June 13, 2011

  • Are Women Biologically More Complicated Than Men?

    I was reading a post by a woman who went out with a woman for the first time.  Here is the link:  Link

    She mentioned that “Guys will like you as long as you are nice and pretty. It’s obvious when they like you because they tell you upfront.”

    It is funny because what she is figuring out is what men have known all along.  Men are pretty easy to figure out.  They either like you or they don’t.  I tend to believe that women are biologically more complicated than men.  In other words, I don’t think this is a product of how they are raised.  I think women are biologically different than men emotionally.

    Now you always have a group of people that try to deny the differences between men and women.  It is odd because common sense shows you that men are different than women physically.  But we try to avoid the issue when it comes to emotions.

    Are women more complicated than men?

Comments (56)

  • i now have to find an article i once read, proving this!

  • In general I guess they are, but I always pick the fucking complicated guys who are not straight forward and have no idea if they like you or not. I pick men like me!

  • @Panda9490 - Gir!  I knew you were a robot!

  • We’re not “more complicated.” I think we just crave a deeper level of connection. I know I do, at least. 

  • In my experience, the gentlemen have been more complicated than me. I want to keep it simple and straight forward with common courtesy. Maybe I need to be complicated to find simple?

  • Man, gay men have it so easy.

  • @democrab - ;)  

    okay so the article isn’t something you can download. i am going to make a blog for it and will link it. :)  

  • Yup.  We don’t even know what the heck our deal is.  Although personally I have the emotional capacity of a teaspoon, so I guess I align more with the guys on that one.

    But as far as relationships go; I think women have a much longer list of “necessities” for a partner than guys do, so in a nutshell that’s why women are more complicated than men.

  • Of course women are more complicated.  Men’s jobs are easy find a woman and work a job.  Because men have been and still are in charge in the dating world they get all the options.  They only go out with women they like.  Women have to sit and wait for the guy she likes to ask her out or settle for just any dude who comes along… this increases the complications because she will struggle between wanting a boyfriend but deciding whether to settle or not.  Guys only go out with girls they like (whatever reason they like or want her for) and women have to resort to playing stupid games.  If guys had to sit and wait for the girl they like to come to them, they’d become more complicated too. 

  • That’s a very good question.

  • We have different hormones, hormones can dictate our emotions, so it is pretty understandable to say that we are different emotionally.

  •  Of course, we are more complicated in every way.

  • yes women are more complicated on every level

  • IDK my husband is very complicated… I don’t think it has to do with gender.. I think it has to do with Personality types. Such as… Myers Briggs types or astrology…

    That’s just me being a Hippy freak though :D

    It also depends on what you consider more complicated…

    Some one with a high amount of standards and are straight forward about them or some one with few standards but wont express them and make you guess…

  • @sassypenguin - Agreed here.

    When does different become more complicated though?

  • @MommyMarty22 - oh good point.

    I think I was thinking that girls have more hormones which can be more complicated, but I don’t really know for sure if we have more. I just think we must be more complicated because of  hormones because look at what happens to us when we lose them: menopause. It happens to every woman. What happens when a man gets old and starts losing his hormones: erectile dysfuntion (and a few other things that aren’t as funny for my purpose haha). Menopause in itself is a complicated process that men don’t have to go through.

  • Women can create new human beings, which is pretty complicated.
    Cause we have eggs.
    And we’re complicated.

  • http://panda9490.xanga.com/749983666/born-to-be-different/

    please read it. lol it took me hella long to type. it was an article i read in my college class. very good in my opinion. 

  • I certainly consider it to be a possibility, but won’t confirm either way until I do a bit more research.
    But I am working on it. :)

  • @brrraaaiiins - Can we implant the eggs without the sperm?

    I don’t think being able to bare a child it makes us more complicated… It just makes us very kick ass awesome :D

  • @MommyMarty22 - Only if it makes it more complicated.

  • YES! If I had periods I’d probably be hitting people with ballpoint hammers.

  • Yes (end argument).

  • Of course we are. I’ve understood this for quite some time. So when my boyfriend asks why I have to be so complicated, it’s easy to just shrug my shoulders and say “because”. 

  • lol yes because they are driven to be… and yes that’s by themselves and not us…

  • Yes we are, and that is why I don’t date other women.

  • I had the opposite experience. I was with a woman for about two years before we broke up, and now I’m starting to (try to) date men. It feels like there’s so much more pressure and complication now then before. Biologically speaking, sure we’re more complicated, we’re the ones that have to carry the babies, dang it! 

  • The sexes are equally complicated, but in different ways. I think men may appear less complicated when they are more up-front about things, but that doesn’t make them less emotionally complex. 

  • I don’t think so.   The brain is a complicated thing in both men and women.  Some men are very complex and some women are as simple as a piece of white toast.  ‘Depends on the person – intelligence, personality, etc – which vary widely among all genders, imo.

  • @leaflesstree - wow… I haven’t seen you right about that in your posts (‘would love to hear the details!)   I think because men and women are different, and often brought up to express ourselves differently, it is harder to date the opposite sex — we understand their point of view intuitively less and often speak a different “language.”

  • Let’s look at some statistical truths (I wish I had links for this; if you look at the wikipedia page for in-group out-group bias, it has a lot of good links, though).

    The variations among members of an in-group will always be greater than the differences between the two groups as a whole.  In other words, no matter how you group people (black vs white, male vs female), statistically speaking, you will be able to find two individuals within any group that are significantly more different to each other than the difference in characteristics of the two groups when looked at all together.  There’s also this awesome thing about statistics, which is that… they don’t tell us anything about an individual.  Even if 97% of women are extremely emotionally complicated that doesn’t tell you anything about the one sitting in front of you (obviously this is a made-up statistic).  The last thing of note is that there was an article written by a woman comparing *all* of the studies that were done of the supposed differences between men and women, all of them, including physical, emotional, and personality/social (the kind of study that compares huge numbers of other studies is called a meta-analysis).  It is important to note that in psychology, there is what is called a “differences bias” which means that if you run a study (about the difference between nurturing styles of men and women, for example) and you don’t find any difference between the two of them, that’s a lot less interesting and a lot less publishable than a study that *does* find a difference.  So, this researcher (name of Janet Hyde, by the way; the study is from the early 80s and you could probably find it on google scholar, but I can’t link the pdf file I have of it) is doing an analysis of all the studies that actually found differences and were published.  She looked at all of them, and found that most of them had such small differences that they weren’t even statistically significant (meaning that the differences found were more likely attributable to chance in the small population samples used, rather than an actual difference between the way the two genders work.  The main exception?  Upper body strength.  :D
    Another idea behind psychology is that everything is a combination of genes and environment.  Have you ever heard of epigenetics? Some pretty fascinating stuff.  Essentially, the possibilities even for the limited number of genes we are given are endless–many genetic characteristics are “turned on” by social environment.
    All of this to say that blanket statements such as the one you made are pretty impossible to make when backed by data.  I looked at the “study” from the Panda xanga username and frankly, it wasn’t a strong study nor was it generalizable.  Obviously there are gender differences, but they’re largely creditable to social environment and disappear when compared statistically.

  • Most are, but we don’t have to be. We can train ourselves to think and behave rationally; the problem is that little girls are encouraged to do all sorts of ridiculous things and to cherish superficial values. :(

  • Biologically we are more complicated.  

  • Not biologically, I think the lives of women are more complicated to begin with. But if you want to talk biological, we are more complicated physically too. lol. 

  • Yes, end of story. We are hormonal and naturally bitchy creatures, especially in a group.

  • Let me take you guys to the cavemen era. The man, would lie in a cave, club in hand, scratching his balls. Mosquitos around his hairy chest and armpitts. His function was to get hungry (stomach growl). Sex, (where is woman?) The woman had to be very clever to survive. She had to understand his man inside out. She had to sow his clothes the right way, or get hit by club. Usually a very beautiful cavewoman had to pick out the strongest gorilla to protect her. And so women became cunning and men still think with their penises. In modern times, the men are beginning to become clever, and the women are starting to think with their vaginas. A man can go without sex for longer periods. All he needs is his porn. Men understand that women need sex for emotional survival. I know a guy who was able to manipulate his women by withholding sex. Women are horny little devil. They need dick more than water.

  • Women are definitely more complicated. Not to say that men are “simple” in a bad way. Just more straightforward I guess. Even I get sick of trying to figure myself out  

  • Men are pretty complicated but women are definitely more complicated. Women’s minds have been proven to function differently from Men. We are definitely more emotional. So yes we are more complicated. 

  • yes, they are. end of story.

  • You can tell the difference even in small children. Little girls draw houses and play like they’re grown up and little boys pretend they’re superheros and draw cars. It probably has some sort of phycological inference but I can’t see it.

  • Anatomically women are more complicated. We all share the same hormones and chemicals that drive us emotionally so technically women are not more complicated there but hormones are distributed differently between men and women which does have a large role of the differences in how one sex responds to a situation. I think our superficial differences on who is mentally more “complicated” lie in the culture. We have different biological differences obviously, but they don’t account for the mind mess our sexes have evolved to today.

  • @RulerofMasons - That’s kind of funny bout your friend, but just a fact 10% of women in America have never experienced an orgasm. Overall 50-75% of women can’t orgasm through sexual intercourse alone and any woman can stimulate herself just like a guy can. Do we need men for emotional survival? Not at all lol in fact men and the insecurities of trying to please men are 90% of the reason women can’t orgasm with sexual intercourse. Seems counterproductive, when the easiest way for most women to orgasm is doing it themselves anyway. 

  • Yeah, I’d go with that.

  • @EBOV5_ZAIRE -  I could be speaking to a lesbian. Perhaps YOU do not need emotional connection via sex, but most women define themselves by their capacity to love a man, and be loved in return. Careers do not define a woman, her sexuality does. A woman wants that deeper connection, orgasm or no orgasm. Her life is utterly meaningless without this kind of connection. Women are soooo focused on being healthy, and looking good for this very reason. Of course, I am speaking about an archtype: the sensual mermaid. There are some women with more testosterone than me!!

  • I don’t give a shit. I deal with people on an individual basis, screw gender. 

  • Stereotypically, yes. I try to deny the differences, but I think it’s a stereotype. But a psychologist would probably argue that women’s minds are different than men’s. 

    Complicated… not the right word… and many women in general but I know pleeeenty of more… emotional guys. 

  • have you seen that commercial “what would you do for a Klondick Bar? ” it’s so funny cause he’s listening to his wife/girlfriend for 5 seconds.

  • @TiredSoVeryTired - No, guys may have the role of taking the initiative, but in no way are they in charge in the dating world. All the power lies in the hands of the women. The guy has to ask, but the girl gets to make all the decisions, and she gets to decide how much she requires of a guy to appease her. The guy doesn’t have a list of demands because they only increase the chances of rejection. And let’s be honest here: if a girl wants a guy to ask her out, she’ll make it happen.

  • I don’t think there’s any meaningful measure of who’s more complicated except genetically. I suppose you could say that they’re complicated in that they’re XX rather than XY, so they have a bit more total genetic material, but I’m not sure that really counts for much, and it could be argued in the other direction.
    Psychologists say that girls develop psychosocially before boys, but I definitely wouldn’t refer to teenage girls as more mature than teenage boys, just different.

  • Saying women are more complicated puts a negative spin on it… I prefer saying men are just simple. Women are just deeper…. generally.

  • Even the doctors said that we, women, are not smaller men. Women are physically different. She was talking about heart attacks and how we behave differently.

    I don’t know, I guess the difference is that women PMS once a month and men PMS like every frickin’ day!

  • @grammarboy - I disagree that women have the power.  What power is there in sitting and waiting?  Sure, we get to say “yes” or “no” but we don’t get to choose.  And yes, a girl can “make it happen” to have a guy ask her out but that requires being fake for the most part and a part of the reason why girls “change” on guys. 

    A girl decides how much a guy has to appease her because she’s playing games and well, a lot of guys like those games.  If a girl really likes a guy and she has a really kind, honest heart she won’t make the guy appease her.  But if she is bored and the guy she’s crushing on is ignoring her, well… let the games begin. 

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