Month: February 2012

  • How Much Cleavage Would You Show?

    I asked my friend Natasha if we could use her photo to start a discussion.  (She inspired this post).   Here she is:

    Now some may feel more comfortable with showing no cleavage ever.  Others may feel comfortable with just a half inch showing.  While others may consider more.

    Guys, how much cleavage are you comfortable with your wife/girlfriend showing?

    Ladies, how much cleavage are you comfortable showing?


  • The Finger

    1.  The Finger

    2.  The Game

    3.  The Half-Time Show

    4.  The Commercials

    What was your favorite part of the Super Bowl?

  • Bestiality Brothels

    A few “moral elitists” are suggesting it should be a crime to have sex with animals in Germany.

    It is illegal to distribute animal pornography in Germany.   (If you use the words “Bestiality Brothels” in your comment, you will help me get more google searches).

    According to the article, “Sex with animals was being increasingly seen as a lifestyle choice.”  Here is the link:  Link

    Do you think having sex with animals should be a criminal offense?


  • Your Access to the Internet

    Most of my time that I spend on the Internet is via my computer at work or my computer at home.  I have noticed that I am spending more time using the Internet with my Android too.

    What device do you use to access the Internet the most, computer or smartphone?


  • Dan Gives Advice to Women Concerning Men

    I guess it is time to reverse this.

    1.  In general, men find you far more attractive than you find yourself attractive.  So when looking in the mirror, don’t spend so much time tearing yourself down.

    2.  Most guys find you attractive naked.  So even if you have given birth to two children and look at that little belly sticking out a bit, he still wants to see you naked.  So go with it and strip down in front of him and act sexy. 

    3.  Of course he doesn’t want you fat, but you are ok if you don’t look like this:

    He doesn’t find that attractive either.

    4.  Don’t be offended that he does in fact, find this attractive.

    Look at her.  She is attractive.  She won’t have sex with him anyway.

    5.  You can be a mother.  Just don’t define your role in life as a mother above being a lover.

    6.  Although statistics are different depending on the survey, most agree that 33% of men will cheat.  The good news is that 66% of men will not.  Do not hold the 66% responsible for the actions of the 33%.

    7.  If you want a loving, caring husband who is always in tune with your thoughts and gives you the feeling that he can read your mind, marry a woman.  Men are men.  They want to crash cars and blow things up and punch each other.  If you want a woman, just go lesbian.  A man can’t be a woman.  So stop expecting him to act and think like one.

    8.  If you have to ask if the dress makes you look fat, don’t even step out of the dressing room.

    9.  Never forget to take the birth control.  If he says he does not want children, tricking him will not work.  He will still not want children plus he will think you are an idiot who was not smart enough to take birth control.

    10.  Faking it may make him feel better short term, but it will leave you disappointed long term.

    11.  Never become totally emotionally dependent on a man. It isn’t healthy and it isn’t attractive.

    12.  Never allow yourself to be in a position that if your husband were to die or suddenly leave you, that your life would fall apart financially.  It leaves you in a position of weakness as a mother and wife even if you stay married for life.

    13.  Men love smart women.  They just don’t like abrasive women.  Make sure you know the difference.

    14.  There are exceptions to this so I am not stating this 100% but in general a man will treat you the way you allow yourself to be treated. 

  • Dan Gives Advice to Men Concerning Women

    I thought I would throw out some basic advice to younger guys about women.

    1.  You can only date a woman you are attracted to but realize that no matter how she looks, she is going to get old and wrinkly.  So make sure you like more than just her looks.

    2.  If a woman is constantly complaining about how other guys are stalking her or sexually harassing her, don’t attempt to protect her from those men.  Ditch her.  She will say the same about you later.

    3.  If there is always drama in her life, ditch her.  She will cause drama in your life later.

    4.  If a woman only likes to hang out with guy friends, don’t expect that to change after you are in a relationship.

    5.  If she will not lose weight before you get married, she won’t after you get married.

    6.  Take a good hard look at her mother.  If you can’t imagine sleeping with someone that looks like her mother in 20 years, ditch her.

    7.  If she believes in “soul mates,” ditch her.  She will make you miserable for not meeting up to the expectation.

    8.  If she cries during the movie “The Notebook,” ditch her.  You can never live up to that movie.

    9.  If she is always broke and spending all of her money, ditch her.  She will spend all of your money too.

    10.  If you don’t find her attractive without makeup on, ditch her.  You will see her without makeup all the time.

  • Talking Back To Parents

    Maybe my memory is off but I never remember talking back to my parents as a child.  Ok.  One time when I was 12 I talked back to my mom.  That was it.  I never talked back to my dad. I never even remember questioning anything after he was finished with the final word.

    (Sure they are cute when they are small.  But they turn into demons). 

    Did you ever talk back to your parents?