October 19, 2012

  • The Strength of Your Abortion Views

    Pro-lifers:  Could you vote for someone who was pro-choice?
    Pro-choicers:  Could you vote for someone who was pro-life?

Comments (89)

  • Yes. No one seems to hold my position of slaughtering kids 2-8 so it’s not a big deal for me.

  • I seriously doubt it. But at this point, it doesn’t matter anyway. Whoever I vote for will be controlled by the same people either way. They proved that at the RNC. 

  • I have, and would, vote for someone who is pro-choice, yes…

    In my opinion, that is NOT the biggest issue to base my vote on.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - I too hold this view.  I should run for elected official.  Of course, I’d change 8 to 80, but minor details.

  • depends on the strength of their abortion views.

  • Abortion is a petty issue compared to our economy.

  • Ra đời vào đầu những năm 1990, Charles & Keith nhanh chóng thành công với thương hiệu bán lẻ giày dép,túi xách cho nữ giới. Hiện hãng này có hơn 120 cửa hàng phân phối tại 18 nước trên thế giới.

    Charles & Keith đã đến với Việt Nam vào năm 2008, sau 4 năm Túi xách Charles & Keith đã rất gần gũi với giới mua sắm người Việt. Chất lượng tui xách rất cao, mẫu mã đa dạng phong phú, đáp ứng được mọi nhu cầu của các thượng đế thời trang tại Việt Nam

    Túi xách Đặng Thành giời thiệu đến với các bạn bộ sưu tập thời trang kinh điển nhất của Charles & Keith, một thời làm các tín đồ thời trang tại Việt Nam mê mẩn

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành

    Ảnh sưu tập - tui xach Đặng Thành


    Trung tâm mua sắm thời trang Đặng Thành chuyên cung cấp các loại giày hiệu , giày thời trang ,giày cho tuổi teen , giay da … và các mẫu giày đẹp , giày namgiày nữ trên toàn thế giới

    Túi Xách Đặng Thành chuyên cung cấp các loại túi xách giá cực cạnh tranh ,túi xách namtúi xách nữtúi xách datúi xách vãi , túi xách vải bố , túi xách học sinh,túi xách laptoptúi xách ipadtúi xách faketúi xách hiệutúi xách đi họctúi xách da bòtúi xách dự tiệc , túi xách du lịch chất lượng cực tốt

  • I don’t think government should ever regulate abortion (and I SERIOUSLY question those who think otherwise), so the candidate with the least conviction concerning abortion gets a gold star and my vote. 

  • Probably. But for this election, the economy is the biggest issue in influencing my decision.

  • I’m a pro-choicer, but I could vote for someone who was pro-life. 

    For example, if you took someone who had all of the same views that I do, except for that one…I could totally vote for that person.

  • I do every election.

  • I’m trying to figure that out. I’m not so sure I could. It’s not a topic to be taken lightly and whatever legislation they pass may be difficult (or at least take years) to undo. That’s a big risk.

  • Who cares. I’m voting for bacon burgers.

  • Pro-choice, and no. I would never knowingly vote for an anti-choice candidate for any partisan office because I don’t want to risk our country losing that right. It’s such a high-profile debate, with continual bills being introduced that either impose conditions (like ultrasounds beforehand) or ban abortion entirely. Of course we should be more concerned with other issues than with taking away women’s reproductive rights, but unfortunately a lot of politicians are choosing to use this debate as a distraction from those more important issues.

  • Abortion is a very sensitive subject, Theo. I didn’t know it was called pro-choice though. Pro-termination or something like that might make more sense to let you know what’s really involved, a human life. Just saying.

    Personally I’ve never been for abortion and if someone was, ‘pro-choice’ which I guess means they permit abortions, I wouldn’t stack that in their favor. Φ 

  • How about focusing on our economy and protecting our liberties. No thanks to Big Government. That’s what I’ll be voting against.

  • it is not about who is pro what, it is about who is forcing their view down everyone’s throat.

  • I am pro life personally. but when it comes to the rest of the world I believe in choices. So I could very easily vote for someone who is pro choice.

  • I consider it anti-choice, not pro-life. And anybody who is that obsessed with my reproductive decisions probably doesn’t have the qualities I’d admire in a leader on other issues, so no I wouldn’t vote for such a person.

  • @eertrj - Awesome. I completely agree!

  • The age old question with no right answer.

  • I’m a pro-choicer. That’s tough… But I think I would vote for a pro-lifer if I thought they were the best candidate in other ways that matter more to me. 

  • @dw817 - ProLife? Anti-woman is more like it, if you know anything about the significance of denying reproductive rights. Just saying. You Republicans are so vile. Ironic that you’ll use the mistreatment of Arab women as one of your excuses to go around the world exterminating Muslims but if you had your way we’d be stoning rape victims for adultery here. Get the Hell out of this country if you don’t like abortion!

  • I’d never vote for someone that is willing to force pregnancy 

  • One time, I was on the internet and didn’t see a picture of a fetus. It was weird.

  • I bet the strength of my abortion views could win an arm wrestling contest but only if I were arm wrestling for the custody of my son.

  • No. I’m pro-choice and could never vote for someone who would want to take that right away.

  • I don’t care what anyone believes, as long as they don’t legislate away my rights as a girl and an atheist based on it. 

  • I am 100% Pro-Life. I think that we should give Capital Punishment (Future Tense) to everyone that has an Abortion, to every Doctor that performs one, and every person that helps pay for one. I bet that would put and end to it and save millions of lives. The Bible says that God knows our names before we are ever born, and that we all have a soul from the moment of conception. Murder should never be a choice, I don’t care who you are. If you are not ready to have kids, or think you are not financially able to provide for them then you are not ready to have sex. You should remain Abstinent. The Bible says we are supposed to wait until we are married to have sex anyway, and be fruitful and multiply God wants us to have kids. And if you say what about in cases of incest and rape? Well apart from a Miracle of God my wife and I cannot have kids, so please give us a call. We will adopt them.

    As for Romney or Obama, Obama is 100% Pro-Choice, Romney says he is 100% Pro-Life. He says he will only allow Abortions in the cases of Incest and Rape. I say Romney is the lesser of two evils.

    In case you didn’t know Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, was openly Racist and wanted to decrease the earths population. Obama says they do other stuff like Cancer screenings, but that is simply not true. They specialize in Eugenics, and Abortion. If you want a cancer screening go to the doctor.

  • I take that into account, but honestly I see only small changes happening in the foreseeable future no matter who is in charge. There are always more pressing issues to vote for.

  • Women’s rights are really important to me, so I don’t know if I could vote for a candidate who is pro-life. Just like I don’t know if I could vote for a candidate who is anti-gay rights.

    I’m a gay woman, and, as a gay woman, I’m not going to support a candidate who does not support me.

    A lot of people act like social issues are trivial in comparison to the economy. But, to be honest, most of the people I have heard disregard social politics are White, straight, middle-upper middle class men whose rights aren’t on the line anyway.

  • I just don’t get why anyone pretends like there is a difference. Abortion is legal, and neither party is going to outlaw it, so is it really something we should choose a candidate based on? Basically anyone voting for a republican because they are pro-life are merely giving the thumbs up to someone who will yell really loud about something and yet not change it. 

    That goes the same for anyone voting for a democrat because they are pro-choice. Abortion is ALREADY legal. That candidate is simply yelling really loud about a fait accompli. WOW THAT’S AWESOME GUYZ. 

    I want to hear about what they’re going to actually do. I don’t give two sh*ts about what issues they aren’t going to deal with. And I want them to stop wasting time getting worked up about something that everyone knows they aren’t going to change. 

  • i believe that abortion and capital punishment are murder. a life is a life. two wrongs don’t make a right. if i voted based only on my stance on those topics, then i wouldn’t be voting.

  • @lifeontheWink - But if that was the punishment, it would stop. So then there would be no murdering. Right?

  • @habitsdiehard - I am for the Baby’s Full Rights from the moment of conception. That Baby is no longer just her own body, it is its own soul and needs to be protected.

  • I would vote for someone who is Pro-Life. Yes. But in this election things are going to get scary and it will be beyond close. The important issues are the ones we really need to worry about though.

  • @DrummingMediocrity - I’d say life is a pretty important issues, as well as our economy.

    I am pro-life, however I also strongly believe in free will and that every individual deserves the right to make their own choices. So I would vote for someone who is Pro Choice. 

  • @Blissfully_xyz - Do you think it is ok for your Mom to shoot you dead then, the next time you go over to her house? I mean she decided a little late but it is still her choice right? Still her freewill? I believe it is wrong because it is murder, and The Holy Bible and Jesus Christ says it is sin and I cannot morally vote for someone who endorses that.

  • @derekwilson24 - God is the upmost powerful and He allows us to make our own choice even if these lead us to damnation so who am I to say that those who commit such sins should be murdered? God forgave me for my sins and no I never had an abortion thank God, but if I had God who is merciful would forgive me. I am to please God and to make my heart more like His.

    Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. (Rev 3:4)

    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
    God calls on us to be the light that guides those who live in darkness, not judge them. God does not FORCE us to follow His path although that is well within His capacity.

  • What difference should it make?; it’s a law and last I heard you have to withhold the law if you are an official. Maybe people should aim for the supreme court instead of local politics.

  • @Blissfully_xyz - Thanks for sharing. Though I think it’s only Dan who asked for your opinion.

    Non-viable fetuses are not viable life.  Taking away abortion rights is an abomination of personal rights, but it is not something that cannot be gotten around.  A poor economy however, cannot be had in another country, or an illegal clinic, or with a clothes hangar.  Non viable life will never be able to attain viability if those already born are unable.

  • @WaitingToShrug - I agree with this sentiment, but some people have mentioned the notable fact that a few supreme justices will likely be replaced soon.  Ginsburg, for example.  I still find it hard to imagine Roe v. Wade overturned. 

    People like to bitch about issues with no solution.  I think it’s a tendency of academics (who tend to make a living off of doing so), especially.

  • @SKANLYN - Strong reply for such a gentle comment. Pretty sure Muslims were not even in my line of thoughts. All life is sacred. It is of course the woman’s choice to make. If you’re still fuming, you’re angry at something besides this.

    I recommend Blissfully_xyz‘s post.

  • As a male who doesn’t want children it’s not something I worry too much about.  My personal opinion on this and many other issues is not allowing the government or anyone else to dictate what a person can and cannot do.  I know there’s the whole thing with it being murder and all that but we aren’t given a choice to be born and I’ve always felt that humans might not have been the best thing for this world in the first place.  Now there’s just too many of us.  Given a choice I’d probably say no thank you, at least to being human.  I still love you all though.

  • How many pro-life politicians have their been, and how much have they accomplished?  Given the fact that it wouldn’t likely matter, it would be theorhetically possible for me to vote for someone who is pro-killing unborn children. But it’s very unlikely due to the fact that it’s not likely someone could stomach the idea of killing innocent children as a matter of convenience for the irresponsible, but be otherwise a responsible, moral person.

  • i don’t vote so this is completely irrelevant.

  • @dw817 - Thank you for the rec :)

    @DrummingMediocrity - I by no means intend on saying that your opinion is incorrect, it is merely my own reflection on your thoughts. Be easy.

  • @DrummingMediocrity - Totally agree. I think that most people enjoy complaining more than they like doing the work to implement a solution. And hey, they think, what if they aren’t 100% sure it will work? In that case, best not to try anything at all. :/ 

    But you know me, I like to experiment a lot. Anyway, on the abortion issue, I don’t usually even comment, as very few people ever get to the heart of the issue- when does human life begin. The whole, “never except for rape/incest” is the most inconsistent position there is. 

  • @dw817 - You’re so-called “gentle comment” is the sort of rhetoric that incites people to shoot up abortion clinics, not to mention that electing people with the same stupid point of view as you will result in millions of women dying as a result of back alley abortions. You’re a hateful, misogynistic P.O.S. Go to hell!

  • Yes, it cannot be your only care when it comes to the direction the candidate could lead the country!
    I’m pro-life, but voting for the pro-choice man because… well because how many Republicans in the 40 years abortion has been legal did anything about it? Its just a tool and platform they use but never seem to intend of changing. And if they do, its seems rather difficult and they don’t make much of an effort. So, there are weightier concerns for me in the election.

  • I could vote for a pro life person as long as they don’t push it on the rest of the country and try to change laws based on their own personal religion. So to be safe, I will only vote pro choice.

  • @derekwilson24 - Killing people for killing? that will solve the problem! So much lack of love for people in your response… =[ saddens me.

  • @derekwilson24 - I’m 100 Prolife, but how will that baby be protected if that mother wanted to kill it? Seems to me… its just not so cut and dry of an issue….

  • I’m sorry but I just can’t hear you over how great you are. Even if I agreed to pro-choice and defended it, you would still find something else to argue about.

    Ambassador Gav: I disagree with you.

    Sarek: You just feel like arguing.

    Ambassador Gav:

    For the sake of argument, I disagree.

    *Grin* By all means have a good day whichever you decide, for or against, clearly soft-spoken Skanlyn.

    My decision on this issue ? I choose – not to argue.

  • @derekwilson24 - You spout that kind of ignorant garbage and it is reasonably refuted, so you just ignore the refutation and repeat your crap on some other blog.

  • It’d take a lot to balance that out for me. Maybe if that was the *only* issue I was in disagreement with, but otherwise, no.

  • @Blissfully_xyz - Have you read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy because they do talk about it. If a man beats a woman in our court system, and she loses the baby, or she and the baby dies why is it considered a Homicide or Double Homicide? Why isn’t it in the case of Abortion?

  • @derekwilson24 - Hun you are clearly reading my words and interpreting them as you see fit. I am not disagreeing with you. Re read my previous statement. I never said that abortion isn’t murder or that I agree with abortion. I however do not believe that WE are the ones to judge those who partake in that. God is the only one who has that right and I do not believe in the death penalty as even a murderer has the opportunity to repent and be saved. God forbid and something happens to my family or a loved one I pray that God gives me the ability to forgive them, although I will not pretend that it would be easy for me or possible.

    Mat 6:14-15 (NIV) “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But, if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

    Mark 11:25 (NIV) “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

    Heb 8:12 (NIV) “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”

    Lastly, I don’t believe that God calls us to kill those who have wronged even if they have murdered. That is my belief, as well as I believe that you are entitled to your own thoughts and opinions.

  • I am pro-life, but I don’t know if my feelings would change if my situation did. So I vote pro-choice, since I can’t justify being “against” for everyone else. Personally, I feel the “choice” should be made before engaging in sexual relations, because unwanted pregnancy is the #1 reason for abortions. Take it out of the equation, and I can only assume that the remaining scenarios (rape, incest, health concerns) would be so minute and uncommon that abortion wouldn’t be such a widespread controversy.

    But to answer the question: no, abortion doesn’t sway my vote.

  • @derekwilson24 - So the 11 year old girl who was raped by her father and had an abortion should get capital punishment?   She is a baby herself.  How about being so firm about capital punishment to the father who stole her life.

  • Abortion is an important issue. It is also a complicated issue. And it is one of many important issues.

    You should NEVER have a single issue that decides your vote. If you do, you’ll find yourself supporting policies you 99.9% despise just to get that 1 issue that you selected as the only one you care about.

  • No. I have personal misgivings about abortion, but I don’t believe that I or anyone else have a right to tell women what to do with their own bodies. However I rarely tend to agree with pro-life candidates on any social issues in general which makes it easier for me.

  • @WaitingToShrug - The reason for that inconsistency is that people think with their emotions (irrationality) instead of their brains/consciousness (rationality).

  • @Grannys_Place - I already said in a previous statement that apart from a Miracle my wife and I cannot have kids. So let us adopt them. I am not sure why anyone would even be capable of getting raped or worried about it though if they had open carry or conceal and carry gun laws in your state.

  • @DrummingMediocrity - Totes, dude. I’m with you. Instead of making emotions follow in line with reason, most people pick and choose what they will listen to on any given day. Unfortunately, for the big decisions, it always seems to be the one least likely to yield good results. Weird. 

  • @derekwilson24 - she was 11 years old-a child for craps sake

  • No…No one likes someone who forces their beliefs on others. Especially if it is about their own bodies. It’s pro choice or no choice. I choose pro choice thank you. 

  • @Grannys_Place - And she should be with a Parent or legal guardian at all times who can carry.

  • Murder isn’t a choice, not today, not any day and that should be the law.

  • I couldn’t vote for someone who was prolife, if it was a part of their policy. I don’t care what your personal opinion is, as long as you don’t try to force it on me. 

  • I couldn’t vote for anyone who would not allow freedom of reproductive choice for women.  There are people who are against abortion, but don’t wish to force their views on others or into law.  When John Kerry was running for president, I did not trust him on his position, because you don’t have to be a Catholic – it sounded like double-talk to me, coming out of his mouth.  If you believe in choice, you don’t be a Catholic.  However, Joe Biden is Catholic and personally against abortion, and I would vote for him as part of the team.  I find him more trustworthy, and I would not vote for anything that includes Paul Ryan.  Yes, freedom to choose abortion is something very important to me.

  • People that are Pro Choice don’t understand that they are forcing their opinion on millions of poor little souls.

  • I would never have chosen to have an abortion myself except for an extreme no-choice situation and my daughters and granddaughters have followed my example although I am pro-choice. I would never vote for a fanatical candidate like those making uneducated, irresponsible statements like I’ve read during this campaign. Anyone of that ilk ought not to be in any decision-making capacity even in the private sector. If they don’t have the capacity to display at least an average mentality, they can’t be trusted to make wise decisions on any issues. I have nothing but scorn for those who promoted and/or elected such bottom-of-the-barrel politicians. We can and must do better!  

  • God I would love to have a chance to be pregnant and have a baby. And here, people are debating whether it’s ok to abort or not. What a sad topic when our economy isnt being kind.

  • Definitely. I think a lot of people end up basing their vote on a candidate’s position on abortion or gay marriage because those issues are easy to understand. But the bigger, more complicated issues don’t register with most people because most people, unfortunately, are incredibly ignorant. 

  • @derekwilson24 - The bible can say whatever it wants, but thanks to separation of church and state, the bible has no authority here. And your solution is to take a life because you believe they’ve taken a life? So basically you commit the same crime youre against in order to prevent the crime? That makes perfect sense. Keep up the sound logic. Jesus would be proud. 

  • @DrummingMediocrity - “Abortion is a petty issue compared to our economy.”

    Money is a pathetic consideration when measured against basic rights.

  • @derekwilson24 - “People that are Pro Choice don’t understand that they are forcing their opinion on millions of poor little souls.”

    A zygote has no more a soul than the bullshit you sprout or the mystical pink fart of a sky unicorn.

  • @Celestial_Teapot - Money is necessary to enforce basic rights.  Police cars and prisons don’t build themselves, and the men who build them don’t work without pay. 

    I told you to leave me alone because I don’t like you.  Eff off, already.

  • @mangotini - I like these two comments I saw from you.  You rule.

  • No way, no how!  It’s not just the Abortion question, it’s all the other issues that seem to be attached to it.  A candidate’s position on abortion is a good indicator of where they stand on many other issues.

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