Month: October 2006

  • Negative Campaigning

    We are at the time of the year where we get to see political commercials.  We get to hear about how the other candidate has no vision for the future.  We get to hear about how the other candidate didn’t vote in favor of the latest tax cut.  We get to hear about something they did 25 years ago.

    It is the time of the year where millions are spent by politicians to speak negative about their competition.  Everyone will say they hate it.  But that doesn’t stop them from doing it.

    Does negative campaigning work?


  • The Color of Jesus

    Jesus is black.  In the movie, “Color of the Cross,” Jesus is played by a black actor.

    'Color of the Cross'

    There are those who think that Jesus was part of a tribe that migrated from Nigeria.

    Others see Jesus as having olive skin like the Jesus on the right below.  Still others must see him as green like the Incredible Hulk. (Picture on the left below)

    Blue-eyed and brown-eyed Jesus

    Some see Jesus as white.

    Robert Powell as Jesus

    Others see him as a bronze-skinned man. 

    A hypothetical reconstruction of someone from the same time and place of Jesus, created by forensic artist Richard Neave.

    What do you think was the most likely color of Jesus?


  • Feedback

    Would you rather get false praise or undeserved criticism?


  • Fajitas

    Steak or Chicken?


  • South Park

    South Park has created a new episode that includes a dead Steve Irwin.

    He is visiting a Halloween party thrown by Satan.  South Park is a show known for its satire.     

    Appropriate satire or bad taste?     


  • Waterboarding

    Dick Cheney was in the news for mentioning “waterboarding” as a means for getting information out of terror suspects.   

    Waterboarding is given the following definition by Wikipedia:  “Waterboarding is a type of torture used in coercive interrogations or for punishment. In modern practice it simulates drowning and produces a severe gag reflex, making the subject believe his or her death is imminent while ideally not causing permanent physical damage.”

    Is waterboarding an acceptable means of getting information out of suspected terrorist?    


  • Grey’s Anatomy

    Ladies:  If you were Meredith, would you pick

    Dr. McDreamy (left) or Dr. McVet (right)?

    Grey's Staff

    Men:  If you were Dr. McDreamy, would you pick  

    Meredith (left in white) or Addison Shepherd (right)?   

    Grey's Staff



  • Kissing

    My friend happydeviant dealt with this issue before but my last post and the comments reminded me of the issue.

    During my last post some people came by and mentioned that Bob Corker’s daughter was hot.  In one of the photos on her facebook, she was kissing another woman.


    It appears to me that people think lesbian kissing is hot.  But if I put a photo of two gay guys kissing up, many people would say it was gross.     

    Why is lesbian kissing considered hot while gay kissing is considered icky?    


  • Election 2006

    Republican candidate Bob Corker has been critical of Democratic Congressman Harold Ford.  Apparently Harold Ford was at the Playboy party in his past.   

    Unfortunately for Bob Corker, his daughter has a Facebook site.  Here are a few of the pictures she posted on her site:  


    This is Corker’s daughter kissing another girl.


    This is Corker’s daughter dancing with another girl in her underwear.  Corker’s daughter is actually the girl behind the girl in her underwear.  

    Would you hold a candidate responsible for what his adult daughter posted on her Facebook site?  


  • Smoking Part 3

    Apparently I am going to live and surgery for now will not be necessary.  Thanks for your concern.

    Here we go:   

    A recent poll was done by Zogby that indicated that 57% of 18-29 year olds favor making cigarettes illegal.

    Should we make cigarettes illegal?