November 29, 2008

  • Are Men Morally Weaker than Women?

    I noticed in the Bible that it took the power of Satan to get Eve to sin.  But for Adam it just took a naked woman.

    I noticed a story about a gang of robbers in Uganda that were placing chloroform on women’s chests and it would knock the guys out so they could be robbed.  Here is the link:  Link

    Men have a reputation of being weaker than women when it comes to sexuality.  The idea is that they would give up just about anything for sex.

    Are men morally weaker than women?


Comments (90)

  • No.

    Socially and evolutionarily, it’s just that men make less of an investment and take less of a risk in a hook-up.

  • No, although some might say they are and use it as an excuse.

  • Woo-hoo, follow-up post. XD

    No, otherwise the Bible would expect less of men. Both genders are given the same rules and are required to behave equally well.

  • While sex is a preoccupation for men, I would not call that a moral weakness–we are humans, humans have self-control and need not be ruled by our instincts.

    I would say there is a social weakness–in that society almost excuses or justifies men giving in to their instincts.  I hate that saying “Boys will be boys,” as though men are unable to control ourselves, unable to do better.

    Men are able to do better.  Boys will be men.

  • I noticed in the Bible that it took the power of Satan to get Eve to sin.  But for Adam it just took a naked woman.

    Well…that should at least answer your last post’s question in regard to who is stronger, AT LEAST emotionally, lol, :)

    It’s a known fact that women are emotional, men are physical/visual..thus the “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” issue, lol!

    And yes, they are morally weaker!!! BUT I often wonder if men were allowed to run around in thongs in public with their chests and a bit of skin on their private showing if women would be more apt to be like men in that regard. But face it, that simply will never happen! But wait, we lived to see a black president, which I though we’d never see, so hey, there is hope, lol, :) Now, there’s a topic for another day…How come women can show their breasts on TV unclothed, naked, yet for men, you never see their stuff uncovered. Almost sounds discriminatory, huh, lol? Is there a WEAKER organ of the two genders? ROFL

  • duh – of course they are…which is just one of the reasons I prefer women

  • That’s a funny trick! lol Although using it is kinda morally weak.

  • *is too distracted by the superclevage to form an answer*

  • @JUSTAVAPORHERE - I noticed in the Bible that it took the power of Satan to get Eve to sin.  But for Adam it just took a naked woman.

    Apparently, the rib was gullible enough to fall for a snake. It took real betryal to get Adam.

  • Haha.  That there is a funny story.

  • i’m gunna have to say yes. they are weaker.

  • I think men seem more impulsive than women because of stereotypes. Plus I think that if it is true, it would be because us men are usually more physically capable of forcing our wants/impulses on others.

  • Ah, but virtue isn’t ONLY about sex, Dan. Men may generally be weaker when it comes to sex, but women are equally as weak in other areas.

  • I think men are more driven by visual stimulation, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are morally weaker, they just like to look at what’s being offered. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to go off and do whatever it is they see that stimulates them.

  • there is NOTHING wrong with wanting to have SEX!!!

    i dont think men are morally weak.


  • @huginn - You mean “real betrayal” as in a Testosterone surge? rofl. Just the same, I’d take my chances on the “rib.” :)

  • I would say yes, and society preys on that weakness, which makes things a hell of a lot worse!

  • And hey, Dan said it, I just agree!

  • Are men morally weaker than women? Yes, for men who failed God’s test and No, for men who passed God’s test.

  • At times…


  • Since today is such a slow day for traffic, I’m going to comment again.

    The boobs in that pic are totally fake. I mean, look at ‘em. Fake I tell you!

  • I dont know.. I think I am weaker morally then my husband..and I know girlfriends who are the same…so for me, no.

  • God did in fact give men the higher role, and being around guys and raised by them, etc (and sadly having a strong dislike for females, even being one myself) I have to say that when it comes to the morally/socially weaker thing, women are… it’s just sad.  But men also have some reason to why it’s easier for them – no female hormones & ignorance -  Don’t get me wrong, some guys are the brightest ever, but they have been gifted with a simple mind, they don’t second guess things, they don’t have a time every month where you look at them the wrong way and they’ll lose it… it’s just basic fact.  Girls will always be a weaker of the species, and in some aspects, not always a bad thing. But it can be. 

  • @ChrisRusso - i agree. i don’t like to lump all men together and make generalizations or accept society’s excuse. 

    i heard it said once that perhaps Adam loved Eve and knowingly sinned because he did not want her to be alone in separation from God (?) he also might have been thinking of himself too. and, it still doesn’t excuse the sin, but perhaps that might give at least one reason why God allowed him to have headship over her (?). i’m not sure if i buy into that version, but it is interesting that it is almost a foreshadowing of what Christ would do (giving up his life for the sinful. though Christ was obviously sinless and righteous; Adam was not – especially when he knowingly disobeyed God).

  • I have heard since I was a kid that: Women are turned on by what they think, for them it’s more a mind thing, thus the romance novel caters to women… but there is not shortage of explicit sex in those.  Men are motivated by what they see, so despite statements to the contrary, men seldom buy Playboy for the articles. 

    What would things be like if women were truned on by what they see?

  • When it comes to sex, I don’t think of it as a moral issue. Sex to me is not immoral; I view things like stealing as not being moral. So if guys are more sexual I don’t think that makes us more immoral. 

  • Ok think about what you’re saying Dan. Men will do just about anything for sex… sex with who? A chicken? No! A woman! So, if the morally weak man is having sex with a woman, how morally superior does that make the woman? It takes two to tango, Dan. Also, you forget about gays and lesbians Dan. Are you saying that gay men are morally weaker than lesbian women?

  • Nah.

    I wish men had most strongly monogamous tendencies, though.

  • @Tiny_Tim_01 - There wouldn’t be much difference, because men still control most of the media in this world. But there might be more male strip clubs or porn dedicated to feminine interests.

  • I don’t think they are morally weaker, they just have a weakness for sex and more of a lust for it.

  • I wouldn’t say morally weaker since people could go on and on about what exactly are morals,

    More likely to be enticed by sex if anything, maybe.

  • You ask a question on morality, and automatically – in accordance with the great Western obsession with sex - mean sexual morality. But is not morality a wider field than that? According to the Ten Commandments, isues like murder and theft of reputation and property take precedence.

  • uh…duh~!   ..if he isn’t..he is prolly impotent, lol.

  • What makes sex any more or less moral than other issues? It’s not like women are immune to making bad decisions because of sex. But really, didn’t the fall of Victorianism pretty much settle this one for us? Holding women up as the moral gatekeepers just blinds people to the fact that morality is way more complicated than whether or not you get distracted by breasts. 

  • No…I mean, I’d stoop pretty low for sex.  Sex is good.

  • I have been married 53 years and if my wife really wants something all she has to do is show cleavage. If she shows more I sign the check blank. 

  • that’s why women were so often thought of as “evil” and accused of being “witches” and “lovers of Satan”. it’s because men feared the power that women held over them- the power of sex. it was easier for men throughout history to blame women as “temptors” rather than to recognize their own lustful impulses.


  • I don’t think they are. Basically I think men are more opportunistic when it comes to sex, but, women are the same as men…we just hide it very well.

  • @JUSTAVAPORHERE - You mean “real betrayal” as in a Testosterone surge?

    No. It’s more like a betryal of trust.


    I see. Rolling over like a real bitch. Heel.

    Just the same, I’d take my chances on the “rib.” :)

    Wow. The reference went right over your head.

  • Yes, morally they are weaklings when it comes to matters of sex.

    Regarding other morals, however, I’d say both sexes are about the same.

  • i don’t know about overall morally weaker. i think we’re about equal for the most part, but guys are easier when it comes to sex because they’re much more visual.

  • @ClockworkBunny - Women do not have as high sex drives as men, and when they do, it is not as compelling as it is for men.  And yet, the Bible says that Sexual sin is particulary dangerous and destructive to the individual, and to their relationship with God.  Additionally, women seem to intrinsically be more spiritually minded and spiritually intuitive than men as well. 

    Although I admit that I believe that more than anything this may be solely a result of generations quietly militant feminist women raising boys alone, often on their own with no constant example of a healthy, confident, masculine man, husband, father; or with a weak and submissive male role model. 

    If alone, the mother then becomes the example of both the male and female gender roles.  The masculine disciplinarian and leader & example of how to be a man, as well as the gentle, feminine example for their idea of a future potential wife, all in one.  -Which I believe explains why so many men are becomming submissive in their relationships with women; because deep down, they were instilled with the fear and idea of a woman being the disciplinarian and leader.  And no, I don’t believe it is a coincidence that this occured. 

  • Only if sexual morality is all there is, yes men can be very weak in that regard. But I find woman tend to be more likely to lie. So we are the same in that regard.

  • Anyone can be morally weak.  Sure, there might be some basis in fact, but it doesn’t make it true.  Every individual has their weaknesses, and in this day and age both genders use their sexuality to get what they want.  So, no.  Men are not morally weaker.

  • I’m going to be honest. Every man I’ve ever met. Ever (I’ve given this a lot of thought) has been morally weak. More concerned with their own ends than the good of all.

    I certainly hope that their are morally strong men out there. I’ve only been alive for sixteen years………so I guess I’m not the best authority on the subject…but.

  • I just realized that the question can be taken in one of two ways:

    1.) Morality can mean a person’s distinction between “right” and “wrong”– a moral recognition of what should and shouldn’t be done. In this respect, Men and Women share a common moral compass.

    2.) Actually following that “morality.” The game rules are very different for men than it is for women. There is more of a social stigma attatched to the loose woman than there is to the loose man. A woman’s life and future could be ruined or be set back by an unplanned pregnancy. Men have no such risk.

    So growing up, a teenage boy is saturated in different expectations. Sexually, men can’t help but to be more aggressive than women.

    (There’s also the whole biological argument, but I’m too lazy to think on that now)

  • we as human beings automaticly where bilt with the knowlage of whats wrong and whats right we have no exuse for bad behaveuor its a feeling we all get when something isnt right wether you are a man or a woman we are all human so lets keep it cool. peace and love

  • @Koolou - That’s a pretty limited statement about women’s sexuality. Men and women have different sex drives, sure, but it doesn’t mean sex isn’t equally compelling just because it manifests in different ways or produces different results. I’ve had a far stronger sex drive than past boyfriends and it didn’t have anything to do with them being weak or strong or not “masculine” enough. Also, if a woman does have to take on the position of masculine and feminine example, why is it harmful exactly for a guy to see her as a figure of respect and discipline any more than it is for him to see a man as such? This is only harmful if you’re worried about maintaing some sort of unidentified power.

    Furthermore, if women are more spiritually minded and intuitive than men, this would seemingly compell us to want women in exactly those positions of power and example that you describe. 

  • Depends on the person.

  • i think it’s about the same.  you’re talking about sexuality and the bible, but i’m also thinking about people who don’t follow the bible.  the bad guys might get a girl pregnant and then not stick around and do it again to someone else, but i’ve also heard some fucked up stories about girls lying about being pregnant, lying about who the real father is and tricking a guy into raising a kid that isn’t theirs for awhile.  might not have much to do with sex, but it’s still morally wrong.

  • I would say that people are weaker than other people. Not that I really give a shit about that new wave jorgon like mailperson or what not. Seriously, I’ve seen women as eager to jump in the sack as men. Since the 70′s there has really not been a gender line. So no men are not weaker than women. If you said Yes, then get out of your fucking house and stop watching MTV.

  • humans are morally weak 

  • No I don’t think so.
    Men and women are both morally weak at times.

  • @abbylyne -  “I’ve had a far stronger sex drive than past boyfriends and it didn’t have anything to do with them being weak or strong or not “masculine” enough.”  

    Actually, I think it might.  But I was speaking about men and women in general.  Although with the gender roles today being so confused, convoluted and even reversing in large part (men becoming more submissive & effeminate, women becomming more masculine and dominant); women are ahving higher sex drives while many mens are decreasing.  ‘

    Interesting eh? 

    Also, if a woman does have to take on the position of masculine and feminine example, why is it harmful exactly for a guy to see her as a figure of respect and discipline any more than it is for him to see a man as such? This is only harmful if you’re worried about maintaing some sort of unidentified power.” 

    No.  Weren’t you reading?  And how much time do you have?  It is harmful because it has been established that children learn by obsevation for their own identity (or gender role), and the opposite sex and how they interact by their parents and how they interact with each other.  So if you raise a child in an environment without a healthy male role model, he will not learn what a healthy, confident, masculine man looks like.  And if you doubt that men are supposed to be masculine, I can’t help you.  Except to say that most women prefer men who are confident & masculine, which should say something.  And if you raise a male child in an environment with only a mother, he will not only not have the example of his own gender, he also will not have a truly healthy example of a female gender either. 

    Also, as I said, he will see her as the ultimate authoritarian.  And rather than mainly seeing his mother as feminine, caring, comforting, and in being in a sense ‘his advocate’ while still having authority and being deserving of respect herself; he will primarily see her as the disciplinarian, and therefore the one to be feared & obeyed; which he will carry with him into his relationships when he is older.  Subconsciously viewing his wife/girlfriend, or even women in general as the leader. 

    “Furthermore, if women are more spiritually minded and intuitive than men, this would seemingly compell us to want women in exactly those positions of power and example that you describe.” 

    Hmm, you’re sounding less and less ignorant of these issues abbylyne.  Well, spirituality doesn’t necessarily mean integrity or morality.  Especially nowadays. 

  • @huginn - Likewise…I see my initial comment back to you went right over your head in the arena of a sense of humor, but hey it’s all good, :) And your comment regarding rolling over like a real b and the “heel” comment wasn’t well taken. That tells me all I need to know about your stand on male/female weaker issue. Take care!

  • the stupid ones are.

  • I don’t know what women you are referring to.

  • more breasts you pig

  • women are weak when it comes to a hot shirtless hot man.
    we are the same.


  • Women have the power of the ……… well you know. 

    I for one am happy to be influenced by the scent of a woman!

    Hooo Ahhh

  • Only when it comes to great looking ladies…………

  • Chloroform on boobs? That’s just crazy. O_o

  • Balance is nice. :) Individuals are still individuals, sweet, if devisive, theologian.
    Some men are weak… some not. Some women are weak… but not many -hahahaha.

  • no, womena re just as base adn sexual, theyre just conditioned to not show or act on it sadly. but plenty of women cheat ontheir guys. 

  • No, I don’t think so.  I think they are just weaker in the flesh when it comes to sex.  They’ve got all that testosterone!

  • no.  morality is one of those things (like ignorance) that is gender-neutral.

    as for eve’s sin, that was an issue of disobedience more so than moral corruption, no?

  • YES , and its okay

  • i don’t know if this is completely redundant to everyone’s comments but can i just say that before adam & eve ate the fruit they were completely unaware of their nakedness. adam didn’t think, “i don’t want to eat the fruit, but since eve is naked and wants me to, i will.” there was no temptation because there was no sin- except for to eat from the forbidden tree and we all know what happened there.

    men & women are equally tempted sexually- i think it’s a societal issue that women aren’t as open sexually. men just happen to not be viewed negatively for being sexually open or aggressive.

  • I’m gonna go with yes on this.

  • haha, no, it’s not really a moral thing, men are just more visual and driven to mate like hamsters.

    I could pretty much get anything I want by just wearing a low-cut top and acting a little stupid, but I realize that men shouldn’t be exploited that way, bless their hearts. 

  • morally weaker? hmmm… it’s almost a tough thing to answer.  I think overall yes.  The way I see it men set the stage for moral weakness with things like, it was ok for them to screw whoever they wanted even from the beginning of time, but if I woman was found without her virginity she would be stoned to death.  How exactly does that work again? 

    Ever wonder what would have happened if Satan approached the man instead?

    I mean God created them both fairly dumb I guess, since neither even know what naked was.  And they were completely provided for, so there was no previous thinking for themselves.  Satan could have gotten to Adam just as easily.  In my opinion.  Then maybe we’d be wondering about Eve’s sexuality when she gave in for a naked man.

  • I think the true measure of morality is what  you would and would not do if no one ever found out, and I think hands down men are MUCH weaker morally than women, but women are catching up. 

  • It may have taken a naked woman but the Bible also says Adam felt no shame… Would that make Adam a typical guy? haha (don’t worry guys, it’s just a joke)

  • Adam would have remained morally perfect had Eve not talked him into sin.  It was all God’s fault for making women so tempting, and men so gullible.  Of course, had God made men more skeptical, more men would doubt the stories in the Bible.  Faith means believing what a woman says, even when a guy knows better.  

  • Well, 1st of all I believe that Satan has no “real” power, only that which WE allow him to have. We as children of GOD have the power … most of us just refuse to accept it.

    As far as men being morally weaker I don’t believe it’s a question of morality but more so letting the ego rule. In a sexist, egotistic, sefl-centered, society man identifies more with an animal than with GOD. This has man operating on “insticnt” (which is animalistic) instead of “intuition” (which is the spiritual connection with our father).

    Women are more “in tune” with their sexuality b/c they are internal, intuitive, nurturing, emotional etc. by nature. (even physically everythings on the inside … when we go inside we get closer to GOD) Whereas man, being “trained” to be a “man” (or what’s considered to be a man) does not allow him to be in tune with anything that is feminine. That is considered weak in this society.

    *Remember we have an X & Y chromosome.

    So in order for man to become “stronger” when it comes to sexuality we have to embrace that part of us that we were taught was weak an not “manly” … for when we do so we no longer deny GOD b/c we no longer deny any part of ourselves. Let go of the fear that we will somehow be considered as homosexual if we indulge in things that  are typically considered as feminine.

    Morally weaker? … NO! More prone to indulge in the flesh? … YES!

    *Remember, sex is not just a physical act … it is 1st SPIRITUAL!

  • @fugu62 - that’s no excuse! u will have the same issues with women. Emotions r Emotions no matter what sexuality u prefer. 

  • Some men r just nasty! i say there just not getting enuf. If they were, i don’t think they would be so hornie. So ladies, give it up as often as possible. 

  • Sometimes it seems that way, but it probably depends more on the individual person. 

  • Well, it really depends on the person. Not all men are weak when it comes to sex or women. It just depends on where your priorities and interests lie in. Some women are morally weak, as well…So, it’s hard to say that one is definitely worse in one area than the other. I do think that God knows our individual weaknesses.

  • Yes, they are. One look at boobs or a woman’s butt and they’re ready to do anything. Plus, women have the willpower to actually NOT look at an attractive man when they’re out in public with their significant other. Men not looking at other women? Never gonna happen.

  • yes,when it comes to sex or a naked girl,men fall to their needs and forget who they are half the,yes I would say they are weaker..

  • Someone said something about self-control here and I couldn’t help but make a funny sound at that. I’ve seen less of that than I’d like to for both sexes, and on more than one thing.

    One of guys’ as a rule’s major weaknesses may be their sexuality, but that does not make it a MORAL weakness necessarily.
     I’d also like to say that this apparent somewhat lack of weakness is probably a barest thing, a small lead…and probably a trend that won’t last as the genders balance out socially and societally.

    Details and circumstances and people being so unique per individual it’s EXTREMELY difficult to say anything definitive on this broad general question…but I gave it a shot, lol.

  • @angi1972 - Very well said!  I agree!

  • When it comes to sex temptation, yes men are weaker.  They say anything to get into girls pants like I love you.

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