August 29, 2012

  • Your Best Friends

    I have noticed that I read the sites of people on xanga and that some of them talk about how their friends push them down.  Some people describe how their friends are disloyal and are not there for them when they need them.

    I would hate to have a group of friends that would not help me to the next level.  I can’t imagine having friends that would not encourage me to reach for my dreams.

    Do your friends help you be the best you?


Comments (61)

  • Well yes. The ones who don’t are only friends and sometimes merely acquittance’s. 

  • sometimes they too busy taking care of themselves…  when Will out-strides us.

    its hibernation of the species..

  • You suck. Okay I take that back. Here is a LINK to the Next Level.

  •  I think maybe most of the people on xanga are young and you know how your friends were back then. They would be a dime a dozen and they would come and go cause you are at the age where you’re just learning what you like and don’t like.

    I found out that I like friends who say what they mean and mean what they say. I also became a better friend as I got older and more mature.

  • It’s a mixture. I have some friends who bring out the best in me, and I have others that are constantly questioning my judgments.

  • My only friend is thesutradude, but if you closely observe the photograph, it was very cleverly taken before he kicked me into the ravine. He shall pay for his insolence!

    Oh, yes; he’s helping me be the best me (broken ribs and all!)

  • Those people who do that are the only ones I actually consider friends. 

  • I am actually amazed at what wonderful friends I have. I would put them p against anyone’s. I simply don’t think there is anything I couldn’t accomplish with my friends help and support.

  • It should be give and take

  • Most definitely.  My wife.  I lost a lot, A LOT, of friends when I chose to stay with my, then girlfriend, to raise my child and her’s.  They still wanted the the friend who would party all night with them, drink all weekend, and would go out “woman-huntin” (sry ladies) with them.  I couldn’t do that anymore.  I chose not to do that anymore.  I couldn’t ask for a better best friend, either. @MommaFish89 has always been encouraging me to be my best, even if I don’t feel like I am.  When I lost my job with the Dept. she let my grief for one day, the next, she was encouraging me to go out and find another job, a better job.  Without a doubt, she IS my bestest friend.  ^-^

  • My friends now are mature and want the best for me.  I can’t think of one who would drag me down.

  • Just being there and putting up with me sometimes is more than any person should ask. I’m lucky to have a group of friends that love me just for me, and they refuse to leave no matter what kind of hole I’ve dug myself into.

    I’m truly blessed.

  • Well, most of my friends are Xangans, so I don’t *really* know how they feel about me, but from what I can tell they always want what’s best for me and help me be the best me.

  • People that get on their xanga talking about their personal friends and how they are rotten because of how they treat them need to look at how they treat that friend on here without them even knowing it.Seems THEY are the one who isn’t too good of a friend to me.It’s a two way street.

  • I’ve noticed some people on xanga who’s friends bring them down. that seems to be what they look for in a friend though because even though they are a creeper and bring out the worst in the people around them they still flock to them like dan to breasts. 

  • The ones that I call friends do. And I try to do the same for them. The ones that don’t try to help are just merely people that you come across in life.

  • Some yes and some no

  • Love my friends.  They are literally gifts from God to me.  My friends are my treasure!

  • My “friends” weren’t there when I started getting too deep into drugs, and then they weren’t there when I decided to get clean, since being completely sober is considered uncool as well. They also weren’t there when I became a mom, or anything else important happened in my life, except for maybe a facebook comment here and there. So, this is why I have no friends. I only have my family, and that’s perfectly okay with me. Sometimes I get lonely and want a girl or just a friend to talk to who isn’t my boyfriend or a family member, but I cuddle up with my xanga, and get it all out on here. =) I prefer it this way, rather than being around people who don’t give a shit what goes on in my life.

  • We have moments of friendship…and it is good enough..each friend in it’s own ship…

  • @ohellino - Also what I was thinking.

  • Never really had best friends… mine left me in 8th grade for the popular girls… then it seemed like no one ever really stuck around.

    My girlfriends these days are pretty awesome though =]

  • Where’s my Icee?

  • they should start teaching friendship lessons/courses in school. because most people DON’T get it.

  • girls are bitches. that’s just a fact. we’re programmed at a young age to pass judgement and value ourselves by how others value us. most of the non supportive attitudes probably stems from that nasty, often underestimated emotion jealousy. it can and will bring the worst out in people.

  • I don’t have friends.

  • I got pregnant an the friends I thought I had weren’t there anymore soooo I stick to family.

  • My fiancee. He pushed me to go get a real job. He then pushed me into school (thank god for that) I pushed him into his job he has now. We’re good for each other =)

  • sometimes they like to slap  reality on my face 

  • I have noticed Xanga friendships and eventually folks meet up with each other.

    There are distance friendships based on similar hobbies, similar intellect and similar cultural things.
    Holla to All my Asian Xanga buddies/subscribers and those that love Asian culture. I may boo at a few that are too conservative but still pushing ideas and culture is part of xanga too.
    Even trolls want fellow trolls to love them.
    To all the honest folks visiting here, thanks for the honesty. To the dishonest folks eventually you will be found out. Xanga is a small world at times.

  • Most of my friends do now, since I dropped the ones I realised weren’t contriubting anything positive to me. There’s only so long you can have one-way friendships.

  • all of my best friends live away from me and I miss them terribly. Everyone in town that I know is a complete shit head, but I hang out with them anyway. Adult relationships are bullshit.

  • A true friend will never knowingly give you wrong advice, it is always the best they know but sometimes you must seek out several and make the decision yourself. Nevver hold a grudge against a friend for “bad advice” it may just not be the right advice for you.

  • I’m pretty sure my best friend thinks I can do anything. I’m also pretty sure that she’s capable of rocking the world. She’s amazing.

  • We have our ups and downs. Since not everybody is perfect, none of my friendships are either. 

  • @PapaFish88 - i think i just shed a tear. i definitely know how that is. my husband and i both lost friends when i got pregnant. they just don’t know what they’re missing out on. i think we’re a lot more fun and cool now!!

  • I have one “best” girl friend and we haven’t been speaking to each other in a few months. I made a comment that offended her abilities at her job and she hung up on me. Some friend, right? Who knows when we’ll talk again. My “best” guy friend is my boyfriend and he is awesome. We always help each other with everything and we get along perfectly.

  • well some of them do. i have a handful of fantastic friends (that’s a very small handful) who encourage me and support me and, yes, who help me be the best me. i’ve learned in my old age (harharhar) that you’re going to gain and lose a lot of friends with each new walk of life you go into. it’s a part of life. but it’s the ones who stay with you through EVERYTHING….those are your real and true friends. i have very very few of those and i’m actually ok with that now.

  • I am fortunate enough to say I do, I used to be in the same boat having friends so called friends who never pushed me, I never realized it, that is until I meant the true friends I have now, 2 of them our like sisters I never had and now having friends that push me, I am accomplishing things I never thought possible and am now aware the career path I wanna follow.  

  • It’s been a very long time since i’ve heard from anyone on xanga other than traver, so it’s kind of interesting that on this particular day i should happen upon this particular comment from you, The TheologiansCafe. Almost makes me laugh, to think of my ‘friends’ and the fact we moved so much while i was growing up i never really had any, let alone learned how to ‘be’ one, ,,,, As crazy as it may sound, it has been being a part of facebook that has taught me what it truly means, to be A Friend. Someone who is there through thick and thin, right or wrong, different or IN-different. ….And maybe that is the problem, these days. So many have never really learned, that being a friend is more than just gettin high on friday night. ………. Take care. And God bless you, The TheologiansCafe,  as you go forth in ”Friendship.” ….

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  • Yes.  Any friend who is discouraging consistently has no business being my friend.  Of course, constructive criticism is not to be confused with putting me down.

  • I think the few friends that I have now just kind of stick to themselves and I to myself. We hang out once in a blue moon and talk about the kids’ and family life but that’s all. I used to have friends that drug me down, as well as my family, and it was hard parting ways but it had to be done. I think you come to a point in your life when you have to move on from the people that are still trying to live out their high-school-glory days. Especially once you begin to settle down and have children. Not to say that having fun and going out shouldn’t happen anymore but I think it’s important to surround yourself with people who will push you up, expect the best of and from you. 

  • i have one friend, my best friend, who is truly a good friend. we encourage each other and are completely honest with each other. she is the one female friend who has been this for me, and i love and treasure her. all my other female friends are two-facedl

  • Any friends that were negative, I got rid of a long time ago. One, though, I still keep around, but that’s because she’s several states away, and I understand that her crazy drama is just a result of her being crazy. She’s got it in her head that she’s the hero in her own delusional fantasy world, and gets really freaked out when that world is challenged. She’s super fun to have around, though, when she’s at arms length, and isn’t personally there to take me on a wild goose chase.

  • All of my friends I got from the schools I have attended to are just fake friends. They friended me but pushed me down at the same time. I love my friends from my childhood. They are the best.

    Friends from the xanga are awesome! (: (:

  • i thought my best friends would help me be the best me but for some reason even someone that you have been bffs with for more than 10 years can turn out to be the worst kind of backstabber. but hey times change. we all grow up. people outgrow people. i guess that’s how it happens. sigh ):

  • Yes I am very rich that way and fortunate.., most of my friends have been great to me my whole life.Anybody who treats me like shit gets dumped…I dumped one just the other day.

  • I’ve only had a few really good friends.

  • Yeah, I love my friends. I only have a few best friends and I think they’re wonderful. They’ve gotten me through a lot and helped me deal with a lot of things that have happened in my life. Wouldn’t trade them. :D

  • they bring out the worst AND the best in me.

  • What is this “friends” you speak of? 

  • I’ve had times where my friends were the only help I had, and others when I felt like there was no one I could even call friend.  I think there are lonely times for everyone, and if you have never felt alone then you are truly blessed. There is really only one person you can always count on; and depending on your perspective it is either urself or God.  Sometimes I can’t even trust myself, so I guess God is all I have to count on! It is important to seek others that will help you to be your best you and who you can help to be the best them. God bless! 

  • No, they don’t.

  • As my friends are all contacts on iNet most do not know me nor the next sort of level I or they should be or could be taking. Such is life,ce la vie. It’s a quiet life needlesstosay

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