February 25, 2008

  • Cursing

    I was reading an article that indicated that “adolescents and preteens are swearing more publicly than ever.”  Here is the link:  Link

    Almost every time I mention cursing as a topic, people will say they don’t understand what the big deal is about cursing.

    Is there any real reason to stop young kids from cursing?


Comments (141)

  • Once they’re older, it has to stop if they want to be taken seriously!

  • Its generally impolite from young kids. Also they really dont understand the weight of the words. But older teens and adults…who gives a fuck what they say???

  • Nah, kids will always fuckin’ swear.

    People need to stop being so uptight, it’s just them experimenting. The more you repress it, the more they’ll try and do it.

  • yes, absolutely. it makes them sound like Drakonskyr.

  • Nonsense!

    I’m a pillar of the community!

  • Who said that cursing was actually cursing to begin with?..
    I mean who gave any body the right to choose what words were bad and all..
    I now claim the word “GLOBE” to be a curse word..
    “You Globe!”
    “Globe you!”..
    Oh whatever…
    Globe it.

  • It’s impolite for young kids. It’s just rude.

  • yes – because it is a habit that should never be started if they want to be taken seriously

  • I believe that the more uplifting the words are in a child’s life are  the happier they will be and the more respectful they will be.

  • I think it’s impolite and embarrassing to hear anybody curse, but I think it shows a lack of communication and relationship with the parents.  Why would you allow your children to speak so when there are so many other words in the English vocabulary that you can have them use to express their feelings?  It shows a lack of creativity and a laziness on the part of the person cursing and on the part of the parents who allow them to curse.

  • @SpiritualBattlefield - You make me chuckle.

    I think it’s disrespectful and that people will likely look at the child as being poorly parented. As someone else said, as they get older people will take them less seriously.

    As a wise little lady once told me, “swearing is for people who have poor vocabularies and just can’t think up a stronger, better way of expressing themselves.”

  • I don’t think it’s that bad to swear, but it can become a bad habit that reflects poorly on you.

  • Yes.  It is considered to be bad manners, in bad taste, offensive and a sign of ignorance (as in not using your intelligence)  for adults and some kids – those who know better.   

  • I think kids should be raised pretty conservatively or else they shave no basis for what’s appropriate in society. Cursing might be fine around friends and such but there are definitely times not to do it. Also people raised with very few guidelines on what’s right or wrong (reguardless of what they’re being taught falls into each category) have very little impulse control and don’t do very well in life because they make rash, even criminal decisions and can’t handle delayed gratification or being denied something.

    So they shouldn’t be cursing, but not because of the right or wrongness of cursing itself, but because of what being given those allowances mean.

  • I tell my son not to curse, as it is rude and some people find it very offensive.  I try not to curse around my son and when I do he corrects me ~ which I encourage, as if he can’t do it, I shouldn’t either.  Just my 2 cents!

  • My parents tried, I guess. But I talk like a pirate anyhow.

  • Once upon a time, there was a culture that (apparently) framed their words carefully and were above such vulgarities as four-letter words.

    ok, it was never like that, but it was the ideal we (some of us) were taught.

  • no way! smile like a saint, curse like a sailor!

  • It doesn’t matter. Words only have power if you give them power.

  • let’s all curse and just not in some places.

  • It’s about raising kids to be righteous.  Cursing is unnecessarily offensive and rude.  When people get older and have the freedom to make their own personal decisions about how they want to live their lives, then let them curse away. But young kids who are still learning are a different story.

  • It shows disrespect. I never started swearing until hs and even then I was scared to do it, now I try not to. It’s also unattractive for a female…so I’ve been told. It’s unfortunate how many young kids swear nowadays. Boo.

  • meh let them apply for and not get, or get and lose a few jobs for it.  or start making tests for people to be parents and tell them they aren’t allowed to teach their children those words.

  • I’m not a fan of cursing.  I had a sign up on my ‘frig which something to the effect of “cursing shows the intelligence of a person.”  I would be the first to say that there are times when the well-placed word fits, but a string of words, or dropping ones that are totally inappropriate, does show a lack of self-control and a possible  need to expand your vocabulary.

  • Yes, there is a good reason.. it’s called “representing your family in the best light”

    … have we lost all pride?

    My sister curses like a sailor’s parrot and she is only 13, she thinks it’s cool. If she only knew that it makes her sound like a white trash skank, maybe she wouldn’t cuss so much…

    Who am I trying to fool? I cuss way too much myself…

  • i wouldnt be offended if another child cursed- but id look down on their parents and i certainly wouldnt want my own as-yet-nonexistant children to curse. such adorable future-babies as mine shouldnt make themselves less adorable with dirty mouths- i had my mouth washed out with soap and so will they

  • seems wrong..

  • Neither. 

  • *shrug* doubtful.

  • The only time I see it as appropriate is as an exclamation of anger or pain.

    Then again, the word fuck can be used as several different parts of the language; I’ve heard a sentence made almost entirely out of the word.

  • Makes them look uneducated.

  • Well, they obviously had to learn it from somewhere… I think cursing is uncreative. It shows a very limited vocabulary if you can’t describe what you feel without cursing your head off. so if the parents would be the example, we wouldn’t have this discussion in the first place. as others have stated, it could cost them in the future because not everyone wants to hear that. so why would you set your kids up for problems?

  • I don’t understand why pre/teen’s would even want to swear. I guess they think it’s “cool.” I personally don’t even like being around people who swear. I find it repulsive. And not even just one sex either. When women swear, I think it’s very unlady like.  And the same goes for men. I think it’s a very unattractive quality to have. I find it just as repulsive as I do having cigrette smoke being blown into my face. It’s very rude, and it  tends to make a person’s IQ deminish. I don’t understand why people think swearing is “cool.” It’s diffently NOT.

  • It’s also definitely not cool to mangle the word ‘definitely,’ when talking about OTHER people’s IQ’s going down.

  • Yes. Swearing makes you sound ignorant and rude. Weell, if every other word out of your mouth is a curse word you sound really ignorant. And there’s a time and place for everything, so if my kids swore to say, me? Well I’d pop them in their mouth and wash it out with soap. Not really, but I would pop in the mouth until they learn some respect. And take away everything except the essentials. But yeah, I really shouldn’t be talking,lol. I trying to break this horrible habit. Geez, what really annoys me is when lil kids/preteens/teens are swearing loudly in say, a library while I’m working and being soo damn obnoxious w/their lil buddies. God you PISS ME OFF. BE F-ING QUIET. … Eh, sorry, went off their for a sec. ^^;

  • I think it should be taught that curse words aren’t polite and shouldn’t be used in more formal occasions, like big dinners and such. But just hanging with their friends? Kids will cuss and really why try to stop it? If they learn when it is appropriate and when it isn’t, they’ll be okay. Making it completely taboo only makes them want to do it more, anyway. 

  • I think that little kids that curse just sound…outrageous.  I don’t take them seriously if they swear.  They don’t understand the weight of their words and I know that they think it makes them look cool.  I know that I thought I was cool.

    Now when they’re older, that’s an entirely different story.  You know full well what you’re saying.  Say what you want to.  I swear all the time (as you very well know), and I don’t think that it reflects on my intelligence.  I just like the way they roll off the tongue.

    How you view a word is all a choice.  Believe it’s bad, and it will be.


  • Words are words…..and some make you sound stupid, as some make you sound “intelligent”……all I ask my girls to do is use it in proper context and to think before they speak.

    During and after my divorce, I decided there were more things to worry about than the occassional use of the words “hell”, “damn”, “bitch” and “shit”……I won’t tolerate the “F” word along with “racial slurs” but……if someone is being a bitch, they are……if someone is being an ass, they are……

  • It just like teaching the kid good morals. It doesn’t matter what the word is. All that matters is teaching them how to be polite and have them grow up to be that way. Sure, kids will “experiment” and there is no stopping it. But as parents, it’s their responsibility to teach them that it’s rude.

  • I think it can show a lack of verbal control. 

  • Does anyone around here have kids?  Seriously… when you are raising your own its a completely different situation.  Its kind of astonishing that so many people on here would think that its okay.  The day my 5 year old starts saying any four letter word as a way to hurt another is a day he will remember my hand on his rear and a some bubbly soap in his mouth.  Same goes for my 3 year old.

    And raising them around a bunch of Marines is does NOT promise that this will be an easy task.

  • It’s disrespectful and a reflection of character.  At least that’s what my parents tell me.

  • Yes. It’s impolite and innapropriate. If we let kids do bad things younger and younger, we’re jsut asking for society to become a horrible place.

  • I agree with Beth. She said it perfectly. My hubby and I were talking about cursing the other day. I told him that when I increase the amount that I am cursing, the angrier I feel and the easier my temper is lost. He felt the opposite way for himself–spewing out the curse words were sometimes a way for him to keep from losing his temper. It was interesting. This could make for a decent post of my own after it is well thought out and written…I might come back to it…

  • I hate seeing young kids swear – it makes me sad. As for adults – well, I swear, but I try not to overdo it.

    Have you ever noticed that Americans are awful at swearing? We try to emphasize the swear word, making a big deal out of it. It sounds better when it’s smooth and flows with the sentence…

  • It’s just rude.  

  • It is NOT okay for little kids to swear. And as you get older, you sound STUPID when you curse, especially if you do it on a regular basis. I wish I could put into words how dumb I feel people are when all they do is swear. Not to say that I don’t swear, because I do. But COME ON. And I REALLY don’t understand why parents let their kids swear around them. DISRESPECTFUL.

  • I don’t think it hurts to teach kids that swearing is unprofessional.

    -Guru on the Hill

  • @LauraChristine83 - 

    AMEN. I have a 4 year old. I was NEVER allowed to swear in front of my parents. I agree with you that when my kids decide that it’s okay for them to use curse words to hurt others, is the day they feel the wrath of my hand on their butt.

  • when very young kids do it, it’s a sign they either have very young parents themselves who don’t know better, or they just have trashy parents.

    no matter what age, it should not be used as common vocabulary. slamming your fingers in the door is one thing, using vulgarities and swear words in general conversation (esp when people other than friends are around) is just pure verbal and mental sloth. like we need more of that.

  • My brother, 14 swears like a sailor. It’s all because it’s what he sees his friends doing and on TV. Doesn’t help that the parents do it daily.

    Swearing can be a proper expression of aggrivation and such. I do not swear at all. I find it to lower character and how I think of their intelegence. The smartest girls I know swear, and I think differently of them. It’s just so pointless unless under extremes.

  • Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  If there is putrification within, it will come out.  Rid the heart of the filth and it won’t come out through the mouth.  It is a matter of propriety and the general sense of propriety seems to have been lost in our culture.

  • i always laugh when people just say a word is just a word because society defines it. But words have a long history associated with bad things in general and it’s more of an evolution of the word. A word can be very powerful and they shouldn’t be taken lightly.

    I’ve also noticed that most of the swear words involve a really long or strong vowel.

  • Yes, because it’s lewd.

  • There are better words to be used. However, every now and then even I slip. Sometimes it is all that would be sufficient at the moment. I always feel bad afterwards though.

  • People don’t perceive it well, but a child can be taught when to cuss and when not to cuss. Differentiating is how we learn and grow.

  • The generation of negligent parents.

  • Only in school.

    And only because they should learn more precise words to describe their feelings.

    Otherwise, I personally don’t give a fuck.

  • It appears that the taboo on cursing and profanity is just a kink in language and culture that we don’t understand, yet continue to practice it, advising to children to not be a walking vulgarity. Using other words teaches eloquence and professional demeanor but not much else, and those concepts are learned anyway regardless of the cussing the person exuded in their day to day life.

  • which kid would say “this show is f*in bomb” anyway? haha.
    it would just be soooo weird if my 6 year old niece starts talking to me that way.
    any word can be used as a swear word nowadays,
    but really what is also the point in swearing the first place?
    but i swear a lot.

  • it’s going to happen anyways, but it does look bad when children are doing it at a young age..

  • I don’t think little kids should say it.. but when they grow up, it’s alright. 

  • No as long as they know when to turn off the mouth.

  • I’ve never heard a convincing reason that it’s anything more than kids being kids. When I was young it was hip and edgy. Now it’s a good way to let off some fuckin’ steam. It’s either that or, I don’t know, destroy something.

    Should I ever be blessed with the privilege of raising children in a free society, I’ll be sure to tell them that most people cease to take you seriously when you swear excessively, but there’s no real problem with the words themselves.

  • When you’re young it makes you sound like a jerk and when you’re older it makes you sound like a stupid jerk..

  • The reason is that people will judge them as rude/less intelligent if they curse, because our society has given these relatively meaningless words great weight.  Everyone is never going to agree to see curse words as ‘just words.’

  • I believe that there’s a time and place to cuss (if you choose to) and a time and place not to.  I personally don’t see the big deal, a word is a word, but I also choose not to cuss publicly because it does make an impression on certain people, and I’d rather always make a good, positive impression.

    God Bless,


  • I personally do my best not to swear in front of my three year old son. I rarely swear myself. I find it to be poor vocabulary.

  • Cursing screams negativity even when its meant to express happiness. What do you think of a person who yells, “I’m so excited!” and a person who yells, “Shit, I’m so goddamn excited!” What impression do you get? My impression would be that the first person, has better morals, is more easy tempered and over all has a more positive outlook on life than the second. Both exclemations get the point across but the second takes me a little aback. here’s why:

    Cursing is usually looked at as disrespectful and degrading. I mean, why would you yell poop when you are excited about something? Isn’t that what shit means? And can you think of anything lower and more discusting that that? Also, doesn’t damn me hell? The sentance sounds like an oximoron. (sorry I can’t spell) Is the person happy or not? Hell isn’t a happy place.

    It goes the same way the other way around. When you are angry and you use God’s name to vent that anger, its disrespectful. Why would you take the most honorable person (that is if you are religous) in the world, the God who made you and loves you, and use His name to express ingratitude or negativity?

  • Its not polite at any age.  Cussing is just a sign of stupidity and that people haven’t learned the word they are really needing to use in any given situation, thus they insert a cuss word…

  • Yes. Vulgarity is not indicative of intellect, manners, or what is good in each of us.

  • There’s always going to be something a young person does that pisses other people off.

    Anyone remember Stick and Stones?


  • Kids using profanity in public is disrespectful.  I am a tree-hugging hippie from the Groovy Days and I taught my children that they should have respect for others in public.

    It’s not about what words we determine to be offensive. You have no doubt it’s offensive once you hear it.

    Today, that doesn’t seem to be something that kids value…it’s seems it’s all about “them” and no concern of living respectfully with others. Scary!

  • I think that when people use curse words constantly they look and sound ignorant.

  • Yes, it annoys us adults. As people bigger, smarter, and legally endowed we can semantically enslave those rugrats. =)

  • Yes! Parents will take the blame for not educating their children properly!

  • nah..they’ll have to get over it eventually or use it in certain places.

  • @LoriBMom03 - Ever watched Penn & Teller’s Bullshit!?  They give a pretty convincing argument for profanity.

    Actually, I’m curious myself- what other word would fill in the blank: “Culturally sensitivity is such ________”?

  • @shape_of_love - I don’t think you understand linguistics very well.  When someone says “shit!” they usually don’t mean defecation.  They mean it as “Wow!”  Words change.  They are fluid, and that’s what gives language its incredible texture and beauty.  Go back a hundred years or so, and words mean different things.  Hell, go to a different part of your country, and their meanings have changed.

    Besides, there are also words like “fuck” and “gay,” which can both be swear words in a certain context.  By your scant linguistic analysis, I’d be talking about sex and happiness – two very good things.  Now, some may claim that “fuck” signifies meaningless sex (e.g., “She’s just good for a fuck or two”), and that “gay” (when used as a synonym for “stupid”) is derogatory to homosexuals.

    There are valid arguments against swearing, particularly for children, but yours is not one of them.  (Besides, what’s immoral about it?)

  • nope, it’s not like you can attach a secret mic to you’re kids colar shirt, and hear him/her say something bad then shout (WASH YER MOUTH!). besides there going to hear it no matter what (i know i did) like at school, on TV, in books, on movies, FUCK even in public you’ll obviously hear it

  • no, they’re going to learn the word eventually…

  • My younger sister cusses around me (she’s ten) and I cuss around her. I try not to cuss around the seven year olds though. I’m not sure why though. I guess it’s just taboo.

  • I am against it, though not as strict as I use to be. Sometimes I may slip when playing a video game or have hurt myself somehow – but in regular speech I do not use it.

    I use James 4:17 as a good verse (in general)

    17Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin. (


    - Manytimes I think people use the excuse that because there is not s specific verse to prooftext than something is ok, but is it good? I think sometimes we use the lack of something in the bible so we can do something we may feel is or could be wrong. I think we should questions are motives in deciding rather than merely stating that its ok and yelling expletives at everyone… ha ha.

    Daniel (doubledb)

  • Yes, they do it just to be cool in front of thier friends.

  • All these childrens need to quit with this pish-posh and what-what. Cursing is so quite impolite to the point I wanna jus call the bobbies on them littah boogas.

  • I don’t think swearing is that big of a deal once you get to later middle-school age and into high school, but I don’t think that elementary schoolers have enough going on in their lives that they need to swear beyond the simple reason of “to be cool.” I definitely think that parents should try to discourage swearing up to a certain point, but then realize that their children ARE going to pick it up once they hit their teens (aka I don’t think it’s reasonable to punish teens for cursing). I think cussing is okay, but everyone needs to be aware of when it is appropriate…or more importantly– when it’s inappropriate.

  • @LoriBMom03 -

    “It shows a lack of creativity and a laziness on the part of the person cursing”

    Actually, there can be some quite creative combinations.

    But to answer the original question, it basically boils down to it depending on the audience and what type of setting you are in.

    If you are in a formal setting and surrounded by people who you know will obviously take offense at your choice in words, of course you should show proper respect. The thing is, kids don’t always have the best handle on appropriate settings and appropriate audiences- thus it’s better to keep certain words out of their vocabulary until they are able to understand social rules and norms (as well as concept of “respect for others”) better.

    I usually don’t use too many “inappropriate words” unless I’m around my friends who I’ve known for awhile. If you cuss excessively in front of people you don’t know you run the risk of being stereotyped and viewed in a negative light. Plus I usually consider it rude to be offensive to strangers for no purpose whatsoever.

  • i swear heaven and hell when i was younger than 5years old but till then i’ve stopped. not a swear word out of my mouth even now.

  • Perfect example of the slow degredation of society. And no, I am not going to say which specific society because it applies to all societies…. Frog, water, pot, heat. think about it.

  • Yes.  First of all, swearing is not polite and disrespectful to whom they said to.  Second, swearing at an early age might become a bad habit.  Third, makes them look uneducated.  Why swear when you can get the same message across using better vocab.

  • I think cursing is disgusting and disrespectful and to allow children to do it is, IMO, another example of lazy parenting.

  • Yes, they need to understand in which situation it is acceptable, and which situations it isn’t. 

  • it s a phase you have to get through as a teenager. 

  • nope. in fact perhaps we should take a look at what makes those words so “dirty” and really rethink that.

  • it says not to cuss in James 3: 1-12.

    plus it shows lack of intelligence, unprofessionalism and immaturity.

  • Yes, first… I think it makes one appear terribly stupid and uneducated. (seriously stupid) Then there’s the issue of it showing complete disrespect, which quite frankly there is enough of in this world as there is. I find it pathetic when adults think it’s funny that young kids are swearing….


  • Yes-  I dont allow my children to use those types of words because they are rude, offensive, and show a lack of respect. 

  • I feel like they think they are an adult if t hey start to “talk like one” and then when they use curse words at me I get really  mad. Having a 15and nearly17 year olds in the house is challenging enough without having to hear them curse like they are grown.. they should be respectful.. .maybe?

  • Kids need to know that the power of words, and how they are used, can affect everything from their character right down to their adjustment in society.

    ’nuff said…

  • Yes, its horrible. When I worked with grade 2 students, I almost fainted when I heard them swear! Its so hard to correct them though when they hear their parents use it, the television, people in public, etc.

  • Well when they’re young they don’t understand the constraints. Such as, “don’t say it to authority figures if you’re already in trouble.”

  • I myself  think it sounds Bad.. Like the kid is ill educated and don’t know any better.. I would call a cursing teen a ” Punk”..

    My 19 year ols does it soem times, and I hate the way it sounds – it makes her look – Low classed.

    Sorry – I have nothing against Low class people.

    It is just disrespectful…

  • Just like anything else, kids should not say a word until they know what it means.  To tell you the truth, I would shit a cow if one of my boys dropped the f bomb as young as they are.  Once they get to where they know what they’re doing and saying and can make their own decisions, sure free speech.  Not when they are little and still don’t know.

  • The little girl is missing her whore-tat on her back in the cartoon of today.

  • I don’t care for the belief that curse words themselves are so offensive. Its all a matter of perspective. However over abundant use of curse words is a sign that person lacks a decent vocabulary. I think its stupid when every other word out of a person mouth is a curse. That just shows that that person is crippled because they can’t better express themselves. 

  • …and if you think about it kids these days seem to be growing up a lot dumber and cruder than generations past. They are more dependent on slang derived from the boob tube than their education. If only people would stop watching so much crap.

  • It shows a lack of cultivation and up bringing- lesser minds use curse words to articulate.

  • It’s about boundaries.  Even at my age I wouldn’t swear in front of my mother.  There’s nothing wrong with showing or expecting a bit of respect.

  • It makes people more aware of the language they use when they are older.

    I’ve noticed, a lot of the times, when my bf is playing video games, he curses, I point it out, and he doesn’t even remember or realize he cursed.

    … and his parents didn’t censor after middle school.

  • Yes, it sounds trashy

    best way to teach is through example though

  • Cursing by the young destroys the illusion of innocence. But then, when was that ever a bad thing?

  • Back when i was young..like primary days…if u said it…kids will go say UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..

    no its like.

    Who cares its part of the English Language haha. I dont see the reason saying a swear word in every sentence…

    I say it only when im angry…even at home….but i say it under my breath..so my parents wont hear…except when im really angry…i tell them to f off.

    My brother who is 3 years younger than me…just says Freakin’ and gets away with it because i dont think its a swear word…

  • No, they’re not “offensive and rude” unless you take them as such. Words are seriously only worth as much as you want them to be.

  • It’s really sad [for me] to hear some elementary student using curse words as their main form of expression.

    And if kids are swearing in the classroom — there is obviously a lack of discipline in the school.

    It’s just a lack of discipline overall.

    But I can’t deny that I curse every now and then.

  • HItler thought language was important enough to launch and anti=high German campaign.    And Mao wanted to eliminate classical Chinese.  hmm.  is there a link here?  Language can expand or limit thought.  Very important.  The f word etc are “fillers”……fillers for true thought.  

  • and if you didn’t figure it out, that PROVES my point!

  • i don’t think swearing is a big deal unless it’s at a job or something, or in school. i swear all the time and i turned out all right.

  • Cursing is more effective if you only do it when you really have to. Still( as long as it’s not my kid) it is kind of cute/funny to hear a little kid drop a bomb once in a while 

  • swearing isn’t a bad thing when you mean it. if you say fuck just because you know how to, or call your friend a cunt just so peoplewill look at you, then you’re pretty small-minded.

    you’re in charge of the way you present yourself to the world, though. be smart about it.

  • If a child isn’t aware that it’s “taboo”, so to speak, then they’re less likely to use it less if it gets less of a reaction. So I say, teach them all the “fucking” words you want–but still them how to be polite when necessary.

  • I told my daughter was “cussing’s for boys” and so it was, so it is, so it shall be evermore.

  • @LoriBMom03 - i agree 100%.

    and to comment on some of the other ideas, how is it only rude if a child says it, but fine for someone else? if it’s offensive, it’s offensive. if it’s derogatory, then it is derogatory. what is the point in saying it. especially people who “dont understand the weight of the words.”

  • In truth, I believe there is nothing wrong with cursing in general. The problem with cursing is that other people will find it disrespectful and rude, and the fact that there isnt much you can do to change those people’s minds is what makes parents need to stop their children from cursing. Personally, I try not to curse so that I don’t do it without noticing it and in turn curse around people that I shouldn’t (e.i. small children who might repeat what they hear to their parents and get in trouble)

  • yes. cursing leads to bad habits

  • they need to know whats appropriate, swearing constantly isn’t appropriate or respectful. 

  • I’m not a big fan of cursing either. but I do curse once in a while.

    It’s quite annoying to hear people curse, so I try not to curse.

    I wish there is a technique to get people to stop cursing.

    And kids learn from adults that do curse and tvs. -__-”

  • I had decided to let my daughters to curse at home when they were younger.. and boy did they ever.. gees I did this because I cursed! and if I can so could they.. and boy did they ever curse! words I never heard of… but now they are adults.. and guess what.. they do not curse like sailors.. no.. they no longer have that desire.. and they learned other words to use.. I think that if a parent does it, then the children should also do it.. and eventually all will change the course of their language usage. 

  • I really don’t know…I think parents just hate the fact that their children are losing somewhat of their innocence earlier and earlier.  Cursing has been regarded as something “adult” for a really long time, and it still is. 

  • its trashy to let your kids cuss.

    You cant do it in the professional world, or anywhere they need to be taken seriously. So we should not allow it.

  • i’ve never understood why parents who curse are so appalled when their children do, and punishing them for doing so. what’s the point?

  • there’s no way
    there’s a reason, possibly
    no way

  • I swear too much, it may be a handicap in professional situations. As with all things that are off limits to kids, it’s just a matter of learning how to indulge responsibly. 

  • Help them obtain a good lexicon, and they won’t have the need to use swear words in place of more adequate synonyms.

  • So. Here’s how I look at it. There are different- say- levels to cursing in public. Many older men constantly use foul language, yet it socially acceptable. To me, if you say it because it’s what your brain told you to say without really thinking- its okay. But kids that curse constantly just for attention isnt.

  • Well, I’m personally all for any child of mine to be like DMV.

  • The only problem I have with swearing is that it’s tacky!

  • Yes, absolutely. It shows a lot of disrespect.

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