June 12, 2011

  • Are You Depressed?

    It would appear to me that the biggest problem with a mental health disease would be in identifying your problem.

    You would think that the nature of having mental health issues would mean you would struggle to tell if you were thinking correctly concerning your problem.

    But I have noticed that everyone gets down from time to time.  But for others, depression forms the backdrop for their life.

    Does depression dominate your life?

Comments (96)

  • I’m a happy fucking bitch.

  • My depression can be cured if you will send me one million dollars and not expect it to be paid back:)

  • Nope. There were times I thought it did, but everything is going pretty well right now. *knocks on wood*

  • Only when I read your site.

  • I feel like depression effects every part of someone’s Life in one way or another. Thus making it ‘dominating’ in that sense.
    The word ‘depressed’ is thrown around way too often.

  • Nope. VA gave me solutions for that.

  • I am one happy mother fucker

  • Sometimes I’m so depressed I feel like I have down syndrome.

  • I’m basically well-grounded and have a spiritual center, so even with normal ups and downs, no.

  • I sometimes think that anger and depression are the same – they just manifest differently. My daily life usually revolves around keeping my anger and hurt in check and not letting it rub off on other people – and giving myself permission to be happy. 

  • It used to but that was a long time ago.

  • yeah probably. i cant tell either way these days, i just try not to let others see it XD

  • I have PTSD so whenever I have flashbacks I do get depressed and it tries to run my life. But, I am working on it and find myself laughing and smiling way more than I was even a year ago.

  • I’m derpressed, hur hur.

  • It would be very easy to give in and allow it to, and I almost did for a couple of years. I’m good right now, though.

  • Not anymore. I think I’ve mostly gotten a handle on it. There are times when I feel down, but for the most part I’m doing okay. It’s still there, but it doesn’t dominate. 

  • Nope.  I’m a generally happy person.  Sometimes if a bunch of bad stuff happens in a row I get a little depressed, but that usually motivates me to try something new, which makes me happy.

  • @RedHedRenegade - Oh definitely. When I was at my most depressed, in high school, I was angry all the time and constantly starting fights with my family. I think it was for the same reason people hurt themselves: they want to feel something more real than the mind-numbing sadness and ennui. Someone I knew said, after I got the diagnosis: “You don’t seem depressed, you just seem angry,” like they were surprised. 

  • Yes, more than I’d like to admit 

  • @allieday -  Young one, how did you get that.

  • @leaflesstree - A lot of people don’t understand that when people are angry they’re just as upset as someone who’s crying their eyes out. That always frustrated me.

  • I’ve been fortunate enough to escape depression in my life. Years ago I had a difficult time understanding the depth of anguish depression can cause for some…. not that I fully understand it now.  

    Melancholy is not part of my personality either. 
    (now watch me eat my words)

  • Dan, stop writing entries that are secretly about me, and just confess your true feelings for me. LOL

    Also, as you know, no, depression does not rule my life, bipolar disorder does. More then I’d like to admit.

  • For the record, I don’t do drugs or drink alcohol. My behavior is au natural. Some women have nasty looking nipples and still get laid. Why did sex have to be a priority. Now I have to live my life explaining to women on dates I have never been physically intimate with a woman. Women just want great sex nowadays. It’s depressing. People will just assume I am a homosexual, and I am a magnet for gays. God how I wish I was allowed to fuck sixteen year olds. Fresh pussy I can eat and rub my cock on it.

  • @RulerofMasons - High school sucked for me. My junior year, I got involved with a boy (I refuse to say man) that hurt me over and over for four years. My senior year I was supposed to be helping a friend with Algebra homework but he wasn’t planning that and i ended up in the hospital. It’s also why I am terrified of thunder. I know that sounded really stupid. sorry.

  • Recurring pictures of pierced faces depress me, but it goes away after a while.

  • Depression doesn’t “dominate” my life, but it definitely affects my life.

  • from time to time…

  • I have suffered with depression since I was in my teens, some days are better some are worse.  I can’t say that I was ever in denial about my illness once I knew what depression was I knew that was what I had.  Its a very scary place to be living with the constant urge to cry, the understanding that there is something not quite right but not knowing what it is or how to fix it.  I can’t say that I don’t still have THE URGE anymore but I know now how to handle it better now than I did before.  With the right support system you can learn to manage your symptoms and I am glad that I have that awesome support system.

  • Explain more about the algebra incident. Als@allieday - o, you got involved with a man, and for four years, and where were your parents?

  • Yeah… my life goes from high to low when my meds are messed up, which they are at the current moment.

  • usually disgusted at some people in my life than depressed.

  • I’m bipolar ;/ plus a lot of other things.

  • I sometimes wonder… I can’t say yes and I truly cannot say no… 

  • “You would think that the nature of having mental health issues would mean you would struggle to tell if you were thinking correctly concerning your problem.” – Yes. And that is exactly why I am insane. As for depression dominating my life, I couldn’t tell ya.

  • I am very stressed and at times It leads to depressed bouts.  I tend to kick myself into gear. Even if it feel’s I have to wind myself up to enjoy my day it’s still a step forward from just laying in bed sad and angry…

  • Yeah it does.  I couldn’t ignore it.  It wasn’t the mood swings of being a teenager.  After pubery came and went, so did my undergraduate years.  Finally, I knew it couldn’t just be school or financial issues.. it was a lingering feeling that made me not want to get out of bed.  And thus, I finally got an appointment with atherapist.  I’ve been on anti-depressants for six months now.  It’s helped a lot, but I think I may need more help…

    *HUGS* for all those depressed people!  Get help!  Doesn’t have to mean taking pills.  This is a serious mental illness that affects quality of life…



  • how do you know that i am depressed? : O

  • “It would appear to me that the biggest problem with a mental health disease would be in identifying your problem.”

    You know, you’re completely right. I mean, sometimes I can’t tell whether I’m depressed or if I just need to take a crap, usually I just need to take crap, but it turned out that this one time it was the other one, but you know, I just wasn’t sure because It was just so so difficult for me to identify what was going on, gee whizz those were definitely the most difficult moments concerning my depression, the pain and the hollowness were just a breeze in comparison, excuse me, I’m getting all emotional reminiscing about my difficulties identifying the problem, hey, maybe I’m depressed again, oh no, I’ve just confused myself with all my drivel, easy mistake to make, obviously. 

    So yep, you’re spot on as always!

    And no, I’m not depressed, but I have been before, HAVE YOU? 

  • I dont know… I think I’m maybe a little down everyday. But not depressed. As well as a little happy :) . I just have a lot of ups and downs based on whats going on around me. I have found the best coping mechanism to dealing with all the craziness is to just remain indifferent to it all. One other thing, I was reading through the comments and seen someone say that the word “depression” gets thrown around too much. I agree. True depression is really bad and makes it hard for some people to get out of bed. Thats not it either. But imagine… just being sooo down that you dont even wanna get out of bed. People nowadays are like ohhh I’m sooo depressed and they go to see a doctor about a pill because they think their depressed.  My gosh people, your not clinically depressed. Your just sad. Now I know some people out there aren’t “just sad”. Those are the people who I’m okay with getting the anti-depressants, SSRI’s, and whatever else. Those people have chemical imbalances they cant control. But getting a pill to make it all better like that instead of learning how to deal and cope pisses me off. Not learning how to deal with things like that is WEAK. You can control your thoughts and yourself… if you try. Not that hard to do… Grow some balls people. Peace. – TOJ

  • It used to. Not anymore. :)  

  • I won’t call it ‘depression’ but I do get some bouts of sadness… especially after my Grandma passed away but I get by with a little help from my friends :)  

  • Back in college the depression seemed to be pretty bad.  I could still go through some of the motions of daily life (I’d show up for class, but not take off my winter coat or take notes), but it was hard to shake my thoughts from the apparent hopelessness of my life, though I’m not sure hopeless is even the right word.  It’s too bad too.  Looking back, those were the days that seemed to have the most potential.  

    Not sure long that went on or what the breakthrough was.  In some ways my life now seems even more hopeless, but the depression is rarely there.

  • I was depressed once and I called a friend and felt better.

  • I mostly just get depressed situationally, meaning as a normal reaction to depressing situations. I have other days when i just feel down, but it’s certainly not characteristic.

  • I have moments, but it doesn’t dominate my life. Hell, I’m having a triple by-pass in the morning and looking forward to how much better I’m going to feel when it’s healed up!

  • It took me 6 years to fully realize the extent of my problem, because I managed to convince myself I was having normal ups and downs. But by then I had to be committed to inpatient care, sO I can’t really say I caught myself on time. Now depression doesn’t dominate my life but I think I would be able to recognize it now if it crept back in.

  • @allieday - Don’t answer him. He’ll just find out stuff then turn the situation around in a really sick twisted way and blame you for everything. Even though none of it is your fault. I only say this because I’ve seen him do it to other people who were opening up and putting their foot out there. Then he tore them apart. 

  • Depressiom does not rule me life, in the end, theres always another day ahead of us.

  • “It would appear to me that the biggest problem with a mental health disease would be in identifying your problem.”

    Mmm I disagree with that. I have clinical depression and have had it for pretty much all of my life. For me it’s not only things that happened in my life, but also chemical imbalance. So somedays I’ll be super depressed, not wanting to get out of bed, and there is absolutely no reason for it and no matter how hard I try to identify the trigger, there isn’t one. So I know that I’m depressed because of chemicals in my brain and I know that it’ll go away, but it still feels like I’m in a giant thunderstorm, walking in mud up to my chest, wishing that someone was there to help pull me out. 
    And those who don’t have depression can’t relate. :/ It’s more than just being sad for a bit. 

  • Sometimes I wonder if I have a mild form of depression.

  • Absolutely yes, though when it gets sunnier out… so do I.

  • I think you are correct, the biggest problem is diagnosing exactly what your problem is. Unfortunately many doctors now diagnose most everything as Bipolar! I just wrote a blog about Bipolar and the fact that I am questioning if the doctors were wrong about it.  Everyone has bad days and good days, and if your life is crappy then heck yea you are going to be depressed at times, it doesn’t mean you are Bipolar to me though.

  • I don’t know what to think about myself anymore, so I can’t answer this question.

  • I was misdiagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. But actually I have narcolepsy and sleep deprivation causes major depression. Narcolepsy rules my life, but no necessarily the depression. 

  • It did for a few years but I was able to overcome it.  

  • @blessedheartbeat -  I saw one of your videos. Are you scared? Your half mexican half white. I know other things to, that you have a brother on here. Yup, I’m evil, nevermind I think highly of you.

  • @RulerofMasons - My brother is on here??? Really???? I think that’s more scary than anything . . .  And no I’m not scared silly :P Why do you think highly of me? 

  • @blessedheartbeat -  because you have a beautiful way of expressing yourself, and your eyes shined with goodness throughout the whole video. It must be hard for you, you don’t exactly fit in with your fellow mexicans and neither with the white girls.

  • @RulerofMasons - Thank you. I’m just a normal teenage girl really, lol. And no, but I’m used to not fitting in anywhere, so *shrug* Your response really surprised me. 

  • I have bipolar disorder

  • Despite the fact that many people refer to my life as “sad,” depression does not dominate my life.

  • It’s no secret that I battle depression on a daily basis.

  • i’ve been this way for so long i don’t know what i am, happy, sad or whatever.

  • my butt’s a little sore, you know…what with life and all. but i wouldn’t say i’m prone to depression. i generally keep it set on pissed off. with a sense of humor, where possible.

  • It does not dominate my life but it is a large part of it and does have a role but you can not a llow it to define how you are as a human being. If you do it has won. So you have to fight it everyday.

  • dunno, dont think so.

  • No, depression doesn’t dominate my life.

  • I wouldn’t necessarily say that it dominates my life but it definitely plays a big part. I do find the joy and positives in pretty much everything but when I get to thinking there’s literally no stopping me. My brain processes things over and over again, creates scenarios, over-analyzes every little thing and I think that’s where I get my depression from. I do more thinking than talking and I’m already socially withdrawn somewhat and I’m not that guy who everyone wants to hang out with all the time. So I just have a handful of friends with a huge imagination.

  • I’ve struggled with it for years- it cycles in and out- but no, it doesn’t dominate my life. I don’t let it. I fight against it until it leaves me be.

  • Sometimes, if you really think about it, your problem is not that bad. Or it could get a lot worse.

  • Depression has been a major part of my life for the past 13 years.  I have had up and downs and many fights along the way.  Depression is part of the back drop of my life but it no longer dominates my life.  I have had a recent change of meds and major lifestyle changes.  For the first time in about 7-8 years I have found my happy!  The depression will always be there, just under the surface.  I can either deal with it, or let it dictate my life….I chose to deal with it and own it and move past it!

  • Lately I’ve been thinking that perhaps I’m feeling more than just a little “down”. I am angry over everything, and even the tiniest things seem like a good reason to pick fights. Nothing that used to make me happy does anymore. Sometimes I feel like I’m looking in on life, but am not really living it. For the first time, I cut myself to try to make the hurt go away. It didn’t help. The guilt and shame from cutting myself just makes me feel worse. I know I should get help, but I am too afraid I will be judged. This probably isn’t the best place to say how I’m feeling, but I ran across your post and thought I’d respond. I do think that depression is dominating my life. I want to be happy again. 

  • As a person who suffers from chronic depression, I find it frustrating when people confuse being sad with legitimate depression. Depression doesn’t just make you feel sad; it makes you feel empty and hopeless. 

    One of the most aggravating things a person can ask a depressed person is why they’re depressed. At least, that’s been my case. It’s like asking me why I’m tall or why I have blonde hair. It’s not any one circumstance that makes a person depressed and I hate that people think it can be cured simply by talking a walk or eating healthy. 
    I know that doesn’t answer your question. To answer it properly: depression isn’t a choice, but letting it rule your life is. 

  • I have fought a longstanding war with depression, but lately I think I’m just sad. It isn’t crushing me. It isn’t consuming me. But lately, I’ve just been sad.  I don’t know. 

  • Yes, but I’m working on not letting it defeat me. @RedHeadRenegade: I have often wondered the same thing, whether anger and hurt are one in the same, deriving from one another. I do believe anger can feed an already consuming depression.

  • Depression does not dominate my life, but it does have a tendency to cause problems now and then, whether they be problems people see or internal conflict. I was diagnosed bipolar, and have really learned how I deal with it, all its symptoms that occur in me. I understand the bipolar me better than I understand myself…. (okay, that didn’t make much sense, but it’s the only way I could think to word it.). My therapist is blown away at how in-tune I am to my bipolar, but no amount of drugs has been able to help me. I try my best not to act like anything’s wrong, I hate being a bother and making people worry

  • I was depressed for more than 2 years straight and it didn’t get better no matter what I did, or what happened. So I am on Ciprolex and I am slowly getting better. I do not think my life is worthless garbage anymore. 

  • It did, for a while. I’m coming out of it I think.

  • I am unhappy because I am a weird looking girl but it doesn’t dominate my life.

  • I have lived with depression since the age of 10. It’s horrible, and I have extreme ups and downs. Doctors find it best to just put me on medication, which usually doesn’t help or if it does help, the happiness is short lived. I find that I isolate myself because at this point I am completely tired of questions when I have no answers. No, nothing in my life is this bad, but even when I am overjoyed I am still depressed. At this point, I just realize that it is out of my hands.

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