June 5, 2013

  • Paying for Xanga

    I have noticed that some people now believe that xanga will probably gain the $60,000 needed to save xanga.  Here is the link to donate:  Link

    But some people appear to think that xanga will struggle to continue on a paid model.  The thinking is that it will be tough for xanga to go much beyond that if people have to pay $48.00 a year.
    I suggested to someone on the xanga team that they should raise more than $60,000 (maybe $120,000) and then allow everyone to continue for free.
    Is paying for xanga a deal breaker for you personally?

Comments (121)

  • It’s not a deal breaker for me personally. However, while we will probably reach $60,000, I think that double that is way beyond our reach.

  • It’s not a deal breaker for me personally, but I worry that Xanga could survive very long if people have to pay to use it. It’s already been dwindling drastically over the last few years, and it’s been free.

  • Yes, I’m sad to say that it is! 

  • No it’s not. I’m happy to pay for it if I feel like staying :)

  • If I wanted to pay to blog, I’d buy my own URL.  With blackjack.  And hookers.

  • It is. I’m poor. If I was making more money, maybe I could swing it, but right now I just can’t do it. 

  • You read my blog. You know it is for me. Xanga is dying out anyway. It’s not even hard to get on top blogs anymore. That used to be an accomplishment. It used to take quite a few views to get in the top 20. It takes around 30 views now, from what I’ve seen.

  • Sad to say that it is. I see now that you could potentially “make up” the $48 you spend from ad revenue, but I don’t know if I can put in so much work into my content that it will break even.

  • No, I don’t mind. I don’t think the cost is outrageous, I can afford it, and I’ve been blogging for free for a while, so I guess it’s about time I give back. I would like it if Xanga would set up a system where bloggers who want to stay but can’t afford can be helped (monetarily) by those who would like to help them. There’s probably a few people who could afford to pay more than $48, and some who can’t afford that much.

  • Not really since it’s not a lot, just worried about how it will affect the community by deterring people that otherwise would have stayed.

  • No I would gladly pay by money order–I will not pay by credit card.  I will mail it in—-glady

  • Not a deal breaker for me. I cannot bear to part ways and like @leaflesstree said, I would think of it as paying for the past ten years I’ve used the service. 

  • It’s a deal breaker. I don’t make enough money to toss that sort of money away. Even if I did, why should I? They need to fix it up. It has it’s errors. Having premium or whatever the new one would be isn’t worth it. I care more about the people I speak to on xanga than xanga itself.

  • It’s not for me.

  • It would not be a deal breaker if they honor the CURRENT status of all Xangans, how many months they are already paid up for, or if they are lifetime members, and HONOR that entirely at the new site.As it is, yes, it’s a deal breaker. That money will apparently go to naught and I’m understanding it will be a higher cost at the new place, provided they reach their expected donation status.This stinks, and that’s me being nice about it. @Super_Rob_of_the_Sky - Are they cute ?

  • I will be happy to pay to keep Xanga… especially now that I have had the benefit of so many free years, and the joy of making so many good connections… and now that I can afford a little extra whereas before I could not.  But to me it is worth it after so many years and through it God has brought me people that I needed, and a way to reach out to others who needed it… it means enough to me now to spend some of my even very limited income on it.  I would not want to have to pay a monthly fee, but a one time reasonable yearly fee… no problem.  Xanga is way more worth it than anything like paying for cable.I’m on board with what leaflesstree has said.

  • Not a deal breaker for me…. The deal breaker is losing half the people I love because they don’t think it’s worth it. Your idea is great… But we aren’t even certain we can raise 60k.

  • @Typically_Misunderstood - But will you not lose touch with those Xanga people, without Xanga?  I’m pretty sure I will, and the people here mean alot to me.

  • Sadly, yes. Jimmy and I can’t get on board with paying for Xanga. 

  • Sadly for me it is but for that same reason I don’t mind stepping down. Some day when I could afford it, I can reconsider.

  • Is it 48 to post blogs? What if I simply want to lurk? I’m not paying to be creepy on the internet. 

  • I’m not going to pay for an internet site. The only thing on the internet that should cost money is porn. Only really GOOD porn at that. Everything else is free and should stay free. So whether it shuts down or starts charging, I will be leaving regardless.

  • $48 is totally worth it to me to keep my home here. 

  • Not a deal breaker for me at this point.

  • If Xanga cannot meet its payments, it is time for it to die. It is obviously an unsuccessful endeavour, and it should be treated as the failure that it is. After all, does it not receive capital via ads? Companies place ads with ‘free’ sites only if they are successful in attracting people (see Facebook which has never charged a fucking dime). Xanga does not attract enough people to warrant its continued existence. LET IT DIE.You morons and your idea of ‘donating’ monies in the hope of keeping it alive is exactly the same as your government stealing your hard-earned tax dollars to pull GM and CHRYSLER, not to mention hundreds of other failed companies, out of bankruptcy. GM and CHRYSLER failed due to the fact they build shit cars. Xanga failed as a blog site. All deserved to die. Capitalism weeds out the weaklings.

  • It’s a deal breaker. An online social networking site shouldn’t have to cost money for it to be able to function.

  • I am not really afraid of the price. I fear walled gardens, they always fail eventually

  • I PAID Xanga for a “life time premium”. And now, not only are they threatening to shut down if they dont meet the needs, but they also want to charge anothe r48 dollars? Unfair.

  • @Super_Rob_of_the_Sky - I have seen quite a number of xangans get their own url, set up there own blog on their own server – and immediately flop because they were attached to no community!

  • It’s not a deal breaker for me but I know it is for quite a few people.  There are also people who prefer to pay by cheque, Pay Pal or money order.  I don’t know how they’ll get their money in.  Maybe there could be a community fund to help a few bloggers who want to continue but can’t afford to. 

  • I’m not paying. A paid model is a last ditch effort to save this place and will only prolong the inevitable and those people who buy those multi-year subscriptions are only throwing away money. I’d rather not have to switch, but let’s face reality here. Xanga is done.

  • I just plain don’t blog enough to justify it. I used to but was already thinking about not renewing my premium. I’ll probably see who goes to the new site and just comment like I do right now.

  • There goes 9 years of documenting my life.

  • I’m new here, but what’s all this talk about saving Xanga?

  • @Baseballchik138 - When the fundraiser ends and they make $60K+, you get to keep your account and the people you subscribed to. They will, however, delete all your posts/pulses/images/videos/etc. You can comment and lurk :)

  • Unfortunately so.

  • Not necessarily.  

  • guess it depends on who will all be there..

  • Forty-eight Dollars a year?  That’s four Dollars a month.  Is it worth it?  You betcha’!  

  • I appreciate xanga for what it is and what it has been to me (it did introduce me to my boyfriend of two years this coming August), but if it ends, it ends. I don’t have extra money to throw at it. I’ve never really in all my years had any readers. I know it’s supposed to be a blogging “community” but I was never really included in said community. I hope the best for it. I would donate money if there wasn’t such a high minimum donation. Paying to blog seems silly to me.

  • @trunthepaige is totally on point. This drive will resuscitate Xanga for it to die a slow, painful, and undignified death.$48 is good for things like a subscription to online gaming or for some buisnessman’s subscription to the Wall Street Journal. New users without the nostalgia or prior relationship son Xanga will want to pay to fucking blog. With the pay wall, Xanga won’t be able to get enough new members to replenish the Xangans who will eventually leave– and they will, attentions drift and shit in life pops up.

  • Yeah. I just think it’s time to move on. If I were to pay for anything, it would be the option to download my entire blog before the site inevitably tanks.

  • I’m willing to stand with my fellow Xangans who love the site.  We’ve poured our hearts out  here, for a very long time.  What makes Xanga worth paying for?   We’ve invested huge chunks of our lives here. My $48 isn’t simply about me.  I want to stand with my fellow Xangans who are willing to put their money where their writing is.

  • I’ve never paid for sex or blogging, and I don’t want to start now. :/

  • @JstNotherDay - Not with most of them. I’ve been giving out my Facebook and finding out which blog site most of my friends are going to. (WordPress ftw) I do like Xanga better than WordPress…but not enough to pay for it.

  • They couldn’t grow users with a free product, and now we’re to assume they suddenly have the management prowess to increase numbers with a pay only site? 

  • @Baseballchik138 - I believe you only pay to blog; you don’t pay just to comment.

  • move on Dan……Think about it…..the people who want to pay for it Have no social life……at alll. 

  • NOTICE that this is ONLY at $22,000 thats all thats going to happen. It was $18,000 two days ago and only $4,000 increase? yeah Xanga is on its wy out…..the people that are grieving are stupid You mean to tell me you cant move to Tumblr or WordPress or anywhere else? sheesh the people that are mourning this site, really have no lives….. 

  • It’s not the $48. I just saw that it’s $90 for premium WordPress! I’m waiting to see if it happens first. These are the same people who took my money for another year’s premium just a month ago. Sorry, but I don’t trust them yet.

  • dunno yet…    but for myself i’m not sure if i would actually pay to blog when not that many read my posts anyway..     

  • I’m not paying them anything. All I have received is hate and insults. A few of you are awesome! Most suck ass. But no, I’m not paying to be verbally assaulted! Also, these majority are why traffic is way down and sinking! No, I like the site, but it should be allowed to die gracefully. It certainly didn’t live as such.

  • sadly for me it is a deal breaker..

  • @Typically_Misunderstood - If you can’t pay $48 for a year’s worth of Xanga how on earth do you pay off loans?  If you’re smart about money you can budget it.  If you have time to play around on Xanga you have time to budget it.  Time = money.If struggling artists can pay for a years worth subscription to an art site people can pay $48.  I think it’s just a matter of won’t.  I probably won’t because of the sole reason that I don’t use Xanga as often as I used to before.  If I was on here daily like I was a few years ago, yes I could budget $48.  It’s like people saying “I can’t afford to cook at home” (bullllshit it’s cheaper to cook at home).

  • i paid to be a life member, so it seems doable for me

  • I’ve thought a lot about this. On the one hand, you’ve got the folks that paid Lifetime. That should mean what it says. I understand the argument that this will be a new xanga, so you must have a new membership; but it does leave one with feelings of uneasiness as they venture to a “new” xanga.Obviously, I’m not keen about paying to blog, and I can imagine that the landscape will change drastically post apocalypse. That said, I would be willing to host a group blog, and split payments with my group. That’s an idea that is a bit more palatable to me. Another plus with this idea is that when one of us has a lot going on, the others can keep the site rolling.Just my take, sweet Dan…

  • Not right now. But I can afford it. I know many people who can’t, so yeah… and they love Xanga. :(  

  • This makes me upset. My entries date back to 2005. I have been writing in this journal for almost 10 years, off and on. It tells a story of meeting my first love and losing it. All of my struggles and deepest feelings. I am glad we have a heads up I want to print and save all entries in all archives. If I have to find a new journal that will be fine. I would hate to see the last 8 years of my life just get ripped away from me. I guess it would be cool to start over. I like to reflect through all of my old entries. I find it interesting the feelings I had when I was younger. To watch myself grow and have a lot of material invested on this site is going to be so hard to part with. I doubt this site will make it for another 5 years. I better start copying my archives so they will not be lost.

  • @xHappyLoveSickx - All Xangans can download their blog archives in HTML form from now until July 15th (this has traditionally been a Premium feature, but they’re opening it up for all members):http://www.xanga.com/private/archives.aspx

  • Currently a lifer with premium. When things stabilize, I will be willing to contribute to the operation of xanga. Been here for 10 years. Would like to be here another 10 and see how things continue to change. 

  • Paying for this is most definitely a deal breaker.  Why pay to be able to express yourself?

  • I wonder if it would be easier for those who aren’t able to afford $48 if they could pay $1 a week. For me it’s not a problem, and I am happy to pay it. I don’t know if I will go again for a second year though – will have to wait and see.

  • Why can’t they just put adverts all over the site? Who cares what it looks like, it’s how it functions that we all like so much isn’t it?

  • Keeping xanga alive much longer is like refusing to put a dog down because you love it so much: it’s just kinda mean after awhile.

  • @letsgoskate194 - Not sure if you’ve seen, but you can download an archive. I have almost 9 years of my life recorded on here, too. I’m emailing my entries to myself, just in case.

  • As much as I love xanga, and have been blogging on here for the past 9 years under various user names, I will never pay to compile my thoughts, not anywhere for any reason. 

  • Sadly, it is….like others if I had the money I would in a heartbeat. 

  • Given the number of free alternatives, and the fact I comment more than post, I won’t pay but I’ll probably still be around.

  • I’ve had no problem paying for xanga

  • I just pay for change my username lol

  • I won’t be paying for Xanga. Our income is tight now as it is, and life already has so many expenses. I really wish that Xanga could somehow go around the yearly payment, but as of right now, I will not be returning. I will blog till the 15th of July though :)

  • Yes, unfortunately. I’m trying to start making money off my blogs, not go the other way. As much as I love Xanga, there are plenty of free blogging sites out there. I think if your site gets a certain amount of hits, you shouldn’t have to pay for it because then you’re generating money for the site. This will also discourage spammers, or fake or multiple accounts.

  • It is a deal breaker for me. I don’t want to be forced to pay for a site if I don’t have to.

  • If we need to chip in to save it then we all must!

  • @Celestial_Teapot - Xanga could do like others have done… let new users join for free and only ask them to pay after a certain period of time has elapsed.  They will either have discovered how special Xanga is and forged relationships, and join, or they will not.

  • just as Sandra explained I didnt even know that someone able to get paid $9560 in 1 month on the computer. did you read this web site http://www.rev24.com

  • Paying for Xanga is definitely a dealbreaker for me.  For the paltry community that I now have after all their changes, it just isn’t worth it.  When it started, it might have been worth it.  Then, it was easy to build a community of friends.  Now, it’s almost impossible.  I haven’t added anyone’s subscription since I don’t know when.  And no one has added me.  Bye bye Xanga.

  • @Baseballchik138 - No; you only have to pay to host a blog.I would personally pay just because I’ve been on Xanga for almost 12 years now, and $48/month isn’t much at all.  They also plan on doing a major enhancement of the site with the paid plan, which is what the site really needs.  Maybe it will allow more -ish sites to form as well.I think though that if Xanga wanted their membership base to grow, they would look into being acquired by Facebook or Twitter.

  • @KageOokami - Won’t. Can’t. Pick one.Either way, why does it matter to you? Wow, what a judgmental person you are. You automatically assume I don’t know how to budget? Have you considered I have too many bills to drop money on blogging website? You don’t know my financial situation, my hospital bills, my education situation, rent situation or, in general, anything about me. I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t pass judgement as if you did. Perhaps having less than $100 for “extra” stuff every month means that I won’t be dropping money on a God damn website when I could get one for free. Also, why the fuck would you rip into me like that? It’s a deal breaker so back off.

  • I wouldnt pay to stay this website does not mean much to me at all, but hey ty everyone for telling me this place is going down the drain I was able to copy paste all my fav blogs from my site to use later.

  • If the site is re-invented, does that mean all of our current stuff is transferred, or the community just starts over? Here’s the thing: I would pay to keep the site I have now, but is that what I would be paying for? Or would I just be paying to stay part of the people of Xanga, albeit in a totally new format/site without the history of my site and its looks?This is what I’ve been wondering. Not sure if this is where I should ask.

  • Definitely a deal breaker for me. Even though its not too terribly expensive (and besides the fact that I have other, more important expenses in my life that I need to use that money on), it just seems silly to pay for something that a) I can get free elsewhere and b) I hardly use anymore anyway. It’ll be sad to stop blogging here after more than 10 years, but most of the friends I had left a long time ago and there’s just not much left here for me to justify paying for my stay. Of course I’ll be around commenting on occasion, but I am not paying to blog. I already pay for internet access. That’s more than enough money spent on computer related things.

  • just wrote my thoughts in an entry

  • Paying for Xanga would be a deal breaker for me.

  • Definitely a deal breaker.Then again, I stopped paying for a premium account when I noticed all the extra features I’d been paying for were given to free users after a few updates years ago. Personally – Xanga hasn’t been worth it for years now, which is why I kept my accounts open for purely free picture storage that was a heck of a lot easier than flickr and a bunch of other image storage sites.Was thinking of coming back to do the bulk of my blogging here again, but now that this situation has reared up, just gonna take it as a sign that I probably shouldn’t bother and just find somewhere else to host my images anyway.

  • $48 is nothing for me.  But it’s a deal-breaker because we won’t be getting the old Xanga.  The old Xanga is dead.  If Xanga 2.0 turns out to be as good as or better than the old Xanga then I’ll probably stick around and give them money.  But I won’t give them a dime for the promises they’re making.  Because they don’t seem to be promising shit.

  • @Marica0701 - Unless I’m mistaken, all work here will not be saved for the new proposed system. Can someone verify or disclaim this ?Marica, if you haven’t yet personally backed up your stuff so there is a copy on your own computer, you can do so by going HERE.

  • @dw817 - I have been told that everything would be transferred to “Xanga 2.0″. And I’ve already archived, just in case.

  • One fee a year I might consider. It’s just that when I look at paid sites, $30-50 gets me a MONTH, not a year. I’m not paying that every month.

  • Yeah, it is. If it was paying to upgrade to something bigger and better, or for some reason other than the team’s own incompetence, then maybe. But right now, no, I wouldn’t pay that much. I can keep my domain name and all of WordPress’ bells and whistles for a year on half of what the Xang is asking.

  • It seems to me that it’s a little too late.  Xanga was the hottest thing around 12 years ago but they failed to see the trends in the internet, the market and keep up with the changes and progress in programming.  If they had been pro-active with a good business model even five years ago they might have had a chance but they are chasing the tail here and it’s very unlikely they will catch it and then be able to hang on long enough to survive.  If they did not have a good plan then what makes one think that they are capable of having a good plan now?  Xanga is a business and they didn’t keep up with the competition.  I think it would be investing in a sinking ship with absolutely no guarantee of return.  Not a wise investment of my money. 

  • I’ll pay to keep Xanga. Xanga!  

  • It’s a definite deal breaker for me. I love xanga, but there are so many other sites out there that I can use for free. I am a struggling broke college student as it is, I can’t afford to pay for it. If I could, believe me I would do it.

  • yeah, it is. i did the premium occasionally, but the nice thing about that was that it was optional. i’m also of the mind that if i’m going to pay for it i might as well just purchase my own domain. so i did. so much more freedom in your own site anyway.

  • @Marica0701 - The work would be transferred ? That would be brilliant – if they do it. I’m thinking they’re not going to allow any free accounts there ? I know someone mentioned it was only pennies a day for the new site but when you add up ALL the pennies everyone has ALREADY paid for THIS site and they’re not going to get reimbursed, pretty sure it comes to more than just a few dollars that will be swept away and NOT counted in this $60,000 donation they expect to receive.I already paid a year’s membership a few months back, if they wanna honor it on the new site, great, I’ll be there. If not and they say, well, sorry, David, you may have paid for an account here, but this one is shutting down so you need to pay us NEW money to get on the new site not counting what I already paid at all – well, I deem that grossly unfair.The people who are going to benefit from this most are the people who have been in Xanga for free and will now pay to see the 2.0 changeover. The people who are going to hurt the most will be the ones that paid big bucks to get a lifetime membership earlier and find their status does not carry over.I’m bitter, I can afford $48, I just don’t like to get robbed and I want to see how they handle their disgruntled customers who have already put money in their pockets.

  • I can afford it, i don’t mind paying. When I use to eat out at restaurants I was a very good tipper- so really if you like something or a service why not pay for it? I’m very lucky and I think that xanga is worth it.

  • Four bucks a month. If that’s a deal breaker for anyone, Xanga is either not very important to them or they are destitute.

  • @dw817 - Xanga is a business. Every other website is a business. Businesses have expenses. Xanga has expenses – paying the Team, paying for the server, etc. I don’t know how sites that are entirely free for users to access can be successful, to be honest. I understand when a site has subscription fees. There is no such thing as a free lunch. I think we’re all, in general, too used to “free” things that we balk when a fee, which to me really isn’t much when you break it down, is asked.The only way that Xanga 2.0 can be for free is when people comment and read through blogs. It only costs money if you want to actually blog.I’ve paid for two years’ worth of Premium in the past. I had wanted to get Lifetime, but by the time I finally wanted it then Xanga pulled the plug on offering it. I still don’t have an issue with paying the $48, and because of this situation I honestly don’t care too much about my current Premium still being honoured – but it sure is nice that it will be (some form of a credit – I don’t remember exactly – seriously, just read edlives’s blog and find all the answers in his last several posts).I’ve heard some cool and interesting things for Xanga 2.0. I’ve called Xanga “home” for 8.5 years. I am very hopeful and optimistic for 2.0 so I am more than willing to give it a chance. Yeah, maybe the Xanga Team could’ve handled things a bit better, but after reading numerous articles I have come to understand and accept the underlying issues and problems. I am willing to give them, and this site, another chance. If Xanga is moved to be powered by WordPress, it could give them a clean slate to do things much cleaner and better.

  • @Marica0701 - As I have told Ed, the proof is in the pudding. So far my Pudding Pop is an empty stick. I will wait to see what happens however …I’m on a completely free one right now that permits unlimited posts of any size and uploaded images of any amount and has a strong community with excellent notification options. It’s a diamond in the rough and a rare find.I’ve only been there 6-days but things are definitely looking good and I’ve already made some nice friends and plan to post new stuff in there daily. I’ve already written 5 full posts, my original writing, one short story, one full-length story, and one of my poems, and receive feedback on them minutes after I send them.I plan to post a short video in there Saturday.I’ve also talking to one old timer in PM on there who writes and says he’s been there 10-years and he seems really relaxed and comfortable there, no problems. Emails are verified before you can join, better security than Xanga in that respect.Xanga² if that is what they are going to call it will have some stiff competition by the time they get out of their diapers since they plan a total rewrite. They need to see what is already and completely free out there before going this paid route – unless there is some immense and positive payoff to the members.I think all of us need to see a SCREENSHOT of this future Xanga planned to at least put some of our fears at rest. That would help alleviate some of my tension anyways.It will all be done in one month from now and BAM ! Xanga comes right back for everyone ?I like magic tricks as much as the next person and I really want this one to work, I would like to see future Xanga – but they need to show some proof and not what could well be [Link: VAPORWARE].I could be the strongest supporter of Xanga or their darkest enemy. The choice is entirely up to them.

  • One thing I wish they’d understand is its hard for a site to grow, if they go from being free to being $48.  It is a death sentence for Xanga.   I just don’t see how they can get new members this way.  Advertising is really the best way to keep a site free.  And yes, I would not be able to afford giving to Xanga, just to do what I can elsewhere.  I do believe I   hear a large woman starting her opera, now.

  • It’s not a deal breaker but idk if I could keep up with 48 every year for the next however many years I’m here…

  • Xanga is totally worth the money. When is it going to close? I just paid for a year, and would pay more if that would hold this together. I have been here since 2002. Please advise

  • @brrraaaiiins - They lowered the minimum donation to $1.

  • Yes, and most of my Xanga friends. Too many other options out there, and I’ve already been paying for a self-hosted WordPress site.

  • I wouldn’t pay to blog. I’d rather leave. I am hardly ever here anyway. I could do better things with my $48. 

  • @vegasmike433 - You want advice ? I can offer some. Keep a tight grip on your wallet, seriously.They’re closing July 15th coming right up. And they have already said they MAY NOT make it – I would certainly be looking at other blogging sites just in case they don’t have the new site for ready by then.

  • Not a deal breaker for me, but like a few have stated, I think this place will change. I bought two already, one for me and one for a lucky friend. 

  • It would be a deal breaker. I just come on here when I’m bored and read the stuff I’m subscribed to. I blog elsewhere. 

  • I think it should be paid for the ones who want all the bells and whistles of a paid model and dumbed down for the people who want a free version. I feel back for the people who paid for a life membership….I guess life is shorter than expected.

  • @dw817 - What service is it? You can PM the answer to me if it makes you feel better.

  • If they honor the people who already paid for a “Lifetime” or “Premium” account then no. Not a deal breaker.. if not then all I have to say is “Hello Tumblr”

  • I’m afraid it’s a deal breaker for me. I don’t have a problem with them charging for their service and I wish those who do join the best. I love a few people here and that’s why I stay, but my interest in Xanga has been fading, and that is when it is free, so I don’t see myself paying. I’m sad to say it and will miss many of you.

  • I think part of their problem raising the money right now is that the community, what’s left of it, is disjointed. I’ve seen websites rise from the ashes simply because of a united user community pulling together to raise or do what was needed to keep it going, even for just a little while. THIS is part of Xanga’s current problem, imo. they spread themselves too thin by introducing the -ISH sites and all that jazz (at one time, there were 14 -ISH sites, including the original 3 HK versions of them, plus Xanga itself). niche blogging is fine, but they created separate communities rather than just simply creating a category system to keep the Xanga community together. a united community is a stronger community. by having one united community, they wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not they’d make it to $60,000 because the community would be able to pull together to help. Instead, we’ve got what often feels like separate countries using the same servers. There’s the ancient kingdom of Xanga, with all of it’s neighboring kingdoms founded by people who decided to go off and strike it out on their own. Yeah, I know Xanga runs all of them – but really they’ve spent so much time (and probably money that could have been put to better use on the main site) developing them and then keeping them going as their communities began to dwindle as well. why, half of the -ish sites that were here when I went silent on my blog are now gone completely. too little, too late.I doubt they’ll make it to the full $60,000. what’s left of the community is still broken and disjointed, many who have free sites and either can’t afford or don’t see the point in paying for things they already get for free.@x_tinydreams_x - - back in the days of yore when Myspace was the in-thing, Xanga did have that plan going on. premium got you all the bells and whistles while free got you the basics – a set amount of photo storage and unlimited blogging. you couldn’t change the layout much, but hey, it was free. problems only started cropping up when they started giving all the bells and whistles to the free accounts as well. a lot of users looked at the developments the same way I did - “why am I paying for all this when they’re just giving it away for free now?” so we stopped paying for it and dropped down to a free site. this, imo, was one of Xanga’s first big mistakes. if they wanted to keep people giving them money, they should have kept premium features for ONLY premium users. we’d pay them, they’d have money, and they wouldn’t be as screwed up as they are now.

  • @leaflesstree - actually, the fundraiser effort has that option from what I saw.”Two year-long blogging memberships at $4/month, for a total of $96. (i.e. One membership for you, one for a friend.)”

  • @x_tinydreams_x - Yeah, tell me about it. I paid $100 (around 2006 or 2007) out of money that would’ve been better used elsewhere had I known that this was going to happen. I love Xanga, but I can’t afford to contribute or stay aboard. I have kids to provide for and student loans to repay after all.

  • @KikeDeflateNathan -  Nathan thanks man, I appreciate it.

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