October 13, 2012

  • Mother Glues Child’s Hands to Wall

    A mother has been sentenced to 99 years in prison for beating her child and gluing her hands to the wall.
    The mother kicked her two year old in the stomach and then hit her with a jug.  She then glued her hands to the wall with super glue.  Here is the link:  Link
    99 years seems a little harsh to me for going over the top a little in discipline.

    Is 99 years too much?


Comments (69)

  • Sounds about right to me.

  • I don’t think so. I think child abusers should be locked away for a long, long time…

  • Glue her hands onto a wall at very uncomfortable positions, and we’ll see how she feels about it.

  • Not enough. She SUPER GLUED her 2 YEAR OLDS hands to a wall. 

  • 99 years is perfect. The child was in a coma for crying out loud. I know the frustrations of raising a children, and I believe in discipline but discipline is supposed to be for the benefit of your child, not the harm of it. 

  • Do you hold a contest at work:  First person to find the most ridiculous / scandalous news article of the day gets a free lunch?


  • It seems severe compared to other cases, but all of these criminals need harsh treatment.

  • Discipline your kids and go to jail for the rest of your life – no wonder our society is so fucked up. These little shits grow up with no discipline and become self centered assholes with no sense of how to behave in a civilized enough manner to hold down a job and be productive, decent members of society. Pitiful. Just pitiful!

  • Do not fuck with a chick with a neck tattooo. They do NOT take any shit.

    That being said, She is kinda hot, wonder if she gets conjugal visits?

  • That lady looks scary

  • Is 99 years too harsh, for super gluing a 2 year-old’s hands to the wall?

    Not at all. I’d prefer they give her life in prison, but 99 years will work too.

  • I don’t have a problem with 99 years for someone who abuses a baby.  

  • Gluing a child’s hands to the wall isn’t “discipline.” 99 years is not long enough for that sick creep. I vote death penalty. At least. 

  • Rose told me about this today. It goes further than this. The baby was in a coma after her brutality Rose said. Geez, I can’t even imagine where ANY parent would even begin to think that’s remotely correct behavior, for anyone of any age.

    Perhaps extreme but maybe 9 years instead of 99 but with her own hands chained to the wall so she learns to eat with her feet so if/when she’s released she’ll always remember what terrible thing she did earlier.

    I honestly don’t know how you properly punish someone for doing that. Here she is in court, NOW.

  • the old saying is an eye for an eye… well then she should have Her hands superglued to the jail wall and see how she likes it. Hey, she thought it was just punishment for a kid, why not herself? Oh yea, and let a couple of the other prisoners beat her with a jug first too.    I’m not usually a violent person, but her behavior makes me sick. I hope the child goes to a good loving home.

  • I’d like to add an additional punishment… me getting to cause some pain of my own.

  • The woman violently hurt the child and “super glued” her hands to the wall.  I don’t think 99 years is too harsh for abusing a child.  Hitting a child so hard that resulted a child in a coma isn’t my idea of just going overboard disciplining a child.

  • Dan, this event, the announcement that the hacked up body of 10 year old Jessica Ridgeway in Colorado had been identified, and that 15 year old Canadian Amanda Todd committed suicide after 3 years of bullying makes me wonder if any punishment is enough for the persons that do these kind of things to kids.


  • She put the baby into a coma… I have not pity for this woman.

  • not only should she get the 99 years but they should permanently prevent her from being able to have any more children. 

  • Sterilize, sterilize.  She can visit with “tendollar”, but never see her child again.  Oh, and she will need solitary confinement.  Prison women tend to eviscerate abusive mothers.

  • When I first saw Drudge post this I couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of 99 years for hand gluing. However, that’s not really the case here. The media is quite misleading. I think maybe they just should have taken her daughter and tied the woman’s tubes. But that’s a whole other enchilada. 

  • “I think my moms gone crazy” Eminem

  • Yeah, 90 years would be ok too.

  • If you say that 99 years is to much for abusing your child that means you are in fact OK’ing child abuse. You are okay with kids being beaten,kicked,stomped,burnt,thrown through walls, hit with frying pans……

    Is THAT what you are saying?

  • When it comes to children being victimized, I find it very hard to have pity. I’m not certain that she


    get off easy.

  • @SKANLYN - There’s a difference between discipline and child abuse. Spanking can be discipline, making a child sit in the corner or time out can be discipline, taking away priveledges can be discipline, but kicking your two year old in the stomach and hitting her with a jug, then super gluing her hands to a wall.. that’s ABUSE. I’m all for discipline, but there’s a fine line between it and abuse. 

  • …Hesitant yes. Was this her first offense? Are her other children well cared for? Does she routinely beat her children? Other than the injuries from this one event, is the child “fine”? I can’t weigh in until I know more. I would say, for these crimes, anger-management, parole, and weekly meetings with someone in child protective services. What’s the alternative for her other children? A foster care system with more cracks than an old sidewalk? Sure, some people get into it to help children but there are also those that do it solely because they qualify and they’ve never been caught molesting a child. “Yes, your mother lost her temper, let me put you into a system being led by people who started a child sex ring that went unnoticed for years.”

    One of my best friends “survived” foster care. She doesn’t know of a single female “in the system” that wasn’t raped at some point and can count on one hand the number of males. What we have is a sad alternative for a mother losing her temper once. 
    Has no one here ever lost their temper? The most common estimate is that over 20% of Americans have anger management problems. My brother in law once, literally, beat a man into a coma because he touched him at a haunted house. It was horrible for that man but the BIL has never hit anyone before or since. Does the worst thing you do in your life an automatic definition of who you are? 

  • @Exqsme <—– said it perfect. Being a parent myself, I know how hard it gets raising and disciplining kids. My problem with a lot of young people nowadays is, if you’re not capable or willing to be a good parent (nurture and discipline your kids properly..not abuse them), then you shouldn’t have them in the first place. Children are innocent. Why brIng them into the world so that they can just feel hurt and pain? Then there’s my other issue..can’t handle one child? Goes and have a soccer team of kids instead. What’s the logic in that..

  • I don’t think so. But I have to wonder why she gets 99 years and the guy who murdered my cousin is only looking at 30 years.

  • absolutely NOT.

  • That’s a very stupid person – very silly and unclever – though her sentence is extreme it will teach her to pick up soap and suck on eggs for a very very very long while. Tattoo on a neck, geez how more uglier can a person get?

  • Wow. She has 5 kids too I feel horrible, where was the dad?

  • UGH, that is horrible!!!  Ninety-nine years should do it, but more importantly, I hope the little child goes to a good home when they will love her and take care of her.

  • @TheBottomandBack
    I agree.

    Everyone who is about to have a child should automatically be enrolled in a program that would help them learn to deal with extremely difficult situations.
    I know how hard parenting can be, especially during stressful times. Im not excusing her behavior but she obviously wasn’t provided the necessary tools to learn how to deal with extreme situations.
    I believe the prisión system should actually be for rehabilitation and not to make money, or punishment. I believe a different route should have been taken. She obviously needs psychological help.

  • So the basic consensis is that someone who physically abuses a child like this gets almost 100 years in prison, yet child molesters get much less? Even some murderers get a way lesser sentence! I’m not saying she should not be punished. No, she definitely deserves life in prison. She’s a horrible person, who abused her child…but why don’t others who abuse or sexually abuse children get such long life sentences? And why not put most of them to death???? She is serving a life term. Why not give her the death penalty and save tax payer money? Some would say that’s a lenient sentence. I don’t think so!!! She should be put to death if the jury rules she’s that evil and can’t be rehabilitated!! Do people no realize how easy prison life is for most? My mother is a correctional officer and they get three meals a day with tv and excercise. The men and women in these facilities don’t get raped as often as many others like to think. And if they do get sexually assualted…guess what??? They get punished and the victims get separated to another special part of the prison! So child molesters are protected and so are rapists…along with murders, and everyone else! Sadly, people who serve time for lesser crimes, such as drugs, theft, and other things serve in the same prison population. So rape and physical abuse actually happen very little to what people think. The biggest, and ugliest criminals are more protected from the general population of the prison, because they have done such evil and would DEFINITELY get beaten or killed. Child molesters are often put into the same population as homosexuals to protect them from gangs and being killed. I just don’t see the use in allowing these abusers (like this woman) rapists, or murderers who have premedititated the crimes to live out full lives!!!

  • And I do believe in spankings (or swats to the butt) but I would never glue my child’s hands to a wall or cause such harm, like a coma. My son and husband are the most important people in my life. It makes me sick that she did this to her own child. I hope she relives those moments over and over and feels horrible for the rest of her days on this earth.

  • @Angelis4Christ - I don’t think a requirement program would really help impending moms or dads deal with have a child(ren). I think people are unpredictable. This is the same kind of situation as having  teens go through asbtinence sex ed programs. You can have the program, but it definitely doesn’t work. Neither does the STD or Condom/birthcontrol classes. Some people will make horrible and stupid choices, no matter what!!!

  • I think she should be faced with jail time, and that poor baby..I just can’t imagine. I see my beautiful, sweet niece who is also two year-old in the place of that child, and want to cry. For some reason, though, I feel so bad for this woman. I feel bad for the child more, and definitely want justice. But..it’s just so sad. All around. 

  • That’s disgusting. 99 years sounds reasonable. 

  • Not sure a life sentence is right, but I’m not complaining. I personally feel she should get what she did to her daughter as punishment as well…It’s too bad, she’s so young and she literally fucked the rest of her life up. I may be wasting my energy, but I can’t help but have some pity for her. Her life is literally over.

  • 99 years is good enough. To me, that’s the equivalence of getting life when she could have taken the life of her daughter. 

  • @mypandabear - Another bleeding heart liberal that’s ruining our country. When I was growing up I knew better than to step out of line. Otherwise  my daddy would break out the extension chord and beat me mercilessly until I learned my lesson. If I acted-up while he wasn’t around, my mom would burn me with her cigarette ’til I cried then give me what she called “something to cry about” and slam my fingers repeatedly in one of the drawers under the kitchen counter until they were bruised and bleeding. If she still didn’t feel I sufficiently regretted my actions, she would hit and kick me until it was clear I did. I am grateful that I grew up in an age where parents didn’t have their hands tied by the liberal agenda when it came to disciplining their kids. Otherwise I may have grown up to be a lazy, worthless, immoral degenerate like most of the people out here on Xanga.

  •          I do not often talk about my mother. My psychotherapist says that when I start to hurl stones (my appointments are on the beach and walking and walking some more! then he knows I am thinking of my mothers crappy behaviour. I can not think or understand or comprehend how a mother could do that! But she did! And it was crap! So I wish she is dead and that she died or dies ALONE with just the flickering and flitting and shadows of PTSD! So glue her vigana shut! And cremate her rather than glue the cofin!

  • @SKANLYN - I am no where near being a liberal. I’m conservative. However, I also have a heart, and what that mother did was out of line. Whipping or spankings are a lot different than kicking someone in the stomach and hitting them with a jug. 

  • @SKANLYN - Jocelyn, the TWO year old child, suffered bleeding in her brain, multiple bruises and was in a coma for a couple of days. All because she wasn’t catching onto potty training fast enough. She was TWO! I haven’t looked up records but from what I’ve heard the average potty training ages ranges from 2-4. Discipline is not causing bleeding in a child’s brain and putting them into a coma! Have you even read the article?

  • “99 years seems a little harsh to me for going over the top a little in discipline.” THAT is “over the top a little” for you???? Cripes, what kind of “discipline” was going on at your house?

  • @mypandabear - Um…. I think that poster is joking. 

  • @mypandabear - I may not have been in a coma but I’m sure I had my share of concussions and bleeding in the brain when I was a kid. My old man didn’t play around. When I healed up and got over the pain you can bet I behaved my ass off. I also bet this so-called “Jocelyn” didn’t dare shit or piss her pants ever again after she came out of that coma. It’s called tough love babe and maybe you should try it on your own kids so they don’t grow up and become criminals.

  • @SKANLYN - This isn’t discipline, this is abuse. With a child as young as a toddler, don’t you think there are half a million ways to discipline, and correct, in ways that a child that young can understand, without crossing that line?

    There is a difference, there is a fucking difference.

    It’s so difficult for me to think that you think this is okay. I was abused by a woman who believed she was merely disciplining me, she hurt all of my sisters, she hurt my brother. She scarred lives. This can’t be okay.

    I will say that I don’t think 99 years is a good sentence; I think less would suffice, but she was absolutely wrong.

  • If people can’t bear their children they just should not give birth to them! Or give them to adoption. Seriously! I don’t like kids and I won’t give birth to any, but when you choose to have them well you don’t abuse them. 

  • Really crazy and stupid thing to do 

  • You dont kick ur baby in the stomach….that’s just not humane!

  • @SKANLYN - this isn’t discipline, this was torture.  This poor little child was being potty trained.  She peed her panties and got kicked and punched and then glued to the wall with superglue.  I sure hope you don’t have any children.

  • @SKANLYN - Sounds like you were abused then, not discipline. And I’m not going to let me kids get away with stuff when I have them, but I’m not going to abuse. I will give them proper discipline and teach them right from wrong. There’s no excuse for abusing a child. 

  • @mypandabear - I feel sorry for you that your parents didn’t love you enough to teach you right from wrong in the same way mine did.

  • @SKANLYN - Ha, thanks but I don’t need your sympathy. I was taught right from wrong in a way that wasn’t abusive. My parents did a fine job.

  • @phoebester - considering they’re still going on about it, I don’t think so. Who knows. Might just be trolling

  • She put the kid into coma. That’s not right, hitting, smacking, punching or gluing someone’s hand to something isn’t going to fix ANYTHING.  Sounds like the mom should have put herself on time out.  

  • Shoulda been longer.

  • i don’t know if 99 years of imprisonment is a decent punishment, but i do know that she does not deserved to be a mother to any child.  

  • what could a two year old possibly do that would be deserving of such mistreatment…?

    on top of that what idiot punishes a two year old by gluing her hands to a wall?

    what could this possibly teach the child?

    not to mention that the woman had to have learned this behaviour from somewhere to feel that it was ok for the situation…

    and also dont forget that the child will now probably go into the foster system when she is well… and the foster system is not generally considered a very good thing…

    that poor kid is screwed no matter what…

  • Yes, just because it involved MORE than gluing her child’s hands to the wall. 

  • she should never be a mother.

  • I think  she should have gotten about fifty five… let her out right when she’s about to keel over…

    No… I think 99 is fine actually.

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