Month: August 2006

  • New Orleans

    Some people in New Orleans actually believe that the government blew up the levees in New Orleans.  They believe that the government did this to save the better communities.

    I have not heard anyone suggest this that wasn’t black.   

    Do black people have a right to be paranoid about the government?


  • Snack

    I love eating Ramen noodles.   

    What is your favorite snack?  


  • Cameras

    I was reading an article on about the use of cameras by law enforcement.  The city of Houston is just beginning using a camera to catch drivers running stop lights. 


    The city will mail citations to those who run the red lights that will cost $75.  I personally object to the use of cameras to give tickets.


    Should the police use security cameras to give tickets?


  • Prayer in School

    A school in Missouri is being sued over school prayer.  Apparently a teacher led prayer in two different school assemblies.  The American Civil Liberties Union is helping with the case.  Both prayers were described as Christian prayers. 

    The ACLU has claimed that the prayer can cause “‘irreparable harm’ to students who are ‘coerced’ into participating in ‘religious exercises.’”

    When a teacher leads prayer in school, is “irreparable harm” done to the students? 


  • Striking

    A school district close to my area is not having school because the teachers are striking.

    Is it appropriate for teachers to strike?  


  • Race

    You have probably heard by now that the new “Survivor” series has received some controversy.  Apparently they are going to divide the teams by race.  It will cause black teams to compete against white, Asian and Latino teams.


    I personally thinks this is a sad day in television.  It sets us back 40 years.  It will foster a division that we as a country have tried to put behind us.  It will cause us to stereotype our neighbors in ways that we as a nation have outgrown.  We have come such a long way as a country to look past the color of skin.  A show like this only sets us in a position to wonder about some of those thoughts that can creep back in our minds.


    Which race do you think has an advantage in a game like Survivor:  Blacks, whites, Asians or Latinos?


  • Clothing

    I realize that now days the clothing I wear is not the most comfortable clothing available.  I have to dress up for work.  But even in my off time, I have found myself dressing up.

    Would you rather look good in your clothing or be comfortable?


  • God

    I have read in my comment box a statement several times.  I also hear this from time to time in daily discussions.  A person will say “We all serve the same God anyway.”  They are basically saying that it doesn’t matter if you are Christian or Muslim, you are serving the same God.

    Are we all serving the same God?  


  • No-Fly List

    Two U.S. citizens are being denied access to the U.S. according to the San Francisco Chronicle.  Demain Bulwa wrote an article about the two men who were relatives of a man convicted of supporting terrorists.  The two men were returning to the U.S. after a long visit to Pakistan.     

    They are not allowed to return because they were placed on a no-fly list that is an attempt by the U.S. government to keep suspected terrorist off airplanes.  The U.S. is reported to have refused access to them until they are interrogated by US. officials.  

    An argument is being made that forcing the men to receive and interview is against their constitutional rights.

    Should a U.S. citizen be forced to be interviewed in order to gain access into the U.S?


  • Emmy Awards

    Dear Hollywood,

    I would like to make a suggestion.  You should create another award show where you congratulate each other on how wonderful you are.  I don’t think there are enough award shows for overpaid actors.  I also think when awarding the awards in this new show, you should totally ignore what the public thinks and just consider yourself deeper than us.

    Your friend,
