November 8, 2007

  • Mall Curfew

    A mall in Cleveland has just implemented a curfew on teenagers. 

    The mall is banning “anyone under 18 after 2:30 p.m. unless he or she was accompanied by an adult.”  The thinking is that kids are unruly and they are driving away paying customers.  Here is the link:  Link  Malls across the country are implementing these curfews.

    Do you think malls should have curfews for those under 18 unless they are accompanied by an adult?


Comments (185)

  • 2:30 pm seems too early, aren’t most kids in school until than anyway? Maybe after 7:00 pm or something. But from personal experiance, when I’m on a shopping mission and I have to dodge packs of teens, I get a wee bit annoyed and do try to hurry on out.

  • 2:30PM?  That’s HILARIOUS!  AHHH hahahaha….

  • Kids are going to go to the mall whether you like it or not.  You might as well give them a $20 gift certificate so that they won’t steal anything while they’re there.

    BTW: That was just my way of creating an analogy for the people who are proponents of providing contraceptives to children.

  • 2 freakin’ 30 PM?  When most teenagers are just waking up?

    This is, in a word, discriminatory and I don’t like it.  And I’m not even a teenager.

  • Wow my comment makes me sound like someone’s 90 year old grandma…YIKES!

  • 2:30pm? I think that’s bit too far. Does teenager usually pay some of these stuff as well? Sometmes they are the one with the money and not tightwad as adult would have been. If they want to lose money.. That’s their problem.

  • yes, but 2:30 is too early. perhaps 6 or 7 pm when they should be home and off the streets anyway, and maybe even studying? hows that for a new concept ?

  • 2:30? Thats insane. Are there exceptions for the ones that work at the mall?

    I can imagine them banning the kids.. i just don’t get it being at 2.30pm. That means that during the week they can’t ever go bascially..    i bet their food court is gonna lose some revenue.

  • 2:30 PM?

    They will lose a lot of money enforcing that.

  • Here’s a radical idea: Deal with the unruly teens instead of discriminating against everyone under 18. I’ve always hated the practice of punishing everybody because a few are misbehaving.

  • When I was in eighth grade they tried to do that at a shopping center near the school I attended.  As soon as they announced the ban everyday after school at least half of the kids from my school and probably a fourth of the kids from the nearby elementary school and some high schoolers would show up at the shopping center and just walk around never entering a single or doing anything untoward and within a week they had lifted that rule.  I think they realized that for a few hours after school everyday most of their business was from kids after they got out of school.

  • By all means….ban them!

  • If a teenager is in a mall before 2:30 pm, doesn’t that mean they’re skipping school?

  • Yeah, definitely. But 2:30? Kids only get out of SCHOOL at 2:30. How could they take a trip to the mall before then?

  • I do have to say 2:30 is too early.  I used to drop $20-$30 every time I went to the mall and so did most of my friends.  They really will be losing a lot of money in the food courts, theaters, places like Claire’s and Spencer’s, and whatever stores kids currently consider to be their mecca.  And lately while kids at the mall annoy me on my trips there, it really doesn’t keep me from the shopping that I want to do.

  • 2:30 is way to early!! After 7pm is more reasonable.


    It’s not like some teenagers go there to hang out….tey do shop so I think that some business will lose out. Especially since teens love to splurge.

    But then again…..they are a pain in the a** at my mall…………


  • Yes- But I think that 2:30 is a bit early- maybe more like 7:00 or  8:00pm. That seems like a more reasonable time. 

  • Do I think they should? No.

    Do I think they have the right? Yes.

  • The mall where I am at in Oklahoma has just issued a 5p.m. curfew on school nights.

  • Some of those young teens (the ones who dress a bit gothic) may scare some people away; especially moms who don’t want their young children around such people.  But I agree with some others who have already commented, 2:30 is too early; 7:00 would suffice.

    On the other hand, what are those kids going to go out and do if they’re not at the mall?  Drungs?  Mess around with their boy/girlfriends?  Maybe keeping kids at the mall is keeping them out of trouble.

    Another factor is the kids who are “good” kids and just happen to want to hang out with their friends at the mall.  Maybe their parents drop them off to see a movie after school, they do some shopping, and grab a bite to eat.  There is nothing harmless about that.

    I one other thought.  Teens under 18 often have part-time jobs.  They don’t have any bills, so they spend their money on “fun stuff” at the mall.  Kicking those kids out of the mall could actually mean an even bigger decrease in revenue for the mall.

  • oh yeah, now Walmart is being over run. HAHA!

  • And what about kids who work in the mall?  I had a job in the mall starting when I was 16.  Would these kids still be allowed to work past 2:30 or whatever the chosen time is?

  • WOW.  That is a new one I have never heard of.  There is security working in the mall for a reason…let them keep unruly children at bay.  Too bad that won’t do something like that at Wal-Mart, so I don’t have to listen to unruly toddlers screaming their damn heads off while I am trying to grocery shop…

  • How are they going to enforce that ,a guard at every entrance?

  • Yes they should be allowed to implement curfews.  I  think 2:30pm is a bit early but that is my opinion. 

    I know that several of the malls around here have done it.  Kids can still go to the movie theater but they cannot just walk around the mall.

    As an aside I was in a mall bathroom and listened to the following from a teenage girl:

    “So he said nu-uhn and I said uh-hun and he was like whatever and I said whatever to you and  . .  . “

    I can’t believe people really talk like this.

  • Jesus Christ, you’d think this was new.  Our mall has been doing this for almost three yers now, and I couldn’t have been more unsupportive when I was underage, and I am not any more supportive now at 19.  There is nothing to do in this town as it is, so let’s take away the one mall we have from our under 18 kids.  It was terrible, being 17 and in AP classes, with a really demanding part-time job, and not being permitted in the mall after 4pm.  Absolutely ridiculous.  Or how about not being able to go Christmas shopping with my 14-year-old brother.  That pains me.  It is totally unfair; when I’m with him, I’m responsible for him, regardless of whether I’m 21 or not. 

    Btw, This_Is_Important, kids aren’t going to go to the mall “whether we like it or not” if the security at other malls is as tight as it is at the one by me.  There wasn’t one entrance without a guard, or one section of the mall that didn’t have mall security patiently wating around to chance after anyone trying to sneak in.  These people are cold and heartless and won’t take ANY excuse.  You can be sixteen and work in the mall, but to get in on the weekend, you have to either have something that proves it, or have your manager call in and speak with security if (when) they give you a hard time.  But they need to, I suppose, because lots of people use “I work here” to get in underage.

    Overall, I think it’s bullshit.  I don’t know what they should do to change it, because their reasons for doing it are valid, and the reports of shoplifting (among other things) are on the decline.  But… good students, or responsible kids in general really shouldn’t be inconvenienced by this.  I have friends that are thirteen that are more responsible than half of my 20-something friends. Let’s just get real.

  • yes it would be nice to have a curfew…for those of us who can’t remember what it was like to be a teenager, but I think 2:30 might be a little early. most kids won’t even be out of school by then.

  • They have this in Columbus, too. I went with friends to Easton (the big “look, I’m a mall but I look like a little town! how quirky and fun am I?” establishment) and saw mall cops piling thirteen-year-olds into the back of their Jeeps to drive them home once it hit 9:00.

    In theory, it’s a good idea, as malls are becoming non-living babysitters where parents can drop off their kids and return for them whenever they want, and it’s annoying to have to deal with unsupervised kids, but at the same time, if I were 13, I’d be furious. This is so totally unfair, you guys. [pout]

  • being a teenager, i’ve gone to many malls. teens haven’t been a problem and teens are the main customers. so i say go ahead, implement this curfew. let’s watch the sales drop.

    and also school let’s out at 2:30

  • No… not all teenagers are rampaging assholes. Maybe if the curfew was in the evening that would makes sense, but 2:30? Jeez. I haven’t even gotten out of school by then.

  • 2:30 is kind of extreme. The Mall of America has a curfew of 6:30 PM in place now. I think that that’s okay. However, although teenagers are unruly, I don’t think that a curfew will keep out those there to cause harm. 

  • They did that at my local mall, except it was only after 6 on weekends.
    However, it was EXCEEDINGLY stupid, and exceedingly expensive.
    I’ve been really pissed off because if they ask for my ID, I’m screwed – even though I’m 18, I rarely actually carry ID.

  • after 2:30 pm?!

    so basically the only kids getting into the mall on their own are the ones skipping school?

    makes total sense to me.  it’s definitely the hard-working, academically oriented crowd that’s turning malls into trash these days.

  • Oh, and how about when I did work at the mall, I would sometimes work all day (12-hour shift) – by myself until 4 or 5 in the afternoon.  So if I waited until someone else got there before going to eat, it would invariably be past 6PM and the guards would give me TONS of hassle all the way to the food court and back.  I’m like “WTF? I’ve worked here for months – you ought to recognize me, or the fact that I’m in full work-clothes”

  • They are free to do as they wish regarding the matter.

  • <li class=”itemsubmitter”>la_faerie_joyeuse
    Why not just carry ID? =) You should always have some sort of ID on you.

  • they already have that in Toledo, OH… crazy annoying as a Marylander to go out with younger cousins in Ohio and find out that they arent allowed to be out past a certain time

  • (but thats for 9pm, not 230- 230 is just nonsense, what about teenagers that work at the mall? are they supposed to quit school or what?)

  • Though I understand the concept, having had to go around marauding bands of youts at our mall, I think 2:30 is a bit early and I’m unsure how they will enforce it, as stated by other commenting above me.  Concerning their losing money at the mall generally, I have my doubts that the economic of enforcing such a ban would be that severe.  Personally I have never seen the marauding bands of youts buy anything at the mall besides food at the food court and an occasional CD at the music store. 

    Good luck with that, Mr. Mall Manager.

  • Aren’t they getting rid of their customer base, there?

  • I know that the Mall of America near Minneapolis was one of the first malls to implement a curfew several years ago. It has worked to cut down on some of the crime and violence that was becoming a serious problem. I’m not sure what the curfew is at now, they’ve changed it but it used to start at around 6 or so, and was just for people under 16. There is a security guard at all the entrances into the main part of the mall checking IDs. Of course people still get in, but it has made a difference. I think that 230 is way to early, its basically banning kids from the mall completely and that, aside from stores losing money, is just asking for problems by forcing kids to hang out somewhere else.

  • They have something like that here in Milwaukee.

    You’d think they’d lose business. What high schoolers want to go shopping with their parents?

    Plus, isn’t it the kids in the mall during the day (skipping school) that they should be worried about?

  • RYC: It’s my mom’s job to annoy me, not make me want to kill my wrists.
    ((My mom likes to call me, a person with an eating disorder (THAT SHE KNOWS ABOUT), fat. She does this all of the time.))

  • I can see after 7pm or 8pm but after 2:30pm would reduce a lot of income. When I was a kid, it wasn’t uncommon to be dropped off at the mall with friends and we’d go blow $20.

    Besides, having the curfew start after 2:30pm might actually encourage kids to cut school to go to the mall.

  • It may be a good idea, from the mall’s point of view.  Might be bad publicity, though.  Has it worked in other malls?

  • definitely! you cannot go to our mall fri or sat night after 6pm. unless you want to be trampled by 13 year old gothic wanna-bes. The mall an hour north of us is even worse. in july, a riot broke out at 6pm. stores closed their doors at 6:45 and the mall was EVACUATED at 7:15pm. it was insane. parents use the mall as a free babysitter to their children.

  • but isn’t the whole thing defeated if a teenager has his or her 18th birthday and accompanies his or her younger friends??

  • meh why bother they’ll just find a friend who’s 18 to accompany them.

  • this.. once again proves that people are idiots.

    just stop being an idiot and there is no problem.

    ok people what teen is going to be in the mall before 230 anyway???

    ever hear of school? just tell the intollerant old people to come an shop before 230.

    lets use brians not laws.

    im 21 and so this wouldnt effect me at all… but there isnt a whole lot to do here in lancaster pa… so i say let the kids be.  

  • they are a orivate business and should be allowed to make up whatever rule they want as long as it is legal.

  • That’s a bit stiff, kids don’t even get out of school until 3 or 3:30!  I’m with seedsower, how are they going to enforce this?

  • 2:30??
    Every school(except elementary, that’s 3:30) is in until then.
    Maybe if it was until a later time, sure. My boyfriend and I used to walk around the mall all the time, because we didn’t really have money and it was better than sitting at home doing nothing. Personally, we didn’t cause any problems…and I’m so tired of seeing kids who do. Do parents really suck that much today? It’s like the kids at my park who run around chasing the geese with sticks, attacking them, while the parents just watch.

    I do find the curfew kind of ridiculous, but they should give a little more leeway on it…after all, the article(maybe not this one, but the one I read) even says that the teens make up most of the people who go. Like some have said…why don’t they just deal with the problem-causing teens, rather than all of them? Do they not have mall security?

    And what about kids who work in the mall?  I had a job in the mall
    starting when I was 16.  Would these kids still be allowed to work past
    2:30 or whatever the chosen time is?

    Again, I don’t know if it was in this article because I didn’t read it, but the one I did read said that they’d be issued id cards saying that they were allowed in still.

  • To be honest I think that’s stupid
    ban unruly teens, ban loiterers that sit in the food court or coffee shop with no purchases
    but they’re losing out on a lot of disposible income
    when I was younger my friends and I had nowhere else to hang out so a few times a week religiously we’d go out and blow our money on whatever caught our eye

  • So children should skip school so they can go to the mall?

  • I meant every school in my area**

  • Yes if things are that bad. 2:30 might be a bit earlier however.

  • I think this one’s a bit strict. I could maybe understand if the curfew was much later (since they probably are just getting out of school at 2:30) or if the age was a bit younger, like 14 or 15. It seems that this is just one of the many messages our society sends to teenagers that just because of their age, adults consider them trouble. It’s like we expect them to cause trouble before they even do anything wrong. That’s not exactly fair.  If they aren’t doing anything wrong, let them be. If they are, send mall security after them. Same with every age group.

  • i forgot who said it but, how are “gothic” people any scarier than half-dressed, sweat-pants wearing, no bra and spaghetti-strap, tank-top wearing, or swim trunks and wife-beater with sandels wearing people at wal-mart?  besides the goth culture is largely an older crowd around where i live and many of the followers are well over 18.  why support a homogenized society?

  • It’s 4PM here. Stupid shit right there.

  • How about no one under 16… that would seem a bit more logical as a lot of kids that age are working and spending money in the malls and can drive there themselves.

  • A curfew is a good idea, for young adults, but 2:30pm, you’ve got to be kidding. I think the malls need to get more security, and if they have re-occurring problems with certain people then those would have to be accompanied by adults.

  • i don’t get the “omg gothic teens ack” thing either…

    there are plenty of scary-looking people out there that don’t have to wear makeup to get that efffect.  does that mean they don’t have the right to shop because we don’t want to look at them?  of course not.  stop being stupid.

  • Not really…  Where exactly do they want the teens to go?  Out on the streets?
    If they are unruly, then they should be asked to leave. Otherwise, I don’t see what the big deal is!

  • as other people said 2:30 seems very early and besides most teenagers are in school at that time. Are they trying to ban teenagers without an adult supervising?

    At the mall back home they banned gathers of teenagers of 3 or more

  • Yes, however 2:30 is kinda early…maybe like 5 instead.

  • Terrible idea. Malls are always the stomping grounds for teenagers these days, one of the aspects of our culture. Sure, teenagers are unruly but also, they have the most leisure cash to spend – since they have jobs yet they don’t have to pay rent or anything. I think this idea will massively backfire on them.

  • Sure… malls are not hang out places… of course they may be alienating a market… kids get allowances and they spend money!

    ryc: I’m with you… I didn’t think it was sad… I thought it was more cute that she wore it for eight days straight… I’m not worried about the growing up… I’m sure when she comes home and sees it clean on her bed… it will be a good thing.

  • I know the rule in the New Orleans Riverwalk mall was that anyone under 18 had to be with an adult at all times. Or else the kids, no matter what time of day it was, would get thrown out of the mall.

  • how can they even do that??!!

  • No, that’s a little ridiculous. I’m a responsible 16 year old who only goes to the mall either to shop or see a movie at the cinema with my friends. We’re not disruptive, and to punish us for this seems extreme.

    Alot of the teenagers that hang out at the mall are disruptive, but what happened to the good old days when the security guards would kick them out on their ass? Some of my favorite memories are of seeing annoying teenagers kicked out of the mall.

  • Very interesting.  When I was in high school, we went to the mall just to goof off, and put bubbles in the fountain…..teens are bored.  But, they do shop.

  • That is ridiculous, the mall is a public place, where all should be able to hang out…hello what is a mall without teens?????

  • I would make it 6pm, not 2:30! Most adults do not going shopping until after work around 5pm and kids need some time to shop by themselves as well.

    Either way, I agree with the ban because my mom works at a mall as a jewelry saleswoman and she complains all of the time about how teenagers window shopping or joking around in her store takes away their time from serious buyers.

  • 2:30pm is kinda too early…however, if the mall is a private owned mall, they can do whatever they please. 

  • If they are causing that much of a problem, then yes.  The mall needs to be a safe place for everyone and that means that safeguards will have to be put in place.

  • what about teens that work in the mall?

  • That seem s a bit ridiculous to me but I am an internet shopper. However I was once a teenage mall rat. We were probably annoying but we did spend quite a bit of money there – and the movie theater was there too so often we were there until late. I am not in favor of a 2:30 pm curfew at all now that I have teenagers. But of course mine are all very well behaved and would NEVER cause trouble…. lol

  • No way! If the kids are hanging out at the mall they likely aren’t doing drugs or drinking or doing a lot of other things they could that are a lot worse than being a bit loud in the mall. I know in our area there really wasn’t anything for us to do except go to the mall. Normally we ended up buying pizza and maybe something little like jewelry or some lotion so we were paying customers to an extent…but we usually stretched out 20 minutes of shopping over a few hours. Besides my guess is that they’re having trouble with a few teens, not all and that’s just silly to discrimiate against all of them because a few were being troublesome.

  • ive never agreed with it, but while i lived in new jersey there was a mall my friends and i would go to.. wed eat in the food court.. go shopping.. go to the movies and the security guards hated us… we weren’t unruly.. we werent rude.. we just liked to laugh a lot.. is that illegal.. they made it a rule that u can’t be in a group of more than 3.. and that if you were there after like 6 i think.. you had have an adult… it was ridiculous..we never caused any problems, and yet they treated us like trash just because we were teens

  • To people that said that malls are a public place, in most cases, they aren’t. Why? Most of them are on private owed property. 

  • 2:30 is way too early. I think curfews are ridiculous, but if they really feel they need them, perhaps 6 or 7pm is a better idea. Especially during the week because don’t most high schools get out around 2? What if a kid really needed to get get something at the mall for a project (say a costume or supplies, etc)? They probably wouldn’t be able to get to the mall until after the curfew, meaning that they could not go.

    And thinking about the kids I hung out with in high school, yeah we would mainly just walk around and shoot the shit, but we’d always get food, and almost always buy at least some little thing.

  • Advertising is geared toward youth. If they ban these kids, they won’t hook them and have them in their 20s/30s and then they’ve just secured online shopping a solid future.

  • I think they will lose a lot or revenue because of it.  Maybe they could push it back to 6:30 or so, at least give the kids a chance to go and buy stuff. 

  • Yes to the curfew, but I too think 2:30 is a wee bit early.  However, I have been to that mall and a curfew is completely justified in this case.  The kids there can get really out of control and I think this has been a long time coming.  

  • No doubt kids will learn a valuable lesson in what kind of society thank can expect to live in when they grow up: A society that legislates and bans every freedom for the sake of “convenience” and “not being offended”.

  • great idea! parents need to parent. not drop their shitty kids of at the mall to be baby sat there.

  • i thin all kids should be locked in cages from like…age 13 to 18. heh heh

  • Um, no way jose. I’m 17 and since I was 15, I’ve paid all my clothes, jewelry, ect on my own. Teenagers DO make money and they do want to buy things… nobody wants to go to the mall and buy nothing.
    That’s stupid.

  • 2:30 i think is a little early something more like 6 would make sence

    and i i am sorry you can only drink only a little bit of milk
    does it just make your stomach upset?

  • That’s bogus. You know how many times I’ve been “driven away” or near to it from adults far older than myself?

  • I would consider 5:30 or 6:30 a more reasonable curfew.

    But as a teen, I do hope they lose business. Serves them right for punishing every teen for other teens’ mistakes. If they did that to GSP, how is it possible for us to go to the mall after school when they let us out at 2:55?

    PLUS, teens are their biggest consumers. They’re losing money that way. && honestly, who wants to hang out so early in the morning at the mall?

  • absolutely NOT!!! are you kidding me? I was more mature at fifteen than many twenty-two year olds are. and even if this were reasonable, the 2:30 time limit DEFINITELY isn’t.

  • Public places shouldn’t limit due to age. If they didn’t want it this way then the mall should be privatized and instill a club membership for access during certain times. What a horrible way to run business.

    Plus why would you want the kids on the street? Drugs and teeanage sex anyone?

  • They had that rule at a local mall when I was in high school. It didn’t seem to catch on very well. I remember that they banned teens from being in groups of more than two as well. It’s silly really.

  • oh ok… so lets promote skipping school just so kids can get into the mall before curfew is over… how idiotic. 

  • “I know the kids can be kind of intimidating, especially for people that are from out of town or from outside of the city,” said Tishara Clement of Cleveland. “A lot of them are just unsupervised and kind of unruly, so I think it would be a good idea.”

    I know! Whenever I see a wild pack of teenagers it surely makes me shiver in my shoes!

  • 2:30?!!! Holy shit, that’s much worse than mine.

    For ours, you have to be 18+ to wander around after 4pm on Friday and Saturday. I hear talk about kicking people under 16 out during school hours, too, but I’m not sure if that’s true.

    Of course, if you look like you’re 18+, you can still wander around anyway….. :P

    It’s the mall’s prerogative, but it really cuts down on hangout time.

  • thats hilarious…

    now the teenagers will hang out in the woods and get wasted.

  • If they do, then we won’t have any more awesome movies like Mall Rats

  • No, that’s not good.

  • That’s ridiculous, I buy stuff from the mall every time I go (WITHOUT my mother, thank you very much)! Whether it be a movie ticket, food, or clothing, I always manage to spend money every time I visit the mall (and so does anyone I go with, usually). As a patron, I find that rule unfair and discriminating. How about kick out/ban rowdy and disrespectful teenagers from the mall? Target the problem, not every single person. I think that without teenagers, stores would be finding that they will have a lot less business.

  • Sure, as long as they don’t bitch about the sharp drop in business afterwards.

  • I think it’s a good idea.  Teenagers irritate the crap out of me, especially the gangsta ones that seem to congregate in malls, doing nothing but standing in the way, looking like thugs, pushing eachother, talking too loud, and glaring at white people like me like we’re racist because they are irritating.  And white teenagers do it too.  They just don’t look like thugs when they do it. They look emo. Ha.

  • 2:30 is a little too early don’t you think? Maybe for later hours, but kids don’t even get out of school until then 2or 3ish, right?

  • That is a counterproductive law.  I think would encourage teens to skip classes. 

  • 2:30.

    so basically that mall is obliterating half its income. wow, that’s smart.

  • Okay…so when you are under 18…you can’t drink, and some who are not yet 15.5 cannot drive, and they can’t (or rather shouldn’t) smoke, nor can they do much except go to the library, mall or movies…and they’re restricting the unruly children?  You know…you’re only a child ONCE, and why not make it memorable, instead of ruining their freedom. 

    I mean, I complain about the children sometimes, but I understand where they are…I was once there!

  • No, I say we should not go to school and chill at the mall. Who is with me?


    && yeah, malls are hang out places it. It keeps US out of YOUR streets. I hate teens who roam around streets and trash the place. Ugh!

  • Yeah. HELL. YEAH. I’m not anti-teenager, but I’m so sick and tired of all these obnoxious kids going to the mall just to goof off. The mall is for shopping, not being an ass, I say!

  • malls would lose money but whatever

  • im a clevelander…and its pretty silly.

    the main problem was apparently parents are using it as a free babysitting device and having their kids go their after school until they get off work.

    that mall is already struggling anyway and its going to hurt sales. im sure that law will change.

  • no that’s so ridiculous. and i agree that it is discriminatory.

  • I have never witnessed teens being ‘unruly’ enough to drive away ‘paying customers.’ (Cause, you know, teens don’t count as customers because they never buy anything at the mall. Ever.) This is stupid. I hate people assuming that everyone under 18 has the brain of a chicken with its head cut off.  The vast majority of young adults do NOT act up at the mall, so why punish them all?

  • well im not a huge fan of the mall but telling me im not allowed to be there after 2.30pm is pretty ludicrous.
    sure there are some teenagers who go to the mall and act stupid and if they are THEN throw them out. but dont have preconceived notions that just because im 16 i will be acting rowdy.
    really this doesn’t seem like a beneficent in any way.
    malls will probably lose a lot of money.


  • 2:30? I can understand late at night, but I don’t even get out of school until then. O_o When are me and my buddie s’posed to go to the mall?

    Or maybe we should skip school so we can go, is that what ”they” want?

  • They do the same thing at one of my town’s popular malls. As a teenager, it’s frustrating.

  • Im wondering how they get away with age discrimination. Imagine this happening to the elderly due to “control problems”

  • I know the Mall of America in Minnesota has a curfew, but not as early as 2:30. More like 7:30 or something.

    But yeah, pretty sure they’ll be losing money by pulling that shit (How will they enforce it? That requires more workers)


  • I think this is a good idea. They should implement it everywhere so when I go to the mall I don’t have to hear kids going OMG LOOK AT THIS OMG IT’S SO CUTE. I’M LIKE SO GONNA BUY THIS. It pisses me off when I hear 13yr old kids telling each other to fuck off right in front of customers. Then when you confront them about it, they’re like…what are you going to do? Fight me, yeah you’ll go to jail. It’s times like this I wish flogging and public beatings were legal.

  • why after 2:30pm? shouldnt they be banning them before, seeing as they should probably be in school and those who aren’t are probably ditching and probably more unruly? i laugh when i drop off my little brother at HS and see lots of kids walking in the opposite direction. i want to take pictures of them and rat them out. hahaha.

  • 2:30? That’s absurd! There shouldn’t be a curfew at all, but if there has to be one it shouldn’t be at 2:30. Heck the teenagers in my town don’t get out of school till 2, and it takes almost a half hour to get to our nearest mall, so they wouldn’t be allowed to go there at all !

  • I’m glad people tell teenagers “to act like an adult” but you’ll treat us like children.

    Not every teen goes to the mall and just disrupts things, I know any time I went, it was the kids who were usually under 16 that did that. The kids in middle school who thought they ran the entire town. Most high school kids just go to genuinely hang out. People are dumb.

  • It’s private property.  Sure, go for it.  A mall near where I use to live (Dayton, OH) had a similar rule, but I think it was after 4:30pm.

  • I’ve never known anyone to be afraid to shop when they want to shop because of “unruly teenagers…”

  • A 2:30 pm curfew is weird. Maybe later. And 18 is awfully high. Maybe 15. Then it would make sense. Kids who are 16 and 17 can be there to work, but not hang out?

  • No.  Girls fifteen and up hang out at malls and spend a lot of money there, too.  They buy dresses for dances together.  Doing so with a parent instead, early in the day (for a teenager, that is) certainly isn’t fair.

    This policy will drive away more paying customers than lifting the curfew would.

  • 2:30 p.m. is way too early.  I think it should be 7 or 8 o’clock.

  • Get real.
    Way to make a generalization.
    I go to the mall and buy things and don’t act like an idiot.
    That’s a sure-fire way to lose money and piss off a lot of people.

  • they’ll lift it in a week

    a lot of kids (16) have cars and jobs. and they like to spend the money they receive.

  • 2:30 pm seems a bit early.  Maybe 6 pm.  Other then that yeah I think it’s a good idea.

  • 2:30  is too early….after 6pm would sound better. I think security is a good idea, it keeps people of all ages acting their best.

  • 2:30 is a bit early. It should probably be more like after the average working hours. But then again, it’s fine. Sure….

    And yeah I think it’s a good idea. I was never one of the mall punks that lag around and do nothing. Or just walk around drinking smoothies. I refused to be the kid that the older people didn’t want to be around, because when I thought about it, “when I get older, I’m not going to want them around either. they’d bother me”

    My mall is doing the same thing, and now I enjoy the mall experience. One mall I visited didn’t have this enforced. There was this large group of kids doing stupid stuff on the escalators. Running up the down. And down the up. Riding the rail up. Then putting their skate board on it. Ugh I couldn’t bare to watch. I was so worried one of them would fall. They looked 13… one or two 16 and 14. I couldn’t take it. I left. There were too many kids hanging around.

    What I want to know is where are their freaking parents??

  • that’s really dumb. Teens in malls are really annoying, but it doesn’t change after they are 18.

  • I doubt the kids are driving away paying customers at 2:30 in the afternoon – not many anyway – but in general, I think a curfew is a good idea.  Many of these kids are disrupting commerce.  Many are stealing.  Many are frightening paying customers away.  Neighborhood youth centers don’t seem to be enough to keep them entertained either.  I think parents need to keep those kids at home.  They can entertain themselves there.  Heck, they might even rediscover the value of a good book, or good study habits, and parents might starting parenting again.

  • Hm…I don’t quite know whatI think about that. I actually wouldve thought the kids to have been banned during the day when they should be in school.


  • Wow. that mall is going to go out of business.

    The curfew thing is a good idea, but 2:30?


  • “A downtown Cleveland mall is implementing one of the nation’s toughest
    curfews on teenagers, joining a growing national trend among shopping
    centers that say loud, unruly youngsters drive away paying customers.”
    I would say to most of them that those loud, unruly youngsters ARE your paying customers.

  • Do they think that shooing away the teenagers will make them get more business?
    Teens are business. Don’t make us leave.

    They do that places around here though too – just not that early. And they don’t enforce it much. Security officers just follow you around and chase you out when you seem too rowdy…idk.

  • Teenagers have more buying power and influence mom and dad’s purse strings than anyone may think. Big MISTAKE!!!
    I would say that they need to ask the unruly ones to leave but leave the innocent alone

  • What is the alternative plan? Is there a teen center that these kids can hang out at, or they just pushing them out? We would freak out if they said that the ___________(put your own group here) are not buying enough at the malls, causing problems, and they now have a curfew of 2:30, unless they are accompanied by a _________. Discrimination is not an option.  My teen read this and said “See! Everyone looks at us and says that we suck.

  • Curfews….yes.  Starting at 2:30…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  Give me a break!

  • holy fuck that place needs to be burned down.
    keeping kids out of the only place theyre allowed to go in the suburbs is
    not a good idea.

    2:30…honestly. how will the mall stay open? over half the stores
    market directly to teenagers! no one is going to go to the mall before then!

    people are so STUPID!!!

  • i hate to personally attack you, normality_dreamer, but… THE MALL EXPERIENCE???

    come. on.

    plus, if the kids’ parents aren’t around, it’s better to let them run amok
    in plain view of obnoxious authority figures like mall cops than turn them loose onto the street.

  • So someone who is 17 can’t go to The Gap unless they have a parent along? What they should do is fine parents who don’t keep their young kids with them when shopping. Just today saw a shopping cart with two young kids sitting in it and no adult in sight.

  • Holy Christ! Malls are all some of these kids have!

    And where I know to go to meet them…

    Nathan? Where arrrrrrrrrre you?

  • I think thats its stupid..I mean, almost all of the shoppers at my mall are teens. I wish I was joking. And even if I was older, like 19, I would still look like I’m 15 or 16, so, I’d be screwed over. 2:30 is too earlier. And why are they doing a whole ban? I mean, it’s like saying that all video games make people into mindless killers and that if you have blonde hair your dumb. (I get that alot). Sterotyping kids when you tell them not to that. It pisses me off. And, my mom thinks that this is great. Ha. I like going to Borders, getting a coffee or tea and browse for an hour or two, then buy my book and read it in the Cafe till close. v.v”

  • My question would be..would they ask for id from people who are of the questionable age? 

  • This is absurd.  Malls have been a sanctuary for kids for some time, I highly doubt there’s that much of a change in kids under 18 compared to a few years ago when they were allowed at malls whenever. Plus, I’ve noticed quite a few ridiculous adults at the mall as well, like the ones with their mouth hanging open who stand in the middle of where people are walking trying to figure out where they can buy more shit, or perhaps a nice knit holiday sweater complete with Santa Clause’s and jingle bells.

  • Wow, this is a new one-I’ve heard of kids being banned from the mall during school hours to cut down on skipping school, but being banned after 2:30??  I don’t know, it might keep some kids from hanging out at the mall after school, but what about those who really are there to shop and who’s parents aren’t able to shop with them due to work schedules or other such reasons?

  • I can see after like 7 PM or something, but my final bell at school doesn’t ring until 2:30 PM. that’s ridiculous. Stupid Cleveland. 

  • I think 2:30 is too early and I don’t necessarily agree with it. However, they have the prerogative to implement the curfew. It’s all about business. People (especially on comission) would rather make sales then deal with a bunch of annoying lurkers.

  • 2:30 pm??  I would think between 2:30 and 5:00 pm the majority of customers are teenagers.

  • No and especially not as early as 2:30!  Everyone can say that they know a very responsible kid.  Obviously if you are responsible enough to buy yourself a car, work at a job, and drive yourself to the mall.  You are plenty capable of being one of those paying customers.  Why go to the mall and not buy anything?  Besides, as far away as the nearest mall is from where I live, it would be hard to even get there by 2:30.

  • Lame rule. So those kids should stay at home after school if no adults can accompany them to mall??/ Bored….

  • You want the kids roaming the streets instead? Where there are no security guards?
    What do I care…I’m 18. Finally I’m almost out of that whole “I’m a terrible person just because I’m a teenager” phase of life.
    Lay off, ya know. There are alot of asshole teenagers, but there are alot of asshole adults too. I feel bad for the normal teenagers.
    Although…the mall would be deserted and that would be nice. I think they should just kick people out if they’re unruly, not single out someone because of their age. Isn’t that some sort of discrimination? Hmm?

  • Older people are so grumpy. How come no one remembers being a teenager? Yes, yes “But I wasn’t like that!” Of course…but there still are teenagers who aren’t like that and are not unruly and who really do want to get whatever they need and get the hell out of there. People only notice the teenagers acting up because they stand out more, being that they are douchebags and try to rebel by going again the rent-a-cop mall security force! Lame. They deserve to be kicked out, not the normal teenagers, who are just doing what you are suppose to do at the mall….shop.

  • Christ! 2:30? Some aren’t even out by that time. Might as well not even plan on going.

  • no, because if teens can’t find something to do at night then they’ll probably resort to vandalism or drugs or other reckless activities. i would know– im a teenager… but the mall is open for me and i don’t do ridiculous things ahhaa

  • i say let everybody run wild! woo-hoo!

  • Houston’s been having that law. BUT, ours is targeting students who skip school, so they wont have a place to go, so they might as well be in school. Im 24 and I remember it being the law since I wa 12, probably even sooner.

  • Someone will eventually sue them for ageism.

  • Comes down to money, do they bring in more cash with or without the kids.  They will bring back the kids if revenue drops.

  • That sucks – I’m so glad I don’t live in the US!

    What kind of council or whatever voted on it. It’s stupid – 2.30 p.m. as well. At least they should have the curfew when school finishes and before most people have dinner. It should be at least 6 p.m. 

    It’s so stupid. At least in the UK there’s a curfew that children under 15 shouldn’t be out after 11 p.m. which I think is a bit too lenient considering that under 15 includes those unruly 9 year olds (sometimes even younger) that think that they can do anything because they’re juveniles…

    I really can’t believe that. What happens if you only have one parent and they’re ill, but you have to go to the drugs store to pick up they’re medication and you can only do that after school. Would you get arrested for having a perfectly good explaination?

    I really don’t think that these people think about these things enough before they make these stupid legislations.

  • 2:30 O______O Are you freaking kidding me?! I think it should be maybe something like 9? or maybe even 10…

  • not at 2:30 pm.. i don’t get to the mall until atleast 12, usually later. and I’m not going to want to hang out with my parents when i’m with my friends, so that’s 2 and a half hours at most of being at the mall. i would be so mad if the mall here did that. and it’s bound to reduce sales from teenagers who do buy stuff.

  • A comment that one of the mother around here made, in regards to this new rule.

    “We won’t spend one red nickel there.”

    Inflation, you know. 

  • they should be able to stay out as long as they want

  • Both of the malls back in my home area did something like this and even though it doesn’t apply to me anymore I thought it was a bit ridiculous. Yeah sure, there’ll be a few troublemakers but that’s why there’s mall security. Teenagers are also among the biggest spenders whereas senior citizens I know hate to part with their brass… what’s the problem here?

  • It’s totally up to them.  I’d be more likely to go to a mall with a curfew like that.

  • 2:30 PM is ridiculously early… And no. That’s crazy. I used to go to the mall every Friday night with my friends. The Christiana Mall is one of top-grossing malls in the country because of tax-free shopping and being on I-95. A few rowdy teenagers can’t hurt anything. Of course, I’m 18 now so it doesn’t apply to me. :]

  • you would think that parents would be concerned about their childrens safety and their good grades so they could get into a good college and get a good paying job and get a good start in life.

     most kids have both parents working have nothing to do so there should be certain restrictions for them to protect the stores from loss

  • Both malls here have that rule, but it’s a bit different. On Friday and Saturday nights, minors aren’t permitted inside the mall after six PM unless accompanied by their legal guardian, not just someone over 18.

  • i hate it when teenagers hang out the streets. it is sooo annoying. i think after a certain time like maybe 4pm they should have to be home. dont they have to do hw. for the mall curfew i think it is too early. i think 4pm is a good time to send them home.

  • I am almost 17 and I find that absolutely ridiculous.  My fellow teenagers and I are perfectly capable of how to act when in the view of the public eye.  If this is the case of letting one spoiled apple rotten the rest of the bunch… well then that’s depressing and hitting low ground.  The people shouldn’t set curfews everywhere just because of a handful of teenagers;  They need to find another way to settle this.  Now whether it’s a handful of teenagers or not, I highly doubt that there were more involved with whatever might have striked up this idea on curfews.  Also, the time suggested might as well tell all people under the age of 18 to not go to the mall during weekdays.  My school doesn’t get out until 2:20PM, and it would put me in a difficult spot if I needed to make a quick run to the mall and buy something.  Now I know that there are weekends to get shopping done, but there’s a lot of school events during the weekend.  Once school events are done… it’s too late to go to the mall.  I’m not a “mall junkie”, but I do need to make a run there once in a while and that curfew is not going to help my situation nor anybody else’s.  One last thing… if we’re able to drive and be responsible without the accompany of an adult, then shouldn’t we be able to go to a public place without one?  And if many of us already have jobs, we’re also paying customers.  So who’s to say that we teenagers are “driving away” their customers?  Wouldn’t they be losing more by setting this curfew? 

  • 2:30? damn. thats pretty early. i’m in highschool and still at school at that time. i understand where they come from but damn! thats early! 

  • 2:30 pm is way too early.  Honestly, from what I have seen majority of the people in the mall wasting their money on clothes and make-up are teenagers.  I don’t think it’s a smart move reinforcing that law.

  • hell fucking no.

    2:30 pm is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early to set a curfew. and as for paying customers……..that mall was built WHY?! ont he sole purpose to draw in paying customers…..and the paying customers are whoooooooooooooo?? I bet you the vast majority ofthose paying customers are TEENAGERS!!! I mean, come on, do you really think a 25 year old is gonna hang out at the mall all day shopping? They probably have lives right? Same thing goes for 30 year olds…..and 40 years old…..etc. That mall probably has tons of stores that appeal to the typical teenager…..TO DRAW THEM IN. So really, they’re hurting their business.

    I hate when older people do this to teenagers, they think that just because some punk kid that has nothing better to do with their time and started acting reckless in the mall, they automatically think that EVERY SINGLE TEENAGER GOING TO THAT MALL will act in the same way.

    Fucking pathetic….and quite irritating, I’m sick of people telling me my generation is going no where and that we’re a bunch of low-lifes……shut the hell up.


  • At 2:30 pm, most teens I know of are suppose to be in school…are they encouraging students to play hooky? I think malls would serve better not having teens there during school hours, and banning roudy kids on an individual basis.  

  • Good luck enforcing that.  What are they going to do, ask for ID from every person who looks younger than 18?  If security spends all their time on that, they’ll have no time to actually catch shoplifters and vandals etc.

  • I think 2:30 is a little early to ban kids from the mall without an adult. But I guess it’s probably a good thing.

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