October 30, 2007

  • Touchless Cheating

    Is it really cheating if no physical contact has been made?


Comments (110)

  • emotional cheating is just as bad, if not worse.

  • If intent or feelings are anything less than loyal to your significant other, then yes, I believe so.

  • There are different forms of cheating. Establishing emotional bonds with outsiders at the expense of forming those within a relationship can be considered cheating – but it’s a matter of perspective.

  • emotional cheating is still cheating I feel… it’s something considerably different from being attracted to someone or flirting, it’s the act of becoming intimately attached to someone else when you should be focusing on your emotional/physical attachment to your significant other.

    so yes, it still is cheating.

    there are always caveats to every rule though..

  • i think it depends on the couple. they need to set boundaries and let each other know. sometimes an emotinal connection can be just as hurtful as a physical one.

  • it begins in the heart so yes.

  • I think it depends really. A lot of people say emotional cheating is just as bad, but I think if someone becomes emotionally involved with someone else, yet takes steps to move away from that rather than towards it, then they’re not really doing anything wrong. It’s not easy to control matters of the heart, and if they’re not actively moving towards realizing the emotional relationship, and rather and trying to control it then the line has not really been crossed. If they’re emotionally involved with someone however, and are okay with that, then as the significant other, I’d be hurt.

  • Yeah! A good rule is: if you don’t want your significant other to read it, see it or hear it, don’t do it!!

  • Emotional cheating is still cheating and could be even worse.

  • Yes.

  • yep, its called an emotional affair, when affection shifts from one person to another.

  • thanks……for the well wishes.

    tough question….legally it is not cheating.

    morally it probably is cheating.

  • Yeah, it would be. Cheating is not just physical, it’s also emotional and mental.

  • absolutely! Cheating is in the mind too!

  • Yep. I agree w/ Q-Storm

  • Yes, but it depends on whether emotional intimacy was there or not.

  • And I hope I get the job to. :)

  • If it would hurt your SO and clearly crosses the boundaries of what your SO would want you to do, then yes.  

  • Definately!  Absolutely!  When you marry someone, the bible says that the two become one.  If one person does something that hurts the other, then they will both end up hurting in the end. 

  • Crushes on other people, as long as you don’t act on them or heavily think about them, can actually be good in making you flirty the way your partner liked when you first got together.

    And what’s wrong with having a friend opposite your sexual orientation that you are emotionally connected with? It’s called friends.

  • If your relationship is that strict, then yeah, I suppose it would be.

  • Hell no. That’s just therapy for a normal man. It doesn’t matter where you work up your appetite, as long as you come home to eat.

  • ryc
    cr: 600
    writing: 580

    for an asian that’s REALLLY CRAPPY.

  • Yes it’s possible to cheat without physical contact….

  • Man Dan…You ask that question A LOT!  Who is she?

  • You don’t have to touch someone to fall in love with them.  And if my husband fell in love with another woman, I’d feel pretty darn betrayed and hurt.

  • And I look at it this way.

    If you are doing anything you don’t want your spouse to see with another person, then yes it is cheating whether it is physical or emotional.  I tell a lot of my friends male or female I love you when I am hanging up the phone with them.  I also say it in front of my hubby,and if he asks, I tell him who I said it to, but I never hide it.

  • Cheating is cheating and no matter what “conditions” one might put upon it…they are just “excuses” for cheating.

  • Yeah. People cheat all the time. When you or your counterpart look at another person with lust…cheating. When you think about someone else sexually…cheating. When you go out of the way intimately to be with someone else besides the person you are currently with…cheating. It’s only what you perceive as cheating… I know women who freak out when their man check out another women. I know men who allow their wife to seek out other sexual relations. I guess it all depends on how open you are with your partner.

  • it depends on the nature of the relationship that is in question.  if you are involved in a purely physical relationship and don’t touch then no cheating has occured.  but if you are involved in a mentally engaged relationship and form bonds that are at the exclusion of that person with another then yes, perhaps it could be cheating. 

    but i think mental cheating is one that requires too much thought to prove so i tend to go with no over all.

  • Once it comes down to technicalities, you’re really just done.

  • whats another, stronger word for YES!!!!

  • Yes, because relationships go deeper than physical contact alone.

  • Yes.  You can cheat with your mind, heart and emotions.  It isn’t innocent.  As Christ said, even when you think it then it is a sin.  That is where sin starts.  In the mind. 

  • If my significant other were talking about things in a way in which he wouldn’t in front of me, I would feel cheated on. I actually have a bigger problem wth emotional cheating than with physical cheating- although I don’t think I could tolerate either. :[

  • Yes, very much so.

  • I think it defends on the person’s perspective. If you’re in a relationship but fall in love with someone else without touching them…I’m not sure. I’ve run into this problem. A friend’s fiance started to have feelings for me, and we never touched except to hug, and she claimed it was an emotional affair. Her trust wasn’t broken because he never touched me but she felt pretty shitty that he started liking someone else. The fact that I was a lesbian didn’t seem to console her, either.

  • Yes, absolutely – it crosses the boundaries you have with your significant other; emotional or touching, it’s cheating.

  • I think emotional cheating is worse than physical cheating. 

  • Yes; I remember how upset my mommy was when she realized Dad had been talking to another woman. They hadn’t done anything, but he was sending her text messages and stuff saying things like ”I dream about you at night” and a million other lame ‘romantic’ things.

     Cheating emotionally is just as bad, if not worse, than cheating physically.

    …and RYC: o__o Moving to Nebraska and dying ARE like the same thing. You’re still going far away forever.

  • I can be. Cyber sex, for instance.

  • It all depends on how you define cheating.

    Regardless of what you want to call it, if it’s a type of relationship that would hurt your spouse, you probably shouldn’t be involved in it.

  • yes, definitely

  • Naw, it just stinks.

  • “Cheating” is a superfluous term that needs to be truncated and evaluated by the parties involved. As long as they can all come to an agreement as to what is “cheating” and what is not, the boundaries have been set.

    Also, a kiss is not a contract, but it’s very nice.

  • No one else said no? Man, I’m emotionally inexperienced.

  • YES. no random smartass comments from me this time. can’t you tell i’m bitter?

  • No, cheating requires a physical aspect. Though I would argue it only MATTERS if the person falls out of love… whether or not an actual affair is involved.

  • I think you can emotionally cheat and it can be just as detrimental to a relationship as physical cheating.

  • Generally, yes, but I think different couples have different boundaries.

  • it’s not a perfect world, and forever is a long time.  if you don’t act on it, it’s not cheating.  otherwise, who hasn’t cheated?

  • cybersex is totally cheating

  • It’s adultery of the heart as Jesus would put it.

  • If you have to sneak and lie-its wrong, but probably not adultery in the true sense

  • No. Its not cheating til you put the cream in the Oreo.

  • Yes, but not as bad as physical.  If the guy was cheating and his girlfriend had found out I bet after yelling at him she will ask him if he ever kiss the other women or even worse have sex with her.  If he didn’t he will loose his trust for a while but might have a chance getting back together again.  However, if he did physically cheated with another women she might never able to forgive him.  That’s the difference between cheating emotionally or physically.

  • if someone’s naked

  • Yes. Cheating can be emotional, too. If anything, that would be harder for me to take than if my significant other had a random night of meaningless, casual sex with someone.

  • Not unless you are married. It’s then that you decide after trying it out with others, this is the one.

  • it’s strange that you post this, because i was just looking at an email i had sent someone months ago–a close friend of mine– about how we needed to stop flirting, how bad it was. Although, it seems to have cropped up again. The heart knows what it wants and needs.

    I think that yes, it is cheating. Though it’s on a different level if it isn’t physical.

  • sometimes an emotional attachment is worse than physical.

  • it can be… having an emotionally intimate relationship with someone other than your partner is a more offensive thought to me than random casual sex.

  • Gosh dan! I feel so flattered to have a comment by you! Thanks :) That completely made my day- you’re like a Xanga celebrity!

  • it’s cheating as soon as it’s something you don’t want her to find out

  • even verbally. how would a wife feel if her husband confided their marital problems or any secret he’d normally share with his wife to another woman (who of course isn’t his sister or mother etc.)?

  • omg i don’t know.. some of these responses are ridiculous.. so if my bf.husband made a comment like oh she seems cool to hang out with or shes cute.. that’s cheating all of a sudden? hm.. i think that’s insecurities talking but if they’re taking it as cheating due to past promiscuity of a partner.. then they have the right to be suspicious.

  • Like a casual lunch date? Not with me – but I think it depends on the other person. I know with some of my friends it would be considered cheating to pretty much hang out with someone of the opposite sex and with some of my friends, they have so many playmates it wouldn’t.

  • It seems that there ought to be a way of answering this question on solid ground instead of moral relativism.

    Between husband and wife no other relationship other than God should intervene or threaten to intervene in a way that would even remotely be considered a possible emotional distraction for one spouse or the other. There is a sacred circle around the husband and wife that should not be broken.

    The emotional energies of the husband and the wife ought to be first and foremost used for the glory of God, and then for blessing one another.

    If there is even any appearance of inpropriety – such as a married person spending time alone with another person – that is really not appropriate. It might not be cheating, but the line should be drawn very far from anything that resembles cheating so it is not even an option.

    I think that is the safest way, if you really love your spouse and don’t want to have any problems.

  • YES- it the intention is there- it’s cheating

  • touchless cheating? whats that? flirting?

  • Sure. It could be worse.

  • Define touchless cheating.

    If your partner only FEELS for somebody else, but does nothing further, I don’t think it’s cheating, because you really can’t control your emotions.

  • It’s not really stealing if you get your grandchild to grab the purse behind the counter.

  • of course tahts what Jesus Christ said!

  • Indeedy… sometimes it’s even worse, ’cause the perpetrator doesn’t think much of it…

  • no. but emotional stuff can very well lead to real cheating or a warped relationship.

  • “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’But truly I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” – Matthew 5:27-28

    So, yes.

  • Yeah, it would be easy to try and rationalize that “we never had sex” but if the emotions were there, it was cheating.

  • Sure, the thought was there.

  • Most women would say “Yes!” Most men would delude themselves into thinking it was some kind of game. My wife has made her position quite clear….it would be “divorce time.”

  • Yes. Emotional cheating can be worse…often physical cheating is a act of squashing ones conscience…and act of impulse, a lack of self disapline or morals that can often result in regret. Emotional cheating takes intention, effort, a intimate connection that can surpass a physical one. It can be difficult if not impossible to divorce oneslf from an emotional affair…..because when you get emotionally involved it means you connect and “care”…….

  • emotional cheating is cheating. and sharing pics and stuff. any betrayal of your spouse with another person. it doesn’t have to just be sex.

  • Psychological research shows that it does have almost the same effect on the one who was cheated as it would if the person had been having sex.

  • if it’s superficially checking out eye-candy, no. but usually, if that question is being asked, then yes. it’s the heart and mind that make a relationship. what’s left if those belong to another?

  • Not for the majority of relationship ‘contracts’ out there. It must be defined as cheating before it can be considered as such.

  • Yes. Especially to a woman. Men are more likely to become angry if you are cheating on them physically but no one ever considers the pain of a woman which rests in emotional connection. To tear that away really sucks.

  • Yes. Even if there is no physical touching, that don’t mean there aren’t any feelings.

  • I think it depends on what the couple is comfortable with. I didn’t mind when one of my former boyfriends went on a trip with another woman. I went to concerts with other guys. It wasn’t cheating because neither of us saw it that way, we were open about it with each other, and no one did anything inappropriate.

  • I think it would depend on the people. I wouldn’t go into any relationship, online, or off, if I feel like I’m causing someone to cheat on their  gf/husband, but I had a “relationship” via computer and phone once. We stopped it, when he thought he had found a girl in his own country(it didn’t work, so he’s talking to me again, but I’m not letting it go like it was,lol).

  • thats like your boyfriend telling a girl she’s so hot and he wants to bang her in front of you and say its not considered cheating…its hurtful.
    im all for the fact that it can be cheating

  • There sure can be cheating going on, without any physical contact. It’s called “Emotional Cheating.” Emotionally being intimately close with somone else, and sharing deep feelings with them, whilst still with someone else, is a from of, “emotional cheating” and doesn’t require any physical contact in order to cheat.

  • Yes, it’s still counted as cheating.

  • yeah, it is considered cheating. if the person says that they love you, they shouldnt emotionally let themselves focus on someone else. to me, “cheating” is the act of focusing your heart on someone else. think about it: if someone is PHYSICALLY cheating, if they werent the least bit interested in them, they wouldnt do it. so yes, the heart is a huge factor in cheating, because they know deep down that what they are doing is wrong, but obviously they dont care…

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