Month: November 2008

  • 7 Days of Sex Challenge

    I have been posting for a few years now about these pastors who challenge the people in their churches to have sex for a certain number of days.

    Pastor Ed Young Jr. is challenging the married couples in his congregation to have sex for 7 days straight.  Here is the link:  Link

    His thinking is that God was pretty open about sex in the Bible and that it was designed for marriage so married couples should be having sex.  In fact, some pastors preach that it is a sin not to have sex in marriage.

    In a few of these churches, the pastor asks the married couple to make a public commitment that they will have sex during the campaign.

    If your pastor asked you to have sex for 7 days, would you be willing to make a public commitment?


  • Xanga and Blogging Communities

    Well, it looks like xanga is going to stick with the new “blogging community” sites called Datingish, Revelife, Healthkicker, Momaroo, Dollarish, Lovelyish and Wifekicker.

    (Special thanks to Seedsower for making the wifekicker icon.

    Now I started to look at these sites and I can see Datingish is pretty popular and has the best content.  But I am married so I don’t really connect with that group.  I have written 4-5 posts for Revelife but I always feel like the Revelife group hates me.

    I think the community where I would fit in the best is Healthkicker.  I like all the people on that site and they are so warm and friendly.  I don’t read the posts but I like the community itself.  I have met some really nice anorexics on that site.  (For all you haters who pick on the thinspo sites, just remember that the alternative is fat chicks).

    Which of xanga’s new sites do you identify with the best?


  • Xanga Posture

    Don’t change real quick.

    Bad xanga posture can lead to back pain and neck pain.  Here is the link:  Link  This is especially for you who are Xanga True and spend too much time on xanga.

    Be honest now.

    Do you have good xanga posture?


  • One Last Night On the Town

    I was reading an article about brides-to-be who were getting their one last night on the town before they were getting married.

    The women would go and watch male strippers and have fun with their friends.  Here is the link:  Link

    In the article, it was mentioned that some women will go to “pampering sessions” at the spa while others would hit the strip clubs.

    Would you rather go to a strip club or a spa the night before your wedding?


  • Best Book

    What do you think was the best written book of all time?


  • The Assassination of Barack Obama Part 3

    I think I may be going soft.  I just read a story about a store owner in Maine who made national news when he had his customers bet on what day Barack Obama would get assassinated.  Here is the link:  Link

    You may remember I asked about a week before the election if you thought Barack Obama would get assassinated if he was elected.  Here is the link:  Link

    The next morning I woke up at 4:00 in the morning and I thought of the brilliant idea of having a free premium contest for anyone who could guess the day Obama would be assassinated if elected.  (I was going to automatically disqualify anyone who participated or helped plan an assassination).

    The post would have been a joke because of all the media coverage about Obama possibly getting assassinated because he was black.  (Because no one wanted to kill our much loved President Bush).

    The post would have also helped me achieve my lifetime goal of a visit from the Secret Service (Think of the great blogging material that would provide). 

    But when it came time to post, I chickened out.  I thought people would get all upset so I just had people guess what day McCain would die of old age.  Here is that link:  Link

    This is leading me to wonder if I am just growing soft as a blogger.  Maybe I am just no longer able to post with an edge.

    Is it me, or am I getting soft as a blogger?


  • Regifting

    I had never even conceived of the idea of regifting until I met my wife. 

    Regifting is where a person takes a gift that they received (hopefully unopened and unused), and gives that gift to someone else.  My wife receives these gifts and she immediately thinks she should not open them so she could turn around and reuse them.

    I was mortified by the idea.  I couldn’t believe she was going to take something that someone gave her and turn around and give it to someone else.  It felt like a slap in the face.  Now I am a little older and I understand the concept.

    Would you feel less special if you knew you received a gift that was regifted?


  • Gift Cards

    We are getting to the time of the year where everyone is going to be celebrating the true meaning of Christmas which is buying gifts.

    I have noticed in the last few years that I am getting more and more gift cards.  Getting a gift card allows you to get what you want and also allows you to see exactly how much the other person thought you were worth.  (That can sometimes be hid with deceptive gifts designed to look expensive). 

    On the other hand, a gift card also communicates “I didn’t know what to buy you” and “you were not really worth the time.”

    Would you rather get a gift card or a gift for Christmas?


  • Obama and Change

    It is being reported that Hillary Clinton has been offered the position of Secretary of State by President-elect Obama and that she will accept the offer.  Here is the link:  Link

    On the news this morning they were talking about how President-elect Obama is bringing in a bunch of people from the Clinton presidency years.  They were asking if Obama could call it change if he was bringing the same political insiders in to this inner circle.

    Would you prefer that Obama bring in all new people or some people with previous experience?


  • Tasering a Pregnant Woman

    I found an article today that is a few years old while I was searching for another article.

    It was a news story about a cop that tasered a pregnant woman.  She was 8 months pregnant and was pulled over by a cop for speeding and wouldn’t sign the ticket.

    The interesting thing in the article was a comment by the Sheriff who said, “It just doesn’t look good to the public.” 

    There was also new guidelines for dealing with children, the elderly and handicapped from the case.  Here is the link:  Link

    I got the impression from reading the article that the police were going to adjust their guidelines because people were uncomfortable seeing certain people tasered.  In other words, it would be ok to taser a large black man but you might want to be careful about tasering a pregnant woman.

    Do you think it is wrong for the police to taser a pregnant woman?