October 23, 2010

  • Mouth to Mouth

    If this man needed mouth to mouth to save his life, would you save him?


Comments (121)

  • I hope I would….

  • I think I would look everywhere for a fireplace bellow.

  • Thankfully I don’t know how to give mouth to mouth, so I plead ignorance.

  • If I was his only hope, Yes. 

  • Actually, doctors no longer recommend mouth to mouth.  However, sure I would. Why not?  His life is worth saving too. 

  • I wouldn’t enjoy it.

  • As a Medic, I say HELL NO. Probably end up with some disease.

    People like him are why they invented bag-valve-masks.

  • Mouth to mouth is no longer the preferred procedure, thank God. Call 911, We use a Bag Valve Mask. If we can save him we will.

  • @VilaSpiderHawkAuthor - yeah, what she said Dan. Stop trying to confuse people.

  • Depends on whether or not he’s a good person.

  • When I did CPR training I was told not to give mouth-to-mouth unless I had a protective barrier.  Anyway, CPR rarely works!

  • @MedicMark - What if you didnt have that with you? They do have CPR aids that let you give mouth to mouth through them without anything from the victim coming up into your mouth. I have one that fits in a little pouch on my keychain should the need arise. It’s a disposable one.

  • no. they no longer suggest that you do mouth to mouth. [also, i have never been trained in cpr, and i do not want to do it wrong and end up killing some one]

  • @Shinbi_Belldandy - 

    Well I simply never leave home without one. I don’t trust the disposable ones either.

    BUT if I did… I think I’d be all like, “one…two…three… when I get to 30 I need YOU to give him 2 breaths!” Gotta have that command presence.

  • I don’t know the proper technique, so I’d probably pass it off on someone who was certified or something. lol 

    But really, I think I would do what I can to save his life. 

  • @zombiequeen26 - 

    If you need to do CPR they’re prolly going to die anyway. Might as well give it a go…

  • technically i’m trained in CPR, but not certified. and i don’t remember it since i learned two years ago and have not used it since. so thankfully i can look around wildly and hope someone else helps and be the person who calls 911.

  • Oh my, he looks like my dentist!!!!

  • Yes. I have one of those shields to blow into. 

  • He has a sexy dildo nose.

  • @Hishouken - if you didn’t know him, how would you know that??

    I would. Every life is worth saving, unless it’s some ex pedophile or rapist. then I’d watch him die, and take pictures.

  • Right now I’m thinking that all the shallow bitches who said, or even thought, “no”, are ones who wouldn’t hesitate if it was a good-looking guy or girl. That’s actually ridiculously perverted. You’d try to save someone on the basis of their looks? or hesitate? Yeah, perverted. The life of a human matters, not whether you can stand to put your mouth on someone you find repellent.

    It’s annoying that I actually read this, and saw so many putting up conditions, like if there was no other option… Dan’s question was if he needed mouth-to-mouth, that’s it, lol. It’s not complicated to answer, it’s all he asks of us! Jeesh. :P

  • Maybe it’s the PMS talking, but… Wow, ya’ll are some seriously shallow people. I sincerely hope that you never find yourselves in a similar situation.

    He’s probably diseased…
    He’s ugly…
    His teeth are jacked up…

    Those are reasons to hesitate in doing something to save him?

    Wow. Let’s hope nobody that shallow ever has to save you.

  • People do realize CPR has a 5% success rate, right?…  Might as well forget the whole question, and go out for a beer instead. 

  • @Automaton_Emotion - Shhhh. That’s part of Tea Party health care, the next step. First the poor people, then the ugly people, then the atheists and non-Christians. Take away their health care, then bam. Nation full o’ pretty Christian folks. lol.

    Dan, I might – only because I’d start with chest compressions as per new CPR recommendations, and I would be sending someone to find a barrier if possible for mouth-to-mouth, for my own safety, as well as calling 911.
    Also, in my CPR/Aid/Bloodborne pathogens training, I was instructed to never, ever help someone unless I had permission to help. You can end up in a serious shitstorm if you perform any sort of first aid or CPR to someone who doesn’t give you consent, which is so weird. But it would depend a lot on circumstances – if I was the only willing or available person to do so, of course I would. I couldn’t stand around watching someone die, that would be shitty and I just literally don’t think I could do that. If he did die, okay, but at least I could sleep at night knowing that I did what I could to save him. I really don’t know anyone else COULD sleep at night if they knew how to save someone, but just plain old didn’t do it, because…the guy was ugly or something. I mean hell, at least HIV is treatable, and if you are exposed to blood of unknown origin they can start you on prophylactic treatment immediately (not to mention, it’d be highly unlikely to contract it during mouth to mouth anyway, but even in that teeny weeny tiny chance, they could still help you prevent it even further).

    Some of these answers are seriously depressing.

  • @VilaSpiderHawkAuthor - I didn’t know that..That’s a nifty fact to know. 

  • @NikBv - Depends on how you define success, doesn’t it? CPR isn’t intended to save lives, so much as to delay the death of tissues, including the instance of brain damage. It’s rare that CPR restarts a heart on its own, true; except in certain cases, like drowning or drug overdoses and in children. But wouldn’t you rather give a guy a shot at surviving marginally intact rather than having a beer?

  • @Bushy_Tailed - I was gonna use this excuse as well, but I forgot I actually do.  But my cpr certified is expired, so hm.  And I actually haven’t performed any cpr on anyone, so to be on the safe side and not get into any legal trouble by not remembering how to do it the proper way, I rather step to the side and let someone who knows what they are doing handle it.  

  • No. I wouldn’t know how to anyway. 

  • I’m trained in CPR and I carry around an apparatus made just for stinky, ugly mouths. It’s great. I can now save a life without puking my guts out afterward.

  • It’s unlikely I could save anyone using CPR. 

  • If no one else was stepping up, yes. It wouldn’t be lovely but he’d still be dying; he’s still a person no matter how dirty he looks. My hang up is I was trained in health class and it was 4 years ago. I haven’t even seen an opportunity for me to be certified where I live so I know I don’t know the current procedure for CPR. I’d rather someone currently certified step up first. I’ll help them out with anything they need me to do like call 911.

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  • a replay from the past…. yes. a human life is worth it.

  • I would if I had a bag valve mask, but I don’t. I’d let the paramedics take care of that.

  • yea, but i better get some DAMN GOOD KARMA FOR IT.

  • Hey, I never gave you permission to put my picture on here.    You could at least used the one after I got my hair cut.

  • I’d do him.  He’s sexy.

  • To me, it wouldn’t matter if it was an ugly person or a good looking person. I’d call 911 and let professionals handle it without even attempting to give mouth to mouth. They have a better chance at saving his life than I do anyways.

  • Since mouth to mouth is no longer necessary, hell no.

  • Hey, why did you use my picture?  Ought I to be offended?

  • Considering every minute someone goes without CPR their odds of survival decline, I would help. It’s not a legal responsibility to help someone on the street but it’s a moral imperative if you know what you’re doing and you don’t think it’s a safety risk. He looks like he needs a good tooth brushing, but anyone, even clean cut people, can be diseased so you’re taking a risk no matter what. I’m not sure I could let someone die knowing I knew how to help them.

  • Yup.  There is a reason they make CPR masks.  

  • @TheGildedCage - where did you hear/see that mouth to mouth is no longer necessary?

  • Oh snap, good question.  I will admit I’d probably hesitate, but I’d like to think I would.

  • Yes.  I have worked in healthcare for awhile and the people I would have to think twice about saving are often those who look much more handsome than this person.  Often when you get to know people you find that the worthy ones are the last ones we would want to take a second look at.  Makes one think!

  • @Automaton_Emotion - That’s what I think everytime I read a post like this. You arent PMSing, you’re totally right. I always tell people if the situation were reversed, you better hope they dont act as stupid as you. 

    I mean I DO understand the fear a bit. You never know what people have & the mouth is a mucous membrane but the odds are quite low. I wouldnt want someone’s death on my conscious. And hearing people be so negative about the success rate pisses me off too. I’d rather have an x% chance of something than 100% of nothing. CPR is to help keep blood & O2 circulating until medical help can arrive. They may not wake up right away like movies portray but the 2-5 minutes of aid can help keep brain damage & organ failure from occurring. That’s what I learn in my classes.

  • RIP british dude.

  • if i knew how to administer CPR, yeah. in a group setting, nobody else would gonna step up since they’d all expect someone else to do it. so if i’d notice him not breathing and no one is doing anything at that moment, i would save him. 

    because if i knew how to do it right, and it were in my power to save someone from dying, and i did not fulfill my obligations as a human being, than i could never live with myself.but that’s just me.

  • @NikBv - but there’s still a chance that it could save him. yeah, a tiny frickin chance, but it’s still there, and i dont know about everyone else, but if there was ANYTHING i could do to avoid watching somebody die again, i’d do it.

  • For those that said “no”…I have a question….what if it were the other way round and you were the one laying on the ground?  Would you want this person to give you mouth to mouth?  Hey, man, I’ll take any help I can get!  So I would give any help I could.

  • actually, the revised CPR protocol actually recommends you NOT to do mouth-to-mouth anymore (this is very recent). they say to only do chest compressions.


  • Is it really true mouth to mouth isn’t used anymore?

    If it could save him, I doubt I’d notice what he looked like in that kind of emergency. I’d do what I could to help.

  • No, but that’s because I don’t know mouth-to-mouth… 

  • Of course I would, he’s no less important than I am.

  • All I’d need is a good bathroom plunger.
    That should do the job at clearing the clog.

  • I would honestly say no, I wouldn’t do it unless I had some sort of protective barrier (and this would apply to just about anyone, except for maybe young children and family).  I think altruism is great and all, but I don’t want to get some disease for such a slim chance of saving some random stranger’s life.  If the success rate for CPR was higher? Well, ehhh…maybe…but I think my self-preservation would kick in. Too self-centered, I guess :/

  • CPR is over-rated and obsolete. As has already been mentioned, mouth-to-mouth has been found not to improve the already low chance of survival of the resuscitation process. One should concentrate on chest pumping instead, and yes, everyone deserves to have their life saved. Everyone! And I do mean everyone (–> keyword being ‘everyone’ <–)

  • Everyone who said no – wow, I hope you’re never in a situation where you’re dying and need CPR to save your life. That’s shallow, and it makes me sad to be a part of a world where people wouldn’t try to save someone’s life because he might not be attractive.

    To answer the question, yes, I would. Absolutely. If you know how to give CPR, you have no excuse not to.

  • If I still carried around my bag-valve-mask from my lifeguarding days then for sure, but I don’t want to catch like the herps or something. You can never be too sure anymore. :) Okay, okay, I also don’t remember every single procedure that needs to be done to give CPR and I wouldn’t want to put their life in more danger by forgetting a step or putting my hands in the wrong spot for the chest compression and accidentally shattering their sternum or something. I know that might be far fetched from happening, but I heard enough horror stories while lifeguarding to not want to put my hands on the wrong spot haha. 

  • Dumbasses, artificial respiration does nothing and is no longer encouraged.

    Specifically because of the possibility of contagious/communicable disease, and its complete ineffectiveness.

    CPR now merely involves commotio cordis, the repeated artificial pumping of the heart.

    Cockmonglers dicen QUE???!

  • I would if I absolutely had no other way to help him, but I would NOT be happy about the prospect!

    @ShimmerBodyCream - Only you would think of that, bahaha!

  • I would much rather TRY to save his life than to walk away knowing I could have but didn’t. His death on my conscious is not worth living with the rest of my life. It may gross me out, it may be really embarrassing, nasty. Whatever. But isn’t it worth trying to save a life than to live having killed someone?

  • Fuck no. Jussayin.

    @WordsandThoughts - Delicious.

  • Yea, he’s jus ugly – not contagious I hope…

  • That depends… does he have any hot female relatives that would be grateful for his life saving?

  • @archangel4eternity -
    The question should be :

    If you are dying, would you let this man give you a mouth-to-mouth?

    Good Samaritans and angels come in all forms.

    GOOD QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • at the spur of the moment between life and death you wouldn’t even notice stuff like that

  • definitely not.

    because I don’t know CPR so I wouldn’t be the person for the job.

  • I don’t even know HOW to give mouth to mouth, so I’d be afraid to attempt it on even the most beautiful man, for fear of increasing his chances of dying.

  • @VilaSpiderHawkAuthor - CPR using chest compressions alone has been shown to be just as effective, and in some cases MORE effective, as chest compressions with rescue breathing. And people are more likely to do CPR if they don’t have to put their mouth on a mouth like this!!  :)

  • I would do but I would do it through a hat…lol…

  • yes i would. however. he better freaking pay  me got a lot. and he better freaking buy me lunch at “red lobster” and buy me chopcolate milk from wawa. if not, then let ‘em die >=D

  • I’m certified in CPR.  It’s pretty common knowledge that if it’s gotten to the point someone needs CPR, it’s highly likely CPR won’t work.  Also, nowadays, they stress that the person administering CPR protects themselves as much as possible, and use a mask if available.  Mouth to mouth contact is very much frowned upon, even if you know the medical history of the victim.

    That being said, I probably still would try.

  • You infer that I would bother to save anyone who needed mouth-to-mouth.  

  • Yeah man, I just can’t imagine a situation where I’d just let someone die if there was a chance I could save their lives. I got no common sense, thank God.

  • @radicalsounds - “Also, in my CPR/Aid/Bloodborne pathogens training, I was instructed to never, ever help someone unless I had permission to help. You can end up in a serious shitstorm if you perform any sort of first aid or CPR to someone who doesn’t give you consent, which is so weird.”

    Really? Because in all of our classes they said that there are laws in every state that protect someone who helps in an emergency situation, as long as you only do what you are trained to do. I mean, unless the person is conscious & tells you not to help, I’ve always been taught that, if you stay within your scope, helping is better than not helping.
    And yes… I would give chest compressions & then, if need be, I’d whip out my pocket mask & do the rescue breathing, too.

  • i would use a valve mask, on anyone…

  • Who ever said it was CPR? Maybe he had a heart rate but wasn’t breathing for whatever reason (got the wind knocked out of him, was choking on something) – you can be unconscious, not breathing & still have a pulse….

    Anyway, yea I don’t leave home without my bag-valve-mask and gloves so yeah I would. But I could understand why people wouldn’t – he’s dirty and you don’t know what kind of diseases he might have. It’s not always about vanity like @BloodIsLove & @Automaton_Emotion think. Who knows what he’s carrying and as rude as I might sound, I wouldn’t give him mouth to mouth if I didn’t have a BVM just because I don’t wanna get what he possibly has. 
    The first step of providing first aid is surveying the scene to make sure it’s safe for the rescuer to enter. That means checking out the victim too. Besides, ambulances can  get to most places in like, 3 minutes anyway. 

  • @BloodIsLove - Thank you for the voice of sanity, here!  Yes, If that’s what was needed to save this man’s life, I would do it!

  • @kristinabean - Ah, should’ve clarified – my certs have expired, so it’d be more of a chance for me. But even if you are trained, you can be sued – many places have laws to protect good Samaritans and what not, but there are always ways to get around those…sigh…I just honestly find it crazy that anyone has ever been sued or anything for trying to help someone, to save someone’s life! I mean, I’d probably take my chances and help, because whether they get angry or not, I’d be far more angry and upset with myself for not helping. But I know some EMTs who aren’t allowed, or are advised NOT to help if say, they drive past an accident scene, if they’re not on the clock due to legal reasons. Crazy stuff. I can’t even believe this has ever come up, you know? Oi. 

  • No. Cause I’m a bitch.

  • Actually, both the American Red Cross and the American Heart Association now accept (and are beginning to teach) compressions-only CPR for the lay responder.  Although the victim will not be getting new oxygen into his lungs, the compressions will circulate what oxygen is already there, hopefully long enough for advanced EMS to arrive.  In addition, if you are trained professionally to administer CPR, there’s a good possibility you are carrying a breathing barrier with you. I personally own 2 different CPR/breathing masks.  I keep one in my car’s glove compartment and one in my work bag.

    If you are trained in CPR and wonder if you could administer it to someone who looks like this, I suggest checking at your local Red Cross for breathing barriers that attach to your keychain.  Here is a link to their online store:  http://www.redcrossstore.org/Shopper/Product.aspx?UniqueItemId=522   (keychain)

    http://www.redcrossstore.org/Shopper/Product.aspx?UniqueItemId=567  (one of the ones I own)

  • @radicalsounds - you are supposed to get consent before giving any kind of help, true, but if a person is unconcious or unable to answer for themselves, then consent is implied.

  • Sure. Hell you never know he could do the same for me one day.

  • @radicalsounds - “But I know some EMTs who aren’t allowed, or are advised NOT to help if say, they drive past an accident scene, if they’re not on the clock due to legal reasons.”

    Exactly… Good Samaritan laws protect lay rescuers, as long as they are acting as lay rescuers. A lot of the things that EMTs are trained/allowed to do on an ambulance, they can’t do in a hospital or off the clock. And what they’re allowed to do in a hospital is a whole other ball game. Once you are a professional rescuer, the legal waters a muddied up quite a bit. That said, I would still have to try to help. If you’re trained for other things in different situations, you would have to remember to stick to CPR & basic first aid & call 911 ASAP or you could be opening up a can of worms you’d rather avoid.

  • @irishluck20 - That would be true of anyone, regardless of their dental hygiene. What? Clean people with pretty straight teeth don’t get diseases that are communicable by mouth? Have you seen a cold sore medicine ad lately? You can also improvise decent cover faster than an ambulance can arrive in most cases.

    What makes this man more likely to have a communicable disease that the cute co-ed who overdosed or the surfer dude that’s drowning?

  • Man, I hope I never need CPR with a bunch of people around that would judge how I look before they would decide whether to save my life. Generally, I hate people and even I would try to save the poor guy.

  • Yes. He’s a person and desurves to life just as much as anyone. Besides, mouths are washable. That’s why toothpaste was invented.

  • @maniac_rose - That just made me laugh!

  • yes I would because it is my karma.

  • I would probably barf into his mouth which would worsen the situation.

  • Nope, most likely not. I would try to find someone who would though!

  • This is what pocket masks were created for.

  • That’s what a face shield is for. One thing I learned recently in a first aid course is that you are not meant to have mouth contact with anyone while performing CPR. Even the best looking person on the planet could have any number of diseases or bacteria. They could even have a serious love of garlic. And who’s to say the person administering CPR is in any better shape?

  • right then i might not remember how lol

  • @Automaton_Emotion - exactly.

    @Grampa_David - welcome :D

    @irishluck20 - not always, sure, but clearly a lot of the comments here imply vanity. At least your comment rings genuinely away from vanity. But anyone could have anything – looking clean on the outside doesn’t imply good health on the inside, or even basic hygiene within the mouth!

    Lol, looking back at my comment, I didn’t need to be so frustrated in expressing it. I was on my period that day, I guess.

  • http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=771879 xanga + pharmacists are below avg in intelligent ho’s who can never say or do anything intelligent in life.  they can never be as good as some can never contribute as much and are low class less worthy ho’s in life who cheat and steal from others.  being worthless sluts and hos’ — that’s all they’re good for lol that’s what they admit to themselves online.  less intelligent less worthy filthy trash.

  • All im seeing is people saying CPR rarely works, blah blah blah. Try telling that to someone who is thankful to have had their life SAVED by CPR. So this guys teeth are uncared for. He’s prolly got really bad effin breath to…. but i bet the rest of you have really bad breath every morning, some of you probably have noses just as big, and SOME of you are probably just as “ugly”. Sorry, but thats the damn truth. EVERY HUMAN LIFE IS IMPORTANT. This man may appear unattractive to you but maybe hes got a family at home that needs him? Ever think of that? Maybe theres someone out there (thats not as shallow as some of the people I’ve seen comment) who thinks this man is their whole world. If you had a child that was in the street and a car was coming… this man was walking by and was the first to see your child laying in the road… if you found out he idly stood by instead of giving your child CPR to save him, would you be angry? Would you want to know WHY he didnt even attempt to save him? Would you look at this man through your eyes and shallow perception and think, “My this feller is ugly. Im glad he didnt do CPR to try to save my child!”

    People make me sick.

    Ps. @Shinbi_Belldandy - Where would someone go to find those? My best friend is an RN and Im sure she would find those pretty cool to keep on her since shes such a good person and has devoted her life to helping people like that.  :)

  • with a mask. cpr guidelines change time to time anyway… 

  • @HoldOnFor1MoreDay - First off: EPIC COMMENT WIN!! =D

    I had to do a search for them but I found a site & they sell them in bulk too! http://www.aedsuperstore.com/cpr-responder-kit-keychain-with-nitrile-gloves.html. I like this one because it comes with gloves. They’re also a bit cheaper than when I got mine, probably because they’ve been out for a while now. The store also sells other types of CPR devices. 

    If you have time, I wrote a public post about CPR on my site. People have been pissing me off with their comments too. I may edit it to put this device on there as well.

  • LOL i used to make statements in such structure. thanks for the childhood memories. @MedicMark - 

  • i wouldn’t know how to save him anyways

  • They are now recommending no mouth to mouth due to the general public are not doing them correctly and that it is wasting time when compressions alone are more effective of getting blood/oxygen to the brain.  (Thanks for stopping by earlier.  It’s actually a privilege to have you visit. )

  • honestly, if i were in a situation, i’d be too panicked to know how to react properly lol. i’d be yelling for help. i’m no expert on anything like that, so i wouldn’t want to cause further damage.

  • I’m a CPR instructor and, THANKFULLY, the American Heart Association made a new rule to NOT perform mouth-to-mouth breathing on a stranger. Breathing can only be done with some type of barrier, i.e. a mouth-mask. Otherwise, CPR can still be done just as successfully by performing compressions only.

  • @MedicMark - A real medic would never say such a thing. You must be one of those WACKERS that make the rest of of us look bad

    PA. CET. EMT-P

  • I thought it was chest compressions only now for cpr?

  • @catman517 - 

    lol – Gee, you nailed it alright.

    Maybe I am just the type of medic who follows the boy scout way and comes prepared and is one who takes the golden rule, BSI – Scene Safe, the mantra from Basic on up, seriously? Maybe I am the type of guy who sees no value in taking chances with his own health and sees no need for unprotected mouth to mouth? There are just better alternatives. Or I could be a wacker. In any case, I’ve got nothing to prove to you sir.

  • I don’t know how I can live with myself if I let appearance get in the way of saving a person’s life…

  • got a breathing mask in my squad car, mwahaha.  you can always improvise with plastic bags / other air tight material.  A quick stop at the gas station and a little ingenuity.

  • Is he charismatic? Does he want to be saved? Is he nice? Is there a disease I’m aware of him happening? Is he for instance choking on something I’m allergic to? It all depends on the day and whether or not I’d feel awful if I didn’t do it and whether I knew him or someone else was willing to do it. 

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