December 28, 2010

  • How to Set Your Gay Daughter Straight

    I found this on

    “There are a number of effective strategies for setting your gay daughter straight that have been developed over the years. We here at the Ladies’ Monthly bring you the three most effective that we have encountered.

    1. Moral Pressure
    Remind your daughter of the moral atrocity she is committing, as well as the ramifications of her decisions to her God. Explain how gay sex cannot produce children, and how gay marriage still remains illegal. If she is not far gone, simply mentioning her family commitments may be enough to snap her out of it.

    2. Doll Her Up
    In middle stages it can be more work to influence your daughter’s lifestyle choices. Shower her with gifts like makeup and new girls’ clothes to replace her baggy blue jeans and hockey jerseys. Redecorate her room and transform it into an inviting boudoir for any potential male suitors, but keep it girly to deter any homosexual use. Buy her movies like Snow White, The Princess Bride, and Cinderella, along with music by artists like Dolly Parton, Neil Young, and Britney Spears. Avoid new artists like Lady Gaga or you may have a prissy glamor lesbian on your hands before you can say “Alejandro.”

    3. The Bait and Switch
    Our last, but most effective strategy. The Bait and Switch should be your last resort. However, it is a very powerful tool, and you are not likely to be disappointed. Wait until an important event, like Homecoming or Prom. Knowing your daughter, she won’t have a date, so it’s your job to set her up with a nice boy. Since at this late stage she will surely refuse, you’ll need to outwit her. Set her up with an attractive young lady. She’ll see your actions as a motion of respect and acceptance of who she is, and she will most surely agree. What she won’t know is that her elegant suitor is actually a transvestite. He will use his skills to seduce her as a woman, maybe even making her fall in love. After the dresses come off, she’ll be given the surprise of a lifetime, a night she will not soon forget.”

    Here is the link:  Link

    Do you think it is possible for parents to shape their child’s sexual preference?


Comments (184)

  • Oh. My. God. 

    Are they suicidal?

  • No. A person is who they are and you can’t change that, no matter how hard you try. Someone can repress themselves and pretend, but that’s their own choice and deep down they know who they are.

  • oh my gosh. this is so ridiculous it makes me sick to my stomach.

    and talking about being gay being an “atrocity” to God, and then encouraging parents to make their teenage daughter’s room “inviting to potential male suitors” is completely condratictory.

    i’m going to go throw up now.

  • ROFL.  Let me catch my breath before I answer.  On second thought – nevermind

  • ………. no comment. 

  • Oh if only I didn’t listen to Neil Young, then I would’ve been straight.

  • was it supposed to be humorous? I thought it was pretty funny.. it doesn’t seem serious but I guess it can be if the writers are wackos O_O

  • That’s fucking ridiculous.
    Especially that whole “God” thing.
    Do people realize all the simple things they do that god was against?


  • To answer your question – yup. :)

  • OMFG

    wait – social pressure hm, yeah that would explain how some  religions have survived for thousands of years.

  • LOL i’m dying. this has to be a joke, right?

  • …this is a joke right?

    Also, gay sex isn’t illegal anymore.

  • I smell a troll.

    This is so lesbian.

  • @Losertastic - Yes, he’s trollin’

  • *jaw drop* are these people for real?

  • This is more a guide on how to get your kid to hate you. I’m disgusted.

    i feel like this would be a great tactic in so many other areas in life..

  • @Uek - i just read a bunch of other posts by the lady who wrote this…definitely a joke. you should see the responses…so angry. heh

  • I’m going to assume that the author is joking.  If not, then wow!

  • @Losertastic - why waste time in that way? :-p

  • I threw up in my mouth a little when I read this. I hope it’s completely facetious.

  • The bait and switch? Wtf? 

  • No, not if they really aren’t straight and aren’t just rebelling against their parents (which tends to be rare). Trust me, sexuality really is something that we can’t control (well other than simply pushing down your thoughts and refusing to let yourself be…yourself). What is so wrong with letting your children love who they love? Why are so many people interested in making their children straight?

    Is the person who wrote this serious? It sounds like someone making fun of “straightening out” ideas, taking them all to the absolute extreme. I mean make her room girly? Yeah cause all lesbians are totally butch tomboys. I hope this article is a joke.

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  • The Princess Bride is not a chick flick – it’s a satire.

    That’s all I have to say.

  • LOL what in the freakin world?

  • Yes, I believe a parent can shape their child’s sexuality. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” They still may struggle, but, if you teach them right from wrong and watch who they hang out with, they’ll turn out OK.

  • No human being could take that article seriously.  Except for maybe the author.  All kindsa hate directed towards them in the original article.

    I think you were just looking for an excuse to post the picture.

  • @crazy2love - I agree

    This is ridiculous. 

  • LOL yeah it’s possible but completely immoral. 

    not to mention ..just, trolls. trolls everywhere.

  • Hahaha, this article is absolutely ridiculous. Scientific studies have proven that homosexuality is a genetic trait (though not necessarily passed on from parent to child, obviously). However, I suppose a lot of holier-than-thou Bible thumpers would strongly oppose scientific facts over the Bible.

    But, then again. I don’t feel like getting into a religion battle. I’m not saying all religious people are that way, but there are a large majority in the anti-homosexuality cult.


    Also, you probably couldn’t change my lesbian sister for anything. She could smell vagina from a mile away and she’d be able to tell if that is a tranny or not. Also, if for some reason she is lured otherwise, she’d probably be whooping some ass after the truth came out. Great job, moms! You just set your daughter up for jail!

    Good post.

  • If your daughter becomes a lesbian, it’s usually too late since she won’t listen to you anymore. You have to discipline her when she’s young. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

  • Impossible. Convincing a tranny to patricipate in that situation is impossible. Well, any of the trannies I know, at least.

  • This is FABULOUS. Cracked me the hell up. Using these methods you will successfully lose your child. 

    Really as disturbing as this is, it made me laugh… its absurd. 

  • @Babylons_Crowing - oh  my god. i was SO thinking the same thing about the picture! hahaha

  • if this is a reverse psychology experiment to get more fans FOR gay rights, then it is working.

  • Excuse me, but I couldn’t stop puking my guts out over this one.  Even if it’s a joke, it’s sick and doesn’t need to be advertised by reprinting on the net cause some yahoo will believe it and try it.

  • There are a lot of things wrong with this, most significantly that they seem to have no problem with their daughters being sluts so long as it’s heterosexual, despite claiming morality as their reason. To answer the question, yes, parents can shape a lot of things in their children, but they certainly don’t have absolute control over any of it.

  • “Lesbians are a lower-class minority, with rare exceptions. I don’t want my daughters playing field hockey with oversexed carper-munchers. Its not natural, and its not going to make me any grandchildren.”

    this author is crazy!

  • Man if only I had worn dresses/skirts, played with barbies, and decorated my room in pink and lace instead of wearing jeans/tshirts, played with tonka trucks and sports, and decorated with rock sports posters I may have been straight…. oh wait I am hmmm.

  • This is precisely why I don’t read Vogue, Glamour or Cosmo. I found the article on Anal Sex to be especially offensive.

  • Judging by the writer’s comments, the article is a joke. Judging by the readers’ comments, it went over everyone’s heads.

  • HAHAHAHA. HAHA. Hahahaha oh my god.

  • It sounds like satire to me, but it wasn’t very well done. :/

    At any rate, no, I don’t think there’s anything a parent can do about sexual orientation one way or the other. The way we’re raised has a lot to do with how we view sex itself. But nobody can be made gay or straight. It’s too personal.

  • This is rather bizarre. It reminds me of something off of a white supremacist site; the same brainwashed advice. It made me laugh

  • ok so you’re trolling
    why is your trolling targeted at women?
    also is it supposed to be funny?- it isn’t
    is it supposed to prove something?- it doesn’t

  • satire? i hope it’s satire!

    Wait.. was there an entry here?  

  • You, syr, are a dumbass. First of all, your tips and tricks have been tested, and guess what? They ultimately fail in the end. It’s not a choice. It’s biological. All it does is breed self-hated and self-loathing in the child. Hateful people like you who fear us because for some reason it’s completely beyond you to even attempt to understand are the reason why more gay teens kill themselves every year than straight ones. And guess what? When kids are 18, they usually tell their parents, “Fuck you,” and go about being the person God intended them to be.

    I tried so hard to be straight. Since I accepted who I am, I have been more comfortable with myself. I’ve been happier.

    You fundies claim to have this close, intense relationship with God, and that it’s somehow more meaningful than anyone else’s relationship with Him, yet you fail to understand that He created everyone differently for a reason: To love, accept, and respect each other for our differences and to appreciate those differences. The late Yolanda King spoke at my college’s celebration of her father, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Coming from a religious family background, you’d think she would be against gay rights, but she wasn’t. She advocated for us, as did her mother, Coretta Scott-King. She claims her father’s dream has not been realized. People like you are proof that she was right.

    You sicken me. Lord have mercy upon your soul.

  • @tarynhulseShe could smell vagina from a mile away and she’d be able to tell if that is a tranny or not.

    LOL You’ve made my week.

  • I try to let all my kids be whomever they are.

  • @RockinOtaku2005 - Hahaha, well I’m glad I could do so.

    @ItIsAllGravy - Did you fap to that picture?

  • @tarynhulse - yes.  then when I was done I felt all dirty and such, so I went to revelife, and ended up doing some more… 

  • I think parents do have influence on their child’s “sexuality”.

  • This hasn’t helped me convert any young cutie females into working my own version of the jail bait and bed-switch.Lucky I have a mini army of DJ obsessed party hungry experimental Teens I can set forth to do my bidding.MwuhahahahaLooking forward to when they privatize the Mandatory All Girl high schools and the me that listens to the best music has final say in all physical education.

  • OMG, I don’t think people get this is a joke, and it’s funny too, I think, but I haver a very dry sense of humor.

  • I went to the link and read the other posts she wrote, one of them is “Getting the Gay Son You Always Wanted.”

    All I can think is, wtf?
    I seriously don’t think this woman should be taken seriously.

  • Is this actually real?  It felt like satire the whole way..
    Please tell me I do not live under the same sky with a person like this.

  • This was satire?  Surely.

  • Wow really?

    1. Being gay isn’t an “atrocity to God.” That’s ridiculous. Just one more reason I embrace the beautiful openness of Atheism..

    2. Just because a girl’s a lesbian doesn’t mean she doesn’t dress nicely / girly and doesn’t wear makeup. I know at least three girls in my school that are lesbians that dress very normally in Abercrombie, and Hollister and wear makeup and heels.

    3. This is just unbelieveable. It’s trickery and presumeably it’d make the girl feel disrespected by her parents. Also, trannys? Gross.

    If parents can’t deal with their daughter being gay, they need to find a way to get over it because I think the girls would rather have a parent that’s not there, than a parent that doesn’t approve and tries to change them. And if this is a joke? Not funny.

  • @Undercover_Librarian - That article MUST be a joke article. It just has to be.

  • this is a joke, right???

  • Possibly the most offensive thing I’ve read in a while.  Did Loborn write this?

  • Is this for real??

  • @ItIsAllGravy - YOU’RE TERRIBLE hahaha

  • Wow!How stupid is this?I am a Christian who believes that homosexuality is wrong(I am also a lesbian) and I believe that God can/and does heal you from it, “if” you are looking to be healed,but all of the above mentioned ideas are not going to necessarily “do the trick”.How about loving them first and foremost and validating them as a person?

  • Calm down, y’all, it’s satire.

  • It’s definitely possible, but not just. I had a friend in high school who was gay and out, then his Christian family sent him to a camp during the summer. He came back straight. 

  • That’s disgusting. I wish parents could just accept their children.

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  • @SentimentalDoll - So you accept homosexuality but not transexuality? :-/ Why is it so “gross” to want to dress up or be the opposite sex?

  • wtf #3 shit 

  • lmao.
    obviously a joke, but still. wow.

    it’s sad because there actually are people that think like this.

  • I really hope this is a joke. Anyone who is this disgusting does not deserve to be able to have children, let alone be near them. This is just gross. They try to make it seem like the gay person is the bad one, but really it is the parent who is the bad person.

  • Do they not know about femme lesbians? I just woke up, and after reading this, it’s the only thing I can think. I’ve never worn baggy pants and hockey jerseys. I wear make up and dangly earrings and do my hair and feel pretty.

  • I have got to ask – did you post this with the belief that this woman is making a point (in otherwords, that what she’s sayign is right) or did you post it due to disbelief that she would actually say such things. So where exactly do you stand being the poster of this abomination?

  • I thought this was from the 1950s until I got to the Britney Spears part, and then I thought it was from the 90s.  But then I got to the Lady GaGa reference and I was like, wtf?!

    Btw, you should read all the comments on that site.   It gets pretty crazy.

  • Obvious parody is obvious.

  • @ItIsAllGravy - You use revelife for pornography material, too? 

  • you cant change the sexual preference of someone. its a chemical make up in the body that guys have more lady hormones and ladies have more male hormones when it comes to sex than straight people do. 

    if you werent so closed minded and thought you could change someone who is gay – you would have had my respect on this topic.

  • Ahahaa.  That’s just sad.

  • HAHAHAHA. It is just funny that people still think they can “fix” their children. They need to get the fuck over it.

  • i think it’s impossible to change your orientation. if you’re gay, you’re gay – no two ways about it. perhaps, in order to please their parents, the person might pretend or even force themselves to engage in hetrosexual relationships but imo, if you’re not that way inclined… it will never be true.

  • k guys. read the rest of the site. 

  • I think if anyone truly did believe in this or took the actions suggested they are probably morally failing themselves and their kid.

  • i have a gay friend and she does not dress in baggy jeans and hockey jerseys….whoever wrote this is joking right?

  • Wow. Just no. You’d just make her feel unloved, unaccepted and unwanted. So I’m assuming this is some kind of joke.

    Besides, it’s not entirely illegal. It’s just illegal in some countries ;P

  • It is possible but if the young lady loves the ladies, parents need to accept that.

  • This is horrible.

    “She’ll see your actions as a motion of respect and acceptance of who she is…”  How completely selfish.  It’s pretty awful parenting if you only want to PRETEND to do make your child feel loved, only to stab to betray them for your own satisfaction.

  • This is definitely fake~  No body would ever use these even if they are stupid and think it’s morally wrong to be gay… You probably posted this to make fun of those who are against gay people in a very exaggerated manner, lol~


  • I can only hope this is a joke, if its not well this is absolutely atrocious. what the F*$&@*% F#($ !!! 

  • Who wrote this shit? Lol.

  • We string ‘em up if we find ‘em sodomizin’ each other in Texas! 

  • I don’t care what they prefer as long as they are happy

  • Makes perfect sense to me.  Although wasn’t there a movie that used this as a plot twist?

  • This has to be satire, there is no way it is real.

  • Uh, I’m pretty sure this is supposed to be a joke, for the people freaking out over some vulgar amusement.

  • this is absolutely repulsive, and utterly disturbing. A parent should not be concentrating on how their daughter is being viewed by others, but how they should make their child more comfortable in their own home. You had a child for a reason, the way it turns out has nothing to do with you, but the way you influence its life does. When you tell your child they are wrong because of their own personal interests, you are becoming the problem, not whatever motivates them to make them happiest. 

  • I find it funny that people today are so worried about homosexuals , and Muslims, and Christians, the amount the latest Lexus costs, Sarah Palin, hating democrats, hating republicans,  etc.

    … when honestly I can think of 20 other things that are much more important than any of those things. It’s disgusting. Morality ? Every God, or gods, has taught us to love our neighbor and be kind to others. I don’t think any God would be happy about persecuting those … but hey, he without sin should throw the first stone, right ?

  • “hahaha; rofl, lmao; lol” i found this hilarious because it is ridiculous.
    no, you can’t. in fact, there are many gay couples’ children who aren’t gay.

  • Wasn’t sure if this was a troll or not, but the “bait and switch” makes it plain as day.

  • … Is this real life?

  • I really really hope that in 2010 (almost 2011), people don’t still think like this. I really hope this is a joke. 

  • WHY are you reading the Ladies Monthly? Is there something we should know?

  • LOL @ the bait and switch!

  • if my parents were stupid enough to believe this is real, i mightve just pretended im a lesbian just so they will spend money on me getting dolled up

  • Hahaahahahaha…. this is funny.
    Please take a look at my wonderful fashion jewelry shop :)

  • That’s horrible. Why would you want to attempt to make a person straight?! You are who you are. Sexual orientation does not define who a person is. People have a right to dislike homosexuality, but don’t try to change someone you love. If it is just a phase, let that person figure it out on their own. And if it’s not, you should support them anyway.
    On that note, I think I’ll go listen to my Lady Gaga CD. Hope I don’t become gay! D:

  • Yes take them to see a  first class male giggolo! And pay for it if you have too. Its worth the money.

    This works I know for fact because my father thought I was gay. I mean between the ballet lessons and the all boys high school and no girl friend for four years. What father would not be concerned? So he took me too see a first class hooker and I was hopelessly straight after that visit until I became involuntarily celibate a few years ago. Which really sucks by the way! Especially that an old female friend has the hots for me and there is not a dam thing I can do about it! Shit! Life sucks sometimes…


  • thats just wrong you cant change a person bad thing happen when you try to

  • @ItIsAllGravy - No. I do. That’s why I was reaffirming what you said. I thought I was in some kind of dream or something and had to rub my eyes to make sure it was real. Talks about Jesus make my mouth water.

  • LOL HAHA. Not really funny… lol, well yes it was if you weren’t serious. I would like to see a mother try the bait and switch thing :D Good luck finding a nice trannie! JEFFREE STAR.

  • Do parents want their kids to be in therapy for the rest of their lives? Gay marriage isn’t illegal neither is being gay the US learned that lesson in the fifties. Besides Blue Laws were deemed unconstitutional in something like the sixties.  Saddest thing about this, even if it is a joke, there are actually people out there who think like this. 

  • You are a fucking idiot. If your daughter likes WOMEN, no amount of “dolling up” will deter her from her choices. Baggy blue jeans and hockey hoodies have nothing to do with your sexual orientation. It is not a choice.

  • woo! go lesbians!

  • I think this is a joke. (Thank God, I had tears in my eyes when I thought she was serious.) I found an even WORSE article by the same author on ways to turn your son gay.

    Link here:

  • I am answering this seriously but this must be a joke. But if not…

    To answer your question…yes, parents can shape who their kids are…to an extent. But they really can’t change their sexual preference in the long run.

    For example, I was raised in a strict Christian home. I had attractions to girls from a young age. And I was raised to believe that was wrong. Because of the church and how I was raised, I ran from that. It took me a long time to come to terms with who I am. And to stop living the lie that I had to be the way society wanted me to be. In the end, I wasn’t happy until I was able to be free of the pressure of trying to be something I wasn’t all those years. And I haven’t looked back.
    A GOOD parent should love their child no matter what. And I think it is wrong of a parent to manipulate their child into being what a parent thinks is right. Kind of like trying to force acting, sports or a certain career on a child and living through your child. I know that it is tough on parents hearing their kids are gay. But trying to manipulate them to be what they are not is just wrong.

  • Shouldn’t parents just accept who their kids are?

  • Whoa, really? Those are horrible! I would support my daughter if she picked women…I would rather her pick men, but I would love her no matter what.

  • To an extent, sure. A very small extent. It’s very much a person’s personal choice and related to some biological gene factors, I think. Nurture plays a smaller role than many wish. Anywho. As for the ways to set her “straight,” so to speak, I don’t agree with those. But anywho. :)

  • The author has to be joking. This is ridiculous. 

  • Wow. They’re all bad, but #3 is the worst by far. You can’t change who you’re child is. If you love them, it shouldn’t matter what their sexual orientation is. And they can try but eventually their kids will hate them or just tell the parents to go fuck themselves.

  • I guess nobody checked out the rest of the site, huh? 

  • I really hope this is a joke by whomever wrote that. I’m looking up the original now and found another article titled, “Getting the Gay Son You Always Wanted.” WTF? Here is a small excerpt from that article: “Gay sons offer all the same benefits as straight daughters.” How can they be welcoming to gay males and not females? And do they really think that this “Bait and switch” thing actually works? If anything it would most likely traumatize the poor kid and only drive them away from their parent(s) that set them up. Also, did she really suggest Britney Spears? Is she not aware of Britney’s song If You Seek Amy or 3P?

    Anyway, no. I don’t think a parent can shape a child’s sexual preference, no matter how much they would like to. I honestly believe that sexual orientation is something you are born with and environmental influences have a minor impact on it. Not to say that it can’t, but not enough to actually make a big difference.

  • lol..this post is ridiculously dumb.

  • the first two i just kinda giggled and rolled my eyes at.

    number 3 was by far my favorite… funniest thing ever. in theory of course. in person, that’d be pretty fucked up. but as a joke, it’s hilarious

  • what the fuck…

  • This sounds evil to me.

  • Straight!!  You mean she is bent!!

  • The replica Omega watch movement was the aboriginal calibre to affection date and day of the week. The Afterlife version, calibre 751 with 24 jewels and official alarm certification, came out in the backward nineteen-sixties. Afterwards its acknowledgment to apple it was absent beneath alien circumstances.

  • Why would you want to turn your daughter strait?

  • Guys, the writer wrote this as satire–she wrote another article about how to ensure that your son turns out to be gay that is pretty similar.

    (That being said, I’d love to have a lesbian daughter, because God knows my queer ass can’t fix shit around the house.)

  • This is awful!  If a parent really truely loves their child, they should except them just the way they are!  If a parent isn’t excepting of their kid and respectful of their choice how can that kid expect the respect from anyone?!  This absolutly makes me sick!  I can’t believe there are actually people in the world who have these beliefs!

  • I felt like vomiting while reading the first two points. But after the third, I’m doubting whether this is authentic. It seems too ridiculous.

  • take a look at Ann Thrope other articles.
    This bitch is shit off her rocker.
    Now with that said,
    lets get the Troll repellent out, the brooms, a few sticks and forks and someone start a fire.
    We gotta clean house.

  • Loved this part;

    ‘Shower her with gifts like makeup and new girls’ clothes to replace her baggy blue jeans and hockey jerseys’

    Hello, 1994? Yeah, I found your gay stereotype. kthnxbye.

  • My mother had to do this with me and I’m so glad she did. Now I’m a straight and have 2 beautiful daughters and 2 handsome sons. When ever I feel that impure homosexual urge I remember what the Bible says and I think of how Jesus died on the cross for our sins and how I can get past this. God is with us and we can choose not to be a gay.

    Thanks to my mom I was able to use similar techniques on my own daughters. I discovered that they too were tempted by the sinful lust of homosexuality. I’ve set them straight, and when they have children I am confident they will set their daughters straight as well. 

    Homosexuality is a contagious sinful abomination, but with lots of love and persistence parents everywhere can help rid our planet of this awful disgusting choice. When I say “contagious” I mean not literally, but rather metaphorically because our corrupted society has misguidedly accepted homosexual behavior. 

  • I thought it was pretty funny.

  • Considering the many commenters are checking the sources and saying this is nothing more than trolling, I’ll just go with that.  I’m too lazy to check myself.  As for your question, I do think there’s a degree to how much parents can influence their children, but a preference is only a preference and nothing more.  Parents can’t really do that much.  If you decide to raise your child in Spain, they might have a preference for the Spaniards in the area, for example.  Still, focusing so much on who your child should marry shouldn’t be a parent’s business, unless they know for sure that something is wrong with the pairing.  Even then, voice your opinion, but don’t make it their own.

  • I love boobies too much to worry about moral atrocity.

  • Pretty sure this is satirical.

  • so not only are you setting your daughter up with a tranny, (which sounds like it should be more of an “atrocity” than a lesbian), but you’re HOPING she’ll try to have sex with the transvestite ? wttttttfffffffffffffffff.


  • this is kind of hilarious

  • I was just skimming that website and they have the most ridiculous articles… I can’t tell if they’re being serious or if it’s a huge joke.

  • haven’t they heard of lipstick lesbians? haha.

  • is this a sarcastic posting??

    who the heck would be that disrespectful as #3 “bait and switch” — ur daughter would never trust you again!

  • hahahahahaha Oh my gosh you guys, you can’t recognize a farce? Look, here’s something else from the site:

  • That is just wrong! Plain and simple.

  • I think pressure is certainly an effective way to keep your children in the closet but I don’t think it can completely change them back to being straight. Those strategies don’t seem like it would be very effective, either. 

  • No fucking way this is for real?!  It’s almost 2011 people! Get over your bible-thumping, homophobic ways! 

  • I’m going to stab the bitch that wrote this.

  • oh shit…..this is so ridiculous its funny…..this must have been wrote in the south…..most likely arkansas where I reside. so many gay bashers here. whats sad is some of the twisted fat pigs for moms would actually try this garb. dear lord.

  • HAHAHAHAHA! good luck finding a tranny!

  • LOL is that actually true? 

  • uumm, who wrote this, and what kind of crack were they smoking? leave gay people the fuck alone.

  • Uhm is this based off of a steorptypical lesbian or something. Its what its sounds like. But if anyones sexualaity can be more easily controlled it is a girls. Its not hard to switch back and fourth for a female…MOST of the time….I think?

  • Lol, bait and switch. Pre-op or post-op?

  • @MaxiMoron - Homosexuality is a contagious sinful abomination, but with lots of love and persistence parents everywhere can help rid our planet of this awful disgusting choice.

    Just shut up.  You’re an ignorant, brainwashed, moron.

  • @AsFateWouldHaveIt - I love your passion and fire to support the GLBT community. Never let that flame die. 

  • OMG.  for real??…

  • a nice fantasy for those desperate for “normalcy”, and a great tool for creating estrangement and alienation.  On the other hand, I get the feeling that someone is laughing up her/his sleeve …

  • Seriously I think anyone trying to shape anyone elses sexuality into their personal liking is wrong. People are individuals and should be loved and respected for who they are.

  • Why Neil Young?

    This article and the others on the sight really make me wonder whether this is facetious or just written by EXTREMELY insane people.

    on the opposite end:

  • Ohh this is funny. There’s nothing wrong with a trans person but how is a homophobe gonna find one without trying to kill zem?

    This is totally a how to get your child to hate you guide.

  • That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. 


    you could get your daughter to stop being gay… in front of you. She’s still going to be licking pussy when you can’t see her. 

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