February 25, 2008

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    A photo of Barack Obama dressed as a Somali Elder has been circulated all over the Internet.  Barack Obama’s campaign is accusing Hillary Clinton’s campaign of releasing the photos.   Here is the link:  Link

    Do you think references to Barack’s middle name and photos of him in a Somali Elder garb make people more hesitant to vote for him?


Comments (149)

  • No. In fact, I suspect there will be a backlash against the Clinton campaign.

  • Not at all. I feel it gives more credit too him. We need to work on our foreign relations. I think it was stupid for the Clinton campaign to do this. Many politician’s respectfully don the dress of countries they are visiting. How is this any different?

  • Aaaw…so close to a first…yet so far. LoL

  • Some stupid people, sure. But I think this actually ends up hurting the Clinton campaign more.

    A pic of Obama in a suicide bomber vest on the other hand…

  • Yes it does.  I have heard many callers into our local talk radio station saying that they will not vote for him simply because of his middle name.  Stupidity.

  • I think it will. Many people are ALL about the image, and less about politics.

  • His middle name scares me.  

  • If that makes me stupid, oh well.  I wasn’t going to vote for him anyway.

  • I think his wristwatch totally clashes with his outfit tbh.

  • Just the thought of being commenter <10 deserves a comment from me.

  • Drats.  #12!

  • Yes. Some people are quick to jump to conclusions. But then again, the educated people might be encouraged to vote for him more because he obviously has respect for other cultures, and the clintons obviously have resolved to “fear-mongering”. They are twisting his words, and their own, to suit their purposes.

  • Probably, since Americans tend to focus on appearances more than substance.

  • I don’t care what he wears in his spare time.
    And I certainly don’t care about his middle name.

  • only the morons who are unable to process information for themselves and rely on others to inform them of the interpretation they should make regarding the information.  but there’s a lot of those people so potentially to answer your question.

  • Of course not. Unless you count all the misinformed Americans who don’t understand the context of the photo. ;)

  • Where did your stars go, Dan?

  • It’s going to make a lot of people think harder about voting for him. I agree with Skittler that a lot of people dress in the garb of the country they are visiting. I need to figure out who I’m voting for.

  • Though I don’t say it is right (I don’t think he is a radical muslim as some want to portray), I believe there are plenty of rednecks left in this country who would never vote for Obama because of his ancestry.  

  • Yes, I do think that there are people who won’t vote for him because of his name. Similarly, people won’t vote for him because they think he is likely to be assasinated. People have the weirdest reasons for things…

  • People might not vote for the same reason Gaydolf Titler wasn’t elected

  • They shouldn’t. Silly people.

  • The name Hussein doesn’t frighten me as much as the name Clinton.

  • No it shouldn’t.  However, I am afraid it will. Not that I like Obama.  I don’t like his policies and I will vote for McCain.  However, this is just dirty.  Clinton campaign should be ashamed of this last ditch effort.  Obama has not really defined himself just as a change agent.  However, he leaves himself open to be defined (or at least they tried) by Clinton.  Read my latest blog to get my whole rant on that.

  • @BillBryant - hahahahahha for me it would be–the name Hussein doesn’t frighten me as much as the name McCain.

  • Probably. It’s completely ridiculous, but probably.

  • ryc- yeah the place is definitely big. I absolutely love it.

  • I hope so.

  • Only the xenophobic ones.

    Oh, wait.  That’s most of them.

  • the beauty of this country is mutliculturalism and being able to explore each others backgrounds and beliefs. to me this photo shows someone who really wants to understand anothers culture. what i would like to think a “true american” is.

  • LMAO, someone is playing dirtier than ever!

  • i don’t like him anyways. end of story.

  • no. And since the photo was pushed aggressively by Hillary’s staff and then they tried to deny it (Drudge dimed them out on his site) it makes her look even more petty…

  • It shouldn’t but it probably does.  However, this hurts Clinton a lot more than it hurts Obama.

  • Let the mudslinging continue. . .

  • No it does not.

  • subconsciously yes.  this is called psychological warfare.  

  • A bit perhaps but only because such a getup appears silly to our Western eyes. I’ve heard skeptics criticize him for casting himself as a stereo typical member of the African-American community when supposedly his forefathers were Muslim Africans. I don’t think a person should be slammed though for dressing in ethnic costume; it’s probably good a good gesture of diplomacy in certain rare circumstances. 

  • @esch99 - NICE! Totally cracked me up. And really put things into perspective!

  • I wish the childish bickering between the political canidates would stop. These are suppose to be our next leaders, not a bunch of spoiled kids.

  • As long as it’s the garb of the country it doesn’t bother me.  If it were the garb of a religion on the other hand, then yes, it would.  There are too many other things about Obama that bother me, this picture doesn’t make a difference. 

  • i think he is alot like hitler…which is why you should link my post just so i get some comments =)

  • Yeah if they’re retarded.  Actually anyone who is going to vote for him is probably smart enough to look past it.

  • Ignorant people, yes it does. People who think anything related to Islam or the Middle East is bad.

  • @BillBryant - I’m with you….Clinton’s a lot scarier name to me.

  • If anyone cares to know, Barack Obama was on a trip to Somalia. A very publicized trip to Somalia. And in traditional fashion, he wore the garb. Check out George Bush’s many escorts to foreign countries and you’ll note him wearing traditional garb. Anyone who tries to make this out to be a case of radical Islam is a moron.

    Good god, we don’t want to take our modern-day “red scare” any further do we?

  • if anything, it just makes Hillary look and seem desperate.

  • Hah! America! You’d think that citizens of America would owe it to their nation, being one of the most powerful in the world, to vote for a leader based on his stances and plans. But, rarely is this the case.

  • I hope it doesn’t.

  • He’s a terrorist in diguise!! lol

  • I agree with BillBryant

    the name “Clinton” frightens me more than the name “Hussein”.

  • Somewhat.

    Of course, if he were a libertarian, I wouldn’t care.

  • I thought it was kind of a fucked up name when I heard about it months ago..

  • Probably. It’s sad that it would.

  • Hey wait a minute what about that guy who was on youtube talking about having had sexual relationships with barack..? He challanged him to a lie detector test as well… Did you hear about that guy?

  • It will probably hurt Clinton more because the educated people will be angry with her for resorting to this.

  • they probably weren’t going to vote for him to start with and those photos just sealed the deal… there might be the marginal ones who have yet to truly put themselves behind a candidate who may be swayed, but i was already opposed to Obama long before these pics surfaced.

  • Seriously??

    Only ignorant people who don’t keep up with current events./

    The man’s father is from Africa. They should know that. They shouldn’t expect an all American name… It’s not his last name, is it? It’s only going to hurt Clinton’t campaign more.


  • I agree with ralahinn1, the mud slinging bothers me. Don’t tell me what’s wrong with the other guy, tell me what’s right with you!

  • Only people who weren’t going to vote for him anyway no matter what.

  • Only the dumb people, who most likely don’t even vote to begin with – because they have no idea about anything except who has won American Idol in the past 9238743 seasons.

  • NO! This is the stupidest, most desperate thing the Clintons have done yet. Everyday I’m expecting Clinton to bring up something dirty about him. It’s natural for politicians to wear some kind of cultural clothing from other countries. Bush has done it himself in Vietnam, and both Clintons themselves. Dan, I’m sure you saw the article on Drudge with Hillary wearing the Hijab, right? If you see a politician like Hillary go to an Islamic country and wears a head scarf, then does she get reprimanded for it and say she shouldn’t be voted for just for wearing the Hijab? Obviously no.

    So what difference does it make if Obama dresses as a Somali elder? Why doesn’t the damn Hillary campaign do something smarter, like attacking Obama’s tax plan rather than just insults and smears? Attacking his tax plan and contrasting herself from him about the economy is much more productive than insults. This is why she’s ran practically one of the worst campaigns ever. His tax plan is dangerous for the economy.

    Exactly what am I missing here? Are these campaigners really that dumb to let a motivational speaker get the best of them? They’re right, he only works off of inspiration, but going against the grain isn’t going to help solve it any further.

  • are you sure that’s him?

    it could be Osama Bin Laden with a shaved beard.

  • @NightCometh - Yes, I’d say that no only makes you stupid but racist as well.

  • Americans have no reason to be scared of muslim sounding names…. JUST there every one of there Damn countries hate the hell out of us Americans and wish us all dead who are the stupid people the reallists or the fake “oh we love and accept everyone people”…Its such a crock of you know what these people and that frame of sheepish mind makes me physically ill……..!!!!!! All that to say of course his middle name and the pics of him dressed like that scare people and rightly so… That would probly be why there not on his campaign adds HELLO……

  • I think the question of his religious background will do more harm than this photo.  I think if Hilary’s campaign is releasing the pictures then we should worry about what she will do as President.

  • I would rather hear a Barack Hussein Obama rather than Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton any day.

  • Who knows?  Probably not enough to give HRC a victory.

  • @NightCometh - I agree it wasn’t nice, but I think you really need to question those thoughts.

  • People shouldn’t be discouraged by that, but sadly I thought some will.
    it’s a shame

  • @ronlawhouston -


    I am not a Democrat, and I’m not going to vote for a Democratic candidate because that is not my political persuasion.

    In addition to that, the name “Hussein” has an Islamic tone.  Obama has Islamic family ties, although not a Muslim, himself.  That bothers me, because I don’t want an Islamic influence in my country’s leader.  It scares me to think what direction our country could go when having an Islamic sympathizer in power.  I don’t see how that could possibly be racist.  You may not agree with my thoughts, but they are indeed planned and thought-through, so I don’t see how they could be “stupid” either. 

  • There are some pretty ignorant people in the world. I think it could have an effect on his campaign. However, the fact that his middle name would even come into his campaign is so troubling to me.

  • The Clintons need to chill the fuck out.  What’s the big deal here?

  • @NightCometh - It’s stupid because if you knew anything about the man you’d know that he barely knew the Kenyan father that was the source of the name.  It’s racist because of the very words out of your mouth.

    I’m highly afraid of the name “Amy” because it appears WASP and I don’t want WASP’s influencing my country.  See, doesn’t that just sound stupid and racist?  (WASP = white anglo saxon protestant)

  • It really shouldn’t make people more hesitant to vote for Obama.

    There are so many pictures out there of American Presidents and other politicians dressed in the traditional garb of different countries. They were showing a picture of Hillary Clinton wearing a head scarf while visiting another country so I’m not sure why her people though the Obama picture would be so divisive.

    It’s a way to show respect for another place’s culture and traditions.  I think it’s great when these people are willing to do this as a gesture of goodwill towards other places.

  • @ronlawhouston -

    No, it doesn’t sound stupid, if you are an Islamic radical.  You can be afraid of me, if you want.  But this country was founded by WASPs, so there ya go.  I am one, by the way.  And proud of it. 

  • His whole name scares me and his religion.

  • @NightCometh - Sweet Jesus – everyone named Hussein is not some Islamic radical.  In Obama’s case he’s not even Muslim.

    Stupid is as stupid does – Forrest Gump.

  • I’m not seeing a problem here… Wow, he involves himself in his own religious backround, or respects the customs of others? What a monster… Gosh.

  • I’m pretty sure it had the desired effect – to make people question.  We all know that the Clinton’s and staff will use whatever ammo (poor choice of words) there is against Obama and then later on the Republican candidate.  It is politics in a presidential year.  What do we expect?  Are we the ones who allow it because we are so used to these tactics?  Same thing with all the celebrities – are we allowing it?

  • it doesn’t affect anything, just gonna see what he gonna do later.

  • The heck with his garb.  Louis Farracan just endorsed BO.  Now, that’s scary!!  Clinton is scary and on the other side of the isle…scary too.  I nominate Steven Spielberg…at least his fantasy is believable.

  • @ronlawhouston -

    You can be that way if you want.  I’m not gonna be that way back, though.  :)


  • Absolutely… people do not think for themselves.  Pictures like this, along with the media create a whirlwind of negativity. 

    Too bad he doesn’t have my vote though.  Neither does Clinton.  I think they both say a lot of things that the people want to hear… and none of which will be followed through with.

  • god, hillary already has mounds of bad press on her back

  • Nah. It does make me wonder though…how was he ever so scrawny?!?!

  • Reasons are at the bottom of everything.  At this point, what will be, will be.

  • The only people that it will affect are those that weren’t too sure about him, anyway.


  • @BillBryant -

    Lol. That is a good one. 

  • only if people are stupid

    unfortunately there are a lot of stupid people

  • it shouldn’t, but sadly it does…

  • Sadly, yes it does.  It shouldn’t because it has no relevance, but it does nonetheless.  I’ve already posted about this in my blog, so, just read this post if you want to read my views about this.

    God Bless,


  • Oh, and, to clear something up.  This has no relevance to the political campaign and shouldn’t affect your willingness to vote for him, but Obama is in fact Christian and NOT Muslim.  Again, though, it shouldn’t matter either way, but that’s a misconception that’s been floating around that I wasn’t sure if many of you knew or not.  Always check your sources.  Again, read that post to find out more about that.

    God Bless,


  • Only if it is researched and found to be fact, or if the photo is doctored or not. People will vote for who they vote for and we won’t know until November 4

  • Not just the middle name; president Barak Obama still doesn’t sound right to me!?

  • @okiiyaa - Why not?  We have President Bush and a Vice President named Dick (I am being vulgar, but to make a point).

    What name would sound right to you? I’m just curious…

    I’m so sick of this argument.  Why is his name that big of a deal?  I really want to know because it really shouldn’t mean anything in regards to his presidency…

    God Bless,


  • @EdgeH20_gypsi - That would be like me saying that your screen name has “gypsi” in it, and since gypsies aren’t from America then you shouldn’t be discussing a topic that pertains to America.

    That would be a rediculous argument, don’t you think?  But I don’t see it as any more ridiculous than the argument that you just made.

    This is NOT a good reason not to vote for Obama.  You don’t agree with what he stands for; that’s a good reason not to vote.  You don’t think he’s fit to run the country; that’s a good reason not to vote.  But things as stupid as his name, his religion, his descent, his race, yata yata yata, are NOT good things on which to base your vote as they are totally irrelevant to the subject at hand.

    Good day and God bless,


  • @GailThePainterly - if you don’t mind my asking, why does his name scare you?  And what religion is it that you are referring to that scares you and why does it?

    God Bless,


  • i think it would…except people ignorant enough to not look past that don’t look into politics enough to even know about his middle name or these photos…and a lot of those who do and don’t like him won’t even bother to vote.

  • He’s dressed like a… -gasp-… foreigner!!!!!!

  • @NightCometh - 

    but why would a name scare you? :S

  • Maybe some people.  Where everyone here seems to hate Hillary Clinton?

  • I initially thought he wouldn’t have a chance b/c the american public wouldn’t be able to deal with a president with such a middle-eastern-sounding name.  But they’ve surprised me, as has he.  People don’t seem bothered by his name, and I don’t see why they would be bothered by this picture.

  • I cant believe that people are so narrow minded,in this day and century!!! So what Obama’s middle name is Hussein? So what he’s not black enough? So what he’s ‘inexperienced’? So what? Why cant people vote based on issues and not the colour of someones skin or their background? When we are born we dont get to choose our parents nor the religion we are born into!! The only things we get to choose are the people we became,and Barack Hussein Obama has choosen to run for the presidency of United States of America! Give him a chance,listen to his policies and decide on wether or not they benefit you!! Vote on issues and change!!

    (Huge Obama Supporter from Kenya)

  • Yes unfortunately. However, I think this one is going to come back to bite Hitlery in the arse…


  • @Wambz - Good point, BUT, I do consider inexperience to be a good reason not to vote for him.  Other than that, all the other reason are bogus.  Inexperience is actually relevant to the question of whether or not he can successfully run the country, which of course is based on opinion.  But issues such as religion, skin color, etc are not relevant.

    God Bless,


  • @tchrys -

    Because of the Islamic context of the name.

    If someone chose to retain the given name “Hitler”, it would also scare me.  Do you see my point?

  • I don’t want him as MY president.
    I am moving back to England if he does.

  • I sure as hell hope so.  But at the same time I hope it doesn’t mean anyone will vote for Hillary instead.

  • this draws away the votes from the stupid people… I have heard a bunch of crap from people who think theres a legitimate connection between Obama and Osama and Hussein and Saddam. But for the most part its some reverse psychology. It just makes the Clinton Campaign seem petty.

  • Once an arab always an arab…supporter of his own country men at all times, live or die…how stupid can we get…furthermore, he has no chance of doing anything in the whitehouse…he will take the chair, and doing nothing because he will never get congressional support from hiw party leaders because of the color of his skin…yes he has gotten the vote from a large majority of black ignorant voters who can only visualize a black leader sitting in the whitehouse, but do they see what will happen once he is in…either be shoved to a corner, or be assasinated like Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy….But worst off, he is an arab by birth and raised moslem…this is a big joke…if we were worry about home security, we will have to all carry arms against this president and his leaders who put him up to this game of running for president.

  • @BillBryant - lmfao–

     -Gee our society isnt shallow at all. Why would something like this effect his campaign?

  • i don’t care what he’s wearing, still wont vote for him, or her either .

  • Well it certainly shows how stupid they are =_=

  • @saintvi - I agree – and I’m one of the backlash.  She was my first choice (mainly cause I’m cheap and figured I could get 2 for the price of 1) but now I’d like to see Obama get the nomination.

  • If THAT makes ppl change their vote then we are more close-minded than ever as a nation.

  • @ihaveanalibi - This is an historic day. Don’t think for a minute it means we agree on any other political issue, big brother! Are you actually going to vote?

  • @saintvi - This one’s got to be worth an absentee ballot.

  • @mjfloyd11385 - talk about ignorance… 

    Tell me, where do you get your sources?  I’d like to know and I’ll shut up as soon as you show me an accurate source for everything that you just said.  Are you even the slightest bit aware that Obama is Christian?  Not that it even matters in the first place in regards to his Presidency…

    You don’t even know what you’re talking about, you’re just making crap up and assuming it’s true.  That, my friend, is the epitome of ignorance.

    God Bless,


  • No but dot tekk me that you are going for him right?

  • NO WAY. i think it shows more of his openness to culture…

  • @Christ7 - Hi Chris, I’m sorry, the name Barak Hussein Obama just doesn’t interest me. I like your name, Chris, President Bush, and Vice President Dick Cheney. I always like Dick Cheney’s grin. I always wonder how he looked when he accidentally shot his friend.

    Perhaps there’re more than just the name? Have you thought seriously about it?

    BTW do you know what okiiyaa mean?

  • @okiiyaa - Not accusing you, but there seems to be way too many people who downright discriminate against him because his name is of Muslim origin, and I think that’s just unfair.

    I guess I just don’t see why it should be scary…  Yeah, I realize that a not so great man had the name “Hussein,” but I mean to their culture that might just be a common name (I honestly don’t know…).

    Anyway, I think it is just a name.  It really says the very least about a person, IMO, especially since they practically have no say in it (unless of course they change it).

    God Bless,


  • @NightCometh - Youre view of islam’s wayyy distorted. But then its not your fault thats just the way the Gov painted islam to be. And then the terrorists dnt help…

    anyways! i wont be changing anyone’s opinions and its the same argument all the time, lol.

  • Yes and no… It hurts him because he desires to keep all of this hidden… why? what is the ultimate reason why he wants to keep this hidden from the public? 

    No, because we all have different beliefs.. and once we all learn to accept the differences.. we can move forward.. and hopefully create a better and peaceful universe! 

  • I think those who want to vote for Obama, will vote for him, no matter what.

  • It would be a desperate way to attack him

  • this is hilarious.

  • That’s a great picture, I hope it has a positive affect on him, instead of negative. 

  • @Christ7 - Look at this picture! Does this guy look like an American to you?

  • @GailThePainterly - I am in utter disbelief…  That is quite possibly the most racist, hateful, and ignorant, and rudest thing that I’ve EVER heard anyone say!

    YES, he does look American, and I can’t think of a single person WHO DOESN’T!  Why???  Because there is no set race, religion, ethnicity, or background for
    America.  Americans come from all over and they practice many different
    religions AND THEY ARE ALLOWED TO DO SO FREELY!  Obama is actually a Christian, but I would feel the same about his candidacy even if he was Muslim like everyone thinks he is!  Why?  Because that doesn’t matter to me, what matters to me is his ability to run the country successfully, which has NOTHING to do with race, religion, etc.!!!!

    Barack Obama IS an American whether you like it or not!  If he weren’t, he would NOT be allowed to run for president!

    Wow…  I’m still entirely shocked…

    You know, I don’t even know if I’d vote for Obama or not, I might end up voting Republican, but Obama does NOT deserve to be treated this way.  I’m seriously distraught by your comment, and I hope I’m not the only person…  I pray to God I’m not the only person…

    Please read this post!!!

    God Bless,


  • Everyone is sooooo quick to jump on the race wagon!
    I wasn’t talking about his race. I was talking about his unAmerican garb. It looks as if he would rather be in another country (mayby Iran or Afganistan). I really don’t CARE if you’re in shock. This is MY right as a real American to not vote for someone who…….honestly scares me. I just don’t like the man. There’s just something about him that scares me. He scares my whole family. We worry about our little grandchildren living under Muslim rule. My parents are afraid of him. They lived during the WW2 time when Hitler was killing Jews. Why would I want someone I’m afraid of as my president. I’m through here. I won’t answer any more of your over-reactive, name calling replies. As and American, I don’t have to put up with that either. Especially when I can block you.

  • @Christ7 -  One more thing…Even if I wanted to be racist, that would be my AMERICAN right too.

  • @GailThePainterly - I’m sorry I called you racist.  But it does seem like a racist comment…  If you don’t want people thinking that then you should clarify what you mean.

    You need to realize something.  I personally don’t think that religion matters in the presidential debate, but the idea that he is Muslim is a common misconception.  He is in fact Christian.  Another thing you need to realize is that not all Muslims are bad.  Just as Christians have done things in the past in the name of God that were horrendous, so have Muslims, IMO.  So, I think it’s completely unfair to throw that blanket over the Islamic faith, just as it’s unfair to assume that all Christians are as bad as the worst followers of the faith or to assume that all Germans are bad because of what ONE MAN did.  That’s just not fair.

    And what if he was of Islamic faith?  He’d be the president, it would be totally irrelevant.  He CAN’T make anyone practice Islam, the constitution says so, so we COULDN’T be under Islamic rule just because of him.  Maybe his personal decisions would be made according to faith, but, it’s not like America would become an Islamic country because of him.  He is Christian though, so that’s not even an argument.

    Also, plain and simple, there’s no such thing as un-American in regard to looks, I’m sorry.  Americans come from all over and it CANNOT be determined by looks.  Period.  America is solely based on citezenship.  I don’t know a whole lot about the man, but maybe that’s his nationality he’s dressing up for.  Don’t you think it’s a little unfair to deny him his right to celebrate it?  And even if it’s not his nationality, really, what does it matter?  You’re right, you do have the rights as an American to do the things you said, but HE HAS RIGHTS TOO.

    I still think you’re being unfair to him, but if you’re okay with that, it IS your right.  You can’t judge a book by it’s cover, and that’s what you’re doing here.  I really encourage you to look at his character, look at what he stands and then decide if you like him. 

    I already apologized for calling you racist.  The other things I called you were ignorant, rude, and hateful, and based on the information that you’ve given me, I still stand by that.  To say that you don’t like someone because of their faith, race, or nationality is, plain and simple, ignorance.  You have no real reason not to like them, you’re judging their outward appearance and not looking at their character.  That’s like not liking me because I have brown eyes, that’s a rediculous judgement.  Ignorance is defined as the lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc., and you’re refusing to acknowledge his character because you’re keeping these other roadblocks in the way.  And if you refuse yourself knowledge, then you are choosing to remain ignorant.  Period.  It’s not name calling, it’s fact.

    I’m sorry I jumped the gun, but I’m passionate about this.  This is the kind of thing that Martin Luther King Jr. fought for, and I’m tired of seeing the world unphased by it.  “I have a dream that one day my four little children will live in a world where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”  I know we’ve established that you weren’t being racist, but what he said there goes for other things than just race.

    Again, I encourage you to examine him as a person and look at his character, but, it is, as you said, your right not to.  I personally think it’s selfish to stand for your own rights only and not care about the rights of others, but, if that’s what you want, then you’re the judge.

    I’m sorry for the rocky start, I truly am, but I think that if we REALLY want to see a peaceful world, then we HAVE to steer clear of ignorance…

    God Bless, no hard feelings


  • @GailThePainterly - I wasn’t that harsh and you know it, people could say much worse than what I said…  All I said was that it was a racist comment, and you have to admit it sounded very racist, and since you’ve clarified that it wasn’t I’ve made it very clear that I made a mistake like the HUMAN BEING THAT I AM.

    I know you’ll probably never see this, but if by chance you do, consider this:  You spoke of the Nazis killing the Jews earlier.  What do you think causes something like that?  Ignorance and Intolerance, that’s what.  Whether religious, racist, whatever, it was intolerance and ignorance of a different people that caused terrible things like  that to happen.  It’s all in what I said earlier.  If we’re not careful, we’re going to let this kind of thing happen again, and I’m NOT kidding.  This is serious.  Yet, we choose to remain ignorant and don’t care at all to prevent it. 

    So listen, you can’t just ignore information and judge the book by it’s cover, that’s what’s gotten us in trouble before…  We have to remain informed, that’s all I’ve been saying this whole time.  I pray that you’ll see this and get something out of it.  I sincerely apologized to you and meant it, I made a mistake and I overreacted and I shouldn’t have and I’m sorry, but I don’t think I deserve to be ignored for that…

    Anyway, God Bless…


  • Yea, it’s not a great look. He’s lost the fashionista vote.

  • @Christ7 - I appreciate your intentions, but goodness, put it in a message.

  • @CallMeQuell - Well, she blocked me so I kinda can’t.  It’s an old post anyway, so whatever…

    God Bless,


  • @Christ7 - I just meant for future reference.

    Sad she blocked you, though.

  • i saw something on tv where this dumb blonde from alabama was interviewed and she said she wouldn’t vote for obama because “his name (obama) sounds too much like osama” and that she’s scared of “musilms”. is it just me or is that a little racist?

    oh and i agree with coffeerevolutionary.

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