What does Xanga have anything to do with drug use? Anyway, I’ve done them all…except PCP.
I would say none, but I used to abuse caffeine pills. I have ADHD and when not medicated, I’m flying everywhere. Caffeine has the opposite effect in me. It calms me down.
Most people think i’m on illegal drugs, but I’m not and never have been,
An epidural…. it was so strong I couldn’t feel myself giving birth! Yeehaw! Good stuff.
i wanna try DMT
don’t judge, here. mushrooms and acid are somewhat of a “natural” drug. so I don’t think of them as like “strong, or hard”. I’ve used methamphetamine and oxycontin. That’s about it.
The strongest illegal I ever did was Pedro.
caffeine, but it ain’t illegal so that really doesn’t count.
Depends on how we define strong. I mean, I’d consider alcohol harder than weed. But in terms of what I’ve done, I don’t consider shrooms to be that strong, so probably ecstasy. Of course, it’s been quite a while.
Never done anything illegal. I can’t even use vicodin as I’m allergic, hahaha.
I’ve never used an illegal drug, unless you count getting drunk on Harry Buffaloes when I was 19. I haven’t touched gin in the 33 years since then.
I’ve done coke maybe about ten times, done acid four times, ecstasy about ten times, smoked crack about twenty times, done PCP about five times, shrooms twice. I did this crazy drug called 2CE once and that was pretty crazy but I wouldn’t say it’s the hardest. I would say crack is the worst and that’s the only drug you should never do. But I would never do any of these drugs again. I’m done with all that shit. I wonder if everyone on here is just lying or if I’ve done a lot of crazy drugs.
meth, or ecstasy, or synthetic mescaline… which technically isn’t illegal. or DMT
Marijuana… and didn’t like it at all.
Weed but not anymore since the person I am dating isn’t ok with it, and since I am joining the military soon. But if anything I’ve always been curious with whats the hype about crack or meth
Never tried an illegal drug…
I find aspirin a fairly strong drug. Many people are not aware of that but it is true. Check it out.
@amateurprose - its a drug that hard to find i think? it’s supposed to be really good trip maybe like in some ways acid or shrooms type feeling [but better? never had it just heard of it slightly] and lasts like 10-20 mins.
A bit of weed
Elephant tranquilizers. But only the softball sized suppositories.
Oh, AND I snort my Flintstone vitamins. If you don’t think Flintstone Vitamins are hardcore, just try getting strung out On “Dino’s” or “Barney Rubbles” sometime!!!!!!!!!!!
@amateurprose - I have a friend who makes it in his basement. It’s made with chemicals. its a hallucinogen. it is found in small quantities naturally in some plants, animals, and humans. but it looks kinda like crystal meth… lol
@ohletitbe - Some “dude” makes it in his basement. Christ, this just keeps sounding worse and worse!!!!!!!!
@amateurprose - I just said it’s a hallucinogen. It is a chemical compound.
chemical compound.
Just like PCP. It is found naturally in plants, BUT those plants are not native to here, so obviously its created synthetically. Therefore, a chemical compound.
@ohletitbe - Yeah, sorry. I realized that you had already said it was a hallucinogen right after I asked. Fucking snorting those Flintstone Vitamins has just turned my brain into applesauce!!!
@amateurprose - at least those aren’t chemicals.. but you can overdose on vitamins, too. so be careful, johnny boy.
does anyone ever call you that? xD
@lostcauseIam - Where do you think illegal drugs come from?? Peoples basements! Including Marijuana! LOL. and its a DRUG. of course it’s not good…. and it’s a chemical based one at that. Nothing with initials for a name was ever said to be good, because the “real” name is unpronounceable because of the chemicals in it. LOL!!!!
all bad. don’t do it. same with “molli” it’s a chemical, too. and I didn’t say “dude” I said “friend”. LOL. My “friend” makes it. It’s just like meth, you know- there’s “crank” which is like, dirty, cut stuff- and there’s pure shit. Unless you’re a CHEMIST, or you KNOW a chemist, I wouldn’t suggest trying any drugs that I listed above. Including meth….lololol.
@ohletitbe - Yeah, for some reason EVERY GIRL I know eventually drops the ”johnny boy” name at some point.
I got really high on life one time, does that count? Hmm, wait, it was either high on life or tripping balls on shrooms… wait, acid, definitely acid… actually, which is worse, heroin or acid? Damn. I need a scale.
it just made me think of that song from dirty dancing. hahalololol!!!!
I do not use illegal drugs, only rBGH.
@ohletitbe - What johnny boy song? I don’t know of any johnny boy song on dirty dancing? I think you must have been partaking in some of the aforementioned drugs when you were watching the movie.
@mr_jin_tonic - Made me think of that Dave Chapelle Show’s episode… the world series of craps… “and I spent it all on… PCP.”
@BlindSight22 - A scale for what? to weigh all the drugs you just rattled off????
@amateurprose - there’s totally not but for some reason the voice in my head said the name “johnny boy” just like the voice of the “mickey” dude in that “love is strange” song when they’re getting all sappy. idk why my brain works like that but the deep voice saying “johnny boy” sounded like the voice of mickey in that song on dirty dancing that patrick swayze and big nose sing and get all sappy about together. lol:) yeah I know. I already know.
HEY I KNOW… isn’t there a character in the movie named “Johnny Castle”? Yeah, that’s it. I think you just crossed your wires there.
@amateurprose - No, we just got a huge pot… “arrival.” Seriously dude, I need a scale, I seem to have misplaced mine.
@BlindSight22 - Isn’t that like a carpenter loosing his hammer?
@amateurprose - omgggg. you’re totally right. It’s dude’s “cousin” who has a crush on baby. yeahhh, yeahhh, ok!!!! LOL. Maybe that’s it. at least I will say that’s it so that people don’t think oddly of me. in fact, that one comment might go missing altogether..
never done any illegal drugs.
@ohletitbe - NO! If that comment “goes missing” then I will just look like some asshole rambling on about Dirty Dancing characters, and snorting my multi-vitamins. Don’t throw me under the bus like that!!!!!
OPP. It always seems like all hell starts breaking loose when I take OPP.
I’m not sure which of the list would be considered the hardest but the one that fucked me up the most was ecstasy. (I’ve tried quite a few drugs out of curiosity)
it is derived from an acid which is found in ergot
, which is found on a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.
In years past, someone I once knew (not necessarily me), used the legal substance Vicodin without a prescription. This person really liked it.
Now you asked us, have you?
I’ve never…
Drug free.
‘hardest’ would probably be MDMA
hardcorest would be acid
the nastiest is mephedrone. i literally thought i was dying of a heart attack the next day.
Speed and I did not like it. But I had to do it because I was driving home after a long night at work and did not want to fall asleep at the wheel. That would not have been good! And qualudes once but I did not like those either.
Strongest is kinda a matter of opinion. My top three would be acid, meth, and ecstasy.
I am on meditation…is that legal?
The drug called Charlie Sheen.
but, xanga is legal.. right?
Ecstasy and Peyote though not together!
none. closest thing would be an energy drink for me. lol
lol this post is the epitome of my blog. i shamelessly post pictures of needles and heroin bags.
All of them.
cant compare “strengths” because each drug has a different subjective effect. dosage and expectations are also important variables to consider. weed, shrooms, xtc, and lsd had the strongest lasting effect on my belief system and fundamentally altered my view of the world. cocaine, vicoden, xanax, nicotine, and alcohol had the strongest affect on how i felt physically and are more for having a good time or escaping the world. the acquisition of knowledge can also be a drug like power or ignorance.
since everything we take in affects us, all food, air, light, and sound should be considered a drug. im high on life. HI
None, though I’ve probably abused my fair share of prescription and non-Rx pills. Alcohol has always been more than enough for me
A drug called LOVE. A very expensive type of drug, sometimes priceless.
The only illegal drug I’ve done is smoked weed, but that was like two years ago. It’s not really that illegal in California anyways.
None. And don’t ever intend to. (My choice.)
I have tried several different drugs… Methanphetimine, acid, mushrooms, coke, GHB, and weed… but that experimentation stopped a very long time ago.
Alcohol! (im a goody two shoes… But I have drinken before I was of age!)
Pot…and adderall <~ Which was illegal for me since I didn’t have a script.
too many hard core drugz to remember……….
I drank alcohol underage, so there’s the illegal part… other than that I’m extremely tame hahaha
Never did illegal drugs. But I’ve been on some pretty powerful prescription drugs.
Powder that shit up and snort it through a rolled up twenty. WHOOOOOOOO.
Laughterr is my drug <3
Ecstasy, pot, & shrooms I’d probably say had the biggest impact on my life. The rest of the stuff I’ve done was just to get high/fool around. I don’t really do anything anymore nowadays though, I’ve pretty much gotten all that I could have gotten out of drugs and I’ve learned a lot about life, who I am, and what I want to do/accomplish.
I’d still like to try acid and dmt at some point if I get the chance. Word of advice to anyone that doesn’t do drugs because they are scared: Read up on it first, look at the facts and don’t let propaganda influence you. Do real research and find out the truth then make an educated decision for yourself on what you would like to do (Most drugs are completely harmless. I’ve never touched stuff like crack/heroin and I never would because those are drugs that ruin lives, not help them).
I tried pot a couple of times. Didn’t do it for me.
Just get me a cig and a beer, and I’m all set. Kthxbai.
DXM + psilocybin = one hell of a time. Thank you Erowid
ecstacy and shrooms.. not sure which is worse.
Smoked crack ONCE after doing coke for awhile, then one night i came home to my niece (who i am the mother figure for) and cried my eyes out and realized how much better we deserved. Haven’t touched it since & no longer have any friends..but that’s okay, they weren’t real friends anyways. (:
& i suppose shrooms, alcohol and a few pills i’ve gotten my hands on (ecstasy, loratabs, etc.) and last but certainly the best (for you) my lover Mary Janeā„
I tried just about everything out there at one point or another in my teen years. I have no clue which one would be considered the strongest?
I don’t know what it’s called in English, but I tried a drug called ayawaska, which is made in the jungles of Ecuador. I think it’s kind of like mushrooms. And I’ve eaten space cake a few times.
@bakersdozen2 - It’s illegal? They give me succinylcholine during ECT treatments. Why would you want to take it? Full body paralysis is a horrible feeling.
Klonopin is the only one I’ve abused, it was my script though so it wasn’t illegal.
@aliiceinwonderland - It was the strongest drug I’ve ever “taken” but, in my case, not illegal. Legal is a relative term with prescription drugs. It’s true that if a drug is prescribed to you; it’s legal. If it’s not, it’s illegal.
You’re right, not even a drug addict would want to take Succs. But you can’t get much stronger drug than a paralytic…
I’ve never done an illegal drug. When I had my wisdom teeth removed I was prescribed a Valium, but it only made me a tiny bit high.
Crack probably.
me none. but music is the power drug of choice for me. I come from a bloodline of smokers anyways , cancer is in my family’s medical history anyways same as a heart attack.
strongest? you mean potency by volume/dosage? or strongest as in considered most taboo and illegal? its really a matter of perspective
The Worst:
Heroin or Crack The Best:Mushrooms
@haley1262 - synth mescaline is illegal federally.
Pot. And not that highschool grass either.. I mean Cannabis
Comments (144)
I smoked a cat.
Fallen in love.
never did drugs.
What does Xanga have anything to do with drug use? Anyway, I’ve done them all…except PCP.
I would say none, but I used to abuse caffeine pills. I have ADHD and when not medicated, I’m flying everywhere. Caffeine has the opposite effect in me. It calms me down.
Most people think i’m on illegal drugs, but I’m not and never have been,
An epidural…. it was so strong I couldn’t feel myself giving birth! Yeehaw! Good stuff.
i wanna try DMT
don’t judge, here.
mushrooms and acid are somewhat of a “natural” drug. so I don’t think of them as like “strong, or hard”.
I’ve used methamphetamine and oxycontin. That’s about it.
The strongest illegal I ever did was Pedro.
caffeine, but it ain’t illegal so that really doesn’t count.
@TiredSoVeryTired -
drug… lol.
Never done drugs.
@ohletitbe - Oh, well I’ve never tried an illegal drug. lol So, epidural was my coolest answer.
Fine! I’ve never tried an illegal drug.
@ShimmerBodyCream - ? cocaine ? I’ve never heard that one.
@TiredSoVeryTired - well aren’t you just the lamest ever!!!
@ShimmerBodyCream - You’re fucking hilarious.
weed when i was a teen
When you come into class with red eyes and stupid answers, people don’t wonder if you’re on drugs.
@Pink_TeaCups - o-o that’s illegal now? Damn.
dan are you really a cop? is that why your blogs are always so short, and your messages are always so short and punctual.
I wouldn’t put myself on blast like that.
@ohletitbe - iSuck!
Depends on how we define strong. I mean, I’d consider alcohol harder than weed. But in terms of what I’ve done, I don’t consider shrooms to be that strong, so probably ecstasy. Of course, it’s been quite a while.
@boilingicicle - Me too
I’ve heard it’s life changing.
Never done anything illegal. I can’t even use vicodin as I’m allergic, hahaha.
I’ve never used an illegal drug, unless you count getting drunk on Harry Buffaloes when I was 19. I haven’t touched gin in the 33 years since then.
I’ve done coke maybe about ten times, done acid four times, ecstasy about ten times, smoked crack about twenty times, done PCP about five times, shrooms twice. I did this crazy drug called 2CE once and that was pretty crazy but I wouldn’t say it’s the hardest. I would say crack is the worst and that’s the only drug you should never do. But I would never do any of these drugs again. I’m done with all that shit. I wonder if everyone on here is just lying or if I’ve done a lot of crazy drugs.
@boilingicicle - DMT is fucking amazing. i love it.
meth, or ecstasy, or synthetic mescaline… which technically isn’t illegal. or DMT
Marijuana… and didn’t like it at all.
Weed but not anymore since the person I am dating isn’t ok with it, and since I am joining the military soon. But if anything I’ve always been curious with whats the hype about crack or meth
Never tried an illegal drug…
I find aspirin a fairly strong drug. Many people are not aware of that but it is true. Check it out.
None. *hangs head in shame*
@AlluringAddiction - you ARE ecstasy. yeahhhhhhhhh, high five!!!!
@Pink_TeaCups - Makes you “high” on that sh*t right?… the withdrawal when it ends sucks the worst!!!
@haley1262 - What is DMT?
@amateurprose - Fucking Johnny, you’re the man!
I’ve smoked weed and that’s about it.
Coke. It’s better than Pepsi.
@amateurprose - its a drug that hard to find i think? it’s supposed to be really good trip maybe like in some ways acid or shrooms type feeling [but better? never had it just heard of it slightly] and lasts like 10-20 mins.
A bit of weed
Elephant tranquilizers. But only the softball sized suppositories.
Oh, AND I snort my Flintstone vitamins. If you don’t think Flintstone Vitamins are hardcore, just try getting strung out On “Dino’s” or “Barney Rubbles” sometime!!!!!!!!!!!
@BI0chemical_EQUACI0N - ah ha. thank you.
@amateurprose - I have a friend who makes it in his basement. It’s made with chemicals. its a hallucinogen. it is found in small quantities naturally in some plants, animals, and humans. but it looks kinda like crystal meth… lol
@ohletitbe - Some “dude” makes it in his basement. Christ, this just keeps sounding worse and worse!!!!!!!!
@lostcauseIam - hahaha, I know!!!!!!!
@ohletitbe - What class of drug is it?
@pinktiger335 - Tell me about it!
@amateurprose - I just said it’s a hallucinogen. It is a chemical compound.
chemical compound.
Just like PCP. It is found naturally in plants, BUT those plants are not native to here, so obviously its created synthetically. Therefore, a chemical compound.
@ohletitbe - Yeah, sorry. I realized that you had already said it was a hallucinogen right after I asked. Fucking snorting those Flintstone Vitamins has just turned my brain into applesauce!!!
@amateurprose - at least those aren’t chemicals.. but you can overdose on vitamins, too. so be careful, johnny boy.
does anyone ever call you that? xD
@lostcauseIam - Where do you think illegal drugs come from?? Peoples basements! Including Marijuana! LOL.
and its a DRUG. of course it’s not good…. and it’s a chemical based one at that. Nothing with initials for a name was ever said to be good, because the “real” name is unpronounceable because of the chemicals in it. LOL!!!!
all bad. don’t do it.
same with “molli” it’s a chemical, too.
and I didn’t say “dude” I said “friend”. LOL. My “friend” makes it. It’s just like meth, you know- there’s “crank” which is like, dirty, cut stuff- and there’s pure shit. Unless you’re a CHEMIST, or you KNOW a chemist, I wouldn’t suggest trying any drugs that I listed above. Including meth….lololol.
@ohletitbe - Yeah, for some reason EVERY GIRL I know eventually drops the ”johnny boy” name at some point.
I got really high on life one time, does that count? Hmm, wait, it was either high on life or tripping balls on shrooms… wait, acid, definitely acid… actually, which is worse, heroin or acid? Damn. I need a scale.
@amateurprose - I’m gonna do it all the time now.
it just made me think of that song from dirty dancing. hahalololol!!!!
I do not use illegal drugs, only rBGH.
@ohletitbe - What johnny boy song? I don’t know of any johnny boy song on dirty dancing? I think you must have been partaking in some of the aforementioned drugs when you were watching the movie.
@mr_jin_tonic - Made me think of that Dave Chapelle Show’s episode… the world series of craps… “and I spent it all on… PCP.”
@BlindSight22 - A scale for what? to weigh all the drugs you just rattled off????
@amateurprose - there’s totally not but for some reason the voice in my head said the name “johnny boy” just like the voice of the “mickey” dude in that “love is strange” song when they’re getting all sappy. idk why my brain works like that but the deep voice saying “johnny boy” sounded like the voice of mickey in that song on dirty dancing that patrick swayze and big nose sing and get all sappy about together. lol:) yeah I know. I already know.
@ohletitbe - hahaha. you’re so fucking funny!!!
HEY I KNOW… isn’t there a character in the movie named “Johnny Castle”? Yeah, that’s it. I think you just crossed your wires there.
@amateurprose - No, we just got a huge pot… “arrival.” Seriously dude, I need a scale, I seem to have misplaced mine.
@BlindSight22 - Isn’t that like a carpenter loosing his hammer?
@amateurprose - omgggg. you’re totally right. It’s dude’s “cousin” who has a crush on baby. yeahhh, yeahhh, ok!!!! LOL. Maybe that’s it. at least I will say that’s it so that people don’t think oddly of me. in fact, that one comment might go missing altogether..
never done any illegal drugs.
@ohletitbe - NO! If that comment “goes missing” then I will just look like some asshole rambling on about Dirty Dancing characters, and snorting my multi-vitamins. Don’t throw me under the bus like that!!!!!
OPP. It always seems like all hell starts breaking loose when I take OPP.
I’m not sure which of the list would be considered the hardest but the one that fucked me up the most was ecstasy. (I’ve tried quite a few drugs out of curiosity)
@ohletitbe - acid is natural?
Weed. You asked used, what about still using? Weed. Make it legal already.
powdered sugar donuts from nicaragua
none. unless you want to count 4loko which is illegal in many states throughout the U.S. now. but other than thaaat… i’ve been totally clean.
@amateurprose - you’re lucky the edit time already ran out. I wouldn’t condemn you to xanga death. <3
Does robbing a bank count? Because adrenaline is mother.
Uhh. Well it’s illegal if it’s not your prescription, so… Vicodin. Or maybe Salvia…but I don’t know if it’s illegal.
@foreverdiet - actually yeah.
it is derived from an acid which is found in ergot
, which is found on a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.
In years past, someone I once knew (not necessarily me), used the legal substance Vicodin without a prescription. This person really liked it.
Now you asked us, have you?
I’ve never…
Drug free.
‘hardest’ would probably be MDMA
hardcorest would be acid
the nastiest is mephedrone. i literally thought i was dying of a heart attack the next day.
Speed and I did not like it. But I had to do it because I was driving home after a long night at work and did not want to fall asleep at the wheel. That would not have been good! And qualudes once but I did not like those either.
Strongest is kinda a matter of opinion. My top three would be acid, meth, and ecstasy.
I am on meditation…is that legal?
The drug called Charlie Sheen.
but, xanga is legal.. right?
Ecstasy and Peyote though not together!
none. closest thing would be an energy drink for me. lol
lol this post is the epitome of my blog. i shamelessly post pictures of needles and heroin bags.
All of them.
cant compare “strengths” because each drug has a different subjective effect. dosage and expectations are also important variables to consider. weed, shrooms, xtc, and lsd had the strongest lasting effect on my belief system and fundamentally altered my view of the world. cocaine, vicoden, xanax, nicotine, and alcohol had the strongest affect on how i felt physically and are more for having a good time or escaping the world. the acquisition of knowledge can also be a drug like power or ignorance.
since everything we take in affects us, all food, air, light, and sound should be considered a drug. im high on life. HI
None, though I’ve probably abused my fair share of prescription and non-Rx pills. Alcohol has always been more than enough for me
A drug called LOVE. A very expensive type of drug, sometimes priceless.
The only illegal drug I’ve done is smoked weed, but that was like two years ago. It’s not really that illegal in California anyways.
None. And don’t ever intend to. (My choice.)
I have tried several different drugs… Methanphetimine, acid, mushrooms, coke, GHB, and weed… but that experimentation stopped a very long time ago.
Alcohol! (im a goody two shoes… But I have drinken before I was of age!)
Pot…and adderall
<~ Which was illegal for me since I didn’t have a script.
too many hard core drugz to remember……….
I drank alcohol underage, so there’s the illegal part… other than that I’m extremely tame hahaha
Never did illegal drugs. But I’ve been on some pretty powerful prescription drugs.
Powder that shit up and snort it through a rolled up twenty. WHOOOOOOOO.
Laughterr is my drug <3
Ecstasy, pot, & shrooms I’d probably say had the biggest impact on my life. The rest of the stuff I’ve done was just to get high/fool around. I don’t really do anything anymore nowadays though, I’ve pretty much gotten all that I could have gotten out of drugs and I’ve learned a lot about life, who I am, and what I want to do/accomplish.
I’d still like to try acid and dmt at some point if I get the chance.
Word of advice to anyone that doesn’t do drugs because they are scared: Read up on it first, look at the facts and don’t let propaganda influence you. Do real research and find out the truth then make an educated decision for yourself on what you would like to do (Most drugs are completely harmless. I’ve never touched stuff like crack/heroin and I never would because those are drugs that ruin lives, not help them).
I tried pot a couple of times. Didn’t do it for me.
Just get me a cig and a beer, and I’m all set. Kthxbai.
DXM + psilocybin = one hell of a time. Thank you Erowid
ecstacy and shrooms.. not sure which is worse.
Smoked crack ONCE after doing coke for awhile, then one night i came home to my niece (who i am the mother figure for) and cried my eyes out and realized how much better we deserved. Haven’t touched it since & no longer have any friends..but that’s okay, they weren’t real friends anyways. (:
& i suppose shrooms, alcohol and a few pills i’ve gotten my hands on (ecstasy, loratabs, etc.) and last but certainly the best (for you) my lover Mary Janeā„
I tried just about everything out there at one point or another in my teen years. I have no clue which one would be considered the strongest?
I don’t know what it’s called in English, but I tried a drug called ayawaska, which is made in the jungles of Ecuador. I think it’s kind of like mushrooms. And I’ve eaten space cake a few times.
@ohletitbe - sofa knee mate!
I have not even taken legal drugs.
I tried Blue meth
I had to go on steroids for inflammation.
@bakersdozen2 - It’s illegal? They give me succinylcholine during ECT treatments. Why would you want to take it? Full body paralysis is a horrible feeling.
Klonopin is the only one I’ve abused, it was my script though so it wasn’t illegal.
@aliiceinwonderland - It was the strongest drug I’ve ever “taken” but, in my case, not illegal. Legal is a relative term with prescription drugs. It’s true that if a drug is prescribed to you; it’s legal. If it’s not, it’s illegal.
You’re right, not even a drug addict would want to take Succs.
But you can’t get much stronger drug than a paralytic…
@bakersdozen2 - So true.
I’ve never done an illegal drug. When I had my wisdom teeth removed I was prescribed a Valium, but it only made me a tiny bit high.
Crack probably.
me none. but music is the power drug of choice for me. I come from a bloodline of smokers anyways , cancer is in my family’s medical history anyways same as a heart attack.
strongest? you mean potency by volume/dosage? or strongest as in considered most taboo and illegal? its really a matter of perspective
The Worst:
Heroin or Crack
The Best:Mushrooms
@haley1262 - synth mescaline is illegal federally.
Pot. And not that highschool grass either.. I mean Cannabis
@Uek - wellll thenn
Marijuana. Three times while I was 17.
CRACK cocaine. I think I talk about it a lot. Meth is the worst. I have never tried that one…… hmm…..
“Curiosity Killed the Cat”
lol oh yeah! and Weed isn’t illegal in a few states… its MEDICINE