Month: October 2010

  • X-Ray Vans

    The Department of Homeland Security and law enforcement agencies are “buying and deploying mobile X-ray vans.”



    The vands can see into the interior of vehicles.  The problem is they can also see through clothing.  They can also see through buildings.  Here is the link:  Link

    Do you think it is wrong for the government to use X-ray vans?


  • Long Hair and Middle-Aged Women

    I was reading an article about how more women are wearing their hair long again.

    In the article, the author mentioned that once women hit a certain age they are expected to cut their hair short.  You do not see most women with long hair once they get to middle age.  Here is the link:  Link

    My wife and I have had this discussion and she has told me that once a woman hits 40, she should wear her hair shorter.

    Do middle-aged women look silly with long hair?

  • Women Exploited: Warning Graphic Video

    Missy Smith is running to be the Washington D.C. delegate to the U.S. House.  She has an ad that shows photos of an abortion.

    Missy had two abortions herself but feels she was lied to about the unborn baby being human.  Here is the link:  Link

    Here is the video:  (Warning:  Do not watch the video if you are upset by seeing photos of an abortion).

    I have never shown photos of an abortion on my site because I am already pro-life and I think the photos are gross.  But I have always supported the right of others to post the photos without being censored.

    The TV station aired the video but put a warning with it.  They said they were required under Federal law to air the ad and were not allowed to censor the ads “in any way, or for any reason.”

    Do you think the ad is too graphic for TV?


  • Teen Girl Marries Without Parent Consent

    A pregnant 17-year-old girl was allowed to marry by a judge without the consent of her parents.

    The girl insisted she would be forced to have an abortion if she was forced to stay at home.  In Ohio, a teen younger than 18 needs the permission of her parents to get married unless a judge allows the marriage.  Here is the link:  Link

    Do you think a 17-year-old should need her parent’s permission to get married?


  • Mouth to Mouth

    If this man needed mouth to mouth to save his life, would you save him?


  • Looking at Your Mom’s Vagina

    I was reading a facebook update from a friend who used to be on xanga.

    She was talking about letting her younger child watch her give birth.  She was asking for suggestions and apparently she was letting her child watch videos of the birth process so he would not freak out while watching his mother give birth.  I got the impression she was going full throttle and was letting the child see the whole birth.

    Should a mother let her child watch her childbirth?

  • Getting On a Plane with Muslims

    Juan Williams was fired by the NPR for comments he made about Muslims.


    He said,  “When I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”  Here is the link:  Link

    Should Juan be fired for saying he is afraid of being on a plane with Muslims in garb?


  • President Obama and Unemployment

    Here are the unemployment averages for the last several presidents:

    Harry S. Truman (D) – 4.26%
    Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) – 4.89%
    John F. Kennedy (D) – 5.99%
    Lyndon B. Johnson (D) – 4.22%
    Richard Nixon (R) – 5.00%
    Gerald Ford (R) – 7.77%
    Jimmy Carter (D) – 6.54%
    Ronald Reagan (R) – 7.54%
    George H.W. Bush (R) – 6.3%
    Bill Clinton (D) – 5.2%
    George W. Bush (R) – 5.27%
    Barack Obama (D) – 9.3%

    Here is the link:  Link

    Is President Obama everything you had hoped for?

  • Sexual Harassment in the NFL

    You may have heard about the NFL cracking down on sexual harassment.  A woman had remarks made to her after she went into a men’s locker room to do interviews.  The Jets have been investigating the situation.  Here is the link:  Link

    In addition, Brett Favre is being investigated for sending “sexting” messages to a reporter.  Here is the link:  Link
    I hope this sends a message once and for all that the NFL will not sit around and allow women to be treated like sex objects.


  • Separation Between Church and State

    I have been reading a few news sources today where people mocked Christine O’Donnell for questioning the idea of the Separation of Church and State being in the Constitution.

    She asked her opponent, “Where in the Constitution is separation of church and state?”  Chris Coons then made the remark that her question “reveals her fundamental understanding of what our Constitution is. . . The First Amendment establishes a separation.”

    She responded by saying “The First Amendment does?  Here is the link:  Link

    Does the First Amendment establish a separation of Church and State?