April 27, 2007

  • The Essay

    I wrote earlier today about how a kid was arrested and forced to change schools for an essay he wrote for creative writing class.  The students were encouraged to not “censor” themselves and to exaggerate.   

    The kid’s lawyer released the essay.  Here is the essay with edits for cursing by the paper that printed it:  

    “Blood sex and Booze. Drugs Drugs Drugs are fun. Stab, Stab, Stab, S…t…a…b…, poke. “So I had this dream last night where I went into a building, pulled out two P90s and started shooting everyone…, then had sex with the dead bodies. Well, not really, but it would be funny if I did.” Umm, yeah, what to wright about…… I’m leaving to join the Marines and I really don’t give a [expletive] about my academics, so why does the only class that’s complete [expletive], happen to be the only required class…enough said. The model citizen would stay around to vote in new board member to change the 4 years of English policy, but no one really stays around to vote for that kind of local crap, so whoever gets there name on the Ballet with a pretty face gets to do what the [expletive] ever they want with local ordinance. A person is smart, but people are dumb selfish animals. We can’t make rules for ourselves so we vote others to do it for us, but we can’t even do that right, I meen seriously, Bush for President? And our other option was John Kerry who claimed to parktake in Vietnam Special Forces missions that haven’t been declassified…. [expletive]. So Power Flower Super Mario. Pudge, hook, rot, dismember “Fresh Meat.” Most new/young teachers are laid back, and cooperative with students as feedback and input into the curriculum and atmosphere. My current English teacher is a control freak intent on setting a gap between herself and her students like a 63 year old white male fortune 500 company CEO, and a illegal immigrant. If CG was a private catholic school, I could understand, but wtf is her problem. And baking brownies and rice crispies does not make up for it, way to try and justify yourself as a good teacher while underhandidly looking for complements on your cooking. No quarrel on you qualifications as a writer, but as a teacher, don’t be surprised on inspiring the first cg shooting.”                

    Here is the link with the kid’s explanation of his writing:  Link       

    Does seeing the essay itself change your mind about whether the kid was a threat?  


Comments (142)

  • FIRST!  haha.

    He is obviously mentally ill and possibly a threat to himself and others.

  • Meh….it didn’t change my mind at all. I still think it’s just being blown out of proportion becuase of the Virginia Tech shooting.

  • Umm, it sounds typical of high school boys. I think people took it a bit too seriously.

  • He’s just strange. Disjointed writing.

  • Kind of. His writing is bad, I must say. I would be on the watch, though.

  • Bad as in, not very good grammatically or just good in general. The overall mood of the essay just seems negative, however it does not come across evil, vile, or gives suspicion that he’ll do anything horrible crime wise.

  • overreacted…they need to get over themselves. Ugh.

  • I don’t think he’s necessarily a threat, I just think that he was told to “not censor himself” and he (stupidly) took that to mean “write whatever you want and it’s an A.” I really doubt he meant anything more by it. The shooting comments? Yeah, that’s a little worrisome, but I’ve known several people to say such things for argumentative purposes or even just out of frustration.

    But I don’t know him, and I don’t think I can judge him accurately based solely on the essay and his explanation of that essay.

  • yes it does, he obviously not serious, he is telling the teacher that his story a lark. That the grade is of no interest to him. If this is all they are basing all this on, and it looks like it is, then it is a total overreaction.

  • I dunno,
    it seems ok to me.
    I mean, not someone I wanna hang out with, but hey, he was told not to censor himself…

    who knows…

  • still think he’s being ironic

  • These feelings are pretty normal for high school boys. They’re just blowing this out of proportion to distract you from things that are more important that no one wants to deal with. Its really just something conservative Christians want blown up so that they can try to protect their beliefs and restrict others from their own.

  • Nope. Thought they were misinterpreting his essay before–and now I know they are. The shooting and whatnot wasn’t even what his essay was about–just the first stop in a stream-of-consciousness ramble.

    *sigh* Stupid, stupid education system of ours–designed to squelch creativity and create illiterate automatons! Grrrr.

  • It was a freewriting assignment. You’re supposed to write whatever pops into your head.

  • I think this is only the second or third time in my life that I am in total agreement with the ACLU position on a subject.

  • Well it’s poorly written as heck, so I doubt he could actually carry out something.

  • He makes a couple of spelling errors ^^

  • One essay? No. Once again, the school overreacts with a knee jerk reaction. Two might indicate an issue, consistent writing is showing a problem.

  • Ok, well putting beside the fact that is one of the most awful written essays I have ever seen(!!!!) it doesn’t seem too serious..and I don’t think he was neessarily a threat. However, I guess with VA Tech you can never be too safe.

  • No.  I never saw him as a threat and I sure as hell don’t see him as one now.  He sounds like half the boys on Xanga.

    “If I’m qualified to defend the country, I believe I’m qualified to attend school.”

    Good line.

  • I don’t think he should have been arrested, but he seems just a bit messed up..

  • “conservative Christians”

    Were the hell did you get that from?

  • It’s simply a kid pushing the limits of what’s “acceptable” and obviously deemed the assignment to be bullshit, as are most English class assignments.

  • that’s a shitty essay.

  • I don’t think he is a threatening person. The kid seems to have long-term goals. He’s upset about the school system & politics in general, which is normal that someone would have a problem with it. I think the media is making a big deal because he’s Asian and it correlates with the incident at Virginia Tech. It even mentioned a reference to it in that article, “McHenry County State’s Attorney Louis Bianchi admitted that last week’s events at Virginia Tech University, when a gunman killed 32 people, played a part in law enforcement’s reaction to Lee’s writings.”  Would they assume all Asians who speak their mind without censoring to be potential killers? I never thought it was good that the news emphasized the ethnicity of the shooter. Even if, “Puma said that the district’s response was no different than what it would have been prior to the Virginia Tech tragedy,” you have to admit that they wouldn’t have taken measure to the extent that these people have done with him. If the teacher who gave him the assignment took into consideration what happened last week, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened to Lee. One thing I found a little messed up was that the teacher sent the essay to the principal and they contacted the police. Since the essay was shared between Lee and the teacher she could’ve at least spoken to Lee about it with a counselor and the principal. From that point they could determine if it was appropriate to call the police.

  • Heh. Kind of an idiot, but a no-bullshit kid.

    Clearly he’s mentally-unstable and needs to be transferred, like they decided to do. I’m a student myself and I have to say the whole system is full of absolute bullshit. The public school system is widely a joke. The vast amount of the teachers and guidance councilors are just crap at their jobs. The rules exist to be undermined.

    I don’t have a lick of great expectations for this generation. I’m definitely not going to herald the end of America. We’re just going to be a mediocre flock of worthless peons. Pity, because the current mediocre flock of worthless peons have fucked everything up straight to Hell and it would take a nation of heroes to get things back on track.

    How long can an intelligent race go on before it burns itself out?

  • “If I’m qualified to defend the country, I believe I’m qualified to attend school.”

    dude’s got a good point. 

  • That got away from me.

    Let’s revise it to, “I’m not going to herald the end of America in the next 50 years.”

  • He’s the next Drakonskyr I would say.

  • Only more tame than Vacerelli…

  • The paper said at the top to not censor or judge himself, from what the article says, so I don’t understand what the big deal is. It was a free write, stream of consciousness essay. I means nothing, stream-of-consciousness stuff rarely makes sense, and its not supposed to.

    People need to get over it. I do not believe he is a threat and I believe he is even less of a threat after reading his responses. He seems like a decent enough high school guy who was trying to complete his assignment as honestly as possible.

    See if he ever does THAT again.

  • The only thing that’s threatened by that drivel is the English language. They shouldn’t have punished him, other than maybe failing English.

  • He does not like english, no wonder the english department was pissed.

  • He’s evidence that the English department of his school didn’t teach him jack-crap.

  • No. I figured the cops blew it out of proportion because of VTech.

  • It’s completely confusing, it’s trying to be funny but isn’t, and looks like some sort of crazy email rant. Even when I was a kid I’d have been embarrassed to bring an essay like that into a writing teacher. It’s very bad writing. But it does not seem like the boy is disturbed. Just writing like a silly kid.

  • That’s his ‘essay’? He sounds like an illiterate idiot.

  • A little, yes. How was this kid an honors student? This isn’t anything but a disconnected tirade.

  • deffinately a threat to the english language. it’s “their name” not “there name” i’m sitting here wondering, “where is the name?” or should i say “wear is the name?”. good thing he’s not *a illiterate automoton*… because if he were you may suspect he were an illegal alien. seriously, while i dont really follow all the literary laws in day to day life, reading that was painful, an i could not care less about the content. i mean really, its an ENGLISH PAPER. the only crime here is how he murdered the language.

  • That’s a sucky essay…

  • Well, he wrote as stream of consciousness, but it makes one wonder if this kind of thing was what the teacher was looking for when she gave the assignment.

    He certainly expresses a lot of frustration – senseless war and bloodshed, being controlled. He sounds like he’s angry and frustrated with the world as it is.

    It wasn’t wise.

  • Reading the essay makes me think he is less a threat than I thought before.

  • I kinda stopped in the middle because I didn’t know what he was talking about and got bored. What kind of essay is that? It just looks like he was writing in his journal or something. Hardly seems like an essay . . .

  • It sounds like a free writing exercise. Is that what it was? If so, then that explains the choppiness. It is very different from what I expected. This just reads like typical high school boy stuff to me.

  • That essay is a sign that his school failed to teach him English, even after four required years.

  • Just a bit of teenage steam-blowing. His teachers should come onto Xanga, where you can find 20 like that on a quiet day. He should be a physicist: his work so far has proved the existence of the elusive dork particle.

  • That essay is…disturbing o_o

  • Holy Shit. Two things: after reading his comments on his essay I am actually more worried about the state of society than him. The Most disturbing parts of the essay are quotes and references to video games and songs. It seems to me that he is actually just mirroring what he sees every day. To me he sounds like a frustrated, rather intelligent kid with severe cases of senioritis and suburban blues.

  • Bang.  The English language is taking one for the team on this one.

  • My god, that kid cannot write at all.

  • It was a ridiculous attempt to make what was a ridiculous point done in the spirit of rebelloin and he gets what he deserved. People will boo the school for what they did but if the school did nothing at all because they wanted to avoid being “crude” and then the cat shot up the place people would boo the school for doing nothing.

    You are damned if you do and you are damned if you don’t.

    The school did the right thing and should set an example by not allowing him back in regardless as to what he “claims” his essay really meant.

    Also I find it interesting that in his explanation on what “US troops” did in Vietnam (which was written in the general sense of the word):

    “The reference to the gun P90 is from a video game, combined with a reference to necrophilia as a comment regarding a seriously messed up situation. A situation such as the rape of villagers during a raid by U.S. troops in Vietnam.”

    for some reason he is okay with joining the same military that sent those troops into vietnam. The same military that has been charged to a war by the same governmental officials who pushed & voted for the war (Kerry, Bush) that he felt a negativw opinion for.

    yea, real smart guy. What a revolutionary hero….   

  • Crap, My grammar is bad also….

  • The students were encouraged to not “censor” themselves and to exaggerate.   

    Obviously he took the instructions for the essay too seriously…..I’ve always told my kids…even it a teacher tells you to write something violent, DON’T DO IT.  With the social climate as it is….its academic suicide and begging for trouble.


  • Personally I think he’s just kind of dumb. And his spelling and grammar are terrible.

  • he got kicked out of school for two sentences? ARRESTED and kicked out of school for two sentences?

    I think he didn’t want to be in the class, and didn’t care what grade he got, and got himself screwed over because he REALLY, REALLY, REALLY didn’t care, and didn’t like the teacher. I can’t believe he did that thinking there would be *no* consequences, though.

  • i think he wrote this because he was failing english. the grammatical errors were so numerous that it was painful.

  • The last line is a bit worrisome, but he doesn’t sound all that serious — just something a stupid kid would say.  I think it’s natural that a student would write about the shooting. 

    Until I read the last line, I figured the teacher was just upset about being called a control freak.

  • Bad writing + negative thoughts does not a killer make. Getting kicked out of a school because of a breach of trust, however, is a whole other story. If you’ll pardon the expression, I think the school shot themselves in the foot with this one.

  • i liked the shout out to super mario.

  • That kid is no more a threat than I was in school.  You have a student who si bored and didn’t want to write the paper.  He was going off to the military and even said he could give a rats ass about academics.

    I think two things happened.  One being the school overreacted creating a panic that was unneccesary.  I think the school was more of a danger than him.

    Second is that the teacher got pissed because he dissed her and didn’t do the paper like she wanted.  Bad teacher.  Someone should look into her.

    I hope he gets off.  And if he misses any opportunities in life because of what they did and say I hope he sues them.

  • he’s a bored high school senior, sounds just like something all of my peers would write right now. all of us are mentally done with school, and are just counting down the days to graduation.

  • Umm, it sounds typical of high school boys. I think people took it a bit too seriously.
    Posted 4/27/2007 9:28 PM by jojomarco
    Speaking as a high school guy,  I do not have dreams of killing people then having sex with them. Yeah it was blown outta proportion but still. Corpses are a turn off for me.
    And why do people on xanga feel the need to be grammer police.

  • No, it doesn’t change my mind but his bad writing gave me a migraine.  I am hoping it doesn’t affect my male fetus.

  • He hasn’t learned how to use a spell checker or dictionary?   He should be shot for turning that piece of crap in as an assignment.

  • He hasn’t learned how to use a spell checker or dictionary?   He should be shot for turning that piece of crap in as an assignment.

  • No and why would he still wants to get back to the school after what had happened?

  • doesnt change my opinion, i dont think he was a threat.

  • I don’t think that was………..
    this is in no way threatening to me.

  • what in the world. they arrested him for that?!

  • the last sentence does sound like he is blaming his teacher for a potential shooting
    he knew she would be reading it
    so I can see the teacher feeling threatened
    add the VT shootings and possibly a little racism
    and the school district is forced in to a corner to respond since she passed the writing up to them
    if something did happen and parents found out they knew about this it would be blown up more than it is now
    the school system is just trying to cover their ass
    and individuals (especially those with little self-control or common sense) are going to take the hit

    and I don’t understand the connection that one poster has with conservative Christians and this situation

  • no. but that is because i didn’t think he was a threat in the first place.

  • Maybe he’s a threat to literary critics, and I’m sure he’s going to be trained to kill people after he joins up, and then he’ll certainly be a threat to someone or other. But seriously, he sounds just like a million other high school kids who don’t care about their education and just write worthless, rambling, nonsensical essays and turn them in.
    What happened to him is because of the timing.

  • He’s joking you can tell. Its sort of a sarcastic tone to it. Honestly I wouldn’t be scared.

  • all this threat b.s. has gotten a bit out of hand. two of my friends got suspened today because one wrote brass knuckles and a gun on their test booklet. and the other got suspended and three days of counseling because he said “Someone should assasinate Hinder (the band).”

    it’s ridiculous how everything can be misconstrewed into a terroristic threat.

  • on a funnier note, it’s quite ironic that this kid is also vietnamise.

  • I don’t know if he’s a threat or not. But, in light of recent events, writing something like that in school shows a complete lack of intelligence. He may not be a future murderer, but he’s obviously really dumb.

  • how the hell is he in honors?

  • the fact that he’s asian doesnt make it any better. iono, reminds me of virginia tech, i dun like it

  • hahhaaha i totally got the DotA reference :)

    ugh, they’re overreacting .. makes me sick

  • at above comment, what does being asian have to do with anything ? he’s obviously just a bored student.

    hooray for racial profiling …

  • Stereotype at its finest.

  • the kid is fine. Fucking bastards ruined his life just because he was messing around. his timing was bloody stupid but he doesn’t deserve this bullshit

  • dissrespectful and foolish… partially i htink he was going for this exact reaction, what his reasons were i don’t know…  what’s sick and what’s not? who decides? if he was told not to censor and to exxaggerate – well, there you go! what is the school’s problem? but of course they would be sued or something if somehting happened so they are just covering their own asses… i think the  student should not have been transfered, but i do think the paper was a foolish one for him to write if he was going to go ingo the military – then again, we let criminals join and stupid people and weak people (all the standards have been lowered) so i suppose one kid with authority problems isn’t that big a deal…

  • wow like i said he is STUPID!!! and this is suppose to be an honor’s english calss?? something about that essay makes kinda of think if thats wat he  really wrote cuz that essay just suxd. i enviosned and essay that was more vivid and grusome. and the kid said he was JUST JOKING!!!

    “So I had this dream last night where I went into a building, pulled out two P90s and started shooting everyone…, then had sex with the dead bodies. Well, not really, but it would be funny if I did 


    he messed up in the end though by saying he wouldnt be surprised if she inspered the first cg shooting…kid was just stupid..and maybe the teacher blew it out of porption bcuz he insulted her the whole paper..lol


  • nope! i knew it wasn’t mentally ill.

  • and yes, the teacher DID blow it out of proportion because he insulted her in the essay!

  • It doesn’t change my opinion at all…

  • i don’t really see a threat here.. i just see an angry kid who got really frustrated with school work and bad teachers.

  • A threat to good grammar…

  • I wouldn’t say he’s a threat. He is an ass and doesn’t know how to type, though.

  • “the fact that he’s asian doesnt make it any better. iono, reminds me of virginia tech, i dun like it
    Posted 4/28/2007 3:08 AM by LenienGlasses
     WOW, way to be ingorant and discriminate! Good job, buddy!

  • So the kid hates his teacher. Lots of kids hate their teachers. He was encouraged to not censor himself and to exaggerate and he was probably sitting as his desk thinking “take this nonsensored exaggeration, teach.” I’m sure it was an exaggerated, non censored form of the kids’ frusteration. It’s like “i hate my teacher how can I exaggerate that hate” Kids who make threats like that, even as a form of exaggeration, though, need to be taken seriously, unfortunately. Because so many kids AREN”T taken seriously and those are the ones who may end up going through with it.

  • I did not know anything about the kid. Now that I know what he did and read his essay, it’s confirmed he’s sick!

    Noone is perfect, and life is not fair … no doubt about that, but a normal person should conform to do what society deems normal.

    He’s joining the Marines!? ROFLAO, GOOD LUCK!

    “Marines, The Few, the Proud”

  • oh my god, that is not a threat at all. holy shit, why the hell would they arrest someone for that….jesus, so much for freedom of speech.

  • Nah.  I said earlier that I thought he should have thought out what he was doing more carefully before writing it, but that he shouldn’t have been expelled.  I still think that, but now I’m REALLY questioning this guy’s judgement.  Taking so many quotes from media?  Come on…to me, that shows a lack of individual thought.  I know a few people like him, and they’re not really threats…they’re just angry at the world around them, like most angsty young people are today.  So they turn the things around them into idols and follow those idols accordingly.  Not cool, not smart, but that’s the world we live in…

  • i don’t know about a “threat”, but I think it’s obnoxious that he wrote about shootings and necrophilia for a school assignment, esp just after VA tech.
    And yeah.. that’s some poor writing.

  • No. Im the same way, im not going to shoot anyone.

  • He only had like, 3 sentences on that dream. Lol.

    I think the teacher was bitter.

  • im seeing alot of comments that say the essay’s proof that he’s “mentally unstable” but also that he’s “just like alot of high school boys that age.” I think that when you ask a person to write uncensored, you can’t expect to know what’s going to come out. It’s like writing a blog post. You might be a good, happy person, but a blog is where you let out all the demons that are inside you. (Yeah, after the VA Tech shootings though, he should have protected himself from such overreactions by NOT meeting the exact requirements of the assignment.) I actually wouldn’t be surprised to find that a LOT of people at that school would sound “mentally disturbed” in a truly uncensored essay. At high school age, people go through alot of turmoil. In any case, the essay doesn’t PROVE he’s mentally disturbed, because he could be just really emotional. You’d have to see how the person is day-to-day. You’d have to see how they would read their essay out loud. You’d have to see the intent behind it to know. Yeah, he could be, but you certainly can’t tell by one emotive essay.

  • he looks oddly familiar… hmmmm

  • this isn’t worth getting arrested/kick outta school for.

  • “On an additional note, I have completed the MEPS (Military Entry Processing Station) examinations, and yes a psychiatric evaluation is included in the process. If I’m qualified to defend the country, I believe I’m qualified to attend school.”


  • I think in his defense:
    1) It’s creative writing
    2) They were told to not censor themselves and to exaggerate
    3) His explanation

    However, if this essay was written AFTER VT, I think it was in very, very poor taste to write this essay. I do think that everyone is much more sensitive to this after 4/16, but the student should have been aware of that and should have known that if this would’ve caused great controversy at any other point in time (which it would have), it was bound to cause even more given recent events. I don’t think he is a threat to anyone but he showed a severe lack of judgment and sensitivity to the heightened emotions regarding students and violence.

  • no, it sounds just like most high school boys i know

  • Oh this kid is a definite threat. He is a threat to exposing how our public education system is a massive failure. Can anyone say “lowest common denominator?”

  • My1Tomato- Conforming isn’t a good thing. It removes the creativity from our world. How many people in the past have stood up against conforming, and how many of them do we now know to have been right? Society’s morals aren’t always correct.

    He was a little out of line for writing what he did, but if the teacher didn’t want them to write anything gruesome, it should’ve been stated at the beginning of the essay as opposed to “don’t censor yourself.”

  • and Skitts, you’re the last one who needs to speak about anyone’s writing… Do you gnaw, or just refuse to use spell check?

  • “So I had this dream last night where I went into a building, pulled out two P90s and started shooting everyone…, then had sex with the dead bodies. Well, not really, but it would be funny if I did.”

    He said it was a dream and he said it would be funny if that really happened. KEY WORD: Dream. Not INTENTION. I’ve had crazy dreams too but that doesn’t mean I will reenact them. They took it too seriously.

  • He just sounds cynical. I’m not really bothered by it.

    If you ask people to open up and not respect the usual understanding of what is appropriate, you shouldn’t get upset when someone complies.

  • Sorry for commenting too much on this one, but in respect to his mispelling, I think he did it on purpose to rebel. He’s a typical high school student.

  • Bad writing, stream of conciousness, upset with the system, can’t wait to get out of school….and I think many teens are MUCH more socially and politically aware than adults give them credit for, so they see right through all the BS.  It’s a rant, not a threat.

  • I’m a little annoyed by how many people say this kid is a regular high school student. Really? I can’t imagine people have changed tht much in the three years since I was in high school. That essay was terrible. It was terrible because it refers to school shootings and violence right after Virginia Tech, and that is just stupid. Besides the fact that it was so poorly written, it does not meet any requirement for any essay ever. I don’t even think it qualifies as creative writing. I am hard pressed to believe that any “normal” student would be so stupid as to say things like that about his teacher in the first place. Perhaps he really is smart- the mistakes don’t necessarily look like they come from acute idiocy but just laziness- but really, I’m not sure I am comfortable with someone who wrote this serving in the military. I don’t think he should have been arrested, but he did refer to “the first cg shooting” right after Virginia Tech, and that warrants school action of some sort, if only sending him to the counselor. Maybe my problem is that I would never write a completely uncensored essay for an assignment, and if I did, it would be about something that I could think on uncensored without writing about violence.

  • wow… he was joking.. not serious at all… i guess that tells us to be careful what we joke about (didnt IMUS teach us anything???)

    Daniel (doubledb)

  • Meh, seems like a typical high school boy to me. Seriously, I wouldn’t be concerned about it. I agree with streetlights_flicker though. He took it to mean he could write whatever he wanted. I wouldn’t be concerned. I think more people have odd morbid thoughts like this and just never share… everyone’s a little messed up.

  • The dude can’t write worth squat!

  • yes it changed my mind. yes, what he said was not something you would normally say to a teacher, but don’t lie boys say shit like that all the time. so what if this kid is a little bitter/cynical towards some authority figures in his life? hell we all are. honestly, i agree with a lot of what he said. teachers CAN be like that, and George Bush, get the fuck out of office. he’s not a threat.

  • That does not sound like a threat.  It’s bogus to arrest him for free speach.

  • what did he expect? there are more creative ways to be vulgar and he should have utilized those other ways

  • also seems like a little punk

  • ummmm…is anyone else concerned that this boy is (according to dan) “an honors student”?

    check the previous post on the subject…

  • It did change.  I didn’t know what to think about kicking him off campus.  Now, I think he should be banned from the university.  He either has that mindset or understands it very well – both thoughts are creepy.

  • No. Now it’s clear that he was joking. Especially after reading his explanation. Greenday lyrics, for goodness’s sakes.

  • The last line disturbs me, but I still think kicking him out of school was too much.

  • This is definitely a threat. The last sentence. If that wasn{t there it was a free writing assignment and therefore fine.

  • The ending does seem a bit threatening. So maybe teachers should be keeping a closer eye on him, not arresting him and sending him to another school.

  • not more of this crap..

  • A kid can not write anything at all and still come to school and kill tons of students… he needs help, not to be arrested. I hate the United States >:| politically incorrect jackoffs.

  • Um, yeah. He shouldn’t get in trouble.

  • I think people are overreacting because of the VT shooting. And I think he has a point about being qualified to defend the country meaning he should be qualified to go to school.

  • he’s hilarious. why the fuck did they expel him?

  • I think that after Virginia Tech, people are over-reacting. After reading the essay in full, he doesn’t seem threatening at all. Maybe uninspired (to put it mildly) by his English teacher, but not dangerous. Obviously his comment on inspiring a CG shooting wasn’t meant seriously – the context wouldn’t explain for it to be serious. I think there’s a serious problem in the thinking that follows a tragedy; people start over-reacting to minor situations, thinking that they’re going to prevent the next shooting or terrorist threat, and a lot of problems are caused for innocent people. New methods of “security” are created (you can’t have water or any liquid – this includes lip gloss, how terrifying - on airplanes, people are arrested for writing an apathetic english paper) and then after a while, it happens again anyways. I haven’t heard of a case where the precautions that were added after a tragic event really came to any good. Is this because good news isn’t reported (it doens’t sell as well) or because a lot of these precautions aren’t actually practical?

  • im glad there are so many psychologists here who can accuratelly tell who is psychotic and who isnt

  • argh… the only threat is to purveyors of good writing and language… he’s a typo terrorist!

  • Sounds like a typical high schooler.  A kid who isn’t too popular, is a bit of a nerd, and seems to need some extra love in his life.  Some good Christian friends and a nice youth group would probably do him some good.  I still think that any student who knows anything about the shootings that happened at other schools should have enough common sense to know that writing about such a subject at this time would get him in trouble.  For his lack of common sense, I think he deserves to be punished.  I would think it’s typically people who lack common sense and good morals that turn into druggies, alcoholics, or school shooters.

  • PureShiningLight: “He is obviously mentally ill and possibly a threat to himself and others.”

    wtheck? Seriously?

  • that sounds like my teacher

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