August 29, 2006

  • Cameras

    I was reading an article on about the use of cameras by law enforcement.  The city of Houston is just beginning using a camera to catch drivers running stop lights. 


    The city will mail citations to those who run the red lights that will cost $75.  I personally object to the use of cameras to give tickets.


    Should the police use security cameras to give tickets?


Comments (162)

  • FIRST! omg! Yes why not!


  • sure. and they should be forced to smother their faces in pork fat as well.

  • No. It’s a little much.

  • 2nd yes i’ve never been so close to the top
    and yeah they should

  • They already do here.  I don’t like the idea of cameras giving tickets. 

  • no. It is worse then Orwell…

  • we got a ticket from one of those. people just find ways around it. there’s a spray thing that supposedly makes your liscence unphotographical.

  • NO… they do that in California, I came up to a red light too fast but managed to stop, but not before getting a nice mug shot of me and my cars plates… nice, it wasn’t even my good side… had to go explain it in court. Waste of time… use it for something worthwhile, like I don’t know, airport security…

  • i dunno, i guess it keeps us in check while driving since police can’t be at the stoplights to catch you all the time.

  • Hmmmm….I dunno…..I don’t think that they should.  But then again, I think that they shouldn’t.  I am just a confusing and confused person 2day.  I could elaborate but I don’t want to…. <3Rachel

  • In Kansas too many are being killed by those running red lights.  I say, let them say “cheese”.

  • No because you can set it to take pictures too early and catch people who aren’t actually running the redlight.

    We’ve had those in San Diego (and the suburb I live in of Escondido) for years now and we had big problems with that…

  • We have those in my town.  I didn’t know they actually did any good because I’ve sped/ran red lights before (by accident) and I have never once been issued a warning/ticket.  I’ve never heard of anyone getting a ticket because of those ethier.  Hmm.  Yeah, they are a good idea.

  • No. It invades privacy.

  • Think of all the money the cops will save on gas if they don’t have to chase after a lawbreaker. I say if you’re worried about cameras then you probably aren’t a very good driver.

  • No, I think they need to actually witness the offense with their own eyes as it happens. (I hate it when they use someone elses eyes….)

  • No, I don’t think they should be able to do that…

  • they shouldnt have to

    follow the law

  • I think it’s brilliant. 

    1) Poliuce men are highly trained individuals that are worth a lot of money to the state.  It is silly to waste their talent and time by needing to sit by traffic lights and hand out tickets to potentially dangerous individuals.

    2) For punishment to be effective, it must happen consistently.  Getting caught once in a while or knowing there’s no cops around will mean people still run lights and break the law.  If there’s a video camera catching everyone who runs the light, and they all get caught and get tickets, then it will actually be effective and people will stop running red lights.

  • Sure.  If you aren’t breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about.  In my hometown, one of the departments is using a video camera so they can see if you do actually run the light or not.  I think it is great as we have way too many “piggybackers” that go through a light when it has already turned.  That drives me nuts.

  • What so they can give you a ticket when you aren’t at 0mph for a full 5 seconds at a stop sign?

  • Nope.  Although it would certainly be more accurate than the blind cops who just assume you made a rolling stop because you’re driving a red Mustang.  Jerks. 

  • As a person who lives in Houston, I personally think that these cameras suck.  I’ve been driving at 2 A.M. when NO ONE is out but I couldn’t just pass the damn light because they had a camera.

  • I think only if they are over 10 miles over the limit.  Sure everyone one goes 5 over every once in a while, but if you are going over ten, there’s something wrong with you and you need to slow down. I hate people that speed.

    Even more…I hate people who tailgate… How about catching everyone who does that?  If pepole would just take there time, there wouldn’t be nearly as many accidents.

  • It’s their job to catch you…not a piece of equipment. They had those around here but they cost too much and there were too many malfunctions. It caused the courts to get backed up with stupid mistakes. Needless to say…they are taking them down  : )  WASTE of $$$$$$$$$

  • yes. this would enforce people to not run stop lights knowing that there could be security cameras. I’m sure there are many accidents when people try to run a red light, but instead hit another car in the process.

  • I think they should be allowed to use any means at their disposal to ticket law violaters.

  • you gots to katch ‘em somehow, and if cameras are what you gotta use, then they should use em’.
    you gotta do what ya gotta do.

  • We’re becoming a society that is less tolerant of simple rules. Work on the bigger ones first, prove to me that our money is being spent wisely, and other people aren’t benifiting financially that shouldn’t be. oy-way to long an answer.


  • Yeah actually, I think cameras for catching people running red lights is a great idea.

  • what else are they for??

  • Only if they’re going to start mailing out awards for slamming on your brakes, & planting your face on the windshield when you come to a screaching halt for those yellow lights!!!

  • Yes…because I don’t own a car and could care less!

  • again…waste of $$$ and court time

  • Yes, definitely.  If you don’t want a ticket, don’t break the law.


  • I don’t know what the fuss is about, we’ve had speed camera’s here in Australia since the early 90′s. We learn to live with it.

    ’nuff said….

  • Yeah, well, if you don’t break the law you have no problems….

    Unless the makers and installers set the camera to go off early (because they get some of the money from the tickets…

    Capitalism, people….

  • What if someone is stealing your car and they run several red lights…wouldn’t that be adding insult to injury? I believe there was a case in california where somebody sued because the photo ticket showed the husband with his mistress in the car…he ended up getting divorced and sued.

  • Yes, definitely. If you don’t want a ticket, don’t break the law.

    Posted 8/29/2006 at 2:59 PM by tinks_sacred_vow

    true that, good point

  • Nope, there are too many possiblities of instances where a ticket should not be given. Midnight for instance when you’re wife is having your baby and you’re rushing her to the hospital, and nobody is around, if a cop sees you run a red light and stops you, he’ll probably not ticket you. There could also be the possibility that a friend borrowed your car, and you would get ticketed fro their stupidity.

  • Not to worry Dan…they sell a reflective spray that is comepletely invisible to the naked eye..but when camera’s try and take the picture the letters (on you license plate) become illegible…it isn’t even very expensive. I saw it advertised in a Maxim magazine once.

  • I don’t like it, but because it seems like such an invasion. However, it doesn’t seem like it’s a wrong way to do it.

  • I actually live in Houston and quite frankly, the cameras scare me. I wouldn’t dare run a red light. I know there was some debate about putting the cameras up because they actually send you the photograph the camera took. Some people had other people in the car they didn’t want the spouses to know about. haha.

  • No!!!  I am very speed conscience and usually follow traffic laws, but what if someone else was driving my car and I get the ticket?  They use cameras in the city near where I live and that has happened.  If you don’t see me do it yourself then sorry.

  • Sure I guess if they want to, but they should do it themselves… there lazy.

  • No. We’re supposed to be assumed innocent until proven guilty, not assumed guilty until proven innocent. The cops can wait and catch red-light runners the old-fashioned way, if ya ask me.

  • No, We had those here in minnesota, and there was a big controversy because some people lent their cars to other people then they ran the lights with the loaner getting the ticket. Its just not a good way until they figure out a better technology.

  • They’ve been using them in SF for ages… and it does make the avg p;erson slow down.  Crazy people evading police will spped thru regardless.

    What I dont’ understand is your commenter’s notion of the right to privacy?  You are in a moving car, on a public street, where what you do is construed as beaking a law and also kill someone else.  Is is not a camera in your home to see if you’re smoking pot in the rec room. 

  • Yes Dan! they have to… These people are running over people walking, running into there cars cause thety want to run red lights.

    Pluse they drive way to fast and wont stop at the yellow.  I really hate that it comes down to cameras but its working.

  • I wish they didn’t… but I suppose it’s a good idea. It makes going thru a yellow light really stressful though.

  • .. and don’t be lending your car to people who speed!  Your are loaning your car to someone who should be responsible.

    .. oh jeez.  And the other lesson is.. don’t run red lights, speed, with your fucking mistress in the car!

  • Yeah, let them.  It’s the closest we’ll ever coming to living the papparazzi-life anycase!

  • for those pple who think it invades privacy: how can you privacy be invaded when ur already out in public.
    these things rnt spying on u, they don’t have agents recording every move you make. all they do is catch the ppl who run red lights

  • Why not? My tax dollars pay for the police force, and I’d rather the police doing actual police-work than having to watch traffic all day.

  • Sure!!! Makes the world a little bit safer!!

  • I am more or less against the use of cameras for catching people speeding or running lights, etc. (Cameras at banks and other private organizations are different). However, I think that if there is a specific intersection that has an inordinate amount of light-runners, then a temporary camera might be alright, especially if there have been a lot of accidents there. Near my house is an intersection that has 300 wrecks (from slight bumps to all-out totalings) a year due to red light running. It’s the most dangerous intersection in the city. A camera could be useful at a place like that… although, I really can’t think why they haven’t put police there already.

  • I don’t think it’s a very good idea (and it’s not that I speed, so I have nothing to worry about)
    I have one of those down the street from me. It just makes me paranoid that even if I’m not doing anything wrong…they’re still watching me.

  • As a future defense attorney, I would take issue with it.  So you get the license plate of the driver but what if I leant you my car and you ran the red light?  Would I still get the ticket? 

    But being a wiseass, if they mailed me a copy of the ticket, I’d mail them a copy of the check to pay the ticket!

  • blah
    it’s hard enough to look out for cops while I’m driving, let alone hoping I don’t get caught on film

  • No,

    Like in basketball, if the refs don’t see it; it never happened. Error on their part shouldn’t effect us.

  • yea, i think that they should be used…

  • Why not? It’s going to be accurate, it will help cut down on the amount of police chases because some drunk idiot decides to outrun the cop chasing him. It’s pretty damn detailed. I say yes, they should.

  • ya i think so.  the cops can’t be on every corner.  but the cameras can.
    plus, some of those pictures can be pretty funny.

  • Yes. If you break the law, you pay the price. Literally.

  • mehh ionno sure if they wanna waste film


  • Better yet, all cars could have telemetry data embeded in their ON-STAR or GPS, and tracked in orbit. Everytime the telemetry indicates the car going over the specified speed limit for that electronically monitored region, a ticket is mailed. Brilliant!

  • You break the law, you break the law.  It shouldn’t matter if it’s caught on videotape or not.  They show security footage for robberies and the like.  No reason not to use it when someone has done something equally stupid of running a red light.

  • i am mostly apathetic but i’d say no i guess

  • No. But they should give tickets for being ugly.

  • That process has been in and out of law enforcement for years.  mostly they spread that rumour through different ways to scare people into obeying the law.  It’s like preaching Revelation at a tent meeting!

  • yes. they do it all over in germany. besides, after a while, everyone knows where they are anyway, so those who are wise won’t run those lights, while those who are foolish will.

  • No…I believe they would put cameras in our homes if we let them.
    They will tell us it`s for our “own good”…to protect us.
    Give them a few years.

  • yes, if you run a red light you should get caught.

  • They already do that in other places…

    How ya doing Dan?

  • NOOOOO! If no one (AKA the cops) weren’t there to see it, it didn’t happen.;)

  • I am astounded by my own horrible grammar.

  • Sure, let’s have cameras give tickets for speeding…and not coming to a complete stop…and for driving in the left lane for more than a mile without passing someone (here in PA)…and while we are at it, let’s monitor all of our phone conversations and ticket those who swear (FCC regulations prohibit this I believe)…and cameras in our homes so that we don’t violate any laws there…and cameras at work so we don’t do anything we shouldn’t at work….and in our bedrooms so that we don’t violate and state laws that involve sexual practices….

    After all, if you aren’t breaking the law, who cares if someone is watching you all the time.


  • I don’t see where you would have a problem with cameras. As long as you aren’t doing anything wrong ie: obeying the speed limit, not running red lights. why worry about it? Let the cops catch criminals and let the cameras catch the speeders. They should use the techology at their disposal to their advantage. Sucks…. if you don’t like to wait at red lights at 2 in the morning,  when no one is around though.

  • houston is so behind…we had it here for a while…then due to false allegations (not sure how they proved that) and blurry photos, so many tickets were overturned…so, they got rid of this at several of the intersections…

  • YES.

    People should just be following the laws. Anyone who thinks the cameras are bad must run red lights a lot. If you don’t run red lights, what do you care?!

  • YES.

    People should just be following the laws. Anyone who thinks the cameras are bad must run red lights a lot. If you don’t run red lights, what do you care?!

  • Aggh. Double-post.

  • No… Isn’t there laws against this types of thing?

  • If I got a picture in the mail with a ticket attached to it…I think I would take a picture of $75 and send it back.

    2 can play at this game :)

  • Of course. The police in Germany already use lots of cameras to patrol the autobahn. (i know I misspelled that)

  • I dont see what harm it could do. People are killed every day by idiots who run red lights. It’d be nice if something were actually done about it.

  • Sure, especially for black-and-white things like running a red light.  It is simply more efficient.  The only differences are that machines are not living, breathing people and are more plentiful and, thus, more vigilant.  Unless you just miss that warm, friendly touch of a meatbag* giving you a ticket, the only reason to reject cameras is you don’t want the law to be enforced.

    *Explanation: Yeah, I’ve been having a KOTOR binge lately.

  • We have this in Savannah- and have been issued our picture by mail along with the fine. It’s way too expensive when there are criminals running around doing all kinds of crap worse than barely running a burnt orange turning red light.

  • We had those here for a while, but they were scrapped. Part of the problem is that they lack discretion. A cop can see if you’re stuck in the intersection when the light turns red, and you have to turn or be hit by another vehicle. A camera just sees you’ve run the light.

    They’re not a great idea. But if there aren’t enough cops, then I guess it’s not such a bad thing. There needs to be enforcement of some kind.

  • absolutely. there are a few dangerous intersections around here where they already use them, and it’s cut dodwn on a lot of accidents. it’s also kind of funny to watch people who don’t know the camera is there speed through the light – especially at night, when this flash goes off and everyone around can see and knows that someone’s getting a ticket, lol.

  • no, because you the law says that you stop for the red light unless it is unsafe for you to do so, and i dont think that a camra would be able to tell if you were not in a possition to be able to stop.

  • if they put em on the street light just to catch those running red lights, then its a good, things i almost died because some ran a red light……….

  • in really high crime cities and some roads maybe…but other than that…na…

    but I dont really care…

  • um why not. you could just obey the laws, then it wouldn’t be a problem for you. unless your a communist, i suppose.

  • maybe for blowing red lights, but not for speeding. i already got one of those suckers… boo.

  • why not? it’s the next logical step. it’s people that create orwellian nightmares; not the technology. you can’t halt the progress of technology without halting progress altogether.

  • Yeah…just ‘cuz no one’s watching doesn’t mean it’s not wrong.

  • It’s already being done on turnpikes here to catch people who use them without paying.

  • I say why not.
    It enforces good driving.

  • absolutely NOT!  What if someone ELSE is driving my vehicle?!  They get the license plate but not necessarily who is DRIVING… no… no tix in the mail

  • they have been doing that here for years.  it really has made people think twice about running a read light.  i’ve never be caught, but my ex did and our roommate did driving my car.  all i had to do was tell them that it wasnt me and they pulled the picture adn sure enough it was a man.

  • Why not?  How is it any different than a police officer catching you run a red light?

  • In a perfect world, NO….but in that world there are no traffic violations either….

  • I can see the arguments in favor of it, but it’s too Orwellian for me.

  • Remedy Good song….  I wish that I could take a picture of that song…. <3Rachel

  • hmmmm . . . why do you object? people who run red lights cause MAJOR accidents.

  • Yes. People need to be held accountable.

    -Guru on the Hill

  • we have that…we even have lights that take your picture if your speeding.. I think it’s a good idea because most people I know are EXTRA carefuly around that area… myself included… but the one thats gets you if your speeding.. its dumb.. people just slow down there.. and then just speed again.. pointless

  • I don’t like the idea, because a camera is too objective. A cop can see that you didn’t really have enough time to slam on your breaks, or that the guy behind you would have ran you over if you had. Where I live, they use cameras to enforce the speed limit in road construction, which doesn’t bother me as much in theory, but they’re really bad about not posting the speed limit.

  • Since running red lights can cause traffic accidents (therefore potentially fatal accidents), yes absolutely.  Perhaps there can be a compromise between the people concerned about safety and those concerned that the government is sticking their noses too far into our lives.  Maybe enforce these stipulations only in busy intersections during the busier times of the day.

  • Sure…so long as the system doesn’t make false charges, of course.

  • Nope.  They can’t prove who was driving the car!!!!

  • Uhm sure. People shouldn’t be running red lights anyways. Bad driving people!

  • no

  • Hmm. That’s cheaper than Glamor Shots. I like it.

  • Sure.

    Don’t like it? Don’t break the law.

  • They already have them here in Delaware.  I don’t like them.  I swear they have them set so that the light is yellow for a shorter amount of time.  I really think they’re dangerous, too.  People know which ones have cameras (it’s posted) and if it turns yellow when they’re coming up to it, they slam on their brakes.  I was nearly in an accident once because someone in front of me did that.

    Yes, I most certainly agree that far too many people run red lights, and that in itself is a very big danger.  But I think that they need more police officers, not cameras.

  • No, not unless they’re having problems, i.e. wrecks, stuff like that.

  • Sure.  As long as they can demonstrate that the system is dependable.

  • YEAH

  • no, the police make enough money off of us as it is!

  • I’m goin’ against the majority. In Sunrise, there is a neighborhood that has a bunch of idiots living there, on Oakland Park Blvd, between the turnpike and 68th ST. In this area, people constantly run the lights, block the intersections etc;

    I sat at a left turn light, first in the line to turn, with a red turn light, and watched an old gibbled up man drive up in the straight lane next to me, and make the left turn from that lane. I first chalked it up to…he’s old, deaf, and probably dumb…cause he’s regressing back, you know?

    However, not five minutes later, I watched a bunch of younger, and more moronic assholes do the exact same thing…at least five of them…after sitting in the turn lane behind me, blowing their horns at me…like I was the idiot, when the light was red. So yes…it is very much needed, especially during rush hour.

  • I would say it depends on the offense. A minor violation is like not eating all of your spinich, it’s not worth it to go through all that trouble to send a message.

  • Personally- I don’t think so; but I doubt there’s mush y’all are gonna do to stop it. They are already in use in France and the US always seems to follow suit…

  • BOOOOO no cameras….

  • I think it’s a pretty good idea.  I have nothing else to add.

  • Yes. As long as they have the same system as in my city, and they have a video before and after the red light.

  • I would say no. But I think they should get only the drivers that do it consistantly, or really bad. Not the ones that barely miss the light, but the ones who just don’t care.

  • I like the idea, but if what GeniousKatt said happened might happen a lot, it sounds pretty silly. If they have a traffic problem, it’s a great idea, though. I think they should have one, but perhaps people should be warned that approaching a red light quickly can get them into trouble.

  • In Australia cameras are just an accepted part of road traffic law….. on freeways, side streets, intersections etc, etc. Rumour has it that the dunny camera is a certainty.  *S* 

  • character- what you do when no one is looking.. doesn’t it make you wonder?

  • sure, if it’s accurate. it’s the same principle, just more efficient.

  • Interesting that you read What made you pick a Houston newspaper if you are in Illinois? But YES, they should do this. We have waited a long time for it. The privacy argument is ridiculous – there is no privacy in the middle of an intersection out in public. They are putting the cameras in some of our worst intersections. People are killed all the time by red light runners. In this area, if you try to stop for a red light, you are very likely to be hit from behind by someone who thought you would run it just like they would. It nearly happened to me. If you don’t run lights, you have nothing to worry about.

  • …don’t they already do that? well, i know they’ve done it here for years. i guess i just assumed that it was everywhere.

  • Enforce the laws….yes.

  • They’ve been doing that in Victoria for years now…
    what’s with the US just catching on?

    yes, I think they should use cameras.

  • Yes because if you come to Austin, Texas, I firmly believe we have the worst drivers in the US. Come here and tell me we shouldn’t have them! I’d be so thankful if we did. Each day, I kid you not, I see 1-3 people run red lights.

  • Yeah, sure, why not.


  • we have one red light that i know of in my county that does that and it is not 75 bucks but 150 bucks. i think it is being lazy myself, and just a way for them to get more money.

  • No they shouldnt.that is just wrong.something that would suck is if someone was driving that way cuz they had to get to the hospital then a few days letter , a ticket..i would be so mad.

    i object too..

  • I am from Baltimore and they have been using it there for years.

    I haven’t heard about problems but I have heard some people were surprised to get the ticket in the mail — I would think you would realize you ran a red light??

  • I live in San Antonio and they already use cameras to give out tickets here…no big deal for me…then again…I don’t drive yet…

  • in my town, when we stop at red lights something flashes. i think they’re using cameras already.

  • we have that in New York for a while now

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