Month: August 2010

  • Bacon

    What snack could you go for right now?

  • Too Fat to be a Hooters Girl

    Two women are suing Hooters after they were fired for being too fat for the job.

    The women are saying their “civil rights were violated.”  A 1976 law bans “weight discrimination.” 

    The owners of the Hooters organization believe that the waitresses are “entertainers.”  Here is the link:  Link

    Is it discrimination to fire a Hooters Girl if she becomes fat?

  • Online Crush

    I was watching Taycif’s video about how to break a crush and she mentioned the type of crushes.  One of them was the “online crush.”

    Have you ever had an online crush?


  • Xanga – Why Do We Stay?

    Have you noticed how many people complain about xanga or say they are leaving?  It is like a never ending cycle.  And yet some of us just stay.

    People criticize xanga and say it has not kept up with the times.  Others say all the great writers have left xanga.

    Why do we stay?


  • The Poke Flirt

    When I first started on Facebook, I felt uncomfortable about the whole idea of poking.  I am not sure if it is just the word itself but it felt like it was just the wrong thing to do.  But I was getting poked like crazy so I just responded to be polite.

    Every time I get on Facebook now, I usually respond to my pokes by sending a poke back.  I have been doing this the whole time I have been on Facebook and did not see it as flirting.  It is just what I do with no thought to it.

    I read a pulse this morning where a woman was talking about poking and flirting.  I got the impression her husband was a little upset about her poking other guys.  He was just jealous.

    Now that I think about it, I rarely get poked by a guy but I have a long list of women that I am poking.

    Should Facebook poking ever be read as flirting?


  • Would You Date Yourself?

    I was listening to the radio on my way home from work today and one of the guys on the radio mentioned a question that was going around Facebook.  Apparently the question is “If you were someone else, would you date yourself?”

    If you were someone else, would you date yourself?

  • Smoking Pot

    I was reading the site of yourkbear and she mentioned in a pulse, “Am I seriously like the only person ever who has never tried pot? lol”  She went on to say in the pulse, “I know a couple people who haven’t, but it seems like 99% of people have.”

    So lets do a survey.  Be honest.

    Have you ever smoked pot?


  • Living in a Glass House

    I read this article about a house that was built mainly of glass.  It is worth $35 million.  Here is the link:  Link

    (People always say I take my stories from yahoo news and yet this is really one of the rare times when I did in fact get the story from yahoo news).

    Would you want to live in a glass house like the one above?


  • We’ve Got to Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero

    Do we need to stop the mosque at Ground Zero?


  • No Fat Girls Allowed

    I was just reading an article about how a facebook invitation for a nightclub said, “NO FAT GIRLS ALLOWED.”

    According to the article, clubs deny access all the time based on weight, looks and dress of the people entering.  In face, clubs control who comes into clubs based on the image they are trying to keep.  Here is the link:  Link

    Do you think you have the look to get you into any nightclub?