August 30, 2012

Comments (90)

  • I have read thousands of books in my lifetime. It’s hard to choose. But I would have to say The Value of Selfishness by Ayn Rand. It’s literally changed my life.

  • The Awakening!! Also Hop on Pop.

  • The Essential Calvin and Hobbes, or The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck

  • i’ve read thousands of books but clearly not enough to call a book the best book ever but i feel confident in saying the worst book ever is facebook. 

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - I always preferred Green Eggs and Ham to Hop on Pop.

  • The Lord of the Rings

  • As a former English Major, Paradise Lost will forever be my favorite.  Cause Satan had a heart too.

  • I’ve read a lot of books in my days.Too many classics to chose just one. I enjoyed some of Dan Brown’s novels the most though, Da Vinci Code and Angels&Demons most notably.

  • Pincher Martin

  • Iliad or the Bible.

  • Other than the Bible,I’d have to say Pilgrim’s Progress

  • My favorite has always been “Christopher Robin and Pooh”

  • Fiction or non? Fiction, gotta go Slaughterhouse-Five. Non-fiction I’d say The Elegant Universe- I’ve read it four or five times now and every time I learn something new. 

  • “The Blessing Stone”  by Barbara Wood.

    @tendollar4ways - did you adapt that from the advertisement?  That’s awesome.

  • There are so many good ones! A few of my favorites are Moby Dick, Pilgrim’s Progress, The Lord of the Rings, Hard Times, and Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

  • Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie: The Novel

  • Can’t narrow it down to one, but one of my very favorites is A Little Princess.

  • The Lord of the Rings

  • @Colorsofthenight - You are seeing things again homey

  • The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Alwaaaaaaayyys. Do not argue this.

  • Les Miserables..

  • It is so hard to say.. Each and every book is a unique addition to literary history. But, the one book (or books) I can say that will never leave my collection despite the many places I may live or the many people that will come into and out of my life is “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein, or any anthology of his poems. Those will always have a special place in my heart and in my bookshelf

  • Stranger in a Strange Land

    by Robert Anson Heinlein.

  • @tendollar4ways - Congrats on finally coming out of the closet!

  • Miles to Go by Miley Cyrus.

  • The Once and Future King by T. H. White

  • There are too many good books. I think I like Junie B. Jones quite a bit right now, especially the writing style which is fun to read and makes me laugh. Φ

    However, for all around, you can’t beat any of the Pick-Your-Own-Path books or Endless Quest series ! I especially like Rose Estes and Rhondi Vilott in this written category. Φ

    J. H. Brennan does a good job with remarkably dry and witty Irish Humor in his Grailquest book series starring Pip, the adventurer, and his trusty sword, Excalibur Junior. Φ

    Can’t say I’m especially fond of the Bible as a true non-fictional work. No-one can seem to locate the author these days which cuts down on it’s plausibility IMHO. Φ

  • For me right now, Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. 

  • My personal favorite book to read was Agatha Christie’s Autobiography. But then again I have every single one of her books and she’s my favorite author ever! So yeah. :)

  • Infinite Jest.  

  • The Parables of Peanuts

    by Robert L. Short

  • Hmm, tough call. Too many to pick just one. I could say one of my absolute favourites off the top of my head would be ‘War And Peace’ by Leo Tolstoy. ‘Mein Kampf’ was my favourite ‘autobiography’ and the most amusing book I have ever read would be ‘The Communist Manifesto’. Oooh, that gave me chuckles galore.

  • MUCH too difficult to choose just one – I’m such a voracious reader and love all sorts of genres.
    Here’s a blog I posted some time back on… it outlines the “generalness” (generality??) of what I like.

    The idea is to list 15 books that come to
    mind that have always stayed with you since reading them, in 15 seconds ~
    or 15 minutes depending whose blog you’ve pinched it from! :D

    I first saw the idea on my strange friend Doug’s blog
    a couple of weeks back and was going to do it then but the laptop
    crashed. I did jot down a list of books in less than 15 minutes though,
    then promptly forgot all about it. A couple of other peeps have done it
    too that I’ve seen, in the last day or so, namely Guy and Matt. Now
    that my memory has been jolted, I’ll no doubt spend another 15 minutes
    now, looking up the links for reviews for my own list. :)

    1) “Particularly Cats” ~ Doris Lessing.  I’ve been a cat-person for many, many years, and this book
    is a must for cat lovers. Lessing was (very deservingly) awarded the
    Nobel Prize for Literature in Oct ’07. She’s one of Britain’s best. :)

    2) “The Prophet” ~ Kahlil Gibran. 
    I guess I’m best described as living by ‘spiritual’ virtues rather than
    religious. A very old friend of mine gave me The Prophet years ago,
    before I was married first time round even, and I still have that copy
    with “Susan Ashworth, 1986″ inscribed in it. A wonderful book about all
    aspects of life and how they should be lived. I’ve blogged bits of it
    more than once, here’s my favourite.

    3) “The Time Traveler’s Wife” ~ Audrey Niffenegger.  Another book I’ve blogged about,
    for World Book Day last year. This amazing book breaks my heart and
    literally has me bawling every time, even though I know what’s going to
    happen. But that doesn’t stop me picking it up again and again.

    4) “The Slut’s Cook Book” ~ Erin Pizzey. 
    Possibly the funniest cookery book ever written! Even recipes I know I
    wouldn’t like, I still read, just for Pizzey’s hilarious writing. Here’s a taster… ;)

    5) “Isle of Woman” ~ Piers Anthony. 
    The story of mankind from our earliest days on the planet. Not dry like
    history books can be, but with each age of man described via stories
    about a family living at that time. The first in Antony’s'Geoddessy’ series, and a brilliant insight into the possible evolution and development of mankind.

    6) “Speaker For the Dead” ~ Orson Scott Card.  I’ve just finished reading this, and know it will stick with me always. A sci-fi novelabout
    how/whether humankind can live in harmony with other sentient species
    on other planets. Absolutely wonderful, I can’t praise it enough. Card’s
    works are unbelievably insightful and thought-provoking, he’s posssibly
    my favourite author to date.

    7) “Wuthering Heights” ~ Emily Bronte.  This tale of love, passion, deceit and revengewas
    a favourite of mine until I had to study it for my ‘A’ Levels at
    school. Ugh. Dissecting it and analyzing every sentence killed it for me
    totally. I’ve recently bought another copy though, and am hoping to
    regain the love I had for it before it was destroyed by literary
    criticism and critique.

    8) “Peanuts” Cartoons ~ Charles Schulz. All of them!
    Me, mum and Geoff all collected them when me and him were kids, we must
    have had over 200 in total! I wish I knew what happened to them all! I
    found one at a garage sale not long after moving here last September,
    and I was SO chuffed! Happy days… :)

    9) “The Penguin Book of the Horse” ~ various. 
    Like many young girls I was horse mad until well into my teens. This
    Penguin anthology was my bible! Full of poems and passages from books by
    some of the best writers about horses going. I treated myelf to a new copy when I went to London for the NCLEX… I guess there’s still a bit of that horse lunacy in me even now. :)

    10) “A Stone for Danny Fisher” ~ Harold Robbins. My dad had this on
    his bedside table when I was way too young to be reading it. I used to
    sneak in and read like the clappers, with my ears open for the sound of
    footsteps coming up the stairs. I think he’d have killed me if I’d been
    caught! But by today’s standards, I wonder now what all the fuss would
    have been about.

    11) “About My Father’s Business” ~ Lillian Beckwith. 
    This lady wrote a series of books about croft life in the Hebrides,
    which my mum collected. I loved them too, and still have all of mum’s
    copies. Treasured items. :) “About My Father’s Business”was Beckwith’s autobiography during the War years, and is a wonderul read about childhood in those times.

    12) “All Creatures Great & Small” ~ James Herriot.  Plus every other book included in his autobiographical “vet” series. The true tales of life as a vet in the Yorkshire Dales,
    under the fearsome eye of his boss, Siegfried Farnon. They’re
    hilarious! And sad, and full of pathos and empathy for the characters
    living in the Dales’ farming community. I dare anyone not to enjoy them!

    13) “If No-One Speaks of Remarkable Things…” ~ Jon McGregor. 
    A tragic event occurs in a sleepy English street. The book looks into
    the lives of various people living there when it occurs, and is a book I
    describe as ‘magical’. Try it, really.

    14) “Fluke” ~ James Herbert.  I loved his books as a teenager, all the blood and gore and horror he produced! So “Fluke”took
    me totally by surprise… the story of a dog who knows he was once a
    man, and sets out to find out what happened to him. It’s a fantasy
    rather than horror, and the end paragraph is totally brilliant. Enough
    said. ;)

    15) “Sunshine” ~ Norma Klein.  Another book I inherited from mum,
    about a young woman, wife and mother, who discovers she is dying of
    cancer and decides to leave her daughter a legacy of spoken tapes about
    her life. Beautifully written and definitely not a ‘pity party’. I
    re-read it now and then and it always touches me. (And I’m really
    pleased I managed to dredge up the name of the author… googling
    “sunshine” might have taken a while…! )

  • I’m a bit of a Tolkien nerd. It gets me ALL the ladies!

  • Gone with the wind

  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

  • maybe The Outsiders because it got me to writing. 

  • Master of the game. 

    - sidney sheldon

  • @Amoralis - AMAZING book. 

    i think “best book” depends also on how a book affected your life. 
    donald miller’s blue like jazz brought God back into my life years ago. 
    harry potter was a story that grew with me for a long time. love.
    the alchemist was just….wow. 
    world war z helped me think about what i would do in a zombie apocalypse. 

    the list could go on and on. those are a few of my favorites though :)

  • Another lazy, pointless post on the frontpage.


  • The third chimpanzee 

  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

  • The “best book” depends on my mood… I’m more apt to go by author (Nora Roberts, Jodi Picoult, Charlaine Harris, etc.) But one of my all-time favorites is Gone with the Wind.

  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

  • it’s always the last book I’ve read. I usually have 4 books going at a time. The last book I read was about habits by Hurig? it’s on the bestseller list and really interesting.

  • The Gospel of John, a short biography of Jesus Christ found in the New Testament collection in which Jesus reveals the role of The Holy Spirit, Who is God Among Us Now in the age of grace.

  • American Psycho

  • Quite possibly, Fox In Socks. 

    When a fox is in the bottle where the tweetle beetles battle
    with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle-eating poodle,
    THIS is what they call…

    …a tweetle beetle noodle poodle bottled paddled
    muddled duddled fuddled wuddled fox in socks, sir!

  • Starship Troopers by Robert A Heinlein

  • This is a tough question. Besides the Bible, I can’t choose. 

  • I like lengthy books…therefore the Bible tops my list; but I’ve read and reread “The Lord of the Rings” Crime and Punishment,  Altas Shrugged, Little Dora, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, and I still like Isaac Asimov’s Foundation and Empire.


  • @quest4god@revelife - That should have been “Little Dorritt,” (no edit button).

  • My favorites….The Little Prince … Fox in Socks…A Long and Happy Life….A Confederacy of Dunces….In Cold Blood…Pillars of the Earth…  I could go on and on…..

  • The Daughter of Time

    by Josephine Tey

  • Books are for losers :P

  • In my opinion, The Holy Quran.

  • “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon

  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

  • Lolita, The Giver, Ulysses, The Other Boleyn Girl

  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

  • The Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition (UC Berkeley)

  • Right now I’m going to say Julie & Julia. I am inspired. That’s all I can say, is when a book inspires your everyday, it holds a special place in your heart for a while. 

  • all i have to say is check this out…. i did and its amazing i already ordered from it.

  • The Holy Bible of course! But I would say one of the greatest is “The Fall of Lucifer” by Wendy Alec (the whole series).

  • The Outsiders. 

  • The outsiders, S.E. Hinton 

  • Of mice and Men by Steinbeck…or In Cold Blood by Capote.

  • The Bible. Also “The Novelist” and “The Pearl”, both by Angela Elwell Hunt. 

  • i have read tons of books but i have to say, ‘flowers in the attic’ and the rest of the books in that series :)

  • Alison Holst’s “The Best of Alison Holst”. It’s the most referred to book in my library.

  • @rajeev_nomad - ’Master of the Game’? Bloody hell, I loved that one. Been quite some time since I read it. 

  • Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess

  • The Hiding Place by Corrie TenBoom

  • THE LORD OF THE RINGS! and THE HOBBIT, of course. i’ve read these a thousand times.

  • Other than the Bible – Karl May’s Winnetou.

  • @Somefishytales - You should go back on my posts and check out the Pilgrim’s Progress Daily / Weekly Bible Study I have been semi-regularly posting up.  If you can find one chapter (look back about May or June) You’ll find links to all of them from the beginning.

    As for me, my favorite book would have to be John MacArthur’s Charismatic Chaos — a very poignant review of the Church in our time.

  • @JulieMillerFan - My favorite book of MacArthur’s is “The Gospel According To Jesus” Good read

  • can’t stick with one.  i have many that i like.

  • Of Mice and Men.

  • Wow.  So many new books to look into buying and reading.  Wherever will I find the time.

    Also, this post has made me realize how much a person’s favorite book says about that person.  And I’m sorry, but if you picked Harry Potter or anything written by Nora Roberts, then … i’m judging you… just a bit. 

  • If I could only pick one, it would have to be one of the Harry Potter books. It’s entertaining, long lasting, good for all ages, has good lessons, and doesn’t tire after a few reads. 

  • that is a great book @Endrath - 

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