Month: November 2008

  • Birthday Post Part 3

    I would like to thank everyone for all the expressions of Happy Birthday and for all those who posted about my birthday.  I had a good day even though I worked most of it.

    Maybe I am just getting nostalgic with my birthday but I have been wondering with some people leaving xanga if slowly but surely we all might be gone some day.

    It is easy to say that we will all stay around but we have all read the post by some friend saying that they were done with xanga and going somewhere else.  Some of them even pretend to have real lives. 

    I think the Xanga is different in that so many are expressing their thoughts and emotions.  I can’t help but to think that one day some of us will be saying, “I wonder whatever happened to . . .”  But on the Internet there is no way to go back and catch the person.  Usually we leave without giving a phone number or a last name.

    Do you think we will be here on xanga ten years from now?

  • Christmas Cards

    Take a look at the Christmas card Seedsower is sending out at church.  Here is the link:  Link

  • Birthday Post Part 2

    Yes, it is my birthday today.  I turned 37.  I am about to leave work here soon and go spend time with my wife for my birthday.

    I started to think about the best year and the best age of my life.

    What was your favorite age?

  • Birthday Post

    Today is my birthday.  I am 37 years old.  I am now half-way to 74.

    Here we go:

    We have been over a few of these stories of engagement rings when an engaged couple break up.

    Sometimes it becomes an issue of the man wanting the engagement ring back.  A man is in the news because he is suing for the $25,000 engagement ring since the woman and him broke up. 

    Now, in discussing this issue before I have noticed that people tend to give the answer “It depends on who broke up.”  So some feel that if the woman breaks up with the man, she should have to give the ring back.  But if the man breaks up with the woman, he loses the ring.

    But the man in the article asked the woman to marry him.  She broke up with him and threw the ring at him.  They decided to keep going but the man said that her breaking up and throwing the ring at him made him reconsider the relationship.

    So the man’s lawyer is claiming that “engagement ring is a conditional gift of the marriage, and if the marriage doesn’t take place, the man is entitled to get it back.”  Here is the link:  Link

    Is an engagement ring a conditional gift of the marriage?


  • Fake Vs. Real

    Now I just want you to know that I am an advocate of fake Christmas trees.

    Some people are against fake trees and they will only support real ones.

    But I disagree with this approach.  I think fake Christmas trees can look so much more full.  The last thing you want is a Christmas tree that is not full.

    Sometimes I wonder if those with real Christmas trees are just a little jealous of those with fake ones.

    Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or a fake one?


  • An Eye for an Eye

    A woman teacher and 15 schoolgirls were injured in an acid attack in Afghanistan.

    Attacks have been made by Islamic extremists on schools because they do not believe girls should receive an education.

    Now the teacher wants the attackers to have acid thrown on them and then have them hanged.  Here is the link:  Link

    Do you think the attackers should have acid thrown on them?


  • Community Blogs

    Xanga has created datingish for the single people who can’t find someone in real life.  They have created Revelife for those who like that religious cult feel. 

    But that has caused some to feel left out.

    So I want you to create for me a photo that represents an untapped group that xanga needs to focus on so I can put it on my site.

    Here are a few examples

    Blimpish is for those that really won’t fit in at healthkicker.  Lets face it, there are plenty of fat people on the Internet.

    Wifekicker because abusive husbands need community too.

    Xangish for those who just like to blog.

    Send me a private message with your special group of people you think xanga should reach and if your photo is good, we will post it.

  • Married People Flirting on The Internet

     When I think of Internet flirting, I don’t think of two people offering to shack up some place.

    I think more in terms of people exchanging compliments about each other’s appearance.  I think the reality is that people tend to express compliments on the Internet a little more freely than they do in real life.

    For example, I am happy with the way I look.  But I will admit that no one has ever told me I was hot in real life.  (Maybe my wife during sex but that is another story).

    But I never get that from a woman in real life.  The attractive woman from shipping has never said, “I’d hit it” when talking to me.

    People are more expressive on the Internet.  We are more likely to vent our feelings.  But lets face it, we are more likely to express our thoughts on what a person looks like.  It may not come in the expressions like “You are hot” or “I’d hit it” but may come in the more mild compliment on a person’s looks such at their eyes or their hair.

    But this is a fuzzy line when it comes to the combination of the Internet, marriage and flirting.

    With the expressive nature of the Internet, do you think a certain amount of flirting even by married people is expected or even tolerated?


  • Hot or Not?

    Is the person who posted a comment above you hot or not?


  • Internet Time

    How many hours a week do you spend on the Internet?