July 30, 2006

  • Mercy Killing

    We all have to kill a hamster at one time or another.  A xanga friend of mine was put in that situation recently. 

    This is part of her post:

    “Well guys, it’s over.  I looked at him yesterday and he had three pus-filled lumps on his belly, plus it was all red and part of it was even black!  He then had two or three black spots on his back and one on his butt.  And then on top of all that, his fur was even starting to lose the tan color and go a whitish color.  Freaked me out!!!

    So we took it into our own hands…

    I got on the rubber gloves and took all of the hamster stuff out into the garage after our son went to bed.  I then took a gallon size zip lock bag and put the hamster in it.  Hubby started digging a hole and we had planned on whacking it with the shovel but I decided to make use of the cement pad that I was standing on and threw him really hard on the cement.

    He stopped moving.

    Hubby and I looked at each other and said, “Huh, guess that’s it.”

    And then he started moving again.  I had only knocked him out!

    So I threw him onto the cement harder.

    You’d think that would’ve done it.  Part of his bone or something was sticking out of him, his one eye had popped out and he squeaked at me. 

    Can it possibly get any worse?!?!?

    No, he died.  Well, I know he did eventually cause I put him in the hole and hubby buried him.”

    If you had to kill a hamster that you love, how would you kill it?


Comments (287)

  • Well now I’ve lost my appetite.

  • throw it as far as i could into the forest so i wouldn’t have to see it?

  • I’m very disappointed in you Dan.  That’s sick.

    The proper thing to do is have the hamster euthanized at the vet.

    Having a pet is a responsibility.  It doesn’t cost much to have a tiny animal put to sleep.


  • that is so depressing.

  • POISON. Never ever THROWING HIM ON THE CEMENT! That would make me cry.

  • lmao I’m the only one who actually answered the question.

  • i dont think i could personally kill it! so sad!! im too tender-hearted

  • That’s an awful story, hopefully I’ll never be in that situtation, but if I were…… I think a more humane way would be to put the hamster in the freezer…..

  • OD on sleeping pills or have it professionally put down at the vet… nothing violent like slaming it against the cement… that would scar me for life :(

  • Sorry about that. I had to blurt “yes” from the shock of being first. In answer to the question…

    Take a hollow point bullet (preferrably a .40 caliber) and proceed to place it in a pre-dug hole. Aim the gun about a foot away (any closer and you get hamster guts all over yourself and the gun) and shoot. There is very little left and the job gets done right the first time. Pow…he’s off to the huge exercise wheel in the sky! Take your foot and push the dirt back in the hole and go inside and get a diet coke.

  • .22 shot shell, back of head.

  • that is assuming that for whatever reason, one couldn’t afford to take the hamster to a vet & have it euthanized…….

  • I wouldn’t be able to. But I’d make sure it was painless however it was done by the person who did do it.

  • UH.. Bury the hamster in the bag and let it suffocate or something. At least, then you dont have to throw it at the cement a few times……….

  • shoot it. quick, painless, free.

  • And for the vet lovers out there their way is much slower

  • I am never owning a hamster. If that’s what it comes down to…

  • I would cut it’s head clean off.

  • Oh my lord tahts so hprrible dan!!! If i had to i would go to the vets and have him put to sleep,or let him die naturally, thats almost animal abuse what these people did.

    Your 13 year old reader,

  • That is horrifying.  I think it would have suffered less, if they’d just buried it in the ziplock (or thrown it away, for that matter). . .Surely, it would have suffocated in a matter of seconds. 

    I don’t know.  I hope I never have a hampster that gets tumors all over it. . .makes me reconsider hampster ownership. =/

  • get my butcher knife

  • Actually, I had a hamster once and my friend fell on it and smashe dit and it died that way.

    Hamsters have bad lives.

  • I would put the little guy in an empty Coke bottle and throw it in the river, he will eventually suffocate but he will get some nice scenery in the process.

  • Sure that’s fine…….  You might mention there was no harming of the pig while making her hair pink!!!  LOL……….

  • I would shoot it.

  • But then again, why would I want a hamster to begin with?

  • lethal injection at the vet

  • A much faster and less painfull way than that.

  • I guess I’d have to have my newly acquired “PA” do it for me.

  • In response to Candy’s reply, it does cost quite a lot to get a pet euthanized, I believe. Where I was born, in Europe, if for example a cat had kittens that couldn’t be cared for, they were drowned in a barrel of water. I personally, couldn’t do this, it’s too heartless. I would probably just force feed it a lot of powdered pills, if I couldn’t get him properly euthanized.

  • that is so nasty.  and no i haven’t had to kill one.  nor would i.  i would let it loose somewhere before i would ever think of killing it.  gross!

  • mine died about a year ago. his tan fur was turning white, but i just let him live his life cuz it didn’t seem like he was in pain. he died on his hamster wheel.

  • Can there really be such a thing as mercy KILLING?

  • The proper and HUMANE thing to do is take a suffering animal to the VET!

    I’m ashamed that you would even post this!


  • What the flying fuck?

  • For those who speak of the cost of euthanizing an animal at the vet. If you take that into account as for why you would NOT do so, then for heaven’s sakes DON’T have a pet. The cost of medicine for an animal is a part of the deal of owning it. I have a special bank account for vet fees.


  • awww, thats so sad
    i probably would take it to someone and have them do it. i mean, i just couldnt know that i killed it

  • Actually, if you go visit Trinity’s site, and go down near the bottom of the page, she has a post that talks about how her normal vet doesn’t even DO hamsters, and that it cost 60 dollars just for a consult.

  • People like that shouldn’t own animals. That’s disgusting and cruel. That’s what vets are for, they can put the animal to sleep humanely, I don’t care if it’s only a hamster. You get a pet in the first place with the knowledge that it’s your responsibility to treat it well and take care of it.

  • how ’bout finding a vet who does do small animals? If you can’t afford a vet, don’t own an animal.

  • I’d step on it really hard and hope it wouldn’t feel anything.

  • Not that way for sure thats horrible…..

    I bought a hamster once and it was pregnat it ended up having like 7 babies and then they had babies i ended up just letting them go in a field by my house…

  • Probably let it go around the cats at the shop where I work, that way I wouldnt have to do it.

  • What the hell…

    That is sick.

  • Shoot it.

  • Give it to someone else to kill it. I could personally never do it, or let it go in the wild because a. there is no “wild” anywhere in my city and b. because then I’d have horrible images of it feeling abandoned. So I would have someone else do it, and I wouldn’t let them tell me how they did it.

  • There are more humane ways of killing a hamster than THROWING IT ON THE CEMENT.  I found this to be extremely harsh and disturbing.  I’m sorry if people think that I am overreacting, but if you can afford to take it to a vet to get a checkup, then you can leave it there to be euthanized.

  • um. wow.
    that’s why i don’t own a hamster?

  • Ew. I don’t think I could do it at all.

  • I’d microwave it.

  • i agree with putting it out of its misery, but again, i think i might just let it go in the yard or something.

  • oh my god … If he was sick I would just let him free in the park or something. I couldnt kill him!

  • Talk about inhumane and cruel.  That poor hamster.

    Yikes I could never take life in my own hands like that..not even on a poor helpless hamster.

    One simple trip to the vet’s office would have been appropriate.

  • Feed it to a snake.

    Though, if the hamster was diseased like this one was.. that probably wouldn’t be very good for the snake.

  • Aww, that’s sad. No cutting or throwing or smashing. -.-

    <33 Kimmy

  • something that would kill it very quickly and without pain.

  • Uh… not like that. That was kinda cruel. I’d put poison in it’s food. It sounds evil but it’s more humane than throwing it on the concrete.

  • get a gun and shoot it… but I’d probably wimp out.  Dad tried to take me fishing once.  But I couldn’t do it.

  • uh, no offense, but that person is a freak. To write it in detail, sort of laugh about it, that’s animal cruelty. It would’ve taken 20-30 bucks to put it to sleep peacefully. Quite frankly I hope when she gets old someone kills her to death by throwing cement at her until her bone is sticking out.

    It’s againt the law.

    I doubt they loved the thing.

  • shoot it. quick and painless.

  • i wouldn’t. i would take it to the vet, and if the vet couldn’t cure it i would let the vet euthanize it. if i couldn’t afford the vet i would drop it off the “society for prevention of cruelty to animals” or the local humane society. if for some insane reason i didn’t have access to these resources i would feed it rat poison, and not throw it over and over onto the cement.

  • omg.

    i could not ever do that. i would cry. then throw up, and perhaps cry again. so horrible…

  • If I had a hamster I hated, I’d let these folks take care of it.  Otherwise I’d get the job done quickly and effeciently … no need to go into gorey details.

  • OMG


    I mean what the heck, the poor thing probably felt all of that! how cruel. seriously, they  could have taken it to be put to sleep.

    what a stupid way to kill it.

  • I just put my cat down the right way and that was funky enough for me.

  • That’s awful.  I’m sure the intention was just to stop the hamster from suffering, but that was awful.  I don’t even care for hamsters, I believe I would’ve taken him to a vet though. 

  • flush it…or maybe inject its veins with air.

  • Take it to the vet, if I had the money. Or just do it quickly but as painlessly as possible.

  • i wouldn’t kill it if it didn’t need killing…

    but if it did, um, i’d let someone else do it.

  • THAT’S SICK! Dan how could you post something like that?!

    Jesus what a horrible way to die. They could have ATLEAST put it down without any violence, like putting it in a plastic bag cutting off it’s air supply. The best way would have been to take it to the vet and get it euthanized. They freaking made it suffer. That’s really f*cked up. If i would have known them i would have reported them. I wonder if they had a dog and if it was dying, would have done the same thing? Really, it shouldn’t make a difference what kind of animal it is, a pet is a pet no matter how big or small. As a pet owner you have a responsiblity to care for it and treat it right. If you can’t do that then don’t own any animals.

    Dan why did you have to post this??? It was very offending to those people who have compassion for animals. I’m going to have to look out now before i read your posts… i won’t be comfortable knowing you could post a sick story like this, what else would you post?

  • That was horrible!

  • Oh my GODS…That’s so inhumane!
    I would never, EVER do that to my little mouse!

    Take him to the vet and have him put down!

  • down the toilet.  clean, easy, no questions asked.

  • Dan why would you post this? Did you think we would get a chuckle out of it??? It wasn’t funny in the least.

    I’m use to just your Questions…why did you have to post the whole story? You could have warned the viewers beforehand that it was sick. Not to mention disturbing for people who have something i like to call COMPASSION.


    Make him listen to the Jesus freaks on here for five minutes. He’d off himself.

  • And oh my god what a bunch of fucking pussies everyone here is.

  • WOW :-O

  • oh my jesus

    i would take it to the vet and not deal with it.

    this story is so sad

  • Ummm I would poison him.

  • BTW Dan didn’t do it. If you read it, he didn’t throw the hamster. Hence the “”

  • OMG!  Why didn’t they take the poor little hamster to a vet and have it put down?  A vet could have done it with no pain to the hamster.  This absolutely makes me sick!  If someone is going to have a pet….any type of pet, then they have to be able to afford the care of that pet and afford paying a vet to humanly put that pet down if it comes to that.  I say again OMG!   Is this story for real? 

  • I think that some people forgot that while commenting

  • Not like that, I’d take it to the vet and have it euthanized.  That poor hamster was made to suffer more than what he already was, what a horrible way to leave the world, animal or not.  : (

  • We had a hamster for almost 4 years. He was so old and decrepit that he couldn’t even climb up to the loft in his cage. When my daughter went away to camp we just took him out back and put him near the woods. We figured we’d let him become part of the food chain. That way I wouldn’t have to do the job myself.

  • I couldn’t do it. Plain and simple.

  • I don’t love hamsters.  I’d prolly set one on fire.  or something.

  • truthfully if i had to id either freeze it (cause then its just like falling asleep) or make sum1 else do it. id prefer the first one though, that way i knew it was hopefully painless for the little creature

  • shoot it in the head with a .22 while it asleep or take it to a cutting bourd and cut off its head quickly


  • oh dear . . . . i want the other dan back. The one that posts about sweet sentimental things. not this one that posts about the mercy killing of pets.

    but since you asked . .. suffocation? poison? don’t think i could work up the nerves to whack it.

    incidently, my dad told us once about how he had to kill his pet dog. (this was in india, btw).

  • deffintly the second one i  said dan

  • .22 Ratshot.


    And that’s a nice story.

  • That was gross! How could anyone be so inhumane? I mean dayum…it squeaked…which means it knew what da fugg was goin’ on! That’s too cruel. You take it to the humane society and let the euthanize it! Ugh…grow up.

  • There was no mercy involved in that!

  • That is fucked up…. If I knew something had to be done I woulda just taken it to the vet – at least then it would have went peacefully and not beaten to death on the damn cement! Who the fuck does that? Would you do that to your cat or your dog?? It might just be a hampster to someone – but technically it’s animal cruelty.

  • crush up 1,000 sleeping pills and load it in his drinking water & food. ><

  • I’m sorry but that story is just awful.  How terrible to do that… at least let the poor thing die naturally or pay minimal money to have it euthanized humanely.  A pet is a responsibility… even if it is a hamster.

  • When I was five, my hamster chewed its own tail off and my dad stuck it in a box and put it on the tailpipe of a running car.

    …I wasn’t too happy, hahah.

  • Just let it go in the wild. That way I wouldn’t have to smush it to death myself… and I could justify myself by saying… at least it had a chance. Although, most likley something would either eat it or it’d die on its own because it was a house pet and didn’t know how to survive. I think that’s more humane than … say… throwing it on cement and possibly burrying it alive. Although.. I’m sure a lot of people would have done the same as she did… just because they didn’t know what else to do.

  • candyguitarstar i agree with her!!

    that or like ReeksOfIndifference  said and poison it!

    this is prolly the worse thing ive ever seen on your site O_o

    i still love you tho lol

    but that was sad!

  • damn that disturbing……i would just let it go out in the wild i guess or just give it to the vet.

  • Lighter fluid on a cotton ball in the closed baggy would have been much more humane. And no, you don’t light it on fire. It puts them to “sleep.”

  • People on your site keep saying, “hamsters are boring”, “it was just a hamster”. Why would some people think it’d be okay to kill a hamster, but not a dog. Why is a hamster so much below other pets?

    It almost seems like a caste system.

  • i wouldn’t! actually, i couldn’t.  i have two right now and i wouldn’t kill one intentionally even if it did have like six tumors.

  • “Lighter fluid on a cotton ball in the closed baggy would have been much more humane. And no, you don’t light it on fire. It puts them to ‘sleep.’”

    Auto starting fluid is better, it is almost nothing but ether

  • i have cats!! nuff said

  • My poor brother had to do this with a mouse we found in our house, but that was vermin. I think though that if it’s a pet, it really should be euthenized at the vet’s.

  • oh my gosh……

    thats….. uh. not the way id do it. id get something from the vet to do it with.

  • Lethal injection.

  • ok i was doing good i was reading the posts and no one really offended me until i got to Drakonskyr he is just a dick. you dont have to be a jesus freak or a pussy to know that killing an animal like that is wrong! im mean good god! any animal! i dont kill anything and i know im a bit over the top about it so i dont get on any one elses case about it i mean i dont even kill little ants, but this is different this was a pet. something someone “loved” i cant believe they would do that. then post about it in such detail i mean come on!

  • i would take it to a vet to euthenize it; or if ur really in a pinch about money, abandon it to the local humane society. At least they would fine a good way to euthenize it rather than slam it against concrete. Or I heard of ppl leaving their hamsters at Petsmart (not petco) cuz they have this policy of willinginess to spend a lot of money to cure an animal even if it’s more than the price value.

    this lady is just sick and twisted.. im pretty sure that is animal cruelty. =( animals aren’t something u can replace by just buying a new one.

  • That’s just a disgusting way to “care” for an animal.  What kind of person even THINKS of the idea of slamming it on the concrete?  That’s sicko.  There are more humane ways.  Our nearby university veterinary clinic only charges $6 for a euthanasia – the cost of the drugs only – and they are very caring and humane, more so than most vet clinics.

  • …..poor little thing. But there had to have been a better way to kill it.

  • stab in the back for a quick death.

  • Omg!!! Im getting a kick out of peoples responses

    Great Post Dan Honestly 2 thumbs up


  • “Auto starting fluid is better, it is almost nothing but ether.”

    Okay, even better.

  • i think im going to be sick.
    uhm. i think thats wrong and i WOULD want to put it out of its misery but it would be too hard for me and i would probably just bring it to a vet and have them kill it instead of me

  • That’s horrible!
    How could someone even do something like that?
    How could you ask that question?!

  • not only would i kill it, i’d make some fun out of it.
    a few bottle rockets, an M-80, and a 410 shotgun.
    try it, its hilarious. better than being cruel and smashing it on the cement. it’ll die right away this way

  • Um, this is horrible. I would drown it or freeze it. I am so upset that I came here and found these graphic details. Maybe I shouldn’t visit here.

  • Take him to the vet and have him put to sleep.

  • Due To Laveyen Satanic policy I cannot kill an animal but if I were to choose its death the shovel smashing it if done properly and quickly it would be painless. Poor Hamster

  • I wouldn’t take it to a vet… it is an oversized rat.

    Hmm… probably go with a .22 to the head.  Definately already have it in the hole for burial, wouldn’t want to clean it up later.

  • I cannot believe you placed that on your site .. it’s sick … Then again… we are dealing with you, aren’t we ???

  • Oh and the problem with the Vet is most people feel it is to expensive for a simple hamster. It is the best way but if you can’t afford it the best way is in my above post

  • You show no compassion … all you do is pose questions, and some are ridiculous .. you exploit people.

  • Well, though this happened accidentally I think it was a fine way to go:

    Put the kids’ lovely guinea pig on the yard for his usual stretch, cage over top.  He had his snack of grass.  Back to cage.  Dead in minutes.  Seems I forgot the lawn fertilizer that had been applied to the grass hours earlier.

    I like to think he died happy and with a full belly.

  • Uh, chemicals. That way was actually quite inhumane. I think actually that might fall under animal cruelty in some cities…

  • lol ya i think if i woke up to you i would prolly freak out seeing i dont know what you look like, some strange man in my room would creep me out a bit ^_^ haha.  about this post, ive never seen so much hate in your readers… i understand now im not the only animal freak in the world so im kinda glad you put it up. although i really did almost cry. you prolly would have laughed at the face i made my eyes were huge and my and slamed over my open mouth. it was crazy.

  • I would put tylenol PM in his water… aww….


  • I’d put it in the garage and leave the car running. They say it’s just like going to sleep…

  • RYC: I thought about that as I said it… maybe the people who tried to commit suicide but were stopped by someone else would know? Come to think of it, people say that and freezing to death are like going to sleep, but who came up with the idea in the first place? Maybe it’s an urban legend.

  • Just two more cents: what that hamster had was quickly spreading.  The vet was $60 just to be seen (after calling four other ones who wouldn’t even touch him) and then it would’ve been another $50 on top of it to put him to sleep – for an $8 diseased rodent that could’ve infected my son if we had to take him anywhere.  My family’s health was by far more important than that rodent.  I don’t regret what I did, it needed to be done.  And no, animals do not have souls.

    This is silly…

  • Thats disgusting.

    When my hamster was ill I paid the 60 dollars and had her humanly put to sleep. She died happily in her favorite cage without the horrible terror that that poor little guy had in his last moments…

  • That’s absolutely awful.

    She shut down her site…

    Oh man. Poor hamster. I mean…how could you bring yourself to do that? Throw it really hard on the cement?

  • Just two more cents: what that hamster had was quickly spreading.  The vet was $60 just to be seen (after calling four other ones who wouldn’t even touch him) and then it would’ve been another $50 on top of it to put him to sleep – for an $8 diseased rodent that could’ve infected my son if we had to take him anywhere.  My family’s health was by far more important than that rodent.  I don’t regret what I did, it needed to be done.  And no, animals do not have souls.

    This is silly…


    i do agree it should have been done, just in a better way.

  • I had to do a similar thing to my fish. It had some disease also that made its belly flat, but I have another 40 other fish that look the same. I just deprived it of water and it died.

  • I think the majority of people on here would have been less offended had she (or her husband) just gone ahead with the shovel over the head idea. At the point that the animal is not quickly dying, but you are continuing to torture it, it becomes animal cruelty.

    And no, I’m not an “animal freak” or a “Jesus freak”. But label me as you wish if it helps you sleep better at night.

  • I would give my sister to care for it.

  • Man “The_Trinity_N_Me” shut down her site.

    This is all so silly; it was a dying rat. But some here thought she was evil for putting hard earned money into her family, instead of paying to kill a dying diseased rat. You would have all thought her a good person, if she had let it slowly rot to death. Or paid out good money for the rat instead of her family. A lot of you need pull your heads out of the dark smelly places you keep it.

  • .22 bullet. It’s not a fun thought, but some things have to happen.
    I agree with love_death_beauty: Hamsters have incredibly bad lives.
    Though I don’t think I’d do the concrete pad thing. It takes a lot to knock an animal out doing that. I couldn’t handle something like that. If you’re going to kill the poor thing, just kill it.

  • O wow that’s gorey. I feel for the lil fella. I’d let him die naturally most likely, or rat poison if I didn’t like it that much..

  • And more than one person here wished for her or her family members to die. She was being threatened by sickos over a damn rat. I am disgusted by those that call themselves compassionate

  • I think that was a cop-out and very cruel.  I would have let the poor thing die naturally as opposed to the unnatural way posted above.

  • Stick it in a potato sack and toss it in the river, along with the neighborhood kittens.

  • i would put it into the wild and have it die as it would as it was a normal wild hampster. that’s what i did with my fish. we moved, and i didnt want them, so i put them into the local lake. they were almost 2 years old! and they’re fish!

  • i wouldnt………..i would take him to the vet. like a normal person. just because hes an animal and not a human doesnt mean we get to treat him like a pile of dirt. he has feelings too. thats like saying. no dont take him to the hospital, just throw him on the ground so we dont have to deal with it.

    <3 whit

  • ew.

    I’m not going to have anymore hamsters.

  • Um…not that way. That’s horrible. I’m not entirely sure what I would do, but it wouldn’t be that!!

  • o.o Is that what happens to most of the animals in your friend’s house or something? No offence, but thats just cruel and inhumane. unless being humane is beating a dying hamster on the cement floor, twice.  I mean, why would they do that? End its pain? They bloody smashed the poor hamster on the cement floor, and it STILL didnt die. Had to do it a SECOND time.  God, I’m sorry, but I’m sick to my stomache. Why would you want to own something you love and then eventually kill it? And call it a mercy killing? If this is featured content in this generation, then I feel bad for the kids going up now. =,= Excuse me while I go and vomit my dinner from my innards.

  • I’d go to the vet and.

  • geeeez. not that way. that’s harsh. i’d take it to the vet. they could do a much more humane job at letting him die. not throwing him onto the ground.

  • That’s horrifying. I can’t believe some people are making light of the situation..
    If I were that person and couldn’t get the hamster euthanized at the vet, I would have simply drove somewhere and let it go. I’m not really a “hamster person”.. I’ve never owned one and doubt I will ever. But I’m not heartless either.. If I’d done that to any living thing, I’d never have been able to live with myself.

  • Wow~ I can’t even say other than that…….

  • Not like that. ugh.

    I couldn’t bring myself to kill it in such a violent and painful way. I’d poison it.

  • i definetly would not slam him into the cement. are you insane or just retarded?

    i would probably take it to the vet and let them put him to sleep. if you do it for dogs and cats, why not hamsters?

    sick bastards. thats what those people are.

  • not like that. i’d have him injected with a death fluid not.. eww… ughgh.. gross. :]]

  • that is horrible. i cant believe you posted this. seriously.

    but my friend fed her hamster three crumbled up allergy pills in its water and food and it died in about two hours. it didnt get sick or anything… it just died. i would NEVER smash that hamster on the ground… omg. horrible

  • that is so disturbing

  • not like that. I would probably have gotten it to a vet by the time and let the vet take care of it.

  • NOT LIKE THAT!! Dear Lord…

  • damn…  that was a tough read…   I would have taken it to a vet and had it euthenised GENTLY… holy crap.

  • Wow. That sounds cruel. Poor hamster!
    If I was going to kill a hamster, I’d kill it quick and shoot it.

  • I’m a softy.
    I’d put it to sleep at the vet or suffocate it.


  • If it was a pet I’d take it to the vet – duh?  That was way cruel.

    aggedy aggedy ag ag ag

  • This sounds so horrible but I drowned mine. She wasn’t very mobile so it didn’t last long. Please don’t compare me to Andrea Yates.

  • maybe suffocation…i dunno. yeah, wait ’til it’s asleep and zip it up in a ziplock for a while.

  • I’d bring it to the vet and have it killed humanely, even if I have to pay hundreds of dollars for it.


  • well, my first response was to get a gun and shoot it…
    or teh vet…so ya

  • take him to the vet and have him put down like I’ve done with all my pets who did not die naturally. If for some reason I couldn’t afford that, or didn’t have the time, or the vet was closed for some reason…then I’d kill it any painless, quick, way I can. Never throw the poor thing against the cement!!! How horrid!

  • I would never kill it like that. Maybe put it to sleep at the very most. If i had to get rid of it, i would give it away, but my last resort would be putting it to sleep. Sick story :’(

  • Dan, why? Why, is the only question. Why would you post this? Perhaps I shall not question your reasoning, for you probably thought it was interesting.

    That’s very disturbing. Beyond disturbing. Infact, if I threw the hamster at the cement I could never [ever] EVER live with myself. For goodness sakes, it’s your son’s hamster (I’m assuming?), or the family hamster, ..whatever. So I’m gonna bet that she lied to her son about what happened to it. Parents these days.. teach us kids not to lie. It’s not tough love. It’s just wrong. Get it euthanized, if you can’t afford it, use poison, or something else where it can drift away.. not by having it’s eyeball popped out of it’s socket. I’m sure if you “couldn’t afford it” (and i don’t know how it could cost alot  get a hamster euthanized..?) and you talked to the vet about your finacial situation, they could figure something out for you. We talk so abundantly about animal testing, and how it is wrong. Which I do agree with; to a point. But here, we have our own citizens throwing hamsters at cement blocks. Think about it. Analyze it. Why, doesn’t that sounds lovely?

    I’m beyond disappointed. And if the people were to say: “It was for the hamsters sake”.. uhm, can you say bullshit? Come on now. It has a heart, and it breathes, it is part of creation. So say you had cancer .. and you were suffering.. I’m sure you’d love to be thrown against a block of cement until YOUR eyeballs popped out. Oh yes. (Don’t take it literally .. its a pretty bad hypethetical situation..)

    The point is; have some empathy, even if its a hamster.


    PS; I’m pretty dissapointed in how many people are responding with sarcastic remarks and be funny about the whole thing, seriously.

  • Um, I would take it to the vet and have it put to sleep. 

  • I’d take it to the vet, or look up how they would do it  and see if they had the chemicals in the lab.

  • That’s extremely cowardly and cruel.
    I don’t think she loved that hamster very much to kill it in such a hateful way.

  • I like how the mobsters killed people,yet it would be hard to poke an ice pick into the back of a hamsters head.

    I know,I’m demented in a way.But you asked.

  • i’m not so sure i’d kill my own hamster but if it were in a lot of pain and dying slowly then i might but i’d kill it gently by injection or something anyway props on the site c/b

  • I would’ve actually let the hamster go,not poke an ice pick in it’s head lol.Though it was the first thing that came to mind lol.

  • omg..its really not that big of a deal. either way, in the end its gonna be dead. so why pay $60 dollars for some vet to kill it, when you can do it yourself? get over it folks..

  • wow, this is getting some of the BEST responses ive ever seen.  considering what’s usually on here, i can only wonder what possessed you to post this story.

    Dan, are you high?

  • I would have just taken it out to the woods and let it go….nature would do the rest and I would not have a sad memory of the details.

  • thats sad, but you gotta do what you gotta do i guess.

  • That’s disgusting! If it absolutely had to die I’d do poisoning. That was just sadistic with the cement (and yes I’m pro-choice and proud of it).

  • Steel yourself and break its neck.

  • Hamster Baseball!

  • Dear Dan,

    (Notice the letter format. I am getting all serious on you, here.)

    I just read this post and all of the comments. It reminded me of a few things. The first is rather insignificant, but I am going to share it anyway. When I was in high school, a few guys decided to rid themselves of one of their hamsters. They cut leg holes in a condom, put the hamster in and watched him run around until he suffocated. This was considered fun for them. Hm. To hear the way I tell it, it was disgusting and torturous. To hear them tell it was a bit less so. Their version was this: “Ha! Dude, we put Matt’s stupid hamster in a condom last night and watched it try to run around.” (Yes, it got mad laughs from our classmates.) Why does your story remind me of this?


    Your friend happened to write with a bit of description that worked against her. It makes me cock my head to one side and say “hm”. At first, the description disgusted me too. Alas, it was what it was though–the death of a hamster. It wasn’t my personal choice on how to kill a hamster, but neither is taking it to a vet. I think a BB gun will do(in answer to your question).

    All of that said, I think it is interesting that people are so worked up over this. I will never understand why our ire is ignited so swiftly and so much over a hamster’s death when there are so many more important deaths happening every day–literally. Is this what our culture has come down to? Is this what the world has come down to? We are wishing ill, even hell, on others for what they do to a hamster, and we neglect to see the children, elderly, women, and innocents dying abroad? We know more about how to humanely dispose of a hamster than we do about the current events of our times?

    I think it goes without saying that I am a bit–nay, totally–shocked by the passion a hamster has inspired that a war, heck–a number of wars, cannot.

    If you made it through this–thanks for seeing it to completion.

    Talk with you again soon,


  • Yes, I feel bad that hamster suffered. But also that she had to see it suffer. Think about it, it’s not like she wanted to do it twice. But the thing was in pain, and covered in tumors, and I don’t really blame her for wanting to get it over with. I’m surprised it survived the first throw, I’m sure she was, too. It wasn’t purposeful torture. And honestly, even though I’m an animal person, I don’t think I’d ever pay to get a hamster euthanized. I might not even pay to have a dog euthanized, depending on the circumstances. As far as hamsters, I’d prefer to poison it or something like that, maybe drown it. My mother met a man who drowned (he was pulled out after he lost conciousness but they saved him), and he said it’s actually a peaceful way to go. Of course, I’d probably have someone else do it if it was my own pet.

    Anyway, stop hating the woman. She wasn’t maliciously torturing the animal for her own pleasure. And there’s no guarantee the shovel would have worked any better.

  • easy…. tie it up in a ziplock bag and put it out in the trash

  • You and your friends are demented, Dan.
    Death to you.

  • well yeah, ya don’t just let the thing suffer and live throught the pain

    but if your gonna kill it, get the job done on the first try, don’t make it suffer more like an idiot and don’t post details on the internet it makes you look like a pussy, that you feel bad about it. If it has to be done, do it for cryin’ out loud

  • by the way, i’d get a big rock and put it out of its misery

  • I would’ve poisoned it….or somehow killed it painlessly. It lost an eye in the process? That is sad.

  • my mouse grew a tumor and it was very sad, so i took her to the vet and they put her down. i personally couldn’t kill it myself, but taking it to the vet was better than the pain she was in.

  • > Euthanised by the vet….


  • beat it wit a shovel thats my answer

  • Holy hell. Thats horrible. When I killed my hamster (on accident) it was because I forgot to feed it. I didnt have to see it like die by throwing it at pavement or something vulger like that. although the poor thing probably did have a long death. poor guy

  • ps “I would have just taken it out to the woods and let it go….nature would do the rest and I would not have a sad memory of the details”

    thats a really good idea for a little rodent or something. maybe not for a cat or dog like so many people do but hamsters and birds and stuff wouldnt be so bad

  • I had to see what the fuss was about…

    Now I disagree with her method of mercy killing the hamster but at the same time it was not worth a flame war and driving that person away…. I’m not going into just how ill mannered and just plain common that is though becuase I’ll likely descend to their level and beyond – and I’m just tired enough to really cut lose right now. But to answer one persons question yes, there IS such a thing as a mercy killing and I’d hope that if I was in a situation where I didn’t have all my marbles that someone would have the decentcy and humanity to put me out of my misery, but that’s beside the point.

    When I had them, I had gotten a male and female pair who had babies – one in particular must have had some rat in him since he had a longer snout than the rest… well that particular specimen decided to kill and eat the others despite having enough food. Shortly after I was married and we also got my wife’s cat… well, my psychopath hamster-rat escaped from his cage and met his demise.

  • I never had a hampster, but I’m sure Elmira from one of the Looney Toons shows could give you a few suggestions …

  • i had 2 hampsters

    one died of natural causes and i had to put the other one down because its eyes were closed shut by died blood….

    soo sad…



  • poor hamster! for a hamster I think it would be the least painless just to drown it in a bucket. but for like a dog or something take to the vet to get put down.

  • OH MY GOSH!! That is horrible and cruel. A vet could have euthanized that poor creature and let it end it’s life free of pain. The horrendous things humans will do just to save a buck or two. It’s sickening. :(

  • i agree with others that have posted before me that it is sad tha this is what society has come down to- agruing over how to kill hamsters instead of all the innocent lives lost everyday.

  • Tell your friend she’s a fucking idiot, and should have instead CRUSHED the hamster with a cement block.

    Lawd almighty.

  • Put it in a zip-lock bag and let it slowly breathe itself to death.

  • We chloroformed one in a bottle once. He had a big lump under his neck. It was painless and he was gone in minutes.

  • umm….break its neck?

  • my little brother (he’s 9) says:

    i’d stick food in the barrel of a shotgun, and when the hamster comes up to bite it, i’d shoot it.

  • ahh!just take him to the vet and put him to sleep. thats hampster brutality right there.
    her kids pet had cancer. kinda obvious…

  • Never killed a hamster, but I’ve killed a few mice in my day.  I prefer to use the live catch traps and let them go, but a found a few mice at work that had been caught in glue traps.  I didn’t want them to starve (not a way to go) so I use the cement method.  It’s no pretty, but sometimes necessary.  It’s the squimish that would rather toss the trap away that really make the poor things suffer.

  • I would poison him/

  • oh my goodness.

    I’ve had four hamsters die in my experience. The first escaped his cage a week after  I got him, fell behind the cabinet his cage was on, and tore open his nose. We’re not sure if he died of bleeding or suffocation; if not both.
    The second I got for free because the other was still on warranty (is that the proper way to refer to it? whatever.) She was the best. I liked her the best. But she escaped as well, on day, (she was a regular houdini) and bit an electric cord. The vets charged us $80 to put her in an oxygen tank and tell us she had no lungs any longer.
    After that, I was pretty much done with hamsters…but a year later a lady was trying to give her two hamsters away b/c her daughter had been using them for a science lab test and was now going to feed them to her friend’s snake. Needless to say, I had to save them.
    They were great. One was big and fat and stupid and the other was short and fast and smart. We named them Barney and Fred, respectively. Unfortunately, they didn’t get along that well, regardless of the fact that they were brothers and had grown up together. One fateful day, Fred attacked Barney, killed him, and proceeded to eat him.


    So please, spare me from any more hamster-related death stories, for the love of everything good and wonderful in this world.

  • Hamsters always seem to die horrible deaths. I would probably shoot it, makes it quick and it feels no pain.

  • quickly so they don’t suffer. Probably smash it with a shovel.

  • wow – I am shocked.  Disappointed really – there are humane ways to do things like this.

  • I have to say I’d feed him some kind of human medication, or something I knew would kill him non-violently.

    Jesus, that’s terrible.

  • I’m going to be sick.  Horrible taste in methodology I must say…


  • i don’t normally read your xanga as you probably know but this was sent to me by a friend and THAT IS FUCKING NASTY.  ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE HORRIFYING AND DISGUSTING.

  • eww Dan. Why’d you tell us that?

    I would do that – but not in the way that she did. I’d go to a vet.

  • Euthanasia’s for the squeamish. Fire’s the way to go.

  • OMG, not like that!!!!!!

  • I one time played foot ball with a turtle, and hurt it:(. I would have poisoned the hamster myself, or probly ground up some sleeping pills and put it in it’s water.

  • i would tie it to a chair and force it to watch the butterfly effect

  • That’s horrible :[
    That broke my heart horribly.

    I accidentally killed my class hamster in 6th grade though
    because I dropped him. I cried all day.

  • If I couldn’t have it put down by a vet, then I would get some ether from an automotive store, and spray it into the bag with him.  Ether used to be used for operations, so an overdose would simply put the critter to sleep peacefully. 

  • that was way too harsh and PAINFULL!
    the shovel wouldve been quicker, at least. but i think i´d try to poison it somehow, or take it to a vet or sth…

  • I don’t know. I’d probably whack it with a shovel or something weak like that.

  • i cant say as i know how to answer.  all the hamsters i ever had died of their own volition.  i would probably ask my daddy to do it for me….

  • i wouldn’t kill it

  • I would do something quick and painless. The throwing onto cement thing was stupid,because that’s not guaranteed to kill him!!!! Who knows hoe long he lived in pain before dying? No, I would cut his head off, or smash his head with a brick, somethign quick and painless for the hamster.

  • Or, amybe I would put sleeping pills in his food[ground up of course]

  • You state:  “We all have to kill a hamster at one time or another.  A xanga friend of mine was put in that situation recently.”

    I will never have to kill a hampster.  (which means that your statement is a lie)
    I will never OWN a hampster. 

    If I did own one (which I don’t and I never will), I don’t care the cost, it’s going to the vet and the vet can do the dirty work.  But really, it doesn’t take much for the little furballs to die on their own. 

  • God’s going to smite these folks… =/ I’d take the hamster to the veterinarian.

  • VET il take it there 2 put it to sleep

  • um… well idk.. I would do the vet idea just because by the sound of that pet it was already super gross, plus it would be the safest for everyone (controled). But if you had to I would go with the frezzer I think. I have had rodents before but never hamsters. We had a mouse that died of heart failure and a guinea pig that had something wrong with its colon (we think).

  • have my big bros best friend do it

  • I would of just gave him some rat poison, so he couldn’t die in great pain.

  • i would let it die the normal way- naturally!!!   i guess i cant say nothin’ cause i accidently left my hamster in his plastic cage outside in the dead heat of summer. when i got back from wal*mart he uh. . . .was kinda fried. my mom even tried to do cpr. . . .it er didnt work. he died.              n/e who. . .

  • I’d shoot it, it’s quicker that way. Slamming something on the cement is just cruel.

  • and as for the vet opting people. Why pay for something, when you can do it for free? What they do has the same effect, it kills the hamster. They just do it in some fancy medical way that costs alot. I still stick with shooting it. 

  • wtf mate?

  • That’s horrible! I could never do that! They should’ve put the hamster in the freezer so that it could’ve gone into hiberation and eventually it would have died in it’s sleep.

    I once had a cat that had got incredibly ill. She had an excess of mucous coming out of her nose and mouth. It was so thick that it clogged her nose and mouth. There was so much, I could not wipe it fast enough. On top of that, she being the cat that she was wouldn’t let me touch her for too long.

    I wanted to get help for her but we didn’t not have the money to treat her. Basically, we just let her suffer and die. The best part about it was before she died, she would get on my lap and sit there purring despite her sickness. When she died, I was glad that her suffering had stopped. I could never live with myself if I had killed her.

  • No, take him to the vet and put him to sleep. Not throw him against concrete breaking every bone in his body. Yeah because thats much less painful.

  • oh my god!


    thats NOT a mercy killing.

    those of you who think that would be called anything but animal abuse should pay a visit to http://www.peta2.com

  • On two occasions, I have had to take a pet to the vet and have them put to sleep.  They were dogs, not hamsters, but the size of a pet makes no difference.  It was extremely traumatic for both my wife and me.  We are both 61, and the two dogs were part of our family for a total of 21 years.

    Dan, I am a big fan of yours, but I think you used very poor judgment this time.  I am appalled and saddened by some of the comments you have received!

  • i agree with candyguitarstar u should take it to a vet

  • Sharp quick blunt object to the back of the neck at the base ofthe spine. Death is instant and painless… not to mention fool proof.

  • I’d take it to be euthanized. Throwing it on the ground like that is sooo incredibly cruel. I can’t believe that… She should have taken it to a veterinarian first off to make sure it wasn’t just sick – it sounds incredibly uncertain. Wow. That’s so mean. Hamsters have bad enough existences anyway without dying like that. I feel sick.

  • Well Dan, I guess if you were seeking negative comments, you have definately gotten all you will ever need from this post. Just so you know, I don’t blame you…. you didn’t do it. 

  • I would’ve got down on my knees and wailed “WHYYY” to the sky. That is simply gut wrenching.

  • I would definitley not kill it like that! That’s horrible!

  • i would take it to the vet and have it put to sleep humanely. that’s awful, what that person did.

  • I live in an apartment building and I chucked mine down the rubbish chute. We’re equally sinful.

  • But mine was already dead when we threw her away. And she died because my brother fed her 2 wasps.

  • God. That’s absolutely awful. What a horrible question.
    When my guinea pig had to go, I took him to the vet. It didn’t seem to upset or hurt him, it just looked as though he fell asleep. Only, his eyes were open, and that horrified me (I was young), so they glued them shut with this blue stuff, and that was even worse.
    Still…I’d opt for the injection, I think.

  • I’d probably just let it die naturally. Although, I don’t think I would be in that situation because I hate hamsters and I will never get one.

  • NO! Don’t kill the hamster. Actually, get my dog to slobber it to death. MY HAMSTER DROWNED OUT OF WATER. IT DROWED IN SLOBBER FROM MY FREAKIN DUMBASS DOG.
    You poor people. Pray over your hamster. My Kabbalah string blesses you.

  • jeez…i was laughing and crying at the same time, it’s kinda funny in a stupid way, and that’s what makes it really sad, too. if i had to kill it, i’d snap its neck or take it to the vet to have it euthanized. but if i didn’t have to, i’d let it live. that’s how all my pets have lived and died.

  • Well, i agree with most people when they say you should have taken it to a vet. as far as the violent way you have dealt with the situation i dont really aprove of it. i am very sad to hear about this hamster’s demise.

  • i dunno, where do u come up with these?

  • that’s fucking hilarious

  • ugh. i would go to the vet and do it the proper way. wtf.

  • GEEZ. if you wanted to finish the job at home you should have gave it a good wack with the damn shovel and smashed it to death in one blow. I couldnt throw it. i’d take it to the vet or just  let it die on its own .I do know a girl who fed her hamster nail polish remover and it started having seizures and stuff…she did it because it bit her….yeah…shes sick….

  • lace up my combat boots, warp it in a rag, and stomp on it a few times

  • Ahh, my God! I’m doing to have nightmares about that hampster story. Oh boy.

    Give it poison in its food.

  • I read somewhere that you should freeze a fish to euthanize it at home…So I think thats how I would do it with a hamster too.

    I would not be able to afford a vet. I don`t even go to the doctor when something is wrong with me, most of the time.

    Freezing him, That seems like the kindest way…

  • Suffocate it in the ziplock bag and bury it. I wouldn’t be
    able to watch it die either.

  • I once killed a very sick pet rat with ether that the local pharmacist let me use. It was painless, but I got pretty dizzy too! Another option is to tear a couple of holes in the ziplock bag and put one over the car exhaust (not in the garage!). It will quietly fall asleep and not wake up.

  • I mentioned this in one of your future posts, but it bears repeating since some people can’t seem to see the forest for the trees…

    Either take him to the vet to be put down or feed him some sleeping pills if I was so hard pressed for cash that I couldn’t pay whatever small amount a vet would charge for putting down such a very small animal.

  • i would feel it an aspirin or something, if i absolutely had to.

  • I’d take the silly thing to the vet before it can get sick enough

  • What is wrong with her.

    What the fuck.

    I am very upset now.

  • This was certainly an interesting post. It shows several facests of our society.

    First: on the story itself. It shows me how urban we have gotten, to the point where we are so removed of the realities of life. We buy our food at the market wiht out a thought of how those animals were killed. We have vets that do all the messy work for us. I get the impression that she did what she could think of at the moment. As horrible as her acount is, I can understand why she did what she did. I don’t think I would have the stomach for it.

    Secondly, the suggestions:

    Some were very sick and funny to read. But some were actually good suggestions.

    People suggested shooting it. That would be a good methode, except todays society most people don’t own a firearm and you are not allowed to shoot the firearm with in city limits. I am suprized no one suggested an air gun, but then those probably would not penetrate the pelt.

    Using rat poison would be really harsh as that is slow and painful too.

    The freezer and the brake fluid ideas seem the most humain.

    Thrid: The reaction to the suggestions againt reflect how removed we are from the realities of life. Some were honest enough to say they could not do it and would let someolse do it. And I certialy respect them for that.

    To threaten a person for killing an animal, that is just wrong and ignorant. Sure, there are better ways to kill a hamster, but still, to threaten the lives of another person, even to make a point of how cruel they are, is dumb and uneccessary. And shows how removed they are.

    Our society does not like to think about death or how to deal with it. The hanster was sick. It needed to be done or let it die from it’s illness.

    This post was an exelent one as it did challenge me as to how would I handle the situation. And it also gave me another reason not to have a pet. I would hate to be put in that position. When you take on a pet, be prepared for every stage of it’s life.

  • i dunno exactly how i’d kill my pet hamster [that's if i had one.] but the way i’d kill it would be quick and sneaky. quick because it won’t have to feel so much pain and so i won’t have to see my pet dying. sneaky so that it wouldn’t expect it.

  • Oh. Poor hampsters!!!!!! Of course this would never happen to anyone, but hypothetically, if it happened to me, I think I would say goodbye and say how much I loved him, take good care of him, and then, give him a human pill and some alcohol.

  • i would take it to the vet to put it to sleep


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