June 15, 2013

  • Die Early

    When I was a kid and even into my teenage years, I always thought I would die early.  It wasn’t some sort of death wish.  I simply felt my life on this Earth would be short.

    Have you ever felt you would die early?

Comments (54)

  • Yeah. I think that was just pessimism on my part, though. 

  • I figured I’d either die early or I’d end up really really old. Now it seems like the really really old part is more likely.

  • It’s funny, I think most teens are convinced they are going to die early. Most of them are wrong, luckily. People just have a hard time imagining a long life.

  • hmmmmm.


  • Well, seeing as how I’ve been revived from cardiac arrest TWICE, yeah. Talk about bad luck, eh? Being revived TWICE? Most people aren’t even successfully revived once. Just goes to show what rotten fucking luck I have. 

  • Dear Dan,

    I’m gonna live to be 103. I play safe for you and me. Cause I’m no fool.No, scratch that. I am a fool. It’s in my job description.Michael F. Nyiri, poet, philosopher, fool

  • Nah, I got over that about 20 years ago. For some reason, however, I have thought from a young age that I would eventually go blind. I’ve never told anyone that before. 

  • Dear Dan, This morning I think I found the first comment you ever left me. You sounded like a “typical Xangan”. You began the comment as so many have done: “I’ve seen your comments around Xanga…..” I nearly fell off my chair with glee.


  • @saintvi - Melinda, I should say this in a comment on your own blog, but I “see” you over here. I never knew your voice was so high. LOL. 

    Michael F. Nyiri, poet, philosopher, fool

  • @baldmike2004 - My Minnie Mouse voice is the bane of my existence. Nobody ever took me seriously when I was a teenager. Oh the angst! When I’m nervous it goes up a couple of octaves. You might have noticed that it came down a little by the end, but I was still nervous and it was still a little higher than normal.

  • I used to think that all the time.

  • I was convinced I was going to die before I turned 8 years old. I’ve been feeling like I’ve been living in bonus years ever since.

  • Have you seen the news these past few weeks? Yikes! Considering the way the country is going it may be better to die young.

  • Yes. I still feel like I will die in my 40s, from disease or in an accident.

  • I always thought I had cancer when I was little, because everyone who has died in my family has died from cancer. And I always thought I was going to die young because I could never picture myself having kids, and here I am with a kid lol.

  • Yep.  Surprised I made it to 40.

  • If I die young, I’m gonna haunt Xanga.

  • I assumed I would be famous by now, and thus my death at the “rock star age” of 27 seemed likely. I’m now 27 and not famous, so I guess no dying for me yet.

  • There were times.

  • @Lithium98 - When Xanga dies you can possess it so people will only notice it’s change of style and personality.

  • @jasonwl - I’m not hoping that you do go first though.  Just thought it would be a trip, being the ghost in the machine that people actually like.

  • My therapist told me I’d prob die at age 40 cause I’m schizophrenic. I try to eat healthy and exercise so I can prove her wrong. But we’ll see. Nothing’s promised.

  • i felt the same way lol

  • christ that’s pessimistic…….glad ur still here!!! 2 much 2 do for a short life on this great planet of ours

  • I will probably only live 5 years- either that or 40 years! No place in between in my family – its either die too young or die decrepit!

  • Yes.. I have battled with an Ed for many years, regardless of that, I still thought so. I always imagined I would die in a car accident. Perhaps, because when I was 15, one of my best friends went that way.. and wrote many poems about how she would, also.  I guess, though, even at 25, with my greying hairs.. (early I know) that was just a fear

  • I planned on dying at 20. Almost 22 now.

  • wished for it, but no. oh well. 

  • after I graduated highschool and went to college I think I feared my mortality more. I think it can happen as a teenager but certainly after one goes out on their own and becomes an adult.I think humans are both resilient and fragile at the same time.

  • I’m the opposite I think I will be the last one standing. LOL

    I still do.

  • Yes, but I am 79 hoping for 80. I have outlived most of my enemies and friends. 

  • I used to think that. Sometimes I still do. I keep wondering when it will happen, because I keep messing up everything I get given. 

  • I never really felt like that… I guess the thought has kind of crossed my mind that I might die early because anything’s possible and I could die at any minute, but I’ve never suspected or expected I’d die early. 

  • Yes. On my 12th birthday, I felt sad, because I couldn’t imagine living any longer than I already had. The thought of myself as a teenager, or older, was too strange.

  • Yes, I did but I am already long past the age I thought I would die…so I am happily living on

  • Yes Ive had those thoughts before and still do. I have a fear of dying. And I think its because there is so much I wanna do in life that I havent been able  to do yet. All I do is day dream about stuff and live in fear that Im gonna die before any of my dreams can come true.

  • No, I always assumed I would live well into my 80s.  As it approaches (I’m closer to 80 than I am to 30) I am thinking if my health holds up, maybe into my 90s.

  • Not really. Death is something I try not to think about… or talk about because it’s expensive.

  • I always supposed as I was sedentary, overweight, etc, that I wouldn’t live into old age . I’m now 83 – still overweight, sedentary, etc.

  • Yes, and I’m surprised I managed to survive as long as I have.  I’ve almost died several times.

  • I actually would like to die early. I don’t even have a desire to live to 40. (I’m 31 now)

  • I always hallucinate that I will live til I’m at least 10,000 years old.

    Living for even a 1000 years seems like such a cheat.

  • Yes…I have been dead twice and brought back both times…dying was not fun…live long enough to become a pain-in-the ass- to your kids as the saying goes.

  • I sometimes have a feeling I will. But then, I also have a good chance of living to be really old, given my family history. (3 of my grandparents are still living, 2 of them past 90. My grandfather lived to be 87.)

  • YES! I am so relieved to know that I am not the only one! Ever since I was 7 years old, I have known this fact. I even can recall a memory of my younger self blatantly telling my father that I “wouldn’t make it past 30 years old.” The thought is frightening. 

  • I never felt I would die early, but I’ve always hoped my death would either have served a purpose or would come after having lived a purpose-filled life, old or young. If I’ve learned anything in the past seven years, though, there are a multitude of ways a person can “die” without there being a funeral involved, for good or for ill; there is even a kind of death, so to speak, that is joyful.

    Of course, this probably sounds like crazy talk to a lot of people, but there isn’t really another way I can describe it.

  • I’ve already planned out that I’ll do something similar to the grandfather on Little Miss Sunshine. I will live a full life and in the last couple of responsibility free years, I will do all those things I can’t do right now. I don’t want to die young but I don’t want to become completely decrepit either. I’ll leave on a trip with a smile.

  • Yes, I didn’t expect to make age 18.  What a thrill that I was wrong.  I love life.

  • When I was younger, I always thought I’d die before I hit 23… I’m turning 30 this year, lol.

  • Yeah, I thought I wouldn’t reach 30.

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