May 7, 2013

  • Ok Cupid

    I was listening to the radio on the way to work this morning and they were talking about questions they ask on Ok Cupid to help match couples together.  

    One question they talked about was the question “Is a woman obligated to shave her legs?”  The guys agreed that they didn’t want to be matched up to a woman who answered “no” to that question even if it made them appear to be jerks.
    Is a woman obligated to shave her legs?

Comments (59)

  • No. And anyone who said yes went into the “no” pile for me. Except women, we can’t have our stubble creating friction fires while we’re scissoring. (Not sexist, just science)

  • Yes, my wife has never had hairy legs. 

  • I certainly never got that memo, and interestingly enough, I’ve gotten engaged twice. 

  • I answered no to that question. Because, they’re not. 

    Alas, I’m still single. :

  • I haven’t shaved my legs for about two weeks, just letting all the guys out there know that

  • I said no, but I didn’t mark it as an important question. I don’t shave for most of the winter, nobody sees my legs then anyway.

  • Is a woman obligated to shave her legs? No. Is a man obligated to shave his beard? No. Just don’t be surprised if you’re less attractive to the rest of us with your woolly mammoth legs and a hobo beard.

  • For the millionth time, women are not obligated to do


    just because a man wants them to do it. Next question. 

  • I met my first girlfriend at a summer camp. She had broken her ankle playing baseball a few weeks before and so she had a cast on her leg. After a few days of MAJOR flirting we finally hooked up(just made out really as we were teenagers). Well when I went to feel her legs there was stubble all over them. It was then that it clicked that she probably wouldn’t have been able to shave her legs due to the cast. So I didn’t react with “Ew gross” or anything, I just went from her legs to her arms and was happy with that.

    So to answer the question: If it is practical, I would prefer them shaven. But there are circumstances where I can understand not shaving and won’t be put off by that.

  • Only when they think they are getting some later… and that’s their decision.

  • I don’t worry about this question since I don’t grow hairs on my legs. I suppose if I had to shave, I’d shave. The men I attract tend to be strange enough. The love of Shewookies would only add to the overall weirdness.

  • To me, it’s part of personal hygiene and grooming, maybe not an obligation, but it should be done, like brushing your teeth.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - As long as people can watch. Without us knowing….

  • I want to say yes. Women can really do what they want, but shaved legs are sexy, and hairy ones are not. Society may have made it that way, but society has made a lot of things shitty for people and we still tend to live within the social construct in most cases, and I feel this is a way women concerned about their physical appearance should. It’s relatively easy (my legs are EXTREMELY sensitive, so I feel like I have a right to tell others it’s easy), cheap and just have the sense to do it! It’s also considerate for our partners, in my opinion. I want to be sexy for my man, so I shave. If I were single, I would want to be sexy to attract males. 

    I just don’t see why women shouldn’t shave their legs aside from skin conditions that don’t allow it.

  • @Erika_Steele - Heh, heh you don’t have enough white in you…..My black girlfriend also doesn’t have hairy legs either.

    Japanese and Koreans seem to have more hair on them than Chinese. Of course the Chinese used to laugh at the “hairy barbarians.”

    However very few people do not have hairy armpits. So the hairy jokes are on all of us humans who are mammals that naturally have hair on our bodies.

  • I think it’s an unwritten rule that girls need to shave everything but what is on their head (and that is only assuming they don’t have mustaches.)

    Mean while men get to have unkept bushes, hair chests and backs and it makes them “manly” even if it grosses us out. It grosses me out but I’d never tell my boyfriend how to keep his body hair. He’s a big boy and gets to make that decision by himself.

  • @Erika_Steele - You’re lucky. I need to shave every other day and it’s super annoying and I have scars on my shins from when I was learning to shave when I was a pre-teen. 

  • @Typically_Misunderstood - I think vagina shaving only came about after the accessibility of internet porn. If you look at 70s, 80s, even early 90s you’ll be watching afro pussies gettin gettin. Having said that–I wouldn’t say it’s an unwritten rule. Under arm definitely, and leg shaving maybe. I don’t see how some girls have time for so much leg shaving though honestly. My showers are like 15 minutes or less as I don’t have time for anything longer.

  • Nope.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to shave mine on a regular basis.  Stubble is icky.

  • @Marica0701 - cool!  Now how about your underarms?

  • @gobdog - Eh, mine take about 15 mins with shaving. 

  • I prefer when women braid the hair on their legs.

  • No, women are not obligated to shave their legs, Ain’t nobody got time for that!

  • lol I entered “no” and I had enough male matches who answered the same. Actually I didn’t see anyone who answered yes.
    You make your gender appear worse than it is Dan.

    (p.s. there is a differnce between saying “I would prefer them shaven when we have sex” and “you are obliged to shave them every day”. Even though I do think it’s something you can get over. I don’t know why it’s even worth talking about.)

  • some cultures women don’t shave. For example iin Spain you can run across hairy legs and in Germany hairy arm pits

  • Having sex with women of unshaved legs is like dieing the death of 1000 cuts.

    Unshaved legs and bad breath are precisely why the doggy position was invented, lo those many millenia ago…

  • I don’t personally think it is the most important, however it does show a lot about themselves and their personal hygiene not shaving. 

  • Wow, unless they have really hairy legs I can’t imagine that as an issue.

  • Nope. I keep my legs shaved for me. I would never expect someone else to shave anything. I don’t mind being told I should shave my legs, but it’s when other things are involved that I get pissed… like when someone else seems to think my vagina should look prepubescent. Eww.

  • well, at least the first few dates, yes,

    you promise them everything at first.

  • I don’t shave. I use an epilator instead, shaving makes it hairier or so i think. I just don’t like hair on me but answering your question, personally, i don’t see it as an issue if her legs are covered? Maxi dress? :P

  • There’s an interesting article somewhere about how the questions that they ask are actually disguises for other questions. For example, the question asking if you like the taste of beer. If you answer yes, you are supposedly more likely to have sex on the first date. Strange. They have the statistics up on the site. Obviously bullshit, but interesting bullshit.

  • I don’t shave if no one’s going to see.

    Pants ftw.

  • No, but I still feel better doing it and sure as hell wouldn’t leave my house in shorts without doing it unless I was just going exercising or something.

  • I wouldn’t so much as say a woman is obligated to shave her legs and -ahhm- other erroneous zones, but if she intends to wear a short skirt, that is one feature a gentleman will likely look for, clean shaven legs.

    That and a flirtatious smile to complete the set. 

  • I don’t think a woman should be obligated to remove the hair from her body unless she wants to.  My legs aren’t clean-shaven everyday, I’m still married.  Of course, a man can have his preferences whether or not he likes hairless legs (or other body parts), but it’s not up to him to dictate whether or not she removes it.

  • Get laser hair removal so you won’t have to shave.

  • Obligated, no, but, but personally I prefer it myself, lol. Hubby prefers it, too.

  • Due to severely sensitive skin, I cannot shave every single day like most women. In the summer, I make it a point to shave every 4-5 days since I like wearing capris and shorts.

    Outside of that, my ex didn’t care about stubble and neither does my husband.
    Also, women shouldn’t be obligated to do jack shit to “appease” the expectations of a man. But, alas, society has ruined all normal standards such as personality being the most important thing outside of basic attraction.

  • No they shouldn’t have to but it’s gross if they don’t.

  • A more interesting question is: If you were applying for a job, and your potential employer did an internet search on you and found your dating site, would you still be hired?

  • Being something of a hippy, I have seen women with hairy legs, not just stubble. It’s unusual but might be able to get used to it. 

  • No but then I am Chinese so yeah. Lol.

  • my neighbor’s sister-in-law makes $80/hour on the internet. She has been unemployed for 10 months but last month her income was $20596 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more here

  • a woman is not obligated to do anything.  

  • It’s up to the lady. I sometimes do, I sometimes don’t. 

  • @ChaosDice - I’m the same way. 

  • If us guys have to shave our beards and mustaches for the women, you have to shave your legs for us. It takes the same amount of time. Let’s all respect the double standard. 

    For the record, I answered no to that question. I think it depends on what you like. Some women like facial hair on guys and some guys don’t care about a bit of leg hair on women. 

  • No… as with anything it is each person’s choice and/or personal preference. I stay “shaved” all summer and less so during the winter.. but I am of American Indian heritage and do not have a lot of body hair to deal with. I do always shave if I’m going to be wearing a skirt.

  • My answer was, so long as she isnt hairier than me 

  • I shave because it makes me happy to have smooth skin. I’ve honestly never met a guy that was so turned off by a few days worth of stubble that he turned away from me in disgust though. OkCreeper is a shit place to find a “boyfriend” for more than a few nights however, so I wouldn’t take anyone on there seriously.

  • lol I hate that site. 

  • I found my current SO on OKC and it doesn’t work as cut and dry as you are portraying it.  People rate the question on whether or not they feel women should shave their legs (or whatever other questions) and then the respective people also rate how important that question is to them.  So if its important to both members in the couple and they agree on whatever it is they are more likely to be matched together.  

    But to answer your question I feel like a woman should not feel obligated to shave her legs, but at the same time she should understand that this choice may shrink her pool of possible dates significantly.  It’s pretty f***ed up really, but it is the truth.

  • One of the benefits of growing older, leg hair gets thinner and gray doesn’t show through pantyhose.  I tell my wife all the time not to bother, but she still shaves before showing her legs in public.

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