June 12, 2013

  • Xanga Friendships Vs. Your Thoughts

    I was talking to one of the members of the xanga team the other day and I mentioned that I thought that the majority of people were on xanga for friendships.  

    But then I read a comment by someone that said the friendships were not really that important.  The person suggested that the most important thing was his thoughts on here for the last several years.
    So lets imagine that you had to pick between your xanga friends and your content.  You could only keep one.
    Would you rather keep your friends on xanga or keep your content from xanga?

Comments (64)

  • Friends, for sure. Most of what I’ve written is blathering nonsense, and I’m sure my friends would agree. 

  • My friends, definitely.

  • The friends I’ve made here have enriched my life far more than any words I’ve written.

  • Friends. I’d rather keep my heart than my words.

  • Friends, I have no content. I’m really on here because I have problem and like reading about what other people in this world are doing. 

  • I’ve always just kept my content in a plain text file anyway. I’d rather have the couple of cool people I’ve met here over the years. If it was between them and the text file, still the friends.

  • I actually am kinda torn, but that’s beacuse I’ve only been on here for about 2 years and only started to make friends about a year ago. It would be different if I was on here for years. Plus I’ve come a long way in the last two years and I’d like to be able to keep my posts to reflect on. But right now, I would say friends.

  • Friends – definitely!

  • Good broadcast! Good job!

  • Friends. Although some of the posts I’ve written were about my car accident and I want them for documentation, so losing those would super suck.

  • Content. This is the only place I’ve written down stuff about my kids-milestones, etc. Most of it private. I can’t remember any of it, my brain is such a jumble, so if one of my kids asks me “mom, when did I start crawling” this is pretty much my only shot at finding the answer for them. I only chat with a few Xangs IRL (aka off xanga) and have yet to meet any IRL so while they have touched me and I value having gotten to know them a bit, I would not be as devastated if I can’t keep in touch. 

  • Reading above, I guess I’m the only heartless bastard that would keep my content. But then again, I haven’t really blogged and thus haven’t really talked to many xangans for like…3 years…

  • Friends, no question there.

  • Friends, but more because I needed a fresh start and don’t really have any content left.  

  • What good is content without friends? I mean, c’mon it’s gotta be friends!

  • I’ve lost writing before. It never feels good to do so, but you can always write more. The friends cannot be replaced.

    So the answer is I would always keep the friends.

  • That’s tough. I would say neither… I don’t want to keep my content. I also haven’t made many friends on Xanga. If I had to choose though, I would choose friends. 

  • You had a good broadcast- it’s a shame that there were so many glitches with the sound being dropped. 

  • How would this work? If I have no friends, writing is a journal… if I blog no writing, nobody reads anything but they come to write? I suppose friends then. Its not possible, but, I’ll go with it.

  • Friendships. Th content is just the context of the friendships, anyways. It’s not like I don’t hav a memory that serves that same purpose.

  • @BarniganFlarn - I feel like friends is the right answer here. Gosh I don’t like hypothetical questions. My first thought was content because, well, my blog is me. Its a record of who I was when I first started Xanga and who I’ve become since then and the struggles I’ve overcome in between. To lose all that wouldn’t invalidate it in any way but I wouldn’t have the opportunity to look back on specific instances and see with specific hindsight how things changed or turned out for the better or still need to be improved or whatever. And, well, it isn’t until recently that I’ve had people actually read what I write, which is ok. I don’t see why I can’t have both (hence, hating hypothetical situations, too many factors- WHY can’t I have both?!). Sorry to my two readers out there (if that) but I think I too am going to say content. 

  • ,,,((( O people Say No God But Allah, Achieve Eternal Salvation )))

     ” Laa illaha illa lah .” (There is none worthy of worship except Allah.)

     ( I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger )

    ( Introduction to Islam )


  • Friends,  my content is history.

  • Friends – I didnt even come on xanga to make friends, but still I’d choose the few friends or acquaintances I’ve made on here. I could care less about the content becaus the past is the past and all of it was pretty depressing anyway. I’ve already said I’d let the content be deleted (ten years worth) and I mean it.

  • friends!

    ed.: I am happy I SHARED my thoughts here though. If they get deleted from the Xanga servers, that doesn’t mean what I said gets deleted from people’s heads, whether it was kind or critical. At least I hope so, haha.

  • I’m very very tempted to say content…. I don’t have any friends on xanga that i meet outside of the web (I don’t live in the US i think that makes up a lot of the reason). 

    But if I did have friends I made from Xanga, then I would probably go for friends?
    I don’t know.. the content is important too, because it says who I was and how I became what i am now. BUT, it’s in the past, and whats in the past is just memories and even though memories are important, i’d like to think the present and the future is more important.
    So… xanga friends. If i had them.

  • Definitely Friends!!!  That is a no brainer Dan.

  • Friends. I like my writing/content but having no one to share it with makes it not as special. It would be like the guy who has every book in the world but no one to talk to about anything. I know I am an introvert but that doesn’t mean I dont value those friendships I do make.

  • Friends of course.  I can write stuff other places, even using a pencil and paper.

  • It’s all about the fun and interesting interaction with friends of all types…from all over the world. The blogging part is just an aid to foster those interactions.

  • Friendship because that can outlast a web site. I keep in contact with most of the folks I befriended on here. Hell, I just sent you a friend request on Facebook. If it were just my thoughts and content, with no one to read it, well… it would’ve been a lonely existence. I know I talked a little trash here and there about not needing readership, but, at the end of the day, I want people to read my shit.  

  •  well, my content is nothing without the comment of the friends.

    @buddy71 - hey!

    @Donkey_Guy_10 - hey!

    @saintvi - hey!

    @leaflesstree -hey! 


  • @ata_grandma - hey!

    see what I mean about friends

  • I don’t have a lot of really close friends here, but the couple I do have are worth triple their weight in gold.  I would much rather keep them. my writing (babbling) is a lot of silliness, and some memories.  I will always have my memories and new silliness happens all the time. people can’t be replaced.

  • Friendships are higher on my list of priorities, but most of my relationships here have already faded, so it’s doubly frustrating that my comments and posts won’t have a more enduring place on the internet.  I have enjoyed reading what others had to say and I’ve learned a lot, but I also wonder what I could have accomplished if I’d done something else with my time, instead.

  • @Texasjillcarmel – My mom would say, “hay is for horses.” :)

  • I don’t think it is a cut and dry answer. Of course, we come here to get our words down (content), but the friends we make that give us advice, answer our questions, support us are the reason we stay.

  • You talked to the Xanga Team?  Did you take away their belts and ties and any sharp instruments?

  • I would like to keep both but I would have to stay with content. Because is the reason why I write a blog in the first place.

  • Definitely the content.  (Which I did save)

  • Friends. Absolutely. I live with my content day in and day out. It is only in sharing with friends that I break free from this cage that is my existence.

  • my friends led to the content. I would still have the written words, as I do everything I’ve written since my youth. I would not give up the friends because I would never lose the content, nor would I consent to the use of my content afterwards of the change. Would you consent to your content being used by someone else for their personal profit without you being included since you produced much of it?

  • @Aloysius_son - are you actually saying that anyone who wants can have free use of your content for any purpose they desire? Because it sounds like that’s what Dans asking. All of my writing  and content is copywrite protected and my not be used by anyone without My personal written permission, or that of the owner of any thing used by me.

  • @Blue_Moon1 - Wow! How ever you came up with that is beyond me, but I shouldn’t be surprised. The world is full of people who twist words around everyday to further their own agendas.

  • @Blue_Moon1 - Ah yes lawyers, the masters of the twisted word.

  • Loaded question, much?

  • @Aloysius_son - just trying to protect friends from lawyers. Just remember he said he was talking to a xanga team member, and his last question was

    “So lets imagine that you had to pick between your xanga friends and your content.  You could only keep one.

    Would you rather keep your friends on xanga or keep your content from xanga?”
    Having  several friends who are Lawyers, I tend to see things in the light of their thought patterns.

  • @emily_shannon - yes very loaded given the timing and implications.

  • Friends. Fo sho.


    to say my content I love blogging it makes me happy

    and it helps me get a lot of the probllems I have out in

    the open so that I dont have to bottle them up on the inside

  • lol content. 

    jeeze now I sound like a bitch lolbut no, I did not join xanga or use xanga for friendships, that was just a plus. I used it to write. It’s like my outlet. 

  • Here is Spock to give you a good answer to that problem, Theo.

    “Well, Captain, Since Planet Xanga has allowed us to transfer over the necessary data regarding the Federation Communique via subspace radio – and it has since been fed into our computer banks, logic would dictate that it is now more important for us to beam up the remaining survivors of the colony first instead of prematurely leaving planetary orbit with only the computer data.”

    Kirk hits the button on his armchair, “Scotty, did you get all that ?”

    Scotty’s broguish voice is heard over the intercom, “Aye, Keptin, we are oonderway wit it naow.”

    Kirk nods, “Good. Inform me when you are complete, Kirk out.”

    . . .

    So – Friends – are definitely more important – (since already I got my backup !)

    BTW, for those concerned, Joel, the only spokesperson for Xanga at this time has told me that =ALL= accounts will be transferred to the proposed future Xanga. However, unless you are a paying member, your blogs and writing will =NOT= be transferred to the new site. (I finally got him to confirm this).

    So, Theo, nice guy that ya are, this question is academic. All friends accounts (with the exception of their blogs unless you are a paying member) will be transferred to the new site.

    Provided Xanga makes it, everyone can be friends and stuff there again.

  • Content. After almost 10 years on Xanga, I didn’t even start reading other peoples’ xangas or making friends until about 8 months ago. 

  • Friends~ enjoy reading blogs more than writing them.

  • The couple of good and true friendships I’ve made here are worth much more to me than my content. Yet, just as friends have done, the simple act of blogging has brought me joy when nothing else could. If I had to choose, friendships for sure, but the choice isn’t in fact an ultimatum which I’m grateful for!

  • I’ll go ahead and say content.  Mainly, I came to Xanga (this account) for a reason and I don’t have anyone who I really talk to or have become friends with.  

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