January 30, 2007

  • Urine Test

    A school district in New Jersey will be giving random urine tests starting this Monday.  The test will be given to students and will detect alcohol that was “consumed up to 80 hours earlier.”

    Pequannock Township High has about 800 students.  The School Superintendent said, “This is a major issue for America.”  He points out that more kids die in alcohol-related traffic deaths than US troops who have died in Iraq. 

    The students who test positive will not be kicked off their teams or banned from activities.  They will just receive counseling and their parents will be told.  My understanding of the article is that they were already giving this test to those involved in extracurricular activities.  The test will now be given randomly to all students.  Here is the link:  Link

    Does a high school have the right to give a student a urine test for something they did off school property?


Comments (142)

  • I’d freak out about being first if it wasn’t so annoying!!!! ..wait

  • How can the test be so sensitive? How much alcohol must be consumed to be detected? Meaning, if a kid has a glass of wine with his parents at dinner, at home, is he gonna get punished for that?

    On one hand it seems like a good idea… many places have zero-tolerance rules for drinking underage, and this would help enforce that. Really, the only people it’s unfair toward is… students who want to party on the weekends. This may not be such a bad thing, really… I wonder if parents could get this test and administer it in their homes?

  • Sure, if it’s illegal.

    And this testing isn’t new anyway; I’ve been randomly drug tested at school before.  It’s not an experience I’d like to repeat, but I understand the necessity of it.  Alcohol testing is necessary as well—too many kids are drinking illegally, and it’s dangerous.

    How can they discover a kid has been drinking, and not get them in trouble? Isn’t that illegal? Aren’t they legally bound to report underage drinking?

  • I never drank in high school; I was just able to emulate drunkenness very well.

  • i don’t know,..  but good question.


  • Based upon court rulings such as New Jersey v. TLO they do.  Although this is going a lot further if it is random drug testing of all students.  Even Board of Ed. v. Lindsey Earls didn’t go that far, they only included “competative” activities, including Future Farmers of America, band, and choir, etc.

    Most schools have the policy that they can do testing on extracurricular participants, but few actually enact it.

    You can believe that there will be a new court case stemming from this.

  • The consequences seem pretty light….but I know I wouldn’t like it if my school decideded to pick this up.

  • I don’t like the idea personally.
    They’re turning an education facility into a rehab clinic. It will turn the school into a place of fear and encourage truancy.

  • NO WAY.

  • They’re all just in this for a bunch of pedophiliac golden shower nonsense.

    The freaks.

  • Apparently they do but with parent consent I’m assuming.

    But I do remember one teacher saying that, once we step into the school until we walk back home at the end of the day, we’re the school’s responsibility.

  • If you ask me, it pushes the kids who are more likely to drop out (those who drink on the weekends) even FURTHER away from the school.

  • I think it’s perfectly fair. The kids should just be glad there isn’t a lot worse that would happen to them for breaking the law. I like the idea also that they’re trying to help the students who fail the test rather than simply punish them. That seems rather enlightened compared to a lot of other things I’ve seen

  • *smirk* Dan could not have put it better than I.

  • And now for my real opinion.

    It isn’t that big of a deal. Alcohol is becoming a problem; help should be offered at an early age or else you are screwed even more as you age.

  • I honestly think that it’s bullshit. I don’t think kids should be doing drugs anyway, but I think that what they do off school property shouldn’t be relevant.

  • At least not in PUBLIC school.

  • Underage drinking is illegal

  • 80 hours??? Forgive me for laughing. I suppose the Easter Bunny will be administering the test? And Santa Clause will analyze the urine in the lab? The results will be given to the tooth fairy for immediate discipline?

  • ^And Jesus will be the sober buddy. 

  • Good for them. This kind of problem should be taken care of early. Parents and schools should be working together in the formation of children, so I don’t see why they shouldn’t be able to do something like this.

  • I don’t really see a problem.

  • well, for the safety for thier students. i understand why.
    someone should just take a huge dump in one of those piss cups, just to see what they say.

  • Yes! Drinks on the house kids!!! *pees in cups*

  • Um, how about NO.
    My mom would wring my neck.

  • I say the test is fake–I don’t think alcohol can be detected that long by any test (maybe somebody can show me proof otherwise).  It’s just a scare tactic to keep kids off the stuff for fear of getting caught.

  • As long as students aren’t being banned from activities, I think it’s fine. I don’t believe that the administration should punish students for testing positive as I know plenty of teenagers who have a drink with dinner or consume alcohol with their parents in a casual setting. In cases like these, the parents of the child are already aware of their actions.

    It is in cases where a student’s parents are unaware of their child’s behavior that the testing becomes useful. Upon being notified the parents of the child can then come up with an appropriate punishment. But not the school.

  • The school does not have the right to punish kids for stuff they did off of school property, but they do have the right to test for it, but only if a parent gives permission. I think…

    But what I want to know is, where are the parents that they don’t know that their kid is drinking while underage? Or do they not care that their kid is breaking the law and ruining his or her health?

  • this is a good thing, i think. mosdef.

  • One word: Homeschooling

  • yes. because its illegal! and hazardous

  • No, not really. But yay for the highschool!  

  • no, that’s the job of the parents
    it really is interfering with the students’ privacy, whether they’re legal drinking age or not

  • In my high school, if someone was caught drinking alcohol, they were suspended from school, from all sports and activities, and parents notified. I think the school has a right to enforce the school rules, so yes.

  • The entire school has only 800 students? I graduated with more than 900 students and my whole school had about 3,800 students total. I live in southern california so there are a lot of people that live here and that’s why there were so many students that went to my school. California’s population is really growing.

  • Why not?  They were always giving me math tests for stuff I did off school property.

  • 5’8″ is pretty tall for a girl.
    Posted 1/30/2007 7:44 PM by TheTheologiansCafe – delete – block user

    I didn’t mean that in a negative way.
    Posted 1/30/2007 7:44 PM by TheTheologiansCafe – delete – block user

    Haha.. That’s ok.. I want to be 6′, but that’s a tad unrealistic… Although my mom is 5’10″ and my dad is 6’4″… But yeah..

    No offense taken. :]

  • I’m on the fence about this issue, because in my school district, we’ve had 6 deaths in the past 3 months, 5 of which were car accident-related. While neither of them had any alcohol in their system, their activities off of school grounds prompted the way they drove. So I believe that schools should have SOME control over activities outside of school property, but not in all. For example, schools shouldn’t try to control consumption of ANYTHING off of school property. If kids want to smoke pot before school or after and come to school high and forget to do things, or if they want to drink alcohol irresponsibly, that is their fault. The school should have no part in it. Now, I am not saying that kids shouldn’t do drugs or smoke, because that statement would be a waste of finger energy, because it’s going to happen whether parents or schools like it or not.

    I think there should be a medium reached for all controversial issues.

  • I don’t know. Soon they’ll be doing random strip searches of students. Oh wait, they’ve already done that… What do you think?

    Seriously, everything is so screwed up these days, I can’t decide what rights we have and what rights we don’t and what limits should and shouldn’t be.

  • some people have argued that they have an obligation to do so. I disagree, however.

  • As a government institution, I’d say yes.

  • no. Just no. While I agree alcohol is dangerous, if the kid doesn’t show up under the influece, there should be no reason to test them. I hate it when schools try to be your parent. All I want is an education.

  • If they’re coming to school drunk, then fine. But otherwise, the school is completely uninvolved and is getting far too strict with what their pupils are doing with time that has nothing to do with school.

  • Hmmmm…I’m torn. I mean a big part of growing up was experimenting, particularly in high school. I recall quite often parties I attended were mainly A students who just liked to have a bit of fun on the weekends. So, truthfully, unless they are showing up to school drunk, let it alone. I say no.

  • No no NO!

    This is more of the phenomenon of asking the state, as in any governing body to take care of it’s citizens infringing highly on privacy in the name of “safety”.

    You CAN’T do this! Isn’t it the parents responsibility to raise a child with the skills to evaluate and decide whether or not to drink? Kids will drink, kids will get drunk. Kids will die. Kids who don’t drink sometimes die too. I never drank in high school. I never drank till I was 24 years old. I would be at parties with the parents out of town and my only interest was the joint, not the next beer run.

    You can’t randomly alcohol test students in the name of making things safer for America. The more personal liberties we sacrifice in the name of legislated safety…

    How can I say it?

    When we realize it’s too late and far too much, we will aready be quite fucked.

  • No, what happens if the kid was given Vicks 44 or Nyquil?  Both have alcohol.  If the kid is drinking outside of school it is the parents problem, not the school’s. 

  • No, it’s just a waste of money. those “random” tests will be found out within the week they are going to happen so it would be pointless.

    Also, it would not solve the problem of underage drinking, just cause conflict within the homes of parents. If the parents didn’t know already, the student obliviously can get away with it.

    The school should not tell students what to eat or drink but instead teach the downside of unhealthy things. I’ve never had or had the choice of taking a health class that told me how to eat right, and stay healthy.

  • Yeah.

    Because it’s illegal on AND off school property.

  • This is too far. I can understand testing a student who engages in an extracuricular activity as they do that by choice, but testing the student body as a while is too much.

  • No, the school has no right. 

  • well…
    somebody once told me she knew a kid who was smoking up on the day of his drug test and passed anyway… he just drank like three gallons of water…
    this story is most likely not true, but i just thought i’d share it.

    Really, drinking is only a public problem when it comes to transportation. Yes, it is bad for kids to dissolve their liver at the age of 15, but it’s just not a public problem. I think if traffic cops were a bit more active, even a bit more present sitting around spying on everyone, people would be more encouraged to have a designated driver. Besides, i don’t think counselling is a very effective deterrent. most people who go to counselling just BS their way through it…

    anyway, i don’t get loaded, so i really don’t know

  • If the taxpayers are paying for it, I say no.  If the parents want to pay for their own child to be tested, I say yes.  I do wish the school spent all this energy worrying about whether or not the students learned anything

  • No!

    No No No No NO!

  • we were given random drug tests, i wasn’t too worried, probably because i don’t do drugs. i don’t think it’s too bad.

  • random testing is good. if you’re clean you have nothign to worry about, and if aren’t then you need that interference.

    get this though: my school has says a group of 3 or more students together is considered a school gathering even if off campus and not related to school..anything that happens in that group my school is not legally responsible for. BUT if illegal activity goes on in this group of three like drugs or drinking you can be punished for it.

  • Nope! How dare they?! What you do outside of school and what you do inside of school are mutually exclusive, in my opinion. If they have a drink two to three days before school, what gives? If they’ve made it to school then they’re ok.

    Change the drinking age to 18, America, and get over it!

    ’nuff said…

  • Ok, 1) 80 hours is a damn long time.  There’s no way it can be done.  2) Yes, most schools have a “0-tolerance drug/alcohol “policy”" but really how many schools REALLY follow that policy???  I know mine sure didn’t.  It’d wipe out the football, men’s soccer, guys lax, and girls lax.  Well not all of the players, but about 80-90% of them.  And 3) No, they have no right.

  • yes, i think it’s great that they are taking such a pro-active stance…while I do think parents are ultimately responsible and too many parents don’t know what their kids are up to, I think that is the exact reason the school needs to be involved….besides, they need to get used to it, almost every place of employment does it these days

  • No, and if they students aren’t even going to be punished or reported to the police about it…what’s the difference? For all the school knows, the parents already KNOW about their kids drinking. If my school had ever done that, and I tested positive, and they called my Mom, she would have been, “Yes, and your point is?” –Because I am responsible and only drink underaged whilst under the supervision of my parents. If that makes me a nerd, big deal. I’m just not a loser who gets her kicks from getting drunk every weekend and passing out at a house party. Drink responsibly, you morons. Seriously.

  • I don’t think that it is their RIGHT persay, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea. Kids are getting into drugs and alcohol at an earlier and earlier age. A few years ago, a 12 year old in my town died from an alcohol WAYY overdose. I don’t know his drug history, but I highly doubt it was the first time that kid got his hands on some alcohol. It was really sad, and I am sure ANY parent would submit their child to a random urine test over having them dead.

  • Can anyone cite an actual enacted law that gives to a school – or any other organisation possessing limited authority – the legal right to inflict any form of medical procedure without consent? Without such legal authority, is not such a test a form of assault?

  • I was under the impression that this is unconstitutional?
    Maybe? No? Either way, I think it should be strictly for kids in extracurricular activities, if anyone.

  • Does a school have the legal right to give a urine test to a student?  I don’t know.  That’s for a judge to decide. 

    Does a high school student have the right to consume alcohol in New Jersey?  No.  Not even off school property. 

  • Those teachers are all fucking hypocrites. I am sure they all used to go to school high.
    High Schoolers experiment and party.

    Christ, this world sucks right now.

  • But at least they’ll just be ‘talked’ to. Drinking is just like sex…do it safely and it’s better.

  • no, if it doesnt have anythgint to do with school, its not the school’s business. the parents should be handling this

  • The Public Schools are not  Concentration Camps.  High School kids have the right to experiment or try what’s good or what’s not, and no matter how hard we try to push those kids to be well-behaved human beings, they’re always have that animal side.  So the Public Schools have to get the fuck off on that shit…

  • Personally, no, they shouldnt. I am sure some of those parents in that school district who are in favor it did just as much drinking and drugs as their children are doing, but it comes down to the fact that we are overprotecting our children. You talk about how your generation is so much better, well, it’s because you are smothering your teenagers. You give them no freedom to explore, enjoy life, and to make their own mistakes, and then you expect them to conform to that.

    This is also a question of if a student has a right to privacy in a school setting. I think it does. This isnt just a locker search, this is like searching the body. How about we give all those wanting to fly on airliners a drug and alcohol test and those who have had a glass of wine in the last 75 hours are not allowed to fly? Students should be allowed to have a life outside and in a school. It is not in the school’s job description to protect them outside of the classroom… I believe that is what you signed up for when you had the child.

    Honestly, I think drug (not alcohol) testing athletes and those participating in e.c.s should be tested since they are representing the school off of school properties. Athletes should be tested for stereoid useage as well for health and safety. HOWEVER, every other student should be exempt from this.

    So my point…: stop smothering your children and stop depending on the school’s to watch over your child’s well-being. 

  • nobody but the ones that drink will be affected. this isn’t like tap a phone line. This doesn’t invade privacy what so ever
    Posted 1/30/2007 7:49 PM by shadow12613

    If it is truly randomized testing than it most certainly will affect students who don’t drink. I feel it is an invasion of privacy to make those whom are not suspected to be using pee in a cup in school.

    Also, I think the school is wasting their time and money if there isn’t going to be any legal involvement or at least suspension from school activities. My high school was serious about the drug and alcohol policy for athletes. If the cops busted up a party over the weekend it was reported to the school on Monday and the student athletes were suspended from practice and games dependent on how many offenses they had. It even worked that way for the principles daughter sophomore year.

  • A resounding no! This is an absolute breach of individual freedom. What right does the school have to know a student’s personal life? None, I say. But, fools might argue, otherwise, people will die from kids who drank.

    If you decide to test everybody for everything because somebody might someday cause an accident of some kind, everybody would spend all their time peeing into cups.

    Where are the Americans who love freedom? Those people should be outraged at the principle of this thing.

    Children are people too, and the government has no right to subject the citizens to such an abomination of justice. It isn’t just this, specifically, but the slippery slope it begins. What if they decide to test for other things they don’t like, too? What if they make it less random, and test every kid every day for alcohol, every adult for illegal drugs? Then what? Maybe the big corporations pay the government to make competitors illegal, and then suddenly you can go to jail for taking advil rather than tylanol? There are many many ways this could expand, each more dangerous than the next for freedom.

    How regulated will citizen life become before something happens? At this rate, the American Ideal is so close to collapse I can almost feel the shockwave.

  • omg, i would get in SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!

  • uh no…school doesnt have to do this .. thats why theres parents…

  • Sorry, can’t agree with the school on this one.  It is one more thing they are taking away from the parents.  It is the parent’s job to KNOW and KEEP their child in line.  I realize there are parents out there who forfeit their responsibilities, but there are parents out there who really try hard.  This is a slap in the face for them. 

  • no. it wont last long, a school may be able to do that to sports students, but not to anyone. Do you realize how many kids are on meds, do you realize how many mistake can be made because of a misreading of those meds. Do you then realize how many parents will be misinformed. And think about the money for that, it has to come from somewhere…


  • idk if they have the right to, but i go to a private highschool of about 117 kids and they give a “random” drug test that tests for marijuana every.. 3 months to 2 people from each class.

  • not to sure on this one dan. love the site by the way

  • This issue came up a while ago when a girl was caught smoking and the principal went through her purse and found pot and money from selling it. Since then, lockers have been checked regularly checked by police dogs. It’s for safety. And who knows, it may help. But I doubt it.

  • in 7th grade one of my teachers told us that the school was going to be drug testing the students randomly…and he had it set up so that the office  would call a few students down to the office one at a time…then he told us that it was all a joke

  • I don’t really like how many people drink, but I’m not sure schools should be screening kids for what they do out of school.

    Good for them. This kind of problem should be taken care of early. Parents and schools should be working together in the formation of children, so I don’t see why they shouldn’t be able to do something like this.
    Posted 1/30/2007 6:30 PM by squeakysoul

    Somehow that phrase really bothers me. It sounds like kids are being assembled at a factory or something. Just felt the need to point that out.

  • In a public school, I would have to say no. A private school on the other hand I think would have the right to do so since they can do pretty much whatever they want and could expel a student for saying hi instead of hello if they so chose.

    I think it is a good idea, I just do not think that it is legal for a public school, and this sounds like it would be a public school, to do.

  • Do they have the right or SHOULD they?

  • Do they have the right or SHOULD they?

  • Honestly, I think drinking is something that should be dealt with at home. It’s a nice idea, but it’s not the school’s domain (in my eyes) to patrol the students on their time off. I understand drug tests for competitive things, particularly sports teams, but just having a drink on the weekend for someone who’s good in school seems too restrictive.

  • Is everyone actually serious?

    What about the rights of those who don’t drink AND don’t want to pee in a cup?

    I’m a good girl. No one is passing my pee around.

  • “random testing is good. if you’re clean you have nothign to worry about”

    How about the huge ass invasion of privacy? And a violation from our right to not have unreasonable searches? I have ‘nothing to worry about’ in your sense, but there is much more than that.

  • See, I’m okay with drug dogs, because I really don’t have anything to hide. But drug/alcohol tests and strip searches? No fucking way.

  • I think it’s wrong. I feel it’s just another way parents don’t have to keep an eye on their kids.

  • no way.  unless the kid shows up to school intoxicated, the school shouldn’t have anything to do with it.  i personally don’t drink and didn’t drink in high school, but this idea doesn’t make sense to me.

  • Hmm…that’s a toughie. On one hand, no, since they are forced to go to high school. But on the other hand, yes, since they are the school’s responsibility when they are on school grounds. If one of them is high, they have an obligation to tell the parents.

  • Parents should be doing this though.

  • I think it’s a good idea.

  • i don’t think it’s right for all students. but in order to join a team you sign a paper saying you won’t smoke/drink/do drugs & basically be good role models. so maybe it apply more to athletes

  • Sure, if they have nothing to hide, one shouldn’t object.

  • Contrary to popular belief, students don’t have much in the way of rights. So yes.

  • cts3seto: How about the huge ass invasion of privacy? And a violation from our right to not have unreasonable searches?

    A drug test doesn’t doesn’t quite qualify as a “huge ass invasion of privacy.” And the bill of rights protects against unreasonable search and SEIZURES. Don’t use things out of context.

  • “Meaning, if a kid has a glass of wine with his parents at dinner, at home, is he gonna get punished for that?”

    No, it doesn’t say anything about punishing the kid. His parents will be notified, and if the kid actually just had a glass of wine with his parents for dinner, I’m sure they’d vouch for him/her. If the parents DO vouch for them, I doubt the kid would still be stuck in counselling.

    Anyhow, to answer the question, I don’t see why not. Since kids spend almost as many of their waking hours at school as they do at home on a weekly basis, I don’t see why not. Besides, underage drinking is illegal, I don’t see why trying to enforce this law would be wrong. Just awkward.

  • I think that it’s a good idea. Well, not good. Just… neutral. I mean, who else is going to be able to have the resources to do it? It’ll discourage drinking, even if it is only slightly. I think that they should be kicked off their teams or whatever, though. Pretty good motivation to stop.

    Plus I hate underage drinkers because they start mainly because they want to hide from their problems. I think it’s pathetic. Some do it for fun (which is just stupidity on their part). Alcohol when you are at an older age (not the moment you turn 21, or here, 18) is okay with me.

    I really hate underage drinking. It’s ruined my life. No doubt a google of other lives. I wish something could make them see… if these random tests help any, I am not against it.

  • This is an invasion of privacy and solves no problems. It will just create more war in the home.

  • THATS SO WEIRD because my doctor has been calling me for the past 3 weeks to get a urine sample. I went twice and they keep calling me back in to get another one, it’s so annoying.

  • Yes. I live in Jersey. I know the whole story and all the corresponding reasons.

  • why don’t they do drug testing.. I am sure there are more that use drugs than drink..

  • You Americans are obsessed with rights.

  • I like the idea of the tests…..athletics have to take them.  I wonder if the Bill of Rights includes high school students???   (i.e.: locker searches, dress codes, etc…….the right to bear arms?)  All kidding aside, public schools should have the right to control their students.  Private schools sure do!

  • For athletes and clubs, yes. Not all students though.

  • I semi- like the idea…but I think that parents should be told before tests are administered and given the opportunity to have their kid excused fromt he tests but only because there is no way to know where they will draw the line…so maybe they do the tests and then quietly add testing for drug use and then instead of simply offering counciling the kid suddenly gets arrested for drugs that were actuallt prescribed to them and …well, I can just see how something like this could snoball onto something awful…..but somewhere in the midst of it is a good idea waiting to happen.

  • I don’t know.  This is one of those things that’s hard to argue without sounding “pro-teen-alcohol-consumption.”  But WHERE will the list of things that the schools are trying to do end???  Aren’t they having a hard enough time trying to teach reading, writing, and math?

  • No.  Schools are supposed to educate children, not discipline them.  What kids do after school is their parents’ business not the school district’s.

    For the people who posted minors aren’t allowed to drink alcohol legally, that’s not true.  They are allowed to drink alcohol if is provided by their parents (ie, wine with dinner which a lot of families do) or for religious purposes.  Should a kid be punished because they had a glass of wine on Friday with dinner and tested positive for alcohol on Monday morning from it?  No, that’s ridiculous.

  • As long as the parents give their written consent, why not?

  • As a high school student, I think this is a great idea. Good for New Jersey!

  • NO THEY DO NOT!! Teach reading, writing, arithmatic, history, what have you. But you do NOT have the right to teach my children morality or govern their behavior outside of the classroom. That’s MY job and none of your damned business!

  • if you have nothing to hind what is the fricken problem?? people are freaking out over this saying it’s against our rights….i don’t see what the deal is

  • “A drug test doesn’t doesn’t quite qualify as a “huge ass invasion of privacy.”"

    It does to me. My urine is  not going into any cup in the middle of a school day. It’s embarassing and akward.

    ” And the bill of rights protects against unreasonable search and SEIZURES. Don’t use things out of context.”

    The fourth amendment states we have a right to be secure in our persons against unreasonable searches AND seizures. Just because you claim it isn’t a seizure (though my urine would be taken) doesn’t mean we can not have privacy. It doesn’t require both to be protected for one; I am not out of context.

  • hell no. thats totally against the consititution. that, and what if their parents LET them consume an amount of alcohol or they went to church or something????

    or what if they just want alcohol?

    i dont need counseling for my own self drinking alcohol, and im underage.

    that, and my mom was the one who introduced me to alcohol, so who is to say if that will be effective…

    thats so stupid.

  • Hmm…that’s a good question.

    I’m fine with them testing students who want to compete in extracurricular activities.  But school is mandatory.

    I guess it’s on par with license checkpoints and stuff, which I think is okay.

    Ultimately, I guess I’m okay with it.  Though it is throwing money at stuff that isn’t really the state’s job.

  • and to the person who said we are obsessed with rights.. ya, i guess you’re right… we DO like to be free after all…

  • No.

    I think the drinking age is way too high here anyway. If they make it so high, they’ll only risk the underage drinkers abusing alcohol.

  • No. Underage drinking is illegal, though, so they kind of do have a right, since they have to do with the government.


  • If its helping us, why not?

  • Definitely a great idea.

  • Hey Dan, come on over and check out my post. It may or may not be something you’d be willing to disseminate to your many followers.

  • 80 hours? That must be some test considering that alcohol is water soluble.

    As for the test itself? I don’t really see the point. Chances are, if their kids have been using alcohol, the parents have at least some idea about it. If there aren’t going to be any consequences anyway, why bother to disrupt the classroom and waste the money to do the tests?

    It also depends upon whether they are going to do a *real* drug/alcohol test or just give the kids the container and send them into the washroom. A *real* test is conducted with the tester IN the washroom WITH you, observing you while you urinate to ensure that you do not tamper with the test, scoop toilet water into it to dilute it, or whatnot. To have to submit to random *real* tests? Um… there may be good intentions behind it but I think it will do more harm than good.

  • the news reports I saw on this said the only thing done would be to call parents. They need counseling. Badly. Why test if there is no punishment for doing the crime?

  • hey so i read all the stuff u post cuz it is really cool, amusin adn informative.

    but this issue has really caught my attention

    i am a 16 year old female. my mom ALLOWS me to drink within our home, she feels that it is better for me to drink in our home because she feels i will be less likely to drink if i have access to it at home.  We will sit there durin dinner drinkin a beer together just relaxin. and the other day for example she spiked  *and by spiked i mean w/o my knowledge* my hot chocolate, she put in a shot of peppermint schnapps *which is really good by the way* and she asked me how i liked it

    so really i do not think this will work cuz well there are most likely more moms like mine out there.

    well ciao and tkx for listenin

  • no. it’s off their property and it’s out of their hands and jurisdiction. Schools tend to think they own the children that attend their facilities but they really don’t. They need to know when to draw the line and thy need to know they’re place and what they can and cannot do.

  • You probably werent a good parent If your kid is drinking in the first place. so somebody needs to discipline them

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