: “Sure it is. The private, unheard screams of an infant human denied his or her voice.” (ChrisRusso)

  • I’m not sure what you’re asking exactly. I don’t think it should make headlines or anything. I guess the people involved would be who should know (family, close friends, pastor, etc) and whomever the woman chooses to tell. Basically, if I knew someone who had had an abortion, I would surround her with love and truth. Whichever people God can use to redeem the situation and help her recover. I would know it was wrong to kill the child, but it would be the woman that would still be alive and in need.

    And by the way, this comment– What if you knew the baby woul be deformed and you wanted to make their like easier? THEY ARE NOT CONSCIOUS OF YOUR DESICION!

    This just slays me. You’re saying it would be better to die than to be deformed? To be killed instead of learning to live? To have the chance of life snatched away because it would be hard??

    Boo. Hiss. Bad form. And boo again.


  • And as an after thought, it seems to me that people who say it’s a mercy (gag) to kill an unborn child because their life might be really tough are people who do their very best to avoid hurt and pain in their lives. Do these people learn anything by running away from the things that hurt? Does anyone ever learn from their pain? I would argue they do. And sometimes those life lessons that hurt the most can save a number of others from the same pain.


  • No, its an issue of life and death

  • No. It is as simple as that.

  • Yes, it’s a personal decision, a woman has the right to keep something like that private.

  • No…the main issue is whether or not a woman has the right to terminate her pregnancy.  The only time privacy becomes an issue is when a minor is involved and whether or not her parents should be notified about her abortion.

  • Privacy? Hm, I guess that all depends in what way.

    “The private, unheard screams of an infant human denied his or her voice.”

    Not in that way.

    “Among other things, yes. It’s a personal choice.”

    That way, yes.

    It IS a woman’s personal choice, so I guess it’s her own private decision whether or not she chooses to get one.

  • “dolphins get better rights then unborn children, right.”

    It’s an unborn FETUS, gunstar.

  • Hell NO! Even if noone else knows, God does, and He will expect an answer someday for the life you end.

  • “but of course when were answering our special tracking phones telling others about privacy, then telling the Politians that dolphins are important to us. that a mother will have her own privacy killin’ an unborn child.”

    You confuse me so goddamn much.

    “And, my baby was a baby to me from the minute I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t sit there & let her grow organs until I called her MY CHILD.”

    It was always “your child”. The question is, when does it become A child. A fully grown baby. of course the moment you found out, the IDEA of it was that you had a baby.

    “but I think it’s an ‘issue’ between the woman + the doctor. not the woman + doctor + government.”


    “Safer?  Abortion would be much safer?  Abortion is ALL ABOUT KILLING!  Good grief…”

    Um, hello, of course real abortions performed by doctors would be safer. Ever heard of such a thing as back-alley abortions? Wonder why pro-choice people wear buttons with a red circle crossing out COAT HANGERS?! The safety issue is about the woman. Not the fetus, which you seem to be referring to. Back-alley abortions can permanently scar, and in some cases, may even kill, a woman.

    “Different issue: I think that only those females should be pro-choice. To me, all I’m doing is expressing my opinion, why should a male who would never know what it is like to to have a life sucked out of you be able to fight for abortion? I also think that only females who have had an abortion and still think that it is ok should be pro-choice. Abortion is such a touchy subject, only those that have had one really know what it is like. Everyone else just likes the idea of freedom.”

    Since when was the idea of “freedom” a bad thing? (And no one better respond to me talking about other aspects of ‘freedom’. I WILL respond, and I don’t feel like it.) If only those females that needed one were for it.. well.. they most likely would be denied it. We need strength in numbers to say what’s right.

    It is a shame that this issue is in the political arena.  It is a personal choice issue.  Both sides refuse to compromise.  Both are trying to legislate their beliefs into law.  The ruling of the Supreme Court means nothing…it did not end the conflict.  I respect the conviction of both sides, but I still believe it is an individual choice. 

    Even on this blog, a person’s stand on abortion will alienate them from those “on the other side.”  What a shame!  If you are against abortion, then don’t get one! ”

    Wahoo! I completely agree. When abortion is legal, it doesn’t force everyone to get one. But at least it leaves the option open for those who NEED one.

    Definition of infanticide:

    [in-fan-tuh-sahyd] Pronunciation KeyShow IPA Pronunciation

    <TABLE class=luna-Ent>
    <TD class=dn vAlign=top>1.
    <TD vAlign=top>the act of killing an infant.
    <TABLE class=luna-Ent>
    <TD class=dn vAlign=top>2.
    <TD vAlign=top>the practice of killing newborn infants.
    <TABLE class=luna-Ent>
    <TD class=dn vAlign=top>3.
    <TD vAlign=top>a person who kills an infant
    Since when was a FETUS considered an already born, already thinking, already feeling, INFANT?
    I’m done now, sorry.

  • LAME! The comment came out weird because I copied and pasted.

    Basically I was saying that infanticide is the killing of an infant, not a fetus.

    Four comments on one entry is enough for me.

  • Abortion=murder 

  • There is a reason its been made a privacy issue and that’s because 99.99% of woman who have abortions are ashamed of their decision. And I heard someone say this last week, maybe Laura Ingrim, if Ted Kennedy and Charles Schumer and the likes are so in favor of abortion, why not lend their names to abortion clinics? “The Ted Kennedy Abortion Mill.” “The Charles Schumer Center for Solving the Problem of an ‘unplanned’ pregnancy.” I think the reason is, they’d hate the bad publicity that would come along with having their name associated with murder.

  • “dolphins get better rights then unborn children, right.”

    It’s an unborn FETUS, gunstar.
    Posted 9/30/2006 at 2:03 PM by WishingOnKarma

    uhhhh, um, yeah. thats why i am applying.

    “but of course when were answering our special tracking phones telling others about privacy, then telling the Politians that dolphins are important to us. that a mother will have her own privacy killin’ an unborn child.”

    You confuse me so goddamn much.
    Posted 9/30/2006 at 2:14 PM by WishingOnKarma

    think about it. and if you don’t get it, heres a nice explanation.

    whats the issue here,
    privacy- if so then why are GPS tracking systems becoming the most popular thing to put into our personal cell phones, we want our fancy equipment and our privacy too, some cake saying is supposed to be said here. why would someone want to hide a unplanned child, some selfish desire that there life is more important and do not want to show what there real shame is. rape(dont get me wrong hearing about rape does anger me) victims, well jesus christ, theres adoption. and i beleive that is pretty private also.

    Life- Dolphins have a right to live, didn’t they pass some sorta law to protect them. but human life is just a waste these days. we are so quick to want to kill it, just cause it is inconvenient.

    by the way, there are special cases for reasons of abortion, we all know these, i dont have to sing it ya’ll. but it should not be for an easy way out, life is har… wait no it can never be difficult anymores.

    so i can grab a gun and shoot someone cause of inconvenience, also. maybe i NEED too. then hope to keep it private. it was an inconvenience right. if that person decided to push me in a hallway, do i have a right as “choice” maker to kill that person. then want a reason to keep it private.

    if you dont get what i’m saying, well, sorry then. you will never get it. and that is pretty sad.

    have a nice day, if you want to keep up the debate, well go ahead :)

  • GunStarHero1988, if I don’t get what you’re saying, it is pretty sad — mostly because your grammar and sentence structure are pretty sad. If you want to argue intelligently, you have to speak intelligently first.

  • nope. it’s killing babies.

  • GunStarHero1988, if I don’t get what you’re saying, it is pretty sad — mostly because your grammar and sentence structure are pretty sad. If you want to argue intelligently, you have to speak intelligently first.
    Posted 9/30/2006 at 3:23 PM by Pyro589

    ok english major, please point out my mistakes. oh wait, i do see poor sentence structure(first got to pay attention to that) then wait, i dont realy see any grammer mistakes other then minor flaws(gots to pay attention to those, its human nature) then there is a crazy point in all this madness(wait wait wait, is there, i’m confused)

    i’m pretty sure WishingOnKarma as i read her comment didn’t have the perfect grammer or sentence structure. for some odd reason, some people against my argument seem not to want to point that out.

    by the way, your comment did not realy make sense, i pretty much ran on the gist of it.

    problems on your comment-

    mostly- a quick way to say most likely(pretty much shows a lazy factor)

    if I don’t get what you’re saying, it is pretty sad- ummmm, that just does not make sense.

    If you want to argue intelligently, you have to speak intelligently first.- wait wait, no mistakes, just the fact that i’m in reality. though i’m not intelligent, i’m there. oh wait i do see one ‘listeners’.

    — who uses those anyway, some highly educated english major i tell you ;)

    i have just wasted my time with this comment and not on the debate. wow,i should press on to correct other peoples comments cause i have nothing better to do.

  • Yeeeah boi.

  • How can you guys say its NOT a privacy issue?
    If a woman wants an abortion, it is her PERSONAL choice. Private, sad, decisive and very, VERY private. She probably doesn’t want people knowing about it. So privacy is extremely valued.

  • Abortion is an issue of women’s rights, of euqality between women and men, of the differences between a potential mother’s and potential pfather’s resposibilities to the child, of how the government fails to help take care of the children it tries to dictate must be born, of the government’s failure to properly educate young people so they can avoid pregnancy altogether.  Privacy is a small part of it (like the govt not having the right to look through medical records to find women who’ve had abortions) but each of the aforementioned issues are much more pressing ones.

  • No. It’s an issue of murder.

  • i think keeping an unwanted baby causes more damage than having an abortion. i mean, if it grows up and it´s not loved and not welcomed by it won´t be very content. i think it´s every woman´s right to decide herself wether she wants to have a child or not. even women that do care about preventing it get pregnant. and then they should have the right to keep it private.

  • OMG NO, NO, and NO.

  • Is everyone knowing you had sex private? Is everyone knowing you got pregnant private?

    Why the sacred cow of abortion?

    Sounds like a scarlett letter to me.

    I wonder if I will feel this righteous and venomous when I am less frustrated?

    I wonder if those who sputter and scream murder and other assorted blather are as frustrated as I am?

    Hmmm, we could all learn something, but I doubt it.

  • Gunstar, I agree with pyro, you KNOW when I first started talking to you I had a problem with reading your comments. I really did not understand much of it. Sorry to say. And ouch with the diss on my grammar and sentence structures. I’m 15 years old and half the time I comment here, it’s midnight. Excuse me for not being perfect, but at least some people can understand me.

    “whats the issue here,
    privacy- if so then why are GPS tracking systems becoming the most popular thing to put into our personal cell phones, we want our fancy equipment and our privacy too, some cake saying is supposed to be said here. why would someone want to hide a unplanned child, some selfish desire that there life is more important and do not want to show what there real shame is. rape(dont get me wrong hearing about rape does anger me) victims, well jesus christ, theres adoption. and i beleive that is pretty private also.”

    Don’t call these women selfish. Is it selfish to value one’s own life? Some will probably say yes. I just.. don’t understand. Just because she chooses to keep her own life safe rather than an unborn fetus.. yeah, okay, selfish, whatever.

    Adoption isn’t for everyone. Not many people realize what it takes to go through nine months of pregnancy, giving birth, and then giving all of that up. You’re right, I haven’t gone through it either. But think about it.. think about what a mother feels when she gives birth.. how is she supposed to give that up for the rest of her life?

    “Life- Dolphins have a right to live, didn’t they pass some sorta law to protect them. but human life is just a waste these days. we are so quick to want to kill it, just cause it is inconvenient.”

    It’s a fetussss. I can’t stress that enough. In some cases, the mother is at serious risk by giving birth.

    And don’t talk to me about human life being a waste.. in other places in the world, we’re killing human life alright. Not fetuses. We’re killing innocent humans. Actual humans.

    “by the way, there are special cases for reasons of abortion, we all know these, i dont have to sing it ya’ll. but it should not be for an easy way out, life is har… wait no it can never be difficult anymores.”

    I didn’t understand anything after “wait no”. but I agree there are those special cases. But just because there are cases where peopl use it as an easy way out, doesn’t mean it should be illegal or anything. Have the option open for those who need it, that’s the whole point.

    so i can grab a gun and shoot someone cause of inconvenience, also. maybe i NEED too. then hope to keep it private. it was an inconvenience right. if that person decided to push me in a hallway, do i have a right as “choice” maker to kill that person. then want a reason to keep it private.”

    Wait, what?! Are you comparing abortion to shooting a random person in a hallway?

    No.. really.

    Are you kidding me?!

    They are completely different issues. This person that pushed you, doesn’t make it a life or death situation for you, or even a life-altering one. Unless you’re in the mafia, or something. But you know, that’s something different.

    I’m in a rush, so EXCUSE ME if my sentence structure is horrible, I have tenth grade english class to help me with that, not some random xangan.

    My mother used to be an editor too, so.


  • From the entry for “fetus.” Middle English, from Latin ftus, offspring. See dh(i)- in Indo-European Roots.

    Do an etymological trace of it. Fetus essentially means “infant.” So explain to me the biological distinction between a “fetus” inside a womb and an “infant” outside of a womb, when the only difference I’m seeing now is location and semantics.

  • most people dont understand me WishingOnKarma, cause they mentaly cant. i already told Pyro589 on why most people can’t. your 15 and a tad young, i’m not going to explain to you for obvious reasons.

    so i can grab a gun and shoot someone cause of inconvenience, also. maybe i NEED too. then hope to keep it private. it was an inconvenience right. if that person decided to push me in a hallway, do i have a right as “choice” maker to kill that person. then want a reason to keep it private.”

    there is a real reason i typed that up, not a just cause deal, but search in there and you’ll see.

  • also, i realy do not care on grammer WishingOnKarma. i live in the dumbest place in the world, the boonies if you like(i was not born here mind you), i matured up and learned to cope with it. i just used you as an example.

    if you ever decide to swing by my site, you’ll see that i tend to use better grammer and all that jazz more on my personal post. comments, i realy dont stress on.

  • Absolutely.  In today’s world, its all about whether its the mother’s body and whether she has the right to abort a fetus, or whether the government full of men who will never know what its like will be able to control her body and fetus.

  • Absolutely.

    Am I the only person here that thinks it’s acceptible under certain cercumstances?
    If your 12-year-old were to become pregnant, do you have any idea what kind of life that kid would have? Or the MOTHER?

  • yeah it’s private!!!! it’s not everyones business it’s the husband and wife’s privcay

  • Issue of circumstances.

  • “why would someone want to hide a unplanned child, some selfish desire that there life is more important and do not want to show what there real shame is. rape(dont get me wrong hearing about rape does anger me) victims, well jesus christ, theres adoption. and i beleive that is pretty private also.”

    It’s not a matter of ‘oh, a baby, I don’t want to take care of it. It’ll just pop out and I’ll give it to someone else.’

    It’s agonizing. Really. Some people don’t want to go through hell for something they don’t want just because they were unfortunate enough to be raped.

  • Yeah, it is about privacy.

    If a woman decides she doesn’t want to go through with an unplanned pregnancy, she should be able to get an abortion without everyone yelling at her for it. It’s her decision.

  • “Am I the only person here that thinks it’s acceptible under certain cercumstances?
    If your 12-year-old were to become pregnant, do you have any idea what kind of life that kid would have? Or the MOTHER?”

    Yeah…if your 12 year old got pregnant and abortion was made illegal, she’d probably die.

  • Nope, just total and complete selfishness.

  • It’s an issue of morality and mortality.

  • yeah, its a private matter as any medical procedure should be.

  • When its none of your business, yes its private then.

  • It is, in a sense, a matter of privacy…if a woman wants to have an abortion, and she is a legal and sound-minded adult, she shouldn’t have to tell anyone other than the family members or friends she chooses, and her doctor.  And it shouldn’t be made public…it isn’t anyone else’s business but hers. 

  • no ethics and moral… “ethos” and maybe a little tinybit of “Pathos” and “logos”, but mainly ethos i think

  • Gah why do people keep fussing over this?!? People are going to do it anyway. It is better for them to have privacy, Otherwise they may try to do it in unsafe circumstances that are private if they have to be public to do it safely.

    that doesn’t make much sense, the wording i mean. I’m too tired to change it

  • “Do an etymological trace of it. Fetus essentially means “infant.” So explain to me the biological distinction between a “fetus” inside a womb and an “infant” outside of a womb, when the only difference I’m seeing now is location and semantics.”

    You think a fetus that’s been growing for less than three months is the same as an infant that’s already been born? Think about that, really. Long and hard. They’re not the same, I don’t care what a latin word means.

  • “most people dont understand me WishingOnKarma, cause they mentaly cant. i already told Pyro589 on why most people can’t. your 15 and a tad young, i’m not going to explain to you for obvious reasons.”

    Mentally can’t? Hey, yo, watch the disses. I may be young, but I’m not fucking stupid. Explain it to me, please. I can handle it, don’t worry.

    “there is a real reason i typed that up, not a just cause deal, but search in there and you’ll see.”

    I’m telling you, I’m not stupid. All honors classes and an ap in sophomore year go a long way. Pfft.

  • No too many issues combined but it involves taking away someones LIFE and when that occurs its not private…how is killing a personal choice

  • A woman’s body, A woman’s right, A woman’s right to choose, privately.

  • It’s agonizing. Really. Some people don’t want to go through hell for something they don’t want just because they were unfortunate enough to be raped.
    Posted 9/30/2006 at 7:24 PM by sizzl

    ummmm, that sounds a bit selfish. sad(the rape) but still selfish in the end.

    by the way, selfish desires are the reason this world is so destructive and murderous.

    You think a fetus that’s been growing for less than three months is the same as an infant that’s already been born? Think about that, really. Long and hard. They’re not the same, I don’t care what a latin word means.
    Posted 10/1/2006 at 2:35 AM by WishingOnKarma

    yeaaaah, hmmm hmmm.

    You think a fetus that’s been growing for less than three months is the same as an infant that’s already been born? Think about that, really. Long and hard. They’re not the same, I don’t care what a latin word means.

    i’m not sure were your mind is, have you ever held a baby at least 1 day old or even seen one. they look nothing like anyone, more alien like. yeah yeah, it doesnt look like you or I, so we can kill it right. oh, also in privacy. Killin’(abortion, truly its the same) in privacy is the only way to go.


    Am I the only person here that thinks it’s acceptible under certain cercumstances?
    If your 12-year-old were to become pregnant, do you have any idea what kind of life that kid would have? Or the MOTHER?
    Posted 9/30/2006 at 6:37 PM by ComaWhiteX

    thats when i believe abortion is acceptable, singing here, the 12 year old kid would not even be able to carry the ‘infant’, oh wait i apologize- i meant fetus(though its the same thing, thanks to Pyro) and thats when it is suitable and should be private.

  • The silenced screams of a child being kept private?  Maybe.

  • does the fetus have a soul?

    is its right to life something that takes primacy over a woman’s right to liberty?
    “certain unalienable human rights:  life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
    the order might mean something, there.
    is a fetus human?
    .      .     .
    well, what does it mean to be a human being?

    i think the second question i ask sums up the debate.  it’s a matter science can’t settle, and one on which ethical men and women take different sides.
    i’m not a woman, but it’s my opinion that someone who gets pregnant (excepting rape or incest) should suck it up and have the baby, then give it up for adoption.
    that is, 9 months inconvenience isn’t worth a lost human life, regardless of souls and such metaphysical uncertainties.

    it’s what i would have under a Rawlsian “Veil of Ignorance….or Kant’s Categorical Imperative…or Christ’s Golden Rule.

    Which is to say, I’m glad to be alive this morning.

  • add the exception of when the mother’s life is in danger to my previous post.


    You could make that argument for murder or drug dealing, almost anything, even child molestation.  We still prosectue these crimes, b/c they offend our moral sensibilities.

    People will commit crimes, and if the only way to abolish crime completely is to make everything legal, I hope crime never disappears from our soceity.

  • all i have to say about abortion is , its murder

  • Hmm…this is such a touchy subject. I don’t think so because a person has to consent to it.

  • YES.

    What if a thirteen year old girl is raped & gets raped & gets pregnant. It should be her choice (PRIVATE choice that matter) if she wants an abortion. That poor little girl walking through school pregnant? Think of all the emotional tearing down she’ll have to take, & it’s not even her fault.

    There should also be a time limit on abortion. 3 weeks after you find out your pregnant. Any more, & you shouldn’t be allowed one. And if your pregnant just becuz you weren’t safe, that’s your problem. But also you have to worry about the unwanted child their bringing into the world that will probably starve. Probably a good idea to give that kid to a better family. But let it be born, in cases other than rape.

  • No, abortion is an issue about one keeping one’s pants up. And having at least some restraint, for that matter. (*v*)

  • It’s an issue of morality.

  • You think a fetus that’s been growing for less than three months is the same as an infant that’s already been born? Think about that, really. Long and hard. They’re not the same, I don’t care what a latin word means.

    Not the same. But not different either. Where is the line of demarcation between what life is human (and therefore sacred) and what life is prehuman (and therefore expendable)? It’s not birth, I’ll tell you that much. An eight-month-old “fetus” has little essential difference from a one-month-since-birth “baby.”

    Your comment seems to imply that the line of demarcation between prehuman fetus and human baby is around three months after conception. I reject this as well, on the simple grounds that it’s so vague. Is an abortion wrong, then, if the “fetus” is aborted at three months and two days?

    I will instead argue that the fetus should be classifed as human (and therefore sacred) from conception onward. It’s alive (and seperate from the mother) by scientific classification even two weeks after conception, long before the three-month mark. It has human DNA. If it has human DNA, and is alive, what is it?

  • What if you were aborted?

    Guess what. That tiny little embryo. That becomes all the little people who are typing in Mr. Dan’s xanga comment box. Every last one of you was an embryo. So. A long time ago, maybe your mommy didn’t feel like paying the money to have you live in the world. So she decided to pay a little less and have you ripped from her nether regions. Ripped. Apart. Hands, feet, legs, head. toes. eyes.

    That little fetus was you. It may not have looked like you (especially after it was thrown into the dumpster)…but it certainly could have been you.

  • “Not the same. But not different either. Where is the line of demarcation between what life is human (and therefore sacred) and what life is prehuman (and therefore expendable)? It’s not birth, I’ll tell you that much. An eight-month-old “fetus” has little essential difference from a one-month-since-birth “baby.”

    Your comment seems to imply that the line of demarcation between prehuman fetus and human baby is around three months after conception. I reject this as well, on the simple grounds that it’s so vague. Is an abortion wrong, then, if the “fetus” is aborted at three months and two days?

    I will instead argue that the fetus should be classifed as human (and therefore sacred) from conception onward. It’s alive (and seperate from the mother) by scientific classification even two weeks after conception, long before the three-month mark. It has human DNA. If it has human DNA, and is alive, what is it?”

    I didn’t say exactly at three months. But around that time is when more things start to develop.

    I’m tired of arguing about this, you guys are never gonna agree with me, especially when I have one person telling me I’m 15 and therefore my sentence structures are bad, whatever. I’m done with this subject. Pro-choice forever, yo.

  • What if you were aborted?

    Guess what. That tiny little embryo. That becomes all the little people who are typing in Mr. Dan’s xanga comment box. Every last one of you was an embryo. So. A long time ago, maybe your mommy didn’t feel like paying the money to have you live in the world. So she decided to pay a little less and have you ripped from her nether regions. Ripped. Apart. Hands, feet, legs, head. toes. eyes.

    That little fetus was you. It may not have looked like you (especially after it was thrown into the dumpster)…but it certainly could have been you.”

    I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t have been aborted, because my mom wasn’t raped, my parents had enough money to take care of me, and I didn’t in turn ruin my parents’ lives.

    Blegh, stop being so gruesome. Yeah, abortion is intense. But so is ruining a mother’s life. It’s the woman’s right to be able to choose what goes on in her body, okay?

    NOW I’m done.

  • Abortion is no more a privacy issue than having your gallbladder out. Both a medical procedures, but I dont automatically link the privacy I expect when undergoing a procedure to my right of privacy in general.

    Which is truly a silly opinion given that roe v wade was in fact a privacy decision.

  • ‘These extremely low birth-weight, ‘miracle’ newborns can propagate false expectations.’
    - Madeline Mann’s doctors
    > trunthepaige, No one is suggesting late term abortion is right…. But to answer your question, Dan, Yes!

  • Its a part of the woman, if its still a part of her body, then she has the right to kill that part of her body.  Although, I think there should be a time limit…the woman should act fast while its still an embryo…  I’m kind of split on this issue though…I mean, its still just an ‘it’…no psychological way it can feel or know anything but its still a human life.  So therefore, its the woman’s choice, her problem, her decision…

  • ^Is it still a part of her body if it has a different DNA pattern than hers?

  • Abortion is always going to be one of those controversial issues…no matter what decision is made, there will always be people who are going to be upset about it. No one’s ever going to be fully satisfied.

    Either abortion is legal or it isn’t–you can’t have it both ways. Don’t try to let abortion be legal IN SOME CASES and be illegal for other circumstances.

    I’m pro-choice, by the way. Yes, it is an issue of privacy. Don’t try to force YOUR decision on someone. How would you feel if someone forced you to do something for the next eighteen years that you don’t want to do/not ready to do? It’s the woman’s life and it should be her decision and she should have a choice.

  • ^Is it still a part of her body if it has a different DNA pattern than hers?
    Posted 10/2/2006 at 9:10 AM by ChrisRusso

    hahahahaha, you showed her up. stinkin’ little punks who think they know what to say in these little threads.

  • “^Is it still a part of her body if it has a different DNA pattern than hers?”

    Um, yes? It’s her baby and she gets to choose if she’ll give birth or not. Is my sister still my sister if we have different color hair? What? Yeah, okay. I’m tired. And I wanted to stop posting here. BUT I COULDN’T HELP ITTTT.

    “Either abortion is legal or it isn’t–you can’t have it both ways. Don’t try to let abortion be legal IN SOME CASES and be illegal for other circumstances. “

    Rightttt! Exactly. Therefore, the option needs to be kept open for those who need it, bah. Right.

    “hahahahaha, you showed her up. stinkin’ little punks who think they know what to say in these little threads.”


    Just no.

    Don’t start thinking you know everything. Even I don’t think like that. A little respect to others and their opinions, ‘kay?

  • abortion is like murder and you destroy a life why would you really want to do that? i mean if you didn’t want to get pregnant then you shouldn’t have been doing something that would get you pregnant or use protection my god!

  • “abortion is like murder and you destroy a life why would you really want to do that? i mean if you didn’t want to get pregnant then you shouldn’t have been doing something that would get you pregnant or use protection my god!”

    Because we all know that 100% of women who get pregnant are because they planned on having sex and never used protection, right?!!


  • Nah. I think it’s more of an issue of life, for both the child and the parent.

  • Of course it is. My uterus is absolutely not public domain, nor is any other part of my body. Nobody has the right to decide for me what I can and cannot do with my body.

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