February 15, 2012

  • President Obama and Racists

    It is odd to me every time I hear people say that people don’t support President Obama because he is black.

    Then you have Samuel Jackson saying recently that he voted for President Obama because he was black.  Here is the link:  Link

    A recent poll showed that 95% of blacks will support President Obama in the next election.  Here is the link:  Link

    The unemployment rate for black Americans is 16%.  I guess they can still support him for the food stamps.  12% of the population is black yet they get 28% of the food stamps.  Here is the link:  Link

    Black people in America, receive $3,230 per person in benefits.  Here is the link:  Link

    People say that blacks support President Obama because of his policies not because he is black.  But their unemployment rate is 16%.

    Do you think black people support President Obama because he is black?

Comments (100)

  • just bc the employment rate is high doesn’t mean his policies aren’t good. -shrug-

  • Obama isn’t black, he’s as much of a white man as he is black, but was raised by his white family members the most. Thus, I will refer to him as a white man.

    I’m voting for Ron Paul if he makes republican nominee.

  • *popcorn, anyone? *

  • This will end well.

  • If Obama is good enough for Samuel L. Jackson, who is the BAMF that got those mother fucking snakes off that mother fucking plane, then he’s good enough for me.

  • i think a lot of black people voted for him because he’s black. when he was running i heard a lot of black people on the local news saying “if he wins he’ll make history!” “he’ll be the first black president.” “i want my kids to see him win, to see him make history.” i mean….after hearing things like that around here i can only assume that other people felt the same way and thus voted for him. i also remember reading after he was elected that that election had the most percentage of black voters ever. i don’t know if this was just here or nationwide but it sure says a lot. 

    having said that, i don’t think all black people who voted voted for him because he’s black. just the majority who wanted to see the first black president and didn’t care too much about policies. 

  • I have zero doubt about it. Obama’s huge support among blacks is because he is black. Bush received 11% of the black vote. Are you really going to say that Bush had something about him that made him more that twice as popular among blacks as the latest in republicans? With black unemployment setting all time records, blacks supporting Obama in such numbers can only be due to race.

  • Damn you get $3,000 for just being black? Talk about incentive!

  • Of course, most Black people supported him in 2008, and probably will again this year.  Likewise, most white racists voted against him in 2008, and probably will again this year.  Not being in either category, I haven’t decided yet.

  • I think it’s unfair to assume that most African Americans will only vote for Obama because he’s black.  My father is black, and he’s supporting Obama because he agrees with most of his policies.  I’ll be voting for him as well, not because I can “identify with him’ because I’m half black, but because I too support his policies.  His color has nothing to do with it.  He could be white as snow and I’d still vote for him.  This idea that African Americans don’t vote intelligently and that they vote for Obama because of his race is ridiculous. I’m sure that near the same percentage of African Americans would have voted for Hillary if she had been the nominee.  I’m also sure that there are some African Americans that put his color at the highest priority, but I would never assume that all African Americans as a whole vote based on race  People in general will vote for certain politicians for silly reasons, like if one candidate looks more “folksy” than the other.  Or if one candidate looks more fit than the other.  Take George Bush. Thousands of people gave him their vote because, “He was just the kind of guy you feel you could sit down and have a beer with.”  Why is that important?  Why would that matter to someone?  It’s silly, but it has been going on with voters for a long time, long before all African Americans were supposedly “voting for Obama because he’s black.”  It’s sad, but there will always be some people will vote based on looks or race.  Black people, white people, or whoever.  It’s ridiculous. 

  • The more tan I get the more inclined I am to vote for him. I bet if my ass gets big I’ll go full on dem.

  • I think they support Obama largely because he is the candidate whose economic policy is more favorable to the poor in our society, and that is an excellent and legitimate reason to support a presidential candidate.  We all know that blacks are unfortunately over-represented in the lowest socio-economic class.  In general, Obama favors making the extremely wealthy pay more taxes and making the poor and middle class pay less in taxes, whereas Republicans favor economic policies that put an undue burden on the poor. It is natural to support a candidate who has your own best interests at heart, and for black people (and poor people in general), this means Democrats are usually better than Republicans.  And I agree with @meta_k - this same group of voters would also have supported Hilary Clinton, or whoever the Democratic nominee turned out to be, regardless of race.

  • You know, I just met you, but I get the impression you like to stir the pot a little? 

  • white people are racist and they vote for him to prove they aren’t when they are.  They’ve put us against each other, as is essential for social engineering, with jealousy and two separate cultures.  White, middle class people are slaves.  It would probably take a civil war to mix us up enough to be even in my opinion and when I take over, I will do it.

  • @BoulderChristina - he’s an attention hooker

  • I don’t really care why anyone votes just so they get out there and vote I’m happy.

  • Obama is a democrat, most black people are democrats, so no shock they vote for him.   Obama is a democrat, most democrats support social safety nets, no shock he supports those policies.    Unfortunately most black people come from low socio-economic backgrounds, people from low socio-economic backgrounds understandably appreciate social safety nets, so no surprises most black people are in favor of those safety nets which democrats, like Obama, support.
    Therefore, there is no good reason to think any substantial portion of black people voted for Obama but would have otherwise voted Republican had he not been black.

    Most people opposed to Obama aren’t racist, but most racists are opposed to Obama.   this too should not shock anyone.   that Obama has racists fighting him is neither an incorrect statement, nor necessarily an accusation of all Republicans (though of course there are nut jobs who will suggest this, no normal person believes that only racists don’t like Obama).

    I’m not sure what point you were trying to make, as the stats you provided seem to prove my case.   Black people disproportionately make-up the poor community, as you demonstrated, so it therefore makes no sense to go on to claim that they only voted Democrat because Obama’s black.

  • I think perhaps the only person who can answer that question with any validity is a large sampling of black people who voted for Obama. Until you find that, i think anyone who has the audacity to speak for them is out of line.

  • @Paul_Partisan - I’m only black on the inside. UNFORTUNATELY THAT DOES NOT COUNT. (And no I did not mean that in a perverted way, another unfortunate reality.)

  • @trunthepaige - i think the stat you provided disproves your point.   if 11% of black people voted Republican before Obama ran, why should we be shocked that the number went down to 5%.   At most that proves 6% of black people voted on race, and the rest continued to vote Democrat as always.   Twice as unpopular sounds like a big deal but when twice is only a 6% change it still fails to comment on the motivations of the vast majority (89%) who didn’t change.

  • If he’s running against Rick Santorum, yes. If he’s running against Mitt Romney, no (change to “yes” if Santorum is Romney’s running mate).

  • @DrummingMediocrity - even then I don’t think we can draw any large conclusions.  I would have voted for Hillary, and if someone asked I would absolutely confirm that her being a woman earned her some points from me, but that doesn’t mean I would have voted McCain if she were a man, or that it would be remotely close to the main reason I voted for her, or that it had any large weight on my decision, or that i’d love to see any woman, no matter how awful, be president (totally would vote for a man against some of the female Republicans out there).   If black people are happy we have a black president, or were happy to get to vote for one, that can be completely unrelated to their voting motivations.   basically, unless someone says “I would have voted Republican, but he’s black,” we cannot claim we know why they really voted

  • @jenessa1889 - You do know that the number voting republican was cut in half?  And this with a president that has seen the economic welfare of blacks fall worse that any other president. They have no reason to be happy with him, yet they are voting for him in higher numbers than ever before. This is all about race and nothing more. As for the 80+ that vote democrat mindlessly every time. I make no effort to explain that other than to say President Johnson was right when he said “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” – Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Why do you think people support you ? perhaps because they are tepid.  I have a suggestion for your next post. Make a sincere apology for your lack of respect regarding your post of Sunday february the 12th. I can’t comprehend how people who read that post remain indifferent and still find you cute and amusing. Am I too serious or what ?

  • Democratic candidates often get around 90% of the black vote, for a variety of reasons that others have already touched upon. Obama got 95%. A 5% uptick is not very drastic; the overwhelming majority of black voters were and are voting on the basis of their political convictions (and I’ll leave aside the ludicrously simplistic and misleading attempt to pin unemployment rates among the black Americans, or in general, on Obama’s policies). There is nothing even slightly interesting about this. 

  • here is a hint 


    this well known white supremacist group whose leader is white nationalist Peter Brimelow was hosted by the republican party to give the first panel session following opening speeches by Mitch McConnell and Michelle Bachmann at CPAC, the big annual republican convention that began a few days ago. the panel topic was “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity”. to be fair this group doesn’t single out blacks. it is also bigoted against Jews and anyone non-white like Hispanics and Asians. there are many more sources that verify the CPAC story. 

    also curious about the republican party is while claiming the food stamp program is a fiscal problem, claims led by Gingrich and Santorum this year single out black people as the center of the problem when in fact it is white people who take advantage of the largest percentage of the food stamp program. logic and doing the math would tell us if it was truly taxpayer dollars republicans were concerned about they’d be singling out white people. 

  • And we all know what would be said if 95% of whites voted against Obama. These same people saying it not about race would be screaming racism

  • http://toxictopix.webs.com/topixabusearticles.htm#810276248

    Could you supply a more dependable source for your links, please?
    That was little more than a chat forum…not precisely an “unbiased” source.

    When I read something, I like to chase down the roots…



  • Yeah, probably.  George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are my favorite presidents only because they had red hair.  

  • @trunthepaige - yes, like both you and I said, twice as many voted for bush, which means half as many voted for McCain.  I was pointing out that, in order to change the voting by twice as many (11 down to 5), it only took a change of 6%, so 89% didn’t change.   how can you claim that 89% of people didn’t change how they voted but that at the same time you know they changed their motivation?   11 – 5 is a tiny change, potentially within the margins of error
    and/or the typical amount of variability between any two elections.

    A study a few years ago found that ear cancer was twice as common in rats exposed to cell phone radiation as in those that were not, which sounds pretty damning and was the title the media went with.   Turns out, in the exposed group, 2 in 10,000 developed ear cancer, and in the unexposed group 1 in 10,000 developed ear cancer, which shows that it was far from damning evidence.

    When I was 2, I was twice as old as my little brother.   Now we’re older and that’s no longer the cases.    It’s still 2 years but not twice as many years.
    Two is twice as many as 1, but it’s also only 1 more than 1.
    Relationships between numbers are rarely meaningful, raw percents often are.

    you say “they are voting for him,” and I’m presuming “they” means black people as a whole (if you only mean “the black people who vote based on race” then it’s a circular argument assuming the conclusion as a premise), but you go on to say 80+% have always voted democrat.   If 80+% of “they” haven’t changed, then how on earth can we conclude that “they” as a group  suddenly voted based on race without changing their behavior for the most part?

    it wouldn’t matter if the change amounted to 20 times fewer people voting republican, it would not change the fact that the overwhelming majority didn’t vote any differently than normal.  this is the reason why science compares the experimental group to a control: we want to make sure that only the variable we are interested in caused the change we observe.   If this were a controlled experiment (which it isn’t), only 6% of the votes could be attributed to race.   so if you want to say SOME black people voted based on race then I’m sure that’s true, and I’m equally sure that SOME white people voted based on race, but to claim from this 6% change that black people as a whole vote based on race is completely misunderstanding the numbers

    Black people have consistently voted democrat in up and down economies with all white candidates.   It’s not about what candidates actually do, it’s about what people (any people, black or otherwise) think the candidate will do and has done.   Plenty of people think that unemployment could have been worse if not for Obama’s policies, and others think he made it worse, and how people will vote is reflective of what they think about that, not about the actual fact of the matter, which no one can know for sure because we don’t have a time machine and do overs to check.   Or maybe black people think Obama did make it worse, but that a Republican would make it EVEN worse, or that unemployment sucks and is Obama’s fault but that something the Republicans plan to do would suck worse than unemployment.   There are plenty of possible thoughts going through a person’s head beyond the man’s race which would make them continue to vote Democrat.

  • @trunthepaige - absolutely, because white people typically split about 60/40 for republicans and democrats, respectively.   If the second a black candidate was introduced that ratio switched to 95/5 that would mean 35% of white people were probably being racist.    But the key point is that the other 65% would not be racist at all.

  • @jenessa1889 - But what would you say about a 20 point change? Because that would be the equivalent change 

  • @trunthepaige - oh man, I just looked at the clock and realized what time it is, and I have a super busy rest-of-the-week (open house for my grad department starts tomorrow) so I won’t be able to keep the conversation going.   Those last two will have to be my last responses.  good to talking to you regardless

  • @jenessa1889 - And with out any doubt this recession has been harder on blanks than anyone else. Yet they are rewarding the present administration for that hardship. I would say it is very unusual that so many people are not blaming those in charge. And why did black hold a bad economic against Carter, but not Obama?

  • @trunthepaige - on the one hand it would be the equivalent percent of increase but still not the equivalent raw percent change (omg my brain is going to explode from trying to do that math), so it’s not exactly comparable, but in that case I’d be more likely to attribute a good portion of that to random variability.   figured i’d throw this out there since it’s a quick response

  • @jenessa1889 - And the fact that carter was first elected with 92% of the black voter in 1976, butgot only 82% in 1980 due to a very poor economy, but not as bad as this one. Why did black voters hold Carter responsible for an economy that was not as hard on them as this one is, yet are giving Obama a pass? 

  • @jenessa1889 - No problem it is not that late here in the west

  • Maybe blacks just don’t like the republican fools that are left in the race. Personally I think you’d have to be a moron to support any of them. 

  • @locomotiv - Wow… That’s quite a point you made. Not sure I agree but you have seriously earned my respect :)

  • @trunthepaige - Wow you raise some very good points concerning the double standard. I put my thinking cap on. 

  • @DrummingMediocrity - I like the word respect. Thank you. You neither agree nor approve, that’s fine. Perhaps you are a fast reader. I will not make a mountain of it. I like to vent occasionnally and i felt to vent this time.

  • @locomotiv - i want you to always vent. You are my favie venter.

  • @DrummingMediocrity - My last remark for this evening. I just dont like it when people make fun of the dead. Pleasant dreams to all….

  • I think that people who vote for him simply because he’s black, is just as racist as those who don’t vote for him because black. 

  • A lot of the black people in my building back where I was living in 2008 told me they were voting for him because he was black. But I’m not comfortable in saying that all blacks are voting for him for that reason just because the ones I talked to were.

  • I know several black individuals who told me that the only reason they voted for Obama in the last election is because he is black. (They probably comprise a minority though.Pun not intended.)

    To me, that’s as dumb as not voting for him because he’s black.
    I was called a racist because I said I wouldn’t vote for him just because he is black. :|  

  • Did Herman Caine get votes because he was black or because he toed the line for the Republicans?Most likely he did toe the line enough.

    What things have Obama done to offend whites? Theo damn offends me and I will tell you that this post offends me. What purpose does it serve? Does it distract us from the work ahead to fix the recession that we are supposed to work upon?
    Looks like both parties will work on a tax break. Are you happy for a tax break or do you still want the rich to get richer? Blacks have suffered more because of the recession than whites have. Do you want to leave a group behind or want blacks to improve their condition? The best answer is that if Blacks improve their condition, the UNITED STATES WILL BECOME A MUCH BETTER PLACE.

  • There is a whole group of Americans that vote Democrat because of John F. Kennedy. I answer your question with a “Yes”.

  • Another pointless piece of bullshit from Theotard. What else is new? 

  • if i was black and if i was american i would’ve voted obama yes.

  • yes i think most blacks voted for obama cuz he is black, mainly the poor and uneducated. i know because i hang around poor and uneducated people blacks whites and mexicans, and all the blacks i know said they were voting for obama just cuz he was black and then stated they were never voting again cuz its pointless. i think this probably could be applied to every “ghetto” around the nation. i think he got a lot of 1 time voters. Not that he did or didnt deserve it, im just stating an opinion.

  • If you’ve ever used or thought the words, “If you don’t like Obama, then you’re a racist,” you’re a racist.

  • @Baseballchik138 - He’s not BLACK! He’s BOTH. 

  • @locomotiv - because they can’t fight back. I resonate with that, hun. TTYL

  • @DrummingMediocrity - I think that makes sense. But we can fight back because we’re alive.

  • @locomotiv - You can be my vigilantess sista

  • I’m sure most people support people who look like them, and neither black nor white people are an exception. Neither, apparently, are you. In that very same article you linked about the food stamp claims gingrich made, it qualifies his statement as “despite the fact that blacks make up less than one third of recipients in the food stamp program.” And the article goes on to say that 59% of food stamp recipients are white. So I guess the “food stamp president” is helping mostly white people. (Though I STILL don’t see why anyone should be opposed to people being able to receive food.) Not cool to see you not only buying into the divisive rhetoric, you seem to be stirring it up on here, with your pointed question.

  • I’m black from the waist down. Does it surprise anyone that I’m split on whether or not I should vote for him?

  • yep some people think that its a big deal that hes the 1st black president of the US. the funny thing is that if a white person said “im voting for this person because theyre white”, there would be uprising over it.

  • I said I didn’t support obama last night and I was TOLD I didn’t like him because he was black. I told the dude he was an ignorant asshole and that I would punch him in the face if he kept it up. His friend dragged him out. Fucking liberals.

  • my state has voted completely republican no doubt in all years prior to the last election.  my state splits its electoral votes among the districts.  however, last election every electoral vote went republican and then the one district which a lot of black people live in went to obama.  

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  • Democrat pfft. Republican *gag*. Give me someone else, if I had to choose a party having no choice about views then I go Independent! No one bothers asking what the Independents are about because its about what political sports team you support! Obviously and I’m the only one to do so, I’d vote conservative or preferably moderate. Obama, Ron, Newt or any of the others strike me as politicians; now racial issue is something you might as well take to a trolling board where it belongs!

  • NO.   Because those who support Obama on policy couldn’t possibly support Cain, who is black.

  • @xxybaby96 - If you have nice boobs, you have a good shot with this guy.  good luck!

  • @SasGal - who was the guy, sounds like I need to friend him.   so few liberals around here!

  • @TheBlogFather - It doesn’t matter. There are people that will vote for him because of the color of his skin. Way to go, you missed my point entirely. 

  • @DivaJyoti – don’t talk to me, don’t reply to me, don’t mention me, don’t acknowledge my existence. I can’t stand your idiotic bullshit or ignorant, baseless comments. Leave me alone.

  • my parents voted for him because he was black. I voted for him because I thought John McCain sucked ass

  • Wow — what a ridiculous post! Does this guy listen to Rush Limbaugh much???? Obama is 1/2 black and half white……he was raised by his white grandparents. Perhaps this troll should do some REAL research and find out how many white people DID NOT vote for Obama because he is  ”black” and what the white trash unemployment rate is among poor rural white Americans in places like Missouri, Alabama and West Virginia.

  • Some did and some did not…I voted for him because he is an intelligent man and I am going to vote for him again!
    And I think a lot of people voted for him who were going to vote for McCaion until appointed Palin as his partner…I know that is when I decided to vote for Obama. Sarah Palin cost John McCain the election.

  • I’m thinking of voting for Obama this year just cuz he’s more Irish than I am!  

  • If Herman Cain would have won the nomination, do you think most black people would choose Cain over Obama because Obama is half white?Such arguments or questions tries to paint black people as dumb ones who only vote base on skin colour, not using their brains. I am offended!

  • Sadly, I think a lot of black Americans who disagree with Obama on an array of issues support him because he is one of them. However, I do believe more will vote against him this year because he has done such a bad job as president.  I’ve never heard any of my redneck friends say they don’t support Obama because he is black.  I’ve heard reasons like his incompetence, his arrogance, his shady background and the fact that he is clueless after 3 years on the job, but never because of his race.

  • @meta_k - I dont think that just b/c you vote for Obama b/c he’s black, means you’re unintelligent; it just shows you prefer a black man in the president seat than any other race(most past presidents being white), presuming on that 95% voting in the last election. But I’m kinda interested to see the black vote for the past few presidents (bush, clinton, bush, reagan, carter)… that might be more telling. than just a single election. :)

  • Just my humble opinion, but he is the epitome of Chicago politics, I have no respect for his two faced attitude toward America, and personally, I am tired of feeling guilty for being white and straight. Equality should be across the boards, not simply giving one group a boost to make them surpass the “demonic” groups.

  • @JadeMaster2 - Where did you come up with the epitome of Chicago Politics? Research much?

    Why should whites feel guilty? maybe they are starting to realize that white privilege is slowly going down? Any particular group is getting a boost or are they starting to get an equal chance that white privilege pushed away for decades?

  • All your assumptions are immature and stupid and so am i for saying this..LOL 

  • @trunthepaige - I’ve been gone for over a year and you still haven’t changed. I didn’t know Obama personally caused the unemployment of African-Americans. Oh, silly me for voting for him, and thank you for informing me of why I voted for him and will again. Here I thought it was because the Republican nominees are all crazy. Oops.

  • @JadeMaster2 - WTF? What does being white and straight have to do with anything? Why should you feel guilty about it? Where the hell is the coming from? How did you form the conclusion that non-whites and gays want you to feel guilt? Who even said that you should? When are people (white, non-white, religious, non-religious,etc) ever going to stop with the hyperbolic, emotionally-charged hoopla and just think things through?

  • Whatever girl the man and his party have run things into the dirt since 2006 but you think he is doing a great job@misuriver - 

  • Dear Dan,

      Forgive me. I forgot the cardinal rule that only some people are allowed to have opinions answering your blogs, a worm such as I has no validity to even read, much less comment. Forgive my presumption as to have my own feelings about anything.Respectfully.p.s., feel free to delete my original comment so all these people can feel that everyone agrees with them.

  • @trunthepaige - That is why I thanked you for helping me to see the light. :) How have you been by the way?

  • @JadeMaster2 - That’s never Dan’s stance. Nor mine. I suppose I was harsh, I’ve just been hearing that so often and I seriously don’t understand it. 

  • @trunthepaige - BTW… I never said he was doing a “great job”. As a matter of fact, before I went on sabbatical, I railed against some of the hypocritical things he did. I still don’t agree with everything he’s doing, but I still choose him over the current nut jobs running to be candidates. 

  • I
    @misuriver - exactly no matter how bad a job he does you will find a reason to vote for him.

  • @Colorsofthenight - “white people are racist and they vote for him to prove they aren’t when they are.”  No one can see who you vote for when you’re in the booth.  The statement  that all whites are racist is itself racist.

  • @trunthepaige - No matter what I can’t win ;) Alright love. It’s because we have the same skin color…almost…kind of… sort of…ish.

  • @trunthepaige - You hit the nail squarely on the head.  Or, as the Japanese say, “You’re scratching the spot where it itches.”  

  • I don’t care if he’s black or white or inbetween. I don’t agree with his politics. Therefore, I don’t vote for him. However, I do know that a lot of people, black and white, did vote for him either because a) he’s black or b) it was him or McCain. Race shouldn’t matter anyway. Not when it’s something as important as who’s running our entire country at stake.

  • @dsullivan - humans are racist.  while there’s an exception to every rule, what they really think only God knows… if you know what I mean.  I said “in my opinion.”  I didn’t state it as fact.

  • @dsullivan - it’s an inner lie to themselves.  I’ve dealt with a lot of people that feel that way.

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