September 11, 2012

  • 9/11

    I was talking to a person today and she said that she was sick of the 9/11 coverage.  She said it happens every year starting a few days before.

    We also have all of the 9/11 posts.

    Is it time to stop posting about 9/11?


Comments (129)


  • I don’t understand being annoyed by something like that. But that’s just me.

  • Maybe she was a family member or friend of someone who died that day.

  • She must also be sick of Memorial Day, and Labor Day. Bet your ass if they were giving her time off for it she wouldn’t be bitching. 

  • No, because it changed the world. Regardless of public opinion. 

  • No way.  Same goes with the Holocaust, Veteran’s Day, etc – we don’t just stop tributing them. 

  • We still remember Pearl Harbor….and that was 71 years ago this coming December 7th.

  • though i can put myself in her shoes i wonder what she posts blogs about. there is really nothing posted on Xanga that’s new under the sun except for fiction. does anyone really think relationship issues, discussions about body part sizes, fashion or who’s hot today and who’s not today or pictures of landscapes however beautiful are anything new? 

  • I think people get sick of it because people still cover it in the “this was sad, you must be sad or you are a bad person” fashion. It is understandable that people find it frustrating. 

  • Sorry, but we can’t afford to go back to the mindset we had on 9/10.

  • No. If she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t have to read or watch it. 

  • Another few more years to make it 20 years. Something to do with a generation i think..It fades somewhat naturally with time..

  • don’t watch the coverage then

    I’ll never get sick of my favorite kpop vids. watch things that don’t make her sick but make her in the party mood.

  • It will NEVER be appropriate to stop covering the 9/11/01 attacks, the attacks which preceded them, and the attempts which have occurred since.  These people truly want to destroy America, and make this an Islamic World.

  • Once we forget history, we are doomed to repeat it and never learn from it.  I’d have told her off. lol

  • I don’t think we can ever stop talking about it but it would be great if the pack of lies that go along with it stops being told. That said people need to remember & celebrate all the ones that needlessly lost their lives or had their world forever changed on that day. Eleven years later it still breaks my heart.

  • No. 9/11 was kind of a big deal…If she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t have to watch it/read it.

  • @randomneuralfirings - What mindset was that?  Living free living without in fear?  If so, please bring me back to those days.  Now all we have are the unamerican DHS and TSA terrorizing regular law abiding citizens.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the terrorists won.  You’re living in fear and we’re wasting billions of dollars in the name of protecting ourselves.

  • Yes, it’s like reopening the wound that it left in the hearts of thousands affected by it. We shouldn’t forget the heroes we lost that day though. We should just make it a holiday where everyone gets to have a day off. It’ll make those who complain about it happy

  • I saw  something on Facebook where someone posted a pic of the two towers and said sobering thought:11 years ago over 3000 innocent people said goodnight to their loved ones for the last time.

    Unfortunately we as humans need to be reminded of things.We forget and eventually forgetfulness becomes I don’t care anymore.Selfishness will only rest for a little while then it wants center stage again.

  •  I don’t really know what happened except a lotta people got hurt it seems. I saw it on TV and it was so upsetting, Dad was there and I was crying and he turned off the TV and gave me a hug and we walked out of the room.

    My G/F tho is fascinated by the history and what happened and has watched all the videos made since and I don’t want to see any of them as I have other interests, mostly Disney. So – yes – I think it’s grim stuff in comparison. Besides, aren’t they gonna try to build something new there ? Φ

  • I’d much rather celebrate 9/17, Constituion Day.

  • 9/11 for us is when US took down Chilenian legitimate goverment and asesinate Allende … haven’t seen a post of that though :O

  • I believe the 9/11 should be remembered only in the history books. It is history and just that. It was a tragic happening, many people lost their lives.  Why do we want to go on remembering the pain and hurt? It happened and now it is time to move on . many people wear the cross around their neck . For what? It is a remembrance of the death of Christ. Why not wear something that brings happiness and joy.  The cross (stake) represents horrific torture and pain. Yes, we should never forget who,what, when, where, and why but it should be placed in the part of our memory that we pull out as needed.  What do you say? 

  • I think people should post what they want.

  • No more than we should forget Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Holocaust or the assassinations in the 1960′s.  It’ll fade after about ten more years, but should not be forgotten.  Then again, no one is holding a gun to her head and making her watch the news.

  • it is time to stop talking about it like it happened yesterday and let me enjoy my god damn birthday

  • People can do what they want. Mostly, it’s talked about for promoting agenda’s, not for what we can truly learn from it. I almost forgot that the date was coming up because i have done well in staying away from t/v for a long time now, and i don’t bother much with any of the purported news networks. Makes for a happier, healthier state of mind. I’m still aware of the world, but more then ever what is happening directly around me, which is what matters most. Inside of me, inside of my home, on my block, in my neighborhood, so on.

  • I think that it was such a national tragedy that it won’t ever be completely gone. I get tired of hearing about it, but I’ve accepted that its just a major thing for the modern world.

  • This made me think of a similar thing with Hurricane Katrina.

    About 6 years ago, my youth group went to New Orleans for a national gathering. For a part of the gathering, there was a day of service. Because there was still a lot of heavy damage, they helped clean up brush from a park. The residents of NOLA told the kids that they were becoming tired of all the coverage, that they would prefer to be left alone and for them to repair on their own. I can understand what they meant, and I can understand what that woman is saying about 9/11 coverage.

  • she actually sick of 9/11 being covered, or the way it is used in the coverage?

  • Go watch the live coverage from that day again and then tell me that

  • and its weird to me that theres already a whole generation that has no concept of what really happened or what it really meant to this country

  • I’d rather be reminded to pay tribute and recognize the impact of bygone tragedies than to be given the scars of a new one. 

    She has her own reasons for not wanting to be reminded of 9/11. Perhaps she was fortunate enough to have not lost someone close to her. But think of all the friends and families who lost someone important because of that fateful day. Regardless of where the responsibility lies, I am sure they would not want anyone to forget the injustice that caused so many innocent lives to be lost.

  • It’s not time to stop talking about it until there is another investigation into the facts this time. Lets not forget building 7 wasn’t in the 9/11 commission report. That was the building that was reported to have come down, before it happened.

  • “We seem to live in a world where forgetting and oblivion are an industry in themselves and very, very few people are remotely interested or aware of their own recent history, much less their neighbors’. I tend to think we are what we remember, what we know. The less we remember, the less we know about ourselves, the less we are. “
    ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón

  • To me, this is a way of respect by remembering the people we loved that we lost to the tragedy. I don’t think this needs a deadline.

  • Seriously? Do we stop talking about Pearl Harbor just because it was so long ago? Do we forget a family member who died just because it was years ago? Seriously?? If the tv coverage bugs her so damn much then don’t watch the tv for a few days…go read an f-ing book.

  • Yeah I’ve no interest in hearing about it since the 2nd anniversary. They always mention it in the news even when it’s not September 11.

    @voodoo_flower_child - oh wow that must suck to have a bday today. it’s as bad as my having a birthday around christmas -__-

  • No we shouldn’t stop remembering/posting about it. If it is what is in our hearts and minds we can blog about what we choose and if someone else doesn’t like it, that is their problem. Sept 11 was a series of events that devestated nearly everyone. People across the nation, and the world, were shook by it, and in it’s aftermath rallied together in support. People gave of themselves to help others they did not know. The loss of life was horrible but the heros and kindness of other nameless people were also noteworthy. It is not a day to be trivialized or forgotten.  

  • @QxM - I know a man who was born on 911 and he says its hard now to celebrate when he knows on this date so many people are mourning. And as for a child born on Christmas, I know one of those too, my son.

  • @QxM - yeah, thanks. because that must suck is exactly what I love to hear every year on my birthday. would it kill people to say happy birthday instead of that sucks? seriously

  • The coverage makes a spectacle and circus out of very real tragedy.

  • @hollowhopes - ”Go watch the live coverage from that day again and then tell me that.”

    That is the comment of the day.

  • in a world of microwaveable everything,. disposable everything, and complete idiots that turn the kardashians into millionaires, i think it is very important to stop, reflect…and mourn. i myself blogged for 10 years about it. last year was my last. others that continue to do so do not bother me a bit.

  • I think its pretty sad, you don’t answer me. 

  • not in my lifetime and shouldn’t in her lifetime either.

    who said that if we forget history we are bound to repeat it? I forgot but it’s so true. They’re probably tired of hearing about the Jews being put to deaht in the furnaces in Poland,too. 

  • It should be remembered, it changed the world.

  • I’m avoiding the internet today so that I
    don’t have to read all the posts from people miles and miles away about
    “where you were when it happened” like you were apart of history,
    entertainment coated in “never forget.” It’s enough that those who
    actually lost a loved one that day morn, or those who were actually
    there running for their lives remember this day… Respect that some just
    want to forget that horrific day and are not interested in “where
    you were.” To those who were not involved at all, if there’s something
    not to forget, it’s the fact that the corporate mainstream media hardly
    reported on any of the matters pertaining to the connections between the
    Bin Laden and Bush family. It’s highly suspicious and in order to put
    the matter to bed once and for all, it is high-time the American public
    demanded a proper independent investigation into the events of 9/11. We
    must remember the historical conduct of our main source for our current

  • @voodoo_flower_child - err no offense, but sorry i don’t know you.

  • Seems rather insensitive. Especially to those of us who knew people that lost their lives that day. :-/

  • everyone has a right to state their own opinions, but whoever this person is, they’re pretty wrapped-up in their own little bubble if they can’t recognize why remembering 9/11 is relevant. many rescue personnel died performing their jobs under emminent danger. those people were braver than i will ever be. and lastly, we must remember because somewhere out there in the near future, someone will say this never happened or try to trivialize this in some dismissive or ironic way. within our lifetime, some guy in india is trying to open a store named hitler and he claims it’s ‘not a big deal’.

  • @voodoo_flower_child - My best friend has the same problem.

  • @voodoo_flower_child - Well Happy Birthday ! Φ

  • I get annoyed of all the reminders because I associate it with all of the American interventionism across the globe, the loss of civil liberties, Islamophobia, etc.

  • i’m pretty sick of it, too.  i didn’t lose anyone, so to me the tragedy is just as remote (and terrible) as any other attack, massacre, genocide or slaughter throughout all of history.  as an ancient studies student, the Nike revolts, genocide of Native Americans, and destruction of Pompeii are just as relevant to me as the 9/11 attacks.  

  • My Bipolar Mind is a new book that is recieving 5 star ratings and is about $5 and  Semper Fi!!!

  • No, it’s part of our history, like the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and Pearl Harbor!!!

  • Ive been a NYer my whole life.  Ive noticed people who werent here that day view 9-11 from a different perspective than people who were here and knew poeple that were first responders/one of the many victims.  I was 14, my brother was a 22 yr. old first responder when tower 1 was hit he was doing a construction job he had just gotten out of the army and joined the national guard. He left the job and started running for the buildings. He stayed on the first few months, sleeping in the basement of the museum of natural history.  We didnt know for 5 days if he was alive or dead. 

    It is a day the earth stood still.  Here in NY the planes were grounded, the trains, subways and cars stopped.  We glued ourselves to the t.v. screen and waited anxiously for the phones to ring with news of our loved ones. We waited in fear it could happen again. We have to remember that day and teach the next generation about what happened.  I make it a point to discuss what happened with the 3 youngest of my siblings every year.   Its been 11 years and yet every single year I cry on this day knowing just how many thousands perrished and how many millions have been affected.   Remembering doesnt mean we dont go on “No matter how much I go about living there are always small reminders that make the loss fresh again.”

  • My 17-year old daughter had this same discussion this morning over breakfast.  She is sick of hearing about it too and her school still does a moment of silence on 9/11.  I explained to her that that was what prompted Pres. Bush to start sending troops to the Middle East and many, many soldiers have since perished.  If she doesn’t want to remember the people who killed that day by terrorists then to just remember the soldiers that are still dying because of this act.  She was cool with my explanation and actually it made me think about the whole thing in a different light too.  That date started something that is still killing US men and women 11 years later.

  • Fuck, I was annoyed with it about two days later. Enough already.

  • I’m tired of seeing it every time I open my friggen 12th grade yearbook. That was the year it happened and, even though we are in Canada, the yearbook committee that year decided it would be a good idea to include an entire page of pictures of the towers smoking/falling down. I understand wanting to remember and pay respect, but a high school year book (especially one in an entirely different country) is not the place to do that. It was just poor taste, in my opinion.

  • I understand that some people may get annoyed to see and hear so much about it, but I don’t think it should stop. 

    To me, stopping everything about 9/11 is like forgetting, or trying to forget, and who could really do that? It’s great to see the survivors on TV talk about their near death experience. They are brave, I often find myself asking, could I ever do what theydid at such a terrible time, with everyone so scared, and the people and the place they knew around them were all fading away. 
    We shouldn’t forget this day, ever. It was a day that struck all of America by surprise, a day like that just can’t go away. 

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - I can understand what your saying but it’s pretty heartless to to say that on a 9/11 post that someone put up to honor the lives that were lost.  Just sayin.

  • @QxM - oh, you don’t know me, so that makes it ok to treat me with out common courtesy. good argument.

  • @MommaFish89 - LOL…. They’ll make it a holiday off with pay when it hits the 20 year anniversary mark.

  • Personally, it doesn’t bother me. It’s all just a part of history now, like Pearl Harbor and all the other wars. Do we get tired of them too? I don’t think so….

  • @olwd - *shrug* i just feel like worse things in the world have happened than 9/11, and most people don’t give a crap about them.  hell, all you need to do is hit up Wikipedia and see a list of what’s happened on this date: liquidation of ghettos (1943), expulsion of the Moriscos (1609), Mountain Meadows massacre (1857), and a few airplane crashes and hurricanes.  why should the 9/11 attacks upset me more?  

  • @lonelywanderer2 - Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity.

  • @voodoo_flower_child - no it means you don’t mean anything to me for me to want to send you well wishes. your response came off as sarcastic and entitled, and you expect me to be courteous??

  • @olwd - Thank you. Glad someone understands what I meant. I meant no disrespect. 

  • I think somebody was right in saying that people have a lot of difficulty in handling such sad circumstances and it’s still broadcasted so solemnly. 

  • the even made a movie..the world trade center in 2006.

  • it’s not all about her. sheesh.

  • @virginal_beauty – thank you for sharing this post and thank you for teaching the younger generation to never forget.

  • @lonelywanderer2 - you “lived” what shit??? Provide some pragmatic evidence for your wacko assertion that Islam is trying to conquer the world. It i Christianity in my view that is conquering the world and it is not surprise that Islamics are reacting in a violent manner just as violent radical christians would if Iran inserted troops in to Mexico and ran military operations against the US. Get your head out of your fucking ass and get an education!

  • I think we should all be sick of the coverage concerning 9/11. It happened. It should sicken us that someone allowed it to happen. It should sicken us that so many people died that day, and that many more have died in the name of justice and revenge against the enemies who made it come to pass. It should sicken us that we are so lax in our duties and responsibilities in preserving our freedom and our liberty, allowing garbage like the Patriot Act, the Dept. of Homeland Security, and the Transportation Security Administration to come into existence. The legacy of 9/11 should sicken us.

  • ….there is a point, at which, those paying tribute do push it too far in their attempts to ‘honor’ the occasion…. but, it isn’t always the case on EVERY ocassion that this occurs, so Somefishytales statements are true…. we do become complacent about an event  and forgetful if not reminded, now and then…. BUT if someone wants to get on a stump and harp about it…. GET SOME THERAPY, PLEASE!!!…. just sayin’….. Peace

  • In reading some of these comments, it makes me wonder how many have actually experienced what it’s like to actually lose a friend or family member as a result of 9/11.  The heroic sacrifices of the first responders, the devastated families left behind who lost their loved ones abruptly, and the thousands of Soldiers who have died or been injured in the fight against terror.  I’m saddened to see the lack of compassion by some.  It’s not about beating a dead horse and ripping open old wounds, it’s about honoring those who have suffered, lost, or sacrificed.  The only true tragedy would be to forget. 

  • I have noticed that most people who have commented against remembering 9/11 are young.  Probably were just wee little kids when it happened and so, it doesn’t mean much to them.  And then there’s that Canadian…. but who takes Canadians seriously?  I mean come on… thats like saying the French Army is actually going to do something.  I kid, I kid…. or do I?

  • @IntoTheWind1 - That was an AWESOME video and song Doug, err, I mean The Doug. 

  • @vivachu - Well said.  *Standing Applause*

  • @twosidedme - Now come on, you don’t want to get blocked now do ya? 


  • @Somefishytales - I agree, wonderful use of words.

  • It’s easy to move on with your life after 3,000 innocent victims and heroes lost theirs.  

  • @DrummingMediocrity - More than that counting the combatants in harms way, Tashie. 

  • @Captric - Provide some pragmatic evidence for your whacko assertion that christianity is trying to take over the world.


  • @IntoTheWind1 - MARK 16:15 - And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

  • @IntoTheWind1 -  MARK 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

    They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. 2 Chronicles 15:12-13
    Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT) 
    If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB) 
    Cursed be he who does the Lords work remissly, cursed he who holds back his sword from blood. (Jeremiah 48:10 NAB)

  • @JadeMaster2 - I meant to add that, but my wording was off.  Thanks

  • @Captric - I’ll allow you time to rethink your response, for if you’re going to use the religious writings as your basis, then you’ve just screwed yourself. Have you read any of the Quran? Trust me, you’d do well to rethink your argument…

  • @DrummingMediocrity - It’s okay hon, I got your six!

  • @IntoTheWind1 - Then you will admit that organized religion is an evil on planet earth and that god and allah are created in the image of man and not the other way around. I believe in NO religion and I think that Islam and Christianity are equally evil. I went to a religious school from an early age – was well indoctrinated by both my school and then later by government sponsored “education”. I witnessed first hand- marines cutting off the ears of dead NVA soldiers and as one of them bent over his Cross of Christianity dangled in front of him. It was a stellar moment on my move from christian to atheist.

    If by an accident of history Iran had become the worlds economic power with the largest and most modern and technologically advanced military in the world was fighting christian extremists in America and had troops staging from Canada and Mexico – and Islamic evangelicals establishing schools and attempting to convert the young children of the US to convert from Christianity to Islam  - your thoughts on this subject would be DRASTICALLY different. In fact is you are a MAM (military age male) you would probably be involved in an illegal terrorist organization at some level.

  • @Captric - What I’ll do is make my own proclamations, and speak for myself, when I so choose to do so. What I won’t do is cowtow to someone who wants to put words in my mouth, or thinks that they’ve intellectually backed me into a corner.

    My position is and was limited ONLY to your challenging someone to do something that you yourself had not done, revealing your failure at an intellectually valid response, and then showing you that your “proof” was your own downfall to your prior point.

    With that, my work here is done. Congrats, you’ve won the moron of the week award.

  • @IntoTheWind1 - typical response from a fat fag who claims to know more about Islam than others and fails to make his argument. You really ARE a christian! 

  • @Captric -  yeah…kinda figured you were a troll.
    Well, an apprentice, anyway.

    Sheesh guys, remember back when these morons were at least good at what they did?

  • No, it is not.  We have an enemy at the gates

    who wants us dead or subjugated

    .  Forget that at your peril.

  • @Captric - The attempt and work at conversion is already going on, and the constant stream of appeasement we shovel out has got to stop.

    Tripoli should be a smoking hole in the ground today, flattened by artillery fire. 

  • @meatloafpriest - “appeasement”? Now where have I hear that for before — Oh ya — -the fat drug addicted thrice divorced junior college drop out and nicotine addict alcoholic draft dodger Rush Limpwrist. By your logic the next time a christian kills an abortion doctor we should kill hi, – his relatives – and everyone in the city he is from by 155 mm artillery. Ever why nobody takes you seriously in lfe?

  • @IntoTheWind1 - and you did not make one point on any previous contacts nor prove your own point. You are just another christian troll anonymously posting on a web site because you are too big of a coward to say things like this in public.

  • @Captric -  I know you are, but what am I?

  • @Captric - The Nazis in the 1930s?  Winston Churchill, perhaps.  Of course, you’d have to have read some history to get a perspective.  There’s a great book on the history of the Ottoman Empire out there, start there so you have some basis for comparison.

    Now go away little troll, you obviously don’t understand civil discourse.

  • @meatloafpriest - It is a waste of time arguing with people that still believe in ghost and demons and monsters in their closets. There is no more ridiculous nor violent religion than christianity. I am not excusing radical islamists for 9/11 – after all – it was my friend captain Jason Dahl who was in charge of UA flight 93 – but so called christians  - mostly from the US have been supporting a terrorist nation called Israel for YEARS! That has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent muslim men women and children. So why is it any surprise when they react to that?

    Hitler was the most famous and evil christian/catholic of any in recent history. Maybe you should get an education on the churches role in pre war germany. It is people like you that causes the rest of the civilized world to despise the US. At least Obama reinstated some of the respect we had before the Bush administrations clown act. Perhaps it is you  - TROLL – who should get an education.

  • Yeah. We know planes hit the towers and they collapsed. Most don’t know tower 7 imploded on itself having not been impacted by anything. 

  • @Captric - You need to read what Islam is about.  About 3/4 of all muslims are Islamists (most outside the U.S.) and are bent on establishing an Islamic caliphate, which is in accordance with a straightforward reading of the Koran.

  • @Captric - ”Hitler was the most famous and evil christian/catholic of any in recent history.”

    If Hitler was a Christian, why did he execute so many millions of Christians, including many protestant pastors and catholic priests?

    Calling Hitler a Christians means that you have fallen for his machiavellian machinations against Christian churches in prewar Germany.  Hitler clearly subverted much of protestant churchianity.  So much of what Hitler did is contrary to the teaching of the New Testament.  How then can you call him a Christian?  It sounds either foolish or deceptive.

    “mostly from the US have been supporting a terrorist nation called Israel for YEARS! That has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent muslim men women and children.”

    Wow, more foolishness from you.  If combatants hide among the populace and their opponents bomb them, how can you justify calling the opponents terrorists?  Do the Israelis target civilian populace where there are no combatants?  No.

    You and the truth seem very distant from one another.

  • @Captric - Yeah; 9/11/01 never happened,you stupid fuck.

  • @lonelywanderer2 - wow – what a big brave internet warrior! I bet you carry a pistol in your pocket because you can’t fight with your hands.  Listen  - BOY – I fly for one of the airlines that was highjacked. I KNEW and had flown with EVERYONE of the flight attendants from UAL that were killed. Jason Dahl – the Captain of Flight 93 – was a pilot instructor there and a personal FRIEND of mine. I just happened to be lucky enough to be on vacation on my boat at Lake of the Ozark’s when it happened. I then spent the last ten years advocating for the Armed Pilots Program. I am a combat veteran of the Marine Corps having served in Force Recconnaisance and also served in the Navy SEALS and Army’s Special Forces. I have LIVED in China – VietNam – the Phillipines – and Japan and have visited tens of other countries around the globe. I speak three foreign language.

    I EARNED the right to my opinion and at least I have an INFORMED opinion. Religion and Nationalism are the two greatest evils on the planet. Most if not ALL of the worlds problems are a result of those two phenoms. I submit that Christians are JUST as violent and evil as Islamics when compared side by side over the last 1500 years. Anybody who participates or gives support or aid to religion is part of the problem. ESPECIALLY those that ignore the sins of their own country based on historical propaganda from government funded schools and the words of fake authorities who give tribute to a Jewish Zombie named Jesus.

  • @soccerdadforlife - Hitler wrote inMein Kampf: “I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord’s work.” In 1938, he quoted those same words in a Reichstag speech.

    In a speech delivered April 12, 1922, published in “My New Order,” and quoted in Freethought Today (April 1990), Hitler said:My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison.Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice . . .And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and work and toil and labor, and at the end of the week they have only for their wages wretchedness and misery.When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people are plundered and exploited.”"

  • @Captric - Ignoring the sins of your country is one thing, saying America DESERVED to be attacked is another.  I appreciate your service, and I served as a Security Police Officer at am military training base.  I’ve plenty of training with weapons and my hands both.  I can take care of myself just fine.  Of course you have the nright to your opinion.  I just hate the “blame America” attitude.  I’ve see many times where the bad guys are made out to seem innocent victims.

  • I understand why people “relive” it via TV shows etc. though I choose not to watch it over and over myself. I am more comfortable with the ceremonial tributes etc rather than the “reliving the horror” sort. Everyone has their own method of grieving. Everyone has certain tragedies and events that effect them more than others Hurricane Katrina is HUGE for me.

    I don’t consider 9/11 overdone even though I don’t make as much of it as many people do. I can tune out if I choose to.

  • @lonelywanderer2 - It was nor me saying that America “deserved” it…..that is what Wacko christian leaders try to instill in their brainwashed flocks. People like Jerry Falwell and other leaders of the christian faith who claim that 9/11 was the christian gods revenge on an evil America because we allow gays to live here, etc. Countries are much like the individuals that compose them. Sometimes they have to “man up” and take responsibility for their past actions in order to improve themselves. Blaming all of out  -at least most recent problems in the world – on the evil Muslims is disengenuous and dishonest.

  • @soccerdadforlife - The most innocent people ever killed in the modern history of the world in order to expedite the unconditional surrender of a nation state was the christian nation of america by detonating not one but two atomic devices in the middle of two medium size cities filled with innocent women and children in the Shinto country of Japan. There was NO military value to these targets and the president of the United States openly confessed that he prayed to the christian god for guidance. What do you think – in his imagination – that god told him?

  • @soccerdadforlife - that is what Jerry Jones would say too…..and then get a lot of people killed with his stupidity! You are brainwashed by your own religion.

  • No way is it time to stop remembering.

  • Difficult call – seems all too man-made for an accidental collapse – there are those that say it was not an aeroplane at all..CGI can do realtime as well.  

  • @voodoo_flower_child - “it is time to stop talking about it like it happened yesterday and let me enjoy my god damn birthday”

    Me and my husband were married on 9/11, albeit 7 years later. At first when I realised the date of our wedding was to be 9/11, and not just the “Wednesday next week” we were told by the courthouse, I was horrified. But now, I’m really glad that it happened that way. I still mourn the loss of those 3000+ people, and shed tears each year. But through my tears I’m sticking a HUGE two fingers up at terrorists who think they will EVER stop the people of this country from going about their daily business, and living their lives. If that happens, they win. And they will NOT win. Celebrating my wedding day on that date somehow makes it even more special to me. It’s like saying “FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE”.

    On your birthday, be happy and celebrate, and don’t let it be soured by the fact of the date. I understand your frustration when people around you put your birthday behind the events of 9/11 – perhaps you should gently remind them that “HEY! It’s my BIRTHDAY. Let’s not let the bastards make us forget THAT”.

    Happy Belated Birthday hon. *Hugs*

  • @Captric - As usual, you and the truth are far apart.  In fact, Japanese industry had been dispersed among the civilian population.  Hiroshima included the military headquarters of a Japanese Army Command.  Nagasaki included shipyards.

    “The most innocent people ever killed in the modern history of the world in order to expedite the unconditional surrender of a nation state”

    And why the clause “in order to expedite the unconditional surrender of a nation state?”  It’s because you are trying to deceive.  Without that clause, America wouldn’t be in the top five nations.

    100k people killed at Hiroshima.  50k people killed at Nagasaki.  120k people killed in the various bombings of Tokyo using conventional weapons.  60 million people killed by Soviets, almost all innocent.  13 million killed by Nazis in refugee camps.  100 million killed by Maoist China.  Unknown millions of Chinese killed by Japanese.  Unknown hundreds of thousands of Filipinos killed by Japanese.  About 25% of the Cambodian population murdered by maoist Pol Pot.

    Your socialist fellow travelers have way outdone the “Christian” U.S.

    Did Truman say that God told him to use the atomic bomb?  I’m unaware of any statements.  Did using the bomb shorten the war and save millions of Japanese lives?  Maybe, they were starving by the end of the war.  Doublessly, over a hundred thousand American lives were saved.

    Public statements by Hitler are bullshit.  Anyone who believes that they indicate his beliefs are fools (cough-like you-cough).  Did Hitler attend church services regularly?  No.  Did he have a personal pastor?  No.  Did Hitler’s private memoirs indicate that he was merely pretending to be a Christian?  Yes.  Hitler considered Christianity to be a religion for weaklings.  Even your speech shows that Hitler was trying to redefine Christianity as a warrior religion, which is absurd.  Why do you attempt to deceive using such ridiculous ideas? 

    What has Jerry Jones said or done that is ridiculous? You are just one more liberal living in lalaland who fails to distinguish between free speech and terrorism. You think that you can use Jerry Jones’ name to tar me with dishonor? You are so far beneath Jerry Jones that you would have to climb miles to kiss his ass.

  • @soccerdadforlife - Too stupid to understand science? Try religion!

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