October 15, 2006

  • First

    I got a real funny message from DemocraticBean that I want to show you:

    I know I’m not alone- I become greatly bothered by the people who will deny the question at hand to proclaim proudly that they are first.

    Now, I never sent you a message on this issue for one reason: If I ever got first, I thought that I might be susceptible to some sort of ungodly disease that would make my fingers magically type the word “FIRST!!!!” To which I would look at your post moments later, thinking to myself “What have I done?!”

    However, on a recent post, I was the first replier out of sheer coincidence. I overcame the temptation to proclaim my superior timing to the world, and answered the question. Well, actually, on my subscriptions list the question wasn’t after the image: so I gave my reaction to the post. Only after I saw the question was there did I answer properly (still managing to be first… odd).

    As it is, I don’t feel hesitant to propose some sort of odd solution.

    Tell the masses that you will simply remove any first posters who merely proclaim that they are first, and give the title of “first” to the first person who actually answers the post first. To give some sort of incentive to those who like being recognized for being first, create a blogring or post of names who are first. Thusly, people will gain their recognition and cease to be obnoxious. Hopefully.



    So Molly has created a new blogring.  It is called “I was first, therefore Dan must love me more.”  You can join that blogring if you have ever been first.  It is on the left hand side of this page. 

    Does it annoy you when people comment by saying “first?”    


Comments (207)

  • It is a part of the charm of your site.

  • i don’t mind as long as they answer the question/thought as well.

  • YES! it drives me crazy. but it doesn’t annoy me if people rejoice that they were first AND answer the question.

    the blogring is a splendid idea.

  • I am never fast enough, therefore those others that have been first, are silly little twits.

  • My response is quite obvious…


  • : / i said first once…i dont know why, i dont really care. its kinda like a game of chance i guess

  • Not really. It’s part of the whole TheTheologiansCafe experience.

  • yes

  • At first it did, but as Erica Steele pointed out, now it’s to be expected and would probably seem weird if people stopped doing it.

  • Ugh, yeah! Totally!

  • I dont have that much demand on my site but I imagine it can be obnoxious for you

  • It annoys the heck out of me.

  • It’s funny how after this post, no one is saying first at all.

  • haha yes and notice how no one has said first because of the topic hahaha.

    you people pleasers.

    dan they are afraid of you and tremble before your omnipotence

  • Actually, thats probably one of my biggest pet peeves EVER. It gets me really angry, because there isnt really a reason to be excited about being the first to comment an online journal, especially when you dont even answer the question.

    P.S. 23RD!!!! :]

  • i would still say first. lol

    just to annoy people

  • I’ve taken to commenting “FIRST!!!” on people’s sites who usually get no more than a half dozen comments ever. They get the joke.

  • i dont have that problems. all topics and comments go under the ryc and comments area. all additional areas of my blog are my blog rules and my hot topics. to comments on my rules or topics it must go into my comments and ryc area. that whay i only need to deal with firsts one time.

  • ps – i care less about spelling.

  • yes or no questions are always easier to answer than essay questions… as a professional facilitator (I facilitate after action reviews so the participants can learn though a process of self-realisation)… anyhow, your questions usually require no thought to answer, therefore you attract the brainless xanga surfers who answer “first” then go on to give a one word answer to your question… you’ve created this system and it’s running perfectly or as designed. 

    I could see two obvious reasons for asking questions here: 1. to create an environment to foster an intellectual exchange of ideas; or 2. a gimick to increase traffic to your site.  It’s hard to exchange ideas with answers like, “yeah”, “totally”, “yes”, etc. etc.

    So my question to you Dan, why do you pose these questions?

  • Helll yes. Saddly i have had it come over me to say FIRST!!! It gets all of us..*shaks head saddly*


  • I hate people who discuss this issue.

  • yes! and i’ve done it haah on well. now I can go and join the group.

  • I would welcome the mindless “First!” commenter on my site…

  • No.  The people who are annoyed are the ones who don’t like other people being first.  It is a liberal thing I think.  They want everyone to be the same and even if you are first, you should not mention it because it possibly will make others feel inferior.  That is ”liberal think”.   

    First is a presence of mind, and in my mind I am first always.  I’m also always “right”.   ;)    

  • Yes, it thorougly annoys me.

    -Guru on the Hill

  • doesn’t bother me really

  • I think by simply raising the issue as she has, Molly is doing the same thing that all the other first braggers then complaining about it.

  • yes it just shows they’re not that bright to answer the question.

  • Take it from someone who has made an art out of being pissed about things which may not matter at all…

    No, there are far more trivial things to be pissed about!

    Some people are happy! They are Christian too! That pisses me off! People who worship are supposed to be secretely miserable and running from the pain through religion!

    If that wasn’t around for me to waste energy on, I could get mad about first too…


  • Never happens on my site.  But see, it annoys me when people just comment first and don’t answer the question.  I actually answer the question before I come back and say first.

  • No one said “FIRST!” this time around, now that attention has been drawn to the subject.

    Que interesante….

  • FIRSTT!!! I personally think its a waste of energy to type those five letters.  I’d rather conserve that for eating grapes or such.

  • haha nice blog and message
    and i’ve been first and i have said first but i answer the question i dont just say FIRST!!
    and i think its ok if they say that even if they say 2nd?
    but as long as they don’t just post 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
    i mean common

  • sigh…I always wanted to be first….now I can’t even lord it over everyone else. that makes me sad, Dan. I. Am. Sad.

    good job. you have crushed a young girl’s dreams. I will never recover….

    actually, it did always annoy me when they did that. It’s a pretty lame thing to do.

  • yeah its odd. i got first once and i answered the question. then in a later comment i said “woah i was first wasnt i!” or something to that nature.

  • No…

    ’cause i’ve done it before.

    so there. HAH!

  • oh that is the most annoying thing ever.

    but I’ve never said anything about it.

  • yes.  answer the question.  you can answer the question and still be first, ’cause someone has to be first.  then again, sometimes it’s funny to see the people three and four down on the comments that have “FIRST!!!!! ZOMG” written.  I laugh at them in my head.

    I’ve only been first once, and I answered the question instead of saying “FIRST LOLZ” or whatever.

  • Not really. Although, I have been first twice, and while I was rather proud of my non-achievement, I didn’t really feel a need to declare my first-ness to the entire readership. Besides, if they actually pay any shred of attention, they would have seen that I was first anyhow.

  • yes, some of them are not even 1st and those that are wouldnt be if they took time to answer the question. However it is hard to avoid the temptation. I was 1st a few days ago and it took a lot of willpower for me not to yell “first.” I really dont understand the great accomplishment people feel when they become 1st, other then you get more traffic for your own site being 1st has no importance….

  •    no it’s all part of the cafe experience, those that are saying it bugs them it’s because they’ve most likely never been first, and you know what second is? Yep, first loser

      Just for the record I’ve never been first, started out one time with no comments and by the time I put mine in I was like 4th

  • Hmm, notice how people were careful not to proclaim “FIRST!!!!” this entry. Odd ahah. I’ve done the “1st!11!!!1″ thing though, of course.

  • Even though I’ve only been reading this blog for a short time I must emphatically say YES!!! Indeed it does irk the hell out me when immature asswipes feel the need to stamp both feet, wave both hands and scream for all of Xangaland to hear, HA, HA, I’M FIRST YOU SORRY MO-FO’S! YOU SUCK! Ok so they don’t neccessarily do it exactly like that, but dang it they might as well! Just  immature idiots who seriously can’t hold an intellient conversation if their damn lives depended on it!

  • Oh yes
    I’ve been first about 5 times and I have never, ever sunk to saying “first” to get there.

  • hey, just think of it as….people feel priviledged to be the first comment on your entries. that must mean SOMETHING. sure, they may not read the entry and maybe they do but hey, most people just love your site? haha i dont know.

  • I have, however, felt the urge to declare myself first when I was clearly 138th or something like that. Just to be random.

  • why do i keep on coming back to this site? its as if im some magnet

  • hahaha!  Yes!  If you’re dying to be first, then at least answer the question.

  • It’s not jealousy, we just don’t give a shit.

  • Yes, because nobody really cares if you’re first or not.
    However, I have been first a few times actually, so I will join the blog.

  • not really….i like to be first and so do other people… it only aggravates me when they make a HUGE deal about it…

  • yep

  • sometimes. i accept it as part of the territory.

  • 76th!!!!!!!!

  • yeah especially when they do it and then are like 5th…….. then its just stupid, whats more important being first of answering the question?

  • Gee. Nobody said “first” this time. Wonder why.

    (Yeah, it annoys me. Not because I’ve never been the first to reply, either.)

  • YES! it’s like whoopie dee doo

    people KNOW your 1st. duuh. they SEE you 1st. those dimwits.

  • I was just hoping somebody has been witty enough to say “FIRST!!!” to this post…haha…
    No, it doesn’t annoy me at all.

  • Dan, you need to do a military-style sound off and get people to see how high they can count without repeating numbers…haha. That’d last to about 3 1/2.

  • Yes! I don’t mind if they say it IN their post WHILE they answer your question… but all these random comments of “second!”, “first”, “wow, third!!” really bug me.

  • I like how nobody said first, second, one hundred and thirty-ninth, etc.  It may actually be a first.  O.o

  • 84th!!!!

  • i am so far away from being first, that i never notice who is first until after i respond and then go back to read all the other comments… if i were second, then it might piss me off, but being as i am usually like 82nd or later, no….

    but the blogring satisfies all… :)

  • yes it irritates me to the utmost

  • I’ve been tempted to suggest banning ‘firsters’.  It’s a bit annoying, but not a big deal.  For some people it seems to be the highlight of their day; I’d hate to take that away from them.  I do like the idea of rewarding those who are first with something pertinent to say.

  • 87th!!!!

  • Sort of, especially when they’re really not and missed it by like a second.

  • Damn!!!! I mean 93rd???

  • ugh… now 93rd???

  • and BTW I agree with her..the person you should count as “first” is the person who was first to ANSWER YOUR QUESTION.. Anything else gets DELETED! Afterall, its not really fair..it takes a lot longer to type out your opinion on nuclear weapons than it does to write one word(“first”).

  • ^^^ finally!

  • Nah.

  • NOW… to answer the question. I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as the person, who proclaimed “first!” recommended as soon as possible with a valid answer to the question… like I’m doing now. Otherwise, someone needs to create a blogring named, “I answer all of Dan’s questions with a number, and therefore he must hate me.”

  • I delete it when people do that.

  • Haha, it doesn’t annoy me at all. It’s all fun in games. I was first once, it was a glorious day. And then I was to never be heard of again! (I dont think I typed FIRST!) but I may have.

  • And one last thought… I see a lot of whining going on regarding this subject. [Dan, I know your laughing at all of this right now, because apparently, you struck a nerve with a lot of people, who have "FIRST! envy."]

  • if they don’t answer the question, then yes very much so

  • Not really. It’s kinda funny, sometimes. o___o

  • yes…and i really wanted the first replier on this entry to do it for my own enjoyment.

  • No.  Let ‘em enjoy themselves.  I never read the comments anyway. :P

  • Yes. Thats so annoying.

  • It doesn’t quite annoy me, but it does make me twitch. Perhaps you could comment on people’s sites to reward them for the first valid response. I know that it’s a big impact on my view of a weblog when I see that you’ve commented on a post. I’ve even subscribed to people because of it. I think many of the people who just post “First!” would have a large incentive to actually reply if they had the chance of getting a comment from you.
    By the way, how many people are subscribed to you?
    Dr. Carasco

  • Kinda, it’s a discussion site, not a place to brag about the fact that you’re online all day and have no life, or that you are sheerly lucky enough to check at the exact second of the post or something.

  • No. It’s like… tradition. And often times they come back and answer as well anyways. So, what’s wrong? Really, it just seems like a whole lotta bitching to me. People who post first aren’t the only ones who post meaningless stuff here if you read alot of the comments. It’s just easier to target them.

    This being said, I never have been, and highly doubt I ever will be, FIRST!!!!!

  • Yes, it does.

    But I login out of curiosity; that is my fill.  Others of more competitive nature, and perhaps lesser interest in the written text, appear to reach orgasmic heights by posting in the TOP TEN.

    To each his/her own. 

  • Nah…I figure that they got their first and the rightfully deserve the chance to say it.  Just like when you’re playing a game with someone and you win, you say, “I win!” 

  • I don’t see why it bothers people… then again, I do it all the time.


  • Only when they do not actually comment about the post.

  • Most definitely, unless they actually answer the question while they’re at it

  • Ever so slightly…but I’m not about to deny a doofus their fleeting glory.

  • It’s interesting that so many people say they don’t like it. I don’t like it, either, but I thought a great deal more people wouldn’t mind, since a lot of people do that =)

    I remember I was first, once, and I had been typing up an answer to the question not even thinking about the fact that I might actually make it first. I even made a few typos, erased them, corrected them, and still got first =P That felt much more like an accomplishment to me because of the interesing circumstances, though!


  • LAST…for now. Yes, I am just being annoying, but :shrug: that’s me. ;)

    I find it O D D that people “cry out” first. I think I have been first once and find it weird, primarily because it was just a coincidence. I mean, maybe the FIRST people actually just sit and hit refresh on your site, awaiting your next entry. ;) Bwhahaha.

  • …but maybe I did type FIRST that one time…though I don’t think so. Like someone else said, maybe it’s the Dan experience. haha

  • yes. i mean, it’s OBVIOUS that they’re the first ones…

  • A little bit yes. I get a greater rush out of answering the question first instead of saying ‘first’, anyways. I know people respect me more for it

  • It is slightly annoying, but it reminds me more of a verse that talks about “the first shall be last”.  I guess looking at it in those lights, I am fine with being down the line.

  • not really. i just know to not pay attention to the first couple of comments. i also always answer the question, even if i’m in the top 5 :)

  • A little
    But I’ve done it so that’s so hypocritical.


  • It actually makes me laugh a little bit.

    The question is, does it annoy you?

  • nah not at all i just scan right past it to the next post.

  • yes, it is asinine.

  • First! ah! 128 people beat me while I was trying to answer the question. The answer is no it does not bother me. It’s like hollering bingo. You could stand up and say, ” I believe I have four in a row and win the prize.” Or one can holler bingo which has come to be accepted lingo.

    “First!” should be introduced into the Webster dictionary. I think it is a neat word.

  • Sometimes, but I can’t remember or not if I said it the first time I was first or not. I probably annoyed myself. Ah well….

  • I think it’s silly,
    But I think there’s more to life than to worry about something like that
    If people want to act like that, bully for them
    Their business, not mine

  • yeah cuz im never first, and it makes me so mad..ugh.

  • No one is special for being first. You do not get a medal for it. No one cares if you’re first, but if it improves your life to type that special little world, go right ahead.

  • Not really.

    It seems childish, but most of the commentors are not that old anyway.

  • I just enjoy reading comments of substance;
    hearing other people’s opinions
    rather than hearing them proclaim the obvious

  • i’m pretty narcissistic so i dont read what others have posted

  • If you’ll notice Dan, I’ve been first a lot on your posts before, and I’ve never felt the urge to say “First!!!” However, you have to realize that you do get a shitload of comments and it gives people a sense of being lucky and having good timing. Forgive them Dan…for they know not who they piss off!

  • No, it doesn’t bug me. This is so crazy, right after I just posted that I was first in your above post, I went back to my subscriptions, and read this post. Wow, crazy.

  • Those people should be banned from xanga. They’re missing the damn point.

  • FIRST…………. I lied, and yes it does bug me

  • it doesn’t annoy me, but I can see how it would aggreviate the first person to actually answer the question you posted

  • Aww, I was hoping someone would say “FIRST!!” on this one!
    It doesn’t annoy me too much, really. All it means is that people are going to read your name first.


  • no, its one of the entertainments of your site.  i suppose that it’s annoying if they don’t then answer your question.  but i don’t understand why its something to let bother you – i have enough other issues in my life to worry about that.  perhaps i’ll even be able to claim “first!!” someday!!!

  • no..i enjoy it :D


  • No, because they are first. But they had better freakin’ answer thoughtfully quick or I’ll make it my personal goal to spam them out of exsistence..heh heh.

  • Yes, and it’s just fucking stupid that people base their entire time on xanga trying to be first. Like it even matters.

    Great post as always, Dan.

  • oh Jesus, yes. I hate it. wasted comment

  • Don’t care actually

  • haha you guys are funny..  who cares if someone says first?  haha..


    i don;t know ..such not a big deal..

    yes btw you need to lvoe me more.. since i’ve been first atleast twice in my life..  haha..  j/k


  • hell i got excited when i got on the first page XD

  • I noticed that the first commentor actually didn’t shout “FIRST!” this time. I think Democratic Bean deserves some thanks for putting those tools to shame. Pointless comments and people who state the obvious really, really bother me.

  • Not really. It’s a fun part of the culture of this blog, er, the comment section of this blog. Though I really prefer that people answer the question. Then, if they happen to make the first comment, then a follow-up proclamation of “FIRST!” is appropriate.

  • LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • last!

  • When I first started reading your xanga, it annoyed me to no end to see the top five claiming the honor of being FIRST! SECOND! and so on. I never understood the obsession. Then, one fateful day, I happened to be first. And I was proud. I was elated. I realized the happiness that it is to be FIRST! on one of your posts. It doesn’t bother me anymore.

  • It only bothers me if they fail to answer the question as well.

    Though it would seem strange if people stopped doing it altogether….

  • Yes. It’s not a race. God!
    Or is it, Dan?

  • first!!!!

    shit, i mean last….

    shit, i mean yes, quite so.

  • yes
    but im sorry to say i think that i may have done this

  • not really. but it would be better if they answered the question, and then if they realized they were first, leave another comment saying “first!”

  • I was first on a recent post, “Spa”, but i DID actually answer the question, albeit as fast as i could.

  • yes kinda.

    oh oh!! I’m 5873597th! yay!

  • why would it?  i dont think its a big deal at all.  if you are looking to read other comments it just makes it easier to move on to the next.  i have been first a small handful of times so i am going to join the blogring!

  • No,as long as they then atleast answer the question….I have to say that,I did the  “FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” thing ,but then answered.

  • No,as long as they then atleast answer the question….I have to say that,I did the  “FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” thing ,but then answered.

  • not really… i have done it!

  • wut gets me is when someone yells “FIRST!!!”… 2 comments later, celebrates with a “YAY, I WAS FIRST”.

    Then, after actually reading ur post, answers the question.

    a first and a comment is quite enough

  • I have so many other things in my life to be stressed about, I don’t care if they scream it to the world they were first. However, I can’t figure out why they care.

  • Not really, it’s one of the factors of free self expression and a response to any question posed. Certainly it’s not an opinion or point of view, but at least we don’t go ordering our opinions by number. “134th to agree with coppermire, yes.” I don’t even think that it’s always possible to number such responses whenever somebody always has a better connection to the internet than you. In the end, as big as this site has it’s following, there are others that are bigger somewhere and they probably do the same thing. Somewhere somebody is first, and it doesn’t really matter! The Earth does not stop for them, nor does the sun hide it’s face from them, life goes on as normal for awhile longer.

  • You know what bothers me more…. The people who rate with eprops. Hahaha

  • Probably not as much as it annoys you.

  • it really pisses me off.

  • I wouldn’t know…  It has only happened once on my blog, and that was a joke, so I’m not bothered by it….

    I believe that I have been guilty of proclaiming “first” here – but, if I recall correctly, I believe I did answer the question first, then announce my firstness…. (if there is such a word)

    I’m not bothered by those who do this on your blog – I just scroll down to the actual comments and ignore them…

  • I dont care – I thinkits just fine- I feel they like being first- I guess its a challenge — ON THIS SITE

  • not like it hasnt been stated and restated about 183 times prior to this one. unless the blog question is “what comes before ‘second’?” – the response better not damn sure be ‘first’.

    it speaks volumes about the person who does so though. lame and lacks originality. ooo! lets show everyone those great qualities.

  • yes! on my old site (amandalynn89) i was first a few times, and never said anything!!!


  • Yep I think it’s stupid.  Who gives a crap who is first?  I don’t.

  • It doesn’t bother me — as someone said, it’s part of the charm of your site.  I enjoy seeing who gets first.  I’ve actually gotten “first” once… I was really excited.  It’s so fun, because people respond to your site SO quickly, and I think humans have a natural desire to be the first to do something.

  • I could really care less. I’ve done it from time to time, mostly out of sarcasm, when I happened over here FIRST lol.

  • Yes because some of the time they don’t even comment on the post. Or if they do, then it’s way down the list.

  • ya it does. or they think they’re so fucking funny when they’re like “12th!!!!!” Like they were the first to ever do it.

    I agree with whoever sent you that message. Delete anyone who just proclaims what number of poster they were.

  • yeah it does actually, I mean, who really cares? No one is gonna be like “OMG, they were first! They are just so amazing, holy crap they are the greatness in this world, I love them for being first, let’s worship them and care about everything they say from now on.” So…please…keep down the urge to type idiotic things like FIRST!! YESSS, and stick to post//subject.

  • YES!!!!!!!!!!


    REtards just need to answer the stinking QUESTION. Who cares if you are first!? Everyone can tell by the ORDER in which your comment is POSTED!

  • Yes. It’s so stupid.

  • Nahhhhh. I don’t care.  If they get a thrill by declaring, “first”, let them. I’m happy for them if it makes them happy!!!

  • As long as they answer the question..

  • Drives me bonkers.


  • People who say”first” in blogs remind me of the people that post in forums in threads you know the Moderation Team is going to close(Posting things like”Bam” or”I posted here” Etc). it’s not funnymost of the time 

  • It kind of did for a while, and I promised myself that I wouldn’t do that if I were ever first. But after I’d been coming on here for a while, one time I was like, 7th or something like that, and even though I wasn’t first, I was still very proud that I was extremely close to first. Then I realized that if I were ever first, I would probably be super psyched that I was first and I would be like, “HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I’M FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” with about a bazillion more exclamation points. So after that realization, it stopped annoying me that people would always say that they were first. I’m still waiting for that fateful day when I just happen to be online and then you post a blog and I just happen to answer first….


  • No, it’s funny when they type “FIRST!” and someone already beat em to it. haha

  • YES! Drives me nuts!

  • I love it…cute!

  • The question is not whether you are first or last….it is whether you have anything intelligent to say.

  • No.  It is part of the game of TheTheologiansCafe. It is part of th efun of it. Imagine, that some people are actually offended and call those who say they are first, as being “obnoxious.”

  • no. i’m joining.

  • No, it doesnt bother me.

  • It’s fun!

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