November 28, 2011

  • Man Tricked Out of His Sperm

    A man is saying a woman saved his sperm from the condom they used to have sex.  She saved up his sperm and used it for an in-vitro procedure to get pregnant.

    Now the guy has to pay $800/month in child support.  Here is the link:  Link

    The man is claiming his sperm was used without his permission.

    Should the man have to pay child support?

Comments (81)

  • that is why my ex keeps flushing his condoms in the toilet. smh…i would never inject his sperm…she’s wrong for that.

  • No? Used his sperm without permission. He did not consent to having his sperm taken to be used in making a child, and he was tricked to believe that the condom breakage resulted in the child, thus paying child support. I think you could even label it as fraud.

  • Is that even possible? 

  • Wow. Don’t piss women off, they be crazy.

  • I love this story so much. 

  • Unless she froze it right away, I don’t think that would work. But no, he shouldn’t. How ridiculous.

  • Hmm, interesting. I believe that when sperm is ejaculated outside the woman’s body, it will immediately die, because the temperature of the woman’s body is required for the sperm to survive.

    Could be wrong.


  • You mean rubbers don’t work anymore? WTF!!

  • Would the sperm stay alive long enough for this to even be feasible? 

  • This chick makes more a month than I do just raising a kid.

    And I’m a teacher.

    Awesome priorities, American legal/political system!

  • @FuhkAwf - As far as I’m aware, no. She most likely would have had to stuff that stuff in less than an hour after coitus, or otherwise preserved it in a freezer or something. Doesn’t rule this out, just means statistics says this guy is a whiner who should have watched who he fucked.

  • Nah. this guy deserved it. Spermicidal condoms save lives.

  • @FireMapleSong - That’s what I figured. 

    …yeah, that’s what he gets for fucking a crazy bitch. His own stupidity in the long run.

  • This is one of those more extreme versions of, “My dog ate my homework”… Okay, so your dog ate your homework you’re still responsible for it… Yes he should pay child support. Another thing is, how would anyone else know that he isn’t just some asshole trying to bail? It might be unfair but, it would be more unfair to that child if he doesn’t take it on the chin and be a father… In my book it doesn’t matter how psycho a woman is, allegedly, your kid is your kid and your responsibility… Be a man and be a father.

    My vote is, YES.

  • If it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that HIS STORY is true, then no… barring that, yes he should have to support the kid.

    I’m thinking his story will be damn near impossible to prove… even if he is telling the truth.

  • Yes, he should have to. 

    The care of the kid comes before the circumstances of his/her conception.  A father has responsibilities, no matter how he became a father (unfortunately).  There are numerous cases of women stopping their birth control without telling their partners in order to have a child, and yes, those fathers also still have responsibility.  Not to mention it’s incredibly unlikely and difficult to get the sperm to live long enough for in vitro (don’t most condoms have some spermicide in them anyways?).  PLUS it’s impossible to prove that this man’s story is correct and he’s not just another ass trying to get out of child support.

    But if the story is true, i feel bad for the guy.

  • why else would a stripper hook up with him…because she loves his personality

    anyway, since they have twins, then they each support one, which is what is fair and what happened since he got joint custody.

    the fertility clinic shouldn’t assume things and called the spouse in question before doing any medical procedures that require authorization. flimsy business practices with shady clients.

  • I think the sperm would die, especially in a condom because they have spermicide. 

  • Absolutely NO.

  • Nope. He was deceived! Whattabitch.

  • Let’s pretend it’s a true story, that women would be very wrong and without a conscience….The poor man ! there is no justice !

  • No, what the hell? That’s ridiculous. Too many girls do this, especially teenage girls. Think babies are cute, get knocked up by a poor kid and then he has to ay child sport and have a connection to that woman and baby for the rest of his life. Unfair. 

  • goddamn women are crazy.

  • If he is in fact telling the truth then heck no…but how can we truly tell he isn’t lieing? He could just be saying this to get out of paying child support. Who knows?

  • Maybe she just got knocked up. Babies happen.

  • Do your homework Dan ! You know this story is bogus. Sperm has to be put in a special container in order to survive living out of a man’s balls. Obviously another attemp by Dan the Man to control our minds.

  • @your_paper_heart -  Yeah I was going to say that.. I dont think its even possible.. I remember in health class getting told that the sperm die pretty quickly outside of the body.. And obviously this guy shouldnt have to pay support IF its even possible.. He needs a DNA test

  • I feel good. Refreshed. Yesterday I saw an asian mom with a very beautiful face. Her smile was authentic, warm. I didn’ t notice her body. Her face, her glowing eyes, I spoke with her for two sweet minutes, her voice was sweeter than the sound of early birds chirping just outside the nearest window. And waking up to a beautiful morning, this what I felt, talking to one of the loveliest creatures in all of Beijiing. I know that Asians can look like yellow colored indians, but, the beauty of the asian woman is something really special to behold. I have never seen a white american woman smile like an asian smile is very caring smile. Do asians make better mothers?

    But, I admit, overall, white women seem to be smarter, taller, better looking, healthier looking. The asian woman is a sunflower, a dandlelion, the white woman is a queen, a candy flavored, a driven person, ambitious, proud. And that is why America is number one. Everyone is so damn motivated for success. I am a bum. I had three great games of chess, interesting conversations. The ole man told me he waited many many years to find that one special person in his life. My sister asked me to live with my grandmother, but there is just no way I can coexist with other people. People piss me off. That is why I am alone. Good times come, if I am patient, good things can happen to me. I really really have to work on my eye contact.

  • Whoa, she screwed him big time. No pun….ha ha

  • hahahahaha man he’s really trying to get out of this. “i used a condom. she done did stoled my sperm!!!!”  …yeahhhhh ok.

  • Nooo. This is sick and twisted.

  • that’s a cold shot

  • Going to say no on this one. 

    What if a guy masturbated into a kleenex and some crazy female decided to rummage thru the garbage and take his fluids for a purpose?  it’s theft.

  • To quote a very smart man.. “We gon’ have to shoot that bitch.”

    This is insane, creating babies to stay in a house and get half of someones stuff. This broad needs to hang out with Ike and Chris for a week.

  • condoms don’t always work either so i’d say yes.

  • yes, because his story is total bullshit. sperm CANNOT survive for long outside of the body unless they’re frozen. maybe, shock horror, the condom just broke and she ended up pregnant. he needs to take responsibility and not have sex if he can’t handle the consequences.

  • @AubreyBird - I don’t think it’s that impossible to prove an in-vitro. If it happened without his consent, he is not responsible for the offspring. It’s just like using a sperm bank. 

  • Wow, I have a hard time believing this story, but people are crazy. I don’t think he should have to pay child support. I think she should have to pay him.

    well unless of course he wants to be involved in the childs life, that could change things a bit. I would almost say he should have costudy because clearly this woman is insane.

  • What she did is wrong. But at the end of the day, the dad now has two kids and it’s good to see that he’s trying to take care of them and get custody.
    The IVF place should have required consent forms from both parents though. That’s a miss on their part… unless she forced that too, in which case there’s a fraud case that could be taken against her.

  • What an ass!  Of course, if you leave your sperm in the possession of some psycho you don’t obviously know well enough to have sex with and she somehow manages to defy most laws of science and impregnates herself with stale sperm, he should have to take care of his own child.  No father is paying the mother child support, I hate the sound of that.  Any non-custodial parent is simply paying a part of the care for their own child.  We all know most every parent paying child support isn’t really paying half of what the child needs. 

    Clean up after your own self boys, lest the crazy chic you just picked up in a bar gets herself preggo… or at the very least cuddle for a few hours so you know your sperm die. 

  • Okay, so I should have read the article first, but he’s not the first guy to claim a used condom was used without his knowledge.  How the heck did he not notice his live-in girlfriend running off with his condoms right after they had sex?  I mean really, please.  She’s psycho for sure, probably she’s crazy enough not to be raising two kids, but I find it hard to believe she actually was able to accomplish it.  Kinda sounds like some guy’s six month hookup/live in maid was just smarter than him and now two kids pay the price. 

  • IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! Holy monkey of a spank! Women are crazy o.O

  • When you have sex, you’re also responsible for the consequences . So my vote.. is a hesitant yes. I feel bad for the dude, but maybe he should have taken the time to get to know the girl he was fucking. He would have probably figured out she was crazy?

    Either way, that’s pretty insane. 

  • Legally, I suppose that depends on whether he can prove he was tricked.

    Seems a little odd to me that a mans sperm could be taken w/o his knowledge.

    For her side, she claims he went along with the fertilization plan and even gave her the hormone shots.

    Either way, he is responsible for his child. In this case that means paying child support. Maybe being in the child’s life.

    If she was raped and kept the child she’d be responsible for it.

    Either way he is trying to squirm out of his responsibility.

    This is just a creative way to do it.

  •  I vote yes. Having sex brings on certain responsibilities, and if there is a child conceived- regardless of the circumstance- the parents are still the parents and thus responsible. After all, it wasn’t as though this guy was raped. He knowingly had sex with someone, so whatever consequences come from that, he needs to take responsibility. If a woman makes the decision to have sex, I feel she should take responsibility for a pregnancy and give the child life, thus, in this case, the guy’s decision to have sex also carries the responsibility of doing his part to help give the child a good life by supporting it.
     He was terribly and sadly tricked, yes, but he should have thought twice before having sex with this woman. Obviously he didn’t know her character very well, and if he didn’t know her well or trust her, he shouldn’t have been sleeping with her (The circumstances aren’t revealed here, but it sounds like something that resulted from a one-night stand or at least a fairly shallow relationship).
     But then, I am terribly old-fashioned. :)

  • @hevcoh - No.  They had sex.  Though there is evidence that she used a clinic, there isn’t proof that her pregnancy resulted from in vitro as opposed to their intercourse.  Of course, the in vitro in that exact circumstance would be more likely to have been the cause of pregnancy, but not necessarily and it can’t be PROVEN. 


    consent of the father does not have precedent for being the determining factor in dictating paternal responsibility

    .  If you have intercourse, you are responsible for your offspring.  If he didn’t want to risk having a child with her, he shouldn’t have slept with her.  It’s not like she tapped the sperm from his dead body (which, terrifyingly, is possible, heaven forbid).  
    There are many instances in which a father does not consent to having a child (like in the example I listed in my previous comment) and he is still considered responsible for that offspring.  It’s unfortunate that the psychotic mother tricked him into fatherhood, and i think he has a very good case for more limited child support, but he is responsible for his own sperm (to put it in blunt terms).  It’s not the same as the “theft” of his sperm because he “gave” it to her.  How she used it is unethical, but doesn’t negate his fatherhood.  
    I feel really bad for the guy, but trying to skate out of parental responsibilities (even if you shouldn’t have become a parent) is unfair to the child, and the child’s welfare should come first in all of this debate.

  • @AubreyBird - I agree the child’s welfare is the most important. Thus I think he should be raised by people other than the lying, money hungry, manipulative woman who concieved the child.

    By your arguement, people, who donate sperm to sperm banks should be held accountable to raise and pay child support for children some women wanted.

  • @hevcoh - Well that I agree with.  I think the article said he was trying to get custody of the children (sorry, I’m too lazy to read it again), which I support 100%.  She doesn’t seem fit for parenthood, but then again, I think a lot of parents are unfit for parenthood — I can really rant about that whole separate topic for a long time.

    But the argument wasn’t whether she should be raising the child; it was whether the father legally has paternal responsibility.  I think he does, as stated before.  That isn’t to say I think he has no form of legal recourse.  I don’t know the exact laws/practices regarding in vitro insemination, but it seems like a huge failing on the clinic’s part to let her use the sperm of someone without him there to sign some sort of consent waiver.  Shouldn’t that be illegal???  I think he could possibly sue the clinic for that, but i don’t know; I’m no lawyer.  At the very least, I think this case could lead to a change in legislation to fix that exact problem.
    I don’t think my argument supports cases for people being held accountable for sperm from sperm banks.  Giving to a sperm bank is not the same as having intercourse with a woman.  The whole point is to provide women with another way to get pregnant, often independently.  It’s almost the exact opposite of the case above; giving to a sperm bank is tantamount to consent of the father to

    take away

    parental responsibility.  Just as a woman can’t demand child support; a man can’t go demand custody rights of the child.  He forfeited those rights and responsibilities for the sake of a donation.  There is a contractual difference.

  • ^Why is the spacing all messed up?

  • Look@AubreyBird -  at your pretty little face.

  • Well, if we actually read the material we learn that there is paperwork with his signature on it, from the fertility clinic.

    Trust me, fertility clinics cover their bases. They wouldn’t just take a used condom full of sperm. There is a very detailed collection process, down to cleaning materials and procedures. Also, you have to fill out paperwork regarding storage and what happens to the eggs and sperm/embryos if you split up or die, etc. There is no trotting down to the clinic with a spent rubber and handing it to a nurse. It’s a lengthy process. Also, according to her lawyers, he knew she was trying to get pregnant and was helping her with her IVF injections. If there’s proof of all of this, he doesn’t stand a chance. He’s trying to get out of paying child support because they have twins and not just a single child.

    It’s not like she did it for the money. He only makes 40k a year.

  • If that’s what actually happened then absolutely not.

    For all you yes voters? If you were entrapped by someone you were familiar with, you  think it’s fine that BOTH people have to pay the consequences? That’s silly.

    That’s like saying your bf/gf stole your debit card and went on a shopping spree when you weren’t aware of it, but YOU have to foot half of the bill. Not everyone has their guard up 24/7.

  • @SeeBeeWrite - The link provided didn’t have any information about him signing a consent waiver to use his sperm or the other stuff you mentioned.  Are you referring to a different article on the same topic?  Could you give the link; that’s kind of crucial information, if true.  Sometimes these articles don’t seem to print the whole story. >:(

  • @SeeBeeWrite - Hmm.  That certainly makes his story more suspect (which is fine since i think either way he should be paying child support).  It does say that the man doesn’t have to come into the clinic in order for his sperm to be used (though the clinic does needs a filled consent form and blood work), and I guess it is possible that the chick could have taken his sperm to the clinic AND forged his signature on a consent form, but how did the clinic receive the blood work?  That seems to be the fishy part to me…unless his lawyer is also claiming that she stole his blood work too?  Makes the whole thing quite improbable.

    On the other hand, it seems like a lot of “he said she said” with her claiming that he helped with the shots and him explaining why she had access to his health insurance, etc etc.  It makes me even more inclined to think his story is bullshit, though who knows.  Crazy things can happen, I guess.

  • Science major speaking: you can’t really “save up” sperm unless you freeze it in liquid nitrogen. :P It dies not long after exiting the male……. I think this guy probably just doesn’t want to pay child support.

    Then again, maybe she saved the sperm from one condom and actually put it into herself. I’ve heard of the turkey baster technique… :P In that case, he shouldn’t be responsible. but unfortunately there’s really no way to prove it. :/

  • … wth? first of all this is definitely one of those extreme cases, this story is really shady . on the other hand, any woman that you have sex with has the potential to be the mother of your child . STOP . take a second. really think about what i just wrote . so yeah, you made a choice . you made a choice to lay there [ or maybe stand there, depending on the position ] & have sex with her . yes, you used a condom but things happen + i guess that this is one of those examples . he should have to pay child support if the child is indeed his .

  • That’s pretty screwed up. Well, in my opinion, if she did this with bad intentions, the guy shouldn’t pay child support (because it probably won’t even be ‘child support’ it’ll just be more money for her). But inevitably in a courtroom, the fact that his sperm was stolen isn’t really relevant, what matters is that there’s a single mother that’s asking for help from her baby daddy. And in the society’s eyes ladies and gentlemen, the single mother is always the one who’ll be given support, regardless of anything and everything.

    Poor dude

  • oh lol this made me laugh. I was paranoid about my bf poking holes into them because he wanted children so badly ..but this…wow!!

    He shouldn’t have to pay.

  • If he shouldnt have to pay then what of a those whose condoms break or chicks who are on the pill. This is just unrealistic. 

  • Why would you save a condom? That’s what I want to know.

  • @locomotiv - You are so right!  I think it might be true, I followed up.  it was fox, but then it went to another link. It might be true. eeek, right?

  • @John_Q_Normal - for that explicit purpose.  If she hadn’t gotten busted….could of worked!

  •          He Should sue for Copyright Protection

  • Can he prove that she did that and the condom didn’t break? 

  • I’ve heard of a girl, after their breakup, told her ex that she was pregnant with his child so that he could get back together with her, and because she was “pregnant”, they had unprotected sex and he really did get her pregnant after that. Same messed up stuff.

  • WOW. OK, I just read the story and guys, maybe you should be careful about who you date. Not that her being a stripper makes her a bad person, but I’m sure there were other signs.

  • Oh brave new world, that has such people in it.

  • @ctaretz - i agree with you. but i still can’t shake off the feeling that some women are much more conniving and manipulative than men feel comfortable giving them credit for.

  • @sweetboxc00kie - Yeah, I agree, you think that some of us guys would have picked this fact up after watching “Fatal Attraction” with Glen Close or “Crush” with Alicia what’s her face.

  • @FireMapleSong - You’re a teacher, so maybe that’s why she makes more than you do.

    But I’d dare say you’re the one doing something worth-while.

  • @nidan - To give “the system” its due, though, I am just a teaching assistant after all. If I was a full on adjunct, I’d be making as much as $1000 a month!

  • Yes, that was his intention.

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