May 1, 2011

  • Women Don’t Work as Hard as Men

    I was watching a video of a woman Representative from Oklahoma who wants to do away with Affirmative Action.

    She said that statistics show women make 77% as men but that the number is really off.  She said that women tend to want to go home early because they care about their kids so they don’t put in as many hours as men. 

    Do men work harder than women?

Comments (88)

  • Men aren’t whipping us hard enough.

  • Pfffft, work is for suckers anyway!

  • I have known far more lazy ass men in my life than women. That’s for damn sure.

  • As each person and situation and motivators to work/not work is unique to each, it can’t be said that women or men work harder than the other.   It’s not something that should be generalized…kinda like saying more baptists are crazier than catholics or something else…Its not very nice, it hurts those that don’t fit the perceived ‘norms’ and it does nothing but promote a discord that shouldn’t be. 

  • So….. what is she doing working as a representative then? She should be tending her children or watering the garden or making sandwiches or something….

  • I don’t. 

  • I’d suggest that people think twice before saying that because that’s the perfect way to insult a woman.

  • That’s bullshit ( If she had majored in women and gender studies like ejem MEEE and knew a bit more of politics she would have learned to keep her mouth shut by now. That’s all. Thank you very much!

  • Women on a career track tend to work harder to prove themselves. Women with young children carry double or triple the workload.

  • I have boobs.  I shouldn’t have to work hard.  The bigger your boobs are, the less you should have to work.

  • @TakingxOverxMe - as much as i agree with this statement, i’d be fucked because my boobs aren’t that big. they’re nice though, can that count too? 

  • @TakingxOverxMe - Amen. That would mean I’d never have to work.

  • As ridiculous as the representative from Oklahoma was in that video…the commentary was equally ridiculous. I thought it was hilarious that the girl in the clip defended women…..but then bashes an entire state! How dare she belittle women like that….the entire state of Oklahoma are full of morons!

    @TakingxOverxMe - Unfortunately for us more flat chested humans, sometimes, that is true! I had a boss that was ridiculously strict. He would talk to you even if you were literally seconds late for work. There were times I’d drive like a mad man, and even pay for toll roads to never be late. But then there was an attractive female (with good sized boobs) and she would often stroll in late….with her bagel and latte from Starbucks. It would annoy me…….but mostly cuz I would be jealous that she had a bagel and I didn’t.

  • Haha. Comedy central. The old lady, she believed what she was saying, right? I forgot Oklahoma was a state. Cute old lady, no political experience, come to scene from a barn. Oh lordy, if we were to have her as president, Iran would get bombed, and welfare would simply cease to exist. Bible people like that are dangerous.

  • My wife has always worked harder than me.

    This is more a story of listening to a dumb politician.

  • The real question is why is that bitch not making me a goddamn pie?

  • Oh my…yeah, tell that to all the single mothers and wives who support their lazy ass husbands.

  • Oh Pulllease.    Does she not have kids?  “I understand, women want to be at home with the kids, and their husbands.”    Honey, that’s just more work that we don’t get paid for.

    Ugh!!!  She needs to go work at a daycare, where the women bust their asses all day, and get paid squatt.  Then come back and get on her podium with her “women don’t work as hard” crap.

    And what did she do?  Google statistics the morning of her speech?  No solid or convincing evidence.  The MOST obscure examples of justification for every one of her points.  And her point was?  Women don’t work as hard?  Shouldn’t get paid as much or more? 

    Sit down, woman, before somebody smacks you.

    @wizexel22 - Lol, I was thinking the exact same thing.  I mean really, how are you gonna sit there and bash all Okies because they’ve got a few idiots that made it to the news..

    *rolls eyes*

  • Some people are men and some people are women.  Some people are lazy.  That’s all that should be the point.  Collectively do men work harder at their job than women, who knows?  How do you test for that?  Women may leave early for children, but how often do men show up late after a night of hard drinking?

  • @TakingxOverxMe - I agree with you.  Bigger boobs (even man boobs I guess) the less you should have to work.  There should be a viewing fee!

  • Forget dualism.. but she does have a point.
    1st amendment! woot!

  • It evens out-Women care about children and leave early.  Men leave early for sporting events.  Both genders hit the head so they can IM or goof off without prying eyes around.

  • Ummm, who’s doing the housework? Who’s cleaning up puke when the kids (and the husband) are sick? Who’s making dinner? Although so many women work outside the home now, women still generally do most of the housework. So, hell no, men do NOT work harder than women. Not by a LOOOONG shot.

  • women don’t get paid/recognize as much as men for the same amount of work.

  • Taking care of children is a full time job. She probably doesn’t have kids or has a maid to tend to her children.

  • Sally Kern can suck a big bag of dicks.  She’s an embarrassment to this state, and I hate that she represents us in any way whatsoever.  I’m getting sick of her so called “politics.”  All she cares about is forcing her racist, sexist, ultra-religious and homophobic bullshit on the whole of the state.  She has literally said/done NOTHING so far that doesn’t have to do with trying to inconvenience or otherwise dehumanize those that she personally disagrees with.

    I’m sick of twats like this being involved in government.  All they care about is projecting their ignorant views of morality on us while forcing us to succumb to their ridiculously uneducated opinions about science and religion.  These people don’t give two shits about the interests of the people, but would rather project their own self-interest on us instead.  Fucking sickening.

    Why do Oklahomans, as well as the rest of the American people allow this shit to keep happening?

  • you work the hardest dan…and you’re not a woman…………………………………………………..right?….

  • i am right about that… of a guy in a chair………….yes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The 77% number IS really off because of what it’s measuring.  It ignores the fact that men and women tend to pick very different careers (which pay different amounts), it ignores educational differences, it ignores overtime pay (which is more likely to be done by men), and it ignores years of experience (which when women take a few years off to raise kids, they don’t have as much experience as a man the same age when they go back to work).

    When it comes to men and women of equal education, equal experience, and equal work ethic, you’ll find that they’re paid essentially the same (research has shown that better looking people get paid more, so looks and other things such as the state of the companies finances at the time of hiring will affect pay some).  However, these things are never looked at – people either way to look at averages by gender (which ignores everything) or averages by job title (which is light on educational data and ignores years of experience).  Why are these studies all so horribly flawed?  Because they’re never done by someone who know’s what they’re doing and is just genuinely curious to find the FACTS instead of trying to prove a particular point of view.

  • I don’t think this is an argument with a simple yes and no answer. Everyone works either as hard as they need to, or simply as hard as they’re willing to work regardless of their gender. 

  • single moms like my mom worker harder and pwn you biiitches my mom even goes to work on thanksgiving, christmas and on her bday. bow down suckers :P

  • @i_am_not_short - Yours is a tall statement, towering above the rest with grace and truth!

  • @TheTheologiansCafe

    i hate how you try to polarize all the damn time. when are you going to retire?

  • Just because a woman says something like that doesn’t make it so. One jackass does not the truth make.

  • Depends on what you consider work… Most people I know consider work labor of any sort. lol So idk, I think it can go both ways… You always have you lazy asses in each food group :/

    I know as a women I work just as hard as my husband. Or at least as hard as my body allows me to in life… As does he…Personally weather a person goes home or not depending on their home responsibilities work never ends. Just because you don’t get paid for it doesn’t mean it isn’t work.

  • @TakingxOverxMe - Ha, that seems to be the case . I have decent boobs and work hard enough, my older sister has smaller boobs and works harder than I do and my younger sister is flat as Ohio and is a truck driver who never stops working.

  • @Soul_Pizza -  Lol I think that is almost every politician out there… Regardless their party… :’(

  • It follows that someone who is able to devote 100% of their time to making money will earn more than someone who splits their time between making money and householding.

    I’m glad Conservatives are finally speaking up about this bogus issue. Democrats will use gays, minorities, the elderly and any phony issue they can get their hands on, into guilt tripping the American people into giving up their rights and hating the heroes of your wealth generating economy.

  • Wow. I think women actually work harder, to show up stereotypes like that.

  • I can’t watch the video, will come back, but most men I’ve known are pretty lazy (no offense to you of course!). Women usually work jobs and do all the housework, childcare, etc,. while men sit on their lazy asses drinking beer and playing games.

  • It matters the people, honestly, because let me tell you, I work harder than ALOT of men I know.

  • what do u mean by “harder”? do you count that as just working longer? efficiency? attitude? or more?

    does working productivity reflect how “hard” you work?

    why don’t u get ur definition straight first? o wait, u talk in faith, not quite in logic…

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - I’ll go get the hand cufffs…

  • In my experience working with both men and women it’ve found it true that the women take more time off than the men, spend more personal time on the phone and computer than the men, spend lots more time in the bathroom, and are out sick more. This isn’t always the case, I know a couple of women who actually show up on time and do their job as laid out in their job description handling personal issues during their off time, but I only know a couple of them. I also know of a couple of men who do similar things as the women in regards to personal issues but they’re the rare exception. In general I’ve found that women are much less productive than men and more likely to expect, demand or simply take paid business time and use it for personal issues. It doesn’t mean they don’t work hard, taking care of yourself and your family obligations is a lot of work; it does mean that a lot of their hard work is invested in themselves, their family and their private lives instead of in the company that provides them with a paycheck. When it comes to dollars and cents and I’m running a business I’ll invest more in employees who bring more to the company.

  • Not all men, that’s for sure. There are just so many variables. My mom and dad both had full time jobs, but my mom came home to raise us, clean the house, pay the bills and even do some yardwork, while my dad just sat on his butt, drinking beer and looking at porn, all while complaining to no end about how much he hated his job, yelling and throwing things around and acting like a baby. Sure, his work was probably more physically tough, but I don’t think he had it harder than my mother at all. She had it much harder than he did. And she never complained about it.

  • @Brilliant_Innocence - This reminds me that your mom is a true hero! (heroine?)

  • I dont think gender matters who doesnt want to go home early?

  • Her point about more women being in college had nothing to do with how many women are actually getting hired to the better jobs… she had only loose statistics that didn’t amount to a hill of beans.  She obviously must be one of those “lazy”women who don’t work as hard as men- but don’t label all of us in the same boat!

  • @yourkbear - The point wasn’t whether or not they worked harder at home, but whether they are putting in as much effort and attention at work as men.

  • Well I don’t know. But in school, girls work harder than boys!

  • Depends on how and where you define work. Men do brake their back more often but for SOME women their job never stops.  

  • Men work harder than women. Psh, heck no! 

  • @Escargotpudding - LOL that’s so true, so there’s the evidence, women work harder than men do!

  • I actually just wrote something on this… bahah what a coincidence.
    I think it’s the fact that women have the option to go home and aren’t forced to go home that makes it so appealing. Oh hey, I can marry rich and stay at home all day? Hell yeah! Instead of marrying a poor guy and still being forced to stay at home all day while taking care of 17 kids..

    Affirmative action is supposed to help those which have been historically oppressed. Women have been historically oppressed. Blacks, hispanics, asians and Native Americans have been historically oppressed. But, not to beat a dead horse, affirmative actions focuses on the differences rather than the qualifications.

  • and then she goes home and works her ass off all evening and sometimes all night until she drops dead. meanwhile the mancomes home and sits his worthless ass on the couch in his underwear until he goes to bed

    as soon as cloning is perfected, american men will be entirely obsolete.

  • I think it is impossible to put a generalization on this.  So my answer is Yes and No.

  • Depends on the man and woman in particular. I have had two ex husbands who were both lazy. One would not even bathe, while the other worked harder at getting out of work than it would have been just to go to work. I ended up supporting the family. Yet the [real] man I have now is the hardest worker I have met in my life. So, if you compare me to my exes, *I* was a harder worker, but if you compare me to Rick, he runs circles around me.

    All in all, if you have an equal comparison, as in, they each do their fair share, then it would be the same. Usually men are capable of much more strenuous type physical labor, but women work just as hard to the fullest of their capability.

    We were created for different things. Neither one is more deserving of praise. 

  • As I said in my first post, Sallly Kern is ridiculous……but so
    is the girl commentating in the video, blasting an entire state in retaliation. And
    now….. a bunch of equally ridiculous comments about how women work
    HARDER than men. Am I the only one that sees the ridiculousness in these arguments? Because some moron says that men work harder than women, the response is that men are lazy bums who just come home, don’t do any work, and just sit in their underwear, watching TV, drinking beers, and scratching themselves? My brothers are both extremely hard workers (I don’t know what happened to me, I apparently got the lazy genes)….they both actually do a great majority of the housework despite working much more demanding jobs than their wives, and for years both did this while taking masters or PhD classes at night despite working long hours. Even then, they would find time to clean, do housework, and study, and only sleeping a few hours every night. So the point is, people are different, cases are different, families are different. Not all females do housework, and not all men come home and just watch TV all night in their underwear.

    @SimplytobeMe - I agree. I understand that this is infuriating to women…..but it just looks dumb to retaliate with your own irrationality. The answer isn’t to bash the entire state of Oklahoma, or, as in the case of some posters, elevate women by bashing men.

    @dear_TOMORROW - Good line…..short, simple….and true. (….and representative of the equality of men and women.)

  • I dislike when people use their different natures such race or gender roles for political purpose. That’s very opportunistic thing to say that harms a society.

  • People are different. In some relationships the woman works harder, in some the man does. I think that the typical stereotype is still that the man is the bread-winner, and the woman may have some tiny job that buys her what she wants. In this day & age that isn’t true. I know families where the mom works all day and the dad stays home. 
    It’s all about who the people are. I mean, I know that when I get married, my husband will probably work harder than I do. It’s just who I personally am. 

  • @mtngirlsouth @staygoldenbesafe -  - Exactly. It just DEPENDS. I find it odd when people blast an unfair generalization, using unfair generalizations.

    And yeah, its just naive to think men and women are equal in every aspect. We can understand that men and women are both of equal value, while still being inherently different.

  • I don’t like affirmative action.  It’s just unfair.  The hardest worker does not get the job.

  • @wizexel22 - I think this younger generation has a real problem wrapping their minds around the concept of “equal but different”. And yet they go on and on about NOT being one of the crowd, yet the first time anyone strays from the norm they have a huge problem with them. It’s silly. 

  • Who cares, I work hard, give me my damn paycheck bitch.

  • I didn’t watch the clip but I’m thinking she’s only talking about women at work. Housework doesn’t count in this sense because employers aren’t paying for these women to take care of their own children. I’m a woman and I’m not going to lie, I enjoy my days off. When it is time for me to clock out, or if it’s my weekend, don’t bother calling. I’ve seen my female co-workers leave early, come late, and call off more often than my male co-workers (who I can call at two in the morning and they will show up within the hour if I needed them to). Now I’m not saying it occurs everywhere but I can take a reasonable guess that it does because women have to pick their children up from school, etc. Men who have wives don’t need to do that stuff so they can stay at work longer. However, if the workload at home were split evenly, then maybe women would be spending more time at work. 

  • Women drink less beer than men do and therefore watch less TV. So in that sense, yes,  they work less than men.

  • I work harder than my brother… So in the specific instance of comparing me, being a female, to my brother, being a male, that statement is false. 

    I go to work as early as I can clock in and leave as late as they will let me stay… I also have a child and dinner to make when I get home. I also will gladly come in on my days off, even if called ten minutes before they want me at work. Some women dont like to work, some do. 

  • Actually, I’ve noticed the exact opposite. Women work way harder because they have mouths to feed.

  • this video was incredibly entertaining (in a funny/sad way)

  • @cyberbear - I don’t really care about my children. I would stay at work all day if it meant not seeing those little brats. haha! Btw, I’m a woman. :)

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - In the sense that women are like whipped cream, and to be sweet they need to be agitated with a little motivation, I totally agree…lol.

  • Seriously???? That’s just crap. Why doesn’t she go talk to the women  who work outside of the home?! They work way harder then any man out there! They are on the clock 24/7! They don’t get to go home and relax. They go home to feed and nurture their children which is not fun and games. It’s hard work!

  • tsk tsk tsk we are such lazy ass hoes.

  • depends on the person. you cant stereotype it. i know lazy men and women, but i also know hard-working men and women.

  • Women get paid less than men because women negotiate less when they initially get hired and because gender norms still pressure us to make babies and put our careers on hold.  It has NOTHING to do with hard work. 

  • Forgive me for believing the woman news reporter in this video is off her rocker.
    The woman was talking about specifically at work.
    Not all around.
    - Coral

  • I believe a lot of women have their entire lives served to them on a silver platter. Notice how many women without many qualifications land great jobs over men who have many great qualifications just for simply being attractive.

  • Lazy does not favor one sex over another and that is not the reason to eliminate A A.  The law itself sets a mindset of stupidity.  Yes people have been screwed by race, sex, sexual preference and such but now there are other laws to protect them

  • There are so many other variables as well. It isn’t just raising a family, it’s also that men are more likely to negotiate their salaries, as well. That might be something to consider.

    However, what about all those single moms that raise their kids?

  • No it is about the same. We work harder then each other in different ways and easier than each other in different ways but it all works out equal.

  • Women don’t get paid as much as men because they tend not to take the high paying, complicated, risky jobs that men do, also they’re generally unwilling to sacrifice their life/time for extra money. Because women don’t need to stand out financially to secure a partner, whereas men do.

    When women don’t care how much men get paid, women will get paid as much as men. But then hospitals will probably only be open business hours.

    And yes, I agree that for the most part women do work harder than men (the housework argument etc), but that’s because men are only concerned with doing the bare minimum in order to appear successful and secure a mate.

    Someone is going to say “But, the argument is women get paid less for equal work”, well, you show me the payslips which show the lower hourly rate, the same job title, hours and responsibilities. There are more males in high paying positions because they are far more motivated to get those positions, in order to be an attractive mate.

    Hah, I guarantee you will never hear a guy talk about how impressed he is by how much the new girl he is dating gets paid. 

  • @Chibi_Son_Gokou - Also – gender doesn’t necessarily come into this – an attractive, unqualified male will be awarded a job over an unnattractive, qualified female too.

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