March 12, 2013

  • Xanga Footprints

    I have read so many posts recently where people were paranoid because people were reading their old posts.

    It apparently bothers people when people go back a few pages or even a few months on their xanga blog.
    Does it bother you if someone reads your old posts?

Comments (123)

  • i, personally, love it.

  • It does. My Xanga trust level isn’t very high.

  • Only if I don’t recognize the user name. 

  • Sometimes, it’s difficult not to get hooked on someone interesting. 

  • No. If I didn’t want people reading my thoughts, I wouldn’t have put them up (or at least set them to Protected).

  • I never have more than 3 post up at a time and all new. I delete the others dailyl

  • I don’t get whats so creepy about going back to old posts. I guess that makes me a creeper…

  • It never did, that was why I left them there. But I decided to privatize everything, so now they con only go back a few weeks. 

  • I like stalkers so it doesn’t bother me :3

  • No. If I don’t want something read, I mark it private. Otherwise? It’s whatever.

    If you’re paranoid, is that because you don’t trust that person, period? Or is it simple self-consciousness? I don’t get it. Why put it out there at all if you don’t want someone to read it?

  • Doesn’t bother me. If I don’t want someone reading my thoughts, I wouldn’t have posted them. Or I’d just make it a private entry.

  • In summer 2010, while I was in Europe for a secret vacation, I kept seeing Serbia footprints on my blog. I was freaking out, thinking that my distant family in Serbia somehow caught whiff of my trip, but luckily (well, I eventually found out) it was some girl in Serbia who discovered my Xanga while searching for an economics university where I had spent a summer. Whew, close call! haha
    But other than the occasional Ohio footprint (sometimes I wonder if it’s a certain former Xangan I hate), I don’t really have a problem with people reading my old posts nowadays.

  • It bothers me because people from Xanga have materialized in the mortal world before.  I recently had two visitors in fancy cars.  They found my signal.  I know because they stopped right outside of my window.  It was my computer they were after.  I hope they know that the only reason I ever turn up as interest is because of them.  It’s like when you kill a nobody journalist how they become famous.

    Nothing I say is of interest or matters.  I go into the din most of the time.

    So far, I’ve been able to deal with them.  I’m not taking my luck for granted.

    I don’t like when people who don’t have a Xanga visit my site.  I’ve allowed them to only because I was trying to spread for a while, and I wanted to know what they were doing.  I’m about to turn them off though.

     Most of them are spybots.  They mine data.

  • If it’s real people I’m flattered,  but that’s cause I stalk other people’s older blogs. I guess that’s my way of getting to know a person.

  • Nope, I welcome all curious eyes. 

  • Only if it’s people without accounts :(

  • Not at all. I’ve noticed someone has been going through TONS of old posts of mine. So I click them and see what they are, then I get a trip down memory lane. Actually kind of nice.

  • Honestly, no. It means that what you have wrote has interested them enough to want to hear more.

  • I only get worried when I see a certain province but I have sign in lock on so that fixed my problem. I wouldn’t post stuff that I didn’t want people to see.

  • I don’t understand why, if you post/write it, you’d feel creeped out by someone going back through your entries. It’s like new visitors should only read you “fresh” blogs.

  • I appreciate when people read my old posts. That’s what they’re there for.

    When I don’t want people to see stuff, I don’t post it, or I’ll delete it if I realize it later.

  • Don’t want people to read your old posts? Then set them to private, protected, or delete them. But don’t leave them open to the public and then complain when people go back into your post history and read your old content.

    I personally don’t care if people read my old posts and I like going back through other people’s post histories as well. It’s a good way to learn more about them as a blogger, plus some people are just amazingly talented writers and it’s hard not to keep reading.

  • Someone must because the original post for tonight is gone. Dan, are you trying to pull the wool over our eyes?

  • No, not really. But I had to delete mine a while ago because I was applying for a government job. I didn’t want anything to disqualify me from it. 

  • Most of my best stuff was written in 2008 & 2009, so I would encourage people to read my older posts. I was once accused of stalking, got blocked and badmouthed because, before I responded to an insulting comment, I clicked on the person’s site and checked her profile to make sure she wasn’t some 15 year old kid. So my footprints were on her main page and profile page, and that made me a stalker. Some people are a little too obsessed with footprints.

  • I’ve had a person search there own named before on my xanga. O – o it was weird. 

    I don’t tend to get bugged by it. :3 

  • No, I deleted most of my old posts/pictures about a year ago. Anything that is up is fair game, it’s a public page.

  • I like it when people read my posts, new or old alike. If I didn’t want them read, I’d have made them private. For now they are open to all, just with a footprint at the door. How can someone gauge if a potential new friend is someone who they might be interested in if they haven’t seen at least a few posts. perhaps the top one isn’t the most interesting. I know I have a variety and if a new person came across a dull day, or a music day rather than personal (if that’s what they like) or couldn’t stand poetry or  random geekiness, well, they might blow me off, but then again, perhaps if they dug further they’d find something they liked and perhaps the next blog or next week there would be more of that style. who knows.

  • @HUMOR_ME_NOW - why do you delete them? what if a friend is away for a week, or only comes on occassionally but still would like to read about what you have been up to?

  • Sometimes, people’s writing intrigues me, and I’ll go back and start from the beginning. It’s like a good book. 

  • No and if it did I would be on friends lock.

  • not really, I get a lot of people going to posts from 5 or 6 years ago looking for vagina tattoos on a daily basis so I’m sort of used to it.

  • when i find an interesting site, i like to go back to see “how it all began”. people are beautiful and sometimes i stumble across someone who is fascinating and i want to know them. first, i send them a message to explain why i am leaving footprints. then i try to comment on a few earlier posts so they might feel a bit more comfortable. some people do NOT like that though and it is understandable.  

  • No it doesn’t bother me at all.  If it bothers you delete your posts or make them private from others.

  • No, it doesn’t.  No one can read my Cyberbear stuff, though.  It’s all locked up in a Xanga vault somewhere.

  • Isn’t attracting that kind of genuine interest what blogging is all about?

  • @Marica0701 - “But other than the occasional Ohio footprint (sometimes I wonder if it’s a certain former Xangan I hate), I don’t really have a problem with people reading my old posts nowadays.”

    Maybe it’s just me stalking you through an Ohio-ian proxy! =P

  • No, it doesn’t bother me in the least. The only thing that bothers me is the jerks who read some of my old posts and make lewd and downright rude comments by sending me nasty messages. To that I say, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

  • @Celestial_Teapot - Hahahaha. That’s some intense-level creeping you’d be doing, then!

    Creeping is caring, right?

  • @Marica0701 - It’s hard to imagine you hating anybody. But it would be freaky to get footprints like that!

  • Nope not at all, unless they don’t allow me to know who they are and it just states that there was someone from some random state or country that looked at one of my posts. then I get wondering why they checked it out.

  • @laytexduckie - this. there are only a few cases where it bothered me and in those cases i knew who the person was and their motives were suspect in my mind. the fact that after I blocked them they continued with fake accounts confirmed in my mind they were up to no good. 

  • naw. it’s kinda cool

  • I never really look at my footprints. I suppose I would be curious if I noticed someone going back and reading but wouldn’t bother me at all.

  • I wouldn’t care. 

  • Not really. I make sure and privatize any blogs where I say bad things about my in-laws.

  • Don’t care and never did with any of my other xanga’s I’ve had.Only one post now and the other xangas are gone so there’s nothing for anyone to see anyway.Trust is hard to come by anywhere anyway,not just on xanga

  • I’ve heard it called stalking or creeping but it’s just reading old posts.  I’m afraid to do it because it might freak someone.  So many footprints (what the hell is he doing?).

  • No, it flatters me.

    BUT it bugs me if they don’t leave a single comment after going back and reading years and years of posts.

  • Nope. They are public for those who find my thoughts interesting to read. :)  

  • Merp you wanna get to know read it all!!! I don’t really care 

  • Nope, but I always wonder why they did.

  • It’s fine. That’s where the dirtier stuff is anyway.

  • Nope, doesn’t bother me. I wouldn’t leave them up if I didn’t want them to be read.

  • I have made entries private and started afresh with the same account (keeping friends and subs)  so for me it does not matter now,  since I only make one entry per week,   unless breaking news.

  • If they’re trying to sell something, yes.  If they just want to get to know me, no.  I don’t have time to check footprints, but if they comment, it will show up on my e-mail.

  • Not at all. If someone has the patience to sort through my thoughts, then more power to them!

  • I don’t get whats so creepy about going back to old posts. I guess that makes me a creeper…Honestly, no. It means that what you have wrote has interested them enough to want to hear more.

  • @EmilyandAtticus - Well, it’s not that difficult, haha. There are reasons why I’ve been called a hypocrite, bitch, and c*** by Xangans.

    And the former Xangan I mentioned… well, that’s an ugly story. But I’m glad he’s long gone.

  • @Crystalinne - Your point is completely valid. I do it out of fear of being discovered by family or friend.  I will reconsider and maybe allow a week of posts to stay up. My son found me once and I learned a obvious lesson—what you write in the open internet is there for the world to read. So i am very careful what I say on open blogs and keep my Xanga site on Friends Lock.

    Good point.


  • I don’t mind the archival digging.
    Sometimes I get nostalgic and dig back there myself.

  • I don’t get creeped out unless I suspect it’s someone I know. I think it’s kind of cool to know someone’s interested enough to read my story.

  • No – some of my best post are from years ago…I should re-post them instead of the copying and pasting as much as I do.

  • Xanga posts that are not protected nor private are PUBLIC! You should expect people to look at them. If you are interesting – you should expect them to look a lot. Thinking otherwise is kind of like running around naked and expecting people not to LOOK! Cover up what you don’t want exposed. Don’t flaunt it and expect people not to look!

  • I have had Xanga for several years and often get footprints from places like Russian Federation or Ukraine, Korea, Viet Nam ~ places like that ~ it never bothered tooooo much until one day when I got over one THOUSAND of them, reading lots of past posts ~ which are mostly photos, by the way!  That freaked me out a bit ~ what on earth? 

  • Xanga- urban dictionary

    Really get a kick out of that. I could put Dan on a mug.

    Some of you are way too paranoid. My blog gets hit from all over the world. Xanga has EXCELLENT search engine tools built in, which I love, and thank you very much for that. ;) If it bugs you to be found, go more private.

  • Nope, no problem. If I hadn’t wanted people to read them, I wouldn’t have posted them in the first place. It always astounds me how people post things onto the net, and then expect they will have any control over who reads what.

  • Ehh, some of my older posts are emotional, I should probably go get rid of them. But thats my own doing, not because I have stalkers.

  • You bet! Especially if I don’t know the person, and if sh leaves pages of foot prints and reads about sixty or seventy poems or stories that I have written. With plagiarism so rampant, I do not trust anyone I don’t know, to come and leave a hundred or more fp on my blog and read my work. Since last night I have privatized all my blogs except the two or three current one.

    Yes I absolutely bother the heck out of me.

  • i don’t care. if people are paranoid, remove them.

  • Nope, if it did then I would not have posted to begin with.  I think that would be common sense that if you post people can read it.

  • 99% of my posts are public and quite intentionally so. I’m here on the Xanga for the same reason I remain in Parke County Indiana. I was sent here as one of Christ’s “foreign missionary”s. And everyday I learn a little bit more what He meant when He called me that.

    Sometimes those footprints — even those obviously generated by “bots” — encourage me to seek the Lord about what I should write and post.

    May the Lord bless all who read anything I have posted in His Name!

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - Interesting?  Like say a talking donkey?  hehehe

  • It doesn’t bother me. I mean, why put it on the internet if you don’t want people to read it? 

  • nope, it doesn’t bother me at all. i go back and read peoples posts also, it gives me a better idea of who they are. :)

  • Older posts can be deleted. Saves a lot in paranoia. I prefer to keep all of my posts available. Never know when they might be of benefit to someone.

  • Not at all…
    :) its ok and I will appreciate it a lot.. that means there’s something on my post that makes them interested. :)

  • I don’t mind if someone reads my old posts.  Why would I?  Most of it is nonsense fluff, anyway.  If I didn’t want people to read my old posts I would make them private or erase them.  Better yet, I wouldn’t have written them in the first place!  The internet is a terrible place to put a private diary.  I write in the hope that people will read.  I write so that people will understand me a little better.  Someday soon I hope to start a blog that’s actually WORTH reading.

  • I think it’s funny. My older posts get more hits than newer ones. The older a post, the more it gets viewed for some reason. Also i can se rends. for a long time my suicide guide got massive hits in a short time, now it quieted down. It’s really funy to see what people were looking up and found me, too!

  • won’t you be ashamed of it when you put it up?

    I try to put anything too wild up on my post anyway but if someone reads it -like in my family -maybe they need to read it. lol

  • I don’t mind.
    They can get marked private or deleted…
    That’s strange to leave them there and then worry or complain.

  • yes and they dont never comment on the old ones:)

  • I’m not a “creeper” but I do look at older posts, that’s how I learn if I might want to be your friend. I would NEVER just walk up to someone I don’t know, and suddenly start telling them personal information and calling them friend !

    I am amazed by the people who want you to ask to be their friend, before they will allow you to see their posts , on a sight that is for READING…. DUH how stupid is that?  Becoming someones friend before you know them??????   If you want to subscribe and read , by all means read. if there is something personal that I only want certain people to see it will be “protected” and only seen by those on my protected list” and sorry not everyone who wants to will be allowed on protected. OR if I don’t want anyone to see it anymore It will become “private” and No ONE but myself will see it. That’s why they program those controls into the service.

    So , If I read and like what I read, I will go back and read more…… it’s a compliment to you that I am taking my time to read your things, not being a creeper. YOU put it there for PUBLIC consumption, I’m not creeping, or hiding. I don’t hide who I am, and if you don’t want people surfing anonomyously change the setting in your privacy setting, unless YOU WANT TO CREEP with no one knowing who you are. That’s how it works people. YOU have control, and if you want to creep, you have to allow creepers, if you are not afraid to show who you are, then they have to also….. that means NO CREEPERS. comments are never a requirement, but I always try to leave a couple out of respect.

    I also notice which profile photo I use determines if I get called a creeper. If I use one where I appear to be a handsome young man, everything is ok, if I use any other I get called a creeper…… like I’m a different person…. GROW UP or go back to Face Book where everyone lies to everyone else.

  • it does not bother me in any way.  i am always surprised when i see that people read my  current posts.  sometimes you come across someone that you find interesting so you ust go back and read some of their post from the past to see if you want to subscribe to them or friend them.

  • Not in the least.  If I didn’t want them read, I would mark them protected or private. 

  • I don’t even check my footprints. Considering I only let 30 people see my blog anyway. lol I’m picky. 

  • It is like this. Why keep your post around if you do not want people to read you old post? Also one could say if they didn’t want them to read the old ones, would you really want them to read your new ones? Bro. Doc

  • It makes me glad that someone is apparently trying to get to know me.

  • It doesn’t bother me.  If you are posting to a blog for the world to see it becomes public information.  If you are careful about what you post what do you have to worry about?  I guess I could see it bothering someone who has posted personal information or pictures but maybe they should have kept in mind that the world can see them once posted.  That’s why private information should be kept off of publicly accessed web sites.

  • NO that’s the point of my site, it’s archives of poetry I’ve written / working on for fun. I have a post or two that some seem to visit frequently, and my poetry must suck because I never never have comments or anything haha eProps what have you but i’ve been writing continuously for over 2,500 days 

  • Not in the slightest. If it did, well…I either a) wouldn’t have posted it in the first place or b) wouldn’t have my Xanga public.

  • never.  Won’t post it if I scared someone would read it.

  • Not really. Someone may have just come across your blog and wants to read whatever else you’ve written. What’s the harm in that?

  • I try not to post anything I don’t consider well-written.  I may be totally wrong about my writing, but I don’t publish anything I don’t feel comfortable about having anyone see any time.

  • @olwd - Clearly, a preference for talking donkeys is a rather limited or acquired taste! LOL!

  • It doesn’t bother me in the slightest.  If anyone is reading this comment, feel free to read every single entry of mine.  (Leaving a comment or two would be nice, too.)

    And as @Pure_Taint mentioned, I will click and read my old entries.  Particularly if I can’t remember what the entry was from the title.

  • I’ve archived a fair amount of stuff, but yeah, it does make me paranoid.

  •  my guess is that most often these footprints have nothing to do with how interesting they find me.. it’s something else that i dont know..if footprints found me interesting would’nt they tell me ?

  • my account is new, but with my old account i didn’t care… seems silly. delete and private are your friends people.

  • Tis why I go back and private everything. I think I only have 3 public posts out of 800+ posts…

  • If anything in my old xanga pages would bother me, I would have made the private. 

  • That is why I do not write anything. Wait, why am I here on a blogging site?

  • If someone reads my old posts, that means they think I’m interesting, and that they value my writing ability. Maybe someday it might help me get published. Maybe.

  • Could care less. I don’t look at foot prints.

  • I don’t care what people reads in my site.. I welcome everyone to come and read..

  • Yeah, If it’s from a place I’m familiar with because I treat my xanga like an open diary…I’m afraid that certain people will read it, because I’ve been too lazy to change the names of people and places I write about.

  • That’s silly. There’s a good chance they’re just interested in what you’re writing.
    I know that’s why I do it. Someone’s writing catches my eye or the recent writings refer back so I go back and read the older stuff to know what they’re talking about or something. I never thought of it bothering a person.
    Now I’m going to be paranoid I’m bothering people. lol

  • Why the hell would it bother anybody? That’s just… insane. A person writes blog entries, but only wants the new ones viewed? View more than a couple, and you’re a creeper! Rawr!


  • Not in the least — that’s exactly why I created my topical index covering all my posts by subject matter.

    JulieMillerFan topical Index: 2005-2012

  • @Donkey_Guy_10 - Is that due to them be a limited breed?  hehehe

  • not really, since I read other people’s older posts too… and I also read my older posts too to amaze myself how I write back then in comparison to now ^^

  • Haha, no. I think I’d be flattered.

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  • Only if it’s a reader that never ever says anything.

  • Also, I’m perusing through your relatively old posts because I’m sick in bed with little else to do. Does it bother YOU?

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